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Table of Contents

Task 1st characteristics associated with effective and positive workplace relationships.............................3

2nd task Managing relationships.................................................................................................................11

Task 3rd Supporting workplace relationships.............................................................................................14


The cognitive theory of language learning accepts that the securing of a language is an individualized
interaction commonly of the individual who is getting the language. It is a cognizant drive that an
individual takes, dissimilar to the conduct hypothesis of language obtaining which makes sense of
language advancing as an oblivious drive. As the hypothesis depicts that learning another dialect is a
cognizant choice that empowers an individual to handle the information learned and created
contemplated remembering to have the option to convey in the new dialect. Individual understanding or
a deliberate activity permits a student to have the option to have understanding while learning a
subsequent language and to carry out the information into day to day discussion.

Task 1st characteristics associated with effective and positive workplace

Trust. Any effective partnership must start with this. People in trustworthy relationships request each
other's feedback (and really utilize it), and they give each other the freedom to execute their jobs without
undue supervision.

Diversity. Diverse perspectives on the world are referred to as diversity. In each workplace, there will
be some variety of thinking due to variances in age, ethnicity, gender, education, or experience.

Mindfulness. People in attentive partnerships are receptive to new ideas. A mindful practice avoids
functioning on autopilot, allows everybody to voice their thoughts without fear of scorn, criticism, or
retribution, and seeks out opportunities to learn and grow on a regular basis.

Interrelatedness. This happens when individuals are focused on the topic at hand and are aware of how
their actions influence one another. Furthermore, managers are always aware of how each individual
adds to the practice's and society's goals. Practices that exhibit this trait are better equipped to deal with
unforeseen circumstances.

Respect. Respectful conversations are thoughtful, truthful, and tactful. Respected individuals regard
each other's viewpoints and are willing to modify their ideas in reaction what others have to say. Respect
is especially crucial in difficult times because it may help people focus on addressing problems.

Interactions that are diverse. Practice relationships can be classified as either social or task-related.
Task-related connections are focused on business concerns and are frequently based on activities that
occur outside of work. Social relationships are personal and often based on activities that occur from
outside work

Communication that works. Individual communication might be regarded as rich or lean. For
messages with potentially ambiguous interpretations or emotional content, rich mediums such as face-
to-face engagement or telephone talks are preferable.

Reflect on your own study and work experience.

Can you think of a specific situation where your relationship with a peer, employee, colleague or
superior has been particularly positive (or negative)?
When I started my job, I was so much nervous and at that time one of my colleague helped me out in
adopting that environment also in my tasks.

Building strong bonds at work requires intense effort and practice. Pioneers and workplace managers
can create compelling cycles for nurturing positive, collaborative, and synergistic relationships within
groups, work units, or communities. Positive communication is important for development and
satisfaction. Professional and personal communication in the workplace is very important, because hired
professionals have to put more energy into their colleagues than into their families.

How did the quality of your relationship affect your work or studies?

A strong connection with the work environment is the foundation of a typical experience. Studies show
that managers are inherently less focused when they have a strong relationship with their
representatives. Even when professionals make cozy connections in the workplace, agent performance is
almost halved. Excellent business connections make your work easier. Also, love groups are more
useful, which increases your self-esteem and saves you time to focus on it. The professional association
you set up will also help you to further your career.

Activity: Research and discuss

Communication Skill Skill that Can Help Improve Work Relationships

a. Non-verbal communication Nonverbal communication includes body language

and the gestures used when communicating the
message influence how other employees recognize
the message (Phutela, 2015). An effective working
relationship in an organization is the dissemination of
verbal and non-verbal communication.

b. Active listening Active listening refers to understanding and

answering questions after paying attention to others
(Jonsdottir & Fridriksdottir, 2020). Active listening
plays an important role in understanding the
perceptions of other people involved in a team or
department. Collaboration is key to achieving
company goals and objectives, including actively
listening to communication among employees.

