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Lecture 2




Velocity is a vector quantity that denotes both the speed of an object and its direction. A
positive velocity means that the particle is moving to the positive direction (to the east,
north, or right), while a negative velocity means that the particle is moving to the negative
direction (to the west, south, or left).

The average velocity, �!"#, of a particle is defined as the particle’s displacement (i.e.
change in its position) divided by the time interval during which that displacement occurs.
It is represented by a straight line made from the defined lower limit to the upper limit.

∆� = �� − ��
where: ∆� = change in
��,��� = ∆�
position ∆� = change in time (EQ
�� − �� 1.1)

Instantaneous velocity, �+, describes the velocity of a particle in a precise instant. It is

defined as the limit of the ∆� (displacement) as ∆� approaches zero or, as defined in
differential calculus, the derivative of � with respect to �.
∆� where: � = position

∆� = �� �� � = time (EQ 1.2)

�� = ��� ∆�→�

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SAMPLE PROBLEM 1 (determining �+,!"# and �+ using differential calculus)

The position of a particle moving along the � axis varies with time according to the
expression below, where � is in centimeters and � is in seconds.

� = 3�0 + 2� − 5

(a) Determine the average velocity from � = 1.0 s to � = 2.5 s.

Working Equation:

∆� = �1 − �2
�+,!"# =
�1 − �2
�+,!"# =
�(2.5) −
2.5 − 1.0

Step 1. Calculate �(2.5) and �(1.0) by substituting the � values into the
given expression for �.

�(�) = 3�0 + 2� − 5
�(2.5) = 3(2.5)0 + 2(2.5) − 5 = 18.75
�(1.0) = 3(1)0 + 2(1) − 5 = 0

Step 2. Substitute the � values from step 1 to the working

equation. �!"# = �(2.5) − �(1.0)

2.5 − 1.0 = 18.75 − 0

2.5 − 1.0 = ��. � ��/�

(b) What is the instantaneous velocity of the particle at � = 3.5 s?

Step 1. If possible, simplify the expression for � and then get the derivative of �
with respect to � to determine the expression for �+.

�� 0
�+ = �� = �(3� + 2� − 5)
�� = 3��
�� +2��
�� − ��
�+ = 6� + 2

Step 2. Determine �+(3.5) by substituting the value of � to the expression of �+.

�+(�) = 6� + 2
�+(3.5) = 6(3.5) + 2 = �� ��/�

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A particle is said to be accelerating when its velocity changes with time. The SI unit for
acceleration is (m/s)/s or m/s2. Like velocity, the sign (positive or negative) attached to the
magnitude of acceleration denotes its direction. Thus, a positive acceleration means that
the object is accelerating to the positive direction (to the east or north), while a negative
acceleration denotes that the object is accelerating to the negative direction (to the west or

A negatively accelerating object does not always mean that the object is slowing down.
The concept of speeding up and slowing down depends on the directions (positive or
negative) of velocity and acceleration.

a. An object with a positive velocity and positive acceleration speeds up to the positive
b. An object with a negative velocity and negative acceleration speeds up to the
negative direction.
c. An object with a positive velocity and a negative acceleration initially slows down as
it travels the positive direction, momentarily stops (� = 0), and then speeds up to
the negative direction.
d. An object with a negative velocity and a positive acceleration initially slows down as
it travels the negative direction, momentarily stops (� = 0), and then speeds up to
the positive direction as shown in the Figure 2.1.

2.1 The movement of a particle with a negative velocity and a positive acceleration

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The average acceleration �+,!"# of an object is defined as the change in velocity � over a
defined lower and upper limit for time �.

∆� = �� − ��
��,��� = ∆�
∆� = change in time (EQ 2.1)
�� − ��where:∆� = change in velocity

Instantaneous acceleration �+ pertains to the acceleration at an exact instant. It is

defined as the limit of the average acceleration (∆�/∆�) as ∆� approaches zero or,
simply, the derivative of �+ with respect to time.

��where:�+ = instantaneous
�� = ��� ∆� → �
� = time (EQ 2.2)
∆� = ���

Since �+, as defined in EQ 1.2, is the derivative of � with respect to �, then it follows that
�+ is the second derivative of �.

�+ = ��+
but �+ = �� ,then

�� where:� = position

��M = � �

�� = �� L��

� = time (EQ 2.3)

In summary, the first derivative of � with respect to � is �+ (�5 = �+) and the second
derivative of � with respect to � is �+ (�55 = �+5 = �+).
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SAMPLE PROBLEM 2 (determining �+,!"# and �+ using differential calculus)

The position of a particle moving along the � axis varies according to the expression
below where � is in meters and � is in seconds.

