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This text is for questions 1 to 3

Directors :mark osborne john stevenson

writers :jonathan aibel (screenplay), gleen berger (screenplay)

stars :jack black, ian McShane, angelina jolie

The story of " kung fu panda " i nothing really new , but it is told so well that actually pack an
emotional punch . and it never comes off as laughable , which in lessers hands could easily have happened
. speaking of laughs , there are many to be had here as well . "kung fu panda " work on just about every
level a family movie can .

The chat features jackblak as po the panda . the farious five , the most fearerd group of warriors
in all of china , consists of tigress (angelina jolie) , mongkey (jackie chan) , mantis (sth roger) , viper (lucy
liu) , and crane (david cross) . their master is shifu (dusti hofman ) a fur ball creature who is a legendary
teacher of kung fu . escaped from prison and on his way to claim the dragon scroll , which will make him
the all powerful dragon warrior , is the good gone bad tai lung (ian McShane) . but first , he'll have to
musclehis way around 400 pounds of panda to get to it . "kung fu panda" is a damn good time at the
movies . this was the movie that dream works animation so desperately needed after the disappointing
"shark the third " . with gorgeous animation , spectacular action , a great cast and dramatic weight of an
akira kurasawa film , kung fu panda is one of favourite movies of the year .

1. The text is ...

A. a review of " kung fu panda"

B. how the film of " kung fu panda" was made

C.why the film is liked by every family

D.the technicality of the film

E. the characters in the film

2. According to the text. ..

A. Dreamworks animation always makes good movies.

B. " shark the thirds” is as successful as previous movies .

C. " kung fu panda" is a new story in the gae

D. the producer is very proud of" kung fu panda"

E. " kung fu panda" is better than "shark the third"

3.Who is the teacher of the great warriors

A. mantis

B. crane.


D. po the panda

E. tai lung
This text is for questions 4 to 6.

2012 Film Review

2012 is Roland Emmerich's film which uses the Mayan calendar and other endof-days prophecies
for their doomsday scenario. It images the world coming to an end in 2012. 2012 film brings off a series of
wonders. The movie hits its peak early on. It starts when Cussack drives a limo through the streets of Los
Angeles as freeways and skyscrapers crumble all round him from the shock of a 10.5 R.S. earthquake. The
preposterous flying sequence is equally thrilling. The climax occurs aboard the giant ark, when an
equipment malfunction threatens almost the entire mission

Unfortunately, the crucial sequence is not filmed or edited with the necessary clarity. In 2012 film,
Emmerich leaves us confused as to exactly what is happening to whom. However, Emmerich' 2012
deserves credit for casting Cussack. McCarthy has perhaps his best role ever as Peet's cocky. Danny Glover
lends dignity to the role of the president. Chiwetel Ejiofor, as the chief scientist, brings a moving sense of
anguish to a stock role. Piatt has fun playing the villain of the piece, and Woody Harrelson also chews the
scenery as a bugeyed radio prophet trying to warm his listeners about Armagedon.

All in one, 2012's cinematography, production design and visual effects are awards-worthy. Music
also propels the movie. It presents American Idol runner-up. Adam Lambert, who provides a rousing
anthem over the end credits.

4. The writer of the 2012 film was ....

A. Adam Lambert

B. Danny Glover

C. Cusack

D. Roland Emmerich

E. Woody HZarrelson

5. Which part of the film should be improved?

A. The music.

B. Visual effect.

C. The equipment.

D. Crucial sequence.

E. The design.

6. “The movie hits its peak early on “ (paragraph 2)

The underlined word is closest is meaning to ....

A. average

B. top

C. failure

D. name

E. descent
This text is for questions 7 to 9

Garuda di Dadaku
In Garuda di Dadaku, Bayu was a boy living with his widowed-mother and grandfather. Although
talented in football, Bayu was under the strict regime of his granddad, who was deeply traumatized by the
death of his footballer son in poverty. The tragedy left him an old grumpy who readily shouted a straight
big No to football. Instead, granddad sent Bayu to different courses, from painting to maths, so that he
could find and develop his potentials in fields other than just kicking the ball around.

Secretly, Bayu still played football – and he got a massive support from his friend Heri, confined to
a wheelchair ever since he's born. Being unable to live his own football dreams, Heri put all his efforts and
sources to ensure that Bayu could enter the U-13 Indonesian football team, including smoothing his way
to be accepted in Arsenal's Sekolah Sepakbola Indonesia (Indonesian Football Academy). (It's a real, flesh-
and-bone academy, situated in Ciputat, my homebase.) The premise is quite simple, granted, but I was
entertained throughout the film by the astonishing performance of the actors and actresses, especially
that of Ramzi, the comedian who played Bang Dulloh, Heri's chauffeur.

Some pointed out the weak point of this film: the reason why granddad hated football so much.
His views seemed to be too outdated and peculiar, she said. I cannot fully agree; anyway, granddad was
ancient and I've met people who earnestly hated things for reasons simpler than granddad's (and I won't
go into details here). As much as I respect these people's views, I beg to differ.

7. The text is about a movie....





8. According to the writer, his grandfather’s view is...






9. Who helps the main character of the film become a football player?




D.Bang Dulloh

E.Bayu’s grandfather
This text is for questions 10 to 12
Breaking and Entering

Director: Anthony minghella

Writer : Anthony minghella

Stars : Jude law,Robin Wright, Vera Farmiga

Breaking and Entering is an unusual film. Will and Sandy are two architects working on a major
urban renewal project in the King's Cross section in London. The area is unsafe and ready for such a
project. Will and Sandy move their offices into a nearby vacant warehouse.

