Crystal Reports Feature

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Guident Guident

DC Area Business Objects // Crystal User Group DC Area Business Objects Crystal User Group November 17, 2008 November 17, 2008

Guident || 198 Van Buren Street, Suite 120 Herndon, VA 20170 || Tel: 703.326.0888 || Web: || Email: 1 Proprietary of Guident - Not for Distribution

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Crystal Reports 2008 for Web Intelligence XI Users

Adam Getz Adam Getz Business Intelligence Architect Business Intelligence Architect Guident Technologies Guident Technologies

Corporate Overview


What is Crystal Reports 2008?

Editions of Crystal Reports 2008

Comparison of Crystal Reports 2008 with WebIntelligence XI R2 Features of Crystal Reports 2008 Conclusion Q&A

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About Guident
Guident is aaThought Leader in Business Intelligence Guident is Thought Leader in Business Intelligence


Professional Services and Consulting Firm Based in Washington, DC metro area Founded in 1996

Ranked in the Top 20 in the 2006 & 2007 Washington Technology Fast 50 list 50+% annual growth rate for each of the past two years

Significant client base in both the Government and Commercial sectors Involvement in over 150 BI implementations BI Guide (BIG) Methodology Business Objects Certified Partner

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Guidents Core Competencies Business Intelligence


Guident provides numerous Business Intelligence services Guident provides numerous Business Intelligence services

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Strategy & Planning Reporting & Analytic Solutions Data Warehousing Data Management Business Performance Management

Financial Intelligence

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Corporate Overview


What is Crystal Reports 2008?

Editions of Crystal Reports 2008

Comparison of Crystal Reports 2008 with WebIntelligence XI R2 Features of Crystal Reports 2008 Conclusion Q&A

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What is Crystal Reports 2008?

High Performance Operational Reporting High Performance Operational Reporting Create flexible, feature-rich, high-fidelity reports Access almost any data source Transform data into interactive information


Integrate reports into web and windows applications Let end users view, print, and export reports Ideal solution for canned or operational reports

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History of Business Objects and Crystal Reports


Timeline of Integration Timeline of Integration

1996 First Interactive Web Reporting Tool Web Intelligence

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2004 Launch of BusinessObjects XI (eXtreme Insight) 2007 Crystal Reports 2008 Launched

1990 Business Objects Founded

2003 Business Objects Acquires Crystal Decisions

1992 Seagate Acquired Holistic Systems and Crystal Services -First version of Crystal Reports Worlds First Windows Report Writer

2003 Crystal v10 and BusinessObjects v6.5 Launched 2005 Business Objects XI R2 Launched Crystal Reoprts XI Launched

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Corporate Overview


What is Crystal Reports 2008?

Editions of Crystal Reports 2008

Comparison of Crystal Reports 2008 with WebIntelligence XI R2 Features of Crystal Reports 2008 Conclusion Q&A

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Editions of Crystal Reports 2008

Crystal Reports 2008 Server


Primary Focus of this Presentation

Crystal Reports 2008

Recommended for Report Designers and Power Users. Features of Crystal Reports 2008

Highly-Formatted Reports Desktop Installation Drag-n-Drop Design Environment Explore Reports Interactively

Feature equivalent of Crystal Reports XI Developer Edition

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Ideal for departments, workgroups, and medium-sized organizations. Features of Crystal Reports 2008 Server Zero-Client / Web Interface Complete Integration with BusinessObjects Enterprise Architecture Securely Share and Schedule Reports Deliver Reports over the Web, Portals, Email, and MS Office Documents Team Collaboration

Crystal Reports 2008 Visual Advantage

Bundled product that includes Crystal Reports 2008 and Xcelsius Engage. Create Highly-Formatted Reports with What-If Scenarios Interactive Dashboards and Charts Visualization Components Interactive Dashboards including
pre-built charts, gauges, maps, dials, and data connectors

Features of Crystal Report 2008 Editions

Feature Comparison of Crystal Reports vs. Crystal Reports Visual Advantage

Edition Crystal Reports Visual Advantage

Basic Functions
Visual Report Designer

Dashboards with Flash Technology


Drag-n-Drop Design Environment

Charts, Maps, Tables and Graphs

What-if Analysis and Scenario Modeling

Data Connectivity
Access Data via ODBC, JDBC, XML, Web Services, Native SQL, PC Drivers Access Data from Crystal Reports Files
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Crystal Reports

Features of Crystal Report 2008 Editions (Cont.)