� = �0(3� − 2) + N �6
3� O

(a) Find the average acceleration of the particle from � = 2.0 s to � = 3.0 s.

Working equation:
�1 − �2= �(3) − �(2)

∆� = �1 − �2
�!"# = ∆�

3.0 − 2.0

Step 1.
Simplify the
for � in
terms of �.

� = �0(3�
− 2) + N �6
3� O
� = 3�6 − 2�0 + L 3�M

Step 2. Derive the expression for �(�) to determine the expression for �+(�).

� N3�6 − 2�0 + P 3�QO
�� = 3��
�� − 2��
�+(�) = �5 = 1 89
�� + 3 N�� �� O
�+(�) = 9�0 − 4� − 3(�80)

Step 3. Determine �(3.0) and �(2.0) by substituting the values of � to the expression
of �+(�).

�+(�) = 9�0 − 4� − 3(�80)
�+(3) = 9(30) − 4(3) − 3 (380) = 1862

27 = 68.96 �
�+(2) = 9(20) − 4(2) − 3 (280) = 335

12 = 27.92 �

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Step 4. Substitute the values of � from step 3 to your working

equations. 3.0 − 2.0 = P1862

27 Q − P335

�!"# = �(3) − �(2) 3.0 − 2.0 = ��. �� �/�
12 Q

(b) Determine the instantaneous acceleration of the particle at � = 2.5 s.

Working equation:
�+ = lim �
∆: → ;

∆� = �
� �

Step 1. Get the derivative of �+ with respect to � to get the expression for

�+(�). � N9�0 − 4� − 3 (�80)O

�+ = ��+ �� = �� − 4��
�� = 9�� �+ = 18� − 4 �� O
1 80 2 86
�� − 3 N�� + 3(� )

Step 2.
�+ at � =
2.5 s by
2.5 in place
of �.

�+(�) =

18� − 4
2 86
+ 3(� )
�+(2.5) =
18(2.5) − 4
2 86
+ 3(2.5 )
= ��. ��

(c) At what value/s of � will the instantaneous acceleration be 35 m/s2?

Working equation:
�+ = lim �
∆: → ;

∆� = �
� �
Step 1. Substitute the known value of �+ in the expression of �+ in terms of �
and solve for �.

�+(�) = 18� − 4 + 3(�86)
35 = 18(�) − 4 + 3 (�86)
Solving for �,
� = �. �� �, �. �� �

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An analysis model is a common situation that occurs time and again when solving physics
problems. The form of an analysis model can either be a description of (a) the behavior of
some physical entity or, (b) the interaction between the entity and the environment. In an
analysis model, an object is reduced to a single particle visualized as a sphere.


A particle under constant velocity (zero acceleration) has equal average velocity and
instantaneous velocity since velocity values at any point are the same.

�+,!"# = �+ (at constant velocity)

Since �+,!"# = ∆+
∆:and �+,!"# = �+, then it follows that, �+ =

∆� = �1 − �2
�+ =
∆� �1 − �2
Rearranging to derive the expression for �1,
�+c�1 − �2d = �1 − �2

�� = �� + ��c�� − ��d (EQ 3.1)

SAMPLE PROBLEM 3 (particle at constant velocity)

Manong Edmond, a jeepney driver, is travelling from Manila City Hall to UST at a
constant velocity of 10.23 kph. UST is 2.47 km away from the City Hall.

(a) How long will it take (in minutes) for Manong Edmond to reach UST? Assume that the
pathway from City Hall to UST is purely linear and that traffic is negligible.

Working Equation: �1 = �2 + �+c�1 − �2d

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Substitute known values into the working equation and solve for the unknown.

2.47 = 0 +
10.23c�1 −
�1 = 0.2414 hour ×60 mins

1 hour = ��. �� �������

(b) If Manong Edmond drove for a total of 30 minutes, assuming that he continued driving
on a linear path without any traffic, how far from UST will he be?

Working Equation: �1 = �2 + �+c�1 − �2d

Substitute known values into the working equation and solve for the unknown. Note
that UST is set as the initial point (� = 0) since the question uses UST as the basis.
For dimensional homogeneity, you must convert � back to hours since velocity is
expressed in kph (km/hr).

