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Documentation skills
for nursing students
By Diana L. Goodwin, MSN, RN

Documentation allows for clear com- Best practices

munication between healthcare team The expectation is that all documentation
members; provides a full accounting of should be clear, concise, comprehensive,
patient care to support reimbursement, accurate, objective, and timely. Nursing
ensure quality care, and reduce errors; organizations have developed position
can be used as evidence in legal mat- statements and guidelines that give a
ters; and generates data for research broad overview of what information to
and quality improvement initiatives. include, how often documentation should
The challenge for nurse educators is be completed, and how to format entries
ensuring that graduate nurses not only and errors. Facilities supplement these
have the necessary skills for effective guidelines with policies delineating spe-
documentation, but also understand cific documentation requirements, stan-
the risks of poor documentation to dard definitions of assessment findings
their patients and themselves. This considered within normal or expected
challenge is compounded by a lack of limits, expected intervals for assessments,
recent literature on generating effective and time frames for completing docu-
documentation. mentation. Position statements and docu-
This article reviews the rationale for mentation guidelines include:
documentation and its essential compo- • American Nurses Association’s (ANA)
nents, and offers a memory aid to assist 2009 position statement on the electronic
students in developing effective docu- health record (EHR) (www.nursingworld.
mentation skills. org/practice-policy/nursing-excellence/
• ANA’s 2010 Principles for Nursing
Documentation (www.nursingworld.
• Centers for Medicare and Medicaid
Service’s 2007 Evaluation and Manage-
ment Services (

• Technology Informatics Guiding Edu-
cational Reform’s 2009 TIGER Informatics
Competencies Collaborative Final Re-
port (http://tigercompetencies.pbworks.
For example, the ANA provides guid-
ance and recommendations not only

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for nurses, but also facilities, patients, compare their findings with earlier assess-
healthcare systems, and educators. The ments, confirm a suspected trend in vital
ANA outlines the components of proper signs or lab values, or verify that recent
documentation and addresses institution- orders and appropriate notifications have
al responsibilities. Nurse input into the been completed. Complete, concise, and
design of EHRs and participation in trials accurate documentation allows needed
of new systems is encouraged. information to be located quickly, decreas-
The ANA also recommends that facili- ing the likelihood that complications will
ties ensure staff members have adequate occur.
training to become proficient in using Documentation should communicate
documentation systems. Additionally, assessment data, changes in patient condi-
facilities are urged to provide staff with tion, interventions and treatments pro-
adequate time to complete effective docu- vided, response to treatment, all patient
mentation. Including nurses in decision- transfers to and from different areas of
making related to EHRs, providing nec- care, and communication with members
essary training, and factoring the time of the healthcare team and family. Assess- Making
needed for documentation into staffing ment data should include not only the decisions
decisions ideally reduces the risk for poor results of the physical exam, but also vital
documentation practices while increasing signs, lab values, and results of diagnostic
the quality of patient care and communi- procedures. Facilities dictate the mini- what and
cation between healthcare team members. mum frequency of this type of documen- how much
As stated previously, documentation tation. When a change in patient condition
serves many purposes, but the two uses is noted or suspected, additional assess-
information to
that garner the most attention are the legal ment and documentation are warranted. include can
and patient safety aspects. The patient’s Interventions and treatments provided be a source
EHR is considered a legal document and during patient care by all healthcare
can be used in a court of law to exemplify team members should be included, as
of student
the quality of patient care, or its lack. well as the patient’s response to these frustration.
The EHR, in effect, becomes an impar- activities. All actions performed by the
tial witness to the care delivered to each nurse should be documented in detail.
patient by the healthcare team. For this Additionally, nurses should document the
reason, documentation must be exacting occurrence of actions performed by other
in its accuracy. Only actions completed healthcare team members. The individual
or witnessed by the person documenting performing these activities will complete
should be included. Subjective statements detailed documentation of the interven-
and opinions shouldn’t be included in tion, whereas nurses will document when
the EHR because they aren’t quantifiable. they occurred, who completed them, and
Accurate, complete, objective documenta- the patient’s response. For example, a
tion protects not only the patient, but also dietitian or wound care nurse will detail
the healthcare professional. his or her visit in the progress notes; the
Correct documentation also ensures nurse will note the time of the visit and
patient safety. The EHR serves as a means any orders received so nurses during sub-
of communication between healthcare sequent shifts will be aware of additional
team members from different shifts and orders and who to contact for questions or
disciplines. It’s difficult to include every changes in patient condition.
event occurring during a 12-hour shift A timesaving feature of the EHR is
at the patient handoff report. As a result, the ability to document by exception.
it isn’t unusual to see nurses review the Before the implementation of EHRs,
documentation from previous shifts to documentation included all findings, March/April 2019 Nursing made Incredibly Easy! 17

