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Information Resources Management Systems as a Support of Universities


Conference Paper · January 2002


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1 author:

Alberto Carneiro
Universidade Autónoma de Lisboa Luís de Camoes


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Information Resources Management Systems as a Support of
Universities Performance

Alberto Carneiro*

*Universidade Lusíada, Lisboa, Portugal

Abstract technical focus. Another area is one of focus on how

information should be managed in terms of its value and
This paper intends to contribute to a better understanding of University standards of culture.
the process through which information resource, information
technology, other technical tools, and organisation actors can Each operating principle would reflect a commitment by
contribute to universities’ effectiveness facing the challenges universities’ executive committees to change the way the
that are continuously happening in the new information universities conduct their activities. These operating
technology domain. Firstly, it presents some researchers’ principles set boundaries for appropriate organisational
opinions about the role of Information Resource Management behaviour and provide a basis for consistent decision-making
(IRM) in the decision-making process. Consequently, it and resource allocation. Due to these reasons, they should
sustains that a set of variables influences the relationship support universities’ efforts to reach their social mission and
between decision effectiveness and a valuable utilisation of objectives, and will bring consistency and cohesiveness to the
IRM’s potential skills. A conceptual model for the scientific community.
optimisation of universities’ performance as a function of
2 The importance of Information Resources
IRM is suggested.
Strategically, the success of most management decisions also
Keywords: information resource management, database
depends on a competitive effort, which includes a deep
management, intelligent agents, performance.
knowledge of consumers' attitudes and an adequate analysis
1 Introduction of the stronger competitors. In this case, this means that
Universities committees and departments must pay attention
Different points of view have surrounded the concept of to the following aspects:
information resource management (IRM). Some authors focus
on managing systems and technologies (efficiency-based 1) How their students perceive the quality of the respective
view) and others try to relate these resources to supporting the courses and services;
organizational users (effectiveness-oriented perspective). In 2) How teachers can be motivated to deliver their services
an educational context, IRM could be understood as a in a qualified manner;
comprehensive approach to all aspects of managing the 3) Which teaching technologies should be used to generate
information resources and processes associated with data, high knowledge levels in order to offer to the market
computing technologies, and activities based on acquiring more qualified graduations’ alternatives;
storing, processing and distributing data to meet scientific and 4) Weaknesses, strengths and movements of their direct
educational needs for the benefit of the entire organisation. competitors;
5) Finally, all these findings should be integrated into an
Some dimensions underlying the IRM concept will be information system, which has to present a competitive
discussed: information technology integration, teaching perspective of its respective resources.
technologies, knowledge management, and database
management. These dimensions of IRM have to be evaluated Information Resource Management System (IRMS) is a true
and some work would be necessary in order to find a survey asset of a knowledge-oriented organisation and its integration
instrument for measuring them [4]. It should permit to assess across graduations, training courses, scientific research, and
how well the information resources are managed and how this consultancy should be emphasised. Dealing with several
relates to the university's performance. Information and Communication Technologies and human
values, IRMS shows how learning organisations, as
Information resource is a critical success factor for universities are, can re-engineer their processes using an
implementing university success. Since university applied knowledge-based approach and knowledge
attractiveness depends on critical factors, strategies and its management perspectives.
implementation should be supported by a set of decisive
information resource. Universities have to develop a viable Networking and technology resources have become central,
strategic IRM system. Facing modern IT world, universities indispensable tools in education, research and administration.
should create some operating principles, which have to focus IRM is becoming progressively more useful because top
on some areas of organizational behaviour. One of those areas management is taking into account the value of information,
is an enhanced students focus, rather than the traditional sole technological resources’ systems and intelligent agents [7].
Organisations need to properly manage its intellectual capital information systems, decides upon database management, and
and its technical tools in the information domain, that is, disseminates its information.
persons, technical resources and information systems. This is
The concept of IRM includes technological architecture and
dramatically true in the case of universities.
human resource skills. IT infrastructure has been identified in
According to some authors [5], IRM can be faced as a recent years in some industries as having a critical impact on
methodology for creating, maintaining and exploiting all the the organisation’s capacity to use information resources
possibilities of the huge set of information resources that each competitively. The characteristics of infrastructure may vary
