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English Student Book for 5th & 6th

Grade: Classroom

Teacher Alejandra Rodriguez

Main Teacher

Jesus Garcia Elementary School

January – June 2010
Made by: Alejandra Rodriguez
I don’t own plenty stuff of this book. Please, don’t sue me. It’s just for 6 months.
Using as reference different internet websites as well as Bounce Series by
MacMillian and English Adventure Series by Pearson
December 2009

UNIT 1 – In the School (January)
 Students will be able to greet and introduce themselves to one another.
 Students will be able to count to 1-20 and recognize colors.
 Students will be able to recognize and understand the classroom verbs.
 Students will be able to identify classroom items both in plural and singular.


Good Morning Hello Greetings - Saludos

 Hi
 Hello
 Good Morning
 How are you?

Excellent, thank Fine, thank you More or less, Not so good, Awful, thank
you thank you thank you you

Listen and read conversation

Lalo: Hello, Tomas

Tomas: Good morning, Laura
Lalo: How are you?
Tomas: Excellent, thank you. And you?
Lalo: Fine, thank you.

Complete conversation with a friend

: Hello,
: Good morning,
: How are you?
: , thank you. And you?
: , thank you.

Match the conversation

1) Hello Excellent, thank you. And you?

2) How are you? Goodbye
3) Goodbye Hello

 Goodbye
 See you later
 Bye

Ask & Answer about names – Preguntar y Responder acerca de nombres

Hello. What’s Hi. My name

your name? is Lourdes

 What’s your name?

 My name is

Ask five persons their names

1 2 3 4 5

Listen and read conversation

Sara: Hello
Manuel: Good morning
Sara: Excuse me. What’s your name?
Manuel: My name is Manuel. What’s your name?
Manuel: My name is Sara.

Ask & Answer about age – Preguntar y Responder acerca de edad

How old
I’m twenty
are you?
years old
 How old are you?
 I’m years old

Ask five persons their names and ages

1 2 3 4 5

Listen and read conversation

Elisa: Good morning, Samuel

Samuel: Good morning, Elisa
Elisa: Sam, How old are you?
Samuel: I’m nineteen years old. How old are you?
Elisa: Well. I’m twenty-one years old.

Match the conversation

1) Hello Excellent, thank you. And you?

2) How are you? My name is Imelda
3) How old are you? Hello
4) Goodbye I’m nine years old
5) What’s your name? Goodbye

Read about her and complete chart

Hello, boys and girls.
I’m Rose. I’m seven
years old and I live
in London, UK.

Classroom orders – Ordenes en el salón de clases

open close stand up sit down check

read write color draw listen

? = cat

ask answer match number talk, speak, say

look point circle sing, chant count

Classroom useful phrases – Frases utiles para el salon de clases

May I go to the bathrooom, please? ¿Puedo ir al baño, por favor?

May I go to drink water, please? ¿Puedo ir a tomar agua, por favor?
Could you repite, please? ¿Puede repetir, por favor?
I don’t understand. No entiendo.
What does mean in Spanish? ¿Que significa en

Write the meaning in Spanish

 Look  Color  Talk

 Stand up  Ask  Open
 Draw  Answer  Check
 Listen  Sing  Number
 Sit down  Close  Circle
 Point  Read  Count
 Write  Match

Numbers – Números
1 - one 11 - eleven
2 - two 12 - twelve
3 - three 13 - thirteen
4 - four 14 - fourteen
5 - five 15 - fifteen
6 - six 16 - sixteen
7 - seven 17 - seventeen
8 - eight 18 - eighteen
9 - nine 19 - nineteen
10 - ten 20 - twenty

Match and color

Write the correct number

 Nineteen  Twenty _  13
 Eight  Eleven  6
 Ten  Four  17
 Seven  Twelve  3
 Sixteen  Fifteen  1

Listen and write the number


Write the correct answer

1) One + ten = 6) Nineteen – four =

2) Seven + seven = 7) Sixteen – nine =
3) Eleven + five = 8) Seven – three =
4) Five + eight = 9) Twenty – fourteen =
5) Fifteen + two = 10) Nine – six =

Colors – Colores


blue green black white brown

red yellow purple orange pink


It’s an orange ruler. It’s a blue pencil. It’s a red pen.

It’s green eraser. It’s a purple book It’s a brown crayon.

