Teamwork and Patient Safety in Dynamic Domains of Healthcare A Review of The Literature

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Acta Anaesthesiol Scand 2009; 53: 143–151 r 2008 The Author

Printed in Singapore. All rights reserved Journal compilation r 2008 The Acta Anaesthesiologica Scandinavica Foundation


doi: 10.1111/j.1399-6576.2008.01717.x

Review Article

Teamwork and patient safety in dynamic domains of

healthcare: a review of the literature
ETH Zurich, Center for Organizational and Occupational Sciences, Zurich, Switzerland

Aims/Background: This review examines current re- behaviors related to high clinical performance have iden-
search on teamwork in highly dynamic domains of health- tified patterns of communication, coordination, and lea-
care such as operating rooms, intensive care, emergency dership that support effective teamwork.
medicine, or trauma and resuscitation teams with a focus Conclusion: In recent years, research using diverse meth-
on aspects relevant to the quality and safety of patient odological approaches has led to significant progress in
care. team research in healthcare. The challenge for future
Results: Evidence from three main areas of research sup- research is to further develop and validate instruments
ports the relationship between teamwork and patient for team performance assessment and to develop sound
safety: (1) Studies investigating the factors contributing theoretical models of team performance in dynamic med-
to critical incidents and adverse events have shown that ical domains integrating evidence from all three areas of
teamwork plays an important role in the causation and team research identified in this review. This will help to
prevention of adverse events. (2) Research focusing on improve team training efforts and aid the design of clinical
healthcare providers’ perceptions of teamwork demon- work systems supporting effective teamwork and safe
strated that (a) staff’s perceptions of teamwork and atti- patient care.
tudes toward safety-relevant team behavior were related to
the quality and safety of patient care and (b) perceptions of
Accepted for publication accepted 2 May 2008
teamwork and leadership style are associated with staff
well-being, which may impact clinician’ ability to provide r 2008 The Author
safe patient care. (3) Observational studies on teamwork Journal compilation r 2008 The Acta Anaesthesiologica Scandinavica Foundation

L EARNING from other high-risk industries has

inspired research efforts in healthcare and has
contributed to significant improvements. In recent
system-based interventions to improve patient
safety and of medical education standards.
In general, teams are defined as two or more
years, a number of articles on teamwork and team individuals who work together to achieve specified
training in high-risk industries other than health- and shared goals, have task-specific competencies
care have been published in medical and interdis- and specialized work roles, use shared resources,
ciplinary journals. Some of these articles have not and communicate to coordinate and to adapt to
referred to any of the researches on teamwork that change.4 Compared with teams in other industries,
have already been carried out in healthcare and medical teams especially in the dynamic domains
that are the focus of this review. of healthcare such as operating rooms, intensive
The process of providing healthcare is inherently care, emergency medicine, or trauma and resusci-
interdisciplinary, requiring physicians, nurses, and tation teams5 work under conditions that change
allied health professionals from different special- frequently, may be assembled ad hoc, have a dyna-
ties to work in teams. In the patient safety litera- mically changing team membership, often work
ture, it has been widely recognized that team together for a short period of time, consist of
performance is crucial to providing safe patient specialists or several specialist crews, and have to
care.1 Poor coordination among providers at var- integrate different professional cultures. In the
ious levels of the organization appears to affect the team literature, such teams are known as ‘action
quality and safety of patient care (e.g. delays in teams’.6 When investigating effective teamwork in
testing or treatment, conflicting information).2,3 medical teams, it is important to consider the
Therefore, teamwork has become a focus of specific requirements a team is confronted with.

