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Cambridge Assessment International Education Reg. Centre - IN653, Kowdiar P.O, Trivandrum - 695003, Kerala, India

Strange! virtual platform. The activities

The strangest thing has become are redesigned by my teachers for
ordinary! my lovely students to participate. 
Dear students, staff, parents and The students are also joining
well wishers energetically in the activities. The
Greetings! parents’ cooperation is extensive
Did anyone of us ever predict too. 
that schooling from home would I understand that the happiness
become a part of life? of coming together and the
Did anyone imagine that benches warmth of being together cannot
in the school will lay still and be replaced but yes I am sure that
boards unwritten? the spirit of CNIS and the virtue
Initially, it was difficult for all of of being a CNIte has kept us all
us to absorb the change but now bonded inseparably.
we have coped up with of course, a I just want to appreciate each
bright hope glowing in the corner one you for striving well to keep
of our heart. yourself healthy and fruitfully
We are walking a new path engaged. reassure us that the path we tread God bless you!
supporting each other.  CNIS Onam, the festival of bounty is will bring only bliss in us. God bless CNIS!
has put in great effort to bring here to fill in us the abundance of Wish you all a very happy and Principal
all possible activities onto the joy and health. Onam is here to healthy Onam! Fr. Thomas Chennattusserry CMI




Re-Opening Ceremony
Brand new beginning! CNIS was privileged to have
Dr. Shashi Tharoor, Member of
We will teach you with an audio; Parliament, Thiruvananthapuram
we will teach you with a video. as the guest speaker.
We will teach you in your room; The eloquent speech by the
we will teach you now on zoom. honourable guest brought a sense
CNIS reached each one’s home of positivity in all. He appreciated
to celebrate the school reopening the school’s effort and wished each
through a riveting video. The one a good luck.
lamp was lit, the prayer was sung, School Principal Rev. Fr. Thomas
the school anthem chimed and the Chennattusserry CMI announced
school bell was rung symbolizing the new mode of teaching –
the start on 1 june 2020. learning and encouraged everyone
to accept the new way.

Present Mode of Teaching

Two new classes, Pre KG & The classes for Grades I- VII Teaching sessions for Grades The school continues to
KG 2, have been started in commenced on 1 June 2020. X-XII started in mid May and provide the learning of
this academic year. Grades VIII & IX started on moral science and life skills
The classes are exposed to 1 June 2020. The students are through School Cinema – a
The tiny tots are engaged into pre recorded teaching videos. given live online sessions programme that the school
learning through the pre- The videos are posted on from 9:00 am to 1:15 pm. started in the year 2019. The
recorded teaching videos sent Classdojo. The videos are movie link and the password
through Classdojo –a school watched by the students at to watch the movie of the
communication platform. their convenient time of the respective grade is given to all
day with the help of the the students of KG to Grade
parents. X.

We are honoured!
Despite the tremendous uncertainty looming over the start of classroom teaching and learning due to Covid-19 crisis,
CNIS was able to launch current year’s academic activities efficiently through its online platform. While schools and
educators worldwide have struggled during the time of this pandemic, CNIS’ impeccable planning and coordination
helped in imparting stress free learning for both students and their parents. Words of gratitude would not be enough
to praise the tireless efforts of the Principal, teachers and non teaching staff in making the digital education a great
Ms Ambili Sreejith
Parent of CNIte Indugowri, Grade III I

Timely support and feedback offered by the tutors online and offline has been really great. Videos have been pretty
easy to understand for the small ones. Even though it’s being tough for us to enable our kids to adapt the new way of
learning, both the teachers Ms Roshni and Ms Sreeja have been very helpful and made things easy for us.

