Necessity of The Sun

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Everyone must get sun exposure because our bodies produce vitamin D when our skin is exposed to the
sun (Kate M. Cronan, 2019). This promotes calcium absorption in the body for stronger, healthier bones
(Kate M. Cronan, 2019). "Too much exposure to the sun's ultraviolet (UV) radiation without protection
can lead to skin cancer, eye damage, immune system suppression, and other health problems. Skin
cancer can strike anyone, even those in their twenties. 2019 (Kate M. Cronan). "Each year, more than
11,500 Australian men and women have melanoma diagnoses, while an estimated 434,000 Australians
need treatment for one or more non-melanoma skin cancers." 2019 (SunSmart). The'slip, slop, slap'
message is well known to most Australians, but recent research indicates that we may not be taking sun
safety seriously enough.

This report looks into the value of sun safety in educational settings. A cohort of Dalby State High School
teachers and students provided data (DSHS). 22 questions made up the survey, which they responded to
in their pastoral care groups. It was crucial to conduct this in order to comprehend the views of the
teachers and kids regarding the present "Sun Safety Policy" at the school. When asked if they had ever
read the DSHS sun safety policy throughout the poll, 17 out of 69 instructors responded that they were
unaware such a policy even existed. In order to adopt and enforce the school's sun safety policy, it is
crucial that the teachers are aware of it.

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