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MBA V Trimester

1. Title of Subject: Entrepreneurship (502)

2. Scheme of Subject:

Mid-term Field Study (PBL) Class Participation End term

(Attendance +Activities)
30% 15% 5% +10% 40%

3. Pre-requisites:

A basic understanding of business and entrepreneurship is desirable.

4. Objective:

The module will help students build skills across a number of areas central to the entrepreneurial experience,
including: - Opportunity recognition, evaluation and exploitation - Innovation assessment and management -
Environmental analysis - Understanding and managing risk - The strategy process - Finance and Funding.

5. Methodology of Delivery:
The pedagogy to teach the course will be more practical and activity based and will be supplemented
by Videos, Cases, Seminars, Research Articles, News Articles, Guest Lectures and Project etc.

6. Syllabus and Contents:

Unit Contents
Unit I Concept, characteristics, attitude and approach, Entrepreneur v/s Intrapreneur.
Entrepreneur & Entrepreneur V/S Manager; Importance of entrepreneurship for growth and
Entrepreneurshi development of an economy.
Unit - II Creating a Business Plan, Making a Product Choice, Setting up Infrastructure,
Starting a new Naming and Registering a Business, Choosing a form of Business Organization,
business – Choosing the Location of the Industry, Pricing your Product, Regulatory
Requirements, Financing a startup Business, Sourcing Process, R M, Mach. &
Equip., Hiring Human Resource.
Unit III- Leverage considerations, Capital budgeting techniques by considering risk (Risk
Financial adjusted discount rate, Sensitivity analysis, Probabilistic approach & Certainty
Analysis – equivalent), cost benefit analysis. Case Study – United Utilities.
Unit IV- Micro, Small & Medium Enterprise – Concept, MSME act, departments, Schemes
Organizational and grants; Role of State financial corporation and District financial corporation for
support for promoting entrepreneurship.
p development
Unit V- Departments, Grants, Scheme & various policies and programmes. Biographies and
Entrepreneurial traits of great entrepreneurs – Steve jobs, Michael Dell, Mohd. Younis.
Opportunity in
Pradesh –
7. Learning Outcomes:

To provide an introduction to entrepreneurship and its development process, environment and current scenario
in India. Study of this subject provides an understanding of the scope of an entrepreneur, key areas of
development, financial assistance by the institutions. Entrepreneurship in practice will introduce students to the
more practical elements of innovation and enterprise activity across multiple contexts, including not just new
venture creation but corporate and social entrepreneurship as well. Entrepreneurship and creativity focuses on
idea generation and entrepreneurial aspects.

8. Activities:
The following three activities are mandatory and carry marks:
(a) Role Play- Entrepreneurs v/s Managers
(b) Seminar- Whether Entrepreneurs are born or made?
(c) Case Study Discussion-Case study on Small Business Enterprises.

9. Weightage of Activities
a) Role Play-03 Marks
b) Seminar- 03 Marks
c) Case Study Discussion-04 Marks

10 Activity Description (Assessment Criteria)

The students will be evaluated on basis of their presence, confidence, communication, originality and
addition to knowledge.

11 PBL Topic: Business Plan for (Give name for the proposed business)

12 Weightage of PBL
Total marks for PBL is 15. However students will be evaluated on different aspects as:
a) Written report submission with originality of the topic and its contribution to knowledge.(30 % Marks)
b) Team Coordination (10 % marks)
c) Presentation ( 20 % marks)
d) Answers to queries raised (30 % marks)
e) Proper structure of report (10 % marks)

13 PBL Description (Assessment Criteria)

Below are complete guidelines to proceed with the project and the expected outcome thereof.


 To excite the students about entrepreneurship.

 To get hands on experience and be ready as a future entrepreneur.
 To understand the business concepts.
 To understand the intricacy involved in the business of student’s own choice.
 To find out the reasons for success/failure.
 To find out the innovative ways in which proposed product could be enhanced to be made more
 To look into various innovative ways to market the product/service.

 The class will be divided into groups of 5 members each.

 The entrepreneurship students will be given the opportunity to prepare a business plan based on their
own start-up ideas using the knowledge derived from this course. The students are required to make
necessary assumptions.
 Student groups are required to select a business plan of their own choice.
 Students will be highly encouraged to present the business plan via models/stalls substantiated by
Power Point presentations.

The students are required to present the business plan/models covering certain important aspects as

 Promoters background/experience
 Product with capacity to be built up and processes involved.
 Raw materials and source.
 Project location
 Cost of the Project and Means of financing there of.
 Availability of utilities
 Technical arrangements
 Market Prospects and Selling arrangements
 Environmental aspects
 Profitability projections and Cash flows for the entire repayment period of financial assistance.

Expected Learning Outcome from the Project:

 Team Spirit
 Presence of mind.
 Various options to start a business venture.
 Understand the needs of entrepreneurs to be successful.
 Understand the needs/demands business and devise concrete strategies as entrepreneurs/managers in

Written report submission

• Each student should also submit the detailed written report for the business plan.

• The group project report should be type written, 1.5 line-spaced, using 12 size font and should not
exceed 30 pages (excluding cover page, tables, figures, appendices, references, and endnotes).

• The project report should also contain the following sections:

 A cover page listing team members (The cover page should provide the complete name of the
group members, student roll number, and course code)
 Table of contents
 Executive Summary
 List of references
 Exhibits (Tables and charts).

Evaluation of the Projects assigned:

The feasibility study of business plans will be conducted to check the standard of the projects presented and

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