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Gender in ADB Organizational Structure and Operations

11th Session of the External Forum on Gender and Development (EFG) 27-29 June 2011, Room 4204N, ADB HQ, Manila
Sonomi Tanaka Principal Social Development Specialist (Gender & Development) Regional and Sustainable Development Department Asian Development Bank
The views expressed in this paper are the views of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views or policies of the Asian Development Bank (ADB), or its Board of Governors, or the governments they represent. ADB does not guarantee the accuracy of the data included in this paper and accepts no responsibility for any consequence of their use. The countries listed in this paper do not imply any view on ADB's part as to sovereignty or independent status or necessarily conform to ADB's terminology.

Gender Architecture in GAD Policy
GAD Expertise in Organization EFG GAD Cooperation Fund

ADB Operations and GAD

Types of financing Country strategy and project cycle

GAD Expertise in ADB

Gender Equity Committee of CoP

Community of Practice (CoP)

Resident Missions (RMs)

Central & West Asia

HQ (2)


GAD Fund Committee

East Asia HQ (0)

External Forum on Gender and Devt.

Recommend to ADB Management

Senior Advisor (Gender), VPO2


Pacific HQ (1)


Advisory Knowledge Reporting

South Asia
HQ (1)


Other CoP Members Divisional GAD Focal Points

Southeast Asia
HQ (1)


Sector Project processing

Staff interested in GAD

Country Project administration

* are natl staff

External Forum on GAD

Established in 2001 Members on average 8-10, now 7 TOR
Facilitate dialogue b/w ADB and external GAD experts and advocates Advise ADB Management on effective implementation of GAD Policy Share external good practice

Influenced critical moments

GAD Cooperation Fund (GDCF)

Established in 2003 $13 million- AUS, CAN, DEN, IRE, NOR ADB $3 million additional Mostly committed Leverage fund
Supports only activities that leverage core ADB GAD operations (influenced 120 projects totaling $6.5B)

Difficult replenishment

Key GDCF Accomplishments 2010 (1)

(i) Country Partnership Strategies Support to Joint Country Gender Assessments in Nepal and Lao PDR (ii) Project Processing (assisting new loans) PHI Gender in Social Protection (grant component) PRC Yunnan ethnic women road maintenance TIM Gender and community participation in water supply (iii) Project Implementation 9 projects (water, law, health, rural devt) Example: PHI Supporting Governance in Justice Reform (video)

Key GDCF Accomplishments 2010 (2)

(iv) Policy Dialogues and Reforms Example: MON Gender Equality Law (v) DMC Capacity Development NEP EA/IA in Selected Sectors of ADB operations BAN Disaster Damage Rehabilitation (vi) Knowledge and Partnerships Central Asia Rural Womens Entrepreneurship South Asia Good Practice Case Studies PHI Gender, Slum Poverty and Climate Change Women and Labor Market ADB/ILO Joint Work


Core ADB Projects

A. Sovereign or sovereign guaranteed
Ordinary Capital Resources (OCR) hard loans Asian Development Fund (ADF) soft loans

ADF grants

B. Non-sovereign investments
Equity investments in an institution or enterprise Loans and other debt instruments (bonds) Guarantees (credit guarantees, political risk guarantees) of loans and other debt obligations

OCR and ADF - Modalities

Investment projects
Plain Sector projects

Program/policy-based loans/grants Sector development program Multitranche financing facility (MFF)

Technical Assistance Grant and Sources

ADB TASF - Technical Assistance Special Fund (own funding) Japan Fund for Poverty Reduction
(a) JFPR for TA grants (replacing previous Japan Special Fund) (b) JFPR for project grants

External Sources bilateral, multilateral or private sector sources for individual projects Thematic Multidonor Trust Funds (Gender, Water, Environment, Climate Change/Clean Energy, HIV/AIDS )

13. Project evaluation

1. CPS (directions) informing COBP (pipeline)

12. Project completion

11. Project review missions including midterm review & reporting
10. Project implementation
9. Project effectiveness

2. Project concept paper approval

ADB Country Partnership Strategy & Project Cycle

3. Project preparation (with or without TA)

4. Project fact finding mission & agreement with Exec Agency 5. Circulation of RRP and discuss in ADB

6. Loan/grant negotiation
7. Project approval by ADB Board

8. Project signing by EA

Two basic activities of country-based strategic planning and programming:

Country Partnership Strategy and Programming

Country Partnership Strategy (CPS) for each DMC every 5 years Country Operations Business Plan (COBP) - A brief annual update of the CPS that includes operational program for the next 3 years, identifies specific lending and non-lending operations for processing.

Project Approval, Implementation, and Completion

Project concept stage Project Concept Paper Project preparation/design with or without TA Project processing and approval Report and Recommendations of the President (RRP)

Project effectiveness Project implementation Review Mission Reports Project completion Project Completion Report Evaluation
Project completion evaluation Post completion evaluation

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