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International Baccalaureate'

Baccalaureat International
Bachillerato lnternacional
Internal assessment: Group 3 individual candidate cover sheet
Arrival date: 20 April/20 October Session: IM"j ~\){ ~
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-Complete this form in the working language ofyour school (English, French or Spanish).
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-After completing this form it must be printed and then signed by the teacher and candidate to confirm the authenticity of the work.

Subject: C Level: ITI

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Business and management SL: the issue or problem selected for the commentary must relate to the SL syllabus and refer directly to a
single business organization (Business and management guide, March 2007, page 52)

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Business and Management HL Internal Assessment

To what extent and how should the

employee motivation, at Mark Aurel
GmbH, be increas~d?

Internal Assessment
Business and Management
Hiqher Level

Word count fpyr.h 1rlinn titl~= P?ge, conrent page, e:x~cutive summary, bibliography and appendix):
?nnn wnfds

Business and Management HL Internal Assessment

Content page:
Title page p. 1
Contents page p. 2
Research Proposal p. 6
Introduction p. 7
Research Question p. 7
Methodology p. 7
Findings and Analysis p. 9
Conclusion & Recommendation p.23
Unresolved Issues p.23
Bibliography p. 24
Appendix t: Questionnaire to employees p. 25 .
Appendix 2: Interview with business executive p. 35
Appendix 3: Qualitative data p. 37

Business and Management HL Internal Assessment

Research Proposal:

Research Question:

To what extent and how should the employee motivation, at Mark Aurel , be


Marc Au rei is a fashion company based in Germany producing cloths for women. As
sales decreased in recent years and therefore profit decreased the company was
forced to cut workforce recently. Furthermore some bonus payments were rejected in
order to save money. Recently the working climate has changed in the main part of
the company based in Gotersloh. It was noticed that the motivatiOn of workers
decreased by a lot but still managers are unsure why. In my r~search I therefore
want to find out about the reasons of lack of motivation and. now it could be increased

Theoretical Framework:

• Motivation 2.5: Maslow's hierarchy of needs, McGregor Theory X Theory Y; to

design the questionnaires and evaluate the questionnaires
• Motivation 2.5: Non-Financial methoa-s of increasing motivation will be useful
for recommendations in order to solve the lack of employee motivation
• Leadership 2.4: Leadership styles will be irlAntified and helpful when
comparing the current leadership style with the desired one


Secondary Research:

Business and Management book to get to know about motivation theories and
leadership styles
Find out niore about the theoretical contacts through different books
Newspaper articles connected to motivation to see how theories helped other

Primary Research:

Developing a questionnaire to gather information from employees about why

motivation decreased' and what coule1 change the situation

Business and Management HL Internal Assessment

Interview with the entrepreneur and some department managers to find out
about what changes are possible and how their behaviour might affect

Anticipated Difficulties:

Difficulty Action Taken

It might be difficult to gather enough First of all will ask as many employees
information, as some employees might as possible to fill in the questionnaire.
won't be willing to fill in the Furthermore I hope to convince them as
questionnaire. the questionnaire will be anonymously
and perhaps their future working
environment will improve with their help.
Information gathered from interviews I will try to ask many questions directly
with managers could be false as they connected to their leadership style so it
could try to cover up problems if they are will be difficult for them to hedge around
somehow connected to their leadership problems.
Internet research regarding the company I will try to get as many background
Marc Au rei could be difficult as it is a information as possible to be able to ask
small to too known company. good questions.

Action plan:

Action Augu Septe Octob Nove Decem be

st mber er mber r

supervisor to
discuss the
and decide
on one
Read through
the relevant
chapters in
the book
Question nair

Business and Management HL Internal Assessment

Question nair
e to
su ervisor
Gather some
Hand in the
Question nair
man ers
Question nair
Write first
Submit first
Talk to

(Words: 491)

Business and Management HL Internal Assessment

Executive Summary:
Marc Aurel is a fashion company, aiming to underline the beauty of each woman
with feminine and modern clothing. 1
The management. noticed difficulties regarding increased abs~nteeism as well as .
increased staff turnover. These indicate lack of motivation within the company, whid
is why the question asked is: To what extent and now should the employee
motivation, at MA GmbH, be increas~d?