�1 = 0 + 10.23(0.5 − 0.2414)
�1 = �. �� �� (from UST)

Alternatively, you can use City Hall as your basis and compute for the value of � at
point N and then subtract it with the distance travelled from City Hall to UST.

�1 = 0 + 10.23(0.5 − 0)
�1 = �. ��� �� (from City Hall)


�1 = 2.47 + 10.23(0.5 − 0.2414)

�1 = �. ��� �� (from City Hall)

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A particle under constant acceleration experiences a constant change in velocity. Since,

for the given instance, the acceleration values are the same in all points, it follows that
�+,!"# = �+

As �+,!"# = ∆"!
∆:and �+,!"# = �+ then �+ can be expressed as…

∆� = �+1 − �+2
�+ =
�1 − �2

Rearranging to derive the expression for �1 where �2 = 0 and �1 = �,

��� = ��� + ��� (EQ 3.2)

Another equation for the constant acceleration model is derived from �+,!"# conforming
with average being the sum of numbers divided by number of items.

�+,!"# = �+2 + �+1

Combining this equation with the definition of �+,!"# being equal to ∆+ ∆:, it follows

∆� = �+1 + �+2

�1 − �2
�1 − �2= �+2 + �+1

Rearranging the equation to derive the expression for �1 where �2 = 0 and �1

= �, �1 − �2

� = �+2 + �+1

�1 − �2 = 2 c�+2 + �+1d�

�� = �� + � c��� + ���d� (EQ 3.3)

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From EQ 3.3, � can be expressed as

� = 2c�1 − �2d
�+2 + �+1
Substituting this expression of � to EQ 3.2 yields to another useful equation for constant
acceleration analysis model.

�+1 = �+2 + �+�

�+1 = �+2 + �+ N2c�1 − �2d

�+2 + �+1 O

�+1 − �+2 = 2�+c�1 − �2d

�+2 + �+1

(�+1 − �+2)(�+2 + �+1) = 2�+(�1 − �2)

− �+20 = 2�+c�1 − �2d

= ���� + ���(�� − ��) (EQ 3.4) ���

Subsequently, the expression for �+1 from EQ 3.2 can be substituted to �+1 in EQ

3.3. �1 = �2 + 2 c�+2 + �+1d�

�1 = �2 + 2 (�+2 + �+2 + �+�)�
1 1
�1 = �2 + 2 (2�+2�) + 2 �+�0

�� = �� + ���� + � ���� (EQ 3.5)

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Equations 3.2, 3.3, 3.4, and 3.5 are the four fundamental equations utilized for constant
acceleration analysis model. Each have distinct uses and applications depending on the
given and unknown variables. Table 3.1 can be used as a guide in choosing the fittest
equation to provide for what is being asked in a constant-acceleration problem.
Table 3.1 Fundamental equations for constant acceleration model

�2 �1 �+2 �+1 �+ �

��� = ��� + ���

�� = �� + � c��� + ���d�

= ���� + ���(�� −

�� = �� + ���� + � ����

SAMPLE PROBLEM 4 (particle with varying acceleration)

Josh is travelling on his bike from Welcome Rotonda to UST through a 1.60-km
straight-line track. He starts from rest and accelerates at a constant rate of 0.231 m/s2
until he reached a velocity of 4.30 m/s. He maintained this velocity until he reached

(a) How many minutes will it take Josh to reach UST?

The calculation for each model would be separate. Therefore, there would be a
separate computation from A to B (at constant �) and from B to C (at constant �). To
solve for the unknown � at point C, � and � at point B should be determined.

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From point A to B (at constant �):

Solving for �<,
Choose the most appropriate equation based on the given values and the unknown.

In this case, the given values are �+2 , �+1 , �2 and �. You are trying to solve for the
unknown �1 in the absence of a known t. From Table 3.1, the most fitting equation
would be EQ 3.4.

= �+20 + 2�+c�1 − �2d
= �+=
�+< − �=)
+ 2�+(�<
4.300 = 00 +
− 0)
�� = ��.
���� �

Solving for
You can use
EQ 3.2 to
solve for �<,
�+1 = �+2 +
�< = �= +
�+(�< −
4.30 = 0 +
0.231(�< −
�� = ��.
�� �

Now that �<

and �< have
you can now
determine t
at point C,

From point B to C (at constant �):

Solving for �?:
There is only one equation for constant velocity model, and that is EQ 3.1. Note that
you can’t use a point-A-to-point-C analysis as they have different analysis models.

