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Chapter 10

• describing beauty ‫وصف الجمال‬

• Appearance ‫ املظهر‬،‫الشكل‬
• Attractive or good looking [nice to look at]‫ جذاب‬/‫حسن املظهر‬
• Pretty [(for girl)attractive]‫جميله‬
• Gorgeous (for women)‫فائق الجمال‬
• Handsome (for man) ‫وسيم‬
• Ugly ‫قبيح‬
• Ordinary ‫عادي‬
• Size ‫مقاس‬
• Height [how tall or short they are]‫طول الشخص‬
• Weight [how heavy they are ] ‫وزن‬
• Roughly [approximately, about] ‫تقريبًا‬
• Medium height ‫متوسط الطول‬
• Average ‫ متوسط‬/ ‫عادي‬
• Hair ‫شعر‬
• Blonde ‫اشقر‬
• Fair ‫فاتح‬
• Brown ‫بني‬
• Dark ‫غامق‬
• Black ‫اسود‬
• Straight ‫ناعم‬
• Wavy ‫مموج‬
• Curly ‫مجعد‬
• Look like [can you describe his appearance] ‫يبدو مثل‬
• Tallish [quite tall] ‫تقريبًا طويل‬
• Broad [wide;opp narrow] ‫عريض‬
• Athletic [strong, healthy and often good at sports]‫رياضي‬
• Smart [clean, tidy and stylish] ‫انيق امللبس‬
• Dresses [the clothes he wears are quite nice ] ‫املالبس‬
Chapter 11
• Describe your character [what you are like as a person] ‫وصف شخصيتك‬
• Talented [has a natural ability]‫موهوب‬
• Trust [be sure that she is honest]‫ مسؤلية‬،‫ثقه‬
• Creative [good at thinking of new ideas and using her imagination]‫ابداعي‬
• Wish [I would like to have her] ‫اتمنى‬
• Pleasant ‫جذاب‬
• Kind ‫حنون‬، ‫لطيف‬
• Friendly ‫ودود‬

Positive [believe that good things will

happen] Negative ‫سلبي‬

Reliable [can be trusted to do what people

unreliable ‫اليعتمد عليه‬
expect you to do] (‫جدير بالثقه )يعتمد عليه‬

Con dent [feeling sure about yourself and shy [not con dent, especially about
your abilities] ‫واثق‬ meeting or talking to new people]‫خجول‬

Hard working [putting a lot of effort into your

lazy ‫كسول‬
work and spending a lot of time on it ]‫مجتهد‬

Sense of humor [the ability to laugh and

serious [a serious person is quite and
understand when something is funny] ‫حس‬
doesn’t l laugh very much] ‫جاد‬

Patient [able to stay calm and not get angry,

impatient ‫غير صبور‬
especially when things take a lot of time] ‫صبور‬

Generous [happy to give more money or help

mean ‫بخيل‬
than is usual] ‫كريم‬

Honest [an honest person tells the truth] ‫صادق‬ dishonest ‫غير صادق‬

Clever, intelligent [able to learn and

stupid ‫غبي‬
understand things quickly] ‫ذكي‬

Calm [relaxed and not worried or frightened]

nervous, anxious ‫ عصبي‬،‫قلق‬

Sensible [Practical; doesn’t do stupid things]

Silly [not sensible , a bit stupid] ‫سخيف‬

Chapter 12
• Scared [afraid; syn frightened] ‫مفزوع‬
• Hopeful [feeling positive about a future situation] ‫متفائل‬
• Upset [unhappy because something unpleasant has happened] ‫منزعج‬
• Cheerful [happy] ‫بهجه‬
• Miserable [unhappy] ‫تعاسة‬
• SAD [seasonal affective disorder] ‫االضطراب العاطفي املوسمي‬
• Depressed [unhappy, often for a long time, and without hope for the future] ‫اكتئاب‬
• Mood [the way we feel at a particular time] ‫مزاج‬
• Energetic [wanting to be busy and doing a lot of things] ‫نشيط‬
• Anger [being angry] ‫غضب‬
• caring for [looking after someone, especially someone young or old] ‫رعايه‬
• Stress [feelings of worry caused by dif cult situations such as problems at work] ‫اجهاد‬
• Creative [good at thinking of new ideas or using our imagination] ‫مبدعني‬
• Feelings ‫مشاعر‬



Adjective (‫)صفه‬ Noun (‫)اسم‬

Proud [feeling good because you(or someone you know)has

Pride ‫فخر‬
done something well] ‫فخور‬

Jealous [unhappy and angry because someone you love

Jealousy ‫غيره‬
seems too interested in another person] ‫غيور‬

Curious [wanting to know or learn about something] ‫فضولي‬ Curiosity ‫فضول‬

Disappointed [unhappy because someone or something

wasn’t as good as you hoped, or because something didn’t
happen] ‫محبط‬

Confused [not able to think clearly or understand something]

Confusion ‫حيرة‬

Anxious [worried] ‫قلق‬ Anxiety ‫القلق‬

Emotional ‫عاطفي‬ Emotion ‫عاطفه‬

Affect ‫يؤثر‬ Effect ‫تأثير‬

Chapter 14
• Birth [the moment a baby is born] ‫والده‬
• Toddler ‫طفل بعمر املشي‬
• Childhood ‫مرحلة الطفولة‬
• Teenager ‫مراهقه‬
• Adult ‫راشد‬
• Middle-aged [in the middle of their lives] ‫منتصف العمر‬
• Retirement [when people stop work; they are retired] ‫متقاعد‬
• elderly ‫كبار السن‬
• Early twenties [21-23] ‫بدايه العشرينات‬
• Mid fties [54-56] ‫منتصف الخمسينات‬
• Late seventies [77-79] ‫نهاية السبعينات‬
• Nearly/almost eighty [he’s probably 79] ‫قريب للثمانينات‬
• Approximately/ roughly thirty [about 30/ more or less 30] ‫حوالي الثالثني‬
• Dead [not living; opp alive] ‫ميت‬
• Brought up [looked after until you are an adult] ‫تربى‬
• strict ‫صارم‬
• allow [give permission] ‫سمح‬
• In the end [ nally, after a lot of time or thought] ‫بالنهايه‬
• At rst [at the beginning] ‫في البداية‬
• Managed [was able (but it was dif cult)] ‫تمكنت‬
• Let [allowed] ‫يترك‬
• Stay out late [not go home until late] ‫ابق بالخارج متأخ ًرا‬
Chapter 19
• there’s something wrong with [there is a problem with it]‫هناك شي خاطئ في‬
• isn’t working probably [it is functioning, but not very well] ‫اليعمل على االرجح‬
• isn’t working [isn’t functioning; there is no light] ‫اليعمل‬



