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Prediction of Cogging Torque [Jsing

the Flux-MMF Diagram Technique
Rajesh P. Deodhar, Student Member, IEEE, David A. Staton,
Thomas M. Jahns, Fellow, IEEE, and Timothy J. E. Miller, Fellow, IEEE

Abstract-An improved approach to predicting cogging torque 15

in permanent magnet motors using the flux-MMF diagram tech-
nique is presented and validated. A brief review of cogging torque
calculation and minimization techniques is included. It is shown
that the flux-MMF diagram can be constructedfor any one pole of
a permanent magnet machine using the demagnetizationcharac-
teristic of the permanent magnet; then by applying the principle
of virtual work, cogging torque can be predicted. It is also
shown that the flux-MMF diagram technique is a truly universal
technique of cogging torque prediction and gives greater insight
into many of the methods used for cogging torque minimization.

T, Electromagnetic torque. (N.m)
W' CO-energy. (J)
i Instantaneous current. (A) Fig. 1. Flux-MMF diagram for any one phase of a typical 4-pole, rare-earth
8 Rotor position. (" or rad) magnet, sinewave brushless ac motor at RMS currents of 0, 4, 8, 12, 16, 20,
and 24 A. Area enclosed by an ellipse indicates average torque. Incremental

cp Magnetic flux.
Magnetic flux-linkage.
M M F Magnetomotive force.
areas enclosed by the magnetization curves at successive rotor positions
indicate instantaneous torque.

1, Length of magnet. (m) where minimizing torque ripple, vibration, and noise is an
A, Area of magnet. (m2> essential requirement. In order to be able to develop alternate
B, Remanent flux density. (T)
and improved techniques of reducing cogging torque, it is
po Permeability of air. (Wm)
important to be able to predict it accurately for any given
pr. Recoil permeability of magnet.
motor geometry and configuration. Most of the recent literature
on cogging makes use of some form of analytical method,
1. INTRODUCTION the Maxwell stress method or the stored energy method,

C OGGING torque in permanent magnet (PM) motors is

gaining increasing importance along with the demand
for high-performance brushless PM motors. It is a vital design
often enhanced by finite element analysis (FEA) [1]-[30]. The
calculations involved in these methods can be cumbersome and
often obscure the physical picture. Also, many cogging torque
consideration in power steering, robotics, machine spindle, calculations are specific to a particular method of reducing
high-precision position control, and, indeed, any application cogging and it is difficult to generalize them. The flux-MMF
diagram technique on the other hand, offers a fundamental
Paper IPCSD 95-74, approved by the Electric Machine Committee of basis of design evaluation and a clear physical insight based
the IEEE Industry Applications Society for presentation at the 1995 IEEE on graphical interpretation of diagrams such as ~ i 1 and ~ 3~ .
Industry Applications Society Annual Meeting, Lake Buena Vista, FL, October
8-12. This work was supported in part by the University of Glasgow and [311-[351.
the Committee of Vice-Chancellors and Principals (CVCP), U.K. Manuscript The techniaue is well adanted for use with the FEA. It also
released for publication November 6, 1995.
R. P. Deodhar and T. J. E. Miller are with the SPEED Laboratory,
satisfies the need for a universal technique of cogging torque
Department of Electronics and Electrical Engineering, University of Glasgow, prediction, which can be used with all the CO"OnlY employed
Glasgow GI2 8LT, Scotland, U.K. methods of cogging torque minimization.
D. A. Staton was with the SPEED Laboratory, Department of Electronics
and Electrical Engineering, University of Glasgow, Glasgow G12 8LT, Section I' reviews the state Of the On cogging torque
Scotland, U.K. He is now with Control Techniques PIC, POWYS,sY16 3AJ, calculation and minimization techniques. Section 111discusses
Wales, U.K. the conventional flux-MMF diagram and brings out the crucial
T. M. Jahns is with GE Corporate Research and Development, Schenectady,
NY 12301 USA. difference between the electromagnetic torque ripple and the
Publisher Item Identifier S 0093-9994(96)02094-4. cogging torque ripple in permanent magnet motors. Section IV
0093-9994/96$05.00 0 1996 IEEE

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the problem more tractable, such as assumptions of infinite

r iron permeability and/or zero flux density under the stator slots
[ 3 ] ,[ 5 ] . Cogging torque is then derived from the flux density
distribution either by taking the derivative of the associated
80 - coenergy [3], [4] or by summing the lateral magnetic force
-E along the sides of the stator teeth [5].
z Finite element analysis is by far the most popular approach
m 60-
FF for numerically calculating the cogging torque [ 121, [16]-[25].