All these concepts are related to workplace communication

a. Consultation

Consultation is defined as a discussion between people before a decision is made. Workplace

policy includes the participation of each employee in the decision-making process. This is
possible with the help of counseling, as it helps to get feedback (Armstrong, 2020).
Satisfaction of all employees in the organization is possible with the help of counseling, as
ideas of all employees can be introduced to maintain effective working relationships.

b. Cultural Sensitivity

Cultural sensitivity includes respecting and understanding the cultures of different employees
and helps eliminate the possibility of misunderstandings due to different meanings of the
same word in different cultures (Jenifer & Raman, 2015). Misunderstandings can damage the
feelings of other employees, which can then lead to conflicts that can negatively affect
working relationships.

c. Social Sensitivity

Social sensitivity refers to an individual's ability to understand, respect and comprehend the
opinions and feelings of others and is also a key part of maintaining working relationships in
an organization (Sheleh, 2016).

d. Networking

Networking refers to deepening contacts with experts to obtain information about trends and
news in related fields (Kishokumar, 2016). Workplace networking helps to convey ideas and
news related to corporate events and activities that directly affect the support of business
relationships within the organization.

e. Conflict Resolution

Conflict is a dispute between two employees or team members in an organization. Dispute

resolution plays an important role in dealing with workplace issues to maintain the workplace
relationship of the parties to the dispute. Effective relationships in the workplace are a driving
force for company growth and development in the marketplace (Gillin et al., 2015).

Reflect: How would you describe yourself? What type of personality do you have?

I'm ambitious and driven. I flourish with challenge and continually put forth objectives for myself, so I
have something to endeavor toward. I'm not happy with settling, and I'm continuously searching for a
chance to improve and accomplish significance. In my past job, I was advanced multiple times in under
two years.

Interpersonal styles

Interpersonal styles are called the style you should use to interact with people. In other words, the
behavior of a person when communicating or interacting with another person is called interpersonal
style. Interpersonal style is influenced by an individual's personality (Matosic et al., 2016).

Relevance of interpersonal styles to work relationships

Interpersonal style is an essential part of maintaining positive relationships in the workplace.

According to the definition, interpersonal style refers to a person's behavior that influences
cooperation between team members in the organization (Matosic et al., 2016). Part of the corporate
culture is the obligation for all employees to work together, which is possible with the help of proper
behavior when communicating with others. It helps ensure the effectiveness of teamwork, which is
an essential part of the organization. This helps build relationships with other people, which are
essential for maintaining a positive work culture in the organization.

It is a broad sense of interpersonal style exercise, not an in-depth examination. Boring and also being
bound to a routine are to be avoided at all costs for someone with a red style who flourishes when given
the chance to have power, difficulties, and status. A blue interpersonal style individual relies on social
acknowledgment; he or she wants to be popular and needs people to talk to. People with a silver
interpersonal style are wary of circumstances in which no one understands what's going on or where
standards are unclear. Dealing with someone who has an interpersonal style requires you to be more
impartial in your decision-making. Safety is paramount to someone with a green interpersonal style.
They require detailed job descriptions as well as a regulated workplace environment. Green
interpersonal types are afraid of inappropriate personal criticism and criticism of their work. They are
irritated by unexpected expressions of emotion. This individual may be seen as resolute, impartial,
organised, and exact on a great day.



Interpersonal communication is spoken communication that takes place on a personal, face-to-face level
among two or more people. Team meeting, formal talks, and casual conversations are examples of
interpersonal communication often utilised inside a commercial firm. Whenever the receivers do not
listen closely, infers a different meaning than the transmitter meant, or fails to provide input, errors
inside the procedure might arise. Interpersonal communication may be divided into a number of
different styles, or subsets of actions. Controlling, egalitarian, structuring, dynamic, surrendering, and
withdrawing are the six basic business styles described by Bateman and Zeithaml. When a sender
engages in two-way communication, it shows that they are open to suggestions. The yielding style of
interpersonal communication is extremely open to other people's ideas, even to the extent of transferring
communications duty to the recipient. Supervisors that use this approach could let their employees
debate and create the final answer to an issue without offering any comments. When it comes to
resolving complaints or conducting sales calls, good listening skills are critical.

Examples of how you can adjust your communication style to suit different

It's critical to understand your intended audience so that you can tailor your message to them. If you're
introducing your company's new 3-point sales strategy, for example, aim to speak somewhat louder the
first time you say each item. Be conscious of the backgrounds of those in the audience to ensure that you
do not use insulting words or situations. Make use of key words to assist you summarize the main
aspects of your presentation. To stress crucial themes, use a short presentation, but don't go into depth.
Create a powerpoint that states "Goal 1: Increase participation by 10%" if you're discussing three goals
for your organization's upcoming year. wikiHow (2011).

