Choosing A Wavelet

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Journal of Neuroscience Methods 116 (2002) 165 /177

Choosing a wavelet for single-trial EMG

Martha Flanders *
Department of Neuroscience, University of Minnesota, 6-145 Jackson Hall, Minneapolis, MN 55455, USA

Received 7 January 2002; received in revised form 25 February 2002; accepted 25 February 2002


A wavelet analysis was developed to measure the timing of multiunit bursts in surface electromyograms (EMGs) from single trials.
EMG data were taken from eleven elbow and/or shoulder muscles during reaching movements in six different directions, at a range
of speeds. A relatively simple wavelet (db2) was chosen, and the analysis focused on wavelet coefficients at an intermediate scale
(D3), where the wavelet length approximately matched the wavelengths present in EMG bursts. Burst times were identified from the
peaks of the coefficient traces and were plotted as a function of movement time. Linear regression revealed significant relations in
most cases, and thus served to validate the wavelet burst identification. With a few exceptions, burst timing scaled in a manner
approximately similar to the scaling of movement time. As shown previously with different analytical methods, both within and
across joints, EMG bursts were not confined to distinct ‘agonist’ and ‘antagonist’ time frames, but instead showed a variety of
phases relative to speed or joint torque. # 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Reaching; Electromyography; Motor pattern generation; Triphasic pattern; Event detection; Daubechies

1. Introduction been used to quantify EMG patterns. For example, our

group has developed a procedure to subtract away the
One of the most amazing functions of the nervous component of the EMG signal that is related to anti-
system is to coordinate the activities of the many motor gravity forces, in order to isolate and measure the phasic
units involved in limb movement. Our understanding of portion of the signal (Flanders and Herrmann, 1992;
this phenomenon is largely derived from studies of the Buneo et al., 1994). However, some aspects of the timing
cat or frog hindlimb and studies of the primate arm. of phasic activation remain elusive. It has gradually
Early research on arm movement established that fast, become clear that the triphasic pattern mentioned above
targeted movements are subserved by three sequential is an oversimplification in that not all active muscles fire
bursts of muscle activity. The ‘first agonist burst’ exactly in phase with the main agonist or antagonist
provides a propulsive force to accelerate the limb, the (Hoffman and Strick, 1999). In a classic study of
‘antagonist burst’ provides a braking force, and then a reaching in a horizontal plane, Wadman et al. (1980)
smaller ‘second agonist burst’ helps to end the move- showed that the relative timing of shoulder and elbow
ment. The entire three-burst pattern is sometimes muscles changed as a function of movement direction
referred to as ‘triphasic’ (e.g. Angel, 1974; Ghez and (see also Karst and Hasan, 1991). For reaching in
Martin, 1982). vertical planes, Flanders et al. (1996) showed that the
The primary source of information in studies of movements are often associated with an even more
motor patterns is the electromyogram (EMG). A asynchronous pattern, which sweeps across the ‘ago-
recording taken directly from the active muscles, EMG
nists’ and ‘antagonists’ within each joint.
can be used to recognize the firing of a single motor unit If the temporal pattern of muscle activation can be
(SMU), or (more often) to estimate the intensity and
established, should we expect this pattern to simply scale
timing of multiunit activity. A variety of methods have
in time to subserve faster and slower movements?
Several studies (Soechting and Lacquaniti, 1981; Atke-
* Tel.: /1-612-624-6601; fax: /1-612-626-5009. son and Hollerbach, 1985; Nishikawa et al., 1999) have
E-mail address: (M. Flanders). shown that joint rotations and hand speed profiles scale
0165-0270/02/$ - see front matter # 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
PII: S 0 1 6 5 - 0 2 7 0 ( 0 2 ) 0 0 0 3 8 - 9
166 M. Flanders / Journal of Neuroscience Methods 116 (2002) 165 /177