However, closer examination indicates that there are many

variations in how FEA is used. Although the majority of re-
20 -p< ported studies have used well-established 2-dimensional (2-D)
FEA techniques, more recent work has applied 3-dimensional
0 (3-D) formulations in efforts to model the influence of machine
end effects and structure skewing more accurately [2], [21].
Torque is typically extracted from the FEA results using one
of two approaches: 1) the energy method by which the torque
is calculated from differences in the magnetic vector potential
at incremental angular positions [12], 1181, [23], and 2) more
direct torque calculation by integrating the resulting Maxwell
stress tensor over the machine’s airgap surface [19], [22]-[24].
Reported results suggest that no one of these cogging torque
calculation methods can be judged superior to the others
under all conditions. Although the FEA-based techniques
offer opportunities for more precise field calculations than the
analytical approaches based on simplifying assumptions, the
FEA results are also subject to errors introduced by mesh
generation problems or inadequate models of the iron and
magnet characteristics [4]. Given the complicated machine
geometries and associated nonlinearities in material properties,
there is a general trade-off between calculation complexity and
required torque prediction accuracy which must be judged on
a case-by-case basis.

MMF (Amp-turns)
B. Cogging Torque Minimization Techniques
Fig. 3. The flux-MMF diagram for a permanent magnet
An extensive variety of techniques for minimizing cogging
torque is documented in the literature for both sinusoidal and
explains the methodology of plotting the flux-MMF diagram trapezoidal permanent magnet machines. The majority of this
for a permanent magnet, and predicting cogging torque from work has been carried out during the past decade coincident
it by applying the principle of virtual work. Section V an- with the growing interest in brushless PM machines for high-
alyzes many of the methods employed for cogging torque performance applications. However, many of these techniques
minimization using the flux-MMF diagram technique. Finally, trace their origins to the same fundamental methods developed
Section VI summarizes the main advantages of the flux-MMF years earlier for minimizing ripple torque in conventional ac
diagram technique and discusses the improvements which and dc machines.
could be implemented to make the technique faster and more One of the most effective of these familiar techniques for
comprehensive. cogging torque minimization is stator slot skewing. Several
studies have demonstrated that skewing the stator slots by
one stator tooth pitch can reduce the cogging torque to
very low levels [3], [SI, [9], [23], [28]. If stator skewing
poses unacceptable manufacturability problems, the alternative
approach of skewing the rotor magnetic field distribution via
A. Calculation Techniques either skewed rotor magnets (or magnetization) [20], [28] or
Documented techniques for calculating cogging torque fall skewed mounting of discrete magnet segments on the rotor
into two primary categories-analytical and numerical. An- [9] has been demonstrated to yield similar cogging torque
alytical approaches typically begin with calculation of the reductions.
magnetic flux density distribution along the machine’s airgap Since the airgap magnetic permeance variations caused by
[3]-[5], [8], [9], [14], [U], [26]. These calculations invariably stator slots are such an important factor in cogging torque
require a series of simplifying approximations in order to make generation, a variety of additional techniques have been sug-