Feature Comparison of Crystal Reports vs. Crystal Reports Server


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Edition Crystal Reports Server


Delivery and Management

Desktop Installation

Zero-Client / Web Interface Zero-

Rapid web report publishing for workgroups and departments

Complete Integration with BusinessObjects Enterprise Architecture User, group, object, and folder security

Powerful semantic layer (business views) for end user view of the database Repository for reusing common report objects across multiple reports

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Corporate Overview


What is Crystal Reports 2008?

Editions of Crystal Reports 2008

Comparison of Crystal Reports 2008 with WebIntelligence XI R2 Features of Crystal Reports 2008 Conclusion Q&A

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Crystal vs. WebI Product Comparison

Crystal Reports 2008 vs. Web Intelligence XI R2


Crystal Reports 2008

Intuitive reporting solution

Reports are primarily developed by Power Users and IT Developers Ability to create flexible, feature-rich, high-fidelity reports Users design highly formatted, interactive, and professional looking reports Direct access to data sources

Built-in report experts that provide step by step guides

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Business Objects Web Intelligence XI R2

Interactive query and analysis tool Query and analysis is primarily conducted by Casual Business Users Provides an easy-to-use interface with powerful query features. Users ask spontaneous and interactive business questions of its organizations data Middleware semantic layer that converts database codes to business logic

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Crystal vs. WebI Product Comparison (Cont.)

Crystal Report 2008 vs. Web Intelligence XI R2


Crystal Reports 2008

Information security is handled at the database level

Reports can be exported to MS Excel, PDF, HTML, XML, ODBC, RTF, TXT, CSV, and Fixed Width Files Formats Reports can be access data from an extensive number of data sources

Information security is handled at the database level

Reports can be developed either off-line or with direct network access

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Business Objects Web Intelligence XI R2

Advanced security features are included to control information access Queries can be exported to MS Excel, CSV, and PDF formats

Queries are derived from Universes (middleware) Advanced security features are included to control information access Querying of data must be performed while connected to the network

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Corporate Overview


What is Crystal Reports 2008?

Editions of Crystal Reports 2008

Comparison of Crystal Reports 2008 with WebIntelligence XI R2 Features of Crystal Reports 2008 Conclusion Q&A

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Crystal Reports 2008 Designer (Design Tab)


Design Tab allows Developers to Modify the Report Layout

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The Field Explorer is used to insert, modify or delete fields on the both Design and Preview tabs of Crystal Reports

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Crystal Reports 2008 Designer (Preview Tab)


Preview Tab allows Developers to View Report with Actual Data.

Modifications on one Tab are automatically reflected on the other Tab.

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Crystal Reports 2008 Feature

Direct Access to Multiple Data Stores Databases
Oracle MS Access IBM DB2

Dynamically Set the Location of Your Data Source

SQL Server MySQL Sybase Lotus 1-2-3

MS Excel

Lotus Notes

MS Exchange ACT! 3.0

Business Objects


Text files XML files ODBC JDBC OLAP Web Services File System Data Operating System Event Logs
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G N uid ot e Fo nt r D Pro is pri tri e bu ta tio ry n BOBJ Repositories

Crystal Reports 2008 Feature

Export Reports into Multiple Formats and Destinations
Adobe Acrobat (PDF) Crystal Reports (RPT) HTML, XML MS Excel MS Word ODBC Rich Text Format (RTF) Text (TXT) Fixed Width Comma Separated (CSV) Tab Separated (TTX)


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Export Formats

Export Report Dialog

Export Destinations
Application Disk file Exchange folder Lotus Domino Lotus Domino Mail MAPI Mail

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Crystal Reports 2008 Feature

Advanced Report Prompting Display Filters to reports in an intuitive manner as a report is opened or refreshed Static prompts

Prompt Choices Update Based Upon Previous Values Chosen

Always contains the same list of values Values stored within the report

Dynamic prompts

List of values changes periodically

Values are retrieved from the database

Cascading list of values

Adds additional level of selection List of values is filtered by values chosen in other parameters

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Crystal Reports 2008 Feature


Optional Prompts Report parameters that do not have to be supplied by the user

Prompts can be supplied at any time

G N uid ot e Fo nt r D Pro is pri tri e bu ta tio ry n Users Can Decide Whether or Not to Supply a Report Parameter

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Crystal Reports 2008 Feature

Advanced Group Sorting Analyze report or chart results by taking the Top N / Bottom N Group Results Identification of Most Important Groups


Identify Groups with Most or Least values

Based upon values or percentages

Group Sorting Options

Aggregate other values that are not in the top N or bottom N of group values Use report parameters to let user choose N value

G N uid ot e Fo nt r D Pro is pri tri e bu ta tio ry n Sort the Report of Top N Values

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Crystal Reports 2008 Feature

Advanced Summary Options


Sum groups values

Determine percentage of total values

Count distinct and total records within a group

Determine maximum, minimum, average or Nth smallest / largest / most frequent values Calculate statistical values on groups
Average Variance Median Mode Standard deviation Correlation Covariance Weighted average

