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World Development 136 (2020) 105155

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Who pays for water? Comparing life cycle costs of water services among
several low, medium and high-income utilities
Anna Libey b, Marieke Adank a, Evan Thomas b,⇑
IRC WASH, Bezuidenhoutseweg 2, 2594 AV The Hague, The Netherlands
Mortenson Center in Global Engineering, University of Colorado Boulder, 4001 Discovery Dr, UCB 608 Boulder, CO 80303, United States

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Universal access to safe drinking water will require an investment of over $140 billion in capital expen-
Accepted 18 August 2020 ditures to meet the targets set by the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. The World Bank
Available online 8 September 2020 estimates that recurring operations and maintenance costs for basic water and sanitation (WASH) ser-
vices will rise from about $4 billion to over $30 billion per year by 2030, significantly outweighing capital
Keywords: costs for basic WASH services. Yet, available funding from regional, national and international sources
Life cycle cost regularly prioritizes capital investment in new water infrastructure, leading to significant unfunded oper-
Service delivery
ation and maintenance mandates for service providers operating in low-income settings where consumer
Foreign aid
Cost recovery
payments cannot practically cover operating costs. Capital maintenance is deferred, leading to poor util-
Utility business models ity financial performance and decreased service for water customers. In this paper, we present indicative
Global funding models, valuation of existing assets, and expenditures of four medium-sized urban water utilities
in low, middle, and high-income communities representing a broad range of operating contexts. Yet we
find common operating challenges. None of the four utilities are spending enough on capital maintenance
to sustain service levels, and we find that the gap between the life cycle costs of water service delivery
and associated revenues of water services ranges from $1 to $17 per customer each year. Discounting life
cycle costs by service and coverage levels further widens the funding gap. All utilities would need addi-
tional funding to reach universal access with full coverage of life cycle costs, ranging from 6% of budgets
to nearly 8 times current funding levels. This would not be economically or politically feasible through
tariffs alone, which are already currently subsidized in all contexts. The contribution of progressive tax
monies to subsidize services is taken for granted in high-income contexts and unavailable in poorer ones
that must rely on insufficient and irregular foreign aid or national budget allocations in strained econo-
mies. These findings contrast with a commonly shared view in the global development sector that local or
at minimum regional financial sustainability of water supplies is achievable. Consequently, our findings
suggest that national governments and international donors should acknowledge that long term support
of local water service delivery is both necessary, appropriate, and likely more cost-effective than current
funding models.
Ó 2020 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND
license (

1. Background The Water and Sanitation Program of the World Bank (Hutton &
Varughese, 2016) estimated that extending basic water, sanitation
Ensuring universal access to adequate and sustainable water hygiene services to reach universal access between 2015 and 2030
services will require considerable investments in new infrastruc- would cost an average of about $28.4 billion per year (including
ture, but also into mechanisms and systems to ensure sustainable $5.5 billion for urban water). They found this to be more or less
water service provision. It will also require ensuring continuous in line with current levels of funding for the sector, provided
funding of the recurrent expenditure needed to ensure sustainable resources are targeted to the needs. Ensuring universal access to
service provision. safely managed water and sanitation services would require aver-
age capital investments of $86.9 billion per year (including $37.6
billion for urban water), which amounts to more than three times
⇑ Corresponding author. current investments. Hutton & Varughese (2016) further estimated
E-mail addresses: (A. Libey),
that the required annual global expenditure on operation and
(M. Adank), (E. Thomas). maintenance for safely managed water and sanitation would rise
0305-750X/Ó 2020 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier Ltd.
This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (
2 A. Libey et al. / World Development 136 (2020) 105155

from $18.0 billion in 2015 to $128.8 billion by 2030, outweighing assistance. Accordingly, operations, maintenance, and capital
capital expenditure by 1.6 times by 2029. Ensuring funding for maintenance remain underfunded.
these increasing costs is a clear challenge to meeting the Sustain- Tariffs from water customers along with taxes and external
able Development Goals. transfers comprise revenue for water service providers, but usually
Funding for covering these costs comes from three main do not cover the full expenditure required for ensuring the provi-
sources, commonly referred to as the ‘‘3Ts”: Tariffs from customers sion of adequate and sustainable water services. Reaching ‘‘sus-
(including user contributions and household investments); Taxes tainable cost recovery” by finding the appropriate mix of the 3Ts
from domestic taxpayers; and Transfers from national govern- while keeping tariffs affordable and attracting private finance is a
ments or international donors (OECD, 2009; WHO, 2017; Pories challenge for even the most well-run water service providers.
