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The worldwide apparel industry is one of the most important sectors of the economy with regard to investment, revenue, trade and employment generation all over the world. The apparel industry in India has substantially diversified on the basis of fashion, climate, region, culture and fiscal factors. Indian textile is witnessing great growth and development in the industrial sector in India as well as abroad. The significance of the apparel industry is entirely based on the contribution of the industrial productivity and employment. Apparel sector in totality contributes to the country's GDP after agriculture. The important segments covered in apparel industry include home decor and furnishings along with clothing and fashion accessories for kids, women and men.

India represents an economic opportunity on a massive scale, both as a global base and as a domestic market. Indian consumer markets are changing fast, with rapid growth in disposable incomes, the development of modern urban lifestyles, and the emergence of the kind of trend-conscious consumers that India has not seen in the past. In the apparel and clothing the marketers are mostly looking for the young youth generation and trying to fulfill their need and demand as it is the most aggressively growing segment in India. Hence it is very essential to study how the youth makes their choices in Apparel & clothing category where there are several brands in the consideration set of a consumer. The financial risk being high as they can easily do switch from one brand to another due to sales promotion offers and personal comfort zone. Hence it would of interest to a marketer to learn about brand preferences of the youth with respect to product quality, price, comfort zone etc. Brands build customer loyalty by delivering excellent value no matter the price point-high, low, or medium. Value includes styling, durability, quality fabrics, and consistent fit. To the consumer, a brand name represents familiarity, consistency, and confidence in performance it is linked wit the lifestyle of the customers. In this survey basically the study of brand preference of youth generation is being studied. This survey will be providing an in-depth study of the preference of the youth as well as their spending habits which would be helpful for the apparel companies to further take any new strategic plan about their product so that they can be more effectively fulfill the need and demands of the youth generation.

This research is intended to study the brand preference of youth in clothing and apparel. There are many studies and researches that has been previously done by various research institutes, universities and students. The Relationship between Brand Preference and Search Brand preference has been conceptualized in many ways in the marketing literature. In some studies, brand preference has been equated with brand loyalty (e.g., RundleThiele and Mackay 2001). In other studies, it has been evaluated as a precursor to brand loyalty (e.g., Odin et al. 2001). In this study, we consider brand preference as a precursor to brand loyalty. Brand preference is typically viewed as an attitude in which the consumer has a predisposition toward one or more brands. Ben-Akiva et al. (1999) define preferences as comparative judgments between entities. We use this definition as a basis for distinguishing brand preference as a comparative judgment between a set of brands which leads to a more favorable attitude toward one or more of the brands. In contrast, brand loyalty is viewed as a combination of attitude and behavior where a professed commitment toward a brand is manifested in repeat purchasing of the brand. Jacoby and Kyner (1973, p. 2) define brand loyalty as: (1) the biased (i.e., nonrandom), (2) behavioral response (i.e., purchase), (3) expressed over time, (4) by some decisionmaking unit, (5) with respect to one or more alternative brands out of a set of such brands, and (6) is a function of psychological (decision-making, evaluative) processes. Does brand preference necessarily lead to brand loyalty or repeated purchase of the preferred brand? Empirical results have shown that the answer is no. Allenby and Lenk (1995) conclude that consumer preferences for brands are not nearly as entrenched as might be expected. Their research shows that promotional activities such as feature ads, displays, and price cuts can have a significant effect on whether or not buyers follow through with their preferences. Additional reasons (other than promotions) why consumers may purchase other brands despite a stated brand preference include a desire to try and learn more about different brands in the category; changing needs or situations; variety seeking; and changes in the available alternatives due to new products or improvements to existing products (Coulter et al. 2003). Despite the extensive literature on search, only three studies empirically investigate the brand loyalty-search relationship, and only one study could be found that addresses the brand preference-search relationship. For brand loyalty, only one of the studies finds the hypothesized negative, significant relationship between brand loyalty and search. Bennett and Mandell (1969) find this relationship between loyalty and search for the product category automobiles (p 0.05), using a behavior-based measure of loyalty (number of prior purchases of a brand and the sequence of prior purchases). In contrast, Kiel and Layton (1981) do not find a significant relationship between a similar

