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i THE CHARACTERS OF THE STORY ‘Toobrerve your mind in automatic mode, glance atthe image below Your experince as you look atthe womars face seamlealy combines what Senormal cllscig and nutive thinking As surlyand guy eon ‘am tha the young woman hairs dark you kncw sh wang Penne 20 [HINKING, FAST AND SLOW ec ofomething you di. justhappened to you. I wasn instance of ast thinking "Now lok tthe falling problem: 1x24 ‘Yu knew immediatly that this ea mulpiation problem. and probably ew that you could sole, with paper and pen not without You also had some vague intuitive knowlege ofthe range of posible exalts. You ‘would be quick to recognize tht both 1,609 and 123 are implausible ‘Without spending sometime on te problem, however, you would not be ‘certain thatthe answers not SB, A precise solution didnot come to mind, nd you fl that you could choose whether or not to engage inthe compu {ation Ifyou have not done s yet, you should attempt the muiphiation problem now, competing at least par ft ‘ou experienced slow tinkings you proceeded through a sequence of steps. You ist etreved from memory the cogaive program for mtip- ‘ation that you learned in school, then you implemented it. Carrying out thecomputation was strain You fl the burden ofholding much material tnmemory a8 you needed to ep track of where you were and of where ‘ou were ging. while bolding onto the intermediate result. The process os mental work deliberate effort, and orderly prototype of slow thinking. The computation was no only a event in your mind; your body tres ale involved. our muscles tensed up, yur Blood pressure rose, and Jour heart rat increased, Someone looking osely at your eyes while you {ached this problem would have seen your pois dite. Your pupil con. tracted back o normal slze a 190 as you ended your work—when you found the answer (hich 48, by the way) oF when you gave wp. Two SYSTEMS Payholosts have ben intensely interested fr several decades in the two odes of thinking evoked bythe picture ofthe angry woman and by the tukipicaion problem, and have ofered many labels for them. 1 adopt ‘errs riginally proposed by the prychologsts Kt Stanovich and Richard ‘West and wl reer to two yatemsin the ming, Sytem 1 and Sytem 2 + Sytem 1 operates automaticly and quickly, wih litle or no effort and no sense of voluntary contra ‘THE CHARACTERS OF THE STORY a + Stem 2 allocates attention to the effort mental activites that de- ‘mand ching complex comptations. The operations of System 2 fe ofenasocated withthe subjective experienc of agency, choice. Sd concentration. “The bel of Sytem 1 and System 2are widely used in psychology, but go further than most in this book, which you can read asa psychodrama with two charters. ‘When we thik of ourselves, we demi with Sytem 2, the concious, esting stat has bels makes choices and dies what think about ‘nd wht todo Although Sytem 2 belive slo be where the acon the tomate System 1s the ro of the book I dssibe Sytem fas lladessly ‘gating presionsandfcings that tthe main Sources ofthe explicit tell and dlberte choices of Sytem 2] The automatic operations of Ste 1 generate surprising) complex piers of ideas, bt oly the slower ‘jt 2c contact thoughts in an ode sres of steps Taso describe ‘cumstances in which Sytem 2 kes over, overaling the frewheling i> ‘ules and ssociations of System I, You wl be mite to think ofthe wo "seme agents with hr indvdaa abilities, lation and functions In rough oer of complet, here are some examples of the automatic actives that ate atibuted to System + Detect that one objet more distant than another. {Orient tothe source of siden sound. + Complete the phrase bread and." + Make aisgust fc” when shown ahoerible picture + Detet hostility ina voice 1 Answer 02 +2 = + Read word on large biboards + Driveacaron an empry rad. «+ Find a strong move in chess (if you area chess master). YS) ™ ONL 1 Understand simple sentences. * Recognie that a “mek and dy soul with a pasion for detail” re sembles an occupational stereotype Al these mental events belong with the angry woman—theyoecuF ato ‘natal and require ile oc no effort. The capabilites of Sytem | sclude “ate hl that we sare wth other animals: Weare born pepured to per- ‘ceive the worl around us, recognize objects, orient atetion, avoid ose, ta it 2 tin ae at ‘ THINKING, FAST ANO SLOW 2 \yj2méear spiders. Other mental actives become ast and automatic through ‘prolonged practic: System 1 hat leamed associations between ideas the sania of France) has aso leaned sls such as reading snd under. "Sanding nuances of social