Comparación Dipolo-Dipolo y Wenner

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J. Geophys. Eng. 7 (2010) 30–40 doi:10.1088/1742-2132/7/1/003

Comparison of Wenner and dipole–dipole

arrays in the study of an underground
three-dimensional cavity
Ahmad Neyamadpour1,2 , W A T Wan Abdullah1 , Samsudin Taib3 and
Behrang Neyamadpour4

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Department of Physics, University of Malaya, 50603 WP Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Department of Engineering, Islamic Azad University, Masjed-e solayman Branch, 6361713198, Iran
Department of Geology, University of Malaya, 50603 WP Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Department of Geology, Islamic Azad University, Shahrood Branch, 36155/163, Iran

Received 7 July 2009

Accepted for publication 10 December 2009
Published 5 January 2010
Online at

The objective of this paper was to compare Wenner and dipole–dipole configurations in
delineating an underground cavity at a site near the University of Malaya, Malaysia. A
three-dimensional electrical resistivity imaging survey was carried out along seven parallel
lines using Wenner and dipole–dipole arrays. A three-dimensional least-squares algorithm,
based on the robust inversion method, was used in the inversion of the apparent resistivity data.
In the inverted model, both the horizontal and vertical extents of the anomalous zones were
displayed. Results indicate the superiority of the Wenner array over the dipole–dipole array for
determining the vertical distribution of the subsurface resistivity, although the dipole–dipole
array produced a better lateral extent of the subsurface features. The results show that the
three-dimensional electrical resistivity imaging survey using both the Wenner and
dipole–dipole arrays, in combination with an appropriate three-dimensional inversion method
and synthetic model analysis, can be highly useful for engineering and environmental
applications, especially for underground three-dimensional cavity detection.

Keywords: electrical resistivity imaging, environmental application, cavity, Wenner array,

dipole–dipole array
(Some figures in this article are in colour only in the electronic version)

1. Introduction (Annan et al 1991) and electrical resistivity tomography (Zhou

et al 2002, Monteiro Santos et al 2007, Nyári and Kanli
Geophysical methods can be used to recognize subsurface 2007, Monteiro Santos and Sultan 2008, Martorana et al
structures by observing contrasts in their physical properties. 2009).
These properties (e.g. density and electrical resistivity) vary In recent years, electrical resistivity imaging (ERI) has
between the media involved, and different materials (e.g. clay, become one of the most significant geophysical techniques
concrete, air and water) have different geophysical properties. for investigating underground near-surface structures. Since
Geophysical surveys represent an efficient way to detect many of the problems associated with geophysical exploration
subsurface heterogeneities including voids, refilled cavities involve three-dimensional (3D) structures, several algorithms
and the like (Mochales et al 2008). The range of techniques for treating the 3D ERI problem have been developed and
used include seismic reflection and refraction (Cook 1974), are based on finite element, finite difference and integral
gravimetry (Rybakov et al 2001), ground-penetrating radar methods (Loke and Barker 1996, Zhao and Yedlin 1996,

1742-2132/10/010030+11$30.00 © 2010 Nanjing Institute of Geophysical Prospecting Printed in the UK 30

Comparison of Wenner and dipole–dipole arrays in the study of an underground three-dimensional cavity

resistivity. The survey was conducted along seven parallel

lines using a roll-along method, and the measured apparent
resistivities for each array were merged into a single data set.
The investigation site consists of discrete subsurface structures
with sharp boundaries between different bodies. Therefore,
the 3D least-squares algorithm based on the robust inversion
method (Claerbout and Muir 1973) was used in the inversion
of the apparent resistivity data.

