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1.Acadsoc has identified 3 major risks related to internet safety for young learners. Which one of the
following is excluded from this?

a. A child infecting Acadsoc’s IT systems with malware.

2. Which of the following is NOT a role or behaviour that an Acadsoc tutor should adopt?

b.Offer additional classes to their pupils to teach safe online practice.

3. Match the malware type ‘Trojan’ to its correct description.

c. A program that lurks in a computer and hijacks information and computer system resources. That is

4. Match the malware type ‘Spyware’ to its correct description.

d. A program that makes copies of itself and destroys data and files on a computer.

5.Decide whether the following statements about internet dangers are TRUE or FALSE.

I. Cyberbullying is carried out by a robot sending upsetting messages to random people.

II. Sexting is sharing messages images or videos that have a sexual nature.

III. Clickjacking is a means of tricking people into clicking on a web link that is malicious.

IV. Identity theft can result from your mobile phone being lost or stolen.

c. I (False), II (True), III (True), IV (True)

6.You receive an email that says it is from your bank. The email explains a problem with your bank
account and asks you to call a telephone number. When you call the number, the person wants you to
share your bank account number to verify it is really you. What could this be an example of?

d. Phishing

7.Which of the following is a description of Identify Theft?

b. Stealing someone's private information, without them knowing, to commit fraud.

8.What steps might you take to prevent you from becoming a victim of Identity Theft?

Choose the best possible answer(s)

I. Shred documents that contain your personal information.

II. Do not respond to online ads or e-mails that say that you have won a prize, such as a holiday or a car.

III. Do not make purchases from a website that you are uncertain about.
d. All of the above

9.All of the following actions can help keep your online personal data secure, EXCEPT:

a. Creating one password for all sites you visit so it’s easier for you to remember.

10.You have received an email telling you that you have won a large amount of money. All you need to
do is send your bank account details so that you can receive the money. What should you do?

d. Delete the email. This is a fraudulent email.

11.When you search for information online, the results you see are influenced by the following.
Choose the best possible answer(s)
I. Other searches you have made in the past.

II. Where you live.

III. Your occupation.

IV. Videos you have looked at online.

b. I, II and IV

12.Decide which of the following statements about internet safety are TRUE.

I. When I browse the internet no one can find out which website I visited.

II. The search results I see are tailored to suit my interests and beliefs.

III. Clickjacking uses fake e-mails and websites to trick people into handing over personal data.

IV. Phishing is a means of tricking people into clicking on a web link that is malicious.

d. Only II

13.Using a webcam or phone camera for video chat is NOT advisable for which of these activities:

I. Engaging with family or friends that you know in real life.

II. Speaking with someone that you have only become friends with online recently.

III. Any communication with others via the internet.

a. Only II
14.A young learner needs advice about giving out personal information online. They believe that the
following situations are safe to give out their personal details:

I. They have been chatting with a friend online for several weeks and know that person well.

II. Their best friend has given out his/her information to this person and nothing bad has happened.

III. Their online friend suggests that they meet up in town and asks for personal details.

b. None of these situations are safe

15.A person whom you have heard about from online friends asks to be your friend on a social network.
What action should you take?

a.Make enquiries of those who have better knowledge of this person.

16.The ‘disinhibition effect’ is when:

b. People act out behaviour online that is different to their usual behaviour.

17.Which of the behaviours below is NOT an example of ‘toxic disinhibition’?

c. Exhibiting a fear of missing out (FOMO) That is correct.

18. Which of these statements best describes potential results from an individual's online reputation?

I. Other people will form a particular opinion of the individual.

II. The individual’s friends and/or family may have hurtful experiences.

III. Affects the individual’s future opportunities such as employment.

a. All of these

19. Consider these two statements about a tutor’s responsibilities:

I. A tutor has a duty of care to minimise the risk of an internet safety incident for their pupils.

II. A tutor has no responsibility for how their pupils might use the internet.

Which of the following is correct?

a. Neither I nor II are true

20. “Parental concerns about risks to their children while online have moved from contact-based
dangers to content-based risks”. This statement means:

b. The risks of a child viewing harmful or upsetting material online is much greater than the risk of
meeting an online stranger

21.Why can it be dangerous for a young person to personally meet a stranger that they have only met
online? Select the best answer.

d. The stranger might be a paedophile or a person with bad intentions.

22.A pupil informs you that someone else has created a page in their name on a social media platform
(e.g. QQ or WeChat). Your correct course of action is to:

b. Inform your Acadsoc Tutor Manager of the information you have been given.

23 Which of these online activities is NOT an example of online chat?

c. Reading an online news website

24..As an Acadsoc tutor, which of the following behaviours would be deemed inappropriate?

I. Maintaining strict professional boundaries when engaging with learners.

II. Putting your personal interest before those of the learner.

III. Sharing personal comments about individual learners with colleagues.

c. II and III

25. A tutor’s dress and appearance are matters of choice and self-expression. However, not all clothing
may be appropriate. Decide which of the following statements are TRUE.