university uses in its activities. Another perspective interpret with organisation information resources and industry
IRM as a set of processes that support the creation, characteristics such as information intensity. Universities
dissemination, and utilisation of information [4] between have to consider resources such as computing equipment,
enterprises, researchers, teachers, students and technological software, audio-visual and multimedia equipment,
resources such as Information Technology (IT) and its teleconferencing facilities, telecommunications equipment,
equipment. cellular phones, and visual communication resources. This
infrastructure should evidence flexibility in order to provide a
According to this perspective, a university can obtain a better
better use of IRMS capacity [3].
qualitative image using intelligent multi-agent architecture.
Nowadays, intelligent systems are used to measure Providing a decisive coaching role, teachers may try to focus
performance levels, and intense efforts are being made to on the delivery of information to students using new
improve their features in order to obtain adequate conclusions information resources, according to IT’ s recent possibilities.
and better decision-making activities. In order to obtain better There is, however, no underlying model to guide the use and
results, the communication among intelligent agents should the interrelationships of the diverse data and applications used
assume a co-operative form and be supported by Information by teachers and students. A model that captures integrated
resources. Management has to find out a stable equilibrium university resources and information technologies is therefore
between IRM efficiency, intelligent agents' commitment, and needed. This integrated model can be used directly by
technical tools' performance. An adequate combination of teachers from a training perspective in order to gain access to
intelligent resources can help university’s executive applications and information to support their pedagogical
committees to anticipate problems better, to guide the skills. Teachers who can use an explicit organisation model in
innovation effort [2], and to contribute to a greater IRM their preferences of large information bases may learn more
efficiency, focused on the achievement of organisational about their pedagogical activity and therefore facilitate the
objectives. organisational learning process [1].
The benefits obtained from IRM depend on the type of Learning theories may explain the development of
information application. For example, due to low educational experiences for information systems concepts [6].
interactivity, electronic publishing pre-packaged information According to the major framework of social cognitive
(e.g., electronic textbooks and course notes) can provide a learning theory, it can be recognised that universities should
significant cost saving or increased efficiency. On the other include e-learning technologies and explore its possibilities in
hand, more interactive applications tend to provide support order to adopt new ways of teaching and learning. These
for solving problems, and for innovating services. Based on a ways will demand for the interaction among cognitive
set of technical resources (SDSS, groupware, interfaces, processes, teaching techniques, and students’ motivated
systems integrators, hardware and software), universities’ behaviours.
committees and department can try to find a new approach to
obtain higher levels of integrated strategic decisions, 4 An Conceptual Model
effectiveness and management performance. As can be seen in figure 1, a conceptual model for the
relationship between universities’ performance and strategic
3 What Information Resources should
IRM is proposed. It emphasises that problem-solving
universities use? strategies, strategic decisions, organisation effectiveness and
Universities should commit to a new vision of information management performance can be the logical results obtained
technology integration and recognise and harness the from a University performance based on Technological and
tremendous power of information to transform multiple Human Resources, and Intelligent Agents. This model takes
knowledge levels, to empower the scientific community, and into account numerous determinants factors of the
promote technical progress in order to modify the economic relationships among various fields.
advances of societies. The top portion of the model shows two different points of
While University's information will continue to serve the view (efficiency and effectiveness), which, according to our
primary users of the information, the University will also opinion, can participate in a reciprocal influence process.
manage its information holdings to meet the needs of the Universities’ performance has to deal with three domains: 1)
broader community of other organisations users, partners, technological tools; 2) human resources and 3) intelligent
researchers, and the public. This change in culture will agents. Technological tools include IT equipment, teaching
require a transformation in how the University budgets for technologies and a network configuration because they
contribute decisively to the achievement of formulation of enabling universities to attain higher performance levels and
organisational objectives. The human side of this trilogy is to experience several solutions to competitiveness problems.
undoubtedly needed. In fact, a human-computer interaction Its considerations provide considerable support for the
technology is able to build the intellectual capital and importance of intelligent agents, IT and human resources as a
provides a more adequate organisational behaviour. decisive contribution to IRM efficiency. Consequently, these
Executives who can use an explicit organisation model in considerations intend to represent an important step forward
their decision-making processes may learn more about their in presenting the IRM efficiency as a decisive support for a
businesses and therefore facilitate organisational learning and competitive development of universities.