It’s a pink glue stick. They’re yellow scissors. It’s a gray backpack.

Draw and color

Yellow cat Blue pencil Red dog Green book Purple pen

Color by numbers

School items – Artículos Escolares

pencil paper ruler notebook book

glue stick eraser colors crayons

pen backpack lunchbox scissors pencil case


1) Two blue erasers 2) Seven red scissors 3) One orange pencil case

4) Four purple pencils 5) Six yellow crayons 6) Eight brown colors

7) Five green pens 8) Eleven pink glue stick 9) Three blue books
Unscramble the words. Listen and order.

Ecpnil ecas

Ugel tcsik

Listen and order. Write the name.

Complete crossword (look page 9)

3 – Para escribir, colorear
5 – Para colorear (son de cera)
6 – Para escribir, NO se puede borrar
11 – Para guardar lo que usas para escribir y
13 – Hojas encuadernadas con texto e imagen
14 – Para cortar

1 – Para sacar algo y poder escribir y colorear
2 – Para borrar
3 – Para escribir, se puede borrar
4 – Para medir
7 – Donde se guarda la comida del recreo
8 – Hojas blancas encuadernadas para escribir o
9 – Para pegar cosas
10 – Para guardar todos los libros y
cuadernos 12 – Para colorear (se le saca

Singular and plural

Singular Plural
It’s a pencil. They’re pencils.

 It’s a
 They’re

Circle the correct answer


1) 2) 4)
It’s a glue stick. It’s a color. It’s a crayon. It’s a scissor.
They’re glue sticks. They’re colors. They’re crayons. They’re scissors.

Write sentences



3) 6)


1) It’s a backpack. 2) They’re scissors. 3) It’s a color.

4) They’re pens 5) It’s a paper. 6) It’s a pencil sharpener.

Listen and write

1. 4.
2. 5.
3. 6.

Read and circle It’s a pencil case. They’re crayons. They’re pencils. It’s a backpack.

Singular and plural in Negative (Negacion)

Singular Plural
It isn’t a backpack. They aren’t backpacks.

 It isn’t a
 They aren’t

Circle the correct answer

They’re glue sticks. It’s a pen. They’re scissors. They’re crayons.

They aren’t glue sticks. It isn’t a pen. They aren’t scissors. They aren’t crayons.

Listen and draw

1) 5)
It’s a They’re _
It isn’t a They aren’t _

It’s a They’re _
It isn’t a They aren’t _

It’s a They’re _
It isn’t a They aren’t _
3) 7)

It’s a 8) They’re _
It isn’t a They aren’t _
1) It isn’t a pencil.

2) It’s a pencil case.

3) They’re crayons.

4) They aren’t rulers.

5) It’s a glue stick.

6) They aren’t erasers.


1. It’s a lunchbox. 2. They aren’t scissors. 3. It’s a notebook.

4. They’re erasers. 5. It isn’t a paper. 6. They’re glue sticks.

Singular and plural in Question (Preguntar)

Singular Plural
Is it a pencil? Yes, it is. Are they pencils? Yes, they are.
Is it a color? No, it isn’t. Are they backpacks? No, they aren’t.

 Is it a ?
 Are they ?

Circle the correct answer

1) It is a pen? 5)
Are they pencils?
Yes, it is. Yes, they are.
No, it isn’t. No, they aren’t.

It is a notebook? Are they lunchboxes?

Yes, it is. Yes, they are.
No, it isn’t. 6) No, they aren’t.
It is a ruler? Are they books?
Yes, it is. Yes, they are.
No, it isn’t. 7) No, they aren’t.
It is a ruler? Are they books?
Yes, it is. Yes, they are.
No, it isn’t. No, they aren’t.

1) Is it lunchbox? 1) Are they pencils?

2) Are they erasers?

2) Is it a notebook?

3) Is it a pencil sharpener? 3) Are they backpacks?

Listen and write

1. 4.

Read and draw

1) 4)
Are they Is it a ruler?
books? No, they No, it isn’t. It’s a
aren’t. They’re pencil sharpener.
2) 5)
Is it a lunchbox? Are they pencils?
No, it isn’t. It’s a No, they aren’t.
backpack. They’re scissors.
3) 6)
Are they crayons? Is it a color?
No, they aren’t. No, it isn’t. It’s a
They’re pens. lunchbox.

