마녀의+도시 10

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“Shall we
"Please… .” “What can I
do?” “As Siu wants… .” “If
Amelia-sama doesn’t like it, I won’t do it.” Although
Siwoo spit it out like a prank, Amelia had a serious expression on her face. Although her face was only slightly exposed at
the top of her nose, it was hard to see the conflict. It was like 'Do you like your mother? Do you like daddy?' Like a child being
asked a question. “Keep touching … … please ." “Then please put away the pillow.” Another brief thought, Amelia nodded
slowly, removedrioted
the pillow,
and hugged
and was
her startled.
pillow. The
It's areola
still a loose
of light
cherry blossoms
One of her
out oflike
calyx. Aasstable
droplet shape that seems to crumble softly when held with one hand. At the tip of it, a nipple protruding strangely, showing off its
presence, even though it had never been touched. “Your breasts are beautiful. Amelia.” “… ” ÿ Without hesitation, Siu grabbed
her chest with the other hand. Hard nipples pressed firmly in the palm of your hand with a warm and soft sensation. The open
mouth lightly pressed the nipples, and at the same time, a full-fledged caress offensive began. One.

For Amelia, the nipples were the only place where she felt sexual pleasure. Her
only experience was to give Siu breast milk. Therefore, after he left, he felt lonely
for a while and only stimulated his chest when he masturbated. A small fruit that rolls over Siu's
tongue after a long time. Also, the harmony of the hands stroking the sensitive clitoris was enough
to melt Amelia sweetly. “Haha… ! ah... ! whoops... !” -Human-human, the sound of friction between the mucous membrane
and the flesh rubbing lightly with moisture. Siwoo showed a rhythmic technique by using his middle finger while holding
Cli with his ring and index fingers to prevent him from escaping. Rub the most sensitive part of the root all over the
epidermis while at the same time gently rubbing and rolling. The breasts are also constantly licked, bitten, sucked, and
attacked up and down. The pleasure felt by being bullied by the sensitive Cli with a gentle caress without the slightest pain and
one climax. There was no sign of nervousness on Amelia's face, which was revealed as she could no longer find a place to hide.
There are only the lips melted in sweet pleasure and the tears that are about to pour out. It was not sorrow or pain, but dew of
pure pleasure. “Ah, heh … , uh... … Ha!” Even if she moves her waist back and forth as if rubbing the seat with her buttocks,
Siu's hand does not let Amelia go. He pressed his thick arms firmly against the waist, which he was constantly trying to break,
and hit the pleasure with the precise pinpoint. It was a short period of time, but it was too much for Amelia, a young lady, to
endure the technique of dealing with a woman who had been trained by going through several women. Therefore, within five
minutes, Amelia's bodyshhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
was waiting for the finale of greater pleasure
this is
ha… my…… body... . ha ha ha... !”
Regardless of Amelia's intentions, her waist in a bridge position and a groan that popped out of her chest. My head is turning
cloudy and my breathing is rough. As when opening a shaken champagne, the classification of accumulated pleasure strikes
Amelia's whole body. “Heh hah… ! ah... ! ha... !” -Push! Push! Push! Siu obviously didn't put a finger into Amelia's vagina.
However, the vaginal barrier, which had been extremely narrowed by pleasure, fluttered nonstop, scattering the accumulated
love juice. “Ah ah ah ah … ….” Amelia's glamorous body collapses on the bed helplessly. Reason seems to be engulfed in
pleasure. Hair stuck to Amelia's cheek due to the sticky
… sweat…and hottouch
It continues
My lower to
is tingling
when she
of the
phantom pain I feel like I'm receiving.
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ah ah ah ah …
… / Amelia utters absurd words while showing a somewhat bewildered look at Siu's
words. “I am here … …explanation
.” “It’s an expression
was added,ofAmelia
an orgasm.” for After
a moment
a littleand
then nodded as if understanding. Although it was only for a brief moment, it didn't
seem to make any sense to express it in a grand way that the sense of reason being
‘ ’
blown resistance,
away is gone. “… .Weird…
Amelia .” Si-wooneck
hugged Si-woo's givesand
a kiss to his innocent
exchanged tongues, look. Without
finding rest any
in the afterglow of a stormy climax. Now
is the time to slow down. If you put your mind to it, you can give Amelia the climax as many times as you like, but honestly,
seeing her enchanting figure was hard to bear. It was because the cock had swelled up like it was about to burst. A sudden
silence came over the two of them. The first to break it was Amelia, who was still breathing softly. “Siu too… Do you want to
put it in?” Until now, she had not noticed that he was being caressed by his frantically, but when Amelia found that his object
had grown painfully large, she carefully grabbed her cock and asked. The cock wrapped around her slender fingers shakes
heavily. “I, too, become one with Siwoo… … want ." The caress and climax he gifted me obviously felt good, but apart from
that, there's still a fear. But even so, Amelia strongly wanted to become one with Siu for two reasons. One is because he loves
him, and because of his intense desire to become one with him. However, the second reason was somewhat embarrassing
and embarrassing that I could never tell. It was because his refined touch and caress had left him unsatisfied, because his
deep lust was demanding insertion. It was a bold impulse for Amelia, who had no doubt that the physical relationship between
a man and a woman was more focused on psychological reasons than just pleasure. "My … in . Please put it in.” 2. It was
once again proved that Amelia's sexual knowledge was very low. Even though he requested insertion, he did not know what
to do, so he just lay in bed in an awkward position. The position he chose while holding her like that was a decent normal
position. When a woman spreads her legs while lying down, a man kneels in between them and inserts them while looking at
each other's faces. If sex was pizza, saliva.
it was
like a combination
pussy, whichpizza.
is sticky
lewdwho loveeven
and off
placed in
front of her, have no sense of reality. Amelia's thighs are wide open while waiting for the shovel to be inserted. Clido gently
swaying up and down with a lewd erection. Amelia also looked up at this side with fearful eyes with only one chest sticking out
of the negligee. It seemed to disappear in the blink of an eye. "then… . I'll put it. Amelia nodded heavily. Si-u swallows dry
saliva once more, grabs the glans, and aims at Amelia's crack. Amelia's immaturity looked alike, and the entrance looked too
narrow. I pushed my back forward. "ah… .” With Amelia's light sigh, her cheeks were pressed against the glans and slightly
crushed. At the same time, I could see Amelia's body, which had been released so far, stiff and trembling. - Jureuk! Due to
the narrow entrance with almost no gap left, the cock that had entered was deviated and rode the pussy slide. A small sound
was heard as Amelia
see Amelia's swallowed
body tremblingher likebreath. “I’m sorry,
an aspen. It doesI not
must have
stop beenand
there, nervous.” When Siu atries
while swallowing to reinsert.
sniffly cry, she "right…
is trying Iher
best not to be noticed by Si-woo.
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It's like rape. “I’m sorry, I’m

sorry… . Siu... . I don't like it... Ninde. It’s not like this.” “Amelia-sama… .” …Si-woo immediately
gave up the insertion and approached her and hugged her. Amelia hugged by Si-woo like a baby digging into the mother's
arms. I don't mean to be bad, but Amelia is fundamentally a coward. He is such a coward who withdraws from things he
has never experienced before and every little action. Siu could understand . Seducing Si-woo would not have been an easy
decision for her timid woman. "Sorry… . Sorry… . I … I was tempted Please continue... .” But Amelia hated herself for that.
I know how devoted Siu was. Amelia herself wants to become one with him. Still, when the actual act was about to start, it
was pitiful to see him shed tears in an unsightly manner, saying he was a little scared. “No, I can. Shall we rest today?”
Amelia shook her head. As Siu wipesif the youtears
any his
hands, inhethe
and asks.
let me know.”
. Please
hold my the
took the position again. For Amelia, the kiss seems to act as a kind of sedative. As she pressed her hand to the bed and
clasped it, the tremors subsided even more than before. “After all, uh uh uh… A normal position with two people holding
each other's hands. Without much trial and error, the glans, which had been wandering through the hillside, felt it settled in
the moist and hot vaginal entrance. As it is, it was clear that the insertion would happen if you put your weight on it and
push it in. Perhaps Amelia felt it too, and her tongue was more distracted than before. Amelia turned her head to the side
for a moment, stopped kissing, and said. “Now I really… … it's okay ." “I’ll put it in.” "yes… .” Shiu pushed her back. And
almost at the same time I felt a very tight resistance. It's kind of like pushing things into a narrow hole that you can't ever
get into. “Ah… ! Ah... !” Her pussy was stiff from the front, as you could tell by looking at it with the naked eye. It's not
because I don't have enough love. This is because she was born narrow and had strong contractions of the muscles in her
vagina. The mucous membrane wriggling from side to side as if inserted into the anus is evidence of that, even though the
glans has only been inserted. “Cr… Whoops...!” Amelia's eyes fluttered open as she took a deep breath. Her body, which
had barely been released, stiffened with pain, and she was shedding tears drop by drop. It was frustrating. Although it is
said that the pain of the first experience is different for each woman, it is because I have not seen anyone complaining of
pain to…this extent.
how Even
I caressed
is in intercourse,
enough to think
it cannot
it wasbe
more important
“I think wethan
stop pain.
No matter
Siu, who couldn't see it, was about to pull out his waist. Amelia's slender legs wrapped around her thick waist as if not to
leave. dory dory. Amelia desperately shook her head. I couldn't become a voice because I was biting my lower lip to the
point that it turned white from crying. Even a fool would know what that means. A strong force entered Amelia's knuckles as
she grabbed her hands. At the same time, Amelia pulls Siu's waist toward her.

UH de
0|S It didn't actually sound like it, but if I had to describe the sensation in the cock, it felt very similar. A
subtle sense of the token of innocence being torn apart in vain. Rather, the sensation of excessively
expanding arsenic, which had never allowed men to invade, provided a rough resistance.
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All sides are stiff A feeling of pleasure

as her bouncy buttocks wiggled and tightly wrapped around her cock. Amelia's large pulse was vividly felt through the joint. “Ugh… … whoops ha ha ha ha... .” Although Amelia frowned and struggled, she hugged Si-woo to the end. Cold

sweat and shaggy hair on her round forehead. A smile spread across Amelia's face, which had frowned as if she was about to cry. "barely… . Siu and … We have become one.” I tried to criticize her for her unreasonable behavior, but the

moment I saw her expression, that thought flew … creak creakcreaked

… away. 1. - Creak creak Unfortunately,
loudly even though
the wooden
he moved
bed his
waist very
in theslowly.
shop that
. ha…airlifted
.” Hands was
not very
if they would
Siu, who
go. Contrary
for Amelia
to her
for acold
to adjust,

Amelia's body was very hot. In particular, its flesh was so hot that it could be described as a dragon furnace. “Siu… .” At first, Amelia was just suffering. However, it was not just the physical condition, but the tension and fear that the first

experience brought. It is now completely melted and scattered. Amelia could clearly feel the movement of Shiu's moving objects. He must also say that his sheep were so large that they were comparable to those of animals, not humans, so

they filled Amelia's narrow stomach. "laugh… . Too… … big ." “Are you sick?” At that, Siwoo immediately stopped moving with a worried expression on his face. The reason his eyes are endlessly looking at Amel; may be because he is

watching closely to stop immediately when

be nohe
for me.
her head,
that. To
is so
full that
it is about
… Oh.”
to burst
The pain
with happiness,
of the papaya
it makes and
me think
the female
that even
bodyif begins
I die now,
to slowly
there will

regain sexuality. -The sound of love juice, which used to increase the viscosity with the movement of the waist, has now almost changed to the sound of water, and a murky sigh escapes endlessly from the mouth, which is half-opened and

unable to close. The pleasure felt inside the vagina and the pleasure in the clitoris are clearly different in color. Amelia's elegant eyelashes were trembling, struggling with the pleasure of insertion for the first time in her life. A feeling of euphoria

as if inhaling a drug, along with a subtle pleasure, gradually began to fill Amelia's belly. “Whew… .” Siu also wiped the sweat on his forehead, savoring the sight in front of him to the fullest. At first glance, Amelia looks thin, but she has the

flesh of a female. Watching the labia wet enough to be shiny, or the line connecting the waist and the pelvis, the breasts swaying up and down lovingly begin to slowly lead to admiration of seeing a sensual female body from the beauty of art.

Besides, Siu had already inhaled Amelia's body odor to the fullest. He was just enduring the desire to lust after her body wildly and wildly with great self-control and consideration. Amelia's inner flesh, which began to adapt to the cock in

earnest, was soft and smooth, satisfying the male's desire, compared to when it was first inserted. Slow sex isn't the same as it is now, but it would be a lie if I said I didn't want to see Amelia craving for pleasure more. Siu spread his knees

slightly apart. Rather than recklessly puck & 2 direct, I was thinking of finding medicineÿ and attacking it carefully and persistently. _Stick... ! "ah… .” Amelia opened her eyes at the sudden change of stimulation and looked at Siu.

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The eyes that looked at her were full of blood, and I noticed that the hiding place was rougher than
usual. Around the time Amelia tilted her head, who was soaked in the joy of the blissful first opening. -
Scratch! "oh… ” ÿ Without realizing it, Amelia felt her back twitch and jump. His whole body had been
burning softly with sweet sexual lust for a long time. As the blood vessels and shapes of the stuffed
objects were inserted without even the slightest gap, every time he moved his waist, he was immersed
in a feeling of liberation and similar pleasure. It is true that I went. - Scratch! “Haha… ” ÿ Let Shiu slowly
move his hips once again. Amelia covered her mouth, startled by the shrill moans coming out of her neck. In fact, aside
from being embarrassed to hear the sound, it is because the voice leaked out without any intention at all. It's obviously
just inserting the same thing. A sudden change in sensation and a swelled sensation. A real feeling as if dripping oil drops
on charcoal fills Amelia's head. “How is this … did it happen ? haha... ! heh... !” On the other hand, what Siu was doing
was simple, while Amelia was struggling without knowing English. Regardless of gender, genitals do not all have the
same erogenous zones. In particular, unlike men, whose erogenous zones are concentrated on the glans for easy
identification, women's bodies have different weaknesses, like locks that require different shaped keys. It would be a good
way to attack Amelia's talkative uterine sphere, or attack the other side. However, there is a fear that Amelia, who is just
getting used to Siu's big muscles, will complain of pain if repeatedly attacked in such a deep place. Therefore, target the
G-spot located one or two fingers deep near the ceiling of the vaginal entrance. Siu intentionally pulled out his waist and
lifted Amelia's buttocks to match the angle. The effect was perfect. A G-spot that went into a depression after it was
slightly inflated. …Every time membranes
mucous she… pokes near
thatit, Amelia
bite shudders
your dick likeasa you
at once harpooned
rub yoursweetfish.
glans into- the
Sting! A feast
glans spot.ofI asked
Amelia, pretending not to know. “Why?” “Ah, ha ha… ! This is weird... . Feel… .” Amelia's grip, with a look of
embarrassment, tightened. I gently hold Amelia's hand, who is bewildered by what's going on in my body. This is not
necessarily to give Amelia stability. It was a kind of bondage that kept her from hiding her face or running away. The
glistening cock that had been soaked in love liquid came out almost to the end and stabbed the weak point at once like a
siege pendulum that captures the stronghold. - Clap! “Heh heh…!” If it had been a game, a precise blow that would have
resulted in a critical hit. The inside of Amelia's thighs contracted tightly, and the tightness enough to hurt her cock in an
instant squeezed things out. “You are sensitive here.” “Huh… ! Yes… !” Amelia shows a dramatic reaction with even the
smallest movement. Her eyes and delicate gestures, a mixture of expectation and fear, raise the sense of conquest that
she was barely suppressing. The realization of drawing on an unpainted canvas. The realization of teaching her ignorant
body how to feel pleasure. What came to mind again was the sense of superiority in her that she was the first to receive
everything. Even in the secret golden garden, making Amelia, as graceful as petals open, naked and spreading her legs,
pulling out many shy buds and making fun of her as she pleases. . It also awakens sensitive weaknesses one by one with
a cock. Forgetting the etiquette and watching the grimacing face from this angle. After a while, she carefully paints a
cloudy white cloud in her vagina, which has never been dirty. It was a privilege granted only to Siwoo. I want to know a
little more, I want to see a little more.
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A black heart burned black, wanting to see what kind of sweet voice she would cry out and cling to Si-woo with
pleading. Amelia, who now does not complain of any pain, gently let go of Amelia's hand and grasped the connection
between the waist and the pelvis. “Si Siu… why hand... second ." However, when Amelia, who was joking at the
feeling she, was began.
- Slap! slap!
for the
asahif drunk,
ah ah ah
… Oh!”it and
sex was atpiston
the level
of barely
wetting the tip of his tongue with Siwoo's consideration for pain. it swells up a bit. This is probably because Siu hit
Amelia's weakness one after another with the back exercises refined through experience and training. Amelia was
raised so high that the white could be seen from all sides. But this time, it wasn't because of the pain. A completely
… …of…pleasure into
different kind fromsoft
I was shades
like cotton
After candy
the insertion,
had now it seemed
turned intothata the
had spread
breath suddenly fills up to his chin, and a sweet delight, as if all the blood flowing through his veins has turned into
sugar water, swirls around his body. Amelia reflexively grabbed Siu's wrist at the sudden change as if the dam was
collapsing. “Ha ha… ! Si Siu… for a moment… … hold on . Ha ha...!” It wasn't that I didn't like it. 5 However, I was
afraid of such an unfamiliar sensation, so I just wanted to take some time to adjust. But. - Clap! Knock! Knock! “ÿÿ…
hey… ! Whoops... … Ha ha ha!” Si-woo, who had cared for Amelia a little while ago, even if she showed a slight
discomfort, did not reply, but instead spurs the movement of her waist. Because Shiu knew it too. Amelia's dissatisfaction
was never caused by discomfort. It is clear from the fact that her small and cute toes are curled up like a hawk grabbing
her prey, or when she wriggles around her waist and tries to get rid of Shiu. and fluttering pussy. Amelia's bouncy
buttocks, which are supported at an angle under her thighs, can be clearly felt with pleasure. “Haha..! ha ha... ! see you... !”
A dizzying feeling of falling over and over, as if her body was about to fall under the bed, captured her. Amelia's arms
struggled as if trying to run away from that feeling, tearing the sheet apart, scratching, and occasionally grabbing Siu's
wrist, and then falling powerlessly.
, when she
shed who
a life kimchi
of asceticism
that of astimulus
nun in the
Amelia's brain. The pleasure is amplified whenever his object pokes a particularly sensitive area. Could Amelia be here
any longer? More from here?' I couldn't stand it because the extra amount of pleasure was delivered like a sneer every
time I said it. A piston that is intense enough to bubble in love fluid, but delivers only pleasure. Amelia's slender body was
getting tighter and tighter. Sweat and love juice seeping on the white sheet, and the moaning of a sheep without restraint,
dig deep into my ears, andwas my five senses
going are blurred.
to change into the- shape
Whoops! of aThe pussy,
cock, who was
suddenly triedobediently accepting things
a violent resistance. asthat,
Ignoring if it
let's rub our cock on Amelia's G-spot, which has been bothering me. "ah… .” A faint sigh escaped from Amelia's mouth,
who had been crying in a loud, sensual voice before. Like time suspended in mid-air for a brief moment when pushed off a
cliff. All of the senses suddenly become clear. and. The moment of fall has come. If the pleasure I've felt so far is fresh
fruit, this one is like jam made with fruit and sugar in a pot and simmered. The wave of trembling that started from the
womb dyed her eyes white and gave Amelia the best orgasm. “Uh huh… ! ha… ! ha… ! ahh... !” Amelia let out an ecstatic
scream loud enough to be heard next door.