• Out of order [not in use, broken ]‫خارج عن السيطره‬

• Dropped ‫اسقاط‬
• Clear it up ‫امسحها‬
• Slipped ‫انزلقت‬
• spilt ‫انسكب‬
• All over ‫فوق كل‬
• Remove [get it off] ‫ازاله‬
• Hopeless [very bad and impossible to improve] ‫يأيس‬
• Burnt [cooked something for too long] ‫محترق‬
• Run out of [there was no more of something] ‫نفذ من‬
• Bad mood [feeling unhappy] ‫مزاج سيىء‬
• Got Worse [became more dif cult and unpleasant] ‫اسوأ‬
• Missed ‫افتقد‬
• I fell over [fell to the ground] ‫لقد سقطت‬
• Torn [see pictures; tear, past tense tore, past participle torn] ‫ممزق‬
• Hit [touch something quickly, usually causing injury] ‫ضرب‬
• At home ‫في البيت‬
Chapter 21
• health ‫الصحه‬
• Sore throat ‫التهاب حلق‬
• Temperature ‫درجه الحراره‬
• Flu ‫انفلونزا‬
• Cut ‫يقطع‬
• Bleeding ‫نزيف‬
• Bandage ‫ضماده‬
• Cough ‫سعال‬
• Medicine [something you take to treat an illness] ‫دواء‬
• Headache ‫صداع‬
• Tablets(pills) (‫اقراص)حبوب‬
• Feel sick (‫اشعر باملرض)غثيان‬
• Stomach ache ‫الم املعده‬
• Suffers ‫يعاني‬
• Backache ‫الم الظهر‬
• Pain ‫الم‬
• Hurt ‫جرح‬
• Painful ‫مؤلم‬
• Serious (bad) illnesses ‫االمراض الخطيره السيئه‬
• Patient‫مريض‬
• Operation [when special doctors, called surgeons, cut into the body for medical
reasons; also called surgery] ‫عمليه جراحه‬
• Lung cancer ‫سرطان الرئة‬
• Heart attacks ‫أزمه قلبيه‬


• Disease ‫مرض‬
• Liver ‫كبد‬
Chapter 26
• Boil ‫ غلى‬،‫سلق‬
• Saucepan (‫قدر )له عروه‬
• Fry ‫يقلى‬
• Frying pan ‫مقالة‬
• Grill ‫يحمر او شوايه فرن‬،‫يشوي‬
• Roast [using oil] ‫يشوي او يحمص‬
• Bake [without oil] ‫خبز‬
• Barbecue ‫يشوي او شوايه‬
• Raw ‫ني‬
• Peel [remove the skin] ‫قشر‬
• Chop [cut it into small pieces] ‫ يقطع‬/‫يفرم‬
• Adding [putting them together with the onions] ‫احمسي‬
• Stir [move it around in a saucepan using a spoon] ‫حركي‬
• Few ‫لعده‬
• Chefs [people who cook food in a restaurant as a job]
• Taste [put a small amount in their mouth to see what it’s like] ‫املذاق‬
• Tasty [has a good taste] ‫لذيذ‬
• Spicy [with a strong hot avour] ‫حار‬
• Flavours [the type of taste that food or drink has e.g. vanilla, coffee, strawberry, etc]
• Horrible [terrible, unpleasant] ‫كريه مو حلو‬
• Delicious [fantastic, with a wonderful taste] ‫لذيذ‬
• Sour ‫حامض‬
• Sweet ‫حلو‬
• Bitter ‫مر‬
• Smooth ‫ ناعم‬،‫خفيف‬
• Recipe [the cooking instructions for a particular dish, e.g. lasagne]‫وصفه‬
• Ingredients [the different food you need to make a particular meal]‫مقادير‬
• Pies [ pie is pronounced/ pai/ like ‘my’] ‫فطائر‬
• Oven, Cooker‫فرن‬
Chapter 27
• The rush hour [ the time when people travel to and work]
• In a hurry [want to go somewhere/ do something quickly] ‫سريع‬
• I get stuck [become unable to move or go anywhere] ‫تورط‬،‫يعلق‬
• Traf c jams [long lines of cars that are not moving] ‫زحمه السير‬
• Nowhere to park [no place to leave the car] ‫لم احصل موقف‬
• Car park [place to leave a car] ‫موقف سيارات‬
• Stressful [causing a lot of worry] ‫ مجهد‬/‫مرهق‬
• Exhausted [very tired] ‫مرهق‬


• The nightlife [places to visit in the evening for social reasons] ‫الحياه الليليه‬
• Town center ‫مركز املدينة‬
• Lively [full of activity] ‫حي‬
• Variety of [many different things] ‫تنوع‬
• Culture ‫ثقافه‬
• Culture activities ‫انشطة ثقافية‬
• value for money [If something is good value for money, you are happy with what you
receive for the amount of money you pay] ‫قيمه مقابل املال‬
• Mix [different types] ‫مزج‬
• You get [you nd/ there exists] ‫لقد حصلت‬
• Going on [happening] ‫استمر‬
• Pollution [dirty air and water] ‫تلوث‬
• Crime rate [the number of crimes that happen] ‫معدل الجريمه‬
• At night [in the period when it’s dark] ‫في الليل‬
Advantages of [the positive things
Disadvantages ‫عيوب‬
about a situation] ‫مميزات‬

Quiet ‫هادئ‬ Crowded [full of people] ‫مزدحم‬

Clean ‫نظيفه‬ Dirty ‫ وصخه‬/‫ملوثه‬

Safe ‫امنه‬ Dangerous ‫خطيره‬

Exciting ‫مثير‬ Dull [poring] ‫ممل‬

Chapter 28
• Countryside ‫الريف‬
• Surrounded by [nature was everywhere around me] ‫محاطه‬
• Banks [the side of the river] ‫ضفاف النهر‬
• Woods [group of trees] ‫غابه‬
• Picked [took them from the tree/ plant] ‫يقطف‬
• Seasons [spring, summer, autumn, winter] ‫الفصول االربعة‬
• Scenery [the natural beauty you see around you] ‫منظر‬
• Open spaces [empty areas of land] ‫االماكن املفتوحة‬
• Fresh air [naturally clean air] ‫هواء نقي‬
• Owns [has (something that legally belongs to him)] ‫يملك‬
• Keeps [owns and looks after them] ‫يرعي‬
• Farming ‫زراعه‬
• Up [not in bed] ‫مستيقظًا‬
• Sunset [when the sun goes down in the evening] ‫غروب الشمس‬
• Hill ‫هضبه‬
• Valley ‫وادي‬
• footpath ‫ممر‬
• farmhouse ‫منزل ريفي‬
• eld ‫حقل‬
• fence ‫سور‬