Look and answer: Yes, it is. No, it isn’t.


5 4

1. Is it a lunchbox?
2. Is it a ruler?
3. Is it a pencil case?

4. Is it a boy?
5. Is it a pen?

UNIT 2 – Adjectives and Comparatives,
and Family (February)
 Students will be able to describe themselves, their friends, famous people and compare.
 Students will be able to say who their family members are.

 Adjectives are words to describe people, objects and animals.

tall short fat thin

young old good bad

strong weak clean dirty

happy sad beautiful ugly

Write opposite

1) Tall 5) Bad
2) Thin 6) Sad
3) Young 7) Clean
4) Weak 8) Beautiful

Listen and write

1) 5)
2) 6)
3) 7)
4) 8)

Listen and order

Personal pronouns – Pronombres personales



How to write sentences - ¿Como escribir oraciones?

I am beautiful
She is clean
Personal pronoun Verb (Action) Adjective
Yo soy hermoso(a)
Ella es limpia

Personal Pronoun Verb TO BE (Ser o estar) Contracción

I am I’m
You are You’re
She is She’s
He is He’s
It is It’s
We are We’re
They are They’re

Write He’s or She’s

thin. clean. young. old.


She’s fat. He’s happy. He’s good. She’s strong.


Listen and write

1) 5)


Ask and answer about adjectives – Preguntar y responder sobre adjetivos

Is she ugly? Is she dirty? Is he sad? Is he fat?

Yes, she is. No, she isn’t. Yes, he is. No, he isn’t.

Answer: Yes, she is. No, she isn’t. Yes, he is. No, he isn’t.

1. Is he ugly?
6) Is she thin?

2. Is he young?
7. Is she bad?

3. Is she beautiful? 8. Is he sad?

4. Is he strong? 9. Is she old?

5. Is she short? 10. Is he clean?


1) Is she ugly? 6) ?
Yes, she is. She’s
Yes, she is.

2) Is he old?
7) ?
No, he isn’t.
Yes, he is. He’s bad.
He’s young.

3) Is she short? 8) ?
Yes, she is. No, he isn’t. He’s fat.

4) Is she strong?
No, she isn’t. 9) ?
Yes, he is. He’s thin.
She’s weak.

5) Is he good? 10) ?
No, she isn’t. She’s
Yes, he is.

Draw opposite

Short Good

Fat Happy

Old Dirty

Strong Beautiful

Comparatives - Comparativos

 Comparatives are like adjectives to compare two persons, objects or animals.

Adjective  Comparative Meaning Adjective  Comparative Meaning

Short Good
Tall Bad
Beautiful Happy
Ugly Sad
Fat Clean
Thin Dirty
Old Strong
Young Weak

Elian is fatter than Philip

Person verb comparative
Elian es Mas gordo que Philip


1) Ben is than Sally. 4) Lucy is .

2) Sally is than Ben. 5) .
3) Tom is . 6) .

Look at pictures and compare

Angelina Jolie Sara Rue

Age: 34 years old Age: 31 years old
1) is younger than .
2) is more beautiful than .
3) .
4) .
5) .
6) .

John Candy Peter O’Toole

Age: 44 years old Age: 82 years old

1) is younger than .
2) is stronger than .
3) .
4) .
5) .
6) .

Write about your classmates

1) is younger than .
2) is shorter than .
3) is older than .
4) is happier than .
5) is stronger than .
6) is thinner than .
7) is weaker than .
8) is taller than .

Family members – Miembros de la familia

Read and write meaning of words

Hi. I’m German. I’m ten years old. My mom is Jennifer and my dad is Tim. My
sister is Ana and my brother is Brian. My grandma is Phyllis and my grandpa is
Alan. My uncle is Derek and my aunt is Daphne. My cousins are Alan and
Person Meaning Person Meaning
Grandma Brother
Grandpa Cousin
Mom Aunt
Dad Uncle

Draw your family. Write name and relationship.

Write about your family.

1) is younger than .
2) is shorter than .
3) is older than .
4) is happier than .
5) is stronger than .
6) is thinner than .
7) is weaker than .
8) is taller than .

Draw two members of you family and write

Name: Name:
Age: Age:

1) is younger than .
2) is shorter than .
3) is stronger than .
4) is thinner than .
5) .
6) .