in amplitude and in time, to create a ‘family’ of reaching standard initial posture, and the final target was placed
movements between a particular pair of targets, at a in six different locations in different blocks of trials.
wide range of peak speeds. For this same ‘family’ of Each final target was 35 cm away, and in one of six
movements, Hollerbach and Flash (1982), Atkeson and directions from the initial target location. These direc-
Hollerbach (1985) also showed that the dynamic com- tions were chosen to cover the entire workspace and
ponent of joint torque scales in amplitude and time, were named as follows: (1) ‘out’ was directed 458
whereas the anti-gravity component scales only in time. upward from the horizontal plane and 458 medial
Our initial study of time scaling suggested that the from the parasagittal plane of the initial target; (2)
EMG time base scales in the same manner as joint ‘back’ was down and back from the initial target, in line
torques (Flanders and Herrmann, 1992), but a subse- with ‘out,’ in the opposite direction; (3) ‘up’ was straight
quent study suggested that time scaling (i.e. the slope of
upward; (4) ‘down’ was opposite to ‘up’; (5) ‘left’ was to
the relation between EMG time base and movement
the subject’s left, in the horizontal and frontal planes of
time) was different for different muscles (Buneo et al.,
the initial target; and (6) ‘right’ was opposite to ‘left.’
1994). Specifically, we found a tendency for the time
Movement onset and end were detected by switches.
base of shoulder muscles to scale more than the time
The switches were arranged so that the reaching move-
base of elbow muscles, and for the time base of flexors
ments would resemble those studied in previous experi-
to scale more than the time base of extensors. Because
we used only one movement direction in this study ments, without unusual accuracy demands or
(upward and forward from a standard initial posture) it constraints due to making contact with the target. Since
was not clear whether this time-scaling difference this technique differs from that of previous studies
represented a difference between agonists and antago- (where movement beginning and end were generally
nists, a difference between shoulder muscles and elbow measured by scoring a speed profile) we also conducted
muscles, or a muscle-specific pattern, perhaps related to a preliminary experiment in which movements between
differences in musculoskeletal mechanics (such as differ- the switches were recorded with a magnetic coil system
ences in series elastic compliance; Zajac, 1989; Yama- (Polhemus, 3space Fastrak). Fig. 1 shows the corre-
guchi et al., 1990; Soechting and Flanders, 1997). spondence between the averaged hand speed profile and
Furthermore, this result might have been related to the the average time of triggering of the initial and final
analytic technique of scaling and fitting the entire switches (dashed lines) for subject A. Prior to averaging,
waveform of averaged EMG signals. Therefore the the speed profiles were smoothed with a two-sided
present study was designed to revisit this issue using exponential filter. Each panel of this Figure represents
more movement directions, more muscles, and an
entirely different analytic technique. Specifically, we
wished to avoid problems inherent in averaging data
from trials with non-identical movement times. We
therefore developed a method for measuring burst
timing in data from single trials.

2. Methods

2.1. Experimental design

We used small bipolar surface electrodes (2 mm

diameter, 2 cm apart) to record from eleven superficial
arm muscles as human subjects made reaching move-
ments at a range of speeds. The three subjects (two 5?9ƒ
females, subjects A and B, and one 6?0ƒ male, subject C) Fig. 1. The hand speed profile scales in amplitude and time to produce
gave informed consent and then stood in a standard a ‘family’ of reaching movements with different movement times. In
each panel, the speed profile is the average of data from 3 to 5 trials
initial posture with the upper arm vertical and the within a 100 ms range of movement times. These profiles represent the
forearm horizontal, in a parasagittal plane. The forearm tangential velocity of a marker on the wrist of subject A, during
was neutral with regard to pronation/supination and the outward reaching movements. Movement times for each trial were
subject held a pen with a sphere 3.5 cm in diameter (a defined as the time between the closing of a switch at the starting
location (switch #1) and the opening of the switch at the target
ping-pong ball) glued to the tip. The ball was used to
location (switch #2). Averages were aligned on the time of switch #1
contact two other balls placed on sensitive switches at (earliest dashed lines). The average time of the second switch is shown
the locations of the initial and final targets. The initial by the later dashed lines, and the standard deviations are shown by
target always corresponded to the hand location in the error bars.
M. Flanders / Journal of Neuroscience Methods 116 (2002) 165 /177 167

averages of 3 /5 trials, with movement times spanning a with averaged waveforms, and to test previous results
particular 100 ms range. using a qualitatively different analytical approach. We
During the experiment, movement direction was therefore developed a technique that allowed quantifica-
organized into 8-trial blocks and the blocks were tion of discrete times of EMG bursts, in records from
repeated six times (in random order) for a total of 288 individual trials. We then used a regression of burst time
trials (6 directions /6 repeats/8 trials). Within each vs. movement time to combine the results across trials.
block, subjects were coached to move at a range of This approach allowed us to view time base scaling
speeds by announcing each trial as ‘fast,’ ‘medium,’ across movement times (using regression slopes) and
‘slow,’ or ‘very slow’ (two times each). burst timing for a given movement time (using regres-
sion intercepts).
2.2. Electromyography The surface EMG signal has a baseline voltage of
zero. Under our recording conditions, the action poten-
During each recording session surface EMG signals tial of a single motor unit (SMU) spanned about 10/20
were taken from brachioradialis and brachialis (elbow ms; it could sometimes be recognized as a characteristic
flexors), biceps (elbow and shoulder flexor), pectoralis waveform occurring periodically, at intervals of about
major and anterior deltoid (shoulder flexors), medial 100 ms (an example is marked with asterisks in Fig. 2A).
deltoid (shoulder abductor), posterior deltoid and In our previous studies of single motor units, we used
latissimus dorsi (shoulder extensors), long head of intramuscular fine-wire electrodes and used the true
triceps (shoulder and elbow extensor), and lateral triceps
motor unit waveform as a cross-correlation template to
and medial triceps (elbow extensors). Although our
locate the time of each SMU potential (Herrmann and
electrodes were small, it is impossible to rule out cross-
Flanders, 1998). In an analogous fashion, we set out to
talk, and we assume that each electrode was most
use an appropriate wavelet as a cross-correlation
sensitive to the motor units directly under it and
decrementally less sensitive to distant motor units.
Evidence from studies of single motor units suggests
that the activation of deltoid and biceps motor units is
organized along a continuum (Herrmann and Flanders,
1998). Thus for biceps and pectoralis major we placed
our electrodes centrally, instead of attempting to record
separately from each of the two heads. EMG signals
were amplified and filtered according to standard
methods (Flanders et al., 1996). The data were digitized
at 1000 Hz so that each successive sample was separated
by 1 ms.