2. Site description

The site is located near the University of Malaya. The survey

area stretches over a flat playground covered with grass. The

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Figure 1. Location map. Survey consists of seven north–south
direct resistivity measurement of the soil at the surface gives
lines. The Wenner and dipole–dipole arrays were used in the
x-direction. Letters A and B indicate the vertical manholes. values ranging from 150 m to 600 m. The soil is relatively
porous, very sandy and probably originates from weathered
bedrock. There are, however, areas of more resistive materials
Dahlin and Loke 1997, Dahlin and Bernstone 1997, Spitzer within the soil. The high resistivity values are caused by
1998, Tsourlos and Ogilvy 1999). Several authors have construction materials left behind during the construction of
published examples of the application of 3D inversion of direct the wastewater system. The investigation site consists of a
current (dc) resistivity data. El-Quady et al (2005), Sultan large cavity and a vertical manhole column (A) on the north
et al (2006) and Ekinic and Kaya (2007) applied 3D side of the site (figure 1). In addition, there is a horizontal
inversion of resistivity data to archaeological investigations. concrete pipe and a corresponding vertical manhole column
Soupios et al (2007) applied 2D and 3D inversions of (B) to the south. The pipe is almost horizontal and is buried
resistivity data to the investigation of a building foundation at a depth of about 5.5 m. Columns A and B are about
site. Park et al (2009) have performed ERI surveys to 1 m2 (inner dimension) and set vertically from the surface
clarify the location of gold deposits in the Yongjang mine, to the cavity and the pipe, respectively. The resistivity values
Korea. of the concrete, measured directly, range from 950 m to
In this study, we investigated the applicability of a 3D 1550 m.
ERI survey to the detection of an underground cavity at a This value was used to determine the boundaries of the
site near the University of Malaya, Malaysia. Wenner and concrete structures in the inversion results. Values greater
dipole–dipole arrays were used in a comparative study to than 1550 m were assumed to correspond to the empty space
delineate both the horizontal and vertical changes in subsurface within the concrete or the cavity.

Figure 2. Pseudo-section of the measured and calculated apparent resistivity data using a Wenner array along seven parallel lines.

A Neyamadpour et al

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Figure 3. Pseudo-section of the measured and calculated apparent resistivity data using a dipole–dipole array along seven parallel lines.

(a) (b)

(c) (d)

(e) (f)

(g) (h)

Figure 4. The 3D resistivity model obtained by a Wenner array as horizontal depth slices. The depth (m) for layers a through h are as
follows: (a) 0–0.5, (b) 0.5–1.1, (c) 1.1–1.7, (d) 1.7–2.5, (e) 2.5–3.4, (f ) 3.4–4.4, (g) 4.4–5.5, (h) 5.5–6.9.

Comparison of Wenner and dipole–dipole arrays in the study of an underground three-dimensional cavity


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Figure 5. Iso-resistivity surface of the highest resistivity zones obtained by (a) Wenner array and (b) dipole–dipole array.

(a) (b)

(c) (d)

(e) (f)

(g) (h)

Figure 6. The 3D resistivity model obtained by a dipole–dipole array as horizontal depth slices. Two vertical columns are denoted by A and
B. The depth (m) for layers a through h are as follows: (a) 0–0.5, (b) 0.5–1.0, (c) 1.0–1.6, (d) 1.6–2.3, (e) 2.3–3.0, (f ) 3.0–3.9, (g) 3.9–5.0,
(h) 5.0–6.9.

3. Data acquisition to acquisition noise and higher signal strength, and it requires
fewer measurement points for the same line coverage than the
Pole–dipole and pole–pole arrays were not suitable because dipole–dipole array.
the field conditions did not allow for the placement of remote The dipole–dipole array has better horizontal resolution
electrodes at a sufficient distance from the survey lines. The and better depth coverage at the ends of the lines. On the
Wenner array has better depth resolution, less susceptibility other hand, at the investigation site, both the horizontal and

A Neyamadpour et al

(a) (b) (c)

(d) (e) (f)

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(g) (h)

Figure 7. The sensitivity values of the cells used in the inversion model for the Wenner array. The depth (m) for layers a through h are as
follows: (a) 0–0.5, (b) 0.5–1.1, (c) 1.1–1.7, (d) 1.7–2.5, (e) 2.5–3.4, (f ) 3.4–4.4, (g) 4.4–5.5, (h) 5.5–6.9.