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Documentation quick guide

When Start your entry with the time and date to provide a chronological record
of care.
Materials Include the size of equipment, the amount of medication administered,
What Describe or identify the intervention completed. If completed by some-
one else, name the person completing the procedure.
How/why Provide the rationale for the intervention and ensure proper technique. If
the intervention is a sterile procedure, include this in documentation.
Measure/assess Use objective language to describe your observations before, during,
and after the intervention.
Patient response Include objective observations and/or patient statements describing
response to treatment.
Late entry Late entries are allowed within a specified timeframe, usually 24
hours. Enter the current time and date and the words LATE ENTRY,
followed by the entry. Example: 1/7/18 1945 LATE ENTRY: 1/7/18
1400 I.V. site infiltrated. Unable to gain additional access after four
attempts. Dr. Fraser informed. New orders: Central line placement by
anesthesia.______________F. Friend, RN
Error If an error is made, draw a single line through the incorrect informa-
tion and initial the strikethrough. Don’t use erasable pens or correction
tape or fluid. Example: 1/7/18 0658 2 mg MSDG morphine adminis-
tered I.V. push for pain rated 8/10. I.V. site warm, dry, no infiltration
noted._______________F. Friend, RN

normal and abnormal. Documenting by their clinical setting and emphasizing the
exception is designed to save time by need for situational awareness. Instructing
allowing members of the healthcare team students in the appropriate use of WNL
to note only findings that differ from the should be addressed similarly.
expected during an exam or procedure. If
the assessment findings match the facil- Without an EHR
ity’s predefined designation of normal The 2009 American Recovery and Rein-
or expected, within normal limits (WNL) vestment Act required all healthcare facili-
may be selected and no further informa- ties and providers to incorporate EHRs
tion for that section is required. into patient care by January 1, 2014, to
It’s vital to be familiar with the facil- continue receiving their existing level of
ity’s definitions for each area of the EHR reimbursement for provided Medicare
to ensure accuracy in documentation. and Medicaid services. As a result, tradi-
As helpful as the WNL feature can be, it tional paper documentation is virtually
presents a problem for educators when unknown to many nursing students and
instructing students about documentation. new nurses. Without the EHR to prompt
Just as the normal range of lab values can what information to include, students
differ slightly between facilities, the defini- often include either too much or too little
tion of WNL will mirror these slight varia- information. Students can undervalue
tions. Educators test lab values in accor- the need to practice documentation skills
dance with the school’s chosen text while in their reliance on available technol-
cautioning students to expect variation in ogy. When working with students, it’s

18 Nursing made Incredibly Easy! March/April 2019

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important to emphasize that EHRs won’t tape should never
always be available. be used in patient memory jogger
In a study of downtime errors, it was records. When sign- Documentation memory aid
found that when an EHR is functional 99% ing a written order,
of the year, facilities are still without EHR a single line should
capabilities for 3 days and 15 minutes be drawn through
annually. In the case of natural disasters or the remainder of

ia ls

W ha t
fires, healthcare facilities can be without the row before the

EHR access for days or weeks and docu- signature to prevent

menting must be done on paper. And it unauthorized addi-

isn’t only natural disasters and environ- tion of information.
mental hazards that pose a threat to EHRs. Facilities will have

Recently, cyber-attacks have become more clear expectations

/a s
re s e
commonplace. During this type of attack, regarding late en-

su en
a ransomware virus encrypts all hospital tries; nevertheless, response

ea 4 s
data until a ransom is paid. Hospitals may each delayed entry
need to stop using the EHR for days while should be given