Ms Nazrin Niyaz
Parent of CNIte Neiden Niyaz , Grade KG -1

Wise teachers turn even adversaries onto rich learning experience! We could see that amongst the CNItes during this
COVID conundrum. Children not only use online platforms for learning but dutifully took exams on these virtual
platforms! As a parent and an academic, I knew the limitations and challenges of online teaching. However, I am
impressed to see the dedication and enthusiasm of the CNIS teachers and equally energetic students, interacting even
during late evenings and on holidays. Of course, our children will miss the wholesomeness of classroom teaching, but
thank you CNIS, for the earnest efforts to connect with the students and parents during this difficult time.
Dr. Biju Soman
Parent of CNIte Nimish, Grade X

I was very excited to travel back to my home country, after several years in the US. When the pandemic struck, I
heard all schooling will be online. When I think of school, I think of friends, in person interactions with teacher, and
more. Hearing that all school will be online, I was very curious of how schools will teach us through screens. I was
very nervous hearing that I will have to take online classes from the US and stay up all night because it’s in a different
time zone. After the first few days, I figured out that CNIS did a really good job of keeping everything organized and
making kids feel like it’s just another day at school. Online schooling at CNIS went above and beyond my expectations.
The classes are very interactive and engaging, and there is individual attention for everyone in the class. All the
content is well taught, and there is a good amount of homework. I really appreciate the effort put in by the CNIS staff
despite these challenging times. All in all, online schooling at CNIS has been a great experience, and it is a very good
substitute for traditional schooling during these bad times.

CNIte Rohan Sreejith, Grade IX G

From USA

World Environment Day International Yoga Day

The CNIS Family
was exposed
to a video that
sensitized about
the responsibility
of protecting our
A call for
nature that
provides for
Appreciating Nature! everyone’s need and an alert of

climatic changes and its impacts Practice the power to heal!

Staying at home did not deter the were given out. Harmony with The informative video promoted the significance of the day and also
celebration of World Environment nature and Our Earth was urged revealed the benefits of yoga practice. The video was apt in this time
Day. through the video. of pandemic where keeping one’s body healthy has taken the first seat.

World Music Day National Doctor’s Day

Make music a part of life! him to support the prayer was

On 21 June 2020, a splendid video soothing and brought peace to

opened with a speech by the the mind. The prayer was to bring A tribute from CNIS! The effort was to bring a flash of
respite to this world from the smile onto the faces of as many
Guest Speaker Mr. Jobi Mathew, For the incessant services the
Head of the Department, Violin pandemic. doctors as possible. It was to let
The video also informed about the doctors have been engaged them know how much they are
of Chembai Memorial Govt.
Music College, Palakkad. The origin and relevance of the day in, especially in the present valued in the society.
Honourable Guest shared his followed by CNIS version of What pandemic situation, CNIS The video consisted of sincere
belief on music and urged all to a wonderful world to bring hope, attempted to honour and thank gratitude, heartfelt prayer and
make music a part of the life. joy and happiness in all presented all the doctors through a short
by CNItes. salute to the doctors.
The beautiful violin rendition by video released on 1 July 2020.

CNIS Online Election Announcement Meet the Candidates

Campaign! Convince! and how they would address

voters’ aspiration. The design
The video, posted on 21 July 2020, and language of each candidate’s
Vote from home! Leader and Deputy School Leader had the candidates speaking to campaign was praiseworthy
candidates were notified. The convince the voters of Grades which definitely left the voters
Through a powerful video the candidates were chosen by their thinking for a right choice.
decision to conduct CNIS Online V-XII. Each candidate confidently
classmates in a preliminary class spoke on what they would focus
Election was announced on 11 July election.
2020. The names of CNIS School