• gate ‫بوابه‬
• tractor ‫جزار زراعي‬
• village [a place smaller then a town] ‫قريه‬
• Away [a distance from a place] ‫بعيد‬
• Public transport [buses and trains for people to use] ‫وسائل النقل العام‬
• Hopeless [terrible] ‫يائس‬
• Don’t get [there aren’t/ you don’t nd] ‫التوجد‬
Chapter 30
• Roads ‫الطرق‬
• Traf c lights ‫أشارات املرور‬
• (Road) junction ‫تقاطع‬
• a bend [this road bends to the right] ‫منعطف‬
• Pedestrian crossing ‫عبور املشاة‬
• Road signs ‫ لوحات الطريق‬،‫اشارات‬
• No overtaking [you can’t pass another car] ‫ممنوع التجاوز‬
• Speed limit ‫الحد االقصى للسرعه‬
• Bridge ‫كوبري‬
• Motor way ‫طريق السريع‬
• Inside/ slow lane ‫ ممر بطيء‬/‫داخل‬
• Outside/ fast lane ‫ ممر سريع‬/‫خارج‬
• I got lost [didn’t know where I was] ‫انا ضعت‬
• On my way to [while I was going to (the airport)] ‫في طريقي الى‬
• Via [go through somewhere to get to a destination] ‫عبر‬
• Turning [corner where one road meets another] ‫منعطف‬
• I ended up [found myself in a place I didn’t expect to be in] ‫انتهى بي االمر‬
• Ask ‫سأل‬
• The way [ask how to get to a place] ‫طريق‬
• Directed [told me how to get to a place] ‫توجه‬
• Accident ‫حادت سياره‬
• Main road [important road] ‫الطريق الرئيسي‬
• A pedestrian [a person walking] ‫احد املشاة‬
• Pavement [the place where pedestrians walk] ‫رصيف‬
• Approaching [coming closer] ‫تقترب‬
• barked [put his foot on the brake to stop the car] ‫فرمل‬
• Parked car [a car next to the pavement, not moving] ‫سيارت متوقفه‬
• swerved [changed direction suddenly and without control] ‫انحرفت من مسارها‬
• Crashed ‫صقعت سياره‬
• Damaged ‫تالف‬
• Injured ‫اصيب‬
Chapter 34
• Wide vocabulary [knows a lot of words] ‫مفردات واسعه‬
• Accurately [without mistaken] ‫بدقه‬


• Fluent [able to speak naturally without stopping] ‫طالقه‬

• Accent [the way he pronounces words] (‫لهجه )نطق‬
• Consonants [letters of the alphabet (a-z), which are not the vowels a,e,i,o,u] ‫حروف‬
• Alphabet ‫حروف االبجدية‬
• Making himself understood [saying things in a way people understand] ‫جعل نفسه‬
• Increase [make it bigger] ‫يزيد‬
• Willing to [ happy and ready to] ‫مستعد‬
• Experiment [try something new to see what it is like] ‫تجرب‬
• Gets things wrong [makes mistakes] ‫يخطئ في االمور‬
• Basic [elementary; syn simple] ‫اساسي‬
• Picks things up [learn things without trying] ‫يتعلم االشياء بسرعه‬
• Has a good ear for language [is good at hearing, repeating and understanding sounds
and words] ‫لديه اذن صاغيه للغه‬
• Pass ‫نجاح‬
• Revise ‫يراجع‬
• Exam ‫امتحان‬
• Hard work [work that requires a lot of effort] ‫عمل شاق‬
• Doing his best [making as much effort as he can; syn trying his best] ‫يبذل جهده‬
• Candidate [someone who is talking an exam] ‫مرجح‬
• Grade [syn mark] ‫درجه‬
• Do well ‫أحسنت صنعًا‬
• Get through [ nish] ‫تجاوز‬
• Revision [revise for the exam] ‫مراجعه‬
• Exam preparation [getting ready for the exam] ‫التحضير لالمتحان‬
• Do/ write an essay [a short piece of writing about a particular subject] ‫مقاال‬ ‫أكتب‬
Chapter 35
• Medicine (doctor) (‫طب) دكتور‬
• Engineering (engineer)(‫هندسه )مهندس‬
• Economics (economist) (‫اقتصاد )خبير اقتصادي‬
• Business studies (businessman/women) (‫ سيده‬/‫دراسات االعمال )رجل اعمال‬
• Law (lawyer) (‫قانون)محامية‬
• Architecture (architect) (‫هندسه معمارية )مهندس معماري‬
• Psychology (psychologist) (‫علم النفس)عالم نفسي‬
• Quali cation [something that you get when you are successful in an exam] ‫مؤهل او‬
• Grades ‫درجات‬
• Degree [do a course at university] ‫درجه علميه‬
• Degree [(also the word for) a university quali cation] ‫درجه علمية‬
• Successfully ‫بنجاح‬




• Certi cate [a document that shows you have completed a course successfully] ‫شهاده‬
‫او وثيقه تخرج‬
• Last [continue for] ‫اخر‬
• Lecturers ‫محاضرين‬
• Lectures [the lecturer talk and the students listen] ‫محاظرات‬
• Professor ‫استاذ جامعي‬
• Arts ‫ ادبي‬/‫فنون‬
• Library ‫مكتبه‬
• Essays [short pieces of writing on a particular subject] ‫مقاالت‬
• Science degrees ‫درجات علمية‬
• graduates ‫خريجني‬
• Laboratory ‫مختبر‬
• Undergraduates ‫جامعيني‬
• Go on to do [do something in the future] ‫استمر في العمل‬
• MA [Master of Arts] ‫ماجستير في االدب‬
• MSc [Master of Science] ‫ماجستير في العلوم‬
• PhD [doctor of philosophy] ‫دكتوراه‬
• Postgraduate degrees ‫درجات الدراسات العليا‬
• Do research [make a detailed study of one particular subject] ‫ابحاث‬
Noun (‫)االسم‬ Verb (‫)الفعل‬ Adjective (‫)الصفه‬