stutions. Some sls such as nding strong hess moves ae acquired only by specialized experts. Other are widely shared. Detecting the similarity of personality sketch to an occupational sereotypereqires broad knowledge othe language andthe cule hich ‘most of us posessThe knowledge stored in memory and accessed with, ‘at imtention and without efore ‘Screral ofthe mental actions ith it ae completely involuntary: You cannot fai from understanding simple setences in yur own langue or from orienting ts loud unexpected sound, nor can you preven yours fom knowing that 2+ 2= or fom thinking of Paris when the capital of France is mentioned. Other active, such as chewing. are susceptible to voluntary control but normally un on atomic ilo. The conte fe. tetion shared bythe wo systems Orlenting toa lod ound is normally an involuntary operation of System 1, which immediately mabiizs the ‘olunary attention of System 2 You may beable to resist rng toward the source of loud and offensive comment ta crowd purty, bat ren i ‘yourhead doesnot move your attention is ntlly direct to at east for while. However attention can be meved away fom an unwanted focun, Prima by focusing inet on another target. ‘The ighy diverse operations of Sytem 2 have oe eture in common: they requteatention and are disrupted when attention is dow may, Here are some examples + Brace forthe starter gun race. + Focsattention on the clowns inthe circus + Focuson the voice ofa particular perso in cowed ad nosy oom, + Look fora woman with white air + Search memory identify surprising sound. + Maintain faster walking speed than is natural fr you. + Monitor the appropriateness of your behavior in a social stustion, + Coun the occurrences ofthe tera ina page ote. + Tellsomeone your phone umber + Parkin a narrow space (for most people excep garage attendant) + Compare two washing machines or overall vale + Fllouta tax form. + Check the val of comple logical angument, o ‘THE CHARACTERS OF THE STORY 23 nal! thes situations you must pay tention, and you wl perform less wel ntat ali you ae not eyo your atenton a dete ing ropa System 2has some ably to change the way Sytem | wry ‘ogeanming the normaly somatic fancion of senton snd enor, ‘When wating fr atlativest busy iran station. for example you cane ‘usc at wil 1o lok fra white haired wornan or «bended ans eal {hereby increase the Hktihood of detecting your rclatve fom a deen, You-can set your memory to search for cpl cites hat start wth Nee or French existentialist novels, And when you ret acarat London’ Heaths Airport the attendant wil probably remind you that "we drive my he lon ‘ide ofthe road ovr here Inall ese cass, you ae asked wo do something that docs not come naturally and you wil find thatthe consent maine budget of ateton that you can allocate to activities and you ty ogo beyond your budge, you wil fa, ts the mark of effort activites toe tho tenes with eachother, which is why iis dificult impoasil «> ondut several at once. You could not compute the product of Iv a filemakinga eft tan into dense trafic and you cert should nt ye Imanding You are probsby safe carrying ona conversation ith paneer hile vig on an empty highway, and many parents hove deere Dethaps with sme gut that they can read ory oa child whiethiking of something ele, of cas overakng a trick ona narove oad, fr example adult paso ‘a: quite sensibly top talking. They know tha distracting the dive bane 4 good dea and they also suspect that he temporarily det ond vl on Inear what they sy, Intense focusing ona tak can make people efletely blind, evento ‘tu that normally atract tention The most dame demasration, ves offered by Christopher Chars and Daniel Simons in ths book ‘misibl Gora They eonstrted short no two ten paring basen bulls one eam wearing white shirts the other wearing black. The vewers of the film ae instructed to count the numberof puns made by the ens {eam igoring the black players. Ths tasks dificult and conpecy ab sotbing Hala through the vde,a woman wearing gril st apear ‘osses the cour thumps her chest and moves on. The govilainin soe og 2 ‘THINKING, FAST AND SLOW 9 seconds, Many thousands of peopl ave sen the video, and bout half of them donot notice anything nasal Is the counting task—and.especilly the instruction to ignore ane ofthe tearss—that canes the blindness. NO ‘one who watches the vido without hat task would mis the orl Seeing nd orienting ae automatic functions of Sytem 1, but they depend onthe ‘location of some attention to the revant sna. The authors note tht ‘the mot remarkable obscraton oftheir sty is that peopl find tress ‘ery surprising, Inded, the