T. Manser

Not all medical teams are ‘action teams’ and team- gorize publications; full-text articles were retrieved
work requirements may vary depending on the when there was insufficient information in the
situation (e.g. routine vs. emergency). abstract. To assure reliability of this categorization,
Focusing on the dynamic domains of healthcare, an independent reviewer categorized a randomly
this review aims to provide an overview of (a) the selected 20% subset of the abstracts (Cohen’s k.89).
methods used and (b) the questions addressed by The categorization showed that (a) the majority of
teamwork research focusing on the time between articles were empirical studies of teamwork, fol-
1998 and 2007, (c) identify aspects of teamwork that lowed by theoretical papers describing basic con-
have been shown to correspond to the quality and cepts of teamwork and their relevance in healthcare
safety of care, and (d) explore perspectives for and (b) the relative importance of topics has shifted
future research. over the years (see Fig. 2). For example, the propor-
tion of theoretical papers highlighting the impor-
tance of teamwork decreased whereas team
training became more prominent, first in terms of
Materials and methods
A literature search was carried out consulting the
databases PubMed (1950–2007), MEDLINE via
Initial database search
OVID (1966–2007), ISI Web of Knowledge, and
PsychINFO. The following search terms were
used: teamwork, leadership, collaborative work,
collaborative activity, interdisciplinary practice,
Step 1:
team training, and cross training. In addition, the Screening of references
initial database search was limited to the dynamic according to inclusion criteria
domains of healthcare such as operating rooms,
intensive care, emergency medicine, or trauma and
resuscitation teams. Figure 1 provides an overview Step 2:
of the process of identifying the publications in- Categorization
cluded in this review. of the 277 publications
fulfilling inclusion criteria
In a first step, references were screened for
relevance in the context of this review. The criteria
for inclusion in this review were (a) addresses Step 3:
teamwork in the dynamic domains of healthcare, Selection for detailed review:
(b) published journal article, and (c) published in 101 publications
In a second step, abstracts of the 277 articles Fig. 1. Overview of the procedure for selecting publications for
fulfilling the inclusion criteria were used to cate- this review.

33 34
90% 5
80% 29 34


60% 13

40% 2
30% 24
50 68
Fig. 2. Distribution of 227 journal articles
0% on teamwork and team training in dynamic
Before 1987 1988-1997 1998-2007 total domains of healthcare across types of articles
and over time.

Teamwork and patient safety

course descriptions (1988–1997) and then in terms systematically describe team processes and assess
of evaluations of team training interventions (1998– team performance. Two main approaches can be
2007). Also, along with the increased number of identified: (a) systems to describe team processes
empirical studies of teamwork, an increase in (either applying an ethnographic approach17–21 or
methodological papers describing, validating, or categorizing behaviors using a predefined observa-
discussing methods for team research can be noted. tion system)22–25 and (b) rating systems to assess
Given these trends in the available literature, it was teamwork skills (often referred to as behavioral or
decided to focus on recent empirical studies of non-technical skills) in various medical specialty
teamwork. areas including anesthesia,26,27 surgery,28,29 operat-
In a third step, a total of 101 empirical studies of ing room teams,30 intensive care,31 and neonatal
teamwork published between 1998 and 2007 were resuscitation.32 These instruments have been eval-
sorted into thematic groups and reviewed in detail. uated successfully as research tools but also as
In the following, an overview of the studies in- feedback tools that can be used for teaching in
vestigating teamwork in relation to patient safety various clinical settings.33
will be given.

Teamwork as an important contributing factor to

Results adverse events
This review identified a number of empirical stu-
Methods applied in studying the relationship dies investigating the role of teamwork issues in
between teamwork and patient safety the causation of adverse events in dynamic do-
The studies included in this review have applied a mains of healthcare. These studies fall into two
broad spectrum of methodological approaches. Be- main groups: (a) retrospective analyses of incident
sides retrospective case analysis based on docu- and adverse event reports or malpractice claims
ments such as patient records or incident reports and (b) observational studies.
(sometimes in combination with interviews) that Retrospective analyses of incident and adverse
have been used to identify factors contributing to event reports found communication and teamwork
the causation and/or prevention of adverse events, issues to be among the most frequent contributory
two main approaches can be distinguished. factors (i.e. in 22–32% of reports).34–36 These results
(a) Methods used to study attitudes and percep- are not surprising because the provision of health-
tions: Interviews, focus groups, and (attitude) sur- care is an inherently communicative and team-
veys can provide useful diagnostic information based activity.
relating to the perception of teamwork behavior. Observational studies found similar results. In
Over the past 10 years, a number of survey instru- the operating room, Lingard et al.,37 for example,
ments have been adapted to and applied in health- observed a failure in 30% of communication events
care. Some of these instruments that measure safety during surgical procedures. Of these failures, 36%
climate to diagnose the underlying safety culture7 had observable consequences such as delay, ten-
include teamwork as one major aspect,8–11 whereas sion among team members, or procedural error.
others specifically measure the perceived quality of These results are supported by another observa-
teamwork.12–16 tional study focusing on the effects of disruptions
(b) Methods used to describe and assess beha- of the surgical process (e.g. communication fail-
vior: Although clinicians’ attitudes and perceptions ures, equipment problems). The study found that
are very important aspects of teamwork, positive surgical errors increased significantly with in-
attitudes toward teamwork are not necessarily creased disruptions and that teamwork and com-
accompanied by appropriate behavior. Observation munication problems were the strongest predictors
studies of patient care teams provide complemen- of surgical errors.38 An observational study in
tary information on effective team behavior such as pediatric cardiac and orthopedic surgery found
coordination and leadership. For example, pro- that effective teamwork was associated with fewer
spective observational studies have been used to minor problems per operation (i.e. negative events
identify medical errors and to describe the devel- that were seemingly innocuous but many of which
opment of critical incidents. Over the past 10 years, contributed to major problems), higher intraopera-
significant progress has been made concerning the tive performance (i.e. less key operating tasks were
development and evaluation of instruments to disrupted), and shorter operating times.39