Quali cation ‫مؤهل‬ Qualify ‫تأهل‬ Quali ed ‫تأهلت‬

Succeed ( in sth/ in doing

Success ‫نجاح‬ (Un)successful ‫غير ناجح‬
sth) ‫نجح‬

Chapter 36
• Jobs ‫وظائف‬
• Builder [builds or repairs homes] ‫بنّاء‬
• Brick ‫طوب‬
• Wood ‫خشب‬
• Pipes ‫انابيب‬
• Socket ‫فيش كهرب‬
• Carpenter [makes things using wood] ‫نجار‬
• Plumber [installs and repairs water pipes, etc] ‫سباك‬
• Electrician [installs and repairs electrical things, e.g. light] ‫كهربائي‬
• Mechanic [repairs cars when there is a problem] ‫ميكانيكي‬
• Professions [jobs that need a lot of training and/ or education] ‫املهن‬
• Architect [Design buildings] ‫مهندس معماري‬
• Lawyer [Represents people with legal problems] ‫محامي‬
• Engineer [Plans the building of roads, bridges, machines, etc] ‫مهندس‬
• Accountant [control the nancial situation of people and companies] ‫محاسب‬
• University lecturer [teaches in a university, e.g. gives lectures] ‫محاضر جامعي‬
• The medical profession ‫مهنه الطب‬


• Treat [give medicine or medical help] ‫يعالج‬

• GPs [general practitioners: doctors who don’t work in a hospital] ‫طبيب عام‬
• Dentists [people who look after your teeth] ‫اطباء االسنان‬
• Vets [animal doctors] ‫اطباء بيطريني‬
• Surgery ‫عياده عالجيه‬
• Nurses ‫ممرضات‬
• Surgeons ‫جراحني‬
• Operate [open the body to remove or repair a part that is damaged] ‫تجري عمليه‬
• Gun ‫سالح‬
• Soldier [in the army] ‫جندي‬
• Sailor [in the navy] ‫بحار‬
• Pilot [in the air force] ‫طيار‬
• Police of cer [in the air force] ‫شرطي‬
• Fireman/ re ghter [in the re brigade] ‫رجل اطفاء‬
Chapter 38
• Getting a job [ nding a job] ‫الحصول على وظيفه‬
• I applied for [wrote a letter of application for] ‫قدمت بطلب للحصول على‬
• CVs [a document which describes your education and the jobs you have done] ‫السيره‬
• Interviews [ a meeting where someone asks you questions to see if you are suitable
for a job] ‫مقابالت‬
• Employed [gave me a job] ‫موظف‬
• Training [help and advice to learn how to do a job or activity] ‫تدريب‬
• Promoted [given a better job with more responsibility] ‫تمت ترقيته‬
• Pay rise [more money] ‫عالوه‬
• Experience [knowledge you get from doing something such as a job] ‫خبره‬
• Promotion [a move to a higher job in the company] ‫ترقية مهمة‬
• Resignation [when you say of cially you are leaving a job] ‫استقاله‬
• Abroad [in another country] ‫بالخارج‬
• I quit my job [told the company I was leaving; syn resign] ‫تركت وظيفتي‬
• Unemployment [when people do not have a job] ‫بطاله‬
• Sacked [told me to leave the company; syn gave me the sack] ‫طرد او فصل‬
• Unemployed [without a job; syn out of work] ‫عاطل‬
• Part time [working only part of the day or week; opp full time job] ‫دوام جزئي‬
• success and retirement [the time when people stop work, often at 60 or 65] ‫النجاح‬
• Successful [it did well and made money] ‫ناجح‬
• Own [belonging to me/ it was my restaurant] ‫امتلك‬
• Succeed [be successful] ‫ينجح‬
• Owner ‫اصبحت‬
Chapter 39
• Of ce equipment ‫تجهيزات املكتب‬






• Calendar ‫تقويم‬
• Filing cabinet ‫خزانه امللفات‬
• photocopier ‫آله تصوير‬
• Calculator ‫آله حاسب‬
• Keyboard ‫لوحه املفاتيح‬
• Diary ‫مذكرخ‬
• (Rubbish) bin ‫سله مهمالت‬
• Files ‫ملفات‬
• Noticeboard ‫لوحة مالحظات‬
• Produces [makes] ‫تنتج‬
• Involves [includes doing] ‫تتضمن‬
• Paperwork [work that uses paper, e.g. reports, forms] ‫االعمال الورقيه‬
• Types [write using a keyboard] ‫يكتب‬
• Invoices [documents showing how much the customer has to pay] ‫فواتير‬
• Arrange [plan and prepare] ‫ينظم‬
• Make appointments [arrange a time when you meet someone] ‫مواعيد‬
• Attend [go to; fml] ‫احظر‬
• Organise [plan and arrange] ‫تنظيم‬
• Broken down [stopped working] ‫معطله‬
• Run out of [has no more] ‫نفذ من‬
• Colleagues [people you work with] ‫الزمالء‬
• Absent [not in the of ce; syn off] ‫غائب‬
• Loads of [lots of; infml] ‫الكثير من‬
Verb (‫)الفعل‬ Noun (‫)االسم‬

Arrange ‫ينظم‬ Arrangement ‫نظام‬

Organise ‫منظم‬ Organisation ‫منظمه‬

Attend ‫يحظر‬ Attendance ‫حظور‬

Produce ‫ينتج‬ Production ‫انتاج‬

Chapter 47
• Departure [ when you leave a place, at the start of a journey] ‫املغادره‬
• Departures board ‫لوحه املغادرين‬
• Flight numbers ‫ارقام الرحالت‬
• Destinations [where the ights are going to] ‫الوجهات‬
• Check in ‫تسجيل دخول‬
• The check in desk ‫مكتب الشحن‬
• Weigh [see how heavy something is] ‫وزن‬
• Pay excess baggage [pay extra for your luggage] ‫الزم ادفع زياده للوزن الزايد‬
• Aircraft [plane] ‫حقيبه الطياره‬
• Boarding card [a piece of paper you must show to get on the plane] ‫تذكره الصعود‬
• Passport control [looks at your passport carefully] ‫نقطه الجوزات‬
• Duty free ‫ماعليها ضريبه‬