How a specific communication style can build trust and support positive working relationships.

Communication helps you to express what you're going through what you need from a connection to
whomever. Communication not only aids in meeting your wants, but also aids in keeping you connected
in your relationship.

What is your leadership style? Access the quiz via the link below to find out:
Website: Take
notes and keep them for future reference.
Figure 1

(Source:, 2022)

Cultural consideration

Select one culture, world view or value/belief that is different to yours.

Assertiveness is a positive communication style. It's the capacity to stand out about ourselves in an open,
courteous manner. Each day, we encounter circumstances in which being assertive may be beneficial,
such as taking out on a date, approaching a teacher with a question, or doing well in a work or institution

Research the culture/world view/value/belief as it relates to the workplace (e.g. by talking to a

person from that culture).

Assertiveness contributes to the development of mutual understanding with others, which includes
communication. You may achieve your purpose via conversation while still leaving the other person
pleased if you speak assertively. Self-esteem is boosted by assertiveness ("Self-esteem" is how we
evaluate oneself).

How does the culture/world view/value/belief impact workplace relationships.

Assertiveness is a feeling that individual’s function to convey their thoughts while still respecting the
viewpoints of their coworkers. Employees may stand up for their values while keeping great
relationships with coworkers and bosses. Like aggressiveness, assertive takes into account the feelings
of the others.
Are there any special considerations or provisions that must be made to ensure positive and
effective workplace relationships?

 Be proactive and lend a hand in which you can, even if you aren't asked.
 Make the time for everyone, not just the top executives.
 Maintain a high level of professionalism by completing tasks on time and following up with
other people.
 Make an impression at conferences.
 Maintain an optimistic attitude.

Mindfulness and mutual respect

Consider the following scenario: Steve was an enthusiastic and committed member of the
leadership team. When he returned to work, after a holiday, he seemed withdrawn and
preoccupied. Recently he has been contributing very little to team meetings and asked for people
not to refer to him as “The Greek”. Members of the team are expressing concern about Steve’s
behaviour, which is beginning to affect the morale of the team.

1. As the leader of the team how would you deal with this situation? Write down some
guidelines, which may help to resolve the problem
 Perceive that there is an issue.
 Lead a gathering and pose inquiries to lay out what makes the representative fail to meet
 Repeat work assumptions.
 Oversee worker assumptions.
 Foster an activity plan together.
 guarantee regular schedules and follow-up.
 See progress
2. Consider how you would approach Steve, discuss the problem, acknowledge his feelings,
promote diversity, encourage him to discuss his feelings, come to a solution and provide
feedback to the team.
I’ll ask for a meeting with Steve and then build a trust between us and ask him about his
problems and then after analysing all the situation I will recommend him solutions for his
3. What are the likely consequences of failing to take action?
 Weak confidence. Mistakes that are not addressed properly tend to persist in the
workplace and are not completely eliminated. Everyone knows something bad has
happened, but no one wants to talk about it.
 learning deficit.
 risk aversion.

4. How could you potentially improve your leadership for improved workplace relations
 Concentrate on communication. 
 Any effective relationship requires clear communication, and the connection between a
leader and a team member is no exception.
 Emotion is contagious, as we all know.
 self-awareness

2nd task Managing relationships


Instead of rushing to criticize people, we should try to understand why people are the way they are.
Remember that criticism, especially destructive criticism, can hurt someone's self-esteem and make
them feel less important. Once you start working, your colleagues expect you to put in your best effort.
As you do so, you make your team, especially your superiors (VPs and MDs) look good. With your
work ethic, you show your colleagues that they can get what they want. In return, you might get what
you want from your work - such as a promotion or bigger responsibilities.


Explain how the collaboration can be used to engage and motivate others?
 Visualizing collaboration allows colleagues to meet in a typical phase and work toward a
common goal by brainstorming, conceptualizing, and offering different perspectives to close
 Provide some value Work towards a similar objective peer-to-peer inquiry with a strong sense of
direction. The group sees the value of working together because the common goal gives them
great motivation to work together, as well as shared benefits for the organization and the group.
 Equal Participation - Collaboration gives each colleague an equal chance to attend and get their
ideas across.

