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GROUP #5 Date: 07/12/21 - 10/12/21

Leader: Carl Amiel Morante
Members: Janice Dagandan
Ryza Tepace
Nathaniel Gomez
Hail Cantiller

1. The difference between active and passive transport is that active transport
requires energy for the movement of molecules,while passive transport does not
2. Active transport is the movement of dissolved molecules into or out of a cell
via the cell membrane, from a lower concentration to a higher concentration, is
known as active transport. The particles use energy released during respiration
to move against the concentration gradient.
3. Molecules crossing a membrane using active transport go against the
concentration gradient.
4. Molecules crossing a membrane using active transport go from a lower
concentration to a higher concentration.
5. Adenosine Triphosphate (ATP)
6. The “exo” prefix is related to the meaning of exocytosis since in this process the
membrane-bound vesicles that are filled with bulky materials will move to the
plasma and are released out of the cell. While the “endo” is associated with
endocytosis because it is in charge of moving particles, such as large molecules,
parts of cells, and even whole cells, into the cell.
7. Endocytosis is defined as the process of trapping a particle or even a
substance from the external environment by the process of engulfing it.
8. Exocytosis is a process in which secretory vesicles containing nanoparticles
are removed from cell membranes and released into the extracellular

9. Diffusion
10.Diffusion and osmosis are both passive transport processes that act to equalize
the concentration of a solution the difference of the diffusion and osmosis.
Diffusion is an active transport which allows both solvent and solute particles
to move freely and diffusion happens when molecules move from lower to higher
concentrations while the Osmosis happens when it is reversed and osmosis is a
passive transport that only solvent molecules move freely.

11. Figure A depicts the process of endocytosis, which is a type of active transport
that delivers particles into a cell.
12. Figure B shows the process of exocytosis, which is a form of active transport
and bulk transport in which a cell transports molecules out of the cell.
13. An amoeba engulfs a particle of food.

❖ Does this require energy? Yes

❖ Is this active or passive transport? Active Transport
❖ Is this endocytosis or exocytosis? Endocytosis
❖ Is this Phagocytosis or Pinocytosis? Phagocytosis
14. An amoeba expels waste.

❖ Does this require energy? No

❖ Is this active or passive transport? Active Transport
❖ Is this endocytosis or exocytosis? Exocytosis
15.Endocytosis and exocytosis can happen in the same cell since both nutrients
and waste need to pass through the cell membrane in order to live. It is the
process through which a cell transports and exports material in and out of the
16.Without amino acids, the cell would be unable to make proteins, which are
required to help control the cell's activity. As a result, the cell would shut down
and die.
Active Transport Passive Transport
➔ Rapid process ➔ Comparatively slow process
➔ Requires energy ➔ Doesn’t require energy
➔ It is extremely selective ➔ It is partially non-selective
➔ It Occurs in one direction ➔ It Occurs in bidirectional
➔ This procedure reduces or ➔ This procedure is not affected
stops as the level of oxygen by the oxygen content
content is reduced ➔ In passive transport Metabolic
➔ In active transport Metabolic inhibitors do not influence
inhibitors stop the active passive transport.
transport ➔ Water-soluble molecules are
➔ Ions, large proteins, and cells transported such as oxygen,
are transported. carbon dioxide and more.
➔ It can be affected by ➔ It cannot be affected by
temperature. temperature.
➔ The movement of the molecule ➔ The molecule movement is
is from low concentration to from high concentration to low
high concentration. concentration

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