ewer who fait se the gril are inital ore tha twas not there—they cannot imagine mising such stking yy eveat The gorila study ilstrates reo important facts about or minds: we |] Gane blind to the obvious and weare also bind to our bindnes PLOT SYNOPSIS ‘enero ofthe wo systems cere tee fh bok a Trepp he pl mrder nthe oy Iw Sens and rt ecie whem eas Sptem neatly Stk 2 soma» cfr loft ode mich nf 2 facto capac ngage Sse cts eee { getow aryce 2: inprso,tins tenon an flings Sed by Suc 2. pros and tts tr int Bae, ‘Sets tr hn acne, When all ger moat which s rarer ne Sem 2 aps tn sees yt he or smote ou perl bee Yor prensa ato our ester eel hm Spc rans diy con Stem 2 sport ore ee so opi proces tt ny tee pole of ree Sy mb when toner ih Spe des ot her an enw poy happen oy when You ecoueed the ‘Matton bm 724 Seu sa ela rg feos oe Satthcnerporre re yen 2 acral hn ane (cain ae ell of wor ht Sem Lata th i pedo mine ontario pol co be at cur he porn einen mona ht ome senton See riag So be Sate Serre then acts ems or stem yo wil ae and yo each ow emery ‘fora story that makes sense ofthe surprising event. System 2s also credited, ite onan montingo oo bebe coe ha |fisrerepsnndeyoeace ana nyeeadieng THE CHARACTERS OF THE STORY 2 Sytem 24s mobilized 0 ncreased efor when it dtects an err about tobe ‘made. Remember atime when you almost luted out an offensive remark dnote ove ard you worked to restore control. In summary, most of what ‘yo (jour System 2) think and do originates in your Sater 1, bt System 2 takes over when thing e dicul, and it normally has the st word. (The dvsionoflbor betwen System 1 and Sytem 2ishighly fice ‘minimizes effort and optimizes performance. The agement works well ‘oa ofthe ime cate yes generally very good at what does: ts ‘models ffir stations are curate ts short-term prediction ae us ally accurate a wel nd seit ations to challenges asian gener ally appropriate System 1 bas biases, however systematic rors tats prone to make in spose circumstances. As we sal see i sometiznes answers logic and statistic. One farther miation of System 1 i tha cannot ea ces | | be turned of If ou ae shown a word onthe Sereen in language you ‘know you wil ea itunes your attention is total focused elsewhere — conruict Figure 2a varanasi experimen thal produces a confer between ‘he two syste You should try the exer before reading on. ‘Yur rt aks go down bath clus, cling aut wheter cach writ frre in overase orn uppercase When you ae done wth he ft sk, {3dr btn caluns agin, ying wheter each werd isnt tee (10 eof coer by saying (or whsptirg t youre “LEFT” er RIGHT: un pe vet. tee ee Lower | gk Peer vont ope 2s THINKING, FAST AND SLOW You were slat certainly sucess in sping the correct words in Beth tanks and you suey daconered tha ome pat of exch tak were ch ‘cer than ters Whe ou Mente ppt and owes thee -har ‘Column as easy andthe ight-hand elu eausl yo slow dow ‘erhapstostanmer or stumble When ou naed the postion of words the Ie hand column was cl andthe ight hand column was ach ser “These tak ngage Sytem 2 became ain "uperwe” or “gh! fot wha you rainy do wen oolng down clu of words ‘One of the tng you dd to st yours forthe tak wo progam your memory thatthe elvan words aper and dower for he is isk) were “onthe ipo oar tongue” The peoricng fh chase word fre dnd the mid temptation to ea ter words was ity ry toes when you went thrvgh the icon. ut the second smn was leet, Secae contained words or which ou were at and ou could 3g sore them, You wee mos alto res corey ba orerening the competing response wars sii, nd lowed you down Tou experienced 1 conf between sk it you inne teary ou nanan ‘respons that nerfed with Confit tween a ast eaclon and an tention contr ts onnon in rvs Weare al amie withthe experience trying nt tour th ody died cope the neighboring ten eau ‘Wala know what ts iors our tention on boring book when ‘weconsunly fn ours Fetring tothe point at hich heeding st ‘smenning Where winters are ar nny dre hve meso ha rsdn out of contol on thee and of th strug flow wel ‘hear stron that ep wha he would natal do: Sterno than whatever you do, dont och the brakes” Ander human ‘eng has had theexperence oo teling someone ogo ha Oe othe tan of Sytem sto overcome theimpuesof Stem 1 npter word, | Sem 2 in charge fs coul ‘To appreciate the autonomy of System 1, a5 well a the distinction between Ampresions and belie take a good look at igure 3 i "This picture unremarkable: two horzatal lines of diferent ngs, ‘wth fine appended, pointing in diferent directions. The botfom ne = ‘obviously Langer thas the ose above i. That is what we lle, snd we \ ‘THE CHARACTERS OF THE STORY 2 ‘atrally belive what we se. you have already encountered this image, however, you recognize ita the famous Miller Lyerilson. At you ean * easly confirm by measuring them with a rule the horizontal lines at fact deaieal length |.