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Tank sits outside of a park on a bench, in Snohomish that he has become accustomed to. It
has been longer than he cares to admit since he’s been here. This last job did a number on
his mental state, he was nursing what feels like a massive hangover. Tank had assured the
group that he could get back on his own, as he had time and time before, though they didn’t
know that of course. This bench, a link between his old life and his current. With a loaf of
bread obtained from a local shop, he posed as a kindly old man, sitting out feeding the
pigeons that swarmed the area. He came back to this bench day after day until he saw them,
it was one of their favorite spots afterall.

Strolling up, hand in hand, Tank saw her first, Maia. The whole purpose behind everything
he’s done since that day. Tank hurts people, it’s his job, regardless of how much he dislikes it,
but he does it all so that one day… he might be able to talk to her. Explain to her how much
he misses her and how he would do anything to just be there for her. Hand in hand with Maia
was her daughter. Atleast that’s who he assumes she is, they haven’t been formally
introduced as he has only seen them from a distance. The young girl couldn’t be more than
four or five years old. Quickly diverting his attention away he goes back to his loaf of bread,
scattering it on the pathway in front of him, feeding the flock of pigeons that surrounds him.
Stealing glances occasionally, watching the life that he wishes he could be a part of. Not like
this though, not with these horns, and these scars, and this body. He couldn’t bare to have
them look at him the same way so many others do. Fear, Terror, Disgust… all things he has
felt towards himself at some point.

“Excuse me, Mister?”

Tank startles back from what almost seemed to be a trance. Standing in front of him was this
young girl, with Maia standing slightly back with a protective gaze.

“Why, Hi there. What can I do for you young lady?” Tank struggles with his words. This is the
closest he’s been to his family in so long.

“Well, I was hoping I could help you feed the birds!” the young girl exclaimed. Tank was
breathless, of all the fights and battles he’s been in, nothing has winded him quite like this.

“I mean, if its alright with your mother, I don’t mind.” Tank says gently, profoundly hoping to
just hear Maia address him, to even acknowledge that he is there. Looking in to Maia’s eyes
feels like an eternity. Addressing her directly. The span of this one second between question
and reply dragged onwards.

“Grandmother, and I don’t mind.” Maia said bruskly. The words while minimal rang in to
Tank’s ears like the sounds of a songbird on a Spring morning, when the songbirds still came
around the city that is. Tank patted the bench next to him as he shifted himself to the edge so
the young girl would have room. Tank took up much of the bench and the sight of this
massive troll next to this young girl was astounding.

Tank asks, “May I ask what your name is? If we’re going to feed the birds together we can
atleast give each other our names. Mine is Tank.” The young girl giggled a little bit at the
name, “A Little on the nose isn’t it?” Tank smiled gently at the girl.

“My name is Elyse! It’s spelled with a y and not with an I!”

“What a beautiful name Elyse, Here.” Tank rips off a big piece of the bread and hands it to
Elyse. “You know, I once knew a little girl just like you a long long time ago!” Tank’s voice
cracked. This close. His great-grand daughter and his daughter. Sitting right there with him.
Choking back the tears, Tank sits with Elyse until she is done feeding the birds, which in the
grand scheme of things was not a long time, but the moment felt like paradise. A piece of light
and hope in the grand miasma that was Seattle in 2069.

As Elyse hops up, Maia prompts her, “What do we say Elyse?”

“Thank You!” Elyse’s eyes beaming with a big grin across her face.

“You’re welcome, Elyse” the words stumbling out of Tank’s stuggling mouth. The flood gates
ready to open. As the two of them walk away, Maia glances back taking Tank with a slight hint
of confusion in her face before giving him a curt nod and walking away.

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