Task2 Jefferson Castrillon 174

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Task 2 - Writing task


Jefferson Castrillón Cárdenas



90121 - English

Group - 174


Angelica Maria Pinto


March 2020

1.1 How the town was at the beginning?

Before everything began to change for the blight, the town in the heart of America was very beautiful,
there was fertile lands with fields of grain and hillsides of orchards, there was a variety of trees and
wonderful flowers along the roads. The town in Winter also was perfect, because a big variety of
birds arrives to this place looking for food.

1.2 How it is now?

When the blight appears, everything changes. Most of the animals and the people of the town starts
to die without explanation. The birds disappear along the town and the few birds seen in this place
were close to died. The roadsides gave the expectation of no life. The town becomes in a desert place
shadow of death.

1.3 How is it predicted to be in the future?

The prediction is that there will be no regeneration of nature. The lands will not be the same and the
damage is done. Every animal, plant and human that was touch for the bright will be condemned to
death at the end.

1.4 A fable is a story with a lesson; so, in your opinion What is the lessonthat this fable teaches?
(One or two lines)

The lesson that this fabula gave me is that every human has in his actions, the consequences that they
want for their future. If we contaminate the environment with blights, this changes the conditions of
life for everybody around us.

Title “Bad boys”

Characters A group of boys
Setting In an atoll called Kapingamarangi in the middle of the sea close to
Australia. Year 2030.
Conflict The boys have never appreciated the wonderful place they have lived
The way your región, towns or Before the catastrophe, there was potable water for everybody.
city was before
The way it is now No water, no life, nobody living in this place.
Predictions how it Will be in the In the future this place will be completely uninhabitable.


“Bad boys”

One upon a time an amazing place named Kapingamarangi located in the middle of the Pacific Ocean
close to Australia. This place was an incredible variety of trees and animals, each family that lived
there believes that nothing could destroy this paradise.

Figure 1 - kapingamarangi

The bad boys appear in the new generations, they never appreciate the things that belong there, so
they never imagine that a bad desition make completely uninhabitable this old paradise.
The catastrophe began when a group of ten young boys who study in the only school there, went for
an expedition to the only mountain, the focus of this trip was learn the incredible value of water, but
the boys just went, and they were not interested in that. The “bad boys”, how the people called after
the catastrophe, made not potable all the water from the mountain, using a chemical substance stolen
from the laboratory in the school.

Figure 2 - Shortage of drinking water

Everybody leaved this paradise just because there was potable water. The animals began to die, and
the bad boys were sentenced to hard labor in Australia for destroying life in that community. This
place could never be inhabited again, and the families never returned to those lands.

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