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 Off the beaten track/path : xa xôi hẻo lánh

 = in the middle of nowhere: xa xôi, hẻo lánh, cách xa

thị trấn và thành phố

Ex: Sơn is living in a beautiful village of nowhere/off

the beaten track

 Be out of the way: (xa xôi và tách biệt)

 If a place or a building is out of the way, it’s a long

distance from where most people live -> out-of-the-

way place = remote place

 Hit the road/trail: khởi hành = get the show on the

 In years/days to come = down the road/line/track = in

the future >< down the years = over the years = in the


 In the long run : về lâu về dài

 Kick the can down the road : avoid or delay dealing

with a problem

 Career path: Con đường sự nghiệp

 Cross one’s path =  come across = run into = bump

into sb : meet sb by chance

 Choose/follow/take the line/ path of least resistance :

choose the easiest way of doing st

 Fly by the seat of your pants: hành dộng theo bản

năng( hành động, k suy nghĩ kĩ, không lên kế hoạch

kỉ, vi vọng nó xảy ra theo 1 cách tốt đẹp)

 hit the roof = see red = go up the wall/ drive up the

wall = get on one's nerves = hit the ceiling = go over

the roof= fly off the handle = be up in arms = a level

head = go banana = drive sb to the edge = blow the

fuse = blow one’s top = fly into a range/temper; to be

in black mood ( dễ tức giận, dễ cáu cắt) = be/ get hot

under the collar = to be foaming at the mouth ( to be

extremely angry ) = go spare 

 drive sb mad/crazy/insane = drive sb up the wall:

irritate sb ( make sb angry )

 fit to be tied : be extremely angry 

 Burst a blood vessel : become very angry about st

 Have a quick temper: dễ tức giận

 Go off the deep end : get angry or lose control of


  As bright as a button : intelligent; quick to


 Quick/slow on the uptake: Nhanh nhạy ( thông

minh), ngu dốt

 Come/ get to grips with = deal with = cope with =

tackle = address= resolve = solve + problems

 Crack: find solutions to/ find way of doing sth

 Crack down on crime 

 Come up against oppositions: be faced with

 Be beset with/ be confronted with(by)/ be dogged by/

be faced with/ be fraught with/ confront/ encounter/

face/ runinto+ problem

    Play truant/ hockey = bunk off = Skive off = 

 Be within_________ a whisker/an ace/an inch of

doing st: almost do st 

 Be within walking/driving/spitting/shouting/touching

distance of = be within easy reach of st: very close to

st( khoảng cách)  

 Think on your feet: to make a quick decision or give

an answer quickly ( suy nghĩ và phản ứng lại nahnh

 Stay on one’s own ( two) feet: độc lập, tự chăm sóc

được bản than

 Sit at one’s feet : to admire sb very much, especially

a teacher or sb from whom you try to learn

 Blank look/gaze: ánh nhìn, cái nhìn ngây dại, đờ đẫn

 A blank expression/face: ngượng mặt đờ đẫn

 Do down a to the wire: if you say that a situation

goes down to the wire, you mean that the sesult will

not be decided or known until the very hard 

 A fit/outburst/ of anger/rage/temper/pique

 Be trembling/shaking with rage/anger: giận run người

(= be extremely angry ) 

 Somebody’s face is dark/red/purple/ white/ flushed

with rage/anger: giận tím người

 Case/provoke/arouse /stir up/ spark anger: gây ra sự

tức giận

 Control/contain/swallow/repress/suppress one’s

anger: kím chế sự tức giận

 Discharge st into st: 

 Disposed of : get rid of

 Snatches of dialogue: mẫu nhỏ…….

 Moan = groan : tiếng than vãn

 Screech : tiếng tha thất thanh

 Whine: tiếng vo ve muỗi

 Yawn: ngáp

 Stified: kìm chế cơn ngáp

 Stifled a cough/ yawn/ scream/sneeze

 Catch sb red-handed =  catch sb in the act of doing

st : bắt quả tang

 On/through the grapevine: nghe phong phanh, nghe


 Catch sb on the hop: làm ai đó ngạc nhiên

 Do to a turn: chuẩn chỉnh mặt thười gian

 Run out of steam: kiệt sức

 As hard as nails: không có cảm xúc/ thông cảm/cảm


 Give priority to

 A small/slight/slim/slender chance of doing st: cơ hội

nhỏ, mong manh

 An outside/remote chance of doing st : cơ hội rất nhỏ

 Play st by ear: tùy cơ ứng biến

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