T. Manser

In summary, observational studies and retro- is the quality of collaboration and communication
spective analyses of incidents or adverse events between team members. However, in some studies
indicate that many of the contributing factors healthcare providers rated a peer and in other
originate from flawed teamwork rather than from studies another type of caregiver. In one study,
a lack of clinical skills. One difficulty is, however, nurses’ ratings of the quality of collaboration and
that most of these studies do not make it explicit communication with physicians (33% positive rat-
exactly which aspects of teamwork have to be ings) were compared with physicians’ ratings of the
improved. In addition, few empirical studies sys- quality of collaboration and communication with
tematically investigated the role of teamwork in nurses (73% positive ratings).44 Another study con-
preventing minor problems from escalating to trasted surgeons’ ratings of their collaboration with
more serious situations.38,39 Nevertheless, it is often other surgeons (85% positive ratings) with nurses’
claimed that many adverse events could have been ratings of their collaboration with surgeons (48%
prevented by improved teamwork. positive ratings).47
Besides these methodological issues, there is no
consensus about the optimal level of cohesiveness
Healthcare providers perceptions of teamwork in and shared understanding of team structure, team
dynamic medical domains tasks, and team roles in patient care teams. Human
Surveys and interview studies regarding attitudes factors research in other high-risk industries sug-
toward teamwork indicate that – consistent with gests that a shared mental model of teamwork is
many other high-risk industries – healthcare pro- essential for effective team performance.49 There-
viders attribute a high degree of importance to fore, the result that operating room teams deemed
teamwork aspects such as communication or co- the quality of the teamwork acceptable, despite
ordination.9,14,40 In a qualitative study on the marked differences in team members’ understand-
meanings attached to teamwork in the operating ing of team roles, and team structure,16 may indicate
room, coordination, leadership, and its role in the need to raise awareness of the importance of
assuring patient safety and staff well-being were teamwork in patient safety.
identified as the most prominent meanings.41
Staff’s perceptions of teamwork are related to the quality
Different groups of healthcare providers perceive the quality and safety of patient care. Little empirical evidence
of teamwork differently. Studies investigating clini- exists on the relationship between staff’s percep-
cians’ perceptions of teamwork found that the tions of the quality of teamwork (or their attitudes
quality of leadership, the openness of communica- toward teamwork) and the perceived or objectively
tion, etc. were generally rated positively.9,13,42,43 measured quality and safety of patient care. For
However, most studies identified marked differ- example, studies using clinicians’ attitudes toward
ences in the perceived quality of teamwork between safety-relevant behaviors as indicators of safety
professional groups (i.e. nurses reported lower le- found that although attitudes to these behaviors
vels of quality of teamwork than doctors),10,13,15,42–46 were generally positive, staffs’ responses also in-
within disciplines (i.e. trainee doctors reported dicated a belief in personal invulnerability to stress
lower levels of quality of teamwork than senior and fatigue.9,40,42 This result was more pronounced
doctors),14,42,43,45 and between specialties.14,47 These in healthcare than in aviation.40 Research in inten-
differences in the way members of different profes- sive care found that the perceived communication
sional groups perceive interpersonal interactions are openness among team members predicted the
also supported by a study investigating how differ- degree to which individuals reported to under-
ent members of an operating room team perceived stand patient care goals.43,50
the same situation. The results of this study showed Studies using objective measures of the quality
that surgeons, nurses, and anesthesiologists inde- and safety of patient care also indicate an associa-
pendently rated tension levels of three video-based tion with (certain aspects of) teamwork.11,12,51 For
scenarios similarly, but rated each profession’s re- example, relational coordination (measured by fre-
sponsibility for creating and resolving tension dif- quency of communication, strength of shared
ferently, often rating their profession as having goals, degree of mutual respect among care provi-
relatively less responsibility than the others.48 ders, etc.) was found to be associated with im-
One aspect of teamwork for which most studies proved quality of care, reduced post-operative
identified differences between professional groups pain, improved post-operative functioning, and