Campaign Experience! CNIte Malavika Santhosh

School Leader Candidates Grade XII

The candidature announcement

struck a wave of apprehension and
disbelief in me. I was overwhelmed
CNIte Achshah R M CNIte Nandini Nair CNIte Sarah Jayan with nervousness and fear thinking
Grade XII Grade XII Grade XII that if elected how I would do
any justice to this position. But
It was really a fruitful time for like vapours, these thoughts just
me during the preparation of the Being a part of our school’s first vanished as the constant guidance
election campaign video for which CNIS elections got me excited to ever online election is a memory and encouragement from all my
I analyzed my assets and flaws. present myself in front of my peers I will hold dear for the rest of my teachers and my family reassured
A self-analysis of my leadership and the school. It allowed me to life. I got the chance to present me. The unwavering support of my
qualities was a revelation, speak in a way that represents myself, and for that, I am grateful dear classmates further made the
recollecting the occasions where I our school and thus gave me the to have been a part of such an journey ever more exciting! These
took quick and prudent decisions experience that I would never have unique opportunity. As your motivations gave me a new thrill
with courage and love. Altogether otherwise received. Arts Club Secretary, I am looking and energy to work better  than
my election preparation helped me forward to hearing your ideas and ever before at my speech and
to personally recall and recognize suggestions. after countless bloopers later, my
my gifts so that I can water them campaign speech was made ready
and nourish them. for broadcast!

Deputy School Leader Candidates

CNIte Aparna R Syam CNIte Daniel Chacko Jayan CNIte Gopichand V Menon CNIte Lino Joseph
Grade X Grade X Grade X Grade X

The online election which took The democratic election for the
place from the second to third school council was the first of This election will surely be an
week of July provided me with the the many opportunities we the asset that I will always treasure. I
firmly believe that I have acquired The passion of all the election
wondrous opportunity to really students of CNIS will get this candidates was indescribably
connect with our student body year. Standing for the election and a lot of wisdom in the process
and I am overjoyed that CNIS is impressive. I went through tough
and its needs. The campaigning having to express my thoughts and times competing against them.
brought forward creativity and ideas in front of the school was providing us, CNItes, a collection
perseverance within me that would an unforgettable experience. I am of contrasting opportunities. Stay
go on to fuel my desire for change. hoping for all of your wholehearted safe, stay home.
Recording and scripting the cooperation as the student editor,
campaign video brought me out of to the school magazine and other
shell in ways that I know will help publications we are planning this
in the future. year.

CNIS Online Election CNIS Online Election Result

Voting Day! The student voters who had yet
not reached Trivandrum due to
Day: 23 July 2020, the prevailing situation also kept
Time: 4 pm- 8 pm. the time. The time difference of
The e- ballot papers sent to the India and the countries where the
voters were filled up within no students are at present was not
time. The eagerness and the a hindrance at all. The spirit of
responsibility of each voter were CNItes was at the highest during
vividly visible as the voters’ count these hours.
was increasing at a great speed. Hail CNItes! Hail CNIS!

Investiture Ceremony

Voters’ Decision! congratulated everyone was

premiered on 24 July at 7:00 am.
CNIS Online Election Result CNIte Malavika Santhosh Nair
video in which School Principal was elected CNIS School Leader
Rev. Fr. Thomas Chennattusserry and CNIte Gopichand V Menon
CMI announced the result and as CNIS Dy. School Leader.

Kindergarten Special
Friendship Day – A video that Independence Day – The young
called for celebrating the presence patriots of CNIS featured in the
of friends in our life was presented video singing ‘VandeMataram’
to the little ones by their teachers. and speaking on the prominence
It included the Friendship Day of the day. The little ones held a tri cards made by kids under the coloured fan made by them and
guidance of their dear teachers. called out ‘Jaihind’.
Bestowing responsibilities! presenting the pride moment of
the school was broadcast in all
The elected and selected leaders
were officially invested to their
positions by the School Principal
class groups as an announcement
of the CNIS Student Council to
the CNIS Family. School Principal
Creative Engagement
Rev. Fr. Thomas Chennattusserry congratulated the new student Ladies and gentlemen, boys and on 3 August, and successfully
CMI on 1 August 2020. The council and mentioned that in this girls, please stand back to make conducted our first series of
honour of conferring the sashes, stay home situation too, the school way as the students of CNIS brush competitions on 7 & 8 August
as a gesture of students assuming intends to unlock the leadership up their creativity and showcase 2020. The fun is long from over.
the office, was given to the parents qualities of the students. their talents. That’s right, coming So friends, gear up! For
of the office bearers. The video back for another year, Thrills immediately after this Onam
CNIS is going to be as action- vacation, Thrills CNIS will pick
School Leader CNIte Malavika Santhosh Nair
Student Council 2020