• Take off [when the plane takes off/ leaves the ground] ‫اقالع‬
• Gate ‫بوابه‬
• Board the plane [get on the plane] ‫اركب الطيارة‬
• Fasten your seat belt ‫اربط حزام االمان‬
• Delays [when you have to wait longer than expected] ‫تأخير‬
• Runway [the large road that plans use for take offs and landings] ‫املدرج‬
• Arrival [when someone or something arrives] ‫الوصول‬
• Lands [arrives on the ground] ‫تهبط‬
• Announcement [spoken information to a group of people] ‫اعالن‬
• Cabin crew [the people on the aircraft who look after the passenger] ‫طاقم الطائره‬
• Terminal building [the airport building] ‫مبنى املطار‬
• Baggage reclaim [the place where you collect your luggage] ‫نقطه استالم الحقائب‬
• Go through customs [go through the area where your luggage may be checked to
make sure you don’t have anything illegal] ‫الجمارك‬
Chapter 51
• Paper [newspapers] ‫ورقه‬
• Daily ‫يومي‬
• Come out [appear in shops; syn are published] ‫اخرج‬
• National [for the whole country] ‫وطني‬
• Regional [for a part of the country] ‫ منطقي‬/‫اقليمي‬
• E-papers ‫االوراق االلكترونية‬
• Mobile editions [you read a newspaper on your phone] ‫اصدارات الجوال‬
• Weekly ‫اسبوعي‬
• Monthly ‫شهري‬
• Contents of [information in] ‫املحتويات‬
• Reports [pieces of writing about news items, written by reports/ journalists, e.g. a report
in Tbe Times on/ about a crime] ‫التقارير‬
• Articles [pieces of writing about an important subject, e.g. an article on/ about drugs]
• Headlines [titles written in large letters above reports/ articles, e.g. Government Loses
Vote] ‫العناوين الرئيسية‬
• Reviews [pieces of writing giving an opinion, e.g a review of a new book] ‫املراجعات‬
• Advertisement or adverts [words and pictures about a product, to make people buy it,
e.g. an advert for shampoo] ‫اعالن او اعالنات‬
• Television ‫تلفاز‬
• Broadcast ‫ اذاعه‬/ ‫بث‬
• The news [information about world events] ‫االخبار‬
• The weather forecast [a description of what the weather will be like in the next few
days] ‫توقعات الطقس‬
• Documentaries [programmes that give facts about real situations and real people]
‫االفالم الوثائقية‬

• Chat shows [programmes where famous people are asked questions about
themselves] ‫برامج الدردشة‬
• A series [a number of programmes that have the same characters or deal with the
same subject] ‫مسلسل‬
• Soap operas [a regular series of programmes, often two or three times a week, about a
group of characters who live in the same area] ‫املسلسالت الدراميه‬
• Reality TV shows [programmes which follow ordinary people or celebrities [famous
people] through a number of situations or challenges. Well-known [famous] examples
include: pop idol, the X factor and strictly come dancing] ‫برنامج تلفزيوني واقعي‬
• Media reporting [reporting in newspapers, on TV or the internet] ‫التقارير االعالمية‬
• Forums ‫منتديات‬
• Podcasts [a radio programme that you download from the internet and play on your
computer or MP3 player] ‫مدونه صوتية‬
• According to ‫وفق ل‬
Chapter 55
• Crime ‫جريمه‬
• Theft [stealing something, e.g. a car] ‫سرقه‬
• Steal/ take [something] ‫ خذ‬/‫سرقه‬
• Robbery [stealing from a person or place, e.g. a bank] ‫سرقه‬
• Rob [someone, a place] ‫سرق‬
• Burglary [getting into a building, usually someone’s home, and stealing something]
• Burgle [a place] ‫سطا‬
• Murder [killing someone] ‫جريمه قتل‬
• Broke in [entered the building using force, e.g. broke a window] ‫اقتحم‬
• Worth [with a value of] ‫يستحق‬
• Attacked [used physical violence to hurt him] ‫هاجم‬
• Escaped [left the place to avoid danger; syn got away] ‫هرب‬
• Detectives [police of cers who try to nd information to solve crimes] ‫املحققني‬
• Arrested [if you arrest someone, you take them to the police station because you
believe they committed a crime. That person is then under arrest] ‫تم القبض‬
• Punishment [what a person must suffer if they do something wrong] ‫عقوبه‬
• Catch [ nd you and arrest you] ‫ امسك‬/‫قبض‬
• Punished ‫يعاقب‬
• Minor offenses [crime that are not very important; opp serious] ‫جرائم بسيطه‬
• Fine [money you have to pay] ‫غرامه‬
• Court ‫محكمة‬
• Guilty [the judge, or a jury of 12 people, decides you committed the crime; opp
innocent] ‫مجرم‬
• Prison [syn jail] ‫سجن‬
• judge ‫القاضي‬




Chapter 67
• I’m really into [like it very much; infml] ‫انا مهتم ح ًقا‬
• I quite like ‫انا احب جدًا‬
• I don’t mind [it’s OK] ‫ال امانع‬
• I’m not very keen on ‫لست حريصا جدًا على‬
• I can’t stand [dislike it very much; infml] ‫ال استطيع تحمل‬
• I hate ‫اكره‬
• So do I / So am I ‫انا كذالك‬
• Me too ‫ايضا‬ً ‫انا‬
• Neither am I / Me neither ‫وال انا‬
• Really ‫ح ًقا‬
• My attitude to [how you think or feel about something] ‫موقفي تجاه‬
• I used to [I liked chips in the past but not now.] ‫انا كنت معتاده‬
• don’t interest me [I don’t nd them interesting.] ‫التهمني‬
• Interested in ‫مهتم ب‬
• I don’t go at all [at all makes a negative stronger] ‫الاذهب ابدًا‬
• interests [things we enjoy doing] ‫االهتمامات‬
• We have nothing in common [have no interests that are similar; opp have a lot in
common] ‫ليس لدينا شي مشترك‬
• get used to [become familiar with] ‫التعود على‬
• Prefer [like more] ‫تُفضل‬
• I’d prefer to [syn I’d rather] ‫انا افضل‬
Chapter 69
• Honest [tells the truth] ‫صادق‬
• Correct [right] ‫صحيح‬
• Legal [allowed by law] ‫قانوني‬
• uncomfortable ‫غير مريح‬
• unnecessary ‫عير ضروري‬
• Unusual [different, not common or ordinary] ‫غير عادي‬
• Unexpected [I didn’t think I was going to win] ‫غير متوقع‬
• Unbelievable [surprising because it is either very good or very bad] ‫غير معقول‬
• We Were unable [could not] ‫لم نتمكن من‬
• Un t [not healthy and not in good condition] ‫غير الئق‬
• Unlucky ‫سيئ الحظ‬
• Unlikely [ they probably won’t get here before midday] ‫غير محتمل‬
• Unfair [If something is unfair, it doesn’t treat people equally] ‫غير عادل‬
• Dis [the opposite of something] ‫عكس شي ما‬
• Disagree [don’t agree/ have the same opinion] ‫ تعارض‬/‫ال اوافق‬
• Appeared ‫ظهرت‬
• Disappeared ‫اختفت‬
• Un [the opposite of an action] ‫العكس‬
• Unlock [open the door using a key; opp lock] ‫افتح‬