Activity: Reflect

Have you ever been asked for your opinion on certain workplace/study issues (e.g. workload)?

Yes, when we were working on the launch of a new product in the market I was the one who were
analyzing the market situation. And they ask me for a summary of market gain after launching our

How have you sought the views, opinion or experience of others in the workplace or place of

Yes, sometime some decisions make me confuse that how to do things and at that time I ask for
suggestions to other people who had face those situations.


Consolation involve asking questions and considering the representative's point of view in making
decisions. Collaboration means working amicably together to keep track of contracts. Meetings are
important when there are major changes in the work environment. This means any change in the
company that will have a significant impact on the sales force, such as: B. unique working hours,
appointments, work areas or layoffs. Indeed, supervisors who adopt an advisory and helpful strategy
have the privilege of making the final decision on how best to conduct business. Actors who have
valuable opportunities in part of the cycle are forced to accept change and feel less upset or unhappy.
Counseling on important choices in the workplace can help agents focus on their work. Fair Work
Ombudsman. (2019)

Meet the basic requirements for grants

Grants include standard interview rules.

We expect managers to talk to workers and agents about the following:

 This means changing the standard list of representatives or the usual long-term business.
 This means announcing major improvements in the work.

Conflict resolution

Workplace conflict is inescapable when representatives of different foundations and work styles are
united for a common business reason. Conflict can be expressed in a variety of ways, including
abuse, lack of cooperation, despair, and anger. The negative effects of workplace struggle can
include downtime, inefficiency, project frustration, relocation, and termination.

Activity: Reflect Have you ever experienced conflict in your workplace or place of study?

Yes, I was working with my group on a project and I made decision on my own and told them to do
things in that way and at that point conflict occurs between me and my team as they were offended that
why I didn’t ask for any suggestions.

How has trust influenced the outcome of the conflict?

When disputes arise, if they have been handled before trust is eroded, the parties involved rely on that
foundation of trust to resolve the problem. There may well be harsh things spoken, but they will be dealt
with properly inside an environment of complete trust, as well as the participants will go on.

Activity: Research and discuss Work in a small group to:

1. Research conflict resolution strategies.

 Staying away from. Somebody who utilizes a methodology of "keeping away from"
generally attempts to disregard or evade the contention, trusting it will sort itself out or
 Obliging.
 Compromising
 Contending.
 Working together.
2. Choose one strategy and summarise it.
Compromise: In a compromising conflict approach, a person tries to balance the requirements of
both or all parties in a disagreement by persuading everyone to give in on at least some points.
This type of disagreement can take longer to resolve and requires more "people skills" than other
types of conflict resolution.

Activity: Reflect

How do you usually react to conflict?

 recognizing when there is a conflict.

 Concentrate on something they've command over.
 Find out what they can do to put the conflict to rest.
 Be Self-Assured.
 Suggestions are welcome.

Can you improve your conflict resolution skills?

Try not interrupting while listening to what the other person has to say. Make certain you get what the
other person is saying. Communication allows people to discuss their opinions and issues, as well as the
reasons for their disagreements.

Task 3rd Supporting workplace relationships

Implemented to Manage Effective Workplace
Legislative Requirement

a. Legal requirements include the This rule can be applied by communicating

unlawfulness of insulting, insulting, standards of behaviour, appearance, language
intimidating and insulting others and dress necessary to keep others comfortable
(Australian Human Rights Commission, and avoid insulting them (Reina & Reina, 2016).

b. Legal requirements include the This law can be implemented by ensuring

unlawfulness of insulting, insulting, equality between employees in terms of
intimidating and insulting others promotion, evaluation, professional
(Australian Human Rights Commission, opportunities, etc. based on their performance
2016). and potential. Additionally, the defines can be
removed from the workplace to ensure employee
equality across the organization (Creighton &
McChrystal, 2017).

Fair work act:

One of the legislations that support workplace relations in the organization of NSW, Australia includes
the Fair Work Act 2009. The Fair Work Commission oblige the employers for the functions related to
dispute resolution, the safety of employees, enterprise bargaining, and employee termination in order to
maintain positive workplace culture and relations among the people engaged in the company (Douglas
& Watt, 2018). The purpose behind the implementation of the act includes the introduction of the
workplace relations system at the national level for all the organizations for setting the minimum
conditions and standards for the workforce related to workplace relations with the help of a legal
framework (Creighton & McCrystal, 2017).