To investigate level of Motivation Maslow and McGregor's theories were applied to

data, gathered through a personal interview with the business executive and
questionnaires filled in by employees.

The findings and analysis concluded that Marc Au rei's employees' demotivation is
caused by not being able to satisfy their "safety needs", as job security can't be
guaranteed. Furthermore the management adopted the Theory X approach, whereas
the employees actually suit the Theory Y approach. RecommerrJations to Improve
were made:

• Training would motivate employees, as their work enlarges making them feel
working to their ability.
• Empowerment would increase employees' self-esteem, which might lead to a
slight increase in motivation. Furthermore employees improve their skills
making them valuable to the company, which secures their job in future .
• Praise is most motivating to employees and least costlv. which makes it an
appropriate motivator.

1 Marc Aurel, 2013. Unsere Philosophy [webpage] (http :// AWD

Business and Management HL Internal Assessment

Marc Aurel (AM) is a fashion company, aiming to underline the beauty of each
woman with feminine and modern clothing .2
The management noticed difficulties regarding increased absenteeism from 3% in
2010 to 10% in 2012 as well as increased staff turnover form 15% in 2010 to 24% in
2012. 3 These indicate lack of motivation within the company. Therefore this
investigation will look at what causes the lack of motivation and how motivation
should be improved. MA is a company operating in different countries. To undertake
this investigation I will only take their headquarters into consideration. There the
clothes are designed, fitted and sold to the retail, meaning no production is
happening. Around 120 employees work forMA there in 2013. 4

Research question:
To what extent and how should the employee motivation, at MA GmbH, be


Secondary Research:

Business books provided me with theoretical content regarding leadership and

Use of company's website for background information
- Asked the company to provide me with absenteeism rate and labour turnover

Primary Research:

Developed a questionnaire to gather information from employees regarding

their motivation
Interviewed the business ·executive regarding possible changes and his impact
on employees' motivation

2 Marc Aurel, 2013. Unsere Philosophy [webpage] ( AWD

[Accessed:06.1 0.20 13]
3 Richter, R. (Business executive) August 2013,-personal interview (see appendix 2)
4 Branchenbuch Deutschland, 2013. Firmenprofil [webpage] (http://web2

home/marc-aurel-texti 1-gmbh-323 817 5 .htm l) [Accessed :06.1 Q.20 13]

Business and Management HL Internal Assessment

Limitations of research:

};> Interview may be biased, as influenced by personal opinion.

};> Sample of the questionnaires don't represent all employees, as some refw:~P.rl
to answer
>- Little backaround information published bv the comoanv to conduct

Business and Management HL Internal Assessment

Findings and analysis:

Maslow's hierarchy of needs:

achieving one's
full potential,
including creative
Esteem needs:
prestige and feeling of accomplishment

Belongingness and love needs:

intimate relationships, friends

Safety needs:
security, safety

Physiological needs:
fooa, water, warmth, rest

Abraham Maslow was a psychologist "focusing on psychological needs of workers as

he believed people are motivated by more than just money". 6 People had to satisfy
their lower level needs such as physiological, safety and belonging needs before
progressing to higher level needs like esteem or self-actualization .7 Maslow said
each level of needs is depended on the level below and only motivating until the
needs are met. 8
Reasons forMA's issue of demotivation will be investigated using this theory to find

5 M.aslow's hierachy of needs, 2011. [webpage]

(hllQ://www .21 steen tech .com/transportation-part-6-the-21 st-century-and -the-automobi Ie-
w nat-will-we-use-to-make-them/maslow/) [Accessed:06.1 0.2013]
6 Hoang, P., 2007. 2nd edition, Business and Management. Australia: IBID Press p. 237
7 Hoang, P., 2007. 2nd edition, Business and Management. Australia: IBID Press p. 237

s Kremer, W. and Hammond, C., 2013. AbrahamMaslowandthepyramidthatbeguiledbusiness

[online magazin] (http ://

Business and Management HL Internal Assessment

Physiological needs:

Needs that are met from the employees point

of view
Appendix 1: Questionnaire to employees

have long enough breaks to rest

I can regulate the heating, as I

want to

the temperatures in the buildings

are pleasant

a place to rest during breaks

a place to make food you brought

with you

a place to buy something to eat or


food provided by the company

Percentage of needs
met (0% not met;
water provided by the company 100% needs are