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gested for minimizing these variations or at least favorably closed trajectory over one electrical cycle. The shape of this
modifying their harmonic spectra. One of the more obvious of trajectory is an ellipse for a sinusoidally excited machine and
these approaches is minimization of the stator slot openings a parallelogram for a squarewave excited machine [33]. Fig. 1
[4], [SI, [8], [17], [23] which has the undesirable effect of shows the flux-MMF diagram for any one phase of a typical
complicating the stator construction. Taking this approach a 4-pole, rare-earth magnet sinewave brushless ac motor, at
step further, slotless stator configurations have been adopted in different load currents. Instantaneous as well as average torque
some special applications where total elimination of cogging at any given current can be calculated from the flux-MMF
torque is required [2S], [26]. diagram by applying the principle of virtual work
Other techniques seek to reduce cogging torque produc-
tion by pushing the harmonic components in the spatial
airgap permeance distribution to higher frequencies by either
adding dummy slots [29] or dummy teeth [30] to the sta- The total area enclosed by a flux-MMF diagram is fixed by
tor laminations. Alternatively, this frequency spectrum can its particular shape, and this area indicates the average torque
be beneficially modified to reduce cogging torque either by produced over one electrical cycle for any one phase. The total
shifting the angular positions of individual stator slots [SI area consists of a number of incremental areas bound by the
or by adopting a fractional number of slots per pole design magnetization curves at successive rotor positions and each of
[8], [24], [28]. However, the impact of such techniques on these areas indicates the instantaneous torque at a particular
both the average and ripple torque production when the rotor position for any one phase. This makes it possible to
windings are excited must be carefully considered. calculate torque ripple at any given current.
The tight interrelationship between cogging torque produc- Fig. 2 shows the electromagnetic torque ripple curves ob-
tion (without current excitation) and ripple torque production tained from the flux-MMF diagram shown in Fig. 1. Note
(during excitation) is particularly apparent in trapezoidal PM that these curves are valid only at low speed where friction,
machines where conflicts often arise during attempts to reduce windage, and iron losses can be neglected. At zero current, the
both components simultaneously. Since trapezoidal machines predicted torque ripple is zero. The reason is straightforward:
favor concentrated stator windings in order to minimize ripple at any nonzero current, the flux-MMF diagram is an ellipse
torque, skewing of the stator slots to reduce the cogging torque enclosing an area which is proportional to current; but, at
has the undesired effect of increasing the ripple torque [3]. zero current, the diagram is just a vertical line which does
As a result of this trade-off, alternative approaches for not enclose any area and hence does not predict any torque.
reducing the cogging torque in trapezoidal machines have This confirms the fact that cogging torque ripple, by itself, is
been investigated with unskewed stators. For example, optimal independent of any current excitation.
ratios of magnet arc width to pole pitch have been identified As seen from Figs. 1 and 2, with the conventional way of
for minimizing cogging torque, combined with a strategy of plotting the flux-MMF diagram for any one phase, it is not
shifting alternate magnet arcs by one-half stator slot pitch possible to predict cogging torque in a permanent magnet
in multi-pole-pair designs [9], [12], [22]. However, the ef- motor, as the phenomenon of cogging depends only on the
fectiveness of these techniques is dependent on maintaining interaction of permanent magnets with stator slotting, and
accurate mechanical tolerances on the physical dimensions it is independent of the nature of any current excitation
and magnetization of the rotor magnets. Other rotor-based and distribution of conductors in any one phase. In order
techniques which have been proposed for reducing cogging to circumvent this problem, it is proposed that rather than
torque include shaping of the rotor magnet segments [23] and plotting the flux-MMF diagram for any one phase, the flux-
addition of a thin magnetic retaining ring [16]. MMF diagram could be plotted for a permanent magnet
All of the cogging torque minimization techniques reviewed corresponding to any one pole so that the cogging torque can
in this section involve modifications of the machine design. If be predicted by applying the principle of virtual work. The
circumstances make it impractical to reduce cogging and/or next section describes the methodology in detail.
ripple torque sufficiently in the basic machine design, a
separate set of control-based techniques have been developed IV. FLUX-MMFDIAGRAM
to compensate these parasitic torque components by modifying Fig. 3 shows a typical flux-MMF diagram for permanent
the current excitation waveforms [6]. magnet which is constructed using a combination of flux-MMF
data obtained from the finite element analysis and the demag-
netization characteristic. Just as in the case of conventional
flux-MMF diagram, finite element solutions are generated at
The flux-MMF diagram and its application to various motor incremental rotor positions over one cogging torque cycle.
types have been described in detail in [31]-[35]. It is a Using these solutions, values of total flux emanating from the
generalized version of the flux-linkage versus current (II,- z) permanent magnet for any one pole are obtained at each rotor
diagram used commonly for analyzing switched reluctance position. The corresponding MMF values are obtained using
motors, relays, etc. [36]-[41]. It plots the variation of in- the demagnetization curve as in
stantaneous effective flux linking a particular phase against
the instantaneous MMF in that phase. Both the quantities are
functions of rotor position and the flux-MMF diagram is a
MMF = 1,
(2 - Br). (2)