(a) (b) (c)

(e) (f)

(g) (h)

Figure 8. The sensitivity values of the cells used in the inversion model for the dipole–dipole array. The depth (m) for layers a through h are
as follows: (a) 0–0.5, (b) 0.5–1.0, (c) 1.0–1.6, (d) 1.6–2.3, (e) 2.3–3.0, (f ) 3.0–3.9, (g) 3.9–5.0, (h) 5.0–6.9.

the vertical subsurface structures are expected. Therefore, the electrode spacings were measured (at 1, 2 and 3 times the
Wenner and dipole–dipole arrays were both used for this case minimum spacing), which gave a data set of 134 data points for
study. each line (n = 1 to n = 6). In addition, in the Wenner array, five
Measurements were collected along seven parallel lines, different electrode spacings were measured in the x-direction
and the electrode cables were oriented in the x-direction, which (at 1, 2, 3, 4 and 6 times the minimum spacing), which gave
is approximately north to south (figure 1). Each cable covers a data set of 52 data points for each line. The background
38 m between the first and the last take-out, with a spacing of noise levels were checked before measurements began. The
2 m in the x-direction. Roll-along measurements using a y- vertical stack was set to four. The relative standard deviation
spacing of 2 m were carried out until a grid of 20 × 7 electrodes for each stack was checked during the measurements because
was covered. Thus, the total investigation area was 38 × 12 m, it is a valid indicator of the quality of the measurements (Tohon
and 140 electrode positions were used. Measurements were et al 2004). The standard deviation of the measurements was
taken only in the x-direction in order to limit the time needed generally less than 2% and 4% for the Wenner and dipole–
for data acquisition. In the dipole–dipole array, three different dipole arrays, respectively. All measured data sets were

Comparison of Wenner and dipole–dipole arrays in the study of an underground three-dimensional cavity


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Figure 9. Two synthetic models used in this study. The vertical columns shown in figure 1 are denoted by A and B in these models.

merged in order to perform the 3D inversion using RES3Dinv subsurface structure (Dahlin et al 2002). Thus, we performed
software (Loke 2007). Two separate final sets of 938 and a 3D inversion of the apparent resistivity data to obtain a more
364 apparent resistivity measurements were collected using a reliable image of the cavity structure using the robust inversion
Terrameter SAS 4000 instrument (Dahlin 1996). technique.
In order to determine the subsurface resistivity from the
4. Inversion of the data set measured apparent resistivity, the widths of the interior blocks
in the top two layers of the inversion model were set at half the
The measured apparent resistivity data obtained by the Wenner unit electrode spacing, while the widths of the blocks in the
and dipole–dipole arrays are displayed as a pseudo-section in deeper layers were kept equal to the electrode spacing (Dahlin
figures 2 and 3, respectively. Although the pseudo-section et al 2002). The thickness of the first layer and the factor
can give some information about the locations of the cavity used to increase the layer thickness were set at 1.5 m and
and the horizontal pipe, their size, depth and extent cannot be 1.15 m, respectively. We used 0.15 and 0.01 for the initial and
correctly estimated. Furthermore, the pseudo-section can be minimum damping factors, respectively, in the data inversion.
misleading if used as the basis for an interpretation of the true These factors determine the relative importance given to

A Neyamadpour et al



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Figure 10. Inversion results of the Wenner data for model (1). The depth (m) for layers a through h are as follows: (a) 0–1.0, (b) 1.0–2.2, (c)
2.2–3.5, (d) 3.5–5.0, (e) 5.0–6.8.

