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G2 UNIT 1: Teaching English to Young Learners and Context

1.What are the two kinds of skills Young Learner’s should develop?

b. Productive and Reproductive

2.Which of the following statements is TRUE?

c. Young Learners usually develop speaking and listening skills first That is correct.

3.Which of the following statements is FALSE?

d. A seven-year-old student usually likes to move

4. All except one of the following exist as an intelligence type in Howard Gardner’s model of multiple

a. Natural That is correct.

5. Who developed the Theory of Multiple Intelligence's?

d. Howard Gardner That is correct.

6. Which of the following statements are TRUE?

I. Introversion is related to personality type.

II. It can be argued that there are 8 types of intelligence.

III. Interpersonal intelligence is the ability to understand oneself.

IV. The linguist Stephen Krashen came up with the input +1 theory.

d. I, II and IV

7. All of the following are true of the Pre-production or Silent Period stage in Krashen’s model, except:

c. Students can recognize about 1000 words.

8.This stage is characterized by a noticeable increase in comprehension and production.

b.Stage 3: Speech emergence

9.What is the dominant characteristic of children at the sensory- motor stage of Piaget’s stages of

b. Object Manipulation
10.What is the dominant characteristic of children at the pre-operational stage of Piaget’s stages of

c. Thinking through perception

11.If a child shows an attachment to, and sensitivity towards, sound and the meaning of words, what
type of intelligence are they exhibiting?

b. Linguistic

12.If a child is able to reproduce sounds and appreciate pitch and tones, which dominant intelligence
type are they likely to possess?

d. Musical

13.Which type of intelligence does the child possess if they have the ability to perceive and react to the
world around them accurately?

a. Spatial

14.Children who develop a strong ability to recognize and deduce patterns are expressing what kind of

d. Logical - mathematical

15.What do you call the process of acquiring two languages at the same time?

a. Bilingualism

16.Who developed a famous framework which suggests that all children undergo the same four
universal stages of development?

b. Piaget

17.Which of the following representations would the linguist Stephen Krashen most likely support?

d. Knowledge = Skills

18.Which languages skill is being practiced the most during the silent period?

d. Listening

19.The language competency statement: ‘Can express opinions on abstract topics but in a limited way’.
Is indicative of which language level?

b. Low-intermediate (CEFR B1)

20.The language competency statement: ‘I can write about the things I like and dislike.’ Is indicative of
which language level?

a. Beginner (CEFR A1)

21.The language competency statement: ‘Can express simple opinions or requirements in familiar
contexts’. Is indicative of which language level?

e. Elementary (CEFR A2)

22.In Jean Piaget’s developmental model, the ‘concrete operational’ stage exists in what age range?

a. 7 to 11 years

23.The Critical Period Hypothesis relates language acquisition primarily to what factor?

b. Learning environment

24.According to the Critical Hypothesis Theory, after what age does the ability to learn a new language
begin to dramatically decline?

a. 10

25.Without _____ very little can be conveyed, without _____ nothing can be conveyed.’

a. grammar; vocabulary

26.Which of the following are young learners least likely to be interested in?

b. How a word is formed

27.What kind of word is more difficult to learn and understand for young learners?

c. Abstract words

28.When talking about vocabulary, the statement: ‘Abstract words are words that cannot easily be
associated to physical objects.’ relates to which of these key questions?

b. What does the word mean?

29.From the following statements about ‘sight words’, choose the one that is NOT true.

b. These words are very high frequency

30.Which of the following words is a basic sight word?

b. Dog
31.Below about what age should teachers NOT explicitly teach any grammar to young learners

c. 8-9

32.Which approach to teaching grammar is recommended for teaching young learners, especially
children below 8 years old?

b. Inductive teaching

’33.Deductive grammar teaching’ is known as being a _____ _____ approach to teaching.

b. Top down

34.In terms of word class, how are prepositions, adverbs and articles related?

d. They are all function words

35.‘Young learners are easily distracted; Younger learners have limited ability to concentrate.’ - Which of
the following teacher traits can offset this?

a.Teacher maintains good energy levels and is enthusiastic and genuine.

36.‘Some young learners have not yet developed reading skills in their own language, so showing
translation into Chinese may not be effective.’ - Which of the following teacher traits can offset this?

c.Teacher uses a variety of other scaffolding techniques.

37.How many core subjects do Chinese Students at Primary School have according to the Chinese
National Curriculum (2011)?


38.At which stage in China’s education system do schools have most freedom to design much of their
own English curriculum.

a. Kindegarden/Pre-School

39.How many years does compulsory education last in China?

b. 9 years
40.This stage is characterized by a noticeable increase in comprehension with an accumulated
3000-word vocabulary.
Stage 3: Speech emergence 
41.Here are lists of activities common in ESOL classes. Which set moves from more passive
to less passive learning?

a.Seeing and listening > Listening > Asking and answering Qs

42.All of the following statements are true, except:

b.Rote-learning and memorization are good ways of developing productive language skills.

43.How does the idea of ‘face’ relate to the language learning process?

a.Language learners are motivated by exam scores

44.Which method of language learning is most commonly associated with rote memorization?

b. Audiolingual

45.'Motivation to perform an activity to earn a reward or avoid punishment’ is a kind of ______


a. Behavioural

46.China’s Standards of English proficiency scale aims to standardize English education nationwide in
China. When was this project properly introduced?

c. 2018

47._____ and _____ are important factors in determining a young child’s internal motivation and
attitude towards English.

d. punishment; reward

48.To whom are ‘preparedness’ and ‘attention’ most attributable in the online classroom?

c. Teacher

49.Showing a willingness to listen is a sign of being a good language learner, as is ____.

d. Being able to motivate and inspire

50.All of the following statements about the China Standards of English (CSE) framework are true,

a.CSE aims to contribute to the recognition of China’s curricula and assessments by other countries

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