0 20 40 60 80 100
Percentage of employees that are satisfied

~ Private areas and appear to be sufficient so employees shouldn't be

exhausted while working. Temperature is perceived pleasant and the ·
possibility to regulate it is given so employees don't feel uncomfortable while
working, which was rated as important9 . Yet not all employees are fully
satisfied, however' it's not significant as the importance of the issues
addressed were· rated less important. 10 J

9 Questionnaire, question 13(Appendix 1: Questionnaire to employees)

10 Questionnaire, question 13 (Appendix 1: Questionnaire to employees)

Business and Management HL Internal Assessment

How much money do you earn net a month?

Appendix!: Questionnaire to employees
6,25 less than 1000 €
between 1000 € and 2000 €
between 2000 € and 3000 €

more than 3000 €

MA 's employees earn between 1000€ and 2800€. which is according to

statista above the minimum wage.n
~ Providing an adequate life standard appears possible 12 ; still sole earners
taking care of an entire family might feel their earnings aren't sufficient,
however less significant, as the government supports families with benefits,
not affording the basic standard of livina. 13

-7 This indicates employees me..e.J their p.sycholoaical needs while working but also in
their private life, as their earnings should be sufficient to afford basic living. According
to Maslow once a need is satisfied they are no longer motivating, however since
these are basic needs employees would be demotivated if they wouldn't be
satisfied. 14 1'herefore the satisfaction of the physiological needs is positive regarding
their motivation.

11 Przyklenk, 2013. Durchschnittseinkommen in Deutschland [webpage]

(http:l/ nkommenD [Accessed:06 .1 0.20 13]
12 Hall, D. Jones, R. Anderton, A., 1993. 4th edition. Business Studies. United Kingdom:

Pearson Education p. 375

13, 2013. Geringverdiener Zuschuss [webpage]

(http: // [Accessed: 13.12.20 13]

14 Hall, D. Jones, R. Anderton, A., 1993. 4th edition. Business Studies. United Kingdom:

Pearson Education p. 375

Business and Management HL Internal Assessment

Safety needs:

Do you feel your job is secure?

Appendix1: Questionnaire to employees
(in%) ·

Yes No

~ Employees don't perceive their iob as secure . which indicates the second level
of Maslow's hierarchy isn't met. Maslow argued a level of hierarchy is
motivating until it is met, however this being one of the lower level needs it is
the opposite, as insecure future prospects are perceived demotivating for MA
employees, since many stated that poor job security demotivates them most. 15

1s Qualitative data, question 40 (Appendix 3)

Business and Management HL Internal Assessment

Love and Belonging Needs:

Do you feel respected by your colleges?

Appendix!: Questionnaire to employees
(in%) 6,25

Yes No

Do you have friends in the company?

Appendix!: Questionnaire to employees
(in%) Yes No

);> Employees feel respected by colleges, which many of them declared as

motivating 16 . Furthermore many made friends within tAB company, which was
also perceived as motivating by the employees. 17

-7 Even though most employees don't exoerience j_o_b_securitv emplovees oerceive

friendly colleges and respect as motivatinQ, Maslow however said it is Impossible to
skip a level, as they are "depended on the one below" 18 /lherefore MA's employees
shouldn't be able to satisfy the third level, as the second level of needs isn't satisfied.
However the employees state they feel motivated by social relationships, enforced by
the business executive. 19 Nevertheless his observation might be bias and not
objective. Hence Maslow's theory of moving from one level to another appears not
applicable,· as employees themselves say they feel motivated, which is significant.