packed and vibrant as it was, with up from where we left off. Get
Deputy School Leader CNIte Gopichand V Menon perhaps just a couple of tweaks to ready to unleash your talent
Arts Club Secretary CNIte Sara Jayan shake things up. You are looking with your literary skills or swing
Sports Captain CNIte Lino Joseph at new competitions, quizzes and swirl to the rhythm of an
and so much more to paint your everlasting melody at home. Grab
Wellness Envoy CNIte Aparna R Syam
dreams. this opportunity CNItes! We will
Goodwill Embassador CNIte Achshah R M We kick started Thrills CNIS 2020 never get such a chance again.
Girls’ Representative CNIte Nandini Nair
CNIte Sarah Jayan
Student Editor CNIte Daniel Chacko Jayan
Arts Club Secretary


KG- Grade IV Grades V & VI Grades VII, VIII, XI, XII Grades IX & X
Held as pre recorded video, This live event conducted on 7 As many as 42 participants posed More than 15 students exhibited
this event had more than 85 August 2020 witnessed more and clicked to participate in this their oratory skill in this live event
participants. The little ones than 25 participants creating theme based contest. conducted on 8 August 2020.
spruced up their imagination with masterpieces on a given theme.
this event.

Independence Day
Salute to the motherland! Class Meetings
Yet another video presented by Meetings of each class with
the CNIS NCC students reached students, subject teachers and
everyone on the morning of 15 parents were held in the beginning
August 2020. The day of love of July & August.
and joy with a sense of freedom
was made to feel. Gratitude was
expressed to the freedom fighters
and our tri coloured flag was
described in the video. Principal Mid Review -1
Rev. Fr. Thomas Chennattussery
CMI wished everyone on this Mid Review – 1 was conducted
occasion of Independence Day for all classes from 17 to 27
and awakened everyone’s feelings August 2020.
towards the freedom that we
enjoy today for which many great people had laid their lives.

Student Leaders speak!

In the face of such dire
ONLINE CLASS ETHICS Stay seated at a place where there the students clearly)
circumstances we must come
is least distractions (pets, siblings, Do not share meeting IDs and
together as a community to battle
To make the most of the online television etc.) passwords with anyone.
the adversity, and as a peer I
classes, the discipline held at Stay seated at a table and place the
Pre – recorded video lessons understand our daily struggle with
school needs to be adhered in camera upright with your full face
Stipulate a particular time of day, adjusting to our new predicament.
virtual classes as well. in view.
preferably within class hours, for These are some tips that have
Video cameras need to be on at
the video sessions. helped me and will hopefully do
Communication is the key: all times, students facing internet
Watch the sessions with the same the same for you:
Be more interactive in class. connection problems need to
Respond to teachers respectfully inform the teacher. discipline as you do so in your
classrooms. • Establishing a daily routine
and efficiently. Be on time; enter class 5 minutes
Write down your queries and send will prevent you getting stuck
before it starts. If you cannot enter
these to your respective teachers in a limbo unable to pursue any
Preparation: the class, it is your responsibility
to clear your doubts. passions you may otherwise want
Attend your class with all to contact the teacher.
Be on time when submitting daily to
materials in hand (text books, • Eating a balanced meal may
note books, stationery) Safety and Security: tasks. Avoid backlogs.-
Enter meeting with your name (If seem obvious enough but keeping
you are using a different username your immunity up by ingesting
Presentation: -CNIte Malavika Santhosh Nair the correct amount of nutrients
Maintain a formal and neat or parent’s PC, please rename to
your own name, this is to identify School Leader will be crucial
appearance of yourself. • Following up with diet, your
sleep schedule has to be good and
FITNESS TIPS We should start giving ourselves some out there planning for body consistent to make sure you meet
frequent breaks from our transformation and amaze their your potential everyday
Hey, this is Lino Joseph, your monotonous schedule and get friends after lockdown. This is • Making sure you adhere to
sports Captain. This  pandemic involved or pursue our interests your time ! quarantine rules and regulations if
and subsequent lockdown had or hobbies like art and music. This And remember: “Nothing happens you’re out and about is important
brought the onset of a new normal results in improved concentration unless you make it happen!” to you as well as the people
which introduced alterations in and higher efficiency in studies. Physical activity shouldn’t be just around you
many lifestyles. Staying active Keep aside 30 minutes for to pass this time but it needs to be • Wearing a mask in public as
and playing has never been this fitness activities like football ingrained in our daily lives. Home well as maintaining the optimum
important. It is scientifically or badminton in your garden workouts and social distance will go a long
proven that regular fitness boosts or indoor games such as hide indoor games are our new normal way in the prevention of further
our immunity and it indeed is a and seek and yoga with your and let’s face it. spread of Covid-19
great requirement for a time like family. Get creative with your These tips in mind I hope you and
household objects and form your -CNIte Lino Joseph your family well wishes and good
own arena for playing. There are Sports Captain health
-CNIte Aparna R Syam
Wellness Envoy