• Get undressed [take off our clothes; opp get dressed] ‫يخلع مالبسه‬
• I Unpacked [took everything out of the bags; opp pack] (‫فرغت ) اللي داخل الشنطه‬
• Over [too much] ‫ زياده‬/‫اكثر‬
• Overcharged [asked me to pay too much money] ‫غرموني زيادة‬
• Mis [do something incorrectly] ‫اخطا‬
• I misunderstood ‫أسأت الفهم‬
• I misheard ‫أسأت سماعها‬
• Re [again] ‫إعادة‬
• Rewrite ‫اعاده كتابه‬
Chapter 70
• Invent [produce or design something completely new] ‫اخترع‬
• Discuss [talk about something seriously] ‫ناقش‬
• Translate [change from one language to another] ‫ترجم‬
• Relax [rest, and feel calm and comfortable] َ‫استرخ‬
• Improve [get better] ‫تحسن‬
• Govern [control the affairs of a city or country] ‫تحكم‬
• Manage [direct or control a business] ‫اداره‬
• Develop [grow or change and become more advanced] ‫تطوير‬
• Weak [opp strong] ‫ضعيف‬
• Ill [sick, not well] ‫مريض‬
• Fit [in good condition, usually because of exercise] ‫مناسب‬
• Stupid [opp intelligent, clever] ‫غبي‬
• Popular [liked by a lot of people] ‫شائع‬
• Similar [almost the same; opp different] ‫مماثل‬
• Ability [opp inability] ‫القدره‬
Chapter 75
• Fixed phrases ‫عبارت ثاتبه‬
• Out of the blue [I didn’t know they were coming; it was unexpected] ‫فجأه غير سابق انذار‬
• Ring a bell [sound familiar] ‫مألوف‬
• Make up your mind [ make a decision] ‫يقرر‬
• Get rid of [ remove it, e.g. sell it, throw it away, give it away, etc] ‫يتخلص‬
• I’m (just) about to [I am going to leave very soon] ‫انا على وشك‬
• Burst into tears [suddenly started crying] ‫انفجرت بكاء‬
• Apart from [not including Yasmine; syn except for] ‫باستثناء‬
• Time phrases ‫عبارات الوقت‬
• In four days’ time [four days from now; also in three weeks’/six months’/two years’
time, etc.] ‫خالل اربع ايام‬
• The week before last [during the week/month, etc. before the previous one] ‫قبل االسبوع‬
‫اللي فات‬
• So far [up until now] ‫الى حد االن‬
• At once [now, immediately; syns right away/ straight away] ‫على طول‬
• Night after night [every night; also day after day, etc] ‫كل ليله‬

• Pairs of words ‫ازواج من الكلمات‬

• Now and again [occasionally; syns now and then] ‫من وقت لوقت‬
• One or two [a few] ‫قليله‬
• Peace and quiet [a calm situation without noise] ‫ استرخاء‬/‫استكان‬
• Up and down [ rst in one direction, then the other] (‫رحت ورجعت رحت ورجعت )مترت‬
• Once or twice [a few times] ‫مره او مرتني‬
• Sooner or later [I don’t know when, but I’ll nish it] ‫عاجال ام اجال‬
• Introducing advice, opinions ‫تقديم النصائح واالراء‬
• If I were you [in your situation] ‫لو كنت مكانك‬
• In general [usually, or in most situations; syn on the whole] ‫عمومًا‬
• For instance [for example] ‫مثال‬ ً
• By the way [used to introduce a new subject to the conversation] ‫على فكره‬/‫بمناسبة‬
• To be honest [used to say what you really think] ‫لألمانة‬
Chapter 77
• Verb + preposition ‫ حرف جر‬+ ‫فعل‬
• Agree with [have the same opinion as] ‫اتفق مع‬
• Worry about [be nervous about] ‫تقلق بشأن‬
• Satis ed with [pleased with] ‫راضي بتقدمه‬
• Spend on ‫انفق على‬
• I’m thinking of [it’s my plan to go] ‫افكر ب‬
• Belongs to [it is the company’s land] ‫مُلك ل‬
• translated into [changed from one language into another] ‫ترجم الى‬
• Complained to about [said she wasn’t happy/satis ed with] ‫اشتكى الى‬
• Concentrate on [think about] ‫اركز على‬
• Rely on [trust it; it will not go wrong] ‫اعتمد على‬
• Depends on [used to say you are not sure about something] ‫يعتمد على‬
• prepositions that change the meaning ‫حروف الجر التي تغير املعنى‬
• Shouted to [spoke in a loud voice to be heard] ‫صرخ ليتم سماعه‬
• Shouted at [spoke in a loud voice because he was angry] ‫صرخ النه كان غاضبًا‬
• Threw to [for me to catch it] ‫رمى لكي امسكها‬
• Threw at [in order to hit me] ‫رمى لكي يضربني‬
• Adjective + preposition ‫ حرف الجر‬+ ‫الصفه‬
• Good at [opp bad at] ‫جيد في‬
• Afraid of [frightened of] ‫خائف من‬
• found of [like] ‫مغرم ب‬
• Similar to [the same as her in some ways] ‫تشبه‬
• Different from ‫مختلف عن‬
• Interested in ‫مهتم ب‬
• Aware of [knows about] ‫يعرف عن‬
• Tired of [bored or a bit angry about] ‫تعبت من‬
• Mad about [likes him very much; infml] ‫مهووس ب‬
• Short of [we don’t have much] ‫اقل من‬