Self esteem needs:

16 Qualitative data, question 48 (Appenidx 3)

17 Qualitative data, question 48 (Appenidx 3)
18 Hall, D. Jones, R. Anderton, A., 1993. 4th edition. Business Studies. United Kingdom:
Pearson Education p. 375
19 Richter, R. (business executive) August 2013, personal interview (Appendix 2)

Business and Management HL Internal Assessment

Do you feel good about what

you have achieved
so far in your career?
Appendix!: Questionnaire to employees Yes No

Do you feel people

recognise and value the
work you are doing?
Appendix!: Questionnaire to employees
Yes No

);> Indicates employees' ~Pif-P~tPPm i~ rPI~tivP-Iy higl., since employees feel

valued and recognised. Listed as one of the main non-financial motivators,
makes it significant. However the employees haven't commented on the
extent they are motivated, which is significant as this is important once
deciding on implementing motivator strategies. 20

-7 Employees are in the 'Esteem needs' stag_f nf mQful.ation. 21 Maslow says the
approach itself is motivating, as once a tevel is satisfied it is no longer
motivating. 22 Hence employees should be motivated to satisfy esteem-needs, yet
this is not the case.
Maslow claims employee~ can't skiJ: a level of needs, as none of t~e others will
be motivating, since the only con,eern of the employee is to satisfy the lowest
Level. This explains why motivatton is low, although many of the Maslow's needs
are met. Not being able to achieve the second and basic need prevents MA's
employees becoming motivated.

20 Qualitaive data, question 48 (Appendix 3)

21 Hoang, P., 2007. 2nd edition, Business and Management. Australia: IBID Press p. 238
22 Serto, S.C., 2013. Motivating Employees Leducation website]

(http://answers.mheducation .com/business/management/supervision/motivating-employees)
[Accessed:06.1 0.2013]
Business and Management HL Internal Assessment

Self-actualisation need:

Do you feel you

have achieved
everything in your
working life and Yes No
are fulfilled?
Appendix!: Questionnaire to employees

-7 MA's employees feel pleased by their achievements, which is unusual as Maslow

stated less than 1% become fully self-actualized. 23 Perhaps the employees
misinterpret their feelings and were overoptimistic, however it is positive that many
employees feel this way, as it is an indicater for a positive private life, besides their
working one, affecting this level of neeCV.:..

Summary of Maslow:

Physiological needs appear to be Are you generally

sallsfied according to Maslow.
"Safety needs" however aren't motivated to work?
satisfied because of the insecure Appendix 1: Questionnaire to employees
job prospects. Maslow claims this
prevents employees from
becoming motivated, as unsatisfied
basic needs lead to demotivation. 24 Yes
Furthermore employees wouldn't No
be able to reach higher level
needs, where the desire of
satisfaction drives and motivates
the employees, as no stages can
be skipped according to Maslow. 25
MA's employees however are motivated .
The; etore Maslow's theory isn't entirely applicable to MA. can't reach
th¢ir full potential of motivation , by not satisfying the second leve1 of needs, however

23 McLeod, S., 2013. Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs. [online magazin]

(http://www .simplypsychology .org/maslow .html) [Accessed:08 .11 .20 13]
24 Hall, D. Jones, R. Anderton, A., 1993. 4th edition. Business Studies. United Kingdom:

Pearson Education p. 375

2s Hoang, P., 2007. 2nd edition, Business and Management. Australia: IBID Press p. 237

Business and Management HL Internal Assessment

many of them are able to feel motivated by being in the "esteem-needs" level, which
they clearly communicated .26
Hence employees motivation has great potential to increase significantly once the
second level is met as they are already in the "esteem-needs" level, however making
the employees believe their job is secure will be a difficult task, as the textile market
became ever growing and unpredictable the last couple -of years. 27 Employees might
perceive their job as more secure if MA would provide their employees with long-term
contracts. Increased motivation is beneficial for the company's performance.
However providing a significant number of employees with long-term contracts is
impossible to the company currently because of their financial situation. 28
Furthermore it would make the company less flexible, which is an important to both
stakeholders. 29

26 Qualitative data, question 12 (Appendix 3)

27 Qualitative data, question 16 (Appendix 3)
28 Richter, R. (business executive) August 2013, personal interview (Appendix 2)
29 Qualitative data, question 19 (Appendix 3)

Business and Management HL Internal Assessment

McGreogor Theory X Theory Y:

Douglas McGregot invented the 'Theory X(TX) Theory Y(TY)' concept "to explain
negative management attifudes regarding workforce". 30
Managers, viewing their employees as lazy, avoiding work and merely interested in
money; believe their workforce needs instructions and supervision, adopt the 'TX'
approach .31 These managers are likely to be autocratic focusing on output and
productivity. 'TY' is an approach often adopted by democratic leaders, believing the1r
employees are "able to achieve organisational objectives out of their own accord and
initiative". 32 The management style is decentralised, whereas 'TX' management style
is centralised. Employees can feel motivated in both cases, as long as their
behaviour corresponds with the management's perception. Managers perceivinQ the
employees wrong can cause demotivation. This theory will help me identify
leadership problems, possibly leading to demotivated employees at MA.