2.3. Wavelet analysis

In the following sections, we explain the rationale for

using wavelet analysis on EMG signals and we describe
the technique. After discussing the background reason-
ing, we will show how a particular wavelet (db2/D3) can
be used as a filter, to recognize the time of occurrence of
a multiunit burst. Following this example, we will
present a more detailed description of the technique,
along with further rationale for choosing this technique
and this particular wavelet.

2.3.1. Rationale for wavelet analysis

The analysis of EMG timing is generally performed
on the average waveform from 5/10 identical move- Fig. 2. Identification of the time of an EMG burst using wavelet
ments (i.e. same direction, same distance, same speed). coefficients. In panel A, an example of an EMG burst is taken from
However, in this experiment we used six movement medial triceps for an outward movement in subject A. The Daubechies
2 wavelet (db2) at a middle scale (D3) was convolved with the EMG
directions and many speeds, and therefore it was
trace. In panel B, the resulting wavelet coefficients are shown in full
impossible to gather a large number of ‘identical’ trials and downsampled versions. The time of occurrence of the burst was
within a single recording session. Furthermore, we taken as the peak of the absolute value of the downsampled signal
hoped to avoid some of the ambiguities associated (circle). In panel C, db2 wavelets of various scales are illustrated.
168 M. Flanders / Journal of Neuroscience Methods 116 (2002) 165 /177