__ Now that you have measured the lines, yoo your Sytem 2 the con- ‘scious being you cll"T"—havea new belie: you know that the lines ate «sual ong. IFasked about thet length, you wil say what yo know But yous seth bot ine as longer. You have chosen to believe the met surement but you cannot prevent System | from doing ts thing you can- ot decide to see the lines sequal although you know they ae To resist ‘heilaion, dere only one thing you can do: you mt learn to mistrust {your impresions of the length of ines when fins a tached o them To ‘implement that rule, you must beable o recognize the illsry pattern and eal what you know about tf you can do this, you will evr agai be fold by the Milr-Lyer llasion. But you wil il se one linea longer than the oes. ‘Notallilusons are visual There are shusions of thought, which we ell “age sions, As a graduate student, Tatended some courses onthe sartand scence of pechotherapy: During ne of thes ctre, ur teacher ‘parted a morsel of clinical wisdom. Thief what he tok us. "You will fom time o time meet a patient who shares «disturbing tale of maitile ‘stakes in is previous treatment. He as been see by several icans nd all fled hm. The paint ean lady describe how is therapists mis ‘understood him, but he has quickly perceived that you ae diferent, You Share the same cling ae convince that you understand him, and willbe 28 THINKING, FAST AND SLOW able to help A this point my teacher rie is oie ashe sid, "Do not ‘ve think faking on this patient! Throw him out ofthe oie! Hes most kaya psychopath nd ou wll ot be able to lp him” “Many yar ltr I earned thatthe teacher hal wane ws gas sj hope char, ad the lading authority i the study of psychopathy onirmed tha the teachers advice was sound, The analogy tothe Mill {Tyerillasion is close. What we were Being taught was not how to feel about {tat patient. Our teacher tok for grated thatthe sympathy we would feo forthe patient would not be under eur control it woud ari from | sytem 1. Furthermore, we were not bing taught tobe generally suspicious of our fing abou patients. We were ad that a strong attraction toa pion with repeated history of faled treatment is a danger sign—Hke the fins on the pralle ines. 1 an sina cognve usion—and |HSptem2) wa ugh bow ey and id nate it “The question thats mostofen asked about cogntiveusionsis wheter they can be overcome. The mesg ofthese examples snot encouraging | Because System 1 operates automatically and cannot be turned off at wil ror of lative thought are often ficult wo prevent. Bases cannot al- | way be avoided, because System 2 may have no ele tothe error. Even ‘when ues okey erorare aval, errors can be prevented only bythe hanced monitoring and effort activity of Sytem 2. As away to lve {OUT i, however, continuous viglance is not necessarily go ad its ‘tiny impractical. Constantly questioning our ows thinking would be “mpoesbl tedious, and System 2 is much too slow and ineficient serve as aubyt for Sytem 1 in making rou The best we can Jo ‘sa compromise learn o recognize stations in which mistakes ar kely snd ty harder to avoid signiiant mistakes when the stakes are high. The Premise ofthis ook s that it easier to recognize other people mistakes than ou own, UsiFUL FICTIONS ‘You havebeen invited think the wo systems as agents within theming. vith thee individual personalities abilities, and imitations wil often use Sentence in which the systems are the subjects, such as, “Sytem 2 cacu- lates products” “he se of such language isconsidereda sin inthe professional ccs in which Travel, Beaute sem: to expan the thoughts and actions of a ‘THE CHARACTERS OF THE STORY Fe person bythe thoughts and actions flit people inside the pertors head (Grammatically the sentence about Sytem 2s similar to “The butler sels the pety cash? My colleagues would point out thatthe butler action act: ally explains the dsipperance ofthe cash, and they rightly question Cohether the sentence about Sytem 2 explains how podt te calcul [My answer is that the brie active sentence that atributes calulaton t9 system 2 ie ntended a description, at an explanation. I meaning ‘only because of what you already know about Sjtem 2.1 is shorthand for the illowing "Mental agthmetc is vluntary activity that requires effort, should aot be performed while making letra, andi asocated with lated pupils and an accelerated heart