'Theory X' 'Theory Y'

management \' r; staff

Theory X - authoritarian,
repressive style. Tight control, Ti1eory Y • liberating and developmental.
no development. Produces Control, achievement and continuous
limited, depressed culture. Improvement achieved by enabling,
empowering and giving responsibiilty.


30 Hoang, P., 2007. 2nd edition, Business and Management. Australia: IBID Press p. 239
31 Hoang, P., 2007. 2nd edition, Business and Management. Australia: IBID Press p. 239
3 Hoang, P., 2007. 2nd edition, Business and Management. Australia: IBID Press p. 240
3 3 Dudosvskly, J., 2013. Theory X and Theory Y[website] (http://research- [Accessed:08 .11.20 13]

Business and Management HL Internal Assessment

How is the leadership style perceved by the

Appendix !:Questionnaire to employees

I am well informed of any kind of

decisions taken affecting me
Ls 4 ,75

Group work is appreciated by

0 ,,L
managemetn 50

I am trusted by the management

lzis 2

I am given responsibility by the 62 5

management ~,25
Strongly agree
I can criticise any kind of decisions Disagree
made by the management 4 ,75
Strongly disagree
4 ,75

The management makes decisions and

explains them to me

I am consulted before decisions are

made by my management

Everything I do is highly controlled by 62 5

my management

0 10 20 30 40 so 60 70
Percentage in %

Business and Management HL Internal Assessment

~ Employees feel controlled during work and not involved in decision making,
however many expressed their desire of less observation and more
involvement. 34 The business executive contrariwise perceives his employees
not wanting to take initiative, yet he would like to involve them. 35

-7Managers perceiving employees' attitude wrong perhaps causes demotivation,

as employees feel underestimated. Therefore the autocratic leadership is
ineffective. 36

What kind of. characteristics does your

management have?
Appendixl: Questionnaire to employees

q~ 7<;
c: 100
..... 90 UJ.,"-J -
I -
~ 80
l:Qj 70 I I
0. 60 ::>U
l ::>U
I jj
4.~ 7<;
~ so 37,5
s 40
t_ 3i,25 -
c. 30 1~, 75
1--- -- -



1 ')

~·H J-o-- ~-

-r')·;- "F ~
:'··· -


~ The management isn't perceived as motivating or inspiring, nor is it able to

listen, which employees however desire 37 . Employees seek for aims and
visions 38 , which aren't communicated by the centralised and autocratic
management style.

34 Questionnair, questions 12, 50 (Appendix 3)

35 Richter, R. (business executive) August 2013, personal interview (Appendix 2)
36 Qualitative data, question 6 (Appendix 3)
37 Qualitative data, question 12 (Appendix 3)

38 Qualitative data, question 12 (Appendix 3)

Business and Management HL Internal Assessment

Summary McGregor:

Managers approach their employees wron.g1. as the management does not notice
employees' potential. By considering_a democratic leadership style employees might
be enabled to reach their potential, causing the management to adapt to TX, as trust
builds up. As motivation would increase productivity might too, making it significant.
However building up trust takes time managers possibly don't want to invest. Also
employees might overestimate their affiliation to become involved, which would prove
the managers perception right in the long-run.· However both are short-term
problems, as both stakeholders will get used to the circumstances over time.

Non-financial motivators:

How important is financial reward for you?