template, to detect the time of occurrence of multiunit EMG(t)Sj;k cj;k wj;k (t) (2)
bursts. We sought to identify a single wavelet, of a
particular shape and length, which resembled a generic where c and w are the wavelet coefficient and the
multiunit burst. wavelet, respectively, and j and k represent the scaling
and shifting of the wavelet. If the wavelet starts at time
t /0 and ends at time t/N , then the rescaled wavelets
2.3.2. Wavelets as filters and event detectors
wj 0 start at time t/0 and end at time t/N /2j . The
A wavelet is a waveform of finite length and an
shifted wavelets w0k start at time k and end at time k/
average value of zero (see inset of Fig. 2A). In general,
wavelet analysis can be viewed as a filtering process:
Thus the EMG signal can be decomposed into or
c(t) Si wi EMG(ti) (1) reconstructed as a weighted sum of wavelets of all
possible lengths (‘scales’), occupying all possible posi-
where wi is a vector with i elements (representing the
tions in time. We used Matlab Wavelet Toolbox (The
wavelet), EMG is a time series, and c(t) is the product of
Math Works, Inc.) to perform both continuous and
the convolution (which gives the wavelet coefficients).
discrete versions of this transformation. As shown in
Fig. 2 shows an example of a particular wavelet being
Fig. 3, we began by processing our EMG signals with a
convolved with an EMG trace (Fig. 2A) to yield a time
continuous wavelet transform. The continuous trans-
series of wavelet coefficients (Fig. 2B). Since the wavelet
form displays the temporal structure of the various
shape was well correlated with the rapid fluctuations
different frequency components of the signal. The y -axis
occurring at the center of the EMG burst, the peak-to-
is the wavelet scale, with long wavelets at the top
peak amplitude of the coefficient trace was very high at
(representing the lowest frequency components) and
this time.
short wavelets at the bottom (representing the highest
During a typical wavelet analysis, wavelets of differ-
frequency components). Large positive coefficients are
ent lengths are successively applied to a given signal.
shown in white; large negative coefficients are shown in
This is shown schematically in Fig. 2C. In many wavelet
applications, the portion of the signal that is well
We tried a number of different wavelets. The filters
correlated with the wavelet of the shortest length (first
available in the Toolbox range in shape from a square
detail, D1) is subtracted away, effectively removing the
wave, to more triangular waveforms, to Gaussian and
high frequency components that typically represent
Mexican Hat shapes. Within a given family of wavelets
noise. As explained below, this filtering process is
(e.g. the Daubechies family) the waveforms can range
implemented by applying a discrete series of paired
from simple and primarily biphasic, to much smoother
filters (see Fig. 4B) to repeatedly split the signal into
and multiphasic forms. In Fig. 3, we present an example
high frequency (detail, D) and low frequency (approx-
where a 200 ms segment of biceps EMG was subjected
imation, A) bands (see Strang and Nguyen, 1997). To
to a continuous wavelet transformation. In the upper
avoid doubling the number of data points at each stage,
plot, it is apparent that the Gaussian (bell-shaped) filter
the signal is progressively downsampled, by retaining
did not fit the EMG signal well, especially at the longest
only even numbered elements. As illustrated in the lower
wavelet scales. This is evidenced by the lack of a clear
traces of Fig. 2B (and described in detail Section 2.3.3)
unitary peak (either positive or negative) at the time of
we chose the db2/D3 wavelet and used the rectified,
the EMG burst.
downsampled coefficient trace to identify time of
The Haar is the simplest wavelet; it is a biphasic
occurrence of EMG bursts.
square wave. Haar coefficients for reconstructing our
sample EMG trace are shown in the middle plot of Fig.
2.3.3. Choice of wavelet shape and scale 3. The Haar wavelet fit the largest fluctuations from
As in principal components analysis and Fourier negative to positive (or vice versa), at a wide range of
analysis, wavelets form a set of basis functions that scales.
can be used for reconstruction of a signal. In contrast to The Daubechies family of wavelets seems to resemble
principal components analysis, the bases are generally motor unit potentials most closely (see Fig. 2A). The
chosen in advance of the analysis, rather than being simplest of these wavelets is Daubechies 2, or db2 (db1 is
derived from the data set. In contrast to Fourier actually the Haar wavelet). Wavelet db2 is a triphasic
analysis, the bases are vectors of discrete length */thus triangular wave, with a small negative triangular pulse
wavelet analysis is most appropriate for reconstruction preceding a large positive triangular pulse and then a
of a non-periodic signal (such as the unitary EMG medium-sized negative pulse (inset, Fig. 2A). The
bursts considered here). In analogy to Fourier analysis, Daubechies 4 wavelet (db4) is substantially smoother
the set of basis functions is a family of wavelets, than db2 and has more zero-crossings (not shown). In
differing in length (or ‘scale’) and position along the the bottom panel of Fig. 3, we show that db4 fit the
time axis of the signal. In the case of the EMG signal: biceps EMG signal in a slightly different way than the
M. Flanders / Journal of Neuroscience Methods 116 (2002) 165 /177 169

signal, using db2 instead of db4. The db2 spectrum was

intermediate to the Haar and db4, in that it clearly fit
the large voltage fluctuation at burst center and did so
over a wide range of frequencies. In the middle range of
wavelet lengths (D3) there were two distinct positive
peaks in the coefficient trace corresponding to the times
of occurrence of the two multiunit bursts.
For the purpose of the present study, we wished to
focus on only one wavelet at only one scale. We chose
the db2 wavelet for its similarity to the shape of motor
unit potentials (see Fig. 2A) and its relative simplicity.
We used this wavelet in a discrete analysis, as dia-
grammed in Fig. 4B. This progressive splitting of the
EMG signal into approximation and detail resulted in
wavelet coefficients at five scales: A4, D4, D3, D2 and
D1. The EMG signal can be perfectly reconstructed
using weighting coefficients specific to each scale (Strang
and Nguyen, 1997).
In Fig. 4C we show the peak-to-peak range of the db2
weighting coefficient values for several muscles (subject
B). The D3 component had the largest peak weighting
coefficients. The length of the db2/D3 wavelet is about
20 /30 ms, the approximate length of a motor unit
action potential (see Fig. 2A). (The approximate length
of D1 is 6 ms, D2 is 12 ms, and D4 is 48 ms.) It is
therefore reasonable that the D3 scale contained the
largest positive and negative correlations with EMG

