Marks Paper-III Total No. Semester Max Marks Secured Max Marks

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00150809229538 Roll No.

: OO150809z 29536


Academic Session - Aug 2015
All Semesters (CTS Semester System) Engineering Trades
Name MAYANK PAL Date of Birth 25-Oct-9B
Father/Guardian Name SANTOSH KUMAR Exam Month-Year ]ul Z0 7
Trade Name Fittei Trainee Type REGULAR
ITI Name & Address PR09000288-|anta ]anaidan Private ITC - Kanpui Nagar 117/ 1.088 MBLOCK KAKADEO KANPUR. Kanpur Nagai , Uttar !'!”•dexI1 2(JtT( I ’J

Paper-I Paper-11 Paper-III Practical Total

Marks Marks Marks Maks Marks
S. No. Semester Max Marks Max Marks Max Marks Max Marks Max Marks Seciirril
Secured Secured Secured Secured
1 Semestei - 1 220 173 180 141 300 291 700 GG'5
2 leniextei -2 t70 76 135 110 95 S2 300 290 700 S2H
:t !ieMc.stei -I 1 70 61 85 78 95 51 300 289 650 4T9
4 Semester -4 170 98 85 74 95 52 300 290 650 51 4
Total 730 408 485 403 285 155 1200 11fi0 2700 2 I rift
Average 182.5 102 121.3 100.8 95 51.7 300 290 fi7S !I:1 I .!i
• Minimum pass marks In Theory Subjects (Paper -1, Paper-11 & Paper-III) In all semester 1s 40% and in Practical paper It 1s G0°/o.

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