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He turned his head without paying any attention to how messy his hair was, and he struggled as if his legs, which had been quietly
spread out, would bounce off their thighs if they didn't press on them. The colorful, rough breath sounds like bellows for greater pleasure.
Crucially, the trembling of the female, which stimulates the cock by repeating contraction and relaxation several times per second, was
evidence that Amelia had gone loud, which was absolutely impossible with smoke. 1. -Jyuyuk… ! First of all, I took my dick out. Is it because of
frequent friction and irritation, or is it because of a little bit of love liquid? Amelia's petals, which are open like puffy eyes, are closed. He suffered
from pleasure and spilled a lot of love juice, so the bloodstains of the papaya were barely noticeable. A pale lime-colored body fluid was only
flowing through the narrow gap. First of all, if there was a reason for stopping the act, it was nothing. “Ugh… … Hee-wook. It was because
Amelia, who realized the joy of a woman for the first time, was sobbing while covering her eyes with her wrist. Of course, it was not because of
sadness, sorrow, or pain. A climax that is much deeper than the easy climax achieved by stimulating the clitoris. Amelia's lacrimal glands were
arbitrarily stimulated as if the extremely intense stimulation had caused a malfunction in the autonomic nervous system. Not only the lacrimal
glands, but also the skin is chilled and trembling intermittently. In the meantime, the heart that Si-woo stimulated is jittery, demanding additional
joy. “Si... sip... Siu, even if you keep going... … . it's okay… . I am not sick.” “I know.” Amelia weeps and says while covering her face. Siu, who
could guess what she was in, brushed Amelia's hair. “Please put your arms away.” "I do not like it… . Without a doubt, “It seems like I’m forced
to do this.” “If it’s Siu, even if you force it… . it's okay." “Come on, don’t say that.” As she grabbed Amelia's wrist, her tear-stained face appeared.
She picked up the coat she had taken off, wiped it meticulously, and kissed her again. “Choo… … woe.” What's really interesting is that Amelia
showed a rage and excitement that she couldn't control, but when she kissed her, she turned into a gentle sheep. That's why he trusts Siwoo.
When the crying ceased, his bare face, wet with tears, was revealed through his tousled hair. “Are you feeling a little better?” nod nod. Amelia
nodded and took a comfortable breath to see if she had calmed down. “You haven’t finished Siwoo yet, have you?” “Um, yes… Joe.” “Did I go
alone?” “So is it.” Amelia mumbled as if upset with the question she asked. Her protruding lips were so cute. “Today, I have decided to attend
the night service. It's a mess from one to ten.” “Don’t say that. You wore clothes and worked hard on this and that.” "still… . Siu, is there anything
you want to do? really… I can do anything.”because He knewhe that Amelia's
doesn't knowwords
how weredonot
to please lies
it all or No
with falsehoods.
… bare
what just borrowing
is there any
thing Siwoo's
you to do knowledge
make so
theI first
place? “I’m good enough as it is.” In response to Siu's answer, Amelia got up as if she had made up her mind. After a moment's hesitation, she
took off her negligee and became the same as she was born. At that moment, Amelia remembered something. Smirna, who was invited to treat
Siwoo, who was in a coma the other day. The position she chose to have sexual intercourse with Siu, who could not squat while lying down, was
a position called the female superior, or the ki ascendant. “Now I will move.” Riding on a man's waist like a yogi and shaking his butt.
It must be an awkward expression … . keep going like this... please ."

… …

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If it was the former Amelia, it would never be done no matter

who told me to do it. However,, Siu andis still
moves andher
on had no
doubts that it washave
the to
rush. form
of probably
too deep."
okay. I could ." He
shows such a determined will that he doesn'ther saliva
to say Siu's
… object,
standing upright. His things were soggy that it was embarrassing and soaked to the bottom
with Amelia's love liquid. I can't believe it all came from my body. Amelia stared at it for a
while. Siu simply thought that she was atrophied by the size of an object that seemed
heavier than she looked. The orgasm that Amelia just felt was the orgasm she got from
pinpointing with only half of her cock inserted. As soon as you take the riding position, that
big object will go deep enough to crush Amelia's womb, so even if you go out boldly, there's
nothing to be afraid of. “Haap… .” However, Amelia's actions exceeded Siu's expectations. Of course, he
took Siu's things into his mouth without hesitation, including the foamy love liquid, even a little but mixed blood.
“Amelia? You don’t have to do that.”

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"haha … … . Now we've gone to each other once." “You said …

you didn’t have to do this.” “It was something I wanted to do.” “…

Drink this and rinse your mouth.” There was no refusal to do so.
Amelia took the alcohol Shiu gave her and disinfected her mouth.
Even so, he seemed very happy to see that his bashful smile did
something to Si-woo. just after ejaculation But seeing her willingly
‘ ’
swallowing semenmorning
and hersun.
shining lust
under the slowly
soars rising a man and receive this level of service, shouldn't you return
If you become
10 times the joy? "oh!" Siu grabbed Amelia's wrist, wiping her lips with a handkerchief, and forced her white naked body to
lie halfway down on the bed. I'll admit it was a bit rough. Because I was so excited. “Si, Siu… . Aang in words... … !” He gripped her bouncy
buttocks tightly and inserted a cock into the cracked narrow gap. It wasn't very long, but her white legs that looked so well-proportioned fluttered
in vain. With one climax, she pushes things deeper and deeper, breaking through the resistance of her cramped pussy. “Haha… … Whoops!”
Amelia, who had just been smiling. However, as the cock was pierced near the cervix, which had not been attacked before, her back stiffened
and she cried in a sweet voice. “Siu… .” Amelia could feel it. I'm very excited. His wildness, excited as if he was in heat, jumps sharply through
the barrier of consideration. It was enough to feel the roughness of his hand as he was kneading Amelia's buttocks. “Siu… … Are you excited?”
“Amelia-sama was wrong.” I would have been very scared if I hadn't spent time with him in bed today. In fact, it's still not that bad. “Ha ha… …
Are you going to paint it?” "yes." But it's lovely afraid
for some
at all.
that, they
he gets
it . “I say
I will
in this
body.a Even
a bit rough,
If I had
I'm not
known that giving generously to the one I love was such a happy thing, I would have come closer sooner. “My body will sweat.” Amelia threw a
blurry gaze over her shoulder and looked at Siu and said. "the way you want … . Please bully me.” Her colorful eyes and playful voice were filled
with a bewitching charm that she couldn't believe was Amelia's.

A single room made using the original attic space.
In the S and fissure 5 fields c&I pu;'iiJ, the two sailed on the sea of pleasure using a creaky bed as a sailing boat. “Hong... heh heh
heh heh heh..!” Siwoo's chosen position is behind him. However, it is a twist with very slight modifications. First, make Amelia kneel
on the bed, and then have her heels come together politely as if it were a mortal sin. Siu closes behind her and spreads her knees
to hold Amelia's buttocks in the middle. Rub into the melted petals and insert. After that, raise your upper body and hug it to
complete. Amelia, who had her hips pulled back and her waist bent like a graceful figure on the bow of a bow, fell into Si-woo's arms and
struggled with the endless pleasure that was given to her. - Clap! Knock! Knock! Siu... . ha ha ha... … … Laugh!” “Whoa… Whoa…” There was
no need for consideration for Amelia, who had already experienced it for the first time.
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Amelia's completely softened stomach was sucking Shiu's stuff all the way to the entrance of her womb without any
problem. This perfect position, which Takasho said as if passing by, had many advantages. First of all, closeness.
Amelie 0?'s back and Siwoo's chest are tightly pressed against each other. The cock inserted all the way to the root can
be completely enjoyed from the entrance of the pussy to the end where it no longer enters. In addition, it is possible to
hug Amelia's body as if to capture it and caress her as much as she likes, whether it's clit or her chest. Taking advantage
of that, one hand was twisting Amelia's nipples, and the other hand was fiddling with the cute buds as if handling a toy.
Each time, Amelia's trembling, trembling with pleasure, is transmitted throughout her body. The only downside is that
Amelia's buttocks and Siu's hip bones are firmly in contact with each other because the position is already inserted to the limit,
reducing the range of motion of the waist. However, if there was Siwoo's great object, that level was insignificant. Each time
she turned her back gently and rubbed the plump uterine sphere with her glans, Amelia was scratching Siu's thighs with
pleasure. 'Scrubbing and rubbing... … doing it It feels so good… … … Oh!' Amelia, who at first spoke crudely phrased words
in this way, was now merely a slave to pleasure. Perhaps it was because he was feeling the climax of the uterus every few
minutes, and even his intelligent head was engulfed by the flashing pleasure. - As if making whipped cream, from the cervix to
the vagina, Amelia felt a sign of climax that she did not know how many times she was whipped with a stick. My back hurts, and the
tears keep flowing. Amelia's pussy, which seemed to be unable to narrow any longer, gripped Siu's cock tightly while moaning like a
beast in estrus. “Hey… ! Ah... … Ha ha ha!” Amelia shook her back as she reflexively grabbed Shiu's hand, which was tearing her
chest apart. As if the pussy that repeats contraction and relaxation regardless of the will is broken, it pours out love juice without
restraint. “Haha… . AA AA AA … … .” I was too busy exhaling a moan and ran out of oxygen. When Amelia reached her climax, she
was able to rest for a very short time thanks to Siwoo, who waited for a while.

-=T =7
Because of the genitals that were closely attached without even the slightest
gap, the springing love juice was pushed out. The dripping liquid was moistening Amelia's heels, which were neatly
gathered just below her pussy. "ha… . haha … … .” scary. head goes crazy “Shall we rest for a while?” “Hey… !” Siu
rubbed her bouncy breasts with his palms, while pinching the chewy nipples. Amelia tensed her body as she patted her
little feet soaked in love juice. “You like to pinch your chest.” Pleasure is sweet. The afterglow of orgasm, the 2nd and 3rd
multi-orgasm that comes again before it even subsides. That was enough to blow away his weak reason. But if only a
little bit of pain was added to it. It awakens the body that has been dulled by sweet pleasures like bitter coffee served with
dessert. Once again, you can feel the overlapping orgasm as it was the first time. “I never expected Amelia-sama to be
such a lewd woman.” "that… ! Siu...ga... more and more... because it bothers me ah... !” “It's not that I'm bothering you.
Amelia likes to pinch her nipples.” "no… !” Amelia reflexively denied Siu's words. No matter how much he decides to fulfill
all his needs, there are things he cannot affirm. It's another thing to admit that he's already showing a lot of naughtiness to
him, but it feels good to be bullied. Her prestige as a virtuous woman before the witch was at stake. “Really?” “Ooh… !”

‘ ’
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Her fingertips twisted her nipples strongly as if to question Amelia's obvious lie.
At the same time, I can vividly feel my secret inside biting my cock with pleasure.
That feeling will also be transmitted to Siu.
It's only natural because it's so close together.
"I… . I… . such a naughty woman. It's not... .” …

Her voice trembled as she teased her nipples with her fingertips as she was barely answering.
“Ha, but whatever Siu wants… Because I said it's okay to bully me, so it's okay!…Continue...
… it's okay ."
A little more time has passed since the peak, and when she comes back to her reason, Amelia is stabbed for lying inside and talks like an excuse.
At that moment, he is close to his ear and bites his earlobe and asks.
“I think it would be nice if you could tell me honestly. Are you really in a bad mood?”
It is Amelia who spit lies in response to his question, but things change when she receives a request to this extent.
If you tell the truth, Siwoo makes you happy.
However, I am too shy to tell the truth, and I am worried that I will be seen as a prostitute to him.
Siu gave Amelia some time to relax, who was struggling and struggling inside. Then after a while, she stuttered.
Amelia continues.
“Sah, actually… . like… .”
“How are you?”
In this position, Siu cannot see Amelia's face.
However, you can see that Amelia's ears, which protrude through the pale blonde hair, have become red like never before.
there was.
“Siu… . I, nipples... … pinching.”
“Tell me more.”
- Sting!
In order to confess the truth, she slowly rubbed her insides and patted Amelia's pointed tip.
The effect was excellent.
Amelia began to confide in her shameful feelings with a hot sigh.
"ha… . Siu... . As I go put it inside. Let me rub...
… . like this… If you tease your nipples. oh my head... … …

numb... . I can't think of anything . Be stupid... Throw…it away . ha ha... .”

In fact, no matter how reconciled, no ill feelings towards her remain.
Amelia's attitude, which Siu had been watching for the longest, was overbearing and authoritarian.
Then she got down on her knees and accepted the cock, even frankly telling the most embarrassing part about herself.
Being shy is the true essence of being shy.
It aroused a great desire for conquest.
“Then what would you like me to do next?”
I feel Amelia swallowing heavily.
It is vividly conveyed to the point of trembling at the end of a speech in shame.
"continue… . I want you to make me a fool.” …

I can assure you, when anyone hears such an obscene request, they will have no choice but to nod their head willingly.
- Cheoppuk! iron puck! iron puck!
"hem! Ah! ha ha! woo woo... ! ha ha... !”
A stiff erect cock violently attacks Amelia's pussy, which is so stiff that it hurts.
Amelia knelt on the wet sheet.
This time, it is a posture with the buttocks raised while being closely attached to the bed.
What does that mean?
Amelia's ass that twitches whenever she feels pleasure, her ass as fresh as an apple freshly harvested than expected, and her cock
This means that you can see the bare bodice that comes out as if wrapped around a pole every time.
A full course that you can enjoy from the G-spot to the uterine groin at once with an intense sweep.
Every time Amelia's bright spine trembles, a sense of pleasure is delivered that makes her head dizzy.
“Huh, um… hiccup… Whoops..."
Siu was able to cook Amelia easily without having to rip her nipples.
Amelia is crying.
Weeping, tearing the bed, and sometimes reaching out to release Si-woo's arm that grabbed his ass, but hopefully he fell powerlessly.
Perhaps 1% of the fluid spilled on the bed was tears from her eyes.
“Amelia, you have to keep talking.”
“Hey… “!
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Siu squeezed Amelia's buttocks tightly.

Of course, stretching and hitting the waist does not stop.
Amelia, who was lost in trance and barely regained her sanity, asked for forgiveness.
“Sin, I’m sorry… … . Forgive me... … please ! ha ha ha ha... … ! Ah!”
Of course, this is part of the game.
Amelia's begging for forgiveness was not her fault in the past or her harsh treatment of Siu.
But, isn't it boring to hear the sound of a togeza slap after a long time?
- Cheoppuck! iron puck! iron puck!
"Sheet… ! With love... ! ha ha... ! dirty... !”
‘ ’
So, I am having sex with apologizing for the sin of dirtying the bed with a rough pretext.
In fact, a bed can be made clean with the flick of a finger with magic.
At first, Ameliagi, who could not be unaware of that fact, only offered an awkward apology.
blushing that
‘ ’
However, the entire uterus and pussy are attacked in earnest, and her apology To borrow an expression, at the point where I became an idiot.
reveals a sense of desperation and sorrow.
Even if she doesn't have any bad feelings, if you think about the gap between her past and the present, she's twice as tall.
But Amelia's answer was not correct.
Obviously, he taught me good expressions, but he turned away from it because he was embarrassed to put it in his mouth.
“Are you kidding?”
“Heh heh... heh heh heh heh... !”
Amelia shakes her shoulders when she rubs the bar with force while holding her cock tight at the entrance of the uterus.
He used euphemisms because of his resistance to having lewd and vulgar words in his mouth, but he's not Siwoo who can get over it.
“You taught me another language.”
“As my treasure … … Bed damp
… and soiled…. sorry… .” Even
… right away, I was like, 'Okay! Amelia's

… Amelia responds with a voice so pitiful that she wants to say, 'The treasures are not dirty at all!'

“...forgive me hey … … Ouch!”

The pussy, which has been defenseless due to successive orgasms, is once again deeply violated.
Amelia, who had now reached the level of orgasm just by touching it, struggled with an immediate climax.
Once again, Amelia's pussy, which had been hit by the cervix with a deep kiss, moved inward as if sucking a cock.
- Scratch! Scratch! Scratch! Scratch!
“Ah! ha ha ha! Aaaaah!”
Siu shrugged with the force of the bed toppling over, and pressed Amelia's body with a heavy weight.
At its climax, the breasts are wriggling as if they have had a convulsions.
- Cry! cry! cry!
"iced coffee… ! iced coffee… ! iced coffee… .”