• Something wrong with [the TV is not working correctly] ‫حدث خطأ في‬
Chapter 78
• prepositional phrases ‫عبارات الجر‬
• By, on, in + noun
• By mistake [I thought it was my pen] ‫بالخطأ‬
• By hand [not using a machine] ‫يدوي‬
• By chance [it wasn’t planned; it was luck] ‫بالصدفة‬
• By accident [he didn’t want or plan to do it] ‫بالخطأ من غير قصد‬
• On purpose [he wanted to do it; it was his intention] ‫ عن قصد‬/‫عمدًا‬
• On the phone [using the phone] ‫على الهاتف‬
• On strike [they refuse to work because of a problem over pay, hours, etc] ‫مرفضني‬
• On display [in the window for people to look at] ‫معروضه‬
• On re [burning] ‫مشتعل‬
• On board [on the train, boat, plane, etc.] ‫على املركبه‬
• In a hurry [needing to do something or go somewhere very quickly] ‫مستعجل‬
• In detail [including all the important information] ‫بالتفصيل‬
• In future ‫في املستقبل‬
• In tears [crying] ‫تبكي‬
• Phrases easily confused
• On time [at 8:30] ‫على الوقت‬
• In time [before the time we need to be there] ‫في الوقت املناسب‬
• In the end [ nally, after a lot of time or thought] ‫ بالنهاية‬/ ‫اخر شي‬
• At the end [in the last part] ‫بالنهايه‬
• In business [working as businesspeople] ‫بالعمل‬
• On business [they are there for work, not a holiday] ‫ للشغل‬/‫لعمل‬
• Out of date [old and not useful, or not correct in its information] (‫قديم مره )فات االوان‬
• Up to date [knowing all the most recent ideas and information] ‫محدث يعرف اول باول‬
• In a moment [not now, but very soon; syn in a minute] ‫ بعد دقائق‬،‫ليس االن‬
• At the moment [now; syn right now] ‫في هذه اللحظة‬
Chapter 79
• Formation ‫تكوين‬
• Fell over [fell to the ground] ‫سقط‬
• Find out [learn/ discover] ‫اكتشف‬
• gave it away [gave it to someone for no money] ‫يتبرع‬
• look it up [ nd the meaning in a book/dictionary] ‫ابحث عن‬
• sort out [deal with it successfully; solve it] ‫ يحل‬/‫يتعامل مع‬
• get on with [have a good relationship with] ‫يتواصل مع‬/‫يتعامل‬
• Meaning ‫معنى‬
• wake (up) ‫صحيت‬
• saving (up) ‫ تدخر‬/‫تُجمّ ع‬
• Hurry (up) ‫اسرع‬
• lie (down) ‫يستلقي‬


• back [return] ‫العوده‬

• Take back ‫برجعه‬
• Put back ‫رجعهم‬
• Go back ‫يرجعون لها مره ثانيه‬
• Give up [stop] ‫ يتخلى‬/‫يستسلم‬
• Carry on [continue] ‫استمر‬
• Put up [increase] ‫يزيد‬
• Take on [employ] ‫يوظف‬
• Multiple meanings ‫معاني متعدده‬
• Go away [leave] ‫يغادر‬
• Go away [go on holiday] ‫يذهب بعيدًا‬
• picked up [lifted it from the oor] ‫ل ّقطت‬/‫جمعت‬
• Pick up [collect someone, usually in a car] ‫امر احد‬
• put on [make a piece of equipment work by pressing a switch; syn switch sth on] ‫وضع‬
• put on [put clothes on your body] ‫لبست‬
Chapter 80
• Phrasal verbs with no object ‫اشباه الجمله الفعليه بدرن مفعول به‬
• Get in [arrive] ‫يوصل‬
• Hold on [wait a moment] ‫انتظر‬
• Broke down [stopped working] ‫تعطلت‬
• Call for [go to collect them] ‫بمر اخذهم‬
• We set off [started the journey] ‫ بننطلق‬/‫بنسافر‬
• Phrasal verbs with an object ‫اشباه الجمله الفعليه مع املفعول به‬
• Put on ‫البس‬
• Turn on ‫قم بتشغيل‬
• Take off ‫اخلع‬
• Turned of ‫اطفأت‬
• Look after [take care of them] ‫يعتني‬
• Break into [enter the shop using force, e.g. breaking a window] ‫اقتحم‬
• In dictionaries ‫في القواميس‬
• No object ‫بدون مفعول به‬
• Separable ‫قابله للفصل‬
• Not separable ‫غير قابلة للفصل‬
• Style ‫اسلوب‬
• Leave sb/sth out [not include sb/sth; syn omit] ‫ماضمه للقائمه‬
• Make sth up [create sth from your imagination; syn invent] ‫يألف‬
• Put sth off [put sth back to a later date; syn postpone] ‫يؤجل‬
• Turn sth/sb down [refuse an offer or request; syn reject] ‫يرفض‬
Chapter 83
• Obtain ‫يحصل على‬
• Receive ‫ يستلم‬/‫يتلقى‬


• Buy ‫يشتري‬
• Arrive ‫يوصل‬
• Become ‫يصبح‬
• Fetch ‫يصبح‬
• Phrases
• Get in touch with [make contact by email, phone or letter] ‫تتواصل مع‬
• Get to sleep [start sleeping] ‫ينام‬
• Get together [meet and spend time together] ‫يتقابل‬
• Got wrong [said or wrote something that was not correct] ‫اخطئ‬
• Getting worse [becoming more unpleasant; opp getting better] ‫يزداد سوء‬
• Get rid of [throw them away, give them away, or sell them] ‫يتخلص من‬
• Get to know [met and become friends with] ‫تعرفت‬
• Phrasal verbs ‫اشباه الجمله الفعليه‬
• Got out [left the car; also leave a building] ‫ غادرت‬/‫خرجت‬
• Get it back [have it returned to me] ‫بترجعهم لي‬
• Get in [enter a place, especially when it is different] ‫ادخل‬
• Get in [arrive] ‫يصل‬
• Get up [get out of bed] ‫يصحى‬
Chapter 85
• The senses ‫الحواس‬
• Sight ‫بصر‬
• Hearing ‫سمع‬
• Tongue ‫لسان‬
• Taste ‫مذاق‬
• Smell ‫رائحه‬
• Touch ‫ملس‬
• Sense verbs with adjectives
• Look [from what I can see] ‫تبدو‬
• sounded foreign [from another country, from what I could hear]
• feels damp [slightly wet, often in an unpleasant way] ‫قليال‬ ‫رطب‬
• Sense verbs with like or as if/ though
• Look like ‫تشبه‬
• Sounded like ‫يبدو مثل‬
• Smells like [also smells of] ‫رائحته مثل‬
• Feels like ‫تبدو وكأنها‬
• Looks as if ‫يقمز‬
• Sounded as though ‫واضح من صوتها انها مرتاحه‬
• nectarine ‫فاكهه تشبه الخوخ‬
• coconut ‫جوز هند‬
• alarm ‫منبه‬
• silk ‫حرير‬
• Verbs easily confused