�1 = �2 + �+�
�@ = �< + �+(�? − �<)
1600 = 40.0216 + 4.30(�? − 18.61)
�? = 381.3957 s ×1 min
60 s
�� = �. �� �������

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SAMPLE PROBLEM 5 (motion of two objects in one dimension)

At t = 0, one toy car is set rolling on a straight track with initial position 15.0 cm, initial
velocity – 3.50 cm/s, and constant acceleration 2.40 cm/s2. At the same moment,
another toy car is set rolling on an adjacent track with initial position 10.0 cm, initial
velocity +5.50 cm/s, and constant acceleration zero.

(a) At
time, if
any, do
the two

For problems involving motion of multiple objects in one dimension, it is strategic to

follow the following steps:
1. Identify the unknown.
2. Identify the condition and write it as a working equation.
3. Identify the analysis model fit for each object.
4. Express both sides of your working equations in terms of the
unknown. 5. Solve for the unknown.

Following these steps will make your solution more systematic and less


Unknown: �
Condition: the two cars have equal velocity
Working Equation: �=1 = �<1

Now that the working equation has been established, both sides would have to be
expressed in terms of the unknown, �. This will be done separately for toy car A and
toy car B. Take note of the analysis model that each object follows so you could
narrow down on the equations you could use.

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For toy car A (constant acceleration):

Since �=1 is to be expressed in terms of �, EQ 3.2 can be used.
�=1 = �=2 + �+�
��� = −�.
�� + �.
For toy car B (constant velocity):
Since toy car B follows the constant velocity analysis model, its velocity doesn’t
change with time. Meaning to say,
�<2 = ��� = �� = �. �� ��/� at any time.

Now, substitute the expressions of �=1 and �<1 in terms of � into the working
equation and solve for the unknown.
�=1 = �<1
−3.50 + 2.40� = 5.50
� = �. �� �������

(b) What are their respective velocities at that time?

Unknown: �=1 at � = 3.75 s

�<1 at � = 3.75 s

Solving for �=1 at � = 3.75 s,

�=1 = �=2 + �=�
�=1 = −3.50 + 2.40(3.75)
��� = �. �� ��/�

Solving for �<1 at � = 3.75 s,

Again, since toy car B follows a constant velocity analysis model, its � does not
change with �, and therefore,
�<2 = ��� = �� = �. �� ��/�

(c) At what time(s), if any, do the cars pass each other?

Unknown: �
Condition: the two cars pass each other
Working Equation: �=1 = �<1

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For toy car A (constant acceleration):

Expressing �=1 in terms of �,
�=1 = �=2 + �=2� + 2 �=�0
��� = ��.
� �
� − �. ��� + � (�. ��)�

For toy car B (constant velocity):

Expressing �<1 in terms of �,
�<1 = �<2 + �<�
��� = ��. � + �. ���

Substituting both expressions into the working equation,

�=1 = �<1
1 0
15.0 − 3.50� + 2(2.40)� = 10.0 + 5.50�
1.20�0 − 3.50� − 5.50� + 15.0 − 10.0 = 0
1.20�0 − 9� + 5 = 0

The equation above is a quadratic equation �� + �� + � = 0. You may choose to

use the quadratic formula or your scientific calculator EQN function to solve for the
two roots of the equation.

�� = �. �� �
�� = �. �� �

Since both roots are positive, both are correct values of time in which the cars would
pass each other. Meaning to say, the two cars passed each other in two instances.

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A body in free-fall moves along the �-axis with same constant downward acceleration of
9.8 m/s2 under the influence of the Earth’s gravity. In analyzing freely-falling bodies, two
assumptions are made:

(a) that air resistance is negligible, and

(b) that slight variations in the acceleration due to gravity, �, as the latitude changes is

The equations used for freely-falling bodies are the same as those used for objects
moving about the �-axis only that for freely-falling bodies, the magnitude of acceleration
in the �- axis, �D, is constant at � = 9.8 m/s0, and that all other variables will be made to
relate to the �-axis rather than the �-axis. Take note that the acceleration due to gravity
is always downwards (negative).