rate™ ‘Similar the statement that “highway driving under routine conditions Islet System 1” means that tering the ear aound a bend is automatic and almost fortes. als implies that an experienced drvercan dive on || empty highway whl condcting' convertion. Finally “System 2p. ‘vented James fom eating foolishly tothe insult” means that ames would have Been more aggresive in his response ifs capac for effort con wot had been dsrapted for example the hd been drank) ‘Sytem Ia Stem are so centr to the story Illa this book that {snast make i absolutely clear that they are fictions characters. Systems and 2 are not systems i the standard sense of ents with interacting ‘ects or pars. And theres noone part ofthe ran that eter ofthe ss ‘ems would all home. You may wll ask Whats the point of introducing ‘etous characters wih gl nammesioto a serious book? The anawer that ‘the characters are usefl because of some quis of our minds, yours and ‘mine, A sentence is understood more easy iit describes what an agent (System 2) does than ft describes what something i, what properties i ths In othe words, “System 2” is a eter subject fora sentence than ‘mental arithmetic” The mind—especally System I—appeas to havea special aptitude forthe constuction and interpretation of stories about c- ‘iveagents who have personalities, habits, and abit You quick formed bad opinion ofthe thieving butler you expect mare ba hve fom ‘him, and you wil remember him fra while. Tis sso my hope forthe language of systems ‘Why cal them System 1 and System 2 rather than the more descriptive | “automatic systen” and "efor syste The reason isp “Antoratic syste takes longer to say than "Stem 1" and therefore takes more space 30 ‘THINKING, FAST AND SLOW 1 your working memory. This mates because anything that occupies Jour working memory reduces your ability to think. You should tret “System 1" and “System 2° as nicknames, ike Bob and Joe, identifying characters that you wil get to know over the courte ofthis book The ft tious systems make it ease forme to think about judgment and choice, ‘nd will make tease or you to understand what sy SPEAKING OF SYSTEM 1 AND SYSTEM ? “te nad an imprest, bt sme this ingress itis, is was pute Sytem 1 espns, Sh ect 1th het blr her id t= “Tis yur Sse 1 ang. Siow down a et our Sytem 2 oe conto 2 ATTENTION AND EFFORT nthe nll event ofthis book being made int fl, System 2 would “Yea supporting character who belles heel tobe the hr The defining feta of System 2, inthis sory ith operations ar eflorl an ne ts ain characteris isleins a elctance 1 vest more ef han i sricynecesay AS a consequence, the thoughts and acon at Systm 2 eve it has chosen ae fe ule by th fire he enter, other Sytem However there ae it ttt ony System 2 ea evfoom because they require fran act of slcntol in which the ‘nuts nd implies of Stem are verse MENTAL EFFORT ‘you Wish o experience your System 2 working fll tik the allowing exercise wll doit should bring you to the imi of our cognitive abies Within seconds. To start, makeup several strings of 4 digi ll diferent, and write each string on an index card. Place a blank card om top of the deck, Te tasktat you wil perform scald Add-1 Here show tgs: Stan esting steady hye bate yet, st a mone at see Remove th lnk card ad ed the for di slow. Wat or wo bets then repr sbingin which each of he eign! dg increment y the digs onthe crs re 5294, the caret response 6650, Kecnng the hth is pet. 2 THINKING, FAST AND SLOW Few poople can cope with more than four digit nthe Add task but you want a harder challenge pleas try Add-3 you woud ket know what your body is doing while your min ix hard at work, set up two les of books on a surdy tbl, place video ‘ameraon one and lean your chin onthe other, get the video going, and stareatthe camera lens while you work on Add-l or Add exercises. Later, ‘ou ll find inthe changing sine of your pup hf record of how hat you worked. havea long personal history with the Add-1 tak, Early in my career spent a year atthe University of Michigan, asa visto na lboratory that studied hypnosia Casting about fra sel topic of research, 1 found an atl in Scientific American in whigh the psychologist Eckhard Hess de- scribed the pupil of the eye asa window tothe soul. 1 reread i reently and again found st inspiring le begins with Hes reporting tat his ie had noticed his pupils widening ashe watched beautifl mature ptres and it ends wih tw striking pictures ofthe same good-looking woman, ‘no somehow appears much moratiractve none than inthe ther. There ‘sony one diference: the pupil ofthe eyes appear dtd in the strac- te picture and