protective systems are put into place. the current date
Many hospitals have physician portals and time, identi-
in place so providers can access patient fied as a late entry,
information from their homes and mobile and followed by
devices. When systems are down for the information
any reason, providers must rely on other that would’ve been
healthcare team members to keep them provided had the entry been timely (see
informed in a timely manner and increase Documentation quick guide).
the number of rounds or time spent round- Providing instruction regarding what
ing. Communication between units, the information to include when document-
lab, pharmacy, and other departments can ing an event or intervention is more
also be delayed. Orders and results must be challenging. Making decisions regard-
faxed between locations, increasing the risk ing what and how much information to
of errors in both ordering and reporting. include can be a source of frustration for
Facilities will likely have downtime students when practicing documentation
flowsheets to record vital signs, medica- during various activities. Memory aids
tion administration, and physical assess- can be effective tools to assist students
ments; however, documentation of events in the decision-making process. For
and treatments must be made indi- example, use of a color-coded keyword
vidually by hand. For these reasons, it’s technique in which each piece of needed
imperative that students understand the information is assigned to the fingers
components of effective documentation, and palm of the hand provides a check-
regardless of the method. list to ensure the inclusion of all neces-
sary data (see Documentation memory aid).
Documenting with students Assigned categories of information
Written errors, signatures, and forgotten include:
information are the simplest aspects of • when (pinky finger)
documentation to address with students. • materials (ring finger)
Miswritten information should have a • what (middle finger)
single line drawn through, followed by • how/why (pointer finger)
the initials of the documenting nurse. • measure/assess (thumb)
Erasable pens and correction fluid or • patient response (palm). March/April 2019 Nursing made Incredibly Easy! 19

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education extra

Each entry begins with the time and use of copy/paste. It isn’t uncommon for
date (when) to establish the timeline of nurses to enter their initial assessment in-
care. Next, document the materials used for formation and copy/paste all remaining
the intervention (materials). This includes assessments for the day, scrolling through
information such as I.V. catheter size, mate- quickly for updates or changes. Often,
rials used for a dressing change, or the dose this copy/paste function can be used
of an as-needed medication given, to name when caring for the same patient on con-
a few. Third, describe or name the interven- secutive days by copying the last assess-
tion (what). Fourth, include the rationale ment of the previous day. Although the
for the intervention and any special posi- intention is to save time, it’s easy to miss
tioning or method used, such as high Fowl- changes in patient condition or include
er position or sterile technique (how/why). care provided at a previous time.
Next, provide appropriate postintervention Other practices relating to timeliness are
assessments or measurements (measure/ “pre-documenting” and delaying docu-
assess). Finally, note the patient’s response mentation until the end of the day. Pre-
to the intervention (patient response). documenting is documenting care before it
Color-coding allows students to visualize occurs; in essence, documenting something
how each portion works together to create about to be done. Unexpected findings that
a complete, concise entry. aren’t added to the pre-documentation can
result in inaccuracies. Unplanned events
Do’s and don’ts can prevent the care from taking place,
As stated previously, correct documenta- leading to falsified care. Conversely, delay-
tion is accurate, concise, timely, legible, ing documentation until the end of the
and provides precise information such day often results in the omission of details
as “50 mL of serous drainage” versus “a relating to care and patient condition, and
small amount of drainage.” However, may delay recognition of a negative trend
there are a number of ill-advised prac- in condition.
tices that students are likely to encounter One last caution for students is to
at some point during clinical experiences avoid “autopilot” documentation. In
(see Documentation do’s and don’ts). One of their desire to document quickly for all
the most common habits to avoid is the assigned patients, nurses can hastily docu-
ment assessment information from habit
rather than observation. We’ve all heard
Documentation do’s and don’ts about, or seen, the medical record indi-
DO DON’T cating pedal pulses are present on a leg
• Include date/time of entry • Use shortcuts and work-arounds with a below-the-knee amputation. This
• Ensure the accuracy and (such as copy/paste and override contradictory documentation leaves the
precision of your entry functions) healthcare provider and the facility legally
• Document care completely • Delay documenting until the end at risk in the event of a negative outcome.
• Document care as close to the of shift; this can cause missing
time it occurs as possible information Wrap-up
• Ensure documentation is for the • “Pre-document” or document Students often have challenges with
correct patient activities before completion
learning how to effectively document.
• Include patient comments and • Include subjective language
As educators, we need to develop
actions for further clarity such as “fair,” “appears,”
• Follow established professional “small,” etc.
methods to ensure that students not
and institutional guidelines for • Document conflicting information only understand the larger issues of ac-
documentation (such as 2+ pedal pulses on a countability related to documentation,
below-the-knee amputation) but also the basics of how to notate er-
rors and what to include in an entry.

20 Nursing made Incredibly Easy! March/April 2019

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Dismissing documentation as a nuisance Schaar GL, Mustata Wilson G. Evaluating senior bac-
calaureate nursing students’ documentation accuracy
that can be abbreviated when demands through an interprofessional activity. Nurse Educ.
on time become overwhelming increases 2015;40(1):7-9.
the risk to patient safety. Accurate docu- Schneider JH. Best practices on reducing errors during
downtime. HIMSS16 Conference & Exhibition. 2016.
menting is quality patient care. ■
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