Sineflex Answer Template

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Name Nikita Kheterpal

Question 1 (A&B)

Question 2

Dear Rakesh,

Greetings for the day! Hope this email finds you in good health.

Thank you for your time and the insightful conversations with us, over the past few weeks. We
at Sineflex Solutions, with assistance from you and your team at ABC Polyclinic have been
successful in delivering proposals tastefully drafted basis set expectations during our calls,
WhatsApp communications and in-person meetings.

As for the current status, we understand that the latest version of proposal has had no
feedbacks and responses from you, and as much as the idea of taking this proposal up a notch
to the execution level excites us, we understand the underlying challenges. Our team has
dedicatedly put research and efforts in building/customizing bespoke solutions, which to our
understanding, may not have yet hit the mark for you.

We appreciate that you and your team may need some more time to acquire clarity on the
expectations, and until then we would be happy to assist in any other business prospects you
have in mind. However, for now, conversations on these proposals seem to have hit a
standstill, and we will be happy to resume once we have something concrete to build upon.

Thank you once again for all the time and trust you have put in Sineflex Solutions. Please feel
free to reach out via email/WhatsApp in case of concerns. We look forward to serving you in

Best Regards,

Mahesh Iyer,

Co-founder, Sineflex Solutions (hyperlinked)


Fax: <number>

LinekdIn, Twitter etc handles


1. Conclusion : Email is designed to respectfully inform them that we have taken time
and effort in building proposals for them multiple times, however, owing to no
responses over the weeks we have come to a dead end and we will interact again once
they have clarity and this is a priority.
2. Assuming why we haven’t heard is uncertainty of what they want/priority .
3. Email is a continuation after the watsapp message to allow them read email
4. Email is sent say 2-3 weeks after no response is heard from them from the last meeting.
5. Courteous and polite ending with al relevant details of Rakesh and sineflex webpage

Question 3
In line with Mahesh’s aspirations for Sineflex of establishing a boutique consulting firm to
bring innovation across healthcare, especially across India, the target audiences can be-

1. Thought leadership published over social media/websites and speaking at conferences can
address the researchers from the network of academia and practicing experts for a deep dive
into research and data from hospitals, labs universities etc.

2. Pharma giants as well as startups in technology or medicine to stay abreast with ongoing
events and leverage and expand their existing network

3. Technology and insurance channel partners that can help use technology and make
healthcare and pharma available in masses.

Rationale: The communication will help Sinoflex strengthen its network of healthcare and
pharma with access to R&D and patient/medicine/equipment/records etc. data: in universities,
hospitals, startups, firms as they aim to build a catalogue which can be worthy for the clients.

Useful information on various technologies through partners that can bridge the gap b/w
solution providers and clients.

This will be collaborated on Sinoflex’s platform services leveraging their domain expertise
and connections and thus offering bespoke services /solutions to real life client problems and
upgrading as per challenges.

The Pharma companies (which focus on research, discovery, development and distribution of

The hospitals (which focus on the treatment of the patients)

The insurers (which focus on selling insurance products)

You heard from Mahesh about the various stakeholders for Sineflex. They are:

 Healthcare companies & business units of large companies who were the customers

 Universities and startups who would be the partners in building a solution catalogue

 Investors who would want to fund Sineflex

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