SOMETHING TO THINK such as these are definitely gender THE BRIGHT SIDE OF STAYING AT HOME
OVER! neutral. The struggles we face
either as men or as women aren’t As a result of intense thought wonderful opportunity to acquire
Pandemic- Gender neutral  and analysis numerous people new skill sets. I always wanted
different so the fight against this
The recent Covid-19 pandemic are stewing on how to handle the to be able to write with both my
pandemic shouldn’t be either.
doesn’t discriminate between the COVID-19 pandemic. hands. Thanks to COVID-19,
We all as one can help each other
rich or the poor, old or the young, I would elaborate on the bright my left handwriting has stepped
better the world for the future
a small village or a large town, and side of this situation; we get plenty up a notch.  A pat on my back!
by resisting and preventing the
a developed or underdeveloped of time to spend with our family COVID-19 has enabled self-
further spread of the virus. Now I
country. While Covid-19 is a and establish bonds. contemplation. I find this the
would like to leave you with this
definite struggle for humanity I’ve been lucky to spend a real brightest aspect of this pandemic.
quote “when you face difficult
there are many lessons we as good time with my parents, which I suggest all to make use of this
times, know that challenges are
human beings can learn from this is usually not possible as the pre time to reassess and reflect on the
not sent to destroy you. They are
pandemic. Being the schools Girl’s pandemic time use to keep them situation. Let’s all learn to discover
sent to promote, increase and
representative, I am very aware of very busy.  the brighter side of situations we
strengthen you.” Let’s all work
the fact that society creates many Personally, this time period has face.
together so we can overcome yet
biases especially when it comes to been one of the most productive Stay safe, stay home.
another challenge.
gender. However, Covid-19 has stretches I’ve ever had. This
shown to the world that calamities -CNIte Nandini Nair -CNIte Gopichand V Menon
term is providing all of us with a
Girls’ Representative Deputy School Leader