For motion in the �-axis for motion in the �-axis

At constant velocity,
�1 = �2 + �+� �1 = �2 + �D�

At constant acceleration,
�+1 = �+2 + �+: �D1 = �D2 − ��
1 1
�1 = �2 + 2 c�+2 + �+1d� �1 = �2 + 2 c�D2 + �D1d�
= �D20 − 2�(�1 − �2)
= �+20 + 2�+c�1 − �2d �D1
1 1
�1 = �2 + �+2� + 2 �+�0 �1 = �2 + �D2� − 2 ��0

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SAMPLE PROBLEM 6 (a particle in free-fall)

A stone was thrown upwards with an initial velocity of 20.0 m/s from a height of 50.0 m.
(a) the
time required to reach the maximum height,

The maximum height, �EFG, reached by the stone as it was

thrown upwards is indicated at point 1 of Figure 4.1. At this
exact point, the stone changes its direction of motion from
upwards to downwards and, thus, momentarily stops (� = 0).
Therefore, �EFG is the position of the object in the y axis where
� = 0.

Unknown: � at �1 = 0

Since the object is acted upon by a constant acceleration, with

magnitude � = 9.8 m/s0, it follows a constant acceleration
analysis model.

�D1 = �D2 − ��
0 = 20 − 9.8�
� = �. ���� �

(b) the maximum height that can be reached by the stone,

Unknown: �1 at �1 = 0

= �D20 − 2�c�1 − �2d
00 = 200 − 2(9.8)(�1 − 50)
�� = ��. �� �

Note that this answer is in reference to the ground (� = 0).

Figure 4.1

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Alternatively, you can solve for the �1 at � = 2.0408

s. �1 = �2 + �D2� − 2 ��0
�1 = 50 +
− 2
�� = ��. �� �

(c) the time for the stone to reach the ground.

Unknown: t at �1 = 0
�1 = �2 + �D2� − 2 ��0
1 0
0 = 50 + 20� − 2 (9.8)�
−4.9�0 + 20� + 50 = 0
�9 = −1.75 s (rejected value)
�� = �. �� � (�������� �����)

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SAMPLE PROBLEM 7 (a particle in free-fall)

An attacker at the base of a 3.65-m high castle wall throws a rock straight up with a
speed of 7.40 m/s from a height of 1.55 m above the ground.
(a) Will
the rock
the top
of the

In this case, you must think of a variable with a value that would answer whether the
rock would reach the wall or not. Among the variables you can determine (i.e., �, �D1,
�1), the one that would answer the question directly is the maximum height, �H!+. If
�H!+ is greater than 3.65 m, then it would reach the wall, otherwise it won’t.

Unknown: �EFG (�1 at �1 = 0)

= �D20 − 2�c�1 − �2d
00 = 7.400 − 2(9.8)c�1 − 1.55d
�� = ���� = �. �� �
Since �EFG is greater than 3.65, then the rock reaches the top of the

wall. (b) How long will it take for the rock to reach the surface?

Unknown: t at �1 = 0
�1 = �2 + �D2� − 2 ��0
1 0
0 = 1.55 + 7.40� − 2 (9.8)�
−4.9�0 + 7.40� + 1.55 = 0
�9 = −0.19 s (rejected value)
�� = �. �� � (accepted value)

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SAMPLE PROBLEM 8 (motion of multiple objects in two different dimensions)

Jane launched a ball upwards at a speed of 12.00 m/s at the same time Joey started
running, at an initial speed of 15.00 m/s, towards Jane to catch the ball.
(a) At what height, from the ground, did Joey catch the ball if he caught the ball 2.30 s
after he started running?

Unknown: �1 at � = 2.30 s

�1 = �2 + �2� + 2 ��0
�1 = 0 + 12(2.30) + 2(−9.8)(2.300)
�� = �. ��� �

(b) If Joey accelerated at a rate of 1.50 m/s2, how far was Joey from Jane when the ball
was launched?

Unknown: �1 at � = 2.30 s and �+ = 1.50 m/s0

�1 = �2 + �2� + 2 ��0
�1 = 0 + 15.0(2.30) + 2 (1.50)(2.300)
�� = ��. ���� �

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(c) What is the velocity of the ball at the moment Joey was 14.00 m from where he started

question, you would notice that the given variable is related to Joey, but the unknown
pertains to the ball. In this case, you have to relate the conditions of Joey (in the �
−axis) and the ball (in the � −axis) at the moment Joey was 14.00 m from where he
started running. This is possible by determining the time in which Joey was 14.00 m
from where he started running and use that time value to solve for the velocity of the
ball during the same instance.