2.4. Application of wavelet analysis to single-trial EMG

We adopted the db2 wavelet and examined traces

representing the weighting coefficients for a middle
scale, D3. We then recorded the time of the largest
peaks in the coefficient trace, as illustrated in Fig. 5.
Trials were excluded when no peaks exceeded the
background amplitude by more than 50% (this tended
to limit our analysis to trials with movement times less
than about 700 ms). For each set of data (subject,
Fig. 3. Continuous wavelet transformation of a 200 ms biceps EMG
segment. The values of the wavelet coefficients are plotted in gray
muscle, direction), we marked the two largest bursts.
scale, with white representing the largest positive values (i.e. strong Fig. 5 shows that the peaks of the coefficient trace were
positive correlations between the wavelet shape and the EMG shape) often different from the peaks of the rectified EMG
and black representing the largest negative values (where a negative signal.
image of the wavelet gave a good fit). All three filters (Gaussian, Haar, To further aid in rejecting spurious peaks, we set
and Daubechies) identified the main burst with a sequence of high
negative and positive coefficients. There were, however, differences restrictions on each analysis that tended to confine the
across wavelet scale (y -axis). For example, the low frequency search of each coefficient trace to one of two patterns.
components (long wavelets, A4 and D4 scales) were not well fit by This was especially important in cases (about 20% of all
the Gaussian curve. trials) where background (or ‘tonic’) EMG levels
showed a large increase during the movement (see
Section 4). In an ‘agonist pattern’ one burst was marked
in the period centered 100 ms prior to movement onset
Haar square wave or the Gaussian curve. Large positive and a second burst was found in a period ending near
and negative correlations were found at a range of the time of movement end (see biceps activity in Fig. 5).
scales, with the most distinct peaks occurring at middle In an ‘antagonist pattern’ two bursts were marked in the
to short wavelet lengths. In Fig. 4A we show the middle section of the movement time (see medial triceps
continuous wavelet transformation for the same biceps activity in Fig. 5). To avoid marking a single burst as
170 M. Flanders / Journal of Neuroscience Methods 116 (2002) 165 /177

Fig. 4. Rationale for choosing the Daubechies 2 (db2) wavelet at a mid-range scale (D3). In panel A, we show the continuous wavelet transform for
the same biceps EMG signal as shown in Fig. 3. Although the burst is highlighted at a wide range of wavelet scales, the data in panel C show that for
all muscles, the middle scale (D3) had weighting coefficients with the largest peak-to-peak amplitudes. These data are averages (9/standard error) for
(n/29) trials from subject B (outward movements). In panel B, we diagram the discrete wavelet transformation. The EMG signal can be
reconstructed as a sum of five components (A4, D4, D3, D2, D1).

two bursts, we imposed the restriction that successive 3. Results

peaks must be more than 50 ms apart. As we will
demonstrate below, there was no clear division between 3.1. Time frames
the timing of ‘agonist’ and ‘antagonist’ bursts, and thus
this ‘antagonist activity’ was identified within a large ‘Agonist activity’ generally preceded the triggering of
time window, slightly overlapping the first and second switch #1 by about 100 ms and ‘antagonist activity’ was
agonist time frames (as also shown in Flanders, 1991; generally centered around a time 100 ms prior to the
Flanders et al., 1994, 1996). middle of the movement. These times are marked by
M. Flanders / Journal of Neuroscience Methods 116 (2002) 165 /177 171