constricted inthe other Hes lo wrote of belladonna, 4 pupi-ting substance hat was ued a cosmetic and of bazaar shop ets who wear dark glasses in order to hide their level of interest fom ‘merchants, ‘One of Hess findings especialy captured my attention. Hehad noticed that the pulsar sensitive ndestors of mental effort they dite substan tally when people mali two-digit numbers and they eae mor if the problems are hard than ithe are easy. His observations ndiated thatthe response to mental effort is distinct fom emotional arousal. Hess work ‘id not have much todo with hypnosis bet I concluded that thei ofa ‘isle indication of mental fort had promise asa tsearch topic A grad: ate studentin thea acson Beaty, shared my enthusiasm and we got0 work. ‘Beatty and I developed 2 setup similar to an opticians examination room in which the experimental participant leaned her head on chi and-frchead rest and sted a camera while listening to prerecorded information and answering questions on the recorded beats of a met ome. Th Beats iggeed an infrared lash every second, causing a pte tobetaken.Atthe end of cach experimental seston, we wold rush to have ‘the fm developed, project the images ofthe pupil ona screen, and goto ‘work with ruler. The method was a perfect for young and impatient [ATTENTION ANO EFFORT 3 ‘escrchers we knew ou resus almost imme and they always told dear story ‘Beaty and focused on paced tasks, such a Ad, n which we knew recy what was on the sbjet' ind at ny tme, We recorded strings of Aigts on beats ofthe metronome and instructed the subject to repeat oF transform the digits one by one, maintaining the sme rhythm. We soot ‘es the brain have shown thatthe pttern of activity associated with an action changes as hl increases, with fever bran teglons aware Talent has ima effects. Highly ieligent individuals nee les effort ose the Same problems, as indicated by both pupil ie and brln stv general “law fleas for” applies to cognitive as wll as physical exertion, The la ‘asserts that if there are several ways of achieving the same goa, people wil rental gravit to he as demanding course of action, In the economy ‘faction, effort sa cost and the sequson ofl is deven by the balance ofbenefis and costs Laziness balk dep into ou nature.) The tasks that we stoied varied consideraby in ther efcts onthe pupil. At baeine, our subjects were awake, aware, and ready to engage ina 6 THINKING, FAST ANO SLOW taht at high eve! of aoa and cognitive rans than ‘eta Holding ne or wo dgtin memory olen tect word with digt © = doon produced rule fect om momentry soa ‘hove that asin bt the fet ween ol 3 ot nee inp diameter sted with AML. Att red cin tating between the pho 0 tone led igi pe ations. cent esearch as show that ining the tendency 0 ea Sng orden fire ofthe prcing char lo ncesmodent ele. of hr tar mem fro ren ga wes more eet As you can experience the tot ev and ey alond your phone tuber your pus birthday alo ees srt sient efor. tees hr ei sing mgt dn try ora sponse og tind Metal mito two dg umber and the hd a re (rte pope can. What aes ome ogni operons ote deanna ta than thr? What etcomes at we puch inthe canecy ater on? What an Ste 2d tht pte cmt? We nw ha tnt tne thee gosto Et ied oman sinenconlyn memory sever es ht ree separ actions, or ht nee ob ined ing ‘ale=rheing our shopping at you entre apermart sing betwen th fh and thee os estate omnng uring | et fom a survey wth the infra th the sample was nl fo ‘rample Sytem 2 she only one that an low rn compar bec om sve buts and make dbs caie heen oto Te + qutomatie System 1 does not have these capabilities. Syste 1 detects simple {clone Cte ral i he on each le tan the fate) ane {ect tegrting iniomation about one hing, bat dost el th ul itn topes once norte sng pry atte {rman Sytem wl detect hat spon Sexi "ean ty souls med fr orders ands eso fr dai sees 2 caratre rin but combining ti ntaton wth newlege be {heal numberof varias kth ol Se can promi | Spar ates bw doc wichita ee pople Nest pti of sem 2 th apn oes an rogram memory oey a intracon that ners haba spnses Consider the ling Count all acurenr fhe Ker fin he page Ths not tak ou hve ever performed before nit wil cmt at sly oy, bt your Sten can ae on wl be lta et Cos Rape of te bes =b conic OT TENTION ano EFFORT o youl up fr this exe, and efit cary it ou though you ll surely improve wih racic. Pychologts peak oe ont, ‘csr the adoption an termiatsn i sad cues he ‘Meni the main pons of than hat ere the exe fancton Ones pons ied whenever soft mut eed Ans cher the pent ares ofthe bao hat subst ore

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