behavioral measure of loyalty (repurchase of the same brand) and search time or search activity for the same category of cars. In another context, Jacoby et al. (1978) evaluated the brand loyalty-search relationship for breakfast cereals. In this study, both an attitude-based and a purchase-based measure of brand loyalty were used. Their findings show no 540 relationship between the purchase-based measure of brand loyalty and search (p=0.59) and only a questionable relationship between the attitudinal measure of brand loyalty (p = 0.06). As such, the literature provides at best weak support for the hypothesis that brand loyalty reduces search. Despite this limited support, the marketing literature concludes that brand loyalty decreases search effort (e.g., Gwinner et al. 1998). In fact, Sheth and Parvatiyar (1995, p. 256) claim that the fundamental axiom of relationship marketing is, or should be, that consumers like to reduce choices by engaging in an ongoing loyalty relationship with marketers. Critical analysis of brand preference for apparel and accessories done by department of fashion management studies, NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF FASHION TECHNOLOGY, MUMBAI. RESULT OF THE STUDY- In India the branding in the garments and accessories is in the growth phase. Consumers have started identifying and preferring branded products over unbranded products due to growth in retail sector. Another observation is that Indian consumer is quality and price conscious rather than brand conscious which means there are very few brand loyal customers. Thus proper category management and catchment can improve branding and brand loyalty in India. Anil Mathur, George P. Moschis, Euehun Lee (2001), A STUDY OF CHANGES IN BRAND PREFERENCES, in Asia Pacific Advances in Consumer Research Volume 4, eds. Paula M. Tidwell and Thomas E. Muller, Provo, UT : Association for Consumer Research Indirect Effects. The study suggested a positive relationship between life events and changes in consumption-related lifestyles. The data support this is both the productmoment correlation and partial correlation are statistically significant. Direct Effects. It was further hypothesized that life events experienced or role transitions would be related to changes in brand preferences . this. While product-moment correlation is statistically significant when the effect of anticipated events, global stress, and consumption related life styles is removed, it is no longer significant . However, neither the product moment correlation nor the partial correlation between anticipated life events and changes in brand preferences are statistically significant providing no support for Hypothesis 7. Consumption-related lifestyles change is a strong predictor of changes in brand preference. Both product-moment correlation and partial correlation are statistically significant.

PROBLEM STATEMENT:- A critical study of brand preference of youth in
clothing and apparel.

OBJECTIVE F THE STUDY:To study the brand consciousness of the youth. Spending habits of the youth. Most preferred brand in clothing and apparel by the youth. To study how much appealing the endorsement of brand ambassador is their in clothing and apparel.  What are the attributes that the youth looks for in clothing and apparel.    

Sample Size 45 respondents Sample Unit- PGDM students Sampling Area Accurate Institute Of Management And Technology, Greater Noida, U.P.. Sampling Technique - Random Sampling technique

RESEARCH DESIGN: Visited students of A.I.M.T. and required data are collected from the respondent in the form of


Primary data has been used by me in the form of Questionnaire , which is the basic method of collecting primary data, which suffices all research objectives. Secondary data sources like catalogue of the company, product range book of the company & various internet sites such have been used.

Table No:1 Monthly pocket money or income of youth generation. Monthly pocket money/income groups ( amount in rupees) 1000-2000 2000-3000 3000-4000 4000-5000 5000-6000 Above 6000 % of respondents

5% 24% 20% 15% 30% 5%

1000-2000 2000-3000 3000-4000 4000-5000 5000-6000 6000-7000

INTERPRETATION: from this data it is found that most of the youth group is having the pocket money of about 5000rs -6000rs after that the next highest pocket money group is of 2000rs-3000rs and than 3000rs-4000rs.

Table No 2: Monthly spending of youth in clothing. Monthly spending in clothing amount in rupees 1000 1000-2000 2000-3000 Above 3000 % of respondents 10% 40% 35% 15%

1000 1000-2000 2000-3000 above 3000

INTERPRETATION: From this result it is found that most of the youth group spends about 1000Rs to 2000Rs in clothing the next highest spending in clothing is about 2000Rs-3000Rs per month.

Tableno3:- What kind of clothes are generally purchased by the youth group. Kind of apparel Branded Unbranded Both %of respondents 40% 15% 45%

branded unbranded both

INTERPREATION:- Most of the youth group goes for branded as well as unbranded clothing and apparel but as the brand awareness is there too hence the next highest group of the youth goes for branded clothing very less number of youth goes for unbranded clothing and apparel.

