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Do you know how to be succes in abroad?? , the way to be sucessful in studying abroad is that we
have to be smart in managing our time well. Succes comes because of self-development in
impementing effective study habits. Student who are succesful while studying abroad know when to
focus on their subject, as well as when to take a break. Neat time management, with strict discipline
on self-organized schedules. When its time to study, they will pay close attention. So even with fun
things like traveling, other hobbies.

Studying abroad is a big step, how can you make the most of it? Here’s a micro succesful study

1. Remember that you are not alone.

Many International students are in a similar situation. They also leave the house and may
share the same fears with you. So when making new friends, don’t be shy about opening up.
You will be happy with yor friends to make good start together.
2. Study Earnestly
Dont just Want to relax, and you have to know when it’s time to hard study, so that you feel
confident in class and stress free from the task at hand.
3. Get along
Make any friends as possible from different places, exchange stories, about youself,your
culture, and as well as her, you will suprised by all the aimilarities and the differences!, enjoy
with your friends, and have fun, but don’t forget to study, because studying is important for
your future and hanging out with your friends also important, make it all balanced.
4. Exsperience
Treat every exsperience (good or bad) as a learning journey that will help you grow and
make you a better person in the future. Stay positive and make the most of your time to
study abroad.
5. Find a balance between college and you free time.
The main reason for internasional students to study abroad is to learn skills and earn a
degree. There for, it is a good idea to have a study schedule with all the important dates.
This will help you to prioritize your study time and stay organized. However, its also
important give your brain a break and do something you enjoy. The best advice is to make
the most of your study time, and plan your free time accordingly so that you can give
yourself a balanced time between studying and relaxing.
6. If you are under stress.
Facing challenges and stress while studying abroad is quite normal. However, if you dont
handle it well, it can have a bad effect on your performance!!, if you need positive support
and help, its best to ask your teachers or friends which you trust, and talk to them about the
stress you are exsperiencing. Keep rest, make time to exersice, and spend time with your
friends. You should also check whether your health insurance will pay for claims related to
mental illness. Students with high stress levels have little chance of success whie studying
abroad, so its important to ragulate your thoughts and emotions while studying abroad.

Ladies and gentleman

So, when you study abroad you have to challenge yourself to succeed abroad and be more
successful in your own country, so that what you have fought for abroad will not be in vain
when you are in your own country. Be smart to manage tie well, because time is diamond.

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