et al., 2019; Danert & Hutton, 2020). Repayable financing does Hukka and Katko (2015) highlighted a growing funding gap for
not constitute revenue as such, but it is a means for bridging a water services present worldwide. Theorizing on the causes with
finance gap. The costs of repayable financing are often absorbed reference to case studies in Kenya, North America, and Europe,
through tariffs, unless a subsidy is provided to write off part of the authors blame unviable pricing and over-zealous cost-
the debt (WHO, 2017). recovery regimes. The. The effect is deferment of maintenance
Several international donors emphasize national and local self- and replacement expenditures by utilities, which will lead to decli-
sufficiency in providing basic services. For example, the World nes in service quality (Hukka & Katko, 2015).
Bank’s water supply strategy includes supporting ‘‘the ability of This paper contributes to the discussion about the viability of
service providers to fully cover their operations and maintenance self-financing of life cycle costs required for ensuring sustainable
costs and access investment funds as needed to expand and water service provision by assessing and comparing current and
improve services and leverage markets” (The World Bank Group, required levels of expenditure related to the life cycle costs of
2017)..The United States Agency for International Development water service provision and level and sources of funding covering
(USAID) currently has an overarching policy theme named the these costs for four medium-sized water utilities in low, medium
‘‘Journey to Self-Reliance” that includes national-level self- and high income countries (Cambodia, Ethiopia, Kenya and the
sufficiency in providing water services (USAID, 2018). USA).
Self-sufficiency implies that tariffs (and taxes) are expected to Quantitative comparisons of water utilities in low-income con-
play an important role in covering the full (life cycle) costs of water texts are rare. The literature largely reflects studies of economic
service provision. However, as water service provision is consid- efficiency in high-income countries where regulatory data may
ered a public good, governments often feel pressure to keep tariffs be more available (González-Gómez & García-Rubio, 2018). In
low (Pories et al., 2019). In addition, low service levels often result 2008, Berg & Marques found very few quantitative studies on
in low revenues. As a result, many water service providers struggle water utility performance from Africa and Asia – only 7% of all
to raise sufficient funds to cover operating and maintenance (O&M) reviewed literature (S. Berg & Marques, 2011). A more recent
costs and create a surplus that could potentially be used to mobi- review found only a third of published studies of utility efficiency
lize commercial borrowing for future expansion or asset renewal. in low-income countries include service quality variables, includ-
Based on 2013 data from 605 developing country utilities, ing leakage, water quality, continuity of service, and service area
Leigland et al. (2016) observe that only 17 percent of these utilities coverage (Cetrulo et al., 2019). This review also found no published
managed to cover their O&M costs and create sufficient surplus. quantitative studies for three of the four countries in this study –
The 2019 Global Analysis and Assessment of Sanitation and Cambodia, Ethiopia, or Kenya. Consequently, our review considers
Drinking-water (GLAAS) reported that more than half of the 96 these operating contexts and characteristics.
countries surveyed indicated that household tariffs are insufficient In addition to contributing to the sectoral and academic dis-
to recover operations and basic maintenance costs. The survey also course, this paper anticipates the application of the life cycle cost-
revealed an average gap between identified needs and available ing methodology will provide the case utilities (and beyond) with
funding of over 60%, leading to maintenance delays, infrastructure renewed insights into their financial situation and the benefits of
deterioration and increases in service downtime. Filling this fund- strong financial monitoring, recordkeeping and use of the life cycle
ing gap is challenging, as two-thirds of global WASH funding is costs approach for planning. This may lead to increased under-
already derived from household contributions (World Health standing of life cycle thinking, including examination of long-
Organization & UN-Water, 2019). If revenues from tariffs are not term costs and potential economic, environmental, or societal
enough to cover the costs of operation, then service providers can- risks. Comparisons of life cycle costs across different contexts
not carry out long-term asset management, fund new capital and income levels could serve to improve decision-making by gov-
expenditure or raise finance. As a result, water service providers ernment and other key actors, including increased allocations of
have grown dependent on grant funding from budget allocations funding where it is needed, and higher prioritization of mainte-
and ODA to finance investments. nance for long-term sustainable operation of water facilities.