CHARITY FROM HOME Thrill CNIS upcoming events

God is the provider of all good 5 September 19 September 26 September 3 October
things in our life but the recent
disasters teach us that what is Pre KG & KG 1 Rhymes Solo Dance Act as your family member
given can also be taken; May be
to make us realise that we need KG 2 Story Telling Solo Dance Act as your family member
to give when we have it. Is there
a cause that inspires you today Grade I Story Telling Solo Dance Rhyme with Family
to give back? Is there an urge in
you to help refugees, fund cancer Grade II Recitation Solo Dance Story Telling
research, or fight poverty and
hunger due to pandemic? Most Grade III & IV Elocution Recitation Solo Dance
of our answers would be in YES.
Grade V & VI Recitation Solo Dance Elocution
Then don’t wait for someone
to tell you. The easiest way is Grade VII & VIII Pencil Sketch Declamation Solo Dance Short Film Making
to contribute money but many
may not be interested to do so Grade IX & X Photography Western Music- vocal Cartooning Short Film Making
then there are still ways to reach
out. Make few food packets for Grade XI & XII Instrumental Music Extempore Western Music- vocal Short Film Making
the needy.Donate toys, dresses,
shoes and books as a blessing to
someone in need. Spend time MENTAL HEALTH – THE NEW MINDSCAPE little things that make us smile,
to volunteer for activities such so do not discount the immense
as fundraising, distribution etc. The new normal is something Remember that we’re stronger value of finding happiness in the
Would you have some job to give which is unprecedented for all together and friends will always little things. Rebuild a heart full of
for anyone who wants to earn and of us especially students. To be be able to give us unique insights gratitude.
not receive charity? Think over, suddenly stuck in the confines into the problems that we’re
but remember to stay safe. Service of one’s home in front of a facing especially since there’s a I would like to close by saying
to man is service to God. Helping screen trying to understand and good chance that they’ll be going pamper your mind just as you
needy is equivalent to helping assimilate knowledge is something through/have gone through these would pamper your body. Talking
students were unprepared for. This troubles themselves. about mental health doesn’t have
-CNIte Achshah R M has led to mental stress since it is to be difficult because it is a part
Goodwill Ambassador not easy to transition overnight 3. Be kind to yourself of us as much as our body is a part
from in person to virtual learning. Attending school from home does of us. It’s okay to be not okay. But
Mental Health tips for attending not mean that you must constantly it is not okay to not seek help!
UPCOMING! school whilst at home be productive or engaged in
Grab your pen, and get ready for schoolwork. Consider the rest of
your words to flow because this 1. Focus on compartmentalizing this year as a marathon and not a
The boundaries between school sprint so be kind to yourself and -Ms Margaret Tojo
academic year’s Vivacité 2020-21 Student Counsellor
is coming your way. and home can now get blurred take time to unwind every day.
because there isn’t a change in Your mental health will always be
Fascinating themes with your
environment to cue the difference. more important than your grades;
Humble Reminders
wonderful creativity is more
Even more reason for you to it is okay to slow down sometimes. 1. Online live and video
than enough for achieving a
piece of work that we will all be divide your day into clear parts class will resume from 7
proud of. Who knows if there is where you focus on schoolwork 4. Consider journaling September 2020 after the
a Shakespeare or Wordsworth and make time for recreational This has been an overwhelming Onam break
hidden in us! Let’s find out.  activities. time for all of us and there are
So be prepared, the announcement multitude of emotions we’re 2. Second Term Fees is
will be made shortly. Our fond 2. Stay in touch with friends struggling to navigate. Sometimes expected to be paid by 30
memories of school and childhood This can be a frustrating time for jotting down your feeling can September 2020.
need to be immortalised. This you as you are separated from help you make sense of them as
your close circle of friends. But you find words to describe your 3. We still have First Term
is your chance. We will lend an
ear to your suggestions as we consider this an opportunity to feelings. This process can make Fees pending. Kindly make
finalise the plans. Let’s make this be compassionate to each other by your different emotions seem less it convenient to pay at the
year’s magazine a colorful and making sure to check in regularly overwhelming. Try to also get earliest.
intriguing reflection of our life. with your friends and classmates. into the routine to call out things
Be there for each other and reach from that day/week that made
-CNIte Daniel Chacko Jayan out to this source of support you feel happy/ grateful. A lot of
Student Editor during these difficult times. what gets us through life are the

For private circulation only.

Printed and published by the Principal, Christ Nagar International School, Kowdiar P.O., Thiruvanathapuram -695003

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