Before long, a torrent of dense white turbidity that permeated into pure white painted over her insides over and over again.
Amelia's reflection on her pussy, raw creampie that doesn't need a condom.
Amelia, the first to be beaten, trembles in the storm of orgasm, but with cocks twitching inside her body and hot
The temperature of the semen shuddered.
“Hey uh… .”
Siu rolled over on top of Amelia's body as if toppling over.
Her body odor is full of fresh scent even though she is wet with sweat.
But I know this is not the end.
Soon, a torrent of magical radiation will engulf her, and Siu exhales hotly in an almost dreamlike state.
I told Amelia in advance.
“Something strange is going to happen soon, so don't worry too much. It’s natural.”
“Ugh… . ugh yes yes... … .”
stroking Amelia's head, nodding her head without asking what's strange. …

Nothing happened .
It was clear that he had ejaculated in the vagina, but there was no radiation of magical power or a strange phenomenon resembling a stigma, and Siu's cock was quiet.
it was only
It was just frustrating.
It was a car to learn about what happens when you ejaculate with Count Yesod.
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Using that, Count Yesod was going to help with research so that he could not die even after giving Diana a brand, and Siu even found
out that it was a phenomenon caused by another Shin Siu sleeping inside him, seeking magic. In the case of Ea Sa Dalmelik, because he was
clearly hostile to Siu, he took the brand altogether, and for other witches, he only used copying and magic charge, and built a newly interpreted
structure in Ain, just like the pattern. However, regardless of Siwoo and his will, the phenomenon that seemed to have taken place for granted
is quiet as of today. - Zwuwook... Pong! “Ugh… !” Amelia's pussy was narrow even though it wasn't, and the inside became narrower with
successive climaxes. I took the stuff out of it. A powerful clamp that squeezes the semen remaining in the urethra from the root to the glans as
if leaving it here. Amelia sighed in disappointment as the object completely drained away. Then, through the cracks that were slightly wider
than the first, semen that had turned into liquid flowed out and fell on Amelia's soles. Looking at it, it wasn't that he didn't ejaculate. Although it
is said that the bubble-mixed liquid has a white color, it does not flow this much like water, and the fishy smell is definitely semen. Why doesn't
this phenomenon, which has been unquestionably demonstrated when mixing bodies with Master and Sharon on the recent Harvest Day, is
not happening? The only difference between then and now is that he lost his arm to save Amelia and replaced it with Count Kohab's
prosthetic... . “...Siu?” Meanwhile, Amelia recovered her body and looked back at Siu with a puzzled look. I'll have to check this out for sure. It's
strange that the sensory link didn't work properly in Count Kohab's prosthetic arm, and maybe it's because he's been rolling his body too much
lately. But Amelia's first experience today. I didn't want to pass on the fire. Moreover, if the most likely cause of this phenomenon is that Amelia
injured Siu. "I … What did you do?” I wish we had had such a passionate love until now. As soon as Siu stopped talking, Amelia got up and
gave her worried eyes. “No, wait, you… It felt so good that I was dazed.” "really… ?” "yes." Amelia, who was skeptical, could easily empathize
with the comment that she felt good and her head was blank, but soon became a more comfortable face. "...happy… . Because Siu likes it.”
Actually, it wasn't even a lie. Because sex with Amelia seemed to be sucking out the spirit. I thought it was a fairy and had sex, but it felt like it
was actually a succubus. A friendly skinship that is not unpleasant at all even when the sticky body is rubbed. Amelia and Siu hugged each
other for a while, whispering unfamiliar words of love. 2.

After cleaning the bed, we went down to the bathroom on the second floor and washed
ourselves together. Although the pain of the breakthrough was not great, it seems that even the spirit body could not handle the fatigue
of the muscles due to the excessive peak. The muscles that Amelia struggled and cramped at the climax were not normally used. While
we were showering together, Amelia's leg got a rat, so Siu wrapped her around her and went back to bed. After that, it's time to lay
down in bed under the morning sun, which melts away any anxiety. The drowsy feeling of euphoria that comes as the excessively
secreted dopamine subsides pleasantly, and the two put their heads together and talked about various things. “Amelia-sama, are you
okay?” “A chest?” “I'm so into the mood. I think I pinched it a little painfully.”

« 99
As Siu said, Amelia's plump breasts were showing signs of bruising. Amelia looked down at my breasts and quickly pulled up a blanket to
cover her naked body. It was because she was embarrassed rather than having a woman's pain. “… Siu is a pervert.” Amelia, who raised the
blanket up to the tip of her nose, said shyly.
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As a human being, we tend to get excited and do all sorts of absurd things. First night
with Siu. I assured him that it would be okay to tease him and flirt in front of him, but in
reality, it wasn't. Rather than
the level a changewhom
of Blarney, in hisAmelia
willingness to serve
had picked uphim,
andthe problem
served with was
… Not only did I have
to confess to being tortured to my heart's content or to become a slave in a sexual sense, but I also had to speak up with
a creative condescending word that I had never heard of in my life: Treasure. If you look back a little at that time, your
face is burning as if it had been scorched by a bonfire. "I'm angry?" , Even
"no." pinching
That's whyyour
he nipples
has a bluntfeelsexpression
good. on his
face like this, and he gets angry. But on the one hand, it was a new experience shows
for such
an Itimmature
is surprising
that he himself
in front

of Siwoo. Because they were actions that reminded her of a long time ago, who always wore a blunt mask and lived with
minimal emotional expression. Amelia pondered the cause. And soon find the answer. I was able to do this because I
could feel a strong bond with him. A bond that seems to protect this relationship no matter what hardships and hardships
arise. The belief and trust that Siwoo will accept even the slightest bit of grumbling. It wraps around both shoulders more
than a blanket. “You seem angry.” Does Siwoo even feel this heart-wrenching feeling, the desire to hum a hum of joy right
away? The answer is already known. But I still want to check it out. Just like when Amelia was an apprentice witch who
obtained rare items and put them in her own treasure chest, when she opened the box and glanced at it. Press firmly on
the corners of your lips that want to rise as you please. I think it probably failed . Amelia thought it was a good thing that
the duvet was covering her face well, and made a fool of herself. “Yeah, I was really angry. Please apologize.” Nonsense
jokes and acting. A warm flow that melts time without any particular purpose. Even the smallest thing makes me so happy
that my eyes smile honestly. “How can I apologize?” However, the moment Siu's expression changed from concern to
seriousness, Amelia was surprised again. Was the acting too perfect? And soon finds a smile that can't be hidden on the
corner of his mouth. being teased The 21 Realization 2 Amelia calmed her startled heart and turned around. “…It’s not
good, Siu.” "I'm sorry." After all, they are two people who are not wearing the same clothes, but are covering them with a
duvet. Siu clings to Amelia who turned around and hugs her from behind. The sensation of skin-to-skin contact. “It was
because Amelia-sama was so cute. He was also very good at night vision.” That was a bit of a joy. frankness; Say; well;
[“I didn’t have the confidence to go. Seeing Siu liking him so much, even the slightest lump in his heart was released.
Shall we be a little more honest? Amelia pondered for a moment and said without looking back. “…I will continue to do
so.” "What?" With a smirk, Siu couldn't help but be shocked by Amelia's continued words. “Siu’s… … Seed it.” Contrary to
what I expected to spit out words like nighttime at most. With a very sensual and bizarre voice, she used the expression
“seed” without adding or subtracting. It's a word that would normally be used on farms where seeds are obtained for farming,
but I felt that Amelia's parable
… was really appropriate.

‘ ’
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From that point on, the two who had been joking around became quiet for a moment, as if they
had even made a promise. Shiu felt the touch of his skin touching the fresh hemp. really smooth
Amelia's skin, which had cooled slightly after the shower, regained proper warmth inside the
blanket. Desire springs up again in Amelia's ass, which is clearly felt thanks to her hugging her from behind.
Amelia also became silent, as if she felt Siwoo's things gradually getting bigger, or when she started a
grudge. "ah… .” A thick hand gripped Amelia's chest again, and Amelia let out a low sigh. Amelia turned her
body back to face Siu and held her hand.

“Oh, I'm sorry. Stop without knowing... .”

Come to think of it, until just a moment ago, Amelia was struggling so much that she couldn't control herself. It might be
unreasonable to do it twice in a row. Amelia shook her head when she apologized for that. “No, it’s not that I hate it… . Time
is running out.” Three hours passed while I was mingling with him. Today is the last day of the year. Amelia has her own
thoughts. “I wish I could wrap up my work today and stop by the Jemerai mansion.” “Is this the Jemerai mansion?” “Today
is a significant day. Others will want to be with Siwoo as well.” In fact, it’s the end of the year, so it’s Amelia who has lived
her life without giving much importance to the harvest festival. As usual, he spent his time researching magic. However,
contrary to the desire for monopoly that writhes in his heart, he doesn't think it's right to monopolize him on such a special
day. will be. Amelia also wanted to meet them in person. “Amelia-sama.” “I’ll prepare.” Amelia got up from her seat before
the words got long and put on her clothes. After completing the extraction of the spices towards the workshop, the two men
held hands and headed to the Jemerai mansion.

Last day of 365 days in a
year. After spending the last day with the twins and staying in the mansion to start a new year, Albireo received an
unexpected guest. Apart from Siwoo Shin, who was the original guest, Amelia, who was holding hands with him, came to
visit. “Welcome to the mansion, Miss Marigold.” “I am sorry for the sudden visit, Count Albireo.” Albireo, who was waiting in
the drawing room after receiving a message from Galina's maid, got up and greeted her politely. Amelia also lowered her
head as she slightly spread her skirt in a neat manner not to fall behind her. Both of them had a dignity that would be
included as an exemplary case if there was a book called A Family Book of Nobility Etiquette. “Welcome to Siwoo-kun.”
‘ ’
"long time no see."
Albireo Afterwards,
was surprised a rather
when #Jo|Alight
and greeting is directed
Siwoo entered towards room.
the drawing Siu with some
Only displeasure.
a few The reason
days had passed, was simple.
but Amelia's
mood had completely changed. I knew she was beautiful, but the atmosphere that Amelia always exuded was like a statue
of ice. She pushed anyone who came and looked at her with cold eyes and spit out cold air. Now, she is wearing a warm
and cozy atmosphere with a strange color that will seduce even the same sex. When there's a little bit of time, he glances
at Si-woo's side and blushes, and even an idiot can tell how things went. 'I did it' is what I did. It must have been something
I had guessed from the moment I heard that the two of them went on a trip, but it doesn't make Siwoo look pretty. What's
more, there was something else that bothered Albireo the most recently. Surprisingly, it had nothing to do with the twins.
Amelia approached Albireo, who was hiding his sigh due to another trouble of Si-woo, who was difficult to talk about, and
pulled out a present from her arms. It was a pretty perfume bottle with two birds facing each other. Made by a Gehenna
glass craftsman, it is priced at the same weight of gold only with an empty bottle. The golden liquid filling the inside was a
niche perfume that Amelia had crafted herself for the Earl of Jemenai. “Thank you for your help with the previous case. It’s
small, but it’s a sign of sincerity.” Often, it is easy to think that perfume is the same no matter who, who, or how it is sprayed,
but the more you aim for the highest quality, the more you need to consider it.
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there's a lot more to do For

example, because of the rooting , Depending on the acidity of the skin, the minute body temperature, the wave of magical power, etc., the fragrance of the same perfume may change.
area. Therefore, Amelia's
‘ ’
customized perfume was very
meaningful. Although the sale had not yet officially started, Albireo also heard that the
reservation list was full. “Oh my, what is this? He said he was going to open a store, so I thought I would sell it.” Having received such a gift as a gift, there is no

choice but to bring a smile to Albireo's face. This is because these things were not something that could be bought with money. “Thanks for your help, we were
able to get things going smoothly.” “Can I take it one more time?” "sure." Albireo was excited like a child who received a gift and lightly sprinkled perfume on his wrist. The moment you
close your eyes and lift your wrist lightly to smell the reverberation, an illusion unfolds in your mind, like tasting a fine wine. A flower garden of roses that alluringly boast their coveted fruits,
the refreshing and sweet smell of flowers that seem to pass through the middle. Toward the most coveted rose among countless roses, Albireo bows down and desires only the scent of
one rose. As the sweet scent fades away, you can feel the moist earthy smell and the fresh scent of dewy leaves. And even the spicy that pokes like a thorn. This was a perfume depicting
a single rose from flower to root. Albireo, who had closed his eyes for a while and enjoyed the reverberation left on the tip of his nose, exhaled and opened his eyes again. “It’s really great.
It was beautiful. A perfume that embraces a single rose.” "thank you. If you spray it on a fine comb and comb your hair, it will smell much more natural.” “I’ll take a look at that method.”

“Give this to Count Deneb.” "Sure. Deneb will be very happy.” Accepting the same bottle of perfume that Albireo had received, Albireo suddenly began to look good on Amelia. The bad
thing is her son-in-law, not her son-in-law, who has fallen into that beast, not Amelia. “Anyway, there is still plenty of time until dinner, so please enjoy it as if you were at home.” “Yes, thank

you for allowing me to visit you again.” Albireo, who had sent the two of them, looked around the perfume bottle, smelled the scent on his wrist, and smiled at the happy income. With this
amount, I think I'll be using it for a year, but now that I know a good perfume like this, can I use another perfume? When Amelia was thinking happily that it wouldn't be a bad idea to order
a perfume with a slightly different theme once Amelia officially opens a store. “… !” intermittent stimulation. Albireo immediately frowned. It was because Albireo's buttocks wrapped in
underwear, to be more precise, felt the subtle heat and fluttering pleasure in the hole that was embarrassing to put in a lady's mouth. “Ugh… .” twitch

Albireo, who sat down on the sofa with his thighs tight against his trembling body, licked his lips and tried to calm his itchy crotch by
rubbing his thighs. This is the reason why Siu seemed even more displeased these days, and it was the biggest problem with Al Vireo recently. To

explain this, we have to go back somewhat into the past. Recently, Deneb and Siu conducted verification under the observation of Albireo. Deneb, who caught the scene
of anal sex with twins, kidnaps and interrogates Si-woo. Afterwards, to prove that anal sex had no effect on the bowl, Deneb personally took the object through the back
‘ ’
hole. There were a few unexpected
working thingsfelt
in the library, in the
the process,
pleasure but
of aup to thisback
sudden point,hole.
I thought it was
At first, a confused
I was one-time occurrence. However.
by the unknown A few
situation for days later,
a while. Albireo,
Before who
long, thewas
understanding of the circumstances before and after was completed. This is because the sensation was perfectly similar to the sensation transferred when Siu brought
Deneb to the climax. It can be reasonably inferred that Deneb felt pleasure or climax, that Albireo, who did nothing, let alone touching his back hole, suddenly felt pleasure. After that, a
similar situation was repeated as it is today.
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Also, having to endure the pleasure that comes unexpectedly during Deneb's happy hour brought a lot of stress.
Even if you are drinking tea, washing your body, or trying to sleep, you have to endure the pleasure that comes every now and then, pretending nothing is wrong
that's what i did
good night.

So far, I have yielded a hundred times so I can understand everything.

After all, both Deneb and Albireo devoted their entire lives to researching magic and expanding their business.
In the twilight period, when the succession is short, you can do everything you want to do, and try and do things that you haven't done before. Albireo was confident that he
would respect him no matter what he did, whether he was locked in bed and masturbating.
‘ ’
However, it is said that the part that the loved blood and flesh touches for pleasure is at least after being attacked by the son-in-law. That is what it means
Doesn't that mean that Deneb opened his eyes to a new horizon?
It's not enough to spread black beasts to Odil and Odette, who are still apprentice witches, so they're trying to corrupt even the little mother-in-law.
No matter how generously he tried to look at the parts, he could not avoid getting dizzy.
“Oh… Deneb… .”
And finally … if there is a problem .
The fact that only Albireo knows that pleasure is transmitted through the resonance of the stigma.
‘ ’
In other words, they do not know that whenever Deneb has a happy hour, a message is delivered to her sister saying I am masturbating.
will be.
Due to the nature of Deneb, if he finds out about this, he will die of shame. …

I'd rather have told Deneb about the pleasure resonance right away, I don't know where to start now to accuse him of the facts.
Whether it I don't know . …

should be taken out or not, you should feel helplessly the pleasure that comes over you like a lightning bolt from time to time.
Pleasure by resonance is transmitted with reduced intensity.
So it's not about refreshing with a cool orgasm.
Just like roasting a whole piglet, the body heats up with a subtle pleasure, and it ends after a lot of fussing.
will be.
"madam! Thinking about it... I’m mad!” Albireo grunted his teeth with a bang! He slammed the handle of the sofa and vomited in anger.
After all, isn't this all because of Shin Si-woo?
Actually, I wanted to shake my head while holding my neck, saying, 'It's because of you again when I saw Shin Si-woo!'
Even if Shin Si-woo had listened to Albireo's advice a little, Deneb wouldn't have had an affair with the twins.
If so, there would be no reason to endure the hardship of constantly getting wet undergarments.
Unknowingly, Albireo, who was about to crawl into his panties, clenched his fists, swallowed his anger and headed to the bathroom.
With the regret that I'd kick even Jeong River earlier.
Albireo, who went through a lot of trouble before giving birth for a long time.
In the first week of the year, he acted wisely, and the size of the company was called up.
There have also been times when they hit the main source of income for the public and went directly to subjugation.

But even that woman can't find a clear answer to this situation, which is a comedy from a distance and a more ugly comedy from close up.

Deneb, curled up on his side like a fetus, was struggling with a bed sheet in his mouth.
Her fingers are digging through a secret hole with plenty of perfume.
It hurts my mouth to explain again what the act was.
“Um… ummm huh… … . ah… .”
At first, I was just trying to forget the events of the day ahead of me with shame and humiliation.
She deceived her older sister and Shin Si-woo with her stupid excuses and skillful speech.
Because both my sister and Shin Si-woo knew that Deneb's disorganized appearance that day was acting.
But Deneb himself could not be fooled.
A mature witch! to the man! To an ungodly place! It makes you feel better!
He said that it was impossible, and he tilted his glass full of strong alcohol every day.
when you're so damn drunk.
Involuntarily, I swear to God, Deneb, who inadvertently caressed the place where he had been tormented by him, rekindled the sensations of that day.
A refreshing and sticky pleasure as if your body is tickled, A murky sigh pleasantly scratched his throat and turned into a moan. …

your mouth is dry, and your body's cells are awakened and activated.
To be honest, compared to the full-fledged sensation he showed, it was no different from hemostasis, but from that day on, Deneb's daily routine
A new schedule has been added.
In fact, there is nothing to say about the schedule.
When enjoying a leisurely bath or just before going to bed, your brain will be, refreshed with magic research that is slowly coming to an end.
When things get complicated, they only play secretly for a brief moment.
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Of course, it was a bit weird at first.