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Fig. 4. Flux plot for a 6-slot, 4-pole ferrite magnet brushless dc motor.

-1 50
5 10 15 20 25 30
Variation of flux is then plotted against the variation of ANGLE [MECH DEG ]
MMF over one cogging torque cycle. This represents the flux-
Fig 5 Companson between the predicted and the measured cogging torque
MMF diagram for a permanent magnet corresponding to any for the motor shown in Fig. 4.
one pole-a triangle in dark solid lines in Fig. 3. The so-
called “load lines” at each incremental rotor position, shown
by dotted lines in Fig. 3, are assumed to be linear. This is
adequate in most cases except when there is high saturation in
stator tooth tips or when the magnet working point is pushed
beyond the “knee point” due to extremely high load currents,
in which case, the load lines may be nonlinear [42].
Note that the flux-MMF diagram for a permanent magnet is
similar to the flux-linkage versus current ($ - i) diagram for a
switched reluctance motor or a relay. While the PM diagram
is plotted in the second quadrant, the SR diagram is usually
plotted in the first quadrant and both can take account of
linear as well as nonlinear magnetization curves. Once the flux-
MMF diagram for any one pole is obtained, predicting cogging
torque becomes an easy matter of calculating instantaneous
torque for every incremental rotor position using the rate of
change of co-energy with displacement as in (1). Even when no
current is flowing, (1) can still be applied by replacing “2” with
“MMF” of the permanent magnet. Finally, total cogging torque
is obtained by simply adding together the cogging torques for Fig. 6. Flux plot for an lg-slot, 6-pole ferrite magnet brushless dc motor.
the individual poles.
The technique is validated by performing finite element curves which are consequently different from each other. This
analysis as well as experimental measurements on a small 6/4 phenomenon is peculiar to motors with fractional number of
(6-slot, 4-pole) ferrite magnet brushless dc motor. Fig. 4 is slots per pole. In motors with integral number of slots per
a flux plot showing the cross section over two poles. Fig. 5 pole (an 18-slot, 6-pole motor shown in Fig. 6, for example),
compares the predicted cogging torque curve against measured each pole is subjected to an identical magnetic circuit and the
points and it shows a close match between the two. The flux-MMF diagram is exactly the same for all poles.
measured points were obtained using an experimental setup
in which the motor under test was driven by a dividing head
through a sensitive torque transducer. The rotor was taken v. ANALYSISOF VARIOUS METHODSOF COGGING TORQUE
through each incremental position over a cogging torque cycle MINIMIZATION USING THE FLUX-MMFDIAGRAMTECHNIQUE
in both directions and the results were averaged to eliminate
the effect of friction.
It is interesting to note that in Fig. 5 total predicted cogging A. Skewing
torque is made up of two slightly different cogging torque This is the most common method applied for reducing cog-
curves corresponding to the set of north and south poles which ging torque in permanent magnet motors. Either the stator or
are mirror images of each other. The reason can be seen clearly the magnets can be skewed but both have essentially the same
from Fig. 4. While one set of poles with same polarity is electromagnetic effect on motor operation and cogging torque.
facing teeth, the other set is facing slots, which means that the The choice is generally dictated by the manufacturability of a
two sets are subjected to different magnetic circuits. When the particular design. The flux-MMF diagram technique is adept
flux-MMF diagrams are plotted for each set, they are slightly at taking account of fractional as well as integral slot pitch
different from each other, giving rise to cogging torque ripple skew [34].

