01 Screw Gauge

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Army Public School for International studies

Physics Work Sheet

Topic: Screw Gauge

Name______________ Total marks: 10

Q.1 The least count (accuracy) of screw gauge is___________.

a) 0.1mm b)0.01mm c)0.01cm d) 0.1cm
Q.2 which instrument can be used to measure the diameter of wire?
a) meter ruler b)vernier calipers
c) screw gauge d)measuring tape
Q3) what type of zero error is present in the following figure:

a) Positive zero error b) negative zero error

c) no zero error is present d) zero error of 0.01 mm
Q.4 If main scale reading = x thimble reading = y ; the correct formula for screw
gauge measurement is:

a) (x) + (y) × 0.01 mm b) (x) × 0.01 mm + y - zero error

c) (x)+ (y) × 0.01 mm -zero error d) y + (x) × 0.01 mm
Q.5 The diagram shows the micrometer screw gauge Which reading is correct?

a)4.2mm b) 4.51mm c) 4.26mm d) 4.12mm

Q.6 A student wants to measure the thickness of paper which instrument should
be used?
a) meter ruler b) vernier calipers
c) measuring tape d) screw gauge

Q.7 The diagram shows the micrometer screw gauge which is correct reading, if it
has zero error of “+0.04mm”?

a) 6.53mm b) 6.49mm c)6.57mm d)5.66mm

Q.8 According to figures given below which type of error is present:

a) positive negative No zero error

b) Negative No zero error positive
c) No zero error positive negative
d) positive No zero error negative

Q.9 The diagram shows the micrometer screw gauge which is correct reading, if it
has zero error of “-0.06mm”?

a) 22.33mm b)22.34mm c)33.39mm d)22.4mm

Q. 10 What is correct reading for the screw gauge shown in figure?

a)7.15mm b)7.17mm c)7.12mm d)7.22mm

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