Workers Assignment

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Assignment- In your own words, explain the New birth and the Blessings of Adoption.

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The New Birth- This means to be born again (2Cor5:17) by accepting Jesus Christ as our Lord and Saviour
(Act4:12). It means to leave our sinful nature and accepting the spiritual life of Christ which is eternal
(John3;16). It is the only way to enter the kingdom of Heaven John 3:3. Why is the New Birth Important?

 It helps us to understand and please God

 Spiritual death is turned to eternal life Rom8:1
 The things of the flesh stops being the desire of man Gal5:19-21
 The new birth is the restoration of the lost image of God to man. Eph4:24
 It is a translation out of darkness into light 1Pt2:9
 Transforming from a corruptible being to incorruptible being
 It guarantees our end john3:3-5

Benefits of Adoption

 Free access to the father Rom8:15

 We enter into a new relationship with the father Eph1:4
 We have a new identity 1John3:1-2
 The holyspirit is upon you Rom8:14
 We become children of God and Joint heir with Christ Rom8:16-17

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