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02 Fig. 9. Flux plot for an 18-slot, 6-pole rare-earth magnet brushless dc motor
with normal teeth.


Fig. 6 is a flux plot for an Ig-slot, 6-pole ferrite magnet

brushless dc motor showing motor cross section over one pole.
Fig. 7 compares cogging torque curves, for the motor shown Fig. 10. Flux plot for the same motor as in Fig. 9, but with bifurcated teeth.
in Fig. 6, obtained at different stator skew factors. It shows
that the peak cogging torque with a skew of half slot pitch is of the generated (back) electromotive force (EMF) which
roughly 50% of the peak cogging torque without skew. With in turn depends upon the magnet arc. It is unlikely that a
a skew of one slot pitch, the cogging torque is almost zero, particular value of magnet arc will minimize both kinds of
as expected. torque variation at the same time. In most cases, a compromise
has to be made in order to minimize the total torque ripple.
B. Varying the Magnet Arc
Varying the magnet arc has a significant effect on the C. Bifurcated Teeth
magnitude and the shape of cogging torque curve. The motor In this method, dummy slots, which do not carry any
shown in Fig. 6 has full (180" electrical) magnet arc. If the winding, are added at the tooth tip such that every tooth is
magnet arc is reduced, the peak cogging torque is also reduced, bifurcated and the number of slots "seen" by the magnets
only up to a certain value of magnet arc (130") beyond which is effectively doubled. This halves the period (doubles the
it starts to increase again (125", 120" and 100") as shown in frequency) and reduces the cogging torque. Fig. 9 is a flux plot
Fig. 8. for an 18-slot, 6-pole rare-earth magnet brushless dc motor
I t is noted that changing the magnet arc will affect both cog- showing motor cross section over one pole. This motor has
ging and electromagnetic torque ripple in completely different normal teeth.
.ways. While cogging torque depends only on the interaction Fig. 10 is a flux plot for a motor which is identical to
between the magnets and the stator slots, electromagnetic the one shown in Fig. 9, except that it has bifurcated teeth.
torque ripple depends, among many other factors, on the shape Fig. 11 compares the cogging torque curves for the two motors

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0.6i I 15




-0.8l I I
5 10 15 20 5 10ANGLE [MECH.
15 DEG.]20 25 30

Fig. 11. Cogging torque curves with and without bifurcated teeth for the Fig. 13. Cogging torque curves with radial and parallel magnetization of
motors shown in Figs. 9 and 10, respectively. magnets for the motors shown in Figs. 4 and 12, respectively.