It cannot be said that it is a standard hole to get pleasure, and the opportunity to learn this kind of pleasure is also extraordinary.
However, the blunt sense of shame is far away, and the sweet and intuitive joy of the body is near. I had no intention of
demanding any further relationship with him, so I'm not really blaming the twins. Isn't sexual entertainment something that
many witches already explore? So it's just one more thing to add to your hobbies, like Denev's occasional sip of silk or gourmet.
As such, when Deneb felt a rising sex drive like hunger, he went through a brief rationalization and continued his hobby. Deneb
‘ ’
narrowed his laundry
eyes and
at the bed.
to thinkaof
it, I checked
stain, butwith
Si-Woo Shin
at thisright
here. After
it feels
the body
I did odor
of a hooked male is spreading. “Haha…” Deneb sighed in pain and involuntarily recalled the experience. The moment his
sharp tongue pierced without hesitation. The moment when a hard object with a thickness of heat was inserted, which is sinful
even compared to a finger. A disgrace and humiliation that will never happen again in life. He pressed down on the struggling
Deneb and coveted this body wildly, as if he was about to devour it. "dare… . dare… . me… .wow... .” At that moment, Deneb
was neither a mighty count nor a wise great witch. It was just one pitiful prey. Where would Deneb go to be treated like that?
Even in Henn-na, there were few witches who could neglect the Jemerai family. Paradoxically, Deneb's body heats up even
hotter, apart from the fact that his troubled heart swells up. Deneb wriggled once more and gripped the sheet tightly. To be
honest, compared to that time, it was an insignificant feeling. To compare, it's like the difference between a fireworks display
that pours dozens of gold coins and explodes, and small firecrackers. Nevertheless, his underwear is wet and his body is
trembling and drenched in joy. “Three O… At the end of the strange sound that leaked out of his teeth, Deneb’s body was
drained of strength. After a satisfying meal, Deneb, who had spread languidly like an expression of enjoying the hunger that
came after a satisfying meal, quickly cleaned up his body and sheets through magic. It does not stop there, and one magic is
added. This is the magic of soundproofing. To Deneb, who used singing as magnetic magic, it was as simple as a child's play.
And the time of hysteria to come. "ah!!! annoying!!!!" Deneb slammed the pillow on the bed with his fist, making the most of
the sound in his lungs. No matter how many ways she rationalized her, she is a proud Count of Gehenna. Even if it was when
I was very hungry, now that my thirst has been quenched through happy times, cracks are bound to form in thin tricks. In fact,
the fact that this act is very masculine and shameful and the fact that the whole story leading up to Deneb is also shameful is
mixed in the dark saint time and starts to peck Deneb. And Deneb prepared a shield for the sense of shame like the pouring
arrows. “Shin Si-woo! You wretched child!” The name of the man who was not here, but who had been hovering in Deneb's
head until recently, was brought into his mouth. “It’s all because of you!” If it wasn't for him, Deneb wouldn't have had to worry

about the twins' man problem, then he wouldn't have gone through the verification process, and then he wouldn't have had to
endure this humiliating feeling alone. Deneb patted the pillow to relieve his anger. When I see him again later, I think that I
should kick Jung Kang-i. 2. Snowflakes, which had not melted even in the sunlight during the winter, were frozen like flowers
and hung on bare branches. This snow flower, which can only be seen in winter, can be seen in its own way. Amelia and Siu
walked between them. They were holding hands affectionately and occasionally chatting with a tickling smile. And there were
three pairs of eyes staring at it. Sharon, Odile, Odette. As usual, the classroom where the element classes were held was a
location overlooking the Count's central garden. After Odile, who was sitting by the window, found Siu and Amelia, the class
became a backstory.

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Teacher Sharon and students Odile and Odette were also preoccupied with spying on their date. “How
do you look?” “You look good.” Odell and Odette whispered quietly, holding their breath, as if they were
on a hunt. He was so serious that it didn't seem strange at all to see that each had a hunting shotgun in
his hand. Sharon, who was standing a bit haphazardly behind him, was also chasing the two with his
eyes. The perfume witch, Amelia Marigold. When Siu, who was a slave in Gehenna, told her stories of
the past, there was always a strange blank space that seemed to have been cut off. And perhaps she
who looks so low is the identity of that void. It is said that a slim woman boasts her beauty even from a hundred
steps away. Both the Duke of Tipperet and the twins boasted their charms, and Sharon also boasted that she had
her own charm that could not be beaten. What kind of turmoil awaits in front of this place . As I took a deep breath,
I heard the twins' grumbling grunts from under my chin. “Ugh… . more here... added.” “Calm down, sister. In a
way, it was something that was planned.” "but… . There is no way an assistant professor who stalks a woman even
with just eye contact with Amelia Associate Professor.” "right? So nothing has changed. We just have to keep
fighting.” They've beennow.”
to each
I’ll like
do all
of since
… a while
class ago.
as homework
"Hey guys."next
time.” “It’s
busy right
unexpectedly quiet.” Yes. Sharon didn't really want to kill the car that ran out and interrupted the date. However,
considering the twins' past,
usual itappearance,
is not enough and to considering
run to Amelia that
right away.
a serious
It means
love battle
that watching
for Sharon
breath holding your breath like this is not like twins. At that, the twins looked back at Sharon as if he had said
something strange. “What, what? Did I say something strange?” Odil nodded his head as if he understood when he
saw Sharon in embarrassment. Odette nodded her head as she leaned on her side. The twin's trademark half
bonnet moves like a fan, creating a small breeze. “I see, Sharon has never met the associate professor, has she?”
“How scared the associate professor is.” "scared?" Odyl and Odette nodded. “Yeah, it’s like an ice cube.” “The
grading of the assignment is like a knife, and the voice is scary. Besides, snow … light.” “If something intervenes
right now, it feels like I’m going to get scolded.” “That’s right, that’s right… . And first of all, you're a witch. Older than
us... There are many.” It was a strange sight for Sharon that the five twins, who rushed at her with their eyes turned
upside down, were so vigilant and carefully monitoring the progress in the case of the assistant. Then, suddenly, a
scene that could never be ignored came to mind. "what? Then I? Aren't you scared?" The memories of rolling
around in this classroom, pulling each other's hair, came to mind. The twins stared at Sharon, and answered with a
smile. “Ah, Sharon unnie is Sharon unnie.” "what does it mean!" “Come to think of it, I’m not really afraid of Sharon.”
“Scare me too!” While they were talking about this and that, the three of them were watching Siwoo and Amelia
disappearing to the other side of the garden. “Okay, let’s get to this point for today.” “Odette, we need to reopen the
emergency committee.” “Yes, sister.” Sharon smiles bitterly as she sees the twins disappear without a proper greeting.
“Eww.” To be honest, it wasn't the time for Sharon to express her thoughts about how cute the twins were.

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Odile Odette, Eloa, and Sharon have been in a three-way competition in good faith in the love line that has been opened so
far. Siu is not the only precious thing . He was feeling the friendship and bond he had not felt during the years he struggled
to pay off debts in this world alone, ironically in women who loved the same man. For this reason, he also harbored anxiety
that the composition that had been barely balancing with the appearance of a new competitor might be broken. “It would be
nice if we could just stay together like this.” When I was shivering like that. - Again - A knock was heard. No one else would
come at this hour, but Sharon looked at the table, wondering if the twins had left any assignments. "Excuse me." Behind the
door that opened after the knock stood Amelia,…who had just been walking through the garden.

Returning straight from the classroom to the dormitory, Sharon glanced at an unexpected guest while preparing tea. It was
the first time they had met so closely. A nice scent that lingers even though it is quite far away. The skin is whiter than the
first snow. It looks like a doll crafted from head to toe. Fine, slender blonde hair. The noble atmosphere felt just by sitting is
reminiscent of a fairy in myth. All witches are beautiful. Even the nameless witch of Tarot Town can capture any man as a
prisoner just by her appearance. As such, if you live among witches who show off their off-white with different feelings, their
evaluation of their appearance will increase significantly. Amelia is pretty, even if she judges her soberly with her raised
eyes. It was really damn pretty. When those glances involuntarily met Amelia's jewel-like eyes, Sharon quickly avoided her
gaze. I have no choice but to admit I hadn't even said a word yet, but I was so exhausted that I felt nauseous. A relationship
enemy that I suddenly encountered without even having my heart ready. You may be who you are and with what kind of
mindset you came here. However, there was only a vague guess floating around in his head that he had come to Sharon
without a single seemingly agitated move because of his strong self-confidence. “Please forgive me for being a humble tea.
“No, I was the one who came all of a sudden.” Your voice is beautiful. Still, the chest is this side's victory. Sharon, who had
captured her trembling heart with something sad and comforting, sat down with her. “What did you come here for?” Sharon
asks about his intentions, even though he clearly knows that it has something to do with Siwoo. Amelia, who had been
quietly lowering her eyes without making eye contact with the old crab Henna, finally lifted her gaze. “Siu… I heard that
you are Mr.'s lover. Miss Sharon Evergreen.” immediately to the point. Guron >> I felt the entire fortune flowing through the
S goal. War is not just a battlefield full of magic and blood. The twins informed us that the love fight over the teacup is also
part of the war. “Yeah,” Sharon replied in a determined voice. However, in terms of appearance, Sharon looks like a strong
older sister. I didn't mean to just be humiliated. "Sorry." 'Come if you can! I'm ready!' It was embarrassing for Sharon, who had
been fighting the cud a hundred times. Amelia put her hand on her lap and bowed her head politely to Sharon. “My insufficiency
put Siu in danger. There is no excuse for criticizing me.”
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In fact, Sharon didn't like Amelia very much. It

wasn't because she was a new rival. In any case, he
was someone who tormented Siwoo in the past, and recently put him in a crisis. In
the former case, as long as negotiations between the parties have been smoothed out, it
is not a matter for Sharon to discuss. That didn't mean he was able to nod his head
cheerfully. Therefore, a sense of hostility remained, and the only extenuating circumstances were that Amelia went
through an ordeal to recover Siu, who was in a coma. “I have nothing to say. Even if he gets a little angry, Siwoo is
still okay. Oh, it's not a samurai." Amelia's shoulders trembled as she spit in a cold tone mixed with some sarcastic
sarcasm. Did I talk too much? Sharon flinched with excitement, but she quickly made up her mind. It was Amelia's
fault that Siu's left hand was torn off no matter what pretext was applied. Even the left hand, which was damaged from
the root of the spirit body, was impossible to recover, so he had to attach a prosthetic arm. Even that was fortunate
because he was lucky, but with even a little bit of luck, Siu would have been killed by Amelia's hand or by the Duke of
Erelim. How can you not be angry? Still, apart from being angry, it was not unwilling to criticize others. Sharon closes
her eyes and drinks tea. "Sorry." The answer returned from Amelia was the same apology as the first time. But it was
a pathetic voice full of powerless weeping. I know that you shouldn't judge people by first impressions. But it took me
a while to realize that the voice that was about to crumble was coming from Amelia's mouth, like a cold, ice statue.
about minutes. I really don't have much to say... .” “Oh, that’s not… .” “The deputy Sharon was greatly embarrassed
to see Amelia clenching her fists and fidgeting like a child who had made a great mistake. Could it be that this is also
a cunning act? Rather, they are trying to naturally take the initiative in conversation by making this person who has
reacted naturally into a bad person. Sharon, who had gone crazy by that point, admitted that she was stupid. It's just
finding a reason to hate. Since Amelia doesn't look pitiful, she just wants to pick up a good reason and make her a
person she can continue to hate. While Sharon is self-help. At any moment, Amelia's determined voice rose through
the cracks in her cry. "so that… . I don't want to fall with him. I will pay it back even if I dedicate my whole life to it. I
on an
… But
“ButI don't
not because
want to of
up on
I really
Siu for
i love
so much
I amEven
it looks
I am
fragile at first glance, the straight will that never wavers the wick is conveyed to Sharon. All of a sudden, everything
seemed so light. Like Sharon, like Eloa, like twins. Isn't Amelia the same? "So… . I will never give up.” Amelia took a
deep breath to calm her heart to forSharon.
a moment,
A declaration
and spokeofinaarelationship
low voice ofthat
an important
is this deep,
wasI will
… never
a declaration
give up.
“Miss Evergreen, I slept with Siu.” “That’s me too.” In fact, I was expecting that Amelia would have slept with Siu. It
was because they were two people dripping with honey even when watching from a distance. It's not surprising that
Si-woo is like that, and it's not that he suddenly feels jealous. However, I only added one word to the desire to win,
like losing if I stood still. not. It's true that I feel jealous. Sharon corrected herself and spoke frankly to Amelia. “Oh, I’m
sorry. something foot... because it's tight But I did it first.” Sharon later added an apology, but Amelia's eyes were
already round. Why did Amelia come here?
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It was to negotiate with one of his lovers, Sharon.

According to social norms and morals, what Amelia did was obviously an act of stealing someone else's lover.
Even if Si-woo is already in a polygamous relationship, it certainly is.
Of course, I have no intention of monopolizing or taking him away.
Amelia's ultimate goal was to ask for the understanding of the existing lovers and to meet together.

But did I have sex before it came out of Sharon's mouth?' speaking.
Forgetting the purpose of coming here, it made Amelia's heart swell.
First of all, Amelia has a pretty childish personality.
Sharon's provocative declaration, which possesses a great charm that Amelia does not have, even though her head knows it, is a kind of
It felt like a declaration of war.
The eyes of two people meeting silently.
A strange air current begins to flow.
A gentle wind blowing over the battlefield of flowers familiar to Sharon but unfamiliar to Amelia.
However, there are rules here.
To show off only one's own beauty in a line that does not exaggerate the wounds of the enemy.
If you go any further, only promiscuous dog fights will be waiting for you, and Siwoo wouldn't want that.
In any case, it was Sharon who followed the rules and brought out the player.
Those were hot nights. Looking
… back, I don’t think I’ve ever covered the day and night.”
“Sharon’s eyes became blurry as if recalling a really beautiful memory.
“How do you hug me so warmly every time? Is it because there is no body left?”
The eyes that regained their focus turned towards Amelia as if it was your turn now.
Even Amelia, who was a little stunned, seemed to have understood the intention perfectly.
I looked.
“I was warmly hugged. It must have been a lot hotter than what I did to Miss Sharon.”
“Isn’t it?”
Amelia protested, clenching her fists.
“I am not… !”
“Amelia-sama, what did you do to make yourself so confident?”
Two people who suddenly started calling each other names.
In fact, it is impossible for the virtuous Amelia to divulge sexual relations outside of bed.
However, this Sharon in front of him is also the love of Shiu. Amelia did not want to lose to such an important task.
“I listened to the night service in my lewd pajamas.”
"Oh… . But I did it too.” …

“Do it with your mouth … gave me ! Siu was really happy!”

“I did that too. I even did it with my chest. Aha, Amelia-sama must have a
… hard time.”

When the full-fledged fight began, Sharon felt great relaxation.

Originally, Sharon was fighting a blood battle with twins, but Amelia was somehow easy to deal with.
It feels like you are dealing with a newbie who has just started PVP.…
In the first place, ' ' If this is a topic of debate, Sharon's experience and knowledge are superior to Amelia's.
“By the chest… ?”
Amelia's eyes widened again.
But what does it mean to say you did it with your heart?
For Amelia, who is struggling with interpretation, Sharon herself pretends to bring both breasts to the center and removes the fortune teller.
“Aha, the naive Amelia-sama has come a long way. like this … .” … plug it in How can I say frivolous words without knowing

"then… … act. Is it possible … .”

It was then that Amelia's eyes fell on Sharon's midline.
Smaller than Sophia, but much larger than Amelia.
At that size, it might be enough to cover Siwoo's thick stuff.
And that was impossible for Amelia to go on for the rest of her life.
No, as Amelia has an extremely average chest size, it would be possible if she gathered her strength.
However, the flex of the gold spoon and the loan flex of the middle class are different.
Amelia, who became restless in an instant, asked cautiously.
“Siu… . that, that … Do you
like places a lot?”
For Amelia, it was a serious matter.
One of Siu's favorite things, no matter how hard he tries, he can't do it.
How could this not be so terrible?

Sharon was unaware of how her expression looked like the sky was falling.'
However, he is determined to keep up the momentum.
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“Okay, I really like it. Did you know that men are weak against motherhood? Sometimes he acts like a baby, soft
and cuddled,saidsometimes rough...
proudly sticking out“Would you like
her chest. to touch
It was Amelia-sama
Sharon's too?”
special move Sharon,
that whobroken
had even had gained
even momentum,
the twins'
battlefields at once. “Amelia-sama?” Amelia grabbed my hand as it was slicing my spine without realizing it. It's
because an ominous prediction that the moment you touch that you will completely lose psychologically has come
up. “Oh, I don’t like it.” “Then there is nothing you can do. Am I not being too rude?” “…It’s okay, I was rude too.”
Two people who exchanged each other with swords in their polite words. Both had no initial purpose. Winning this
fight right now is the most important thing. Looking at Amelia's shady face and Sharon's happy face, the current
score is o vs.