Improving global access to safe drinking water has typically
involved national governments and multilateral donors providing 2. Methodology
funding for capital investment for the construction of new schemes
or expansion of existing ones through taxes and transfers. Globally, In this paper, we compare four semi-urban water utilities, pro-
$16 billion is invested annually in expanding water and sanitation viding water services in low, middle- and high-income settings in
access without consideration for sustainable sources of funding four countries, and highlight the disparities between the concep-
and operations and maintenance (O&M) models that could greatly tions and realities of self-sufficient local financial support for water
improve the quality of services to customers (Kingdom et al., services. The four cases are the Boulder Water Utility in Boulder,
2018). There is also limited focus on sector reforms, improving Colorado, United States, the Woliso Water Sanitation and Sewerage
management and efficiency, and removal of bottlenecks in the flow Enterprise (WWSSE) in Oromia, Ethiopia, the Lodwar Water and
of financial resources (Pories et al., 2019). Winpenny et al. (2016) Sanitation Company (LOWASCO) in Turkana County, Kenya, and
observed that 91 percent of all ODA commitments to the water the Kampong Chamlong Water Supply Utility in Kandal Province,
sector from 2010 to 2014 was allocated to project-type interven- Cambodia – representing a high-income, two low-income, and
tions and only one percent was allocated to experts and technical one middle-income country, respectively. These four utilities were
A. Libey et al. / World Development 136 (2020) 105155 3

selected as a convenience sample and represent a broad range of vice can be used to project expected expenditure in case of full cov-
operating contexts with common operating challenges. erage at the ideal level of service, based on the current
This study focuses on the life cycle costs of utility-managed expenditure.
water supply and the sources of funding for covering these costs The JMP water service ladder differentiates between limited
in medium-sized towns. Life cycle costing estimates the average and basic water services, based on accessibility (whether or not
annual expenditure required for serving the intended population improved water services are available within a 30-minute round
with an adequate level of water services. The boundaries of the trip) and between basic and safely managed services based on
systems considered in this study start at the acquisition of source accessibility (accessible on premises), reliability (available when
water (ground or surface) and end with the delivery of (treated needed) and quality (free from contamination) (WHO & UNICEF,
or untreated) drinking water to the consumer. This section intro- 2017).
duces the collected data (2.1) and presents the methodology for Using the JMP water ladder, this study gives an indication of the
assessing the following: the level of service that utilities are pro- main level of service provided by the studied utilities by
viding (2.2); current and required expenditure related to these ser- measuring:
vice levels (2.3); the value of the infrastructure (2.4); the current
sources of funding (2.5); and the price people pay to access water - Accessibility of water services, based on the types of access
services (2.6). points available to water users: mainly through household con-
nections on premises (safely managed), public water points (as-
2.1. Data collection and calculation of full costs of water service sumed to be within a 30-minute round trip and hence providing
delivery basic services) or a mix of the two types of access points;
- Availability (reliability) of water services, in terms of the aver-
In order to assess the life cycle costs of utility-managed water age hours of service in a day and days of the week: daily supply
service provision in medium size towns in different contexts, the of at least 12 h per day is considered ‘available when needed,’ in
sources of funding of these costs and the potential gaps, data line with the global benchmark proposed by JMP (WHO &
was collected from mix of primary and secondary sources. The UNICEF, 2017).
International Benchmarking Network for Water and Sanitation - Quality: Adding in a simplified indicator for water quality reg-
Utilities (IBNET) provides access to data on levels of service and ulatory compliance is preferred, but only one of the four utilities
service provider performance indicators (including their financial in this study (Boulder, Colorado) was able to provide water
health) from many utilities worldwide (International quality testing schedules and results. We therefore assess the
Benchmarking Network, 2017). However, the data available from potential for provision of water supply which is free from con-
IBNET for this paper’s cases from Kenya and Ethiopia were found tamination by assessing the presence of water treatment
to be unreliable compared to published data and raw data provided facilities.
by the utilities themselves. Data were unavailable for the Cambo-
dia and the United States cases. Coverage is also considered, given that service areas may not
Therefore, primary and secondary data was mainly collected extend to the full population, and that there may be potential
from the four selected utilities themselves. Utility asset invento- water customers within the service area not accessing service.
ries, expenditures, budgets, and revenue reports were collected The percentage coverage is calculated by dividing the number
with the support of the DFID-funded REACH Programme, Catholic served within the service area by the full population.