Corporation act

The Corporations Act 2001 (Cth) (the Corporations Act, or CA 2001) is an Act of the Commonwealth of
Australia which sets out the regulations managing business substances in Australia at government and
highway level. It manages organizations yet additionally with different substances, for example,
associations and oversaw venture plans. The Act is the essential premise of Australian companies’
regulation. The Corporate Law Economic Reform Program Act 2004 improved on the resolution, which,
at 3,354 pages, predominates those of different countries, for example, Sweden, whose enterprises rule
is under 200 pages in length. The Corporations Act is the vital regulation directing organizations in
Australia. Review issues such as organizational development and operations (related to any charter an
organization might adopt), leadership commitments, acquisitions, and fundraising.

WHS legislation

In 2011, Safe Work Australia promoted the implementation of Model Work Welfare and Security
(WHS) regulations across Australia. To legally restrict the Commonwealth, states and domains must
independently enforce them as their own regulations. Safe Work Australia is responsible for complying
with the WHS Model Regulations, but we do not control or authorize them.

The main objective of the law is to provide a fair and generally stable structure to ensure the well-being
and safety of workers and working environments. It does this by:

 protect workers and various people from damage by requiring obliged subjects to eliminate or
mitigate risks
 allow fair and persuasive presentations, speeches and participation
 allow associations and associations of managers to conduct a useful task of promoting
empowerment during the WHS tests
 promote the organization of advice, data, training and preparation for the WHS
 monitor consistency with the law through mandatory and adequate measures of consistency and
 ensure the correct investigation and verification of the movements conducted by persons with the
powers or capabilities provided for by law
 provide a system of continuous improvement
 maintain and strengthen public harmonization of WHS regulations and partner with a reliable
public way of dealing with WHS.

Brief Explanation of How Each System Supports the

Business System
Development of Effective Work Relationships

a. Policies and procedures The policies and procedures of the organization include
the obligations for the employees for co-employees in the
context of their behaviour and relationships that helps in
maintaining effective workplace relations (Albrecht et al.,

b. Employee management system It helps the human resources department in introducing

recruits to the existing employees as well as helps in the
organization of unofficial events such as outings for the
effectiveness of the workplace relations (Jiang & Liu,

Activity: Research and discuss

Policy and Procedure Related to Brief Explanation of How Each Policy and
Development of Effective Work Procedure Supports the Development of Effective
Relationships Work Relationships

a. The policy of employee relations The policy of employee relations in Bounce fitness
involves the obligations, expectations, responsibilities,
and requirements for the maintenance of positive
workplace relations followed by workplace culture in
order to meet the goals and objectives of the
organization (Obiekwe & Eke, 2019).

b. Policy of communication The policy of communication includes the standards for

the employees related to the conduction of meetings
such as dissemination of information for the awareness
among employees, participation of employees in the
decision-making process, and so on that supports in the
maintenance of positive workplace relations (Keyton,

Read the article below about workplace relationship troubles experienced in the health industry
and answer the questions keeping the article in mind.
sydney-hospital-20201111-p56dqd.html Assume you are responsible for staffing and scheduling at
the hospital:

1. Summarise the article, making note of all existing and potential workplace relationship
issues and conflict.
More than 20 obstetricians and gynecologists have left Black Town Hospital to argue over what
they call inactivity. Experienced specialists left after four infants died over an 18-month period
after worrying about caesarean section and symptoms of fetal distress disappearing. Negotiations
are underway to prevent the withdrawals, which will take place early next year. The Obstetrics
and Gynecology Department at Black Town Hospital continues to operate. The gynecology-
obstetrics department had a recruitment center or an occupational physician and a resident or
guardian with limited professional skills. The lack of support is mainly due to the way the
recruitment centers are distributed among the clinics in the local health districts. The employees
told Herald about the ambiguity due to the employment contract, which prevented them from
speaking to correspondents.
2. How would you delegate and confirm responsibilities to the doctors for fulfilling their work
 Choose the right person for the job.
 Explain why you are delegating.
 Provide the correct instructions.
 Provide resources and training.
 Delegate responsibility *and* authority.
 Check the work and provide feedback.
3. How would you support the team of doctors to perform their work tasks (e.g. what
information is required for the doctors to achieve their work responsibilities?)
Allow enough time for team training to provide a clear time frame for your team. Consider ways
to build mutual trust within your care team, especially by sharing patient success stories. It offers
the opportunity for team members to interact and get to know each other outside of patient care.
4. Develop consultation process for the employees to contribute to issues related to their work
and the issues they are experiencing.
Step 1) Problem Definition: This ensures that the expert and client fully agree and address
similar questions.
Step 2) Structuring the problem:
Step 3) Prioritize issues:
Step 4) Analysis plan and action plan:
Step 5) Perform the analysis:
Step 6) Synthesize the results:
Step 7) Make recommendations.