Sharon and
Amelia. The two stopped sipping tea. From the
side, it's a really childish fight, but the two are serious. The
only major task in each person's mind was how to firmly press the nose of the other person. Strong
mate Sharon Evergreen. she was beautiful His dark green hair overflowing with health, his unique
mint-colored eyes, and the appearance of a feral cat that does not tolerate any touch other than the
owner, and a curvaceous body incomparable to Amelia could not easily guarantee success. Amelia, who had never
thought about her sexuality in her entire life, was reminded by Sharon's provocation. That chest is an asymmetric power.
Still, I have no intention of being blunt. Besides, it is strangely hurting my pride to nod my head and step back simply
because of the innate factor of physical difference. “There is a saying that Sharon is overpaid.” “Oh, what else do you
mean?” “Just because it’s too big doesn’t mean it’s good. It is also important to have modest clothing and lines rather
than the shallowness that appears on the outside. Even if you wear a little loose clothes, you look sluggish. Is it not
possible or not?” Amelia recalled Sophia's case and spoke in a shaky tone. Sophia, too, often complained about reasons
such as that it was difficult to find a pretty dress, or that even a little puffy clothes made her look fat. At the time, the
grumbling that was only annoying, thinking, 'Why are you telling me this?' is helpful in this way. “Aha, I’m sure I’m very
careful when choosing clothes.” However, Sharon, who looked at Amelia with a look of hope to see what she had to say,
showed a refreshing smile that did not take any damage. "Yes?" “But I’m very shy about Siwoo’s favorite clothes, but .
It's naked. I've
was never really
nothing. Even cared
flew a about
cross it. Thank
… you so much
“Besides, for praised
Siwoo your concern.” Sharon
me a lot. I don'tlet outhow
care Amelia's
other attack
peopleas if itit.”
Amelia looked at Sharon with trembling eyes, with a puzzled expression as if she had really been hit on the tip of her
nose. It's only going to be pushed like this. You need a strong one. Even if it lowers its own face. “That’s right. If you are
loved only by what you see, nothing is more fleeting.” “Yes, yes.” “What really matters is how big your love is. How can
you dedicate yourself to the one you love?” “You are right.” Amelia swallowedthat I would
openedaher slave.
. I told
… Siwoo the
night… . It was the same thing.” It is a shameful confession to tell the truth about what happened in bed. However, it was
‘ ’
also the surest proof that he could give his all for Siwoo by laying down his self-esteem and face.

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“If there is anything I want to do with my body, I say do… it. I said... .”
Amelia declares a blow of conversion while looking straight at Sharon with a burning
sensation. However, it was Amelia, not Sharon, who was really embarrassed at the end
of the remark. Sharon smiled so calmly without a single flinch. “We agree with each other
on that part. I also did anything for Siwoo. Sometimes she acts aegyo like a cat, other
times she caresses her like an older sister, and sometimes it's really embarrassing to say the least. I don't really have a
clue either. If you need to know how to say no in moderation, then Siwoo's habit won't go bad." z… !

No matter how much Amelia has grown, Sharon has already been with Siu for a long
time. The experience and variety of play they have accumulated are different. Sharon
continued a merciless extra blow to Amelia, who had a puzzled expression on her face.
“One day, there was a time when we cried bitterly as the night dew hit the wind in the alley.” “Go alley …
… ?” “Oh, come
to think
roomof of
it, Ithe
Siwoo.” really
“Get on,likes
in the
room…The ?”
I was
in the
scolded for holding my breath back then?” It was then that Amelia remembered the questions and answers she had
exchanged with Sophia. 'Are you going to do it in bed?' 'Isn't that usually the case?' 'Isn't it normal?' 'If your eyes don't
reach, do it anywhere.' Up until then, Amelia had decided that this indoor space was everywhere in Sofia. For example, a
bathroom, such as a sofa, such as a kitchen. But that wasn't it . Literally anywhere. Even in the dressing room, making
love is the passion of men and women. Amelia, who had broken away from the existing narrow frame a lot, but was still
knowledgeable, criticized Sharon's behavior. “.. that’s too shameful. wild dog... Not even a stray cat.” “Amelia-sama, are
you saying you won’t be able to allow Siwoo to go that far?” Amelia shuddered at Sharon's soft smile. what's up there If
Amelia also has time to prepare her heart, and if Siu really wants it, she will do it. “I can do it too.” “Didn’t you just say that
it was an unscrupulous act of a wild dog or a stray cat?” … If Siwoo wants it, he will do it.” “Those “words can even pick
‘ ’
up the moon.” "Really." 10“Even
minutes so, after
I guess
that.I’m a littlefelt
Amelia ahead of myself
it after a meleenow?”
thattwo continued
seemed to beto fight non-stop
gentle for about
on the surface, but
in reality they were fighting while holding onto the hair of the head. The hand, which was poor from the beginning, was all
gone. It was Amelia who showed her impatience first, and Sharon flexibly responded to all attacks. Unlike Amelia, who
was constantly struggling to manage her expression, she smiled broadly. I don't know if that's a mask or not. So, do you
have anything more to say?” ...it was an enjoyable conversation. Miss Sharon.” Me too, Amelia. See you again in the
evening.” okay." We were going to meet again at the dinner party anyway, and the conversation ended because Amelia,
who couldn't handle it any longer, got out
as ifasrunning
if holding
away. backThea child's
face ofcry.
An undefeated
who quietlydefeat
door not
need to be counted. Amelia never beat Sharon. Resentment and sadness spread out in my heart. Amelia bit her teeth
tightly and held back her tears because she was in a state of tears that seemed to shed tears if she was careless. If you
cry like a child after this, there is no such ugly ugliness. Although he did not win, he showed his will to Sharon Evergreen,
one of Siwoo's lovers.
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Sharon seemed to be okay, but she must have struggled like Amelia in her
heart. In any case, he wasn't busy running away from such a powerful enemy, he was fighting
straight ahead. Amelia clenched her fists. “Still, nice … It was a struggle.” Taking today's defeat
as a nutrient, we vowed
someone.to fight
a better fight
time. The
the next
day, I went
door and
for her
head out, realizing that Amelia had already left. I was trying to apologize or comfort him. "ah… .
Am I too harsh?” Even before the triumphant triumph in a small local battle. Sharon realized
that she had overreacted to some extent. Even the tomboy twins fight hard with Sharon, but what if Amelia
has many years of experience and beauty? Her first impression was so impressive that she assumed that her
fighting power was like a dragon in her head, and worked with all her might. There will be sharp sarcasm and
cold selling, and Sharon is trying her best to resist, but… . “You’re thinner than I thought… .” Amelia was very
attentive to every little word and, above all, was not very good at speaking. I have to say that I don't know
how to scratch in other people. When the battle was over, all he remembered was his evil image of himself happily kicking
Amelia, who was about as strong as a rabbit. Have you always quarreled with twins and became like a child? To be
honest, I can't deny that I couldn't control myself because the taste of the massacre of civilians was quite enjoyable from
the middle. “I have to apologize later.” Sharon sighed with a bitter victory. 3.

"this … What's going

on?" Amelia left first, saying she has a
business to do. After letting her go, Si-woo, who had been wandering around the mansion to see if he could even meet twins,
met Deneb and was stroking his kicked shin. Deneb, who greeted him, kicked off with his nose and left. A spirit body that has
been trained to the extent of Siwoo cannot be affected by that much damage. So, rather than being sick, I was embarrassed.
“Is that also the case?” As I skimmed over it, I could see Amelia, whom I had just broken up with, from afar. “Amelia-sama.”
“Siu… !” Amelia, who was slightly crying and with a swollen nose, ran to Dodo as soon as she saw Si-woo. Shiu was startled
and grabbed onlyher
by the
… shoulder
for a while,
and asked.
but have
I been
wanting toAmelia
see you?
head andherclasped
hair in a
in Siu's arms.
Then Amelia suddenly asked. “Siwoo, it may be sudden, but… . Is it okay if I ask just one thing?” “Yes, what is it?” “The Siwoo
… . Do you like female breasts?” "yes?" It's a really sudden question. However, it is not strange that Amelia became interested
in such a thing through a new interview this morning. He was a little shy, but he answered politely. "I like." Amelia's reaction
to him was astonishing. The change in expression was minimal, but Siu could easily read her emotions. But is this so
surprising? “Uh, how much?” "It's just good. Is there anyone who doesn't like it?" Siwoo simply answered whether he liked it
or not.
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However, for Amelia, who was exceptionally conscious of her heart after the discussion with Sharon, it was a statement like a clear-
cut force. In any case, it means that there is a part where Siwoo is very far behind from what he likes. “Si, Siu… . Then I will ask you
one more question.” “Yes,
but why
this wind
to Amelia?
ask such
…At a
same time,
I was
things outside
as to whether
… . Doityou
it?” "yes…
work.?”I could
Who had
Amelia shutting her mouth resolutely. “Please give me a moment.” She opened her mouth and grabbed Siu’s wrist, who didn’t say
anything, and headed towards the corner of the hallway. #479

Amelia walked down the hallway with a gloomy expression on
her face. After losing her diary to Sharon, Amelia felt a spring of fighting spirit again. When I
‘ ’
do something
that big
the best
do. He
the fighting
him downspirit
a gloomy
was soonhallway
by no
could see
made and
knelt in front of him. And I tried to do what Sharon said. The act of rubbing the male genitals as an important symbol of women. Siu,
who was bewildered by Amelia's sudden action, sympathized with her with an embarrassed smile. The act of volunteering outside where
no one might come was a more dizzying and immoral sensation than I had imagined. Shiu seemed to like it too. Because his water gun
wiggled very hard. However, Amelia's heart could not hold Siu's sheep. Amelia tried to rub her breasts together, but it didn't work as
expected. Of course, Amelia's chest wasn't flat. It is an average witch, and boasts a bold size and a great water droplet shape that can
‘ ’
fit in one hand. However, to is make the ideal
required for apaisley
man topossible,
receive ityou must
while have atInleast
standing. spitethe sizetearful
of the of an Eloa, andhis
struggle, moreover, a larger
belongings couldbreast
escape from the breastbone and hit Amelia's chin. Amelia, who had completely lost her courage there, was unable to induce ejaculation
properly and retreated with tears in her eyes. I couldn't even say hello to Siu properly. Defeated in an argument with Sharon. After much
effort, despite the crises and embarrassment, the struggle was disappointing. Feeling guilty about not being able to meet Si-woo's
needs. This triple hit took a huge blow to Amelia's mental health. But just because you've been heartbroken doesn't mean you can't put
off your work. He had not yet met Siwoo's other lover twins. When I asked a maid passing by, I heard that she was in class with Sharon,
but it seems that Amelia, the guildkeeper, was lost in time as she was wandering around the road. "by the way… .” Amelia certainly
remembers. It was the time when he still had a quarrel with Siwoo, that is, when he vaguely thought that he would hate all witches. Even
then, the twins maintained a close relationship with Si-woo, and when he peeked at the naked twins and Si-woo from the carriage, he
was half convinced of their relationship. But it goes beyond that and develops into a romantic relationship. To be honest, I couldn't
believe it even after hearing it through Siwoo's mouth. It is natural for a man to not even come close to the apprentice witch. No matter
how Siu and the two even know that fact, Count Jemerai knows it. I didn't even know what they were thinking. Anyway, we need to
confirm the details while having a conversation. We have something to ask for, and we have to apologize as we did with Sharon, so we
have to meet. The twins who were once taught by Amelia are now lovers. Amelia, who was drenched in ironic sentiments, was able to
find the twins without difficulty. The two, who are always good friends, were walking down the hallway with the maids with baskets
floating by magic. 2.

‘ ’
You saved the twins' lives several times, but even allowed them to have a physical relationship.

The reason the twins brought a basket full of dolls was not to play by themselves.
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It's been quite a while since the two of them played a puppet show in the first place.
Count Jemerai still treats the twins as little children, but she is a mature woman enough to enjoy playing with fire as an adult. Then why are the twins carrying hundreds of
dolls? A little explanation is needed for that. Count Jemernay conducts small philanthropy for the citizens every year at the dawn of the new year. They hand out baskets
full of precious food and visit the home of the sick to help with hygiene or provide treatment. Children are provided with various toys, flowers, and small performances by
opening an open-air theater. The citizens of Gehenna are all faithful servants who serve witches. The spirit of philanthropy and charity towards them is in line with the
philosophy of Noblesse Oblige. Anyway, Odil and Odette, with their dolls to hand out to the children tomorrow, walked majesticly, filling the quiet hallway with chatting with
the maids. “Pecha, there are a lot of dolls this year.” “Last year, the cute Odile-nim’s fiancee was battling a disease. That’s why I prepared twice as much for the New Year
as I couldn’t do a charity event.” “Hmm, that’s a wonderful statement. Pecha, did Abu become very proficient?” “Aburano, Odil-sama, being Shin Si-woo’s true wife is a
matter of great promise, no-nonsense, unspoken words.” “Hmm~ Lena, are you saying the same thing?” “Okay, then.” Lena and Pecha grin at Odil's side face with a
satisfied expression on their face and twitching the corners of their mouth. It was the pleasure of the exclusive maids Pecha and Lena to chat with Odil during the hard
work. The same goes for Marsha and Vera surrounding Odette. “Masha, Vera. I have prepared a present for you this year as well. It’s good to look forward to it.” "How! I'm
happy!" “This time too? What gift?” "yes? that … It's a secret." “Sweet and friendly Odette-sama, I’ll see you later anyway, can you please let me know in advance?” “Well, then
… What . Marsha has a pretty brooch, and Vera is a silver tea set.” “Stand, please… . That brooch from the Felix Craft Workshop?” "yes." “Ahhh! Odette! I gave up while saving
up my paycheck to buy it!” “I want you to stare at me when we go for a walk together before.” “I love you, Odette!” “Vera, Vera is probably the happiest maid in the world. I am so
happy to be able to serve Odette-sama! I will definitely serve delicious tea to my family!” “Sue, I’m out of breath… .” Odette's face turned blue from the wind that hugged him
tightly from the left and right. The maids, who had been cluttering like excited canaries, suddenly became quiet. It was because he was faced with a blonde witch who seemed
to be a high-status guest at first glance. The maids bowed their heads in a hurry, and Odile and Odette were even more startled than them. It was an unexpected meeting. Ahn
Odal and Odette held hands tightly No matter how fearful they were; the hands full of sisterly love that held each other instill courage. "It's been a while." “Hello, Associate
Professor Amelia.” “Long time no see, Amelia Associate Professor.” Although they are twins, they are well-versed in the etiquette of aristocrats. The two smiled brightly and
showed a picture-like greeting. “Can I talk to you for a moment?” “Yes, Perya, Lena, Marsha, Vera.” “Please move the doll. I will be there soon.” “Yes, Odal-sama. Odette.” The
maids who bowed politely whimpered and moved the baskets, and the three of them headed to the nearby drawing room. 3. A drawing room with an old-fashioned atmosphere.
Among the numerous rooms in the mansion, it is located in a very corner, so it has not received any guests for a long time. Nevertheless, it was clean without a single particle of
dust thanks to the constant operation of dust resistance, temperature and humidity maintenance, and preservation magic in the mansion. The twins rub their fingers in the dark
room due to the awning curtains, in the tension where only the candles on the candlestick flicker.

Still, I was preparing a countermeasure by forming a lieutenant colonel (although there were only two of them), but the associate professor was approaching me instead.

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In fact, the twins were very burdensome for Amelia.
I've been learning elemental magic under her for 3 years, but I'm not really close friends.
She gave only a certain amount of classes and a certain amount of homework, and often went out.
Moreover, there is a debt of mind that Amelia was given an Eros potion, which she did not know how effective it was in the past,
and as a result, it caused some kind of change in her relationship with Siu. Difficult to deal with would be the most appropriate
expression. But the things of the past are the things of the past. The things of the present are the things of the present. Now,
Amelia is a formidable enemy who is trying to take her assistant. No matter how tiger-like Associate Professor Amelia was, they
were not twins that she was willing to give up. Still, didn't Amelia steal the cute version of her assistant from the twins the other
day? In fact, the reason the speculation flows in this extreme direction is because the twins have been closely watching Amelia's
old self. She was cold, sober, and an iron-blooded professor. I don't know what kind of person she is in a human-to-human
relationship, but it was not easy to think that she would tolerate polygamy like the vain Sister Sharon or the benevolent Duke
Tipperet. Odil and Odette made eye contact and nodded, regaining their fighting spirit. “How have you been?” “I heard that he
passed away. “Yes, are you two doing well?” A salutary exchange of greetings. 0| In the first verse, the twins' voices had
changed as cheerful as chirping birds. It was a subtle appeal that there was no need to show any signs of hesitation, and at the
same time, it was a ritual to convince the spirit with the tone itself. "Yes. I'm fine. With my assistant.” “Okay, I’m fine. We do this
and that together.” The twins, who were timidly appealing about their relationship with the assistant-sama, immediately noticed
that Amelia's forehead narrowed slightly. It was creepy at the set-up, but it was bearable. If you show weakness here, you will
be pushed endlessly. “I know. You two are Siwoo's lovers, aren't they?" Amelia opened her mouth, showing a complicated look
because she had a lot to say. And the moment they heard Amelia's expression and words, the twins were convinced. The
reason Amelia suddenly finds the twins is to declare the exclusivity of the assistant, he said. Therefore, it responds with a strong
shout. "yes! Without each other, we're going to die. If we don't, Josu-nim will get sick and die of morbidity!" "Right! I whisper
sweet words of love every day!” Of course, the reason Amelia came to visit the twins was not to declare a monopoly or take
Siwoo away. As with Sharon, if the twins were Si-woo's lover and had stayed by his side, it was right to ask for an apology and
understanding as a rolling stone. However, the twins' attitude was rejected no matter how much they looked at it. The breakup
that Amelia could never be recognized as Si-woo's lover. Odil and Odette's harsh reaction, who were cute and lively, came very
bitterly to Amelia, who was weakened by defeat and frustration. The twins clenched their lips and chuckled. Facing the enmity
that flowed through the silence, Amelia regained her desire to become weak. No matter what the ordeal, I decided to be with
Siwoo. I can't give up on this level of friction. I apologize somehow and get recognition for the relationship. "Sorry." It started
with an honest apology.