Appendix1: Questionnaire to employees
(in%) Very Important

I would of course appreciate financial

rewards however there are aspects,
which are more important

Not important

~ Employees don't rate financial rewards as most important as managers

believe (TX)? 9
~ As most MA employees can be motivated non-financially, this investigation will
only consider non-financial motivators, as the business executive stated a
reward budget isn't possible currently. 40
~ Furthermore by concentrating on non-financial motivator leadership steadily
moves to democratic leadership as trust builds up over time. 41

39 Richter, R. (business executive) August 2013, personal interview(Appendix 2)

40 Richter, R. August 2013, personal interview (Appendix 2)
41 Toy, J., 2004. 2nd edition, IB Business and Management. Oxfnrd: OSC Publishing p. 49

Business and Management HL Internal Assessment

Non-financial motivators importance to

Appendix 1: Questionnaire to employees (in %)

Getting praised for well done work

Flexible working hours

Working in a team

I have the possibility to induce my own

ideas into some projects

I can do the job of colleagues in order to Not important

try something different 5 at all
Not very
There are different tasks so the work important
isn't very monotonous Important

I am promoted on a regular basis Very important

There is the possibility of working more

around my work place if I want to 1"--R-- --,..---..,.._....___.......,...,.._ _. 5

The company would provide you with

regular training

0 20 40 60 80
Percentage of non-financial motivators importance to emolov~es

>- Providing training to employees could increase motivation, as it is important to

employees and enables them to enlarge their tasks in the long-run, making the
work less monotonous, being significant regarding its importance. 42 HowFwer
MA's costs would increase once deciding to offer external training.
Furthermore external training might lead to absent employees causing
decrease in productivity, being less significant as MA benefits in the long-run.
~ Empowerment would increase motivation as responsibility is given to
~mployees, which they desire43 . Furthermore this increases overall flexibility of
the workforce, being significant, as it is desired by both stakeholders.
However MA would need to provide expensive training, which however could
be internally so cost would be reduced making it less significant.

42Hoang, P., 2007. 2nd edition, Business and Management. Australia: IBID Press p. 250
43Duke 0. and Russell T., 2013 Employee Empowerment (
quality/employee-involvementloverview/overview.html) [Accessed: 13.12.201 3]
Business and Management HL Internal Assessment

:;;.. Employees rated praise as most motivating, wherefore MA should make their
employees feel more valued. This appears to have great impact on their
motivation and it is less costly. 44 However it is difficult to in-cooperate praise
into the daily routine as the managers can't praise always. Furthermore it
could lead to jealousy between colleges. Still the little financial cost and great
impact are more significant for MA. 45

44 Hoang, P., 2007. 2nd edition, Business and Management. Australia: IBID Press p. 252
45 Qualitative data, question 48 (Appendix 3)
Business and Management HL Internal Assessment

Conclusion and Recommendation:

It can be said that according to Maslow the main reason forMA's employees
demotivation are the insecure future prospects. 46 Although MA satisfies many of
Masl~'s needs they aren'~ as motivating, as they were once the secon_ d level would
be satisfied, yet they do motivate other than Maslow claimed, however less. 47
A further indicator for motivational lacks is managers view employees' attitude and
desires wrong, leading to a less suitable autocratic leadership style. !VIA's employees
are willing to take responsibility and participate in decision-making processes,
making a democratic leadership more suitable, however the management believes
the employees are lazy, not wanting responsibility and merely inter-ested in money.
Therefore the following recommendations are proposed:
• Training would motivate employees, as their work enlarges making them feel
working to their ability. Yet it is costly forMA it perhaps makes managers
considering the Theory Y approach in the long-term.
• Empowerment would increase employees' self-esteem •. which might lead to a
slight increase in motivation. Although may be time consuming training
employees, motivation might increase as employees improve their skills
making them valuable to the company, which secures their job in future ,
leading to satisfying the second level of Maslow.
• Praise is most motivating to employees and least costly, which makes it an
appropriate motivator. Furthermore the hPIOnging level might be further
satisfied according to Maslow.

Unresolved issues:

)> So far the investigation didn't find a solution for financing long term contracts,
which however would satisfy the second level of needs that currently prevents
employees felling completely motivated. The issue wasn't addressed in the
report, as the conducted data wasn't suitable.