The flux-MMF diagram technique is a generalized method

of predicting cogging torque in permanent magnet motors. Its
main advantages are as follows.
It can deal with all types of permanent magnet motors
such as surface PM, interior PM (IPM), and spoke type.
Since the method is based on a combination of the
principle of virtual work and the demagnetization char-
acteristic of a permanent magnet, it serves as a truly
universal method of cogging torque prediction and offers
Fig. 12. Flux plot for the same motor as in Fig. 4 but with parallel mag- a fundamental basis for design evaluation.
netization of magnets. It gives a clear physical insight and graphical interpreta-
tion of the phenomenon of cogging torque.
shown in Figs. 9 and 10. It can be observed that bifurcated It can analyze and take account of many of the methods
teeth double the frequency and simultaneously reduce the peak commonly used for minimizing cogging torque such
cogging torque by about 50%. as skewing, bifurcated teeth, varying magnet arc, and
varying the magnetization of magnets.
D.Varying the Magnetization of Magnets Unlike most analytical methods, it can be used with any
Just like varying the magnet arc, varying the magnetization degree of magnetic saturation.
(radial or parallel) of magnets has an effect on the shape and The accuracy of the flux-MMF diagram technique, directly
the magnitude of cogging torque. This can be illustrated with depends upon the accuracy of estimating the variation of
an example. magnet flux at incremental rotor positions over a cogging
The motor shown in Fig. 4 has radial magnetization of torque cycle. At present, the technique relies upon FEA for
magnets. Fig. 12 shows flux plot for the same motor except this purpose and hence it is sensitive to certain aspects of
that it has parallel magnetization of magnets. FEA such as mesh generation. However, the technique is well
Fig. 13 compares the cogging torque curves for the two placed to take advantage of expected improvements in FEA.
motors shown in Figs. 4 and 12. It can be seen that paral- Research is also being carried out on alternate methods,
lel magnetization of magnets leads to about 20% less peak such as magnetic lumped circuits, among others, to adapt the
cogging torque as compared to the radial magnetization. technique for rapid calculation. Further work is being done
on the technique to take account of the effects of saturation,
E. Other Methods nonliearities in the demagnetization characteristic and the
effect of load current on cogging torque.
The method of shifting alternate magnet poles by one-half
stator slot pitch in multipole-pair designs and the method of
varying the radial air-gap length around the full circumference ACKNOWLEDGMENT
of a machine can both be analyzed using the flux-MMF Thanks are due to SPEED Consortium and in particular
diagram technique. In such cases, the full machine, rather than to Oriental Motor Company and SEM Ltd. for providing
just the pole or the pole pair, needs to be modeled using the prototypes for testing. The authors would also like thank
FEA. Flux-MMF diagram needs to be obtained for all the poles Jimmy Kelly and Peter Miller for help with the experimental
as each pole is subjected to different magnetic circuit. setups.

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[17] T. Sebastian and V. Gangla, “Analysis of induced EMF and torque
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Ind. Applicat. Soc. Annu. Meeting, Denver, CO, 1994, pp. 240-246.
[18] E. Hamdi, A. Licariao-Nogueira, and P. Silvester, “Torque computation
hv mean and difference potentials,” ZEE Proc., vol. 140, pt. A, no. 2,
i. 151-154, Mar. 1993:
1191 G. Jane. and D. Lieu, “Vibration reduction in electric machine by magnet
interlacing,” IEEE Trans. Magn., vol. 28, no. 5 , pp. 3024-3026, Sept.
1992. Rajesh P. Deodhar (S’XX-M’90-S’94) was born in
K. Binns, F. Chaaban, and A. Hameed, “Major design parameters of Bombay, India, on February 22, 1968. He received
a solid canned permanent magnet motor with skewed magnets,” IEE the B.Eng. degree in electronics engineering from
Proc., vol. 140, pt. B, no. 3, pp. 161-165, May 1993. the University of Bombay in 1989 and the M.Tech.
M. Alhamadi and N. Demerdash, “Three dimensional magnetic field degree in electronic product design from the Center
computation by a coupled vector-scalar potential method in brushless for Electronic Design and Technology (CEDT) at
DC motors with skewed permanent magnet mounts-The no-load and the Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, in 1991.
load results,” ZEEE Trans. Energy Conversion, vol. 9, no. 1, pp. 15-22, Since the beginning of 1994, he has been working
Mar. 1994. toward the Ph.D. degree in the SPEED Laboratory,
T. Ishikawa and G. Slemon, “A method of reducing ripple torque in University of Glasgow, Scotland, in the generalized
permanent magnet motors without skewing,” IEEE Trans. Magn., vol. area of design and analysis of electric machines and
29, no. 2, pp. ~2028-2031, Mar. 1993. drives.
[23] M. Jug, B. Hribemik, A. Hamler, M. Trlep, and B. Kreca, “Investigation From 1991 to 1993, he worked as a Design Engineer with Crompton
of reluctance torque of brushless DC motor,” in Proc. Int. Con$ Elec. Greaves Ltd., Bombay, India, on the design of induction and brushless PM
Machines, Boston, 1990, pp. 132-137. motors and drives. In 1993 he spent six months in Japan, working with Hitachi
[24] C. Chan, J. Jiang, G. Chen, X. Wang, and K. Chau, “A novel polyphase Ltd., on the applications of electric machines and drives in home appliances.
multipole square-wave permanent magnet motor drive for electric ve- Mr. Deodhar was awarded the CEDT Design Gold Medal by the Indian
hicles,” IEEE Trans. Ind. Applicat., vol. 30, no. 5 , pp. 1258-1266, Institute of Science in 1991. He also received the Hitachi-AOTS scholarship in
Sept./Oct. 1994. 1993 which enabled him to work with Hitachi Ltd. in Japan for six months. He
[25] A. Kaddouri and H. Le-Huy, “Analysis and design of a slotless NdFeB is a Member of the IEEE Industry Applications Society and also an Associate
permanent-magnet synchronous motor for direct drive,” in Rec. IEEE Member of the Institute of Electrical Engineers, U.K.