A’s medial triceps. Since the EMG data were aligned at

movement onset, it is expected that data from a burst
occurring around this time (e.g. the ‘1st Agonist Burst)
should be fit with a slope near zero. In contrast, data
from a burst occurring at the end of the movement (e.g.
the 2nd Agonist Burst’) should be fit with a slope of one,
and ‘Antagonist Activity’ should be associated with
intermediate slopes.
Because they were close to zero, regression slopes for
early EMG bursts rarely reached statistical significance.
For example, in Fig. 6 the first triceps burst for
downward movements was related to movement time
with a slope of /0.07, which, as would be expected, was
not significantly different from zero (P /0.05). How-
ever, the 95% confidence interval on the slope was small
(9/0.14), indicating that the wavelet method reliably
identified this burst. In contrast, regression slopes for
the bursts occurring after movement onset were gen-
erally significantly different from zero at the P B/0.01
level, but because variance often increased, the slopes
had a wider confidence intervals. Thus in this study, the
fits were considered ‘significant’ if the confidence
interval on the slope of the regression was less than 9/
0.25 or if the correlation coefficient was significant at
Fig. 5. Identification of burst timing in biceps and medial triceps. P B/0.01. Of the 396 regressions performed (11
Although rectified EMG and coefficient traces are shown, the wavelet muscles/2 bursts /6 directions /3 subjects) only 24
filter was applied to unrectified EMG data. The rectified coefficient failed to meet at least one of these criteria. This indicates
trace was then searched for the times of the highest peaks. To narrow
that the wavelet approach was successful in identifying
the search, the period between the first and second agonist burst was
masked for muscles that fit the agonist pattern (such as biceps in this bursts that were consistent from trial to trial, over a
example). For muscles (e.g. medial triceps) that did not fit this pattern, wide range of speeds.
we marked two bursts in an intermediate time frame. The vertical
dashed lines indicate the switch times, and for reference we also show 3.3. Examples of timing and scaling
solid vertical lines 100 ms prior to movement onset and middle. All
data are from subject A, for a single outward movement.
Fig. 6 illustrates the timing and the time-scaling of
medial triceps for movements in 6 directions. For
solid vertical lines in Fig. 5. This figure gives an example
movements ‘out’ (upper left panel) medial triceps burst
of the relation of EMG bursts to movement time, using
in the time frame of an antagonist; for movements
rectified data from a single trial where the movement
‘back’ (upper right panel) the pattern was that of an
direction was ‘out’ (subject A). Biceps had bursts at the
agonist. The patterns for ‘up,’ ‘down’ and ‘right’ were
beginning and the end of the movement; medial triceps
similar to one another, generally resembling the pattern
began to burst shortly after movement onset. Although
of an agonist. The burst times for leftward movements
in this example the first triceps burst was larger than the
were harder to classify: the first burst was in the early
second, it was not unusual to find two bursts of
antagonist time frame, but the second burst closely
approximately equal amplitude in the antagonist time
followed movement end, as would be expected of the
frame. The traces below each EMG represent the
second agonist burst. It is apparent from this example
rectified db2 wavelet coefficients. The two peaks identi-
that a given muscle cannot be easily classified as either
fied for each muscle are marked by circles.
an agonist or an antagonist for each movement direc-
tion. This was a general conclusion for all subjects and
3.2. Quantification of burst timing all muscles.
The eleven muscles did not burst in phase with one
The timing of EMG bursts scaled in linear relation to another. This is shown in Figs. 7 and 8 (subject A). In
movement time (the time between switch #1 and switch Fig. 7A, we begin by presenting rectified, averaged (4
#2). To quantify this relation, for each subject, muscle trials) and smoothed (two-sided exponential filter) EMG
and direction, we plotted the time of each of two EMG traces for the outward direction. The averages were
bursts against the movement time. In Fig. 6, we computed by aligning (at the time of switch #1) data
illustrate several regressions using data from subject from the trials with movement times ranging from 324
172 M. Flanders / Journal of Neuroscience Methods 116 (2002) 165 /177

Fig. 6. Medial triceps EMG: burst time vs. movement time for six movement directions (subject A). Using data from single trials, the relation
between burst time and movement time was well fit by linear regression. The slopes of these lines reveal the scaling of the EMG time base. For this
subject’s medial triceps, the scaling pattern differed for different movement directions. Medial triceps also burst in different time frames for different
movement directions.

to 400 ms. As in Fig. 5, the solid vertical lines represent is in phase with a quick inactivation of Brac, an elbow
the ‘expected’ time of the first agonist and antagonist flexor). Successive peaks then occur in the other
bursts. The earliest burst is that of biceps (Bic), followed shoulder extensor (LaD), in all single-joint elbow
in close succession by bursts in brachialis (Brac) and muscles, and then in Pec, AD, and finally MD. In
bradioradialis (Brad). The shoulder flexors peaked next: contrast to the situation shown for the outward move-
anterior and medial deltoid (AD and MD) peaked ments in Fig. 7A, for downward movements, biceps and
approximately together, followed by a double burst in the long head of triceps show a simpler, more reciprocal
pectoralis (Pec). As is often the case with averaged pattern.
waveforms, it is not clear whether the long burst in Pec Using the analysis illustrated in Figs. 2 /6 (on
represented two bursts, a doublet, or an artifact of unrectified single-trial EMG), the sequencing of the
averaging data from trials with a range of movement bursts illustrated in Fig. 7 was quantified as shown in
times (the latter was in fact the case). Interestingly, the Fig. 8. Fig. 8 also shows burst sequences for the other
three heads of triceps (LoT, LaT and MT) exhibited four directions. In this Figure we use regression lines
very different EMG waveforms. such as those illustrated in Fig. 6, but in this case
In Fig. 7, the pattern for outward movements can be movement time is on the y -axis and the time of the
contrasted with the pattern for downward movements. EMG burst is on the x -axis. The plot for ‘out’ (top left
In Fig. 7B we show 6-trial averages with movement panel) can be seen to correspond to the averages shown
times ranging from 325/393 ms. Here, the pattern in Fig. 7A. The pattern begins with a burst in the flexors
begins with activity in posterior deltoid (PD), presum- (reds/orange/brown/black, and thick lines) and has most
ably to counteract the shoulder flexion torque that will of the extensor activity in the middle time range (greens
be the mechanical effect of elbow extension (this activity and blues, and thin lines). In contrast, for ‘down’
M. Flanders / Journal of Neuroscience Methods 116 (2002) 165 /177 173