UNIT 3 – Professions and Public
Places (March)
 Students will be able to identify public places and say the profession.
 Students will be able to use prepositions to locate the public places.

school teacher principal

police station police officer

restaurant chef waiter

post office postal carrier

fire station fire fighter

hospital nurse doctor dentist

airport pilot flight attendant

beauty parlor hair stylist

Classify the words in two categories

Professions Public places

Write He’s or She’s

1) a hair stylist. 5) a teacher.

6) a postal
2) a chef.

3) a nurse. 7) a doctor.

4) a police
officer. 8) a fire fighter.


5) She’s a hair
1) He’s a dentist.

2) He’s a waiter. 6) She’s a pilot.

7) He’s a flight
3) She’s a principal.

8) He’s a fire
4) She’s a doctor.

Write profession and public place

Professions Public place

Prepositions of place – Preposiciones de lugar

next to between

In front of behind
 Between  Behind
 In front of  Next to


1) The pen is behind the 1) The eraser is next to 5) The ruler is between pen
lunchbox pencil case. and the pencil.

2) The pencil sharpener is 2) The scissors is next to 1) The glue stick is in front
between the glue stick the backpack. of book.
and the book.

Write the preposition of place

1) The butterfly is 3) The worm is

the the baseball
flower. and the apple.

2) The mouse is 4) The ant is the

the box. crayon.

Listen and write


Ask & Answer about place: Where’s? – Preguntar y responder sobre un lugar:
¿Dónde está?

Man: Where’s the school?

Boy: Go straight. It’s next to the beauty parlor.

 Where’s the school?

 Go straight.

Complete conversations

1) Maria: Hello. Excuse me. Where’s the beauty parlor?

Jose: Go straight. The beauty parlor is the police station.

2) Abisay: Excuse me. Where’s the hospital?

Sarahi: Go straight. The hospital is the post office.

3) Sergei: Hello. Where’s the ?

Mildred: Go straight. The is between the hospital and the police

4) Marcia: Pardon. Where’s the ?

Pablo: Go straight. The is in front of the police station.

5) Milton: Excuse me. Where’s the restaurant?

Joshua: Go straight. The restaurant is .

6) Rick: Hello. Where’s the airport?

Rose: Go straight. .

7) Lilo: Excuse me. Where’s the post office?

Octavio: Go straight. .

8) Alfred: Pardon. Where’s the police station?

Bruce: . .

Write question and answer

1) ?

2) ?

3) ?

4) ?

5) ?

Read and write name

1) The airport is next is in front of the school.

2) The police station is in front of the hospital.
3) The restaurant is between the hospital and the airport.
4) The fire station is next to the airport.
5) The beauty parlor is in front of the fire station.
6) The post office is between the school and the police station

Listen and write

Ask and answer about the working place – Preguntar y responder sobre el lugar
Who works in the de trabajo

The nurse works there.

 Who works in the hospital?

 The nurse works there.


1) Who works in the school?

2) Who works in the restaurant?
3) Who works in the post office?
4) Who works in the fire station?
5) Who works in the beauty parlor?
6) Who works in the police station?
7) Who works in the hospital?
8) Who works in the airport?

UNIT 4 – Food (April)
 Students will be label food vocabulary.
 Ss will classify food according to likes and dislikes.

apple banana beans beef bread

broccoli carrot cheese chicken cucumber

eggs fish lettuce milk oatmeal

onion orange peach pear plum

pork rice strawberry tomato watermelon


Complete the crossword

1 - Lacteo de consistencia solida 1 – Nace del huevo
4 - Producto de la gallina 2 – Nace de la vaca
8 - Fruta de color red, green o yellow 3 – Comida de Conejos
9 - Grano que puede ser desayuno. 5 – Comida de monos
10 – Proviene del agua 6 – Se usa en ensaladas y tiene hojas
11 – La venden en canastillas 7 – Red, green, y semillas black
13 – Fruta que no es redonda 12 – Leguminosas
16 – Se usa en ensaladas y es de color red 13 – Fruta de color purple
18 – Se usa en ensaladas y es de color 14 – Comida de chinos
green 15 – Lacteo de consistencia liquida
22 – Las cubiertas del sandwich 17 – Te hace llorar
23 – Verdura que parece arbol 19 – Fruta de hueso duro
24 – Nombre de equipo de beisbol 20 – Chicharron
21 – Sirve para tener huesos fuertes

