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Our family holiday

Last weekend I went with my family to Italy, to Jesolo because our father had birthday
on 7. and 8. July. Our mother had the idea to celebrate it there because he wanted to eat a real
Italian pizza on his birthday. It was a joke from him but our mother took it seriously. :D
(Excellent beginning, well done!)
So on 7th July we woke up early in the morning, about 6 o’clock, then everybody got
dressed, and our father put the packages to in the trunk, and at half past seven we left home.
We had a great trip, everything was ok. We had breakfast in Slovenia at 11 o’clock, we ate a
really delicious Slovenian meat whose name the name of which I had forgotten… but it tasted
the same as the Slovenian Cevapcici. Then we continued our trip, and (then) finally we
arrived at in (az arrive szónál, ha városba, országba érkezünk in-t használunk. Akkor lehet at,
ha épülethez, vagy egy szobához érkezünk meg pl) Jesolo. We didn’t recognize the city at
first even though we have been there so many times. Our hotel was in a part of the city we
didn’t know so far, angolosabb így: Our hotel was in an unknown part of the city so that was
the reason why we didn’t recognize it. But it was fun, we thought the people (vagy csak simán
they) rebuilded the city during the COVID-pandemic. :D
So then at 7 o’clock we finally arrived at the hotel at 7 o’clock which was the modernest most
modern hotel in Jesolo. The Falkensteiner hotels have a very big reputation. Their motto is
„Welcome home” and I think it’s relevant because everybody is so kind, they provide for
(provide után nincs preposition. Provide something csak simán. Olyan mint a join – magyarul
ott is azt mondod, hogy csatalakozol valahova. Angolban viszont csak simán join. Pl.: I would
be honoured if you would join us => Megtisztelne, ha csatlakozna hoznánk (ez egy nagyon
szép formális invitáció) the hotel guests a lot of service to make them feel at home. When we
went to the bar we always got some snacks, and when we went to the beach we had the
opportunity to order (something for) lunch (pasta, salad, some sweets like ice cream and
everything) on the beach. These services are were (for) free, so we don’t didn’t (figyelj,
hiszen múlt időben mesélsz) need to pay for it them (a servives a mondat elején többes
számban van) but maybe that’s why it is (itt már jó a jelen idejű „is” mivel általános igazságot
írsz le) so expensive to stay there. So we needed to pay for the room much money but nothing
for the services nothing. I have never been in to (tökéletesen használtad a present perfectet, de
ha azt akarod kifejezni, hogy még soha sem voltál valahol, akkor „to”-t kell használni. Pl.: I
have never been to Greece. I have been to Italy before) a Falkensteiner hotels before but our
parents used to have a habit of trying as many Falkensteiner hotels as possible, so they really
liked all of them.
After we unpacked the luggages in our room, we went to the bar to have the a welcome drink
there – it was also a service –, and then we decided to go out to find a restaurant near the
hotel. 200 m from the hotel we found a pizzeria which has had a very pleasant atmosphere.
The pizza was the most delicious pizza I have ever eaten (szép mondat Larusz jár a pacsi 😊),
so that was absolutely (ez felesleges ide) a good decision for the first day. Unfortunately we
had a little small (nem kevés vitátok volt, hanem picike vitátok) family argument but I
admitted it was my fault. I was a bit uptight because I had recently had (a recently és a hozzá
hasonló időhatározók, mindig az alany és a segédige közé jönnek) a lot of little many (always
keep it simple) arguments with my mother, but we became reconciled later. (a reconcile ige
alapból azt jelenti, hogy kibékülni, megbékélni. Nem kell hozzá a become szócska, az azt
jelentené, hohgy kibékültté váltunk
On the second day we woke up (me and my sister) at 7 o’clock and we went to the beach for a
walk. It was like in the a movie scene… alone on the beach, early in the morning, everybody
is sleeping, the sea waves, walking ankle-deep in the water… it was very funny, and that was
a great moment for us because we could talk to each other and we could relax a bit (nagyon
szép mondat, angolos és nyelvtanilag is megfelelő) . I think we have a lot of stress in
Budapest in our life, and we don’t have enough opportunity to relax and to get deep in our
thoughts but I think it would be really important for everybody. (Ez a mondat elég kuszácska
lett. Szépen így hangzana: I think we face a lot stress in Budapest from day to day, but so far
we did not have the opportunity to relax, nor to get deep in our thoughts. This would be
crucial for everybody. So it our walk on the beach was absolutely a great beginning of the
At 9 o’clock we had breakfast with our parents. The breakfast buffet was huge. There were 56
types of sweets, cakes, 25 types of pizzas and breads (a bread megszámlálhatatlan főnév, így
nem kell „s” a végére. A pizza is éppen határ eset. Én amögé se tennék s-t, de nyelvtanlag
helyes), 12 types of fruits, 40 types of vegetables, 25 types of hams, sausages and cheeses (a
cheese is megszámlálhatatlan főnév, nem kell s mögéje) , and a lot of special tea cookies, fish,
sauces, jams, cereal, milk variations, omelet variations etc..