Fig. 7. Rectified and smoothed EMG averages for two movement directions (subject A). Averages for the outward movements (A) are composed of
data from four trials, with movement times ranging from 324 to 400 ms (as indicated by the bar on the time scale). Averages for the downward
movements (B) are composed of data from 6 trials, with movement times ranging from 325 to 393 ms. To focus attention on the EMG waveform, all
EMG traces were scaled to equate peak-to-peak amplitude. EMG traces representing flexors are depicted as thick lines; EMG traces representing
extensors are depicted as thin lines. The top row features data from the three portions of deltoid: anterior deltoid (AD), medial deltoid (MD), and
posterior deltoid (PD). The middle row contains data from the muscles that cross both the shoulder and the elbow (biceps, Bic, and the long head of
triceps, LoT) and two other shoulder muscles (pectoralis major, Pec, and latissimus dorsi, LaD). The bottom row contains data from the four elbow
muscles: brachioradialis (Brad), brachialis (Brac), the lateral head of triceps (LaT) and medial triceps (MT). As points of reference, hypothetical times
for the first agonist burst and the antagonist burst are indicated by vertical lines. Even if variations in waveform and amounts of background (anti-
gravity) activity can be overlooked, bursts of muscle activation clearly do not follow a simple biphasic or triphasic form.

(middle right panel) the pattern begins with an early in the plots of Fig. 8, or a horizontal line in Fig. 6). If
burst in posterior deltoid (PD, thin blue line) for all EMG time base scales exactly with movement time, a
movement times (300 /600 ms). As will be discussed burst occurring at movement end should be fit with a
below (under Section 3.5) it is apparent that muscle slope of 1.0 (or /458 in Fig. 8). Likewise, a burst
activation is asynchronous for all directions. occurring at the middle of the movement should have a
slope of 0.5 (see bottom left panel in Fig. 8).
3.4. EMG time-base scaling Based on this assumption, we calculated the deviation
from the expected slope by adjusting the observed slope
We used the slopes of the regression lines to test according to the time of the burst. This ‘deviation from
hypotheses concerning the scaling of the EMG time expected slope’ was calculated such that it would be zero
base. Notice that the slope was approximately zero if EMG time base scaled exactly with movement time.
when the burst was near movement onset (a vertical line For example, for outward movements, the first medial
174 M. Flanders / Journal of Neuroscience Methods 116 (2002) 165 /177

Fig. 8. Timing and time-scaling of arm muscle activation for movements in six different directions (subject A). A hypothetical ‘triphasic’ pattern is
shown in the lower left panel, with EMG time base scaling in proportion to movement time. Although muscle activation generally shows this pattern
of time base scaling, the sequencing across muscles is not triphasic, but is instead more continuous or multiphasic. Elbow flexors are brachioradialis
(Brad), brachialis (Brac). The elbow and shoulder flexor is biceps (Bic). The shoulder flexors are pectoralis major (Pec), anterior deltoid (AD), and
(sometimes) medial deltoid (MD). Shoulder extensors are posterior deltoid (PD) and latissimus dorsi (LaD). The two-joint extensor is the long head
of triceps (LoT), and the elbow extensors are the lateral head of triceps (LaT) and medial triceps (MT).

triceps (MT) burst scaled with a slope near zero (thin, deviation from expected slope was /0.11. However,
bright green line in the top left panel of Fig. 8, see also the second MT burst did not scale as much as expected;
Fig. 6). This is approximately as expected, given its time the deviation from expected slope was large and
of occurrence, just prior to movement onset. The negative (/0.49). In contrast, the bursts in anterior
M. Flanders / Journal of Neuroscience Methods 116 (2002) 165 /177 175