universities’ performance. Executives, researchers, teachers
The architecture of the model proposed here should be
and students make knowledge progresses and/or participate
improved in order to include new actors and the consideration
on IT use and development based on each individual' s efforts
of a wider set of technical tools, which could offer significant
and skills. Nevertheless, the behaviour of each person
contributions to achieve better performance levels. A major
depends also on the motivation methodology adopted by the
short-term goal is to enhance and to validate this model with
organisation and on the actions that management takes.
real data suitable to deal with the evolution of managers'
Because intelligent agents are software systems that perceive
comprehension of the strategic value of IRM.
their environment and act in that environment in pursuit of the
predetermined objectives, its correct architecture depends on Future research should:
the set of tasks and the environmental features. These agents • Measure accurately the importance of the
integrate a range of competencies are central to the study of factors that affect intelligent agents and the use
many problems in modelling decision-making processes and of technical tools;
performing complex tasks. Within this architecture, technical • Face human resources' attitudes regarding the
tools, researchers, teachers, students and intelligent agents can usefulness of IT as an intensive effort improve
contribute to the knowledge development decisions based on organisation performance;
certain predictive modelling methods. • Attempt also to incorporate significant
The adequate combination of IT, human resources' activities differences between intelligent agents relating
and the use of intelligent agents can lead universities to a them with an integrated utilisation of the
particularly strong performance level. In its architecture, the organisation resources.
universities’ performance KM uses Human Resources to This integration would preannounce a more powerful tool of
acquire and develop knowledge units, Intelligent Agents to strategic management within education field. Further
measure performance levels and to improve managing empirical work will be required in order to appreciate
decision-making processes, and Technological Resources to executive's opinions, managerial implications, and to evaluate
support those processes. Thus, the organisation could obtain a their statistical meaning.
solid basis for its strategic decisions, achieve higher levels of
organisational effectiveness, and impressive qualitative References
results of management performance.
[1] Chen, Minder. “A Model-Driven Approach to Accessing
Until now, this model has only been conceptualised according Managerial Information: The Development of a Repository-
to literature review and our personal perspective. Further Based Executive Information System”, Journal of
research will be required in order to validate this model. In Management Information Systems, Vol. 11, No. 4, (Spring),
the near future, it will be confirmed using the validation of pp. 33-64, (1995)
several hypotheses based on data obtained within an empirical [2] Drury, D. H. and Farhoomand, A. “Innovation Adoption
research. of EDI”, Information Resources Management Journal, Vol. 9,
The objective of this paper is to present a proposal of some No. 3 (Summer), pp. 5-13, (1996)
variables, which, according to our point of view, should [3] Duncan, Nancy B. “Capturing Flexibility of Information
support universities’ performance, concerning the IRM that Technology Infrastructure: A Study of Resource
best satisfies goal achievement. Characteristics and their Measure”, Journal of Management
Information Systems, Vol. 12, No. 2, (Fall), pp. 37-57, (1995)
Firstly, it presents some researchers’ opinions about the role [4] Lewis, Bruce R., Snyder, Charles A., and Rainer, R. K.
of IRM in the decision-making process. Consequently, it “An Empirical Assessment of the Information Resource
sustains that a set of variables is useful in order to justify the Management Construct”, Journal of Management Information
relationship between the optimisation of universities Systems, Vol. 12, No. 1, (Summer), pp. 199-223, (1995)
management decision effectiveness and a valuable utilisation [5] March, Salvatore T., and Kim, Young-Gul. “Information
of IRM’s potential skills. Our model will emphasise this Resource Management: A Metadata Perspective”, Journal of
optimisation as a function of IRM. Management Information Systems, Vol. 5, No. 3, (Winter),
5 Conclusions pp. 5-18, (1989)
[6] Money, William H. “Applying Group Support Systems to
This article intends to provide insights to a better Classroom Settings: A Social Cognitive Learning Theory
understanding of IRM in what concerns the possibility of
Explanation”, Journal of Management Information Systems,
Vol. 12, No. 3, (Winter), pp. 65-80, (1996)
[7] Woodridge, M. J. and Jennings, N. R. “Intelligent Agents:
Theory and Practice”, Knowledge Engineering Review, Vol.
10, No. 2, pp. 115-152, (1995)

Figure 1 – University Performance Model

Integration of Information Resources

• Efficiency-based view
• Effectiveness-oriented perspective

Technological Resources Human Resources Intelligent Agents

• Information Technology • Researchers • Intelligent multi-agent
• Equipment • Teachers’ motivation architecture
• Teaching Technologies • Students’ commitment • Software systems
• Knowledge Management • Executive committees • Interfaces
• Database Management • Learning efforts
• Networking • Creativity

Strategic IRM System

• Internal Information Sources
• Competitors’ strategic movements (marketing
• Integrated Strategic Development Decisions
• Organisational Effectiveness
• Management Performance

University Performance
• Knowledge-oriented organisation
• Graduation levels
• Training courses
• Cultural activities
• Scientific research
• Collaborative efforts with industries
• Consultancy services
• Integrated Knowledge Management Efficiency

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