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Easy create advanced calculations on groups of records with no formula / code

Choose Summary Options from A Pick List and Add Multiple Summaries to a Report
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Crystal Reports 2008 Feature

Hierarchical Grouping Display Hierarchical Relationships between Data Fields Within a Report Aggregate data


To show hierarchical relationships

Sort information

Based on the relationship between two fields


Shows records that are lower in the hierarchy

G N uid ot e Fo nt r D Pro is pri tri e bu ta tio ry n Easily Sort Data into Multiple Levels

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Crystal Reports 2008 Feature

Named Groups Define Named Groups that include Custom Intervals of Groups of Data Aggregate group level data into logical bands Examples of interval groups:
age groups time periods sales categories


Define sort order of intervals within the report

G N uid ot e Fo nt r D Pro is pri tri e bu ta tio ry n Groupings of Data are Completely Configurable

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Crystal Reports 2008 Feature

Running Totals Control the manner in which Totals are calculated within the report Create specialized summaries


Continually incrementing totals Conditionally total a value

Independent of the report's grouping

Conditionally add to total After a group selection formula has been applied

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Create Custom and User-Defined Totals


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Crystal Reports 2008 Feature

Report Alerts Trigger Notifications that alert the user upon processing of the report Custom messages


Appear when certain conditions are met by data in a report

Reports Indicators

Actions to be taken by the user Information about high priority value within report data

Created from formulas

Evaluate specified conditions Alert conditions and messages are evaluated as the report is refreshed
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Alerts Can Be Triggered Upon the Processing of the Report


Crystal Reports 2008 Feature

Wide Variety of Charts and Graphs


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Bar Line Area Pie Drill-down pie Doughnut 3D riser 3D surface XY scatter

Radar Bubble Stock Numeric Axis Gauge Gantt Funnel Histograms

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Crystal Reports 2008 Feature

Xcelsius, Adobe Flex, and Adobe Flash Integration Embed Xcelsius SWF and Flash Objects into a Report Increase the Level of Interaction with the Report Conduct What-If Scenarios


Note: Shockwave Flash (SWF) files cannot be created within Crystal Reports, but they can be displayed

G N uid ot e Fo nt r D Pro is pri tri e bu ta tio ry n Interact with Xcelsius Flash Objects

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Crystal Reports 2008 Feature

Geographic Maps Increase graphical impact of the report


Display data by country, region, state, and city Highlight results of data with geographical areas Efficiently identify trends in geographic areas

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Display Data in Various Map Formats

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Crystal Reports 2008 Feature

Template Expert Apply format of templates to individual reports

Customize Report Templates and Give Multiple Reports a Consistent Look and Feel

Specify standards in report formatting and logic

Ensure design consistency amongst reports Spend less time formatting individual reports

Apply professionally-design styles to all of your reports

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Crystal Reports 2008 Feature

Powerful Formula Language


Over 160 built-in functions and operators that can be called within report code

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Extensive coding language that can control many advance features of the report

Developers Can Program Using Either Basic or Crystal Syntax

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Crystal Reports 2008 Feature

Formula Expert


Intuitive method for creating and modifying custom functions and code

Use the Formula Expert to create a formula based on an existing function or Manually develop code

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Wizard that generates program code

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Feature - Mailing Labels

Mailing Labels Out of the Box Settings for layout of most commercial labels on the market


Format report to print on any size mailing label Manually define format with custom layout of rows and columns

Automatically format report with settings of most commercial label formats

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Corporate Overview


What is Crystal Reports 2008?

Editions of Crystal Reports 2008

Comparison of Crystal Reports 2008 with WebIntelligence XI R2 Features of Crystal Reports 2008 Conclusion Q&A

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Conclusion - Crystal Reports 2008

High Performance Operational Reporting High Performance Operational Reporting Tool of choice for canned reports


Build pixel-perfect, high-fidelity reports

Tightly integrate reports into web / windows applications Access data from almost any enterprise data source View, print, and export reports in multiple formats Build advanced charts and graphs

Manage reports and deliver them to your users

Leverage your existing Business Objects system

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Contact Us


Adam Getz

Business Intelligence Architect Office: 703.326.0888 x125 Mobile: 703.863.7202 E-mail: Web:

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To find out how Guident can assist you in aligning business and technology to produce significant performance improvement, growth, and return on investment, please contact:

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Corporate Overview


What is Crystal Reports 2008?

Editions of Crystal Reports 2008

Comparison of Crystal Reports 2008 with WebIntelligence XI R2 Features of Crystal Reports 2008 Conclusion Q&A

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