I. Some items of clothing might distract or cause embarrassment.

II. It’s okay for me to wear clothing that displays whatever slogans that I believe in.

III. Company uniforms can avoid issues to do with dress.

c. I and III

26.. Using copyrighted works online without permission, e.g. copyrighted music, is called:

b. Online piracy

27. You have been particularly helpful to a young learner. The parents are very pleased with the
progress that their child has made and have decided to reward you for the extra effort that you have put
in to help their child. You have decided that this is OK and you have accepted a cash payment from the
parents as this is a personal and private matter between the parties.
d. You have transgressed the Acadsoc code of conduct by not declaring this gift to your Tutor Manager.

28. Infatuation is when a young learner develops an admiration or fondness for their tutor. Possible
statements of the dangers inherent for a tutor in a developing infatuation are given below.

d. A high risk that the tutor might favour the young learner, giving rise to concerns about grooming.

29. Consider these statements of behaviours that a tutor might adopt.

I. Answering a mobile phone call during a tuition session.

II. Using language that has sexual undertones.

III. Communicating with a pupil or his/her parents on social networks.

IV. Mentioning extra resources that the learner can check outside of class.
a. All of the above are unacceptable behaviours with the exception of IV

30. Modern computer technology makes it simple to capture a screen image of a pupil online. Which of
these statements is correct?

d.It is contrary to Acadsoc policy to do this.

31. Grooming is an activity carried out by adults with the purpose of gaining the trust of a child and
manipulating that relationship so that sexual abuse can take place. Decide whether the following
statement is True or False.

‘Almost all groomers are older men.’

a. False

32.Grooming is an activity carried out by adults with the purpose of gaining the trust of a child and
manipulating that relationship so that sexual abuse can take place. Decide whether the following
statement is True or False.‘Grooming always begins in chat rooms.’

b. False

33.Grooming is an activity carried out by adults with the purpose of gaining the trust of a child and
manipulating that relationship so that sexual abuse can take place. Decide whether the following
statement is True or False.

b True

34.Grooming is an activity carried out by adults with the purpose of gaining the trust of a child and
manipulating that relationship so that sexual abuse can take place. Decide whether the following
statement is True or False.
‘Groomers prefer to reveal their real identity to their victims as soon as possible.’

a. False

35.Match the form of online bullying behaviour ‘Impersonation’ to its correct description.

c. Hacking into someone’s account and posting messages from it. Making up a fake profile pretending to
be another person.

36. Match the form of online bullying behaviour ‘Cyber-stalking’ to its correct description

d. Repeatedly sending threatening messages to make someone afraid or feel bad (can be illegal).

37. A young person tells you that they have had a disagreement with a friend from school that had
caused them to get into trouble. As a result they had sent the other person a series of angry text
messages, over and over, calling them names. What is this an example of?

d. Cyberbullying

38.You receive online an inappropriate image of a colleague. What is the safe way to respond to this?

b. Contact your superior so they can deal with the matter.

39. What advice would you give to a young person who feels that they are a victim of cyberbullying?

c. Block the bullying person and confide in a trusted adult.

40.What is the best way to avoid issues with fair use of copyrighted materials

d. Do not alter any works you have copied.

41.The use of online technology can have both positive and negative impacts on an individual’s health
and wellbeing. Decide whether the following statement is True or False.

‘Improved social skills through use of social media.’

a. False
42. What types of work can be copyrighted?

a. All types of original works.

43. What is ‘fair use’ of a copyrighted work?

d. Limited copying or distribution of a published work without the author's permission.

44. What is the Convention on the Rights of the Child?

d. It is a treaty that recognizes the unique rights of children and the issues they face.

45.The following are statements describing different actions that can be taken by tutors and institutes.
Decide which of these correspond to the ‘Responsive’ category of child protection.

I. Log every concern, with procedures to follow if an issue is reported.

II. Have open discussions with learners about what they can do in situations they find uncomfortable.

III. Provide staff training and awareness raising sessions about child protection.

IV. Periodically review issues raised and how they were resolved.

b. I and IV

46. The following are statements describing different actions that can be taken by tutors and institutes.

Decide which of these correspond to the ‘Preventative’ category of child protection.

I. Log every concern, with procedures to follow if an issue is reported.

II. Have open discussions with learners about what they can do in situations they find uncomfortable.

III. Provide staff training and awareness raising sessions about child protection.

IV. Periodically review issues raised and how they were resolved.

b. Only III

47. onsider this statement about the purpose of the ‘Acadsoc Code of Conduct’ and decide whether this
statement would be better described as being True or False.

'To protect Acadsoc from complaints.'

a. False That is correct.

48. Consider this statement about the purpose of the ‘Acadsoc Code of Conduct’ and decide whether
this statement would be better described as being True or False.

‘To ensure students do not misuse the internet.’

a. False

49. Consider this statement about the purpose of the ‘Acadsoc Code of Conduct’ and decide whether
this statement would be better described as being True or False.

‘To help Acadsoc teachers steer an ethical and respectful course.’

a. True

50. Consider these statements about the purpose of the ‘Acadsoc Code of Conduct’ and decide which
are FALSE:

I. ‘To help students understand the boundaries of their behaviour.’

II. ‘To help guarantee the safety of Acadsoc tutors.’

III. ‘To explain to pupils their rights and responsibilities as online learners.’

IV. ‘To protect Acadsoc from complaints.’

d. I, II and III Sorry

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