The main crises the twins spent an entire night discussing were: Deputy Professor
Amelia, the Great Witch, is trying to take Si-woo's assistant. So, if Amelia's mouth
says things like goodbye, Siwoo, I'm responsible, the twins, who were about to take off their insignia and overthrow everything,
were embarrassed by Amelia's polite apology. She was very honest and bowed her head to the apprentice witch, and
apologized for putting Si-woo in danger. He also clearly stated that he had no desire to monopolize. It happened so easily that
it was strangely enough to lose steam.
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“Actually, Josu-nim was in trouble more often because of us.” “I wonder if it’s
something we can forgive. Thanks to the associate professor, the assistant has also
recovered.” "...Thanks for understanding." In the case of the twins, Siu was caught up
in the approaching threat, and Amelia almost directly harmed Siu. However, they are twins who are not harsh enough to
bring up a person saying they are sorry in front of them. In the first place, assistant-sama said that he would forgive Amelia's
actions. The gave
fact that
methea lotfight for the assistant,
of leeway. The twinswhich made
were not thethe
onesthe most
who nervous
were than
… byanything
the smoothelse, didn't
flow happen,
of the
situation. Odil and Odette's tolerance allowed Amelia to relieve the burden of her heart. Then, the second task remains to
clarify what kind of relationship it is with Siwoo. Simply put, you have to reveal that you have intermingled with him. It was
the second confession after Sharon, but it was a heavier task than before. Odil and Odette are only apprentice witches, so
they can't have sex yet. There is no room for twins to use big breasts like Sharon, so when it comes to physical relationships,
all they do is use their mouths and hands to perform similar sexual acts. It was a problem that could easily go against the
repulsion to brag about the record of sexual intercourse to such women. But that doesn't mean it can't be overlooked. “Miss
Odile, Miss Odette.” “Yes, associate professor.” I know it's a familiar name, but Amelia is no longer an associate professor.
So, I'll correct it. “The title of the associate professor has been changed. Not anymore.” "then… .” “Amelia is enough.” “Yes,
Amelia-sama.” The twins nodded their heads like gentle sheep to see where the strong resistance from earlier had gone.
Even so, this 'thing' is a necessary confession for making a request. “I want you to listen without misunderstanding,” he
says clearly without procrastination. “Today, Siwoo and… . I slept.” When I said this to Sharon, a petty quarrel was started
by Sharon, who was furious. Amelia, who was looking at the twins' reaction with a semi-timid feeling, was surprised. “Oh,
that’s us too.” “But we did it first.” "Right." The twins' reaction was surprisingly the same as Sharon's. In fact, O'Dill Odette's
psychology was similar to Sharon's. Amelia didn't come here to monopolize Si-Woo, but that doesn't mean that it's okay to
say that she slept with her assistant. "okay… . yes?" Amelia, who was slightly embarrassed and nodded, realized that the
twins' answer was seriously wrong. The twins are apprentice witches. Never come up with the same answer as Sharon. It's
going to be a big deal for Siwoo and the twins. "That's right."' Amelia calmed her beating heart. It was decided that the
twins' remarks were due to an illusion. They are apprentice witches. Unlike Sharon, who knew men well, there was a high
probability that she didn't understand exactly what sleeping was. It is likely that the similar sexual act of sharing in the nude
is understood as co-sleeping. I didn't even want to correct that misunderstanding and put an edge in my relationship with

Siwoo. Above all, give
it is
a dangerous
for themvariable
like a mature
for thewitch
to actInsuddenly
fact, Amelia
only an
for aitfew
be better
I knowto
how childish it is to have pride in front of an apprentice witch who was unable to form a relationship due to personal
circumstances. However, Amelia, who had just been brutally beaten by Sharon, had the confidence that surged in her
chest that could not be ignored. 'Hmmmm... .” said Amelia, clearing her throat once. “Miss Odile, Miss Odette.” "yes."

‘ ’
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“Yes, Amelia-sama.”
“When Ms. Odile and Ms. Odette mature a little over time, they will be able to understand the true meaning of sleeping
together. So when you're an apprentice witch, you better be careful." From Amelia's point of view, it was a statement
that assumed the twins' ignorance and at the same time simple advice. But to the twins who already knew everything,
it sounded completely different. It was felt quickly. In other words, it is a preemptive attack and provocation. We know
where those misunderstandings and misunderstandings come from. Sharon unnie made a foolish mistake like that. A

quickAsglance exchange
if raising Amelia'sbetween Odile andand
raised eyebrows Odette.
tellingIf you are thinking
it's still early,that
herthis is just
bubbly an innocent
voice is a subtleapprentice
sarcasm. witch in
the world, it is enough to correct it. Moreover, unlike the last time, Teacher had already given permission to have a
relationship with the assistant, so there was nothing harsh. “Anyway, I want to ask you why I came here differently.” “It’s
okay if you don’t worry. We do everything we do with the assistant.” Before bringing up another topic, Odil cuts the
waist somewhat rudely and intervenes. Amelia widened her eyes. Although the twins were playful and light-hearted,
they had never cut her words this way. Although polite, Amelia felt a sense of dizziness in the atmosphere with thorns
in her words. It was the cool feeling she felt when she had an argument with Sharon. Seeing two beautiful pairs of
purple gazes staringthat straight
so?" at
there isAmelia
no rush nowlikerealizes
in Sharon.
… that Amelia's
World War strange
II wasconfidence
unfolding inthat
was ahead
room. of
two was supporting her. It didn't even take three seconds for the solid pillar to shake. “Yes, I am always very pleased
with my assistant.” “Perhaps, Amelia. “…Yes?” Amelia blinked her eyes wide open. “Rather, Amelia-sama is much later
than us.” “Are we really going to sleep faster?” “Because we were the ones who took Josu-nim’s first. By the way, Josu-
sama’s first kiss was also with me.” “I did it with my sister at that time too.” I don't quite understand what O'Dill is talking
about. The first kiss is a bit resentful, but I think it's worth it. But take the first time? “Miss Odile…? What do you mean?”
“Josu’s sympathy means we took it.” Suddenly, a cheeky smile appeared on the twins' lips. This is the strength of twins
that no one can see. It is the fact that he almost monopolized the first experience of assistant Shin Si-woo, from kissing,
caressing, and insertion. Even the strong Sharon unnie had no choice but to back down in anger in front of this feat.
Amelia, who looked back through the air as if confused, came to her senses. The eyes, which have regained their sharp
focus, glow with a subtle anger. It wasn't simply because they were lagging behind, but because of the twins trying to
gain the upper hand with obvious lies. "lie." “It’s true.” “It’s a lie.” “Isn’t that a lie?” Seeing the twins trying to deceive until
the very end, Amelia couldn't stand still. “How does an apprentice witch get sympathy? I know your resentment, but if
you were going to make me jealous with such a foolish lie, you would be wrong.” The sharp tone and raised eyes that
‘ ’
made O'Dill and Odette You’re sleeping
tremble in apast.
in the wayHowever,
you can’t the even imagine.”
twins who chose to become warriors of love didn't even get a
seed. This is because, aside from the heart that they do not want to lose to Amelia, the two of them never uttered a
single lie. “Oh my gosh, Amelia-sama needs to be a little more mature.” “How would you rate a lady's maturity by age?
It matters how likemuch
tone love and joy the
that mimics youmasters.
Odil and…Odette
pissed off seemingly fluttering their fan while speaking in an adult-
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Taking a gesture, the twins began to talk about giving and receiving.
“Odette, how many times have we been with the assistant?” “Ten
times? Isn't that enough?" “But, besides, every time I did it, I did it until
I collapsed from exhaustion.”
know enough?"
“Yes, ourAmelia
was… perplexed.
You too. You
… don't
twins' words are bluffHowever,
no matterthehowsensuality
much youand think
suddenly flew from them were not something that could be evoked by
hasty smoke. Therefore, even though they knew that common sense
was impossible for the two of them, they could not be relieved. The twins seemed to be even more excited by her reaction.
It's like a bad boy who gets excited about a secret only they know. “Aha, you don’t know?” “What do you mean I don’t
know?” “Surely an apprentice witch can’t do it, right? Are you thinking?” “It’s all written on your face.” That's it. Could it be
that there is a new magic that Amelia doesn't know about? No, even if that were the case, Siwoo would never allow the
twins to do such a high-risk behavior. “Can I tell you?” “Or would you like to think a little more?” The twins, who had
already climbed to the top of Amelia's head, asked with a grin. “…wait.” No matter how much Amelia thought about it, it
was impossible to come up with an answer. The twins cling to each other as they nod reluctantly. “Actually… .” Whisper
whisper 55? "then… ! Words... ! how… !” Amelia's reaction went beyond shock and stunned. It got to the point where I
couldn't keep my mouth open. back! No matter how clean a witch's spirit body is, to use it up to that point! It's unacceptable!
It was a shocking method that Amelia would not have even thought of even if it had been given 100 years. Wasn't he
almost embarrassed
and tookto his
you see
at first
when he
got down
… how
his face
you like your assistant?” “I’m out of my mind.” Amelia, who was shocked by the change in the heavens and the earth in
various ways, did not have the energy to listen to the twins already. She did not have the energy to think about 'should
the insertion into the hole be counted as having taken sympathy?' Amelia jumped out of her mind and staggered away.
“Amelia?” “Where are you going?” -puck! bang! thud! Amelia and the twins looked at them as they walked outside,
banging furniture and walls here and there as if they were a pinball ball. Eventually, only Odile and Odette were left in the
drawing room. “…are we this long?” “I think so?” after a moment of silence. $£ declared nicely with his feet on the table like a
successful pirate captain at about 5 &. Odette, too, can't control her excitement and snorts. “Good! Odette! This is our victory!”
“Okay, sister! Let's celebrate!” “Associate professor Amelia says it’s easy!” “Come on, jump on! Everyone jump on it!” Amelia,
who started to fall in love with a man and a woman belatedly. The progress of the sex education that the twins took up
teaching today was too fast for an inexperienced Amelia. © A word from the author (Review by the author) A new cover has
been released.

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The new year
has dawned. Lucy Yesod was hanging out in front of Diana's bedroom door with a worried
expression. “Diana.” After the harvest festival, Diana's condition was strange. Because of her
lazy nature, if Lucy doesn't even beg her, she's a lovely daughter. Fortunately, I recently had
Shin Si-woo as a tutor, and I wanted to be a little more active. If you listened to the door, you could
often hear sobbing, and you could also hear the incomprehensible murmur of a gloomy curse. At first, I thought that Si-woo's
absence was the problem, so I tried to arrange a meeting, but on the contrary, only the reaction of refusal came back. Lucy
is terrified at her late puberty daughter. Even Count Yesod, a renowned great witch in Gehenna and an undisputed businessman
in this world, was nothing more than a clumsy daughter-in-law in front of Lucy. “Are you going to stay in your room today? You
must have participated in charity events.” Like Count Jemerney, Count Yesod visits Border Town for philanthropy on New Year's
Eve. As the purpose was good, Diana, who was lazy in everything, was always with the Count. However, this year, for unknown
reasons, I stayed in my room, and the Count went to find his daughter for the last persuasion. Said the Count, who let out a
small sigh before the long silence. “Yeah, if you want to rest, you have to rest. I'm going mom I want my daughter to get better
soon.” When the Count turned his back like that. The door opened quietly with a click. Across from it stood Diana, with a very
gloomy expression on her face, with her messy hair. “Diana… .” “Mom, I have something to tell you.” 2. About 15 minutes
elapsed. Count Yesod covered his reddened face with both hands. It was revealed that the daughter Diana knew not only the
shameful relationship between Siu and Count Yesod, but also the secret hobby she was writing about. No matter how much she
loved her, she was rather a loving daughter, so it gave Lucy an indignation that she couldn't afford to be exposed to. The failure
of Diana's pampering and isolation from sexual knowledge is a matter of negligence in the face of this shameful face that is
about to explode. When Count Yesod was unable to open his mouth and bowed his head. Diana got up and hugged her mother
warmly. I was worried that my own worries would trample on my mother's pride. No matter how difficult a parent-child relationship
is, there are some things that are difficult to talk about. But I couldn't stand it any longer. She worries about Diana, who is
depressed by staying in her room trying to become a mother who would have been deeply hurt by Shin Si-woo, even if she
pretends to be nothing. Even if she didn't know anything, she couldn't stand the fact that her mother, who would have suffered
a lot of heartache, suffered even more because of her. Even if it was a bit of a shock, she decided to tell the honest truth and
comfort her. “My mother is not good at anything. The bad thing is that Shin Si-woo is the only witch who is in heat.” “I’m sorry
that I didn’t listen to my mom until now and pretended not to know. Did you have a hard time?” “I love anyone who is a mother.”
In the end, Diana hugs Lucy with her eyes full of water shining like scarlet topaz. She thought it was because of her mother's
silence, with her head lowered and not saying anything, that the old sadness was coming on her, or she was moved. Of course,
there was excitement. Haji; Count Yesod is only bowing his head in an even more fatal embarrassment. Moreover, there are
several things that Diana is wrong about. "we … daughter . thank you." “What, of course, you have to do this.” "By the way… .
There is something slightly different from the truth.” "Yes Yes… ?” Diana tilted her head in embarrassment. The picture she
imagined was a picture of a loving daughter comforting a mother who could not honestly tell her her pain.
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However, the mother who raised her head had a trace of gratitude on her face, but there was a much bigger flush of shame on her face. "priority… . I have decided to keep my relationship with Siu-san.” “No to you! Yeah? No, you don't even have any self-

respect?" It was a truly poignant remark. At the same time, it was a statement that was very angry with my mother. Shin Si-woo refused the harvest festival date course Diana had prepared. Even if he already has a lover, he picks up an absurd excuse.

Such a poor man would never have Mom

his mother
he had a lover
relationship …
in the first
if so,
it must
it either."
his mother
it ancaught …
affair in
the "no…
first place?
! MomThis
was something
have known
kind of
have even
he was!
But are
to keep
no matter
it again?”
much “Diana…
her mother

was the author of a sensual novel, she could not have imagined that she would follow the path of a sensual novel that makes eye contact with a man who has a lover. “Even though I didn’t know that Duke Ti Ferret was among those lovers.” Even one of

those lovers is the Duke of Tipperet. Diana did not know how to react to the sacrament of confession, which contained content that was beyond imagination. It's just that your mouth is puckered with the complicated, complicated eyes. “Still, isn’t it great

that we can keep flying?” The most absurd thing was that in the midst of this, there was a strange color on the mother's face. That was the most absurd thing, so Diana frowned. While dealing with Diana, I felt that I was having a hard time, but I didn't know

that it would be called an idiot when it comes to relationships between men and women. Isn't she a pathetic woman who is possessed by a complete western room and brings home documents to her? He was contemplating who to be angry with now, and

whether to discipline his mother in a stinging manner. There was a remark that made Diana's worries disappear. “Mr. Siu may suggest a new method of stigma inheritance. Diana and Mom can live together forever.” "yes… ?” It was a ray of light about an

unresolved problem that Diana had cherished for a very long time. 3. A charity event that started at dawn as soon as the new year dawned. The wagons belonging to various witch families lined up in a white rocky square were loaded with warm clothes and blankets

to distribute to the citizens, baskets of preserved foods to fill the table during the winter, and children's toys. The children who lined up to receive the doll, the woman with their head towels tied and their aprons on, and the elders who go home full of firewood are all

smiling vigorously. They drank tea from a large teapot and chatted, and a temporary performance hall was set up in one corner of the square, where bands played musical instruments. It will also be a good thing. Siwoo participated in a charity event. Siwoo, who had

been carrying luggage until recently, went out to a quiet place to smoke a cigarette. Amelia has been away for a while to extract the spices, and the Earls of Jemerai are moving from house to house, hand-carrying baskets of food for the elderly with reduced mobility.

The twins were working hard in their wagons to rehearse for their upcoming performance. . The fortress has always been with someone, so it feels like it's been a long time since I've been alone like this. Thanks to that, I was able to lean my back against the wall of

the alley with a relaxed mind, smoke a cigarette, and get a glimpse of the bustling vigor. In fact, unlike Border Town, where most of them are slaves and smugglers, the citizens of Tarot Town are guaranteed a fairly high standard of living. No one dies of hunger, no

beggar sitting on the street begging, no one dying of illness. As long as there are witches, there is no fear of crimes big or small. When he was a slave, Si-u threw a look of pity at the citizens. It was because he felt sympathy with the fate of being deprived of his

freedom for serving witches and being confined to Gehenna for hundreds of years. However, looking at the aspects that didn't come up with a single worry, I even thought that those worries had been performed. They were enjoying their simple happiness in their own

position. Although science and technology are far behind the present, we cannot enjoy the benefits of this or that civilization. At least, it is undeniable that their expressions look brighter than those who are busily in the middle of a bustling city.

‘ ’

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Then, suddenly, someone's voice was heard. "excuse me."