Classify the food in categories

Fruit Vegetables Meat & beans Dairy Grains

Listen and draw

1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6)

Write food for breakfast (desayuno), lunch (almuerzo) and dinner (cena)

Milk Rice Bread

7: 00 am – Breakfast 1:00 pm – Lunch 8:00 pm – Dinner


1) cocboril 6) heapc
2) febe 7) eceseh
3) oaegrn 8) ulpm
4) rbmcceuu 9) nioon
5) motaot 10) moaaelt

Say about like and dislikes – Decir sobre preferencias

like tomato don’t like broccoli


1) I don’t like lettuce. 4) I don’t like yogurt.

2) I like fish. 5) I like carrots.
3) I don’t like meat. 6) I like strawberry.

likes cheese doesn’t like pears

beans doesn’t like eggs

Read conversation and complete

Octavio: Yummy, yummy. I like oranges.

Perla: Really, I don’t like oranges, but I like pears and strawberries.
Octavio: Mmmm, I like strawberries too and apples.
Perla: Really? I don’t like apples. I don’t like plums. I don’t like
Octavio: That’s a shame! I like fruit salad a lot. But I don’t like

Like Don’t like


Look and write sentences

1) 6)
2) 7)
3) 8)
4) 9)
5) 10)

Ask and answer about likes and dislikes – Preguntar y responder sobre

Do you like fish?  Do you like

Yes, I do.  Does he like
No, I don’t.  Does she like
Does he like chicken? Does she like rice?
Yes, he does. Yes, she does.
No, he doesn’t. No, she doesn’t.

Complete and answer about you

1) Do you like ? 2) Do you like ?

3) Do you like ? 4) Do you like ?

5) Do you like ? 6) Do you like ?

7) Do you like ? 8) Do you like ?

9) Do you like ? 10) Do you like ?

Ask five friends about them.

Look and complete

1) Does like bread? 7) Does like bread?

2) Does like fish? 8) Does like fish?

3) Does like milk? 9) Does like milk?

4) Does like bread? 10) Does like bread?

5) Does like fish? 11) Does like fish?

6) Does like milk? 12) Does like milk?

Go to store and ask prices for

Apple $ Banana $ Beans $ Beef $ Bread $

Broccoli $ Carrot $ Cheese $ Chicken $ Cucumber $
Eggs $ Fish $ Lettuce $ Milk $ Oatmeal $
Onion $ Orange $ Peach $ Pear $ Plum $
Pork $ Rice $ Strawberry $ Tomato $ Watermelon $
Yogurt $

UNIT 5 – Let’s go shopping (May)

 Ss will ask and give prices.
 Ss will make a groceries list.

For head – Para la cabeza

Baseball cap hat

Tops – Para arriba

Coat jacket t-shirt

shirt sweater dress

Bottoms – Para abajo

Jeans shorts skirt pants

For feet – Para pies

shoes socks sneakers

sandals boots

Accessories - Accesorios

bracelet scarf umbrella

watch necklace

It’s a red watch. It’s a green umbrella. It’s a pink hat. It’s an orange t-shirt.

It’s a black dress. It’s a yellow skirt. They’re blue socks. They’re purple jeans.


ACROSS: DOWN: 11 - Accessories

5 – For feet 1 - Tops 12 - Tops
7 - Bottoms 2 – For feet 13 - Accessories
8 – For feet 3 - Tops 15 - Bottoms
10 – For feet 4 – For feet 16 - Accessories
14 – For head 5 - Bottoms 19 – For head
17 - Tops 6 - Accessories
18 - Tops 9 - Accessories

Listen and draw

1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6)

Listen and write

1) 5)
2) 6)
3) 7)
4) 8)

Ask and answer about prices – Preguntar y responder sobre precios

Singular Plural

How much are the shoes?

How much is the umbrella?
They’re 50 pesos for the shoes.
It’s 10 pesos for the umbrella.

Listen and write price

$ $ $ $ $

$ $ $ $ $

Listen and write price

$ $ $ $ $


1) How much are the sneakers?

$ 130

2) How much are the shorts?

$ 43

3) How much is the hat?

$ 60

4) How much is the necklace?

$ 14

5) How much is the coat?

$ 99

6) How much are the boots?

$ 140

7) How much is the chicken?

$ 20

8) How much are the onions?