Solving for � at �1 = 14.0 m

�1 = �2 + �2� + 2 ��0
1 0
14 = 0 + 15� + 2 (1.5)�
� = 0.8934 �

Unknown: �D1 at � = 0.8934 s

�1 = �2 + ��
�1 = 12 + (−9.8)(0.8934)
�� = �. ���� �/�

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A unit vector is a dimensionless vector with a magnitude of 1. If � represents a unit
} }⃗
vector with the same direction as A , it can be written that

} }⃗
A = ��

Table 5.1. Unit vectors for vectors existing in the � −, � −, and � −axis.
Axis Unit Vector
� −axis ± �
� −axis ± �
� −axis ± �
This expression separates the magnitude � and the direction of the vector �. Unit vectors
are used to identify the axis where a particular vector exists, as shown in Table 5.1. A
visual representation of the three dimensions and their corresponding unit vectors is
shown in Figure 5.1.

}}⃗ } }⃗
For example, the expression A = 5� − 2� means that vector A is composed of two
vector components: (1) a vector 5 units in the positive � −axis, and (2) a vector 2 units in
the negative � −axis as visualized in Figure 5.2.

Figure 5.1 A visual &&⃗

vector A .
representation of the unit vectors
Figure 5.2 A graphical representation of

For the exclusive use of UST Faculty of Engineering students 40 a


An object moving in two dimensions can be modeled as two independent motions in the
� and � axes as shown in Figure 5.3.
(a) (b) (c)
Figure 5.3 The figure shows a representation of the independent motions of an object (a) in
the � −axis, and (2) the � −axis. Combining the two models results to (c) the model of the
same object moving in two dimensions.

An object moving in two dimensions can adopt different (or the same) analysis models for
each dimension. The object shown in Figure 5.3, moving in two dimensions, moves at
constant acceleration in the � −axis, but at constant velocity in the � −axis. Therefore, all
computations in the � −axis would follow the constant acceleration analysis model, while
analysis of the object in the � −axis would follow the constant velocity model.

In addition, any vector quantity associated with the object moving in two dimensions has
rectangular components, which can be determined separately. For example, the velocity of
the object moving in two dimensions can be expressed as

}v⃗ = �+i + �Dj

For the exclusive use of UST Faculty of Engineering students 41 a

SAMPLE PROBLEM 9 (determining the expression for a value of the total velocity vector,

A particle is moving in the �� plane, starting from the origin with an initial velocity in �,
�+2 = 4.5 m/s, and an initial velocity in �, �D2 = −3.0 m/s. The particle has zero
acceleration in � while it accelerates at a rate of −1.2 m/s0 in �.


Determine the total velocity vector vJ }}}⃗ at any time �.

�+2 = 4.5 m/s �+ = 0
�D2 = −3.0 m/s �D = −1.2 m/s0
�2 = 0 �2 = 0

Note that the total velocity vector is composed of its components.

vJ }}}⃗ = �+1� + �D1�
Solving for the expression of �+1 at any time �,
The particle is at constant velocity in the �-axis. Therefore, �+1 = �+2.
�+1 = 4.5 m/s (not changing with time)

Solving for the expression of �D1 at any time �,

The particle is at constant acceleration in the �-axis.
�D1 = �D2 + �D�
�D1 = −3.0 + (−1.2)�

Substituting both expressions to the equation of the total velocity vector,

vJ }}}⃗ = �+1� + �D1�
vJ }}}⃗ = 4.5� + (−3.0 − 1.2�)�
�� }}}⃗ = �. �� − (�. �� + �)�

(b) What would be the velocity � of the particle at � = 3.0 s and the angle the velocity
vector makes with the � −axis?

Solve for �+1 and �D1 at � = 3.0 s.

�+1 = 4.5 m/s (not changing with time)

�D1 = −3.0 − 1.2� = −3.0 − 1.2(3)

�D1 = −6.6 m/s

For the exclusive use of UST Faculty of Engineering students 42 a

Solve for the total velocity vector �1 and its angle � using its components �+1 and

�D1. 0 + �D1

�1 = É�+1 = Ñ(4.5)0 +
�1 = 7.99 m/s (−6.6)0

� = arctan

�+1O =
arctan L−

� = −55.71L (with respect to the � −axis)

(c) Determine the position of the particle r⃗ at any time

�. r⃗ = �1� +


Determining the expression for �1,

Note that the object moves at constant velocity at
�. �1 = �2 + �+� = 0 + 4.5�
�1 = 4.5�

Determining the expression for �1,

Note that the object moves at constant acceleration at
1 1
�. �1 = �2 + �2� + 2 �D�0 = 0 − 3� + 2 (−1.2)�0
�1 = −0.6�0 − 3�

Substituting both expressions to that of r⃗,

r⃗ = �1� + �1�
r⃗ = (4.5�)� + (−0.6�0 − 3�)�
�⃗ = (�. ��)� − c�. ��� − ��d�

For the exclusive use of UST Faculty of Engineering students 43 a


Average and Instantaneous

Velocity ∆� = �1 − �2

�+,!"# = �1 − �2

∆� ∆� �+ = lim
∆� = ��
�1 − �2
Average and Instantaneous ∆�+
Acceleration ∆� = �1 − �2 Constant Velocity Model �1 = �2 +
�+c�1 − �2d
�+,!"# = ∆�

�+ = lim +
∆: → ; �

∆� =

�+ =


�� 0
L ��M = � �

for motion in the �-axis for motion in the �-axis At constant

�1 = �2 + �+� �1 = �2 + �D�
At constant acceleration,
�+1 = �+2 + �+: �D1 = �D2 − ��
1 1
�1 = �2 + 2 c�+2 + �+1d� �1 = �2 + 2 c�D2 + �D1d� 0 = �D20 −
2�(�1 − �2)
= �+20 + 2�+c�1 − �2d �D1
1 1
�1 = �2 + �+2� + 2 �+�0 �1 = �2 + �D2� − 2 ��0 Vector

�}⃗ = �+� �� + �� �0

+ �D� �}⃗ �" = arctan L�D

� = �+0 +
= �+� + �D0 � = �! = arctan L�D
�+0 + �D0 �+M
�D� �⃗ = �
�M = arctan P �Q
� = �0 +

For the exclusive use of UST Faculty of Engineering students 44 a


Given that the position � of a particle (in inches) is defined in terms of time � (in
seconds) by the expression below. Determine:

� = 3.5� L �+ 2�0 − 5�M +3�7

(a) the average velocity of the particle from � = 1.0 s to � = 2.0 s,

(b) the time at which the velocity of the particle is 715 in/s,
(c) the average acceleration of the particle from � = 2.0 s to � = 4.0 s,
and (d) the acceleration of the particle at � = 1.5 s.

2. Sphere A is travelling with a constant velocity of +12.0 m/s while sphere B is moving at
a velocity of +8.0 m/s and an acceleration of −1.0 m/s2. At � = 0, sphere B is 52.0
meters to the right of sphere A. The two spheres are moving on adjacent tracks.

(a) At what time/s will the two spheres meet?

(b) How far have sphere A travelled (from its initial position) at the time sphere B
momentarily stops?

3. Wayne sent a 200-g stone upwards using a slingshot to hit a pigeon hovering 20.0 m
directly above him. The stone has an initial velocity of 18.0 m/s.

(a) Will the stone reach the pigeon? Show calculations that support your answer.
(b) Assuming that the stone missed the pigeon, how long will it take the stone to
reach the ground?
(c) Say the stone landed on a 2.0-m deep hole, what would be the velocity of the
stone as soon as it lands?

For the exclusive use of UST Faculty of Engineering students 45 a

4. In an arcade videogame a spot is programmed to move across the screen according to

� = 9.00� − 0.750�6, where � is distance in centimeters measured from the left edge
of the screen and � is time in seconds. When the spot reaches a screen edge, at
either � = 0 or � = 15 cm, � is reset to 0 and the spot starts moving again according to

(a) At what time after starting is the spot instantaneously at rest?

(b) Where does it occur?
(c) What is its acceleration when this occurs?
(d) In what direction is it moving just prior to coming to rest?
(e) When does it first reach an edge of the screen after � = 0?

5. A soldier, hiding in a 3.5-meter-deep hole, threw a grenade with an initial velocity of 28.0
m/s at a launching angle of 35o from the horizontal. A pile of sandbags, 3.0 meters in
height, is located exactly 12.0 meters (horizontally) from where the soldier is. Set the
ground surface as � = 0.

(a) Will the sandbags be able to block the grenade? Show calculations that support
your answer.
(b) What will be the velocity of the grenade as soon as it hits the ground? (c)
Disregarding the sandbags, if the grenade explodes 1.7 seconds after it was thrown, at
what position, r⃗, will it explode? Express your answer in unit-vector form.