I was shocked in a good way and I didn’t know what to choose, but because of this I ate a lot
of things, so I wasn’t hungry for a long time. After the breakfast we went to the city center
because we needed to buy warmer clothes and straw hats for us, and then we went to the
My family members really like to sunbathing, so we rested there for four hours with a lunch
break, and then I went cycling with my sister at 4 o’clock in the afternoon. It was also a
service to get the bikes for free. (We visited the city) (ez picinkót logikátlan, hiszen már a
városban vagytok😊) and we cycled all along the pedestrian street, and then back. It was one
and a half hour. The atmosphere was amazing in the center, everybody was smiling, there
were a lot of shops and restaurants. We really liked it.
In this During the evening we had dinner in the (buffet) restaurant of the hotel, and then we
sat in the bar to drink something.
On the third day we got up at 7 o’clock again and we had the same morning as the day before.
We had breakfast at 9 o’clock again, and then we went to the beach. We ate for lunch a club
sandwich with pommes frites, and that was really delicious. Later we cycled again but in (ha
azt akarod kifejezni, hogy „ezúttal” akkor nem kell az in, csak simán this time) this time we
cycled even further, it was about 15 km. We tried to buy a special Italian tea for Eszti (who
asked us to buy that for her) because it’s her favorite tea and she said we can find it in every
supermarket. But unfortunately we didn’t find it even though we went to six supermarkets and
shops in the center. After we got back to the hotel Viri took a shower, and I went to the
reception to book a table to the buffet restaurant. When I did it, an Austrian boy accosted (ezt
a szót még életembe nem hallottam, de helyes ide. Azonban egy mezei „approached” is
megtenné) me and he started to talk to me. He was 15 years old, and he need to repeat this
school year because he was so lazy. But I don’t know, I think he had a disease (he had some
kind of disability) because he was (or he acted) quite weird. He always repeated my name that
was irritating and he asked me if I had a boyfriend because he said he want to have a
relationship with me. It was so unpleasant. We had this conversation in front of the reception,
and everybody was laughing there because they heard what happened, but the boy didn’t
realize the situation. Finally I got rid of him because I needed to go and the elevator door
closed. (Ez nagyon vicces, hangosan fel is kacagtam miközben olvastam 😊😊)
After this experience I went to our room, I had a bath and then we had dinner. We tried a lot
of fish and seafoods, for example tuna, crab, sardines, anchovies, squid, mussels etc.
Later we had an argument because we wanted to go to the MCC camp, and I asked my parents
to let us there, but they were upset because (we had previously talked about not to go there)
previously we agreed not to go there . So I think now they had right, and I didn’t want to have
an argument with them, but I think this wasn’t the real problem… unfortunately I need to
speak more with my parents because there are a lot of tension between us, and we can argue
on everything. That really hurts me, and I want to change that, so I think about it a lot these
days. (That is something that I can encourage and support from the bottom of my hearts. 😊
On the fourth day we needed to go home after the breakfast, and we arrived home at
about 7 o’clock at night. So that was our holiday in Jesolo.

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