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BY: M.


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Background of
The Study
The origin of the study and why this study is important to do
Background of Study

With 84,65%.
Pandemic Finally, Education in They becomes
attacked Indonesia used a role of the
Education Distance Learning as success of
world the new method distance

The therefore, the

EFL teachers
government of researcher explores
in Senior High
Indonesia how the senior high
School have
responded school EFL teachers’
more good
with Pandemic experience
than others
Formulation of Study
The problems to be discussed in this research are as follows:

How did EFL How were the

teachers manage challenges faced
instructional by EFL teachers
activities during during distance
distance learning? learning in senior
high school
Operational Definitons
Define the keys of the study

Distance Learning EFL Teacher Challenge

Distance learning is a field of EFL Teacher is a person Challenge is the situation of
education that focuses on who qualifies for teaching being faced with something
teaching methods and technology English learning as foreign that needs great mental or
to deliver teaching, often on an language in institutions by physical effort to be done
individual basis, to students who his teaching license (Peng S, successfully and therefore
are not physically present in a 2019) . tests a person's ability
traditional educational setting (Cambridge Dictionary).
such as a classroom (Marija
Buselic, 2012)
Aim The study aims to highlight some methods of EFL teaches in
implementing distance learning and the challenges during
of The Study pandemic COVID-19 period.

This study will give empirical insights into the experience of EFL teachers in using
distance education during the pandemic. This study will explore the implementation of
distance education in English learning related to distance education policy at the senior
high school degree.

This study presents information for the readers about EFL teachers’ experience in using
distance education during the pandemic. Then, this study can be evaluated to organize
of The Study
English learning.
Instructional Activities

Instructional Design in Distance Learning UNESCO defines distance education or learning as

removing time and space in the teaching-learning process by supporting some requirements such
as structured planning, course design, techniques, and methods either electronic or others. M Burn
(2011) mentioned distance education has been classified into some types:
a. Correspondence model such as print
b. Audio-based models such as broadcast, narrowcast, two-way radio, audio conferencing,
telephone and broadcast radio
c. Televisual model such as broadcast television
d. Computer-based multimedia models such as interactive video, CD ROMs, digital video
e. Web-based models such as Computer-mediated communication Internetbased access to World
Wide Web resources Online courses (e-learning), Online conferences (webcasts and webinars),
Virtual classes/schools (cyber schools) and universities. f. Mobile models such as Hand-held
devices, Portable media players (podcasting), Cell phones and smartphones, Tablets, E-readers
Managing distance learning in Indo
nesia closely related to the 2013 cur
riculum design. It concerns on comp
etencies with basic knowledge and
skills in a framework. A framework f
or the development in the curriculu
m consists of some characteristics:
the lesson plan document, digital fra
mework, students’ needs, connectin
g society’ problems, and teachers’ c
ompetencies Instructional Activities
• Lesson plan documents.
• Digital framework. In the impleme
ntation of distance learning, it is u
sed online media by teleconferen
ce instructions such as a webinar.
• Connecting problems of society.
• Teacher’ competencies. (F. Edi et
al, 2021. P529-531)
Instructional Activities
In Distance Learning
Garrison (2009) explains the crucial presences in classroom
A.The first is social presence. It concerns on the way teacher
create communication and good environment with the students
and teacher’s feelings.
B.The second one is cognitive presence. It defines self-awarness
of teacher on way of thinking. it closely related to how the
teacher solve the
C.The third is teaching presence. This point is talking about how
teacher planning the right method, the task, and the learning
Learned-Centered Instruction

Collaborative Project Oriented Inquiry-Based Problem-Based

Learning Learning Learning Learning
In Distance Learning
Assessment in distance learning has five types such as traditional
assessment submitted online, automated assessment, interactive learning
and co-contruction of knowledge, reflective, and metacognitive
assessment, and authentic assessment.
• Traditional assessment submitted online can be a resume, paperwork,
report, essay, proposal writing.
• Automatic assessment used technology such as LMS or others provide
common or special options. Quizzes app becomes one kind of them
• Interactive learning and co-construction of knowledge. Discussion and
group project include of this assessment
• Authentic assessment. For examples role-playing, debate, simulation
• Reflective and metacognitive assessment assess teaching-learning
process that can be journals, e-portfolio, blogs, and others (B. Susilowati,
2021, p13-16).
Research Procedure
Research Design
Research Context
Data Collection

05 Data Analysis and Research Step

Result and
Summary of Finding
Based on the result of the study, English distance learning
which was held in Pekalongan Senior High school using
correspondence model (print-out textbook from library or
teacher himself), web-based model (Microsoft Team, AZ
Screen, Zoom and Google Clasroom) and mobile models
(WhatsApp and Telegram). Then the instruction on distance
class used learned-centered instruction in some methods such
as collaborative learning, project-oriented learning, inquiry-
based learning, problem-based learning, and case base
learning. While in assessment, EFL teachers choosed
traditional assessment (writing product and paperwork),
authomatic assessment (using Google Form and Microsoft
Team), interactive learning and co-construction of knowledge
(presentation and discussion in video), authentic assessment
(simulation such as in hotel reservation, practice as narrator in
story telling and introduction video in job interview), and
metacognitive assessment (using Youtube as e-portfolio).
Summary of Finding
In implementing English distance learning, EFL teachers also
had some challenges such as do not have compatible
cellphone, internet quota and unstable connection faced by
both students and teachers, senior teachers should learn more
about new technology in teaching, students do not have high
self-confidence and spirit to finish the tasks or take a learning,
teachers had been more hardwork like re-create simple lesson
or explain it more, and the last one is many students can not
pay the internet quot
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