Table no 4:- Brand Preference and Top of the Mind Awareness (TOMA) for apparel and clothing. Brand preferred Levis Reebok Peter England Killer Mufty lee Othets % Of Respondent 28% 16% 13% 8% 10% 17% 15% Rank 1 3 4 6 5 2

Levi's Reebok Peter England Killer Mufty LEE Others

NTERPREATION:- It is found that the most preferred apparel brand by the youth is Levis after that Reebok than Peter England is there Killer, Mufty and Lee are in the 4th, 5th and 6th position there are also some other brands preffered by the youth such as Signature, Honey, Koutons, Spyker etc.

Table no 5:- Does the youth give preference to the Brand Ambassador while purchasing apparel and clothing? Yes No 20% 80%


Yes No

INTERPRETATION:- From this study it is found that most of the youth doesnt give preference to the brand ambassador while purchasing apparel.

Table no 6:- Ranking of the attributes that matters for the youth in apparel and clothing


Attributes Brand Design Quality Price

Rank1 40% 15% 17% 20%

Rank2 32% 25% 24% 15% 3% 1%

Rank3 20% 15% 20% 35% 5% 5%

Rank 4 5% 18% 33% 10 19% 15

Rank 5 3% 17% 4% 15% 31% 30%

Rank 6 _ 10% 2% 5% 37% 46%

Ambiance 5% of store Proximity 3% of store


80% rank 6 60% rank5 rank4 40% rank3 rank2 rank1 20%

0% Brand Design Quality Price Ambience Proximity

INTERPRETATION:-From this above presentation it is interfered that most of the youth give priority to brand than price and than design is there the quality, ambience of the store and the proximity of the store comes next in the ranking.


In India the branding in the garments and accessories is in the growth phase. Consumers have started identifying and preferring branded products over unbranded products due to growth in retail sector. Another observation is that Indian consumer is quality and price conscious rather than brand conscious which means there are very few brand loyal customers. Thus proper category management and catchment can improve branding and brand loyalty in India. Also it is being found that in the current scenario the demand for apparel and clothing items are increasing and the youth is also looking for something new in apparel and clothing like more design, better quality and of course low price as like the Indian consumer the youth is also price sensitive.


 Levis is the most preferable brand by the youth in apparel and clothing.  Indian youth is now going for branded clothes more.  The endorsement of the brand ambassador doesnt really attract more youth.  The ambiance of a store and its proximity doesnt really matters so much for the youth.


 The apparel industry should more focus on the design and looks of the apparels.  The brand awareness is increasing now a days among the youth hence the apparel companies should also focus on brand building more.  Quality and price are the other factors that the youth looks for in apparel and clothing hence the apparel companies should also look at that as well as maintain a good quality always.  Companies should also try to increase their market channels and retailing of their products.  Consumers do not get satisfied with the promotional policies of the companies. New techniques of promotion is required to create awareness about the entire range of companies products.

A small sample size of 45 students is taken, so we can not draw inferences about the population from this sample size. Time period is short and resource constraints. The scope of the project is limited to the A.I.M.T. So, we cannot say that the same response will exist throughout India. This study is based on the prevailing youths satisfaction. But the youths satisfaction may change according to time, fashion, technology, development, etc.


Kevin Lane Keller Abraham Koshy Mithileshwar Jha RESERCH METHODOLOGY- C.R. Kothary


EXECUTIVE SUMMARY This research is based on the study of Brand Preference of youth in apparel and clothing. The population for this study is he PGDM students of Accurate Institute Of Management and Technology, Greater Noida, U.P. In this study basically is collected in

the form of questionnaire the secondary data is being collected from different websites of companies and research sites. The sampling technique being used is random sampling technique.The literature review has been done from different websites and other researches that has been previously done on this topic and some other related topics. The literature review shows the relationship between brand preference and brand loyalty is very less. It also shows that the brand awareness is increasing among the youth now a days. The required data is collected from the students a questionnaire and being found that most of the youth is spend approximately about 3oooRs per month in apparel purchasing and most of the youth group is going for branded apparel but on the other hand they also purchase some of the unbranded apparel also. There is a relationship between customer satisfaction and brand loyalty. The study also shows that the brand ambassador endorsement matters very less for the youth hence the apparel companies should more focus on some more different promotional activities to attract this youth group which is the most demanded market segment for apparel. The youth is now more looking for new design an looks as well as comfort of the apparels. It is also found that there are some brands which are mostly proffered by the youth like Levis, Peter England, Reebok etc. although the study has been done very closely but there are some limitations are also there like small sample size, limited resources and the time constraint. This research followed every guide line very closely and adopted them to make it more perfect and accurate.







Leterature review

Research Objective

Research Methodology

Data Analysis

Conclusion & Findings


Recommendations & Limitations








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