Last Breath

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To Adamus...with all my love... Last Breath And so it is that I sit at rest within my sacred Domain.

Here I repose in comfort until an ethereal hug begins to caress my skin, tickling me into awareness. Gently and tenderly the soft strokes slowly proceed to sheath my body until a light kiss parts my lips and deposits a gift within my mouth. I take a gulp to receive this unexpected present, breathing deeply to take the gift fully within my being where it expands to reveal as yet unclaimed potential. I feel this exquisite bestowal streaming through me as it goes into the subatomic particles of my being where it begins to unlock pathways and connections long buried beneath the rubble of duality. The kiss has left a residue upon my tongue that palpitates my senses with a composite of the bitterest bitter and the sweetest sweet in which I taste not so subtle overtones of death. And so with this strangely sweet and bitter taste rolling through my senses I take a deep and conscious breath which allows me to even more fully taste this kiss of death so sublimely gifted to me in this sacred moment. As I immerse myself in the tantalizing flavors carousing in my senses a sound in my ear begins to capture my attention. I begin to hear a clock ticking within the recesses of my Domain. Tick...tock...tick...tock it beats in the rhythm of duality which keeps me lulled to sleep and locked in this most wonderful dream that I have created. In the comfort of my world I rest and I breathe, dreaming in an everlasting scape of endless cycles as the clock ticks out its beat of sleep. Never ending it seems to be, this cycle of dream and comfort. But yet in the midst of this comfortable chimera a small disturbance invades my slumber. A whisper begins to echo through my domain, barely enough to catch my ear at first but becoming louder with each tick of that interminable clock. As a bothersome insect buzzing around my ear this whisper tantalizes my sleep until I raise my hand to swat it away. But the whisper will not be diswayed and only continues, becoming more distinct so that I begin to discern words within the buzz and hum that now permeate my Domain. "It's time......" speaks the whisper, "it's time....". Now perturbed due to this intrusion into my comfort and rest I ask the voice what exactly it is time for. "'s time" the voice continues, never giving me a reason or answering my question, only becoming louder with each breath I take. "Look at your clock" the voice speaks loudly now, startling me out of the mire of time and duality I have ensconced myself within. I peer up at the source of the ticking. The hands on the clock point to 11:59 and each tick moves the hands up toward 12:00 only for them to fall back again in a pointless cycle of tick...tock...tick...tock. And now while observing this back and forth movement of the hands accompanied by the ticking I see the dilemma I have placed myself within. With only a second to go before a new cycle starts, the hands fall back only to spring forward again, and once again fall back in an endless cycle within a cycle, with no true forward movement at all. The stuck hands of time have kept this cycle going so to keep me in a stasis of non expansion. Through these many lives and numerous games I have spent my energies in pursuit of wearisome goals which when reached have not satisfied any desire but a transitory and fleeting dream I once carried as a heavy burden upon my back. I have looked ahead for what lies in wait around the next bend, approaching cautiously the turn in the road, never remembering what I myself had put there just beyond my view to surprise me.

The clock has been a staple in my many lives and I have never noticed this before that time itself would stick and not carry me into a new cycle. As I sit and watch the clock in its meaningless game the incessant tick tock becomes more irritating with each passing second. I ponder what to do about this dilemma that presents itself. Do I continue sitting here perpetually watching this tireless ticking of stuck time, or do I push the hands past the point of no return and launch myself into the unfathomable. Sit and watch, and remain in the illusory game I have played for eons, or really and truly take a chance and go where no one has ever gone before? So what will it be I ask myself, and the voice repeats to me "it is time Dear is time". And so with the echo of "it is time" reverberating through my Domain I take another deep breath and I begin to sink ever deeper within my Being. As I breathe deeper I am suddenly startled by a gentle prod to open my eyes and look past the clock on the wall into a new world. This new world that opens before me is a world of ease and grace where all flows freely and unencumbered by the duality of this present world. I peer into a timeless dimension where the sound of the clock has ceased. My vision quickens and what I see ignites a passion within me that I have forgotten for eons. I feel the passion of my Soul, and it speaks to me of a desire to experience the fullness of who I am within this creation. My Heart speaks that this reality I now view beyond the clock is but a breath away and to truly enter this new world I need only take my final breath of this old life that has been stuck in time for endless generations. A final breath to push the hands of the clock...... Past the point of no return... One breath away.... One final breath to begin a new life. A final breath to jump through the door into heretofore unimagined potentials. One last breath, never to live again as I have lived before. One last breath to die and then to live again. My final breath will allow me to taste fully of my gift of death. To give to myself all that I am only takes a final breath. For what can I give to my Soul but my breath? All I can offer my blessed Soul is my final breath in total surrender. My last breath will take me past the point of the exasperating tick tock of the clock on the wall into a place where there is no time and where there are no limits. My last breath catapults me into a place where nothing at all remains yet all is contained within a timeless space. Past the point of no return with my last breath...... One breath away, one decision to take that final breath.... Only one breath to push the hands out of the cycle of searching, and feeling incomplete. One last breath to cross the threshold that separates duality from completeness. One final breath to fully experience I am! And so it is with joy and a bit of trepidation that I make the choice to take my last breath, and with my final inhale the complete infusion of my Soul gently permeates my body. In the sweet surrender of my last breath I receive the overwhelming simplicity and grandeur that is me. I hold this sweetly profound moment until my lungs begin to beg to move the air that fills them. Then I exhale to release every game, all illusion, and energies that do not serve me any longer. By sovereign choice I take my final breath to that I may truly live without the struggle and strain of the old and weary timeworn life that quickly fades from even my deepest memory. With my last breath I bring in the final infusion of my Soul and with the true vision of my Soul I see all that has been throughout my many pasts has simply been games I have played with myself. The time of this illusion is over and my games now melt away as the Dragon breathes

upon them. The fire of transformation moves the clocks hands not only past the mark but so that there are no hands and there is no clock. There is no time... there is only now. Now I seem to have forgotten the meaning of time, I forget that timepiece upon the wall that hypnotized me into such a deep slumber. For the illusion of that clock no longer exists. My final breath vaporized the clock so that only traces of the energy remain for a very subtle reminder of what I put myself through in order to experience all that I am. With my last breath the illusion of time ceased, the persistent games halted, duality itself transformed and expanded into a far grander experience than I could have imagined in my human mind. My last breath in the old world takes me into the new. By my sovereign and conscious choice I breathe my last breath. And now with my last breath I breathe once more for there truly is no final breath. There is only a brief gasp to breathe out the old and breathe in the new. With my last breath I breathe mySelf into Being to continue...... in a new way as a new Being, truly Human and Divine. The new energies now cascade through my Domain. Drawn by my own eternal light they dance and swirl in a spiraling procession of sensation. At my command the energies flow and move, they coalesce into the choices I have made. Now as I sit at rest in my Domain I breathe my eternal breath that is my Life and my joy..... And the voice now whispers gently in my ear.... welcome home! All because I took my final breath......

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