Teamwork and patient safety

decreased lengths of hospital stay.12 Another study tioning. For example, ethnographic studies showed
in intensive care comparing the perceived quality that tensions in team communications in the oper-
of team functioning with predicted and actual ating room often evolve around the issues of time,
mortality rates of the unit during the study period safety and sterility, resources, and work roles.17,58
found that for units with mortality rates that were Another focus of communication research is
lower than predicted, staff’s perceptions of team- concerned with the frames of reference that clin-
work were more positive (e.g. team members were icians with different professional backgrounds re-
seen as less dependent and more trusting).51 fer to when discussing patient care decisions.59–61
Studies in intensive care found that breakdowns in
Perceptions of teamwork and leadership style impact staff teamwork were often related to different types of
well-being. Besides known contributors to staff knowledge referred to by nurses and physicians
well-being such as workload, time pressure, and when discussing clinical problems60 and that the
job control, perceptions of teamwork and leader- proximity to the patient played an important role
ship behavior were found to be associated with in shaping clinicians’ perspectives.59 A qualitative
employee outcomes such as emotional exhaus- study in an emergency room found that the use of
tion,52 burnout,11,53 job satisfaction,11,54 and orga- different frames of reference in patient care deci-
nizational commitment.54 For example, a survey of sions within a team decreases the recognition of
ICU nurses showed that leadership styles that seek uncertainty and may compromise patient safety.61
and value contributions from staff promote a cli- So far, no direct link between communication
mate in which information is shared effectively, patterns and patient outcomes has been estab-
promote decision making at the staff nurse level, lished. However, Lingard et al.62 have proposed a
and influence coordination of work to provide a model of the relationships among specific commu-
milieu that increases nurses’ intent to stay.55 nication practices (i.e. pre-operative team briefing),
Although empirical results directly linking staff intermediary processes (e.g. increased team mem-
well-being to patient safety are not available, hu- ber knowledge, improved team behavior), and the
man factors research indicates that, for example, quality and safety of patient care. Theoretical mod-
burnout symptoms such as emotional exhaustion, els of communication in medical teams will enable
fatigue, inability to concentrate, and aversion to the development of training curricula that will
patients decrease clinicians’ ability to assure pa- improve team functioning and patient safety.
tient safety.5 In order to decrease the likelihood
for negative employee outcome, leadership beha- Coordination strategies supporting effective teamwork.
vior creating an atmosphere where team members Coordination is essential to teamwork because
feel they can communicate openly and participate different team members routinely perform multi-
in decision making is essential.50,56 Moreover, first ple interdependent tasks simultaneously. Ethno-
studies on the effects of changes in the design graphic research in anesthesia has highlighted
of work systems and processes indicate that re- that teams coordinate not only through verbal
structuring toward a team-based approach im- communication but also through their work envir-
proves staff well-being and the quality and safety onment (i.e. the precise alignment of team mem-
of patient care.52,57 bers bodies, tools, and the patient’s body).18,20,21
This coordination strategy, which requires an in-
timate knowledge of work roles and procedures,
Teamwork behaviors related to patient safety enables smooth team performance in most routine
Observational studies of teamwork have identified situations. However, during unfamiliar, ill-struc-
patterns of communication, coordination, and lea- tured, or critical situations, more explicit forms of
dership that support effective teamwork. However, coordination may be necessary. Grote et al.,63 for
only a few studies could establish a direct link example, observed that anesthesia teams adapt to
between specific teamwork behaviors and clinical situational requirements such as the levels of stan-
performance or patient outcome. dardization of the work process. Higher levels of
standardization were associated with more implicit
Communication patterns supporting effective teamwork. coordination and less leadership behavior. These
Among the most prominent themes in commu- results are in line with human factors research in
nication research in healthcare are the effects of other high-risk industries, indicating that effective
interruptions and tensions on effective team func- teams adapt their coordination strategies to the

