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Wrltten by Roderick Hunt

Illustroted by Alex Brychto


?qlk together Enjoy the story together.
. Look ot the cover ond reod the title If your chitd needs
together. support to reod the
. Totk obout whot eoch person is corrying.
. Look through the book ond totk obout
. Ask your chi[d to
point from [eft to
the pictures.
right under eoch word
whilst reoding.
About the words in this book
. Model how to sound
out ond blend new
. Your chitd shou[d be ob[e to sound words if necessory.
out ond btend some words, which
moy inctude:
. If o word is sti[[ too
tricky, simpty soy the
o Mum Dod mess whote word {or your
. chitd.
Some words moy be more choLtenging.
Encouroge or mode[ b[ending, then
. Use the pictures
reod the words below to your chitd to totk obout the
if necessory. story ond leorn the
meoning of new
mode dress some words.
scorf [orry
birthdoy cqrd
everyone jom
Mum mode o dress.

Dod mode some jom.

Chip mode o scorf.

G '5'


Biff mode o lo rrg.


Kipper mode o birthdog cord.

. Totk obout whot eoch person mode. Ask: Does it
look difficutt to moke?
. Ask your chitd whot they woutd moke for o show.
. To[k obout why the fomity didn't tidy up before
they [eft. Ask: Who do you think wos the messiestT

Itxt O Roderick Hunt 1995

lllusradons @ Alcx Brychta 1995
lirst published l99s
This edition published 2011
ISBN 978-G19-848109-6

Al1 rights reseNed. Photocopying ofthis

1094 76

Everuone mode o mess. Frnned nr

Papcr uscd
Ch a Dy I'nago
ir drc productioD ofthis book is a

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