deltoid and pectoralis (AD and Pec, thick pink and red was that provided by gravity (Flanders et al., 1994).)
lines) tended to scale more than expected (with slope The general phenomenon of asynchronous activation is
deviations of /0.69 and /0.28, respectively, for the readily apparent in Fig. 8; this phenomenon was
first burst). This contrast between the scaling of medial previously documented using very different analytical
triceps and the scaling of the shoulder flexors was found methods (Flanders, 1991; Flanders et al., 1996).
in two of the three subjects. Based on the 95%
confidence intervals of the slope deviations, in subjects
A and C the second burst in MT scaled significantly less 4. Discussion
than the first burst of AD and Pec. This result
approximately replicates the phenomenon of unequal We found the wavelet analysis to be useful in
scaling reported previously for upward and straight- recognizing the times of occurrence of a particular event
forward movements (Buneo et al., 1994). However this in the EMG signal. Wavelets have been previously
was not found, even qualitatively, in the third subject. employed in several other biological studies, ranging
Using this approach we tested several hypotheses from pattern detection in the electrocardiogram (Ka-
concerning differential time-base scaling. In each case dambe et al., 1999) to de-noising for the purpose of
we got negative results: deviations from the expected refining the information content of neuronal spike trains
slopes were not muscle specific, as might be the case if (Laubach et al., 2000). Wavelet analysis has also been
some muscles had longer tendons or greater series elastic used to pick out the waveform of a SMU in single unit
compliance than others. Agonists and shoulder muscles recordings (Fang et al., 1999), and this technique is
did not consistently scale more than antagonists and similar to the template matching that we have used
elbow muscles. We also wondered if slope deviation was previously to identify SMUs (Herrmann and Flanders,
related to the intensity of each muscle’s activity, as it 1998).
varies across movement direction. To test for this One difference between unit waveform template
possibility we regressed the slope deviation against matching and wavelet analysis is that the wavelet
EMG amplitude. Before pooling the data, for each analysis decomposes the signal into frequency bands,
subject and each muscle we normalized the peak i.e. components that are best fit by long or short
(smoothed and averaged) EMG amplitude (from data versions of the same wavelet. With the db2 wavelet
processed as in Fig. 7), to the peak recorded across the and a signal sampled at 1000 Hz, the smallest scale in a
six directions. The regression showed that slope devia- discrete wavelet analysis (D1) uses a wavelet that is
tion was not well related to EMG amplitude (r2 /0.008, about 6 ms wide. The D2 wavelet is about 12 ms wide
P /0.05). Thus we conclude that EMG time base scales and the D3 wavelet is about 24 ms wide. Although both
approximately with movement time, with no consistent D2 and D3 have wavelengths that appear to be
exceptions. comparable to the width of a SMU potential (recorded
with surface electrodes, see Fig. 2) we found that D3
3.5. Burst sequencing represented the most power in the signal (Fig. 4C).
Because the wavelet analysis goes through series of steps
The regression of burst time vs. movement time also of downsampling, the D3 level had a temporal resolu-
provided an estimate of the sequencing across muscles tion that was inferior to the resolution at the D2 level
for each movement direction. A hypothetical pattern is (see Figs. 2 and 4B). However given the variability
drawn at the bottom of Fig. 8. Choosing, as an example, inherent in the timing of multiunit bursts (Fig. 6) this
a movement where flexors are agonists and extensors are loss of resolution in the weighting coefficient trace did
antagonists, we have drawn early agonist activity in not appear to be a major problem.
shoulder muscles to slightly precede agonist activity in We found that the simplest wavelets (db1-2) did a
elbow muscles, with the reverse occurring for the early good job of recognizing multiunit EMG bursts (Figs. 3
antagonist activity (Karst and Hasan, 1991). As men- and 4A). A slightly different wavelet (such as db4) or a
tioned above, the pattern observed in each of the six different scale (e.g. D2) would be expected to mark a
directions was not as clearly ‘triphasic’ as this hypothe- slightly different part of the burst. However, this would
tical example. Only in the case of the upward movement, be of little consequence for the study of time-base
did activity cluster into the first agonist time frame. This scaling, since the main goal was to identify the same
was true for subjects A (shown here) and B, but subject event each time it occurred in the EMG signal. This was
C showed an asynchronous pattern even for this apparently successful since the regression analysis re-
direction. For these upward movements however, both vealed the recognized event to be well related to move-
the flexors and the extensors burst prior to movement ment time. Although we did not systematically compare
onset and there was no antagonist burst. (Instead there the two approaches, the example shown in Fig. 5
was a phasic inactivation of the flexors at the expected suggests that marking the peaks of the rectified EMG
time of the antagonist burst, such that the braking force trace would result in greater variability.
176 M. Flanders / Journal of Neuroscience Methods 116 (2002) 165 /177

There are many different analytical approaches to the difficult in animal research. The wavelet filter provides a
study of EMG patterns; most rely on rectified EMG viable alternative to averaging when the experimental
averages. In cases where there are clear rectified bursts design dictates an analysis of single trials. It also may
with little background activity (as in studies where the provide clues about the structure of multiunit activity
arm is supported against gravity) EMG bursts can be and a link between surface EMG and single motor unit
scored for onset, end and integrated area (e.g. Gottlieb studies.
et al., 1989). In other cases, the EMG amplitudes of a
collection of muscles (Tresch et al., 1999; Spencer and
Thelen, 1999) or the EMG waveforms of a given muscle Acknowledgements
(Flanders, 1991; Kargo and Giszter, 2000; Giszter 2001)
may be subject to some sort of data reduction, decom- I thank Drs Sara T. Murray, John F. Soechting, and
position, or component analysis. The various ap- Gilbert Strang for help and support. This work was
proaches tend to be complementary, since each focuses supported by a grant from the National Institute of
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