Will has to deal with constant burglaries at his new office. One night, he saw Miro trying to break
into the building. He chased Miro to his run down apartment block and watched him return home to his
mother, Amira, a Bosnian immigrant who makes a living tailoring clothes. Soon, Will ‘meet’Amira and they
begin an affair. And Amira learns that Will holds the key of her son's future. l-low far will this mother go to
protect her son? Breaking and entering is a very interesting film, but it is almost entirely character driven.
This is not a bad thing although in the film we are exposed to a story or action driven. .

Anthony Minghella, the director, creates some of the most believable,interesting characters these
actors have ever played. It is almost painful to watchthem on their journey. Each of the characters makes
decisions affecting how theirlives will play out, or change and these decissions and actions affect the
story. The characters aren’t reacting to the story. They are changing it.

10. The text is...

A. a review of new film, Breaking and Entering

B. An amusing story dealing with experience in different ways

C.The process in making the new film, Breaking and Entering

D. An account of an unusual or amusing incident retold by the film

E .The description how the film is accomplished through a series Of steps

11. The positive value we get from the review is that....

A.whe should change our roles in lives

B.we do not need the pain of our lives

C.we need to be independent to affect our lives

D.we need to watch more films ti affect our lives

E.we do not support our own decision to enhance our lives

12. what kind of character did Miro playin this film?

A. A playwriter

B. A n architect

C. A director

D. A burglar

E.A tailor
This text is for questions 13 to 15

Ghost Camp: A Goosebumps Novel

The story is told by Harry Altaian, Harry, along with his brother Alex, go to a summer camp called
Camp Spirit Moon. And then, the horror begins. The kids at Camp Spirit Moon are weird. They play these
terrible tricks and they look like they would hurt, but somehow it doesn’t affect them! The first “trick” is
when Lucy, a camper, sticks her hands in a fire to pick up a hot dog. The next trick is when a boy gets a
ten-foot pole stuck in his foot and feels nothing! Finally, a girl’s HEAD falls off! Lucy wants to get along
with Harry. Harry suspects that they are just friends and Lucy wants to talk. Lucy tells Harry the TRUTH of
Camp Spirit Moon. They are all dead! Everyone is ghost. Harry and Alex are the only people alive. Lucy
then tells Harry that she needs to get away and that she needs to take over his body. Harry refuses and
flights off Lucy and wins. Harry soon discovers Elvis, alex’s best friend, who attempted to do the same
thing to Alex. As the book ends, the ghost are fighting for Harry’s soul.

13.what is TRUTH of the camp spirit moon?

A.the kids are playing tricks

B.harry and alex become weird there

C.lucy's head falls off

D.the kids,they are ghosts

E.harry and alex become ghosts

14.what does Elvis try to do to Alex ?

A. To be his best friend help him get away

C. To take over his body

D. To fight for his soul

E. To make him a ghost

15..harry suspects that they are just best friends and lucy wants to talk. "

The underlined word is closest in meaning to ...

A. Finds




This text is for questions 16 to 18

Stephen King’s ‘new Joyland’ mixes chills with amusement park thrills
Set in a small town North Carolina amusement park in 1973, Joyland tells the story of the summer
in which college student Devin Jones comes to work as a carrier and confronts the legacy of a vicious
murder, the fate of a dying child, which will change his life forever.

Joyland has a patina of the supernatural: There is the ghost as well as Devin’s friendship with a 10-
year-old disabled boy named Mike, who is gifted with an authentic psychic ability” that is “like touching
another world.” Still, for all that this helps drive the narrative, it ultimately brings us back to Devin, to the
novel’s human heart.

The newest novel from the prolific Stephen King, Joyland is not what I was expecting. We often
talk about the reader’s expectation here in the book Smugglers, usiaIly in the context of the hype
preceding a book, or the marketing campaign around said book. In the case of Joyland, from the vague
synopsis and pulpy cover, I confess that I was expecting something gloriously ostentatious, something
excessive. A horror story about a haunted carnival ground in which Evil itself has manifested in the
murder of unsuspecting pretty young things, perhaps. Imagine my delight then, wheni discovered this
most certainly was not the case.

But ultimately, Joyland isn’t about ghosts of murders or unmasking a killer. A heart, it’s a book
about maturing and moving on. it’s a bittersweet tale of love and heartbreak, sadness and healing. Aren’t
those the best kind of stories? One of the best Stephen King. novels i’ve read in years, I thoroughly
enjoyed Joyland and it’s in the running for one of my notablé books for 2013. Ifs absolutely
recommended. Joyland will be coming out in paperback and folks who want to read it will have to buy the
actual book.

16. The reviewer judges that the novel...

A.clearly illustrates the supernatural life of Devin Jones

B. is not about a horor but an enjoyable love story

C. tells the smugglers something glorious and excessive

D. meets the review’s expectation

E. doesn’t describe one’s fight against the problem

17. what is the name of the author?

A.David ulin

B.Devin jones

C.Stephen king

D.Annie rogers

E.Mike hoffman

18. “ The newest novel from the prolific stepheng king,.....”(paragraph 3)

The underlined word is closest in meaning to...

A.interesting D. Important

B.productive E.valuable


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