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David A. Staton was bom in Chesterfield, England, Timothy J. E. Miller (M’74-SM’82-F’96) is a

on July 29, 1961. He received the BSc. (Hons.) native of Wigan, U.K. He received the B.Sc. degree
degree in electrical and electronic engineering from the University of Glasgow, Scotland, and the
from Trent Polytechnic, Nottingham, England, in Ph.D. degree from the University of Leeds, U.K.
1983, and the Ph.D. degree from the University of From 1979 to 1986 he was an electrical engineer
Sheffield, England, in 1988. and program manager at General Electric Corpo-
From 1977 to 1984, he was employed by rate Research and Development, Schenectady, NY.
British Coal, who sponsored him while he was His industrial experience also includes periods with
undertaking the B.Sc. degree. While at the GEC (U.K.), British Gas, International Research
University of Sheffield, he developed CAD software and Development, and a student-apprenticeship with
for Dermanent-magnet dc motors in collaboration Tube Investments Ltd. He is Lucas Professor in
with GEC Electromotors Ltd.&From1988 t i 1989, he was with Thom EM1 Power Electronics and founder and Director of the SPEED Consortium at
Central Research Laboratories and was engaged in the design of motors the University of Glasgow, where he is responsible for teaching and research
for the Kenwood range of food processors. From 1989 to 1995, he was in power electronics and electrical power engineering. The SPEED Laboratory
employed as a research assistant in the SPEED Laboratory at the University serves some 30 industrial companies in the U.K., the U.S., Europe, and the
of Glasgow. Presently, he is with Control Techniques plc, Newtown, Wales. Far East with design software for electric motor design, electronic controls
His research interests are in the computer aided design of permanent-magnet and development equipment for motor drive systems. He has authored or
and reluctance motors. coauthored more than 100 publications in the field of motors, drives, power
systems and power electronics, including five books.
Prof. Miller is a Fellow of the Royal Society o f Edinburgh and a Fellow
of the Institute of Electrical Engineers.
Thomas M. Jalhns (M’78-SM’9 lLF’93) received
the B.S. and M.S. degrees in 1974 and the Ph.D.
degree in 1978 from the Massachusetts Institute
of Technology, Cambridge, MA, all in electrical
He joined GE Corporate Research and Devel-
opment, Schenectady, NY, in 1983, where he has
pursued new adjustable-speed motor drive technol-
ogy in the Control Systems & Electronic Tech-
nologies Laboratory (CSETL). His technical efforts
have included development of high-performance
permanent magnet motor servo drives and high-power resonant converters
for machine tools and aerospace applications. In 1986, he was appointed
Manager of the Power Controls Program, leading efforts to develop advanced
permanent magnet and switched reluctance motor drives for a variety of
industrial, commercial, and aerospace applications. In his present position as
Project Manager, he is leading research activities which have included high-
performance aerospace generating equipment and low-cost adjustable-speed
motor drives for commercial/residential applications.
Dr. Jahns has been an active member of IEEE-IAS Industrial Drives
Committee since 1978, including two years of service as Committee Chair
during 1988-89. He has served as Chair of the IAS Industrial Power
Conversion Systems Department during 1992-93 and is presently serving as
an At-Large Member of the IAS Executive Board.

Authorized licensed use limited to: UNIV PUBLICA DE NAVARRA. Downloaded on February 02,2022 at 14:43:41 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.

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