For the exclusive use of UST Faculty of Engineering students 46 a

Name: Student Number: Instructor: Section:



Copy and fill-out the header of the PPE for each page of your solution. Present neatly the
organized solutions to the following answered problems. Box the final answers. Copy and
sign the Thomasian Honor Code in the last page of your solution.

1. Given that the position of a particle is defined in terms of time by the equation below,
where � is in meters and � is in seconds, determine:
6 0
� = 4� + �
� +4
(a) the average velocity of the particle from � = 1.0 s to � = 3.0 s, (Ans: �!"N = 16
m/s) (b) the instantaneous velocity of the particle at � = 2.5 s, (Ans: �+ = 20.52 m/s)
(c) the average acceleration of the particle from � = 2.0 s to � = 3.0 s, and (Ans:
�!"N = 8.42 m/s2)
(d) the � at which the instantaneous acceleration of the particle is 8.10 m/s2.
(Ans: � = 3.91 s)

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Name: Student Number: Instructor: Section:


Copy and fill-out the header of the PPE for each page of your solution. Present neatly the
organized solutions to the following answered problems. Box the final answers. Copy and
sign the Thomasian Honor Code in the last page of your solution.

2. A subway train starts from rest at a station and accelerates at a rate of 2.50 m/s2 for
15.90 seconds. It then runs at a constant speed for 35 seconds and then slows down
at a rate of 4.50 m/s2 until it stops at the next station.
(a) What is the speed of the train just before it starts slowing down?
(Ans.: � = 39.75 m/s)
(b) How long did it take the train to finish the trip from one station to the other?
(Ans.: � = 59.73 s)

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Name: Student Number: Instructor: Section:


Copy and fill-out the header of the PPE for each page of your solution. Present neatly the
organized solutions to the following answered problems. Box the final answers. Copy and
sign the Thomasian Honor Code in the last page of your solution.

3. A set of keys were thrown vertically upwards by a student from the ground. A second
student catches the keys 1.50 seconds later from a window 4.00 meters above the

(a) What is the initial velocity of the keys? (Ans: 10.02 m/s)
(b) What is the velocity of the keys just before they were caught by the second
student? (Ans: − 4.68 m/s)

For the exclusive use of UST Faculty of Engineering students 49 a

Name: Student Number: Instructor: Section:


Copy and fill-out the header of the PPE for each page of your solution. Present neatly the
organized solutions to the following answered problems. Box the final answers. Copy and
sign the Thomasian Honor Code in the last page of your solution.

4. A particle is moving in the �� plane starting from the origin with an initial velocity in �
of 15 meters per second and an initial velocity in � of −10 meters per second. The
object moves at constant velocity in � and constant acceleration in �. The
acceleration in � is −1 m/s2.
(a) Determine the total velocity vector }�}}}1⃗ at any time, �. (Ans.: }�}}}1⃗ = 15�
− (10 + �)� ) (b) Determine the position of the particle �⃗ at any time, �.
(Ans.: �⃗ = (15�)� − P10t + 90�0Q � )
What is the position of the particle after 5 seconds? (Ans.: r = 97.63 m, � = 39.81o)

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Name: Student Number: Instructor: Section:


Copy and fill-out the header of the PPE for each page of your solution. Present neatly the
organized solutions to the following answered problems. Box the final answers. Copy and
sign the Thomasian Honor Code in the last page of your solution.

5. A projectile was launched from the top of a 25-m high building at a velocity of +35 m/s
and at an angle of 28o with the horizontal.
(a) How far is the projectile from the building (horizontally) by the time it reaches its
maximum height? (Ans.: 51.82 m)
(b) If the projectile lands on a hill 3 meters high from the ground, how long was the
projectile airborne? (Ans.: 4.38 s)
(c) If the projectile lands on a hill 3 meters high from the ground, how far is the hill
from the building? (Ans.: 135.32 m)

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Copy and fill-out the header of the PPE for each page of your solution. Present neatly the
organized solutions to the following answered problems. Box the final answers. Copy and
sign the Thomasian Honor Code in the last page of your solution.

6. The motion of a particle from a fixed point is defined by the equation v = (3t-1)(t-1),
where v is in meters/second and t is in second. Determine the following: (a) Velocity
and acceleration of the particle at t = 3s. (Ans.: 16 m/s, 14 m/s2) (b) Time when the
particle is at rest. (Ans.: 1/3 s, 1 s)
(c) The position of the particle at t = 3 s. Note that x = 0 when t = 2 s. (Ans.: 10 m)
For the exclusive use of UST Faculty of Engineering students 52 a

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