$ 15

Look and write 5 questions and answers

1) ?

2) ?

3) ?

4) ?

5) ?

UNIT 6 – Hobbies (June)
 Ss will be able to identify the hobbies from pictures.
 Ss will be able to ask/answer yes-no questions about hobbies.

playing video playing computer

riding a bicycle skateboarding skating
games games

reading a comic
watching tv watching movies reading a book cooking

bowling swimming dancing singing

Listen and number

Say about like and dislikes – Decir sobre preferencias

like watching tv don’t like cooking


1) I don’t like skating. 4) I don’t like dancing.

2) I like skateboarding. 5) I like watching tv.
3) I don’t like reading. 6) I like bowling.

likes skateboarding doesn’t like dancing

riding a
likes bicycle doesn’t like swimming

Ask and answer about likes and dislikes – Preguntar y responder sobre

Do you like singing?  Do you like

Yes, I do.  Does he like
No, I don’t.  Does she like

Does he like playing video

Does she like cooking?
Yes, she does.
Yes, he does.
No, she doesn’t.
No, he doesn’t.

Complete and answer about you

1) Do you like 2) Do you like ?


4) Do you like ?
3) Do you like

5) Do you like ? 6) Do you like ?

7) Do you like ? 8) Do you like ?

9) Do
you like ? 10) Do you like ?

Ask five friends about them.

1) Does like skateboarding? 11) Does like cooking?

2) Does like playing computer 12) Does like swimming?

13) Does like skateboarding?
3) Does like cooking?
14) Does like playing computer
4) Does like swimming? games?

5) Does like skateboarding? 15) Does like cooking?

6) Does like playing computer 16) Does like swimming?

17) Does like skateboarding?
7) Does like cooking?
18) Does like playing computer
8) Does like swimming? games?

9) Does like skateboarding? 19) Does like cooking?

10) Does like playing computer 20) Does like swimming?


Classroom orders
Answer – responder Match – unir
Ask – preguntar Number – enumerar
Check – Revisar o marcar con una Open – abrir
palomita Point – apuntar
Circle – encerrar Read - Leer
Close – cerrar Stand up – Levantarse
Color – colorear Sing, chant – cantar
Count – contar Sit down – Sentarse
Draw – dibujar Talk, speak, say – decir o hablat
Listen – escuchar Write – Escribir
Look – ver

Black – negro Green - verde Red – rojo
Blue - azul Orange – naranja Yellow - amarillo
Brown – café Pink – rosa White - blanco
Gray - gris Purple - morado

1 - one 14 - fourteen 60 - sixty
2 - two 15 - fifteen 70 - seventy
3 - three 16 - sixteen 80 - eighty
4 - four 17 - seventeen 90 - ninety
5 - five 18 - eighteen 100 - one hundred*
6 - six 19 - nineteen 101 - one hundred and one
7 - seven 20 - twenty 200 - two hundred
8 - eight 21 - twenty-one 300 - three hundred
9 - nine 22 - twenty-two 1000 - one thousand
10 - ten 23 - twenty-three 1,000,000 - one million
11 - eleven 30 - thirty 10,000,000 - ten million
12 - twelve 40 - forty
13 - thirteen 50 - fifty

School items
Backpack – mochila Paper – papel
Book – libro Pen – pluma
Colors – colores Pencil – lapiz
Crayons – lápices de cera (crayones) Pencil case – bolsa para guardar lapices
Eraser – borrador y plumas (lapicera)
Glue stick – lapiz adhesivo Pencil sharpener – sacapuntas
Lunchbox – lonchera Ruler – regal
Notebook – cuaderno Scissors – Tijeras


Bad – Malo(a) Happy – Feliz Thin – Delgado (a)

Beautiful – Old – Viejo(a) Ugly – Feo(a)
Hermoso(a) Sad – Triste Weak – Debil
Clean – Limpio(a) Short – Bajo, Young – Joven
Dirty – Sucio(a) chaparro(a)
Fat – Gordo(a) Strong – Fuerte
Good – Bueno(a) Tall – Alto(a)

Comparatives (Mas )
Bad – worse Sad – sadder
Beautiful – More beautiful Short – shorter
Clean – cleaner Strong – stronger
Dirty – dirtier Tall – taller
Fat – fatter Thin – thinner
Good – better Ugly – uglier
Happy – happier Weak – weaker
Old – older Young – younger