Maybe it's for a charity event. Dress neatly but look
comfortable for activities. An apprentice witch is seen
wearing a cape covering her shoulders and wearing boots.
With pale silver hair and beautiful scarlet eyes, she was once Diana Yesod, who had a
complicated relationship with Siu in many ways. 100 million!" I haven't seen her since the day before the harvest festival, after being
attacked by Diana's wildfire. Therefore, the runaway she had seen that day was still ingrained in her mind. However, contrary to the
expectation that a sharp shout would come along with a sharp sell-off, Diana hesitated, tapping the frozen ground with the tip of her
boot. “Oh, long time no see.” "Yes … ?” “Is your body okay? that… … recently injured.” "Ah yes. Now it’s lively.” While exchanging
awkward greetings in an awkward atmosphere. Diana nodded her head. It was a quick change of posture and an apology, just like
when I suddenly got angry the other day. “Because I misunderstood arbitrarily, I … I don’t!” So far, Diana has cursed Siu for his cruelty,
which is no different than a beast. So, when I heard that he was involved in the commotion in Taro Town, I didn't mind. No matter how
much he saved Diana from the crisis, his atrocity to throw her away while playing with her mother was unforgivable. However, through a
conversation with my mother this morning, I came to know the truth and misunderstandings. The fact that the two were in a light
relationship in the first place.Diana
Moreover, it ishigh
had too the expectations
mother who threw the first
for Si-woo as flirtation
she waswith Siwoo,by
distracted who
thehad a lover.
delay A belatedFinally,
in succession. realization that
the method is unknown, the key to resolving Diana's long-standing anxieties may lie in him. Diana's tyranny would have been a firestorm
for him. No matter how much Diana was, she couldn't help but bow her head and enter. If his judging is twisted, it's a new method, and
it's likely to disappear. “I… I found out all the truth.” "ah… .” “It’s also about the relationship and succession between the mother and Mr.
Siu.” "uh… .” At that one word, Siwoo remembered. A copy of the lost magical power. Count Yesod tried to study the undying inheritance
of the ancestors by utilizing the
with Amelia.
of thehe was
have when
a conversation
cumming with
with Count
But yesterday
about this.
“I wonder
where in
your mother is now?” "yes?" "important … It's a problem. Can I talk to the Count for a moment?” Siu accepted Diana's apology and asked
Count Yesod for guidance. « A word from the author (author review) Have a nice holiday~

The place where Count Yesod was located was a carriage parked in the corner of Taro
Town. Although the appearance was not much different from that of Count Jemernay, it was bright and bright, but there was no other
magic to expand the space, so if you stretched out your feet, you would sit close enough to touch the thighs of the person in front of you.
“Diana, would you like to wait outside for a minute?” “Yes, Mom. I will even hand out flowers.” “Yeah, wait a little bit, my daughter, and
Diana left the carriage door, and there were only two people left in the small space, Siu and Count Yesod. Count Yesod, whom I had not
seen in a long time, was still exuding a soft and sweet charm like unripe fruit. A beautiful red dress and shoes that don't match the
weather. Bright red lips as if biting a forbidden fruit.
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A voluptuous chest that embraces motherhood to the fullest, and

voluptuous, immaculate thighs. The silver hair and magenta eyes that shine brightly in the middle of everything red remind
me of her soft body. “Siwoo-san, are you okay?” The caring mother's voice towards Diana changed to that of a woman in
front of the man she was having a secret meeting with. “Thanks for your concern, it’s okay.” How come all the greetings I
hear from a witch I haven't seen in a long time are, are you all right?' He smiled bitterly at the desperate trouble maker that

he felt Siwoo
again. had
Yesod smiled
again, Isoftly
was going
as Siutowas
The current
and fiddled
with is
under his I couldn't
ears. “When
I was busy with various things. Sorry." “I was barely hurt, so don't worry. Oh, the wreath was well received.” “...can I go over
there?” Count Yesod, who stared at Siu for a moment, asked for his understanding and got up and sat quietly next to him.
“Siwoo, it’s nice
I thought
to see amaybe
if Iface.”
left it Then,
like this,
I would
his thin
her first.
was still
a little
It was
serious. Inwhere
whenever I saw Count Yesod, I had to feel a sense of remorse. Now, the secret relationship with Count Yesod has become a
necessity for each other. Siu had to know what happens during ejaculation, and the Count had to use it to find another
succession method. So Sharon, the twins, and Master also gave permission, and Amelia nodded when she heard the Count's
circumstances. However, the secret meeting started when Si-woo, who had an intact lover, fell in love with the Count's
temptation. For some reason, he couldn't raise his face from the feeling of sadness that was creeping in. However, the dark
expression on Siwoo's face today was not simply a matter of conscience. Perhaps, Siu's ability, which made Count Yesod and
Diana to be highly anticipated, has evaporated. That is the biggest worry. “Miss Siu… ?” Count Yesod also seems to have
noticed something strange when he saw Siwoo's unusual appearance. He calls out his name as if anxious. “Count, can you hear
me? It's an important issue.” Shiu told me what had happened in the past. Needless to say, I lost my arm 3 I had sex after the
transplant, but nothing happened, because that was all. Then Count Yesod, who had been looking at Siwoo with his hot eyes,
became white. "then… ! Really?” Although the sample is small. It looks like something to report.” “Yeah, I’m still like, “How… .”
Amelia is the only person she has had a relationship with since her last fall. Perhaps she is the only exception. However, neither
Siu nor Yesod do not know exactly what causes magic radiation and stigma replication. They only vaguely speculate on the
cause and effect. That meant that even if such an action ceased to occur, the reason could not be determined. Count Yesod did
not want to leave Diana alone. It's not just because my life was wasted. Even after the succession, I wanted to watch over Diana
and act as a guardian so that she could do well. Then, Siwoo, who he thought was his only hope, became incapacitated. There
was no worse news than that. “From when, exactly?” Count Yesod is a lady who doesn't know much about the world on the
outside, but she is a great man who has gone through all kinds of hardships just as much as Count Jemernay. Shiu wasn't more
embarrassed than expected, and he quickly regained his composure. “Since I fell and regained consciousness on Harvest Day.”
“What happened in the past?” “I have transplanted Count Kohab's own prosthetic arm . After that, I only had a relationship with
Amelia.” “Certainly, the sample is small.” At the first meeting, she acted like a widow with a strange flair, and at the first
relationship she acted like a widow. After that, I acted like my lover who had a sticky secret relationship. Therefore, the
appearance of Earl Yesod now was her true face for the first time since getting to know her. “What kind of urge do you get when
you smell a witch’s body?” “It has not changed.”

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Is this the count's honor? It feels like

the announcer who was always smiling with a friendly face has become serious with
urgent breaking news. “Did anything else happen?” “The sensory linkage was delayed
due to the prosthetic arm that Count Kohab gave me. We agreed to meet in person in four days.” “What is the cause?”
“You don’t even know Count Kohab himself?” "then… . One thing is important.” The Count nodded and stood up from his
seat. A piece of black cloth was held in her hand as she entered and exited the side slit of the red dress. “You just have
to check it out.” Needless to say, it's panties. Count Yesod looked back at Siu. There is not a single point of shame or
sultry lust on her face. No matter how enjoyable the relationship with Siu was, it wasn't irresponsible enough to enjoy it
in situations where succession might have been disrupted. "now? here?” The sea that was already expected when the
problem arose. Count Yesod, who has a knack for force field magic, is the right person to suggest a solution and clue to
this magic radiation failure. Therefore, a relationship with her was essential. But I never imagined that I would be in a
relationship right now. “It's really important to me. I want to check it out right away.” “It is also important to me.” If there is
simply a problem with the body, it is not urgent. However, what Siu is trying to do is a kind of lifesaving act. It was also to
meet Count Yesod that I joined the charity event with Count Jemernay, Taeyeo, today. “Diana will be waiting, and I have
to go to the ward, so I have to finish it in 10 minutes.” Having said that, Count Yesod took down Siu's pants and
underwear with his hastily hands. As if there was no need to say any more, Count Yesod's hand grabbed Siu's droopy
thing. “I’ll get you erect right away.” The start of time attack sex that leads to a very hasty flow for some reason. Without
any hesitation, she sat down next to Si-woo again and tilted her upper body to the side. In other words, sitting in the driver's
seat and receiving a pella from the passenger's girlfriend. "Five… .” Count Yesod's distinctive, thick lips gently wrap the load,
and at the same time, a hot tongue begins to caress the glans with care. “Churup .... when you are ready … . please tell me
right away lower pressure... .” At the same time, Count Yesod's hand, taking off his gloves, digs into the gap in his thigh that
was slightly wide open between the red dress. It was clear what he was doing. -I'm trying to make her garden moist so that
Siu's things can be put straight up and inserted at the same time. Today, her hairstyle was tied in a bun-shape according to the
formality, but the hair below the ears gently tickled Si-u's thighs. A count who makes full use of his technique as if he was in a
hurry. With one hand he left, he shook Siu's stuff soaked in saliva up and down without any hesitation, making Siu's cock fully
erect in 30 seconds. “It seems to have happened. Shiu swallowed a sigh and said. Sexual intercourse that started without even
having a petty conversation, let alone the bizarre atmosphere. In the meantime, Count Yesod's unique skillful technique easily
induced excitement. In a way, men are sadly simple creatures. “I am also ready.” Count Yesod heard those words and raised
his head. knew A very sticky sound had been heard from the width of her skirt. “By the way, Siu-san, is the magic amplification
action all you have to do is ejaculate in the vagina?” The only difference from usual is that there are no traces of redness on her
smooth skin on her face. It was just office sex. "Yes, it is." “Then, I think this one will be faster. I will caress you with my hands
and mouth as quickly as possible. Please do it within the circumstances.” Sex definitely feels good.
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However, male ejaculation & mechanism is usually excitement -

erection - stimulation - ejaculation. In this process, the factors that intervene in
stimulation are mental and physical stimulation. If we look at the physical stimulation here again, except for pleasure, how
much pressure is applied to the genitals plays an important role in the ejaculation. Even though Earl Yesod is very tight
compared to his soft body, it is significantly lower than the strength of the pressure he can apply with his hands and
mouth. Even the Count, who is aware of this, said that he would replace Pella and his granddaughter instead of sex to
induce ejaculation as soon as possible. “…Is that all right?” But, no matter how much, you only ejaculate right before
ejaculation for the sake of checking the situation. As a woman, I thought it would be a bit insulting, but Count Yesod's
attitude is that it doesn't matter. “The ground task now is to check Siwoo’s physical condition. Please relax as much as
possible and enjoy. I will do the rest.” - Sooooooooo... ! At the same time, Count Yesod intensely sucks Siu's glans.
-Churp … Churloops Churloops! Moderate suction power, as if it were declaring that it would suck up all of the cooper fluid
in the urethra. A thin tongue that stimulates the glans round and round without neglecting it at all. Also, after deliberately
dripping saliva and applying it to the pillars, the slightly cool knuckles that move dazzlingly. The difference in temperature
and stimulation melts the cock. “Haap… … Even the Count led Siu's hand to his chest and gently lifted his upper body to
make it Siwoo
easier was
to trace. The breast
surprised when of
heCount Yesod, touched
inadvertently boastingherthenipples,
herand tenderness,
palms. Perhaps is held in of
because hislong-term
hunger, the Count knows that he is easily agitated. In fact, her body, who was teasing in front of Siwoo, was often wet with
just a kiss. However, the faucet that is not hard at all and maintains its softness itself shows that Count Yesod maintains his
composure even in such a situation. “I think it will be now, Count.” Thanks to that, somehow even Siu became a pious
attitude. When he and the Count spoke in a calm voice, Yesod quickly got up from his seat and sat on the seat opposite Siu,
legs wideWherever
open. Thethere
… is a plump suspension
place you mamang
want to touch, pussy,
… Hulu, whom
touch it... .”we have not met in a long time. The characteristic
volume and the lewd clitoris bulging at the tip is as sensational as ever. Maybe it was because Count Yesod had been
working hard on it a while ago, so it was not completely wet, but it was holding a decent amount of moisture. "Please wrap it
here." It wasn't an extravagance for contraception, only a strange sense of immorality.

It's a pussy insertion for cumshot. …

One of the voluptuous breasts protruding out of the dress, perhaps because of Siu's
rubbing. Yesod Maman's cushion pussy and pearls that look delicious. To see the dignified, sensual Count with his legs
wide open waiting for a creampie gave him a maddening mental excitement, even after he had just been passionately
caressing him for it. “Siwoo, please forgive me.” Contrary to their vulgar appearance and behavior, the seriously gathered
elegant eyebrows and closed lips gave a strange dissonance as if they were using a hypnotic app. - Scrape... ! Siu gently
pushed the cock, which seemed to be filled with semen, into the earl. No, actually, he tried to soften it, but he couldn't. What
greeted Siu was not the unique suction power of Count Yesod's pussy and the feeling of adhesion that melted and adhered
to the surface of the cock. The reason I was able to feel that feeling the other day was because she was hot and secreted
enough love juice. But right now, I couldn't even enjoy foreplay enough, and honestly I wasn't ready to accept the pleasure.
That's why I had to feel the stiffness as if opening a virgin vagina while pushing my wet cock with her saliva. "Are you okay?"
Seeing the grimacing face of the calm and graceful Count Yesod, Siu asked worriedly. “It’s okay, it’s okay. so oh... it's lanman
Mr. Siu's stuff is still strong. How long does it take?" “It looks like it will be soon.”

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I thought I would be able to ejaculate straight away, but I think I need to move a little because the stimulation has disappeared and
I have been thinking about something else for a while. “I will move right away.” “Yes, and as much as possible, wrap it with the
inside attached as much as possible! Chew! Chew! It was the moment when he stabbed his cock and moved back and forth. It

didn't move much.excellent
only three
times. However,
caused awith
alone, Siu that …
could …
feel not
the benostalgia
reached hewith
a finger,
in Count
and that
pussy. Siu's
immediately captured the body of Count Yesod. As a result, the earl's vagina was soaked wet like a shower. uh... … pole . The
face of the Count, who had always been angry, was also distorted here and there. You can see the softly wrapped eyelashes
quivering, and the white teeth biting the lower lip. _ Jjikjikjikjikjikjikki “Ah... ha ha ha...!” Every time his object stirred the depths,
Count Yesod breathed a hot sigh into Siu's ear. The promised soft sensation is felt at the root of the cock as she pushes the object
deep as she ordered. It is a cushion service for the lower lip that is as soft and thick as the upper lip. The Count grabbed Siu's
shoulder tightly as if he was puzzled by the unexpected and unexpected pleasure. No matter how much I tried to share sex without
pleasure, I couldn't resist the sensation of squeezing my slender flesh and squeezing my soft uterine sphere, which was bent like a bright
light. it will become a state. “Si, Siu… … Mr. Hurry.” “Ugh..!” However, the moment when her expressionless face was stained with
pleasure did not last long. It was because Siwoo's object, which had been placed almost immediately before ejaculation, was attached
to the cervix and started hot ejaculation. - Cry! cry! cry! "yes… … Heh heh heh.” White cloudiness fills the narrow gap. At the same time,
the Count let out a light moan to the beat of his trembling cock. By the time the ultra-short-term vaginal ejaculation test, which omitted
the intermediate process, was finished, her long legs were wrapped around Si-Woo's waist. “Nothing hahaha… … !!!!” What happened
after the intense circumstances. - Whoa, whoa! Fortunately, it was magic radiation that I doubted that it was no longer working. The
pleasure felt in the process of pure magic permeating into the womb makes the earl's waist bend like a shrimp and hugs Siu even more.
The trembling of the climax paper, trembling with the unrelenting pleasure, squeezed the remaining semen, and the count reached a
climax as splendid as his appearance. 2.

"What a relief."
Count Yesod hugged Siu wide. Count Yesod's
voice was unusually weak. On the outside, she
was coldly encouraging sex, but on the inside, it was different. I was just trying to do
something because it wasn't something that could be solved just by vaguely rolling my feet. The dizzying
feeling that the newly discovered hope seemed to be disappearing without a trace was what made my heart sink. However,
when the shortest sex course was over, like roasting beans in lightning, the strength in my legs was released and I was able to dig into
the arms of a strong man. “There was no change in the movement of the magical powers that replicate the stigma.” Count Yesod, who
was observing the moment of ejaculation, properly discerned the magic action even in the pleasure of turning his hair white. Apparently,
it wasn't full-fledged sex, and because of that, it didn't feel like the opposite sex would fly away, so I was able to observe it more clearly
than usual. The mechanism that unfolds for f 10 seconds from the moment Siu ejaculates was reproduced unchanged from the previous
day. “Haha… my heart almost stopped. I’m happy, I’m really happy.” While Count Yesod wipes away his tears. Shiu slapped the chilli
pepper and wrapped his arms around her shoulder.
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“Count Yesod. Wasn’t there really nothing different from

before?” “Yes, one. If there was another part, the position of the stigma that the magic sense of touch was groping seemed
to have changed a bit. But within the calculation range. If the purpose of Siu’s unconscious is to replicate or transplant a
stigma, then of course he will want a place different from the one he has coveted.” "then… . Why?” It turned out that there
was no problem with the function with just sex. However, there is no clear answer as to why the same action did not happen
to Amelia. “I don't know about that either. If you need observation, please call. There are not many witches who can surpass
me in observation.” It was the first offer to be a spectator, but at first I politely declined it. “Well, that’s a shaky proposal. I'll
try to figure outI know
laugh. how tohow
do itembarrassing
… way first,itand
is toask if itsex
have doesn't
being “Okay, Siwoo,
observed fromdo thewhatever
side, as you want.”
Count Siu had
Deneb's a bitter
Another cross-validation test with Amelia would be a priority, as she may have been in a particularly bad mood that day.
While she was comforting Earl Yesod without even wearing her pants, she sees her gaze slowly falling on Siu's belongings.
“By the way, Siu-san, are you okay today?” "yes?" "actually… . Until recently, I was so impatient that I didn't realize it. I think
we were very perverts.” The earl spoke in a clear voice that came from the relaxation of his mind and tapped Siu's pepper
with his fingertips. The cock, which had ejaculated, but did not feel enough pleasure, reacted to the stabbing of the stinging
nails. pervert … seemed like Apparently, Count Yesod also shared the sentiments that Siu vaguely felt. A poem was a
decision that I decided to be the best solution in a hurry, but in retrospect, there has never been a more lewd act than this.
Serves with hands and mouth only to receive cumshot. Only the last last spurt is pushed into pussy and then ejaculated.
Didn't he just spread his legs to ejaculate like a mare receiving a stallion's seed? Moreover, after Lucy reaffirmed the joy of
a woman, she did not have a relationship with Si-woo for quite some time. The relief that came after her impatience and
anxiety and the sex she had just had was like pouring gasoline on her, who was still burning by herself. “Even if it’s
embarrassing, to be honest with Siwoo. I was excited because it felt like my body was being treated like water.” Her voice
naturally became sticky. “How waswas Siu?also
My familiar
preciouswith pussy
the ...
… How does ofit feel
her to
use as
it only
if pampered
for vaginal
wanting a little
relationship. “Because the Count is Masoshi.” "laugh! Siu... Seed ! Don't say it out loud like that." “You don’t deny it.”

