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Good day my dear Grade 7 learners!
Welcome to another fun learning episode of Cherish English!
I am your amusing and amazing english teacher,maam Amor Babe S. Tabasa.
I am happy to see you again in our virtual class. Join me in our brand new episode in
Quarter 2.
Now get ready and enjoy learning English right at the comfort of your homes. So come on!
Get your pen, paper, and your self learning modules and let’s start having fun learning
Now, before we start our new lesson,
let us have a quick review.

In the previous quarter, you are introduced on the concept of analogies.

Analogy is a pair of terms that has common relationship. In most cases, you will not only determine
the common relationship between each pair but you will also have to identify which term makes up
each pair. Usually, you
are given two terms in the format A : B, this could be read as A related to B.

Now, I want you to choose the word from the box flashed on your screnn that you think makes a
good analogy with the given pictures. Number 1 is done for you.
I will give you 20 seconds to do it.
Ready? Time starts now!

Time is up! Let’s answer.

1. tiger – monster truck
2. flower – woman
3. crayon – rainbow
4. children - detectives
5. priest – bible
6. teacher - torch
Were you able to get all correct answers ?Wow! Great job! You did understand our previous
And I know you are pretty excited to learn something new today!
In today’s lesson you you should be able to
1. pick out pair of words that show analogy;
2. identify the point of comparison between words;
3. write sentences using analogies to describe or make a point;

Before we will proceed to our lesson, let’s play 4 pics 1 word. Are you familiar with this gaime?
4 pics 1 word is a word guessing game. It presents you with 4 pictures for you
to guess what specific word fits with the theme of the photos presented. The answer of the two words
is an analogy. These words are taken from the reading activity in Module 5.
Here is an example how


Now what about number 2. fire-water = antonym

Number 3 – summer – may = time

The game you just played showed relationship of ideas. In this lesson, you will
use analogies to describe or make a point. The comparison does not only show
relationship but also the explanation why the words or objects are related.

Here’s a situation...

In the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, doctors and other health workers are
the front liners in treating affected persons. Study the picture flashed on your screen and analyze the
statements that follow.

1. The doctors are like heroes who save lives by sacrificing their own.
2. CoVID 19 patients lie awake as if preys unwillingly waiting for their predators.

The sentences show analogy to describe or further explain something.

In sentence 1, doctors are compared to heroes because like heroes, they
gave their lives to others. An example of a hero is our national hero, Dr. Jose P.
Rizal. He died for the Filipinos to be freed from the rule of the Spaniards; in the same
way that doctors died to save the lives of the CoVID-19 patients.
In sentence number 2, patients are compared to preys. Like preys they are
victims of predator. An example of this is a frog as prey, helplessly eaten by its
predator, the snake. The CoVID-19 patients are likewise victims of the virus.

More Examples: (VIDEO)

Now, let’s have another example to further understand how to use analogy to
describe or make a point.
Study another picture and analyse the statements that follow.


1. The streets, cemetery of stillness, can be inhabited by ghosts.

In this statement, the streets are compared to a cemetery which is believed to
be inhabited by ghosts because of its silence.

2. The pandemic healed nature in the same way that a mother soothes our pains.
In this statement, the pandemic is compared to a mother because like
mothers the pandemic renewed the nature’s devastated condition.

And here’s more… VIDEO

This time, let’s make use of the lines from the poem entitled “First a Poem
Must be Magical” by Jose Garcia Villa to identify the point of comparison between

First, a poem must be magical,

Then musical as a sea-gull.
In the first line, the poem is like magic because, it can make a reader wonder.
In the second line, the poem is musical as a sea-gull because like the sound of a
sea-gull, it has rhythm and rhyme.

It must be slender as a bell,

And it must hold fire as well.
The first line shows that the poem is like a bell because like a bell, poem must
be balanced, not exaggerated and at the same time not dull. The second line tells
that the poem is like a fire because it has the ability to light those who read it and
boost their spirit.

It must have the wisdom of bows

And must kneel like a rose.
The first line tells us that the poem has the wisdom of bows because like
bows, it directs the arrow to its mark. Just like a good poem, it never goes astray.
The second line, the poem kneels like a rose because the rose symbolizes humility.
A poem should also be humble and beautiful as it is.
Were you able to follow our discussion? Let’s try to see how much you’ve understand so far.

Get your module and turn it to page 9. Let us answer Activity 1, Common Sense.
A. Pair the words which can be compared to each other. Number 1 is done for
you. I will give you 20 seconds to answer. Ready? Go!

Time is up. Let us check your work.

1. friend - b. teddy bear (source of comfort) – teddy bear is like a friend because it can be your source
of comfort or companion even when you sleep.
2. neighbor - d. cushion (because he can be used for comfort or personal gains)
3. classmate - a. chair (because it is your companion in your classroom)
4. stranger - e. mask (because you dont really know a stranger just like when someone wears a mask,
you don’t know the face behind the mask.
5. teacher - c. lamp (because like a lamp, teachers can also give light and guidance to the students)

Now let’s do another activity.
B. Let us altogether read the poem entitled The Seaby Natividad Marquez and identify the creature
which is compared to the sea. The word is not stated in the poem but the creature’s different
characteristics or abilities are each given in every stanza.

The Sea
by Natividad Marquez
Why does the sea laugh, Mother,
As it glints beneath the sun?
It is thinking of the joys, my child,
That it wishes every one.
Why does the sea sob so, Mother,
As it breaks on the rocky shore?
It recalls the sorrows of the world.
And weeps forevermore.
Why is the sea so peaceful, Mother,
As if it were fast asleep?
It would give our tired hearts, dearest child,
The comfort of the deep.

Now what was being compared to the sea in the poem?

1. sea = a person
descriptions of similarity:
a. it seems to be laughing as it glints beneath the sun
b. it seems to sob as it breaks on the rocky shore
c. it seems to be at peace as if it were fast asleep
Did you enjoy answering the activities? That’s good to hear. Now to summarize our lesson, I
want you to listen to this song and sing along.
I guess you are now ready for our assessment. It’s time to check what you have learned.
Turn your modules on page 14 and answer assessment. The direction is Write a short
paragraph about your family. Use analogy to describe each of your family members including

Since answers may vary on this activity, just write your answers on your answer sheets and I
will check it on the retrieval of modules.
Now, for your assignment, kindly answer Additional Activity page 15 of your self learning
Direction: Write two sentences using analogies to describe or make a
point in each picture below.

And that ends our episode for today.

See you again next time for another fun learning episode of Cherish English!
This is again your amusing and amazing english teacher,Teacher Amor saying never stop
learning, because life never stops teaching.

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