Family members
Aunt – tia Dad – Papa Mom – Mama
Brother – Hermano Grandma – Abuela Sister – Hermana
Cousin – Primo(a) Grandpa – Abuelo Uncle – Tio

Chef – chef Pilot – piloto(a)
Dentist – dentista Police officer – official de policia
Doctor – doctor(a) Postal Carrier – cartero(a)
Fire fighter – bombero(a) Principal – director(a)
Flight attendant – sobrecargo de vuelo Teacher – maestro(a)
Hair stylist – estilista del cabello Waiter – mesero
Nurse – enfermero(a)

Public places
Airport – aeropuerto Police station – estacion de policia
Beauty parlor – estetica Post office – oficina postal
Fire station – estacion de bomberos Restaurant – restaurante
Hospital – hospital School – escuela

Fruit – fruta Plum – ciruela Cucumber – pepino
Apple – manzana Strawberry – fresa Lettuce – lechuga
Banana – platano Watermelon - sandia Onion – cebolla
Orange – naranja Vegetable – verduras Tomato – tomate
Peach – duranzo Broccoli – brocoli Meat & beans – carne
Pear – pera Carrot – zanahoria y leguminosas

Beans – frijoles Pork – Puerco Grains – granos
Beef – res Dairy – lacteos Bread – pan
Chicken – pollo Cheese – queso Oatmeal – avena
Eggs – huevos Milk – leche Rice – arroz
Fish – pescado yogurt – yogurt

baseball cap – gorra scarf – bufanda
boots – botas shirt – camisa
bracelet – brazalete shoes – zapatos
coat – saco shorts – pantalones cortos
dress – vestido skirt – falda
hat – sombrero sneakers – zapato deportivo
jacket – chamarra socks – calcetas
jeans – pantalones de mezclilla sweater – sueter
necklace – collar t-shirt – camiseta
pants – pantalones umbrella – sombrilla
sandals – sandalias watch – reloj
Bowling –boliche
riding a scooter – andar en patin del
Cooking – cocinar
Dancing – bailar
singing – cantar
playing computer games – jugar juegos
skateboarding – patinar en patineta
de computadora
skating – patinar en hielo
playing video games – jugar juegos swimming – nadar
e consola
watching tv – ver television
reading books – leer libros watching movies – ver peliculas
reading comic books – leer historietas
riding a bicycle – andar en bicicleta

Unit 1

Hi – Hola
Hello – Hola
Good Morning – Buenos dias
How are you? – ¿Como estas?
How old are you? – ¿Cual es tu edad? ¿Cuantos años tienes?
I’m years old – Yo tengo años.
It’s a – Es un(a)
It isn’t a – No es un(a)

Is it a ? – ¿Es un(a) ?
They’re – Son
They aren’t – No son
Are they ? - ¿Son ?
May I go to the bathrooom, please? ¿Puedo ir al baño, por favor?
May I go to drink water, please? ¿Puedo ir a tomar agua, por favor?
Could you repite, please? ¿Puede repetir, por favor?
I don’t understand. No entiendo.
What does mean in Spanish? ¿Que significa _ en español?

Unit 2

Is she young? - ¿Es ella joven?

Is he young? - ¿Es el joven?
She is younger than Ana – Ella es mas joven que Ana.

Unit 3
Who works in the hospital? - ¿Quien trabaja en el hospital?
The doctor works there. – El doctor trabaja alli.

Unit 4
I like cheese. – Me gusta el queso.
I don’t like cheese. – No me gusta el queso.
She likes orange. – A ella le gusta la naranja.
He likes potato. – A el le gusta la papa.
She doesn’t like orange. – A ella no le gusta la
naranja. He doesn’t like carrots. – A el no le gusta la
zanahoria. Do you like tomato? - ¿Te gusta el tomate?
Does she like lettuce? - ¿A ella le gusta la lechuga?
Does he like carrots? - ¿A el le gusta la zanahoria?

Unit 5
How much are the shoes? - ¿Cuanto cuestan los zapatos?
How much is the necklace? - ¿Cuanto cuesta el collar?

Unit 6
Do you like swimming? - ¿Te gusta nadar?
Does she like riding a bicycle? - ¿A ella le gusta andar en bicicleta?
Does he like reading a book? - ¿A el le gusta leer libros?

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