"O …

Count Yesod was a true masochist to the extent that he orgasms while being hit in the butt on the knee, being hit
by the clitoris, and being kicked while showing his back hole wide open. No matter how high Siu raised the water
level, he was able to follow him and showed his lust for pleasure. In that sense, the play that has just been
improvised may have suited her taste. “By the way, shouldn’t you go?” “I have to go, though. I do not know. It's a
charity activity and I feel like I want to be with Siwoo. Siu... How are you?” If Siwoo's permission is granted, the
Count who seems to shake
with everything
… the pelvis
behind theofscenes.
a sheep"Sorry,
who isI'm
willing to give
due for birth to
the twins to aperform
sheep who is going
soon." to liethe
If I missed down
performance because I was spending time with her, I couldn't handle Sister Oh's exasperation. “So, what about
tonight?” “I’m sorry, it looks like it will be difficult for the time being.” “Oh my, is this because I caught all the fish?” Count
Yesod with a sad expressionsales application.
on his face.Amelia
“That’s… hasnobeen
." However,
… fromthere
all this
time. reason for rejecting the after-
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I've only managed to get back together recently, and I'm feeling sorry for leaving me alone for so long. For a while, she wants to be with Amelia.
Si-woo makes a complicated and subtle expression while thinking about how to explain this. But Count Yesod's eyes were quick. Siwoo, who recently took part in a
near-suicide rescue operation for Amelia & Rigold. The confession that he had a relationship with her, and the relationship between himself and Siwoo, which started
off quite lightly in the first place. The story that comes out becomes clear even if you combine Siwoo's unbreakable personality. It's unfortunate, but I chose to end
the situation with a joke rather than clinging to it. “After all, he’s a bad guy. Mr. Siu. Wouldn't it be worth seeing if Duke Tipperet, Miss Evergreen, and Mr. Marigold's
lovers were all gathered and walked along the boulevard?" “I’m sorry about something.” “Sorry, we’ll study it later.” “Of course.” Count Yesod, who lightly kissed Siu
on the cheek, checked his attire one last time. Still, Siwoo, who somehow managed to cut 20 minutes, was able to watch the twins' performance without being late.

up to me on the sheep.
… Siwoo

' Please make it hot. If anything goes wrong, please let me know.”

#484 1.
point. An outpost
of homunculus and public subjugation established by the Duke of Tipperet in this world. When it was first
established, there were fewer than 10 branches all over the world, but after a long period of time and after consultations with the ministers of each country, they entered
various places and increased their influence. This is because the interests of the witch and the political and business figures who exercise influence all over the world are
intertwined. First, the position of the high-ranking people of the present age. Homunculus and the atrocities of achievements are like disasters that even advanced
science and technology cannot cope with. The role of the Witch Point, which prevents the disaster caused by the Homunculus and the corruption of the achievements
just by being there, was nothing more than an all-round solution's office. Therefore, each country's politicians transferred enormous benefits and extra-legal interests to
establish and maintain location points. Even as a witch (mainly an exile), the existence of Witch Points is nice. Unlike crab Henna, there is no clear law to protect witches
in this world. This means the anxiety of being attacked by public figures or a change of exile at any time. Even if a witch is a superhuman being, it is necessary to have a
mechanism to share information and ensure personal safety. Therefore, the initial purpose of the location point was to be an outpost for subjugation, but in modern times,
it has been serving as an information sharing center, a safe zone where you can rest in peace, and a research institute. It's kind of like mini crab henn na. Therefore, it
was granted the tacit authority to be a neutral zone in the world and was able to establish branches in large cities throughout Eastern Europe, Africa, and South America,
where achievements were concentrated. In other words, the 'attack of the location point' is as shocking as the attack on the embassy. Branch manager Sua frowned and
read the report she had received by fax. There were only very concise sentences written on it. [Many unidentified achievements. Invasion of Dar es Salaam branch.
Abdest branch manager and eight others died. decide to withdraw. No support required.] The Dar-e Ssalam branch of Tanzania was invaded and suffered heavy damage
and withdrew. Just a few days ago, Ethiopia's Addis Ababa branch was invaded and collapsed, meaning the two largest branches of East Africa had collapsed. “Is Duke
Keter really motionless?” Keter, who was still playing the role of a pressing stone in the witch society. Her achievements, which had been silent until rumors circulated
that she could no longer move, are now being revealed. Various events around the world have supported the rumors to be true. The achievements have been the first to
systematically inflict a blow to the location point, which was a thorn in the eye. The percentage of achievements for all witches is less than 5%. However, they are a
collection of madness and obscenity
by of
who survived
and methods
of Duke
made upasofasome
evil spirit.
exiles Even
and achievements,
in the same
hierarchy, his fighting power against ordinary witches is incomparable. Then they held hands and did a group action. As a result, in less than two weeks, a total of 12
branches including Mexico City, Cairo, Lima, Santiago, and St. Petersburg were destroyed. In the midst of active public activities, the South American branch, which
somehow continued its activities, also collapsed, effectively disintegrating in South America.

… …
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The continent has turned into a

lawless zone. Public workplaces spread throughout the world's underground economy also caused
aggressive expansion and clashes. Due to this chaos, the exiles lost their bodies, and the number of disasters presumed to be
caused by the homunculus exploded as the subjugation decreased. In a word, it's chaos. Similar to the time when the absolute
power died and small kingdoms were scrambled up and down, the achievements hidden by Keter's deterrent power were showing
the aftermath of reaction all at once. The biggest problem is that the witches inside Gehenna and the outcasts don't respond properly.
While many advanced countries now provide tens of billions of dollars in aid to Gehenna and Witch Point every year, South America,
which was a backward third world or a battle of achievements, has not provided much benefit. In other words, it is a finger that does
not hurt even if it is bitten, so I sit back and watch with the intention of giving it to me. There are few who fight against a hungry
fighting dog who has begun to taste blood to protect the small table. It's a really stupid idea. However, the branch managers of Witch
‘ ’
Point, who feelwidows.
the seriousness
“It’s funny…of.”the
It was
much andthesubjugating
witches enjoyed
with Eloa
the benefits
as the head,
they are
are not enough. ''The situation where the old witches were moving was also captured. Now, when the achievements, who are satisfied
with eating the outskirts, gain momentum and attack the main branches, will they be able to properly deal with it? Head of the Sua
branch already felt that his worries were increasing. 2. Bianca Bellilli, ex-lover and love-hate partner. she died The original witch,
Klech as Sumode, accepted the cruel reality. The Alcorisa Familia, which lost its master, over 10,000 members, and even the boss,
completely collapsed. If Klech had paid little attention to mergers and acquisitions, Klech would have been able to absorb her
remaining capital without difficulty. .but Clech didn't. “I will take revenge … .”All you want is revenge, only revenge. Gyurang 5 dun 2
ÿ's breath ili ÿ' Getting
saida that
he was price
killed for
by Beogeji. Rumors
a man named circulated
Shin Si-woo. that
at leasthad her last
among battle with
the public a male
figures, witch.
no one Some even
believed the rumor. "There's no way Bianca would have been killed by such a bastard." Who is the witch of desire? 22 Hierarchy, an
invincible shooter who has never been defeated in his long life. It can only be said that it was a nasty joke to say that I lost a fight with
a man who was only one generation. There is a 'unknown rain' wrath Klech decided so and wandered around Bianca's workshop.
The already publicly known place had been looted by other witches. However, securing an escape route and a safe house in case of
emergency is a necessary skill for public officials. Clech knew the location of Bianca's secret workshop. After three days of searching,
Klech was able to find plausible information. The place of memories where they once exchanged hot love turns into a sharp blade
and makes my heart flutter, while the drawers of the workshop where she seems to have stayed the last time Bianca's research
materials were gathered. It was true that Bianca was targeting a male witch. Shin Siwoo. The only male witch in history that caused a
brief commotion even in this world. A slave from Gehenna. Estimated hierarchy of 19 or so. He currently resides in Gehenna and has
been notarized by Sua Agatha, Eloa Tipperet, , and
Count Jemernay.
and SharonThe Evergreen.
friendly witches
The diary
to bring
out of
Yesod, including
fragmentary information about him, was full of notes. Preliminary force check through homunculus riots. A task to separate Duke Ti
Ferret, a dangerous element, and him. Since then, the record has been cut unnaturally. That was good information.

A Because I was able to catch up on Geon Oh-kyung 2.

There is no chance that Bianca was attacked by a male
witch. Then, it was Duke Tipperet, who was not deceived by Bianca's bait, who subjugated
her. "ah… .”
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Klech felt a distant despair along with his anger at the pleural effusion.
He was the one who ,

would seek revenge, even if he risked his life and disposed of all his property against anyone.
However, the Duke of Ti Ferret is an exception.
Klech vividly remembers Duke Tipperet 40 years ago when he beat up three great witch-level achievements like a dog on a fortune-telling day.
Clech himself is also called the Witch of the True Origin, and stands at the end of the 21st hierarchy, but the mad avenger
If it is an opponent, it is impossible to come up with an estimate.
“You don’t have to be the target of revenge.”
Clech's red eyes scan the documents again.
According to the data Bianca investigated, Shin Si-u and Duke Tipperet have a very close relationship.
It was speculated that he might be her disciple and lover at the same time.
What will happen if the duke who has lost his beloved disciple loses the man he loves once again?
Being able to share even a little of this pain would be a great revenge.
"then… .”
But here's the problem.
Shin Si-woo seems to only be living in Henn-na.
Klech's magnetic magic was far from covert.
It would not be difficult to sneak into Gehenna and meet him, but when the time comes to kill him, you will be quickly restrained.
Clearly, the evidence was that Bianca, who was far more careful and thorough than Clech, had lured him out of Gehenna.
Together with Bianca, the two witches, who were at least acquainted, promised Clech help.

But Clech did not believe them.

If I could see even the ' It's like the witch of the sword, or the eagle that circles around to peck at the gap.
slightest gap in "The Witch of Composition", I'd rather stick a knife in my back.

Klech remembered Shalit Nu'Kelavi, the witch of the deep sea who made a pact with her predecessor.
She was one of the old witches known in the world to be purged by the Duke of Keter.
However, she survives, making her own kingdom deep in the sea.
It is thanks to the fact that about 300 years ago, the predecessor Asmode took the risk and disguised Shalit as dead.
Maybe Keter didn't notice,
Or maybe it was because he looked at the steps of Shalit, who chose to live a life cut off from the world, and closed his eyes.
One thing is certain, the witch of the deep sea is still alive.
And it is said that she made an oath with her predecessor in the name of Nu Kelavi.

'I promise to pay you back with one life, with one life.
Clech went straight to the Arctic Ocean.
Two days have passed since the end of the New Year's charity event.
Amelia and Siu were passionate about extracting Han Chang essential oil.
The degree of enthusiasm was to the extent that the extraction process continued without a breath for the entire 48 hours.
Of course, that's a lot of work.
The raw materials to be extracted were increasingly diversified, and that was soon followed by pressure and pressure with the valve without Amelia leaving the front of the still.
This meant that the temperature had to be regulated.

In fact, Amelia glanced at the dashboard incessantly until the large warehouse was emptied three times and refilled four times.
He didn't even have a break to stretch his back for a while, let alone sleep or eat.

Siwoo, who could not rest without leaving Amelia in the tight work schedule, also joined, but he dared to hold his breath like this.
need?' It's not that I didn't think so.
After all, the extraction and securing of essential oils, which are mainly used, are over, and only minor raw materials like moss are left.
If it becomes insufficient later, there is no problem even if you work leisurely.
The first day I thought that this busy schedule was due to Amelia's dislike of procrastinating.
However, when the intensive labor march entered the third day, Siwoo also felt a sense of urgency.
This was kind of an excuse.
‘ ’
To be more precise, he seems to be saying, “I’m so busy that I don’t have enough time to talk to Siwoo.”
Amelia didn't talk to her, and on the other hand, she
, didn't respond to Siu's words with sincerity.

Now, Siwoo is not a mo-sol, nor does he have a blind belief that a relationship between a man and a woman becomes strong with just one sex.
But from that day on, I thought that we got a lot closer.
After that, didn't the flirtatious pillow talk and the atmosphere wasn't good?
However, Amelia's atmosphere is strange from the dinner party, which is the end of the year.
what is it
Feeling strangely avoiding this side?
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However, there was no sign of evasion at all, and when someone spoke to him, he immediately responded as if he
had been consciously aware of it. It is not that there is nothing to point out. When I visited Jemerai's house. I don't
know what kind of wind it was, but Amelia dragged Si-woo down the hallway and tried paisley. Her breasts are
astonishingly flawless, and her size is about the same as a witch's average. However, it was not enough to perform
paisley smoothly in a standing position, and after several attempts, Amelia failed and ran away. The memory of that
time may be so embarrassing that it may be a situation that is completely out of the question. “Amelia. Finally, the various
raw materials that had been filled in the warehouse were emptied, and the still was put into toilet paper for internal cleaning.
Now, for the 8 hours after washing is complete, it is a forced rest. Siu spoke to Amelia as if he had been waiting. A glance
this time. Amelia turned her head straight away as if she had paid attention to the side of Siu. “What have I done wrong?”
"no." “Or… did something go wrong?” “Not even that.” Amelia said, averting her gaze. The reaction is a lie. She has a habit
of lowering her gaze if she is not confident or if it is a little different from the truth. Then, he tries to turn to the instrument
panel, where he doesn't need to look again. In the past, I would have been stupid, but now I know that if I act like that, this
clumsy confrontation will be much longer. Siu gently grabbed Amelia's wrist. “If there is something you want to say, can you
please? If there is anything to fix, I will fix it.” Her pulse was clearly felt on her slender wrist. “Did I make a mistake?” “Siwoo
is not the problem. really… .” Amelia's heart rate continued to soar, and her face widened to the point where the skin of her
wrist and hand barely touched. Amelia lowered her head slightly at the same time. Suddenly Amelia looks cuter. The way
her graceful face was beautifully contorted was dazzling in her eyes. Come to think of it, Amelia did not recommend skinship
while she was working like a writer who was about to close. Siwoo swallowed his saliva. I want to talk to Siwoo, but honestly,
I can't say it!' Could it be the same situation? Then, on this day, Amelia squeezes her courage. She tried her best to give Si-
u a failure, so maybe this time, she is secretly waiting for Si-u to give her a recommendation. Also, when a man is like this,
he has to go out powerfully. Siu gently supported Amelia's chin without saying a word. I don't think my hands are that big,
but they look very big as they support a small face. Lips slightly gaping as if in embarrassment, and a bright red tongue that
can be seen through the gap. Innocent eyes like a surprised deer, and a face that glows like a drunken one. “When Umm
tilted her head forward, Amelia also pressed her lips together. Long, thick golden eyelashes descend like butterflies. Siu felt
that the choice he had chosen was the correct answer and praised himself. Now, he has come to know Amelia a little better.
So lightly their lips touch each other. Amelia suddenly moved away when she thought that a full-fledged kissing time was
about to begin. The hand that had been holding Siu's sleeve tightly was also letting go of the hem of his robe. A euphemistic
movement like saying, "I like kissing, but I don't want to mix my tongue." is not it? Did you cross your legs? Amelia whispered
to Shiu who was bewildered. “Siwoo, like today… . Why don't you go grocery shopping?" “Now?” "yes." It was an offer to go
shopping together without any time to panic. Seeing this, I don't think he's rejecting Siwoo himself.

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Neither do I know “I will go

back to the store, wash lightly, and change clothes. I'll just ask Siwoo to clean up the finale. See you again in 20 minutes in front of
the store.” “Yes, for now… What do you know?” Final cleanup. Amelia had everything done, so there was nothing to do. Siu scratched
the back of his head and looked at the studio door where Amelia had left. "what?" Could it have been that Amelia's words that she
would do anything had the opposite effect because she really did anything? Or is it something to be ashamed of looking back? “By
the way, it’s already past 10 o’clock, isn’t it?” The permanent market in Taro Town closes at 7 o'clock, so it's time to close, except for
a few shops in Lenormond Town. What else are you going to do at this late hour? Siu tilted his head and cleaned up the warehouse-
type workshop. 2. Amelia grabbed her pounding chest and rinsed her body with hot water. Originally, Amelia had replaced the shower
with magic, but after realizing that warm water helps to calm her mind and body, she often went to the bathroom. “Haha…” Sharon,
and the twins. Amelia had a grueling battle with them a few days ago, and in terms of the result, she was defeated. Sharondo, Odildo,
and Odette were also tied to Siu through different powerful armed forces and bonds. In the process, I also learned about Siwoo's unique
disposition. Do it outdoors, or use something you don't normally use, take advantage of your big breasts, enjoy a little bit of bullying,
and so on. Amelia's clumsy effort could not keep up with the difference in experience. There was a world of adulthood that the Duke of
Tipperet could not have imagined enough to be afraid to surprise with another shocking experience. But these two days . It wasn't that
he hated Siu for that reason or that he was shy about failing Paisley and avoided the conversation. no. To be a little more honest, the
latter is still hot, but not enough to avoid him. However, although she may have knowledge as a scholar, Amelia does not have enough
knowledge as a woman. The high density of obscene knowledge encountered as Pandora's box opened was confusing as to how to
deal with it. It was because the information was so inconsistent with Amelia's existing values. And Amelia finished her resolution in two
days. It's a body I've decided to dedicate to him anyway. He has come up with his own ideas on how to satisfy Siwoo's needs. "like… . I
could … .” However, no matter how much the idea and determination are over, “Won’t I be despised… ?” Can I really do this? No matter
how much Siu has a perverted side . Every time I looked back on a plan that was so daring even if I thought about it myself, I felt the
same worry as above. Whether that is or not, the results will tell. Amelia, who was so poisoned, wiped herself with a towel and sprayed
perfume. Finally, look in the mirror, comb your hair neatly, and put on the clothes you prepared in advance. It's already too late. I could
also hear the doorbell ringing on the first floor of the store. Amelia puts on the clothes she had prepared in advance for the plan and
goes down to the first floor where Siwoo is waiting. Every time the old wooden stairs creaked, my heart raced. Should I go back and
change clothes now? hesitation. Amelia pressed it to her chest and faced Siu. “Amelia-sama, coming to think of it, I don’t think most of
the shops are open at this time.” “It’s okay, it’s okay to take a walk.” Amelia came down from the stairs holding the hand Shiu had given
her. His gaze scans all over her body. “You are warm. Are you cold?” "no." “It looks soft.” “Yes, it is soft.”

, When the time for implementation came, it was inevitable that my heart was racing.

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The spirit body is not very affected by cold or heat. Even

in the cold weather in the middle of winter, it's all about stinging, and it can be easily dealt with
with magic. So the reason Siu asks such a question is probably because Amelia is wearing a
cloak that she has never seen before. Amelia, who always wore the cloak that Master had handed down, was wearing
a white thick wool cloak. Anyway, the two held hands as if they had made a promise. "Where can I take you?" “I want to
look around the gallery.” So Amelia's ambitiously prepared plan began a night out.

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