reducing the data misfitting and the smoothness of the model 5.5 m. The resistive zone, on the south side of the slices
(Ellis and Oldenburg 1994). The finite difference method (figure 4), is also about 4.4 m in depth. High resistivities are
(Dey and Morrison 1979) was used to calculate the apparent not observed near the middle of the site.
resistivity values as well as the elements of the Jacobian In order to display the 3D extent of the cavity and
matrix (McGillivray and Oldenburg 1990) for the inversion horizontal pipe, an iso-resistivity surface was also produced
method. The number of iterations to recalculate the Jacobian corresponding to resistivities higher than 1550 m. The
matrix was also set to three. The investigation site consists isosurface connects data points of equal resistivity values
of discrete subsurface structures with sharp boundaries (figure 5(a)). As illustrated in the figure, the horizontal pipe
between different bodies. For such cases, a robust model and cavity have been clearly detected.
inversion is more suitable than the smoothness-constrained
method. 5.2. The dipole–dipole array
As a comparative study, the 3D resistivity imaging data
5. Results obtained by the dipole–dipole array were also inverted using
the robust inversion method. After nine iterations, the
5.1. Wenner array
inversion process converged with a RMS misfit of 14.09%,
The inversion process using the robust technique converged which is greater than the RMS misfit for the inversion obtained
after six iterations with a RMS misfit of 4.52% for the apparent by the Wenner array (4.52%). This difference can be explained
resistivity values. The 3D resistivity model is shown as by the greater signal strength of the Wenner array than the
horizontal depth slices in figure 4. The presence of the vertical dipole–dipole array, especially when a high resistivity contrast
column A, shown earlier in figure 1, is not clear in these slices, exists.
although the cavity with a width of 11 m in its upper part From the inverted data, we extracted horizontal depth
(layer a) and 5 m in its lower part (layer g) is observed. slices (figure 6) in order to display the lateral extent of the high
According to this figure, the depth of the cavity is almost resistivity zones. However, while all features are almost well

Comparison of Wenner and dipole–dipole arrays in the study of an underground three-dimensional cavity




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Figure 11. Inversion results of the dipole–dipole data for model (1). Corresponding depth (m) for layers a to h are as follows: (a) 0–0.7, (b)
0.7–1.5, (c) 1.5–2.5, (d) 2.5–3.7, (e) 3.7–5.2, (f ) 5.2–7.0.

resolved in these depth slices, the inversion of the resistivity to resistivities higher than 1550 m (figure 5(b)). According to
data obtained by the dipole–dipole array produces a greater the figure, the cavity has been clearly detected, but the vertical
depth for the resistive material surrounding the horizontal pipe dimension of the pipe was not reliable. Although the dipole–
(>6.9 m) and a smaller depth for the cavity (3.9 m) compared dipole array produced a better lateral extent for the subsurface
to the inversion result obtained by the Wenner array. It is features, the results illustrate the superiority of the Wenner
clear that the Wenner array has better depth resolution than the array over the dipole–dipole configuration for determination
dipole–dipole array. On the other hand, the vertical columns A of the vertical distribution of subsurface resistivity. The
and B are observed in the first slice (layer a). These two inversion of the data set for each configuration was carried
columns are not observed in the inversion obtained from the out on a 1.73 GHz Dual Core PC, and the system required
Wenner array. This can be explained by the better horizontal approximately 6 min for the program to converge to a
resolution of the dipole–dipole array compared to the Wenner satisfactory model.
configuration. In these slices, the cavity with a width of 14 m
in its upper part (layer a) and about 5 m in its lower part 6. Discussion
(layer f) is observed. Although the horizontal changes in
resistivity are in accordance with the findings obtained from To study the suitability of different arrays in resistivity surveys,
known information about the investigation area, insufficient several parameters must be evaluated including the vertical
agreement in the vertical resistivity distribution was found, and horizontal resolutions. A common way to study such
especially on the south side of the site. parameters is to calculate a sensitivity function. The sensitivity
An iso-resistivity surface was also produced to display the function shows the degree to which a change in the resistivity
3D extent of the cavity and horizontal pipe, which corresponds of the subsurface will influence the potential measured by

A Neyamadpour et al

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Figure 12. Inversion results of the Wenner data for model (2). The depth (m) for layers a through h are as follows: (a) 0–1.0, (b) 1.0–2.2,
(c) 2.2–3.5, (d) 3.5–5.0, (e) 5.0–6.8.