T. Manser

situational requirements (i.e. more implicit coordi- Table 1

nation during routine situations and more explicit Overview of aspects of teamwork relevant to the quality and
coordination during critical situations).64 safety of patient care in dynamical domains of healthcare.
Aspects of Examples of safety-relevant characteristics
Leadership behaviors supporting effective teamwork. Lea- teamwork
dership is a special means of coordination that Quality of Mutual respect
has received considerable attention in research collaboration Trust
Shared mental Strength of shared goals
on trauma and cardiac arrest teams. These models Shared perception of a situation
teams are prototypical examples of action teams Shared understanding of team structure,
because team members perform urgent and team task, team roles, etc.
highly consequential tasks while simultaneously Coordination Adaptive coordination (e.g. dynamic task
allocation when new members join the team;
coping with frequent changes in team com- shift between explicit and implicit forms of
position.6,65 In addition, these teams rarely com- coordination; increased information
municate before attending to a cardiopulmonary exchange and planning in critical situations)
Communication Openness of communication
arrest.66 Quality of communication (e.g. shared
Video analyses of resuscitation attempts showed frames of reference)
that the degree to which resuscitation team leaders Specific communication practices (e.g. team
built a structure within the team correlated signifi- Leadership Leadership style (value contributions from
cantly with team dynamics and task perfor- staff, encourage participation in decision-
mance.22 If resuscitation team leaders participated making, etc.)
Adaptive leadership behavior (e.g. increased
‘hands-on’, they were less likely to build a struc- explicit leadership behavior in critical
tured team, the team was less dynamic (i.e. less situations)
adaptability and coordination), and the resuscita-
tion tasks were performed less effectively. These
results are supported by other studies, showing supervision including post-event debriefing and
that successful resuscitation teams exhibited sig- performance feedback.68 Although trainees’ confi-
nificantly more leadership behavior and explicit dence in their ability to lead a resuscitation team
task distribution67 and a positive effect of ‘directive often increases after advanced life support (ALS)
leadership behavior’ and ‘structuring inquiry’.25 training, observational studies found no improve-
Based on video analysis, Xiao et al.19 identified ment in leadership performance after ALS training
six leadership functions in trauma teams (e.g. without specific leadership training.22
information request, strategic planning, critiquing
plans) that were frequently triggered by specific
characteristics of the situation (e.g. arrival of a new
team member, completion of a sub-task, detection
of an error). The systematic mapping of leadership This review of teamwork demonstrates the critical
functions to task situations provided evidence of importance of teamwork in assuring patient safety
adaptive leadership in trauma teams. The impor- in the dynamic domains of healthcare. Table 1
tance of adaptive leadership is further supported summarizes safety-relevant aspects of teamwork
by observational research showing that senior team identified by the studies included in this review.
leaders dynamically assign leadership tasks to team Research on attitudes toward teamwork indi-
members65 and that leadership roles change dyna- cates that healthcare providers do not seem to fully
mically when new team members join the team.25 appreciate the impact of psychological factors on
These results suggest that adaptive leadership en- clinical performance and that improved teamwork
hances teams’ ability to perform reliably in the face may contribute to increased staff well-being as well
of dynamically changing task requirements. as improved patient outcome. Observational stu-
In summary, these studies provide evidence of dies found weak to moderate associations between
the importance of adaptive and effective leadership ratings of teamwork skills and measures of techni-
in resuscitation teams. Survey results indicate that cal and clinical performance.28,31,32,69,70 Empirical
many residents (50%) feel unprepared to take on a evidence also supports the argument that system
leadership role in cardiac arrest teams due to improvements such as formal practices to
perceived deficits in their training, especially a strengthen communication and relationships
lack of leadership training (51%), and in their among healthcare providers57,71 and specific team

Teamwork and patient safety

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