7. How would you go about resolving the existing conflict?

 Directness is the best policy. Assuming there is no imminent threat of physical violence, speak
openly with the person with whom you have a problem.
 Choose a fantastic moment.
 Prepare.
 Try not to criticise or call people names.
 Provide information.
 Pay attention.
 Demonstrate that you're paying attention.
 Everything should be discussed.

8. Develop a process that could be used for conflict management in the hospital.

Step 1: Determine what is causing the disagreement.

Step 2: Take a step back and consider what happened before the incident.

Step 3: Make a request for solutions.

Step 4: Come up with options that both parties can agree on...

Step 5: Come to agreement.

10. Develop a process for hospital staff to follow in future to escalate unresolved issues (e.g.
referring to relevant personnel).
When engaging with disagreement, there are five basic reactions: pushing, appeasing, ignoring,
accepting, and partnering. All of these tactics should become second nature to healthcare practitioners.

11. How would you communicate the outcomes of the conflict management to the doctors?

To resolve such arguments with clients, clinicians should (1) acknowledge the participant's displeasure,
(2) express a commitment to work out the kinks in the system so that the patient's requirements are met,
and (3) educate patient about teamwork idea.

12. How would you seek feedback on the management of workplace relationships and your
leadership style?

To accumulate input on administration, utilize short, strong polls. You'll have to sort out how you will
pose the inquiries whenever you've chosen what you need to inquire. Rather than posing every one of
your inquiries in one tremendous review, the best way to deal with accomplish this is to utilize little,
regular studies.

13. In what ways can the hospital’s workplace relations leadership improve?

 They can coach others.

 They can question the current quo.
 They can teach others.
 They practice humility.
 Others benefit from what they do
Albrecht, S. L., Bakker, A. B., Gruman, J. A., Macey, W. H., & Saks, A. M. (2015). Employee
engagement, human resource management practices and competitive advantage: An integrated
approach. Journal of Organizational Effectiveness: People and Performance.

Armstrong, M. (2020). Human resource management practice. Kogan page limited.

Australian Human Rights Commission. (2016). Willing to work national inquiry into employment
discrimination against older Australians and Australians with disability (2016).

Creighton, B., & McCrystal, S. (2017). Esso Australia Pty Ltd v The Australian Workers' Union:
breaches of orders, coercion and protected industrial action under the Fair Work Act 2009
(Cth). Sydney Law Review, 39(2), 233-244.

Douglas, S., & Watt, G. (2018). Implications of the Fair Work Commission's modern award review for
casuals. The Journal of New Business Ideas & Trends, 16(2), 30-40.

Gilin Oore, D., Leiter, M. P., & LeBlanc, D. E. (2015). Individual and organizational factors promoting
successful responses to workplace conflict. Canadian Psychology/psychologie
canadienne, 56(3), 301.

Obiekwe, O., & Eke, N. U. (2019). Impact of employee grievance management on organizational
performance. International Journal of Economics and.

Phutela, D. (2015). The importance of non-verbal communication. IUP Journal of Soft Skills, 9(4), 43.

Reina, D. S., & Reina, M. L. (2016). Trust and betrayal in the workplace: Building effective
relationships in your organization. Recorded Books.

Sheleh, L. (2016). Methodological principles of study of emotional intelligence of employees of internal

аffairs bodies. Юридична психологія, 18(1), 72-82.

wikiHow (2011). Adapt the Way You Communicate to Different Situations. [online] wikiHow.
Available at:

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