• look [look carefully] ‫ اذا دققتي‬/‫اذا تمعنتي‬

• see [are able to see] ‫ ستشاهد‬/‫سترى‬
• Watching [paying attention to something, often for a long time] ‫يراقب‬
• looking [paying attention] ‫انتبه‬
• heard [was able to hear] ‫يسمع بدون تركيز‬
• listening [paying attention] ‫انصت‬
• touch [put your hand on it] ‫ملس‬
• Feel [put your hand on them to discover something about them] ‫املس‬
Chapter 86
• Common uncountable nouns ‫اسماء غير معدوده‬
• Rubbish [things that you throw away because you don’t want them] ‫نفايات‬
• News ‫اخبار‬
• Advice [what you think someone should do] ‫نصيحة‬
• Pocket money [money that parents give regularly to their children] ‫مصروف‬
• Equipment [the things that are used for a particular activity] ‫معدات‬
• Furniture [tables, chairs, armchairs, etc.] ‫االثاث‬
• Scenery [the natural beauty you see around you] ‫منظر‬
• Knowledge of [what I know about it] ‫معلوماتي عن‬
• Making progress [improving/ getting better] ‫قاعده تتطور‬
• Room [empty space] ‫مساحه‬/ ‫مكان‬
• Behavior [the way you do and say things] ‫السلوك‬
• Bin ‫زباله‬
• Tent ‫خيمه‬
• Sleeping bag (‫مفرش النوم )حق البر‬
• Torch ‫كشاف‬
• Toast ‫خبز التوست‬
• Uncountable nouns in dictionaries ‫اسماء غير معدوده في القواميس‬
• Countable ‫معدوده‬
• Uncountable ‫غير معدوده‬
• Experience (U) [the knowledge you get from doing a particular job or activity] ‫خبره‬
• Experience (C) [something that happens to you that affects the way you feel] ‫تجارب‬
• Chance (U) [luck] ‫حظ‬
• Chance (C) [the opportunity to do something] ‫فرصة‬
• *(C) ‫ اختصار ل‬countable / (U) ‫ اختصار ل‬uncountable
• Making uncomfortable nouns countable
• Piece [for advice, equipment, toast, furniture, news] ‫ شريحه‬/‫قطعه‬
• Bit ‫ قطعه‬/‫قليل‬
Chapter 89
• ‫*الدرس هذا اهم درس اخذناه بالفوكاب مهم ج ًدا‬
• Extreme adjectives (‫الصفات املبالغ فيها )اقصى شي‬
• Marvelous [very good; syn terri c, wonderful, amazing] ‫ جميل جدًا‬/‫حلو جدًا‬
• Awful [very bad; syn dreadful] ‫سيئ جدًا‬
• Delighted [very pleased] ‫مبسوطه جدًا‬


• Tiny [very small] ‫صغير جدًا‬

• Huge [very big; syn enormous] ‫ ضخم‬/‫كبير جدًا‬
• Fascinating [very interesting] ‫ممتع جدًا‬
• Exhausted [very tired] ‫مرهق جدًا‬
• Terrifying [very frightening] ‫مرعب جدًا‬
• Essential [very important and necessary] ‫جزء اوشي اساسي‬
• Delicious [very good; but usually only for food] ‫لذيذ جدًا‬
• Bored ‫ممل‬
• Boring ‫ضجر‬
• Depressed ‫مكتئب‬
• Depressing ‫كئيب‬
• Tiring [making you feel tired] ‫ُرهق‬ ِ ‫م‬
• Amazed [very surprised] ‫مندهش‬
• Disappointing [not as good as I expected] ‫غير مرضيه جدًا‬
• Annoyed [angry] ‫ زعالن‬/‫منزعج‬
• Embarrassed [feeling a bit stupid because of something you have said or done] ‫منحرج‬
• Confusing [dif cult to understand] ‫تلخبط‬
• Shocked [very surprised in an unpleasant way] ‫مصدومني جدًا‬
Chapter 91
• ‫* حتى هذا الدرس أهم درس بالفوكاب مهم ج ًدا‬
• adverb of frequency: how often ‫ كم مره‬: ‫ظرف تكرار‬
• Always ٪١٠٠ ‫دائما‬
• Often frequently ٪٨٠ ‫في كثير من االحيان‬
• Quite often ٪٦٥ ‫في كثير من االحيان‬
• Sometimes ٪٥٠ ‫بعض املرات‬
• Occasionally ٪٤٠‫احيانا‬
• Hardly ever rarely seldom ٪٢٥‫ناد ًرا‬
• Never ٪٠ ‫ابدًا‬
• Adverbs of degree: how much
• a bit ‫قليال‬
• a little (bit) ‫صغيره نوعًا ما‬
• Slightly ‫قليال‬
• Quite ‫نوعًا ما‬
• Fairly ‫نوعًا ما‬
• Rather ‫منزعج‬
• Pretty ‫للغايه‬
• Completely/ totally ‫فاضي تمامًا‬
• Extremely [very interesting] ‫للغايه‬
• Incredibly ‫بشكل اليصدق‬
• Adverb of manner
• Secretly [in a way that others couldn’t know about] ‫س ًرا‬
• Suddenly [quickly] ‫فو ًرا‬


• Urgently [very quickly because of something important] ‫ فو ًرا‬/ً‫عاجال‬

• Brie y [for a short time] ‫بختصار‬
• Quietly ‫بهدوء‬
• Politely ‫بأدب‬
• Angrily ‫بغضب‬
Chapter 93
• As well (as) [syn too] ‫ايضا‬
• what’s more ‫اكثر من ذلك‬
• In addition (to) ‫باالضافة الى‬
• Besides ‫بجانب‬
• Also ‫ايضا‬
• Although / Even though ‫بالرغم من‬
• despite the fact that ‫بغض النظر عن الواقع‬
• Despite ‫بغض النظر‬
• in spite of ‫بغض النظر عن‬
• still ‫ الزال‬/‫مع ذلك‬
• however ‫لكن‬
• Yet ‫مع ذلك‬
• Though ‫رغم ذلك‬
• while ‫بينما‬
• whereas ‫بينما‬
Chapter 94
• Reason ‫السبب‬
• Because [because + noun + verb] ‫الن‬
• Because of [because of + (adjective) + noun] ‫ بسبب‬/‫عشان‬
• As/ since [We don’t usually start a sentence with because] ‫بما اني‬
• So [This is very common in spoken English] ‫لذا‬
• Due to [Due to is often used after the verb be] ‫ بسبب‬/‫عشان‬
• Purpose of [the reason for the meeting] ‫ الهدف‬/‫الغايه‬
• so (that) ‫الهدف منه‬
• (in order) to ‫عشان‬
• Result ‫نتيجه‬
• Therefore ‫بالتالي‬
• as a result ‫نتيجه ذلك‬
• Condition ‫جمله شرطيه‬
• whether [if] ‫اذا‬
• unless [if we don’t leave now] ‫اال اذا‬
• Unless [if the weather doesn’t improve] ‫مالم‬
• otherwise [because if I don’t] ‫واال‬
• as long as [but you must bring it back] ‫طاملا‬
• as long as [but you must look quite smart] ‫طاملا‬
• in case [I’m doing A because B might happen later] ‫في حال‬

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