the array (Edwards 1977, Loke 2009). The difference in the models (1) and (2) is the presence of high resistivity zones
contour pattern of the sensitivity function plot is studied in with a resistivity of 1500 m in synthetic model (2). This
order to explain the response of the different arrays to different difference was incorporated in order to study the effect of
types of structures and compare the suitability of various arrays construction materials left after the construction of the pipe.
for a particular survey. The sensitivity values of the cells used Figures 10 and 11 show the inversion results of the Wenner
in the inversion model for the Wenner and the dipole–dipole data and the dipole–dipole data for model (1), respectively.
arrays are shown in figures 7 and 8, respectively. In these The results indicate that both arrays could not resolve the
figures, the model cells in the areas of the high resistivity horizontal resistivity on the right side of the grid (the pipe).
zones located on both sides of the grid have sensitivity This can be explained by relatively poor data coverage of
values ranging from 0.4 to 1.3 for the dipole–dipole array the arrays on both sides of the grid, especially for deeper
(figures 8(e)–(h)). These values are higher than the slices. In contrast, the cavity is almost well observed by both
sensitivity values, ranging from 0.04 to 0.5, for the Wenner arrays along with the vertical columns A and B in two upper
array (figures 7(e)–(h)). Thus, the results of the dipole– slices.
dipole array for both sides of the grid might be more reliable The 3D resistivity models obtained by the inversion of the
than the Wenner array. Since the sensitivity values of these Wenner and dipole–dipole data are shown as horizontal depth
regions for both arrays are relatively small, we considered two slices in figures 12 and 13, respectively. Comparing these
synthetic test models in order to attain a reliable interpreted pictures with figures 4 and 5, it is clear that the cavity is well
model. resolved as a high resistive zone on the left side of slices in
The background resistivity of the synthetic models shown the model. The high resistivity zone on the right side of slices
in figure 9 is 400 m, and the horizontal resistivity zone (figures 12 and 13) is also obvious in these figures. Therefore,
with width 6 m is located at a depth ranging from 5 m to we conclude that the high resistivity zones observed on the
6 m. The high resistivity zone on the left side of both models right side of grid in inversion results of field data is probably
was considered in order to observe the effect of the cavity on due to the construction material left after construction of the
the inversion results. The main difference between synthetic pipe.

Comparison of Wenner and dipole–dipole arrays in the study of an underground three-dimensional cavity

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Figure 13. Inversion results of the dipole–dipole data for model (2). Inversion results of the dipole-dipole data for the model (1). The depth
(m) for layers a through h are as follows: (a) 0–0.7, (b) 0.7–1.5, (c) 1.5–2.5, (d) 2.5–3.7, (e) 3.7–5.2, (f ) 5.2–7.0.

7. Conclusions pipe. The results were in accordance with findings obtained

from known information about the investigation site. This
The results of a 3D electrical resistivity imaging survey at a example clearly demonstrates that the 3D ERI method was
site near the University of Malaya, Malaysia, were presented. successful in delineating underground cavities. Dense 2D
The survey was conducted using Wenner and dipole–dipole measurements obtained by both the Wenner and dipole–dipole
arrays along seven parallel lines. The robust inversion method arrays, combined with the 3D robust inversion scheme and the
was used to invert each 3D data set. The superiority of synthetic test models, are adequate for delineating complicated
the Wenner array over the dipole–dipole array to detect the 3D structures, and the technique should prove highly useful for
vertical distribution of subsurface resistivity was investigated. engineering, archaeological and environmental investigations.
However, the dipole–dipole array produced a better lateral
extent of the subsurface features. Depth slices and iso-
resistivity surfaces display both the horizontal and vertical
extent of the high resistivity zones. Since, at the beginning This work received financial support from the University of
and at the end of the profiles, the investigation depth is Malaya (UM), Malaysia, through a fellowship (PS318/2009B)
substantially less than the middle of the profiles, sensitivity which is gratefully acknowledged. The authors also thank
tests and synthetic model analyses were used in order to three anonymous reviewers for their constructive criticism.
obtain realistic results in these regions. Analysis of the
synthetic model showed that both arrays used in this study
could not resolve the horizontal pipe accurately, but the high References
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