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Keanno Johndee G.

Hipe Activity 6 – Science and Technology in

National Development
BS Accountancy STS 1 - A

Topic: Health

1. Give three (3) examples of existing or current science-based policies related to the assigned
“area”. The examples may be local or international.
a. Universal Health Care Law (UHCL)
The law mandates that every Filipino in the country should be enclosed by health
insurance especially those so-called “the poorest of the poor”. It requires the DOH and
PhilHealth to establish health technology assessment (HTA) as a fair and transparent priority-
setting mechanism for the development of policies and programs, regulation, and other
healthcare services (DOH, 2019).
b. Graphic Health Warnings Law
This law was passed and implemented in year 2014 that requires cigarette manufacturers
to attach pictures to their tobacco product packaging and labels to show the bad effects of
smoking in a person’s health (Arayata, 2014). The law stated that 50 percent of the principal
display surfaces of any tobacco package must contain printed graphic health warnings both front
and back of the panel of the tobacco product (DOH, 2014).
c. Mandatory Infants and Children Health Immunization Act of 2011
It is an Act that provides for the mandatory of basic immunization services for infants
and children, repealing for the Purpose Presidential Decree No. 996, as amended. The mandatory
basic immunization of infants and children covers the following vaccine-preventable diseases:
(1) tuberculosis, (2) diphtheria, tetanus and pertussis, (3) poliomyelitis, (4) measles, (5) mumps,
(6) rubella or German measles, (7) hepatitis-B and (8) H. Influenza type B (HIB) (DOH, 2011).
Keanno Johndee G. Hipe Activity 6 – Science and Technology in
National Development
BS Accountancy STS 1 - A

2. Propose one (1) potential science-based policy related to the assigned “area” and briefly
explain the importance of your proposal in development.
I would like to propose a policy requiring municipalities and cities to construct a separate
mental health facility in every barangay that would come up programs, assessments, follow-ups
for those people who are experiencing with mental illnesses such as depression and anxiety, and
searches in finding mentally ill individuals. The facilities would serve as a place for
consultations and guidance to these specific people in which each facility should have at least
one mental health professional or psychiatrist.

According to DOH (2021), there were at least 3.6 million Filipinos who are facing mental
health issues during the pandemic, including depression, substance use disorders such as alcohol
use disorder, and mood disorders like bipolar disorder. Hence, with this proposal, it would help
us to lessen the number of people who are experiencing mental illnesses and issues, to track
these mentally ill persons, and to prevent people in every community from experiencing this kind
of illnesses. By establishing a separate entity for mental health issues in every community, it
would help professionals to develop more initiatives and studies that focuses in mental health

Arayata, M.C.C. (2014). 5 Health Laws, 1 Administration. The DOH files towards quality
healthcare for all. Department of Health. Vol 1 Issue 4.

Department of Health. (2014). Graphic Health Warnings in the Philippines. Retrieved from

Department of Health. (2019). Universal Health Care Act. Retrieved from

Department of Health. (2011). Republic Act No. 10152. Retrieved from

University Research Co. (2021). Mental Health on the Move in the Philippines – Meet the
Lusog-Isip App. Retrieved from

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