46 Quantitative questionnaire, question 16 (Appendix 1)

47 Qualitative data, question 12 (Appendix 3)
Business and Management HL Internal Assessment



Hall, D. Jones, R. Andetion, A., 1993. 4th edition. Business Studies. United Kingdom:
Pearson Education

Hoang, P., 2007. 2nd edition, Business and Management. Australia: IBID Press

Online Resources:

Branchenbuch Deutschland, 2013. Firmenprofil [webpage] (http://web2

home/marc-aurel-textil-gmbh-3238l75.html) [Accessed:06.10.20 13

Dudosvskly, J., 2013. Theory X and Theory Y[website] (http ://research- /) [Accessed:08.11.2013]

Duke 0. and Russell T., 2013 Employee Empowerment (http://asq .org/learn-about-

q uality/employee-involvement/overview/overview.html) [Accessed: 13.12.20 13], 2013. Geringverdiener Zuschuss [webpage]

(http: // [Accessed: 13.12.20 13]

Kremer, W. and Hammond, C., 2013. AbrahamMaslowandthepyramidthatbeguiledbusiness

[online magazin] (

Marc Aurel, 2013. Unsere Philosophy [webpage] ( AWl)

[Accessed:06.1 0.2013]

McLeod, S., 2013 . Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs . [online magazin]

(http://www .html) [Accessed:08 .11.20 13]

Maslow's hierachy of needs, 2011. [webpage] (http://www .2 l

nart-6-the-2 1st-century-and-the-automobile-what-will-we-use-to-make-them/maslow/)
[Accessed:06.1 0.2013]

Przyklenk, 2013. Durchschnittseinkommen in Deutschland [webpage]

(http://de.stati ttseinkommen/) [Accessed:06.1 0.2013]

Serto, S.C., 2013. Motivating Employees [education website]

(http: I/answers .mheducati on .com/business/management/su pervi si on/motivating-em pi oyees)
[Accessed:06.1 0.2013]

Business and Management HL Internal Assessment

Appendix 1: Questionnaire to employees:


My name is _ , I am a student of : currently

where I am doing the lB. For academic purposes I want to find out about motivation
in the company Marc Au rei. I would be very please if you could help by filling out the
gaps. (Everything is going to be anonymous.)

General Information:

1. How old are you?

o less than 20 years

o between 30 and 30 years
o between 30 and 45 years
o more than 45 years

2. How much money do you earn net a month?

o less than 1000 €

o between 1000 € and 2000 €
o between 2000 € and 3000 €
o more than 3000 €

3. By whom are you managed?

o senior management
o middle management
o supervisory I junior management


4. Make a cross in the box suiting your opinion on the statement

Statement Strongly Disagree Agree Strongly

disagree agree

You are inspired by the management

You are motivated by the management
The management has a clear vision of
where they want the business to be
Management communicates their
visions tot he employees
The management reflects their
strengths and weaknesses

Business and Management HL Internal Assessment

by the management
I am given responsibility by the
I am trusted by the management
Group work is appreciated by
I am well informed of any kind of
taken affecting. me

8. Make a cross on the scale to determine the management style .

Told about any
Management persuades
Management consults Management
decisions taken by me the decision that's me in order to make a encourages me to
the management going to be taken is the decision take decisions on my
right one own

9. Where would you place the management style of your management? (Make a

Attention is only on
Attention is on the
people rather than on product and people
the product

Attention is neither Attention is on the

on people nor on product and not on
product people

10. How is the management communicating with you?

Business and Management HL Internal Assessment

o No

16. If no please state why.

17. Is it important for you to have a secure job?

o Yes
o No
18. Would you consider your work as dangerous?

o No

19. Do you have a daily routine in your work or is the work you are doing

20. Would you like to have a predictable job?

o No

21.Do you have any friends in the company?

o No

22. Do you feel you are respected by colleges?

o Yes
o No

23. Is there time for communication between each other during the day?

o Yes
o No

24. Would you like to bond more with other people within the company?

Business and Management HL Internal Assessment

32. How comfortable to you feel with yourself on a scale from 1 (not at all) to 5 (very

33. Do you feel you are able to develop in this company?

o Yes
o No

34. If no why and what should be done to change this?

35. When was the last time you were promoted?

36. Do you feel you have achieved everything in your working life and are fulfilled?

o Yes
o No

37. Could the company be able in any way to make you feel fulfilled or is isn't it

38. How satisfied are you with your work on a scale from 1 (poor) to 7 (excellent)?

39. Would you say you are generally motivated at work?

Business and Management HL Internal Assessment

Non- financial motivators:

47. Make a cross in the box suiting your opinion on the statement

Statement Very Important Not Not

important very important
impor at all
The company would provide you with
regular training
There is the possibility of working
more around my work place if I want to
I am promoted on a regular basis
There are different tasks so the work
isn't very monetary
I can do the job of colleagues in order
to try something different
I have the possibility to induce my own
ideas into some projects
Working in a team
Flexible working hours
Getting praised for well done work

48. Any other non- financial aspects that could motivate you during work?

49. Do you feel the company meets right now any of the aspects stated in question

Business and Management HL Internal Assessment

Appendix 2: Interview with the business executive:

Interview with

(Business executive at Marc Aurel) on the 07.08.2013

1. Do you believe your employees are motivated? If yes why? If no why?

Well I would say it depends. There are some employees who do come very
motivated to work, however the greater proportion does seem to lack
motivation compared to one or two years ago. I am not sure what might be the
reason for the lack as relationships between emplovees do seem verv friendly,
which is very important to me as a manager. We . .
. are aware how important it is for the employees to feel comfortable in
their working environment in order to be motivated. I do believe the lack of
motivation has something to do with future expectations. We were forced to
cut down labour recently, which obviously made our remaining employees feel
insecure about their job. Currently I am not able to take this fear of their
shoulders as the fashion industry became even harder and we need to
perform excellent from season to season to make sure our company isn't in
danger of insolvency.

2. Is there anything like a financial rewards system in your company? If yes

what kind of system?

No we don't have something like a financial reward system, as there is

currently not the budget for it.

3. Is there a possibility to keep a budget for rewarding employees?

No currently there is no possibility to keep a budget but once there is one I

would be happy to think about one.

4. Do you think the working atmosphere between employees is good or are

their often disputes?

No, as already mentioned to me it seems that all employees get along very
well. Everyone appreciates the work of each other and tries to encourage one

5. How would you describe your employees? (either Theory X or Y)

Well I do believe our employees are mainly motivated by money as I can't see
any other factors, which might de motivate them. Generally a lot of them need
supervision in order to make sure the work is done correctly. Very few
employees only show initiative, which is sad to see, as this wasn't always the

6. Can you describe your management style? (rather autocratic or laissez


Business and Management HL Internal Assessment

Appendix 3: Qualitative Data "Questionnaire to


(Employees wrote all answers listed below in response to the open questions. Most
of the them gave similar answers, which I then only noted once.

6. How do you judge the current leadership style and it's effectiveness?

highlv autocratic but not alwavs effective; not enough communication

10. How is the management communicating with you?

f!_ft[§_Qfl?L Emails; meeting§

12. Do you have any general suggestions how the management could be improved?

To portion tasks; listen to emplovees ideas; better time allocation for the design team
as in particular the winter season is very short for preparation; give emplovees aims
and show the companv is working market orientated; less observation; more

16. If no please state why.

Clothing industry became difficult; bonus pavments were rejected

19. Do you have a daily routine in your work or is the work you are doing

No flexibility is important in the companv

26. If no why do you feel you haven't got enough time for them and what would need
to change in order to change that?

Less hours of work; less overtime

35. When was the last time you were promoted?

Three vears ago; never; six years ago

40. What do you feel de motivates you most at work?

Technical lack of knowledge; finishing the work of others; combining work with family
is stressful; low job security

46. Do you have any other benefits by working for Marc Au rei?

Students should consider the following checklist when completing the research report.

A Research proposal and action plan

Research proposal

It is no more than 500 words.

There is an action plan that identifies possible sources of information.
Anticipated difficulties have been noted.
The research proposal is a working and active document.
The research question looks forward and enables a recommendation to be made.
The project is realistically achievable.
The teacher and student both agree that the research question can be addressed within
the word limit. J
Issues of confidentiality and ethics have been discussed.
Action plan

Contact individuals within the organization are identified.

There is a clear structure in the action plan.
B Use of theoretical concepts, sources and data (written report)
There is sufficient primary research.
There is sufficient secondary research.
Sources of data have been clearly identified.
Relevant theory is applied to the organization under investigation.

C Analysis and evaluation (written report)

The ideas are coherent and consistent.
There is evidence of critical, reflective thinking.
Judgments are made.
There is evidence to back up the analysis and evaluation.

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