Relief Services, and Millennium Water Alliance in Kenya, IRC and The level of provided water services is furthermore assessed
the USAID-funded Sustainable WASH Systems Learning Partner- based on the average amount of water consumed per person per
ship in Ethiopia, and the Cambodian Water Supply Association. In day. The daily domestic water consumption is considered an indi-
Boulder, utility expenditures and revenue amounts were collected cator of the overall level of service, as water consumption is
for the 2017/2018 fiscal year from public city budgets and the expected to be influenced by accessibility of water services (in
infrastructure inventory was provided by the US EPA’s Safe Drink- terms of type of access point and associated distance and time to
ing Water Information Systems (SDWIS) database and the City of collect water), perceived water quality, reliability, and affordability
Boulder. of the service for customers.
The data quality available varied widely across the contexts. A target minimum consumption is set to 60 L per capita per day
Whereas it is common for water utilities in the United States to (lpcd). The 60 lpcd target, known as ‘‘maintaining” under an emer-
conduct asset inventories and valuations yearly, conducting life gency scenario, is defined as meeting all consumption and basic
cycle cost analyses in the other cases required visiting facilities hygiene needs plus a little extra for food growing (WHO Regional
to estimate costs and functionality of assets. Two out of four utili- Office for South-East Asia, 2005). Where domestic water consump-
ties (Woliso and Lodwar) had incomplete capital investment tion is less than that, the percentage of water demand met is calcu-
records and unclear dates of capital maintenance expenditures. lated by dividing actual consumption by the target consumption of
In Lodwar, Kenya, real-time functionality information of all bore- 60 lpcd. The required expenditure of ensuring adequate production
holes is publicly available through remote reporting sensors to supply 60 lpcd to the entire population of the service area,
(Turman-Bryant et al., 2019). In other cases, the functionality of where current coverage is less than 100 percent, is estimated based
infrastructure was determined from the latest available site reports on current expenditure and consumption levels in relation to the
or asset inventories. Abandoned schemes were assumed to be at percentage of population water demand currently met.
the end of their useful life and therefore either replaced or made
obsolete. 2.3. Assessing current expenditure and life cycle costs of Utility-
Managed water services
2.2. Assessing service levels
Required expenditure for the provision of sustainable water ser-
By assessing the level of water services provided by the four vices at a certain service level can be grouped into the following
studied utilities, expenditure related to water service provision life cycle cost categories: capital expenditures (CapEx), operations
can be put in context. Furthermore, an assessment of the current and minor maintenance expenditures (OpEx), capital maintenance
level of service provided against the ideal (expected) level of ser- expenditures (CapManEx), cost of capital or debt service (CoC),
4 A. Libey et al. / World Development 136 (2020) 105155

direct support expenditures (ExDS), and indirect support expendi- 2.4. Utility asset valuation
tures (ExIS). This categorization is adapted from the Gates
Foundation-funded WASHCost project for identifying and commu- The utility asset valuation or total infrastructure investment is
nicating the life cycle costs of water and sanitation infrastructure, the present value of all historical CapEx costs. Utility asset valua-
which in turn builds on Sherif and Kolarik (1981) (Fonseca et al., tions are compared to contextualize the costs of service delivery.
2011). This is calculated via two methods: 1) Capital replacement value,
This paper focuses on the CapEx, OpEx, CapManEx, and CoC estimating the current cost if all assets were re-purchased new
related to utility-managed water service provision. These include today by summing capital expenditures from every year and dis-
all expenditures related to construction and maintenance of infras- counting to a base year (net present value), and 2) Net book value,
tructure and extraction, treatment, and delivery of water to house- estimating the current valuation of all the utility’s assets if they
holds, including billing and administrative functions. were sold today based on their age and depreciation since pur-
Direct support includes regulation and the provision of ongoing chase or construction. In this study, both methods of valuation
capacity building and technical support to utilities by local govern- are used to compare the level of investment in infrastructure, the
ment, external support agents or utility networks, while indirect state of financial preparedness, and planning for the end of life.
support refers to the creation of the enabling environment, includ- In a review of 256 life cycle assessments of urban water infras-
ing sector policies and strategies, regulatory and normative frame- tructure, a volume-based functional unit was found to be the most
works, joint sector review and planning, and national-level common choice (Byrne et al., 2017). However, as the authors note,
capacity development. The costs related to these activities are dif- calculating life cycle costs per cubic meter consumed is not appro-
ficult to assess, are generally not (expected to be) covered by util- priate for comparisons across different regions or countries, as
ities, and are, therefore, not considered in this paper. done in this study. This is because of the different marginal costs
The cost categories were assessed from utility budgets and from differing quantities and qualities of domestic water consump-
expenditures as follows: tion related to differences in climate, infrastructure capabilities,
and culture (Byrne et al., 2017). To compare expenditure and rev-
- CapEx is assessed in terms of all expenditure on the develop- enues between different size utilities, annual expenditures, rev-
ment and construction of new water supply infrastructure. This enues, and valuations were instead assessed per person served.
was commonly found in capital improvement plans or donor Facility lifespans were estimated based on international guide-
reports instead of annual budgets. CapEx is used to calculate lines by the World Bank (Hutton & Varughese, 2016). Individual
asset valuations of the utility, including capital replacement component lifespans were estimated following United States engi-
value and net book value, based on original prices, age of the neering design guidelines as international or country-specific ones
asset, and accumulated straight line depreciation. were unavailable (Kirk & Dell’Isola, 1995). Infrastructure lifespans
- OpEx is assessed in terms of all annual expenditure on opera- are an essential part for calculating annualized aggregate costs
tion and minor maintenance related to the provision of water but are commonly rough estimates made by engineers and manu-
services by the utility. Expenditures on salaries and transporta- facturers. Water meters, for example, are estimated to last 25 years
tion for spare parts, treatment chemicals, and travel by opera- by Kirk and Dell’Isola (1995), while standard practice in Cambodia
tors and technicians are also considered as part of OpEx is to account for a lifetime of just 10 years (Cambodian Water
(Cashman et al., 2014). Supply Association, 2018). The actual lifespan can be considerably
- CapManEx is spending on rehabilitation, renewal, or replace- shorter than the estimated useful lifespan due to harsh conditions,
ment of assets – whether due to planned end of life or early poor quality of maintenance, unreliable flows, or other factors.
equipment failure. In this study, actual CapManEx is compared Cost estimation is the most variable source of error, and all
to the estimated required spending to keep assets in good work- efforts were made to find historical bills from contractors, but
ing order. CapManEx is the hardest for utilities to estimate and where those were unavailable, present-day prices and cost bench-
budget for, and it is the most likely cost category to be deferred marks were used to calculate the capital replacement values and
when there are funding shortages. This is unfortunate given net book values. For small utility piped water supplies, as in the
that replacing poorly maintained assets is always more costly case studies, the cost of accessing bulk water may have been
than preventive maintenance (Hukka & Katko, 2015). Estimated underestimated because the cost data accessed are likely to have
required CapManEx is assessed by adding up CapEx in the years underestimated future costs due to increasing water demand or
they occur and discounting to a base year to estimate a capital scarcity.
replacement value. The capital replacement value is then nor- Amounts in local currencies have been converted to 2018 prices
malized by dividing by the estimated useful lifespan of the using GDP deflators to account for inflation, where Base Year
component, and then by the number of persons (after Cost = Cost (Year X) * GDP deflator (Year X) and converted to Uni-
Cashman et al., 2014). Where original capital expenses or exact ted States dollars using official 2018 exchange rates1.
years are unavailable, the replacement costs of the asset are
estimated based on current prices or bills of quantities. Only
2.5. Assessing sources of funding
quantities discounted to the same year can be added together
to account for inflation and currency exchange rates.
Utility sources of funding were investigated to find their origi-
- CoC is expenditure on financial services and interest on debt.
nation as one of the 3Ts (taxes, transfers, or tariffs) or repayable
This cost category is minimal when the utility does not cur-
rently have a loan.
Funding from public or private entities could include municipal
bonds, grants, or loans. Before repayable financing is offered, credit
Non-revenue water (NRW) can also be quantified as a cost, as
worthiness is commonly measured by the O&M cost recovery ratio
it is lost revenue from water sales. NRW is defined as the percent-
age difference by volume of water produced versus sold to cus-
tomers (C. van den Berg, 2015). In the cases of Lodwar and Values for purchasing power parity (PPP) would have been ideal to account for
artificial distortions of currency prices in the exchange market to better compare
Boulder, this was calculated from sales data, while it was provided expenditures across countries. However, insufficient data was available in the World
directly by the utilities in the cases of Kampong Chamlong and Bank’s databank for all years, making the valuations and funding gaps identified in the
Woliso. study less comparable across the four cases.
A. Libey et al. / World Development 136 (2020) 105155 5

(OCCR). The OCCR is calculated by dividing yearly revenue by for comparison. All four communities are medium-large towns of
yearly operational and maintenance expenses (OpEx). An OCCR 70,000–120,000 people served by a single private or public water
number less than 1 would signify that revenue collection is not suf- utility, and they have some thematically similar financial and plan-
ficient to cover operational expenses, an OCCR of 1 means the util- ning challenges. An overview of the four utilities is shown below in
ity is breaking even, and an OCCR of greater than one means the Table 1.
utility is earning more revenue than necessary to cover immediate
operational expenses. An OCCR of 1.5 or greater has been sug- 3.1. Lodwar Town, Turkana County, Kenya
gested as a benchmark for attracting private finance (Eberhard,
2018). Lodwar Water and Sanitation Company (LOWASCO) is a public
Tax money can fund utilities on an ongoing basis or in one-off utility in Turkana County, Kenya established in 2007 with a service
grants. Tracing the source of those funds is important to determine population of roughly 103,830 individuals. About 87% of its service
they are actually taxpayer monies and not transfers in the low- area is covered by 28 public kiosks and 6,785 private connections
income contexts. In the United States, utilities commonly depend (Kenya RAPID, 2017). Between 4,000 to 7,500 m3 are pumped each
on revenue other than tariffs such as property taxes to cover OpEx day from 13 functioning boreholes out of 19 using a mixture of
(Rahill-Marier & Lall, 2013). Taxpayer-funded investments that solar, grid, and solar/diesel hybrid energy. Current domestic con-
generate revenue such as bond proceeds or energy generation (as sumption averages 11 L per capita per day (lpcd) and the NRW is
part of water transmission lines in one case) are also grouped with between 37 percent (Lodwar Water and Sanitation Company Ltd,
tax revenue. 2017) and 49 percent (Kenya RAPID, 2017).
Transfers were identified through donor-supported grants – LOWASCO struggles to meet some national key performance
mostly in the form of donated infrastructure or tied funds rather indicators according to Kenya’s Water Services Regulatory Board
than currency. (WASREB, 2018). LOWASCO earned a score of ‘‘not acceptable”
A tariff is the price set for water and paid by customers to access for drinking water quality, non-revenue water, water coverage,
and consume water. Tariff revenues were listed in budgets as util- hours of supply, personnel expenditures as a percentage of total
ity revenue from monthly water billing and sales as well as con- O&M costs, and O&M costs coverage. Low community income, an
nection fees, fines for late payment, and any other charges arid, drought-prone climate, high rates of non-functionality of
applied to water customers on a non-recurrent basis. Tariffs may boreholes, insufficient storage, and high levels of non-revenue
be further disaggregated by customer type: domestic, institutional, water impede efforts to invest in improving or expanding services.
or commercial. Common tariff structures include free basic con- LOWASCO also faces challenges with high electricity bills, illegal
sumption, volumetric, increasing blocks, and budget-based rates. connections, non-payment of bills, and leakages. The utility’s
Budget-based rates are similar to an increasing block rate struc- 2017 Annual Financial report estimated that water production
ture, except that each customer’s block is set based on an efficient costs LOWASCO $0.44 per cubic meter and the water tariff is
level of consumption, usually intended to cover indoor water usage $0.32 per cubic meter, leading to a net loss of approximately
and not outdoor irrigation (Mayer et al., 2008). $40,816 per month (Lodwar Water and Sanitation Company Ltd,
2.6. Assessing user Contributions: Tariffs and unit price of water
3.2. Kampong Chamlong water supply Utility, Kandal Province,
A common vehicle for demand-side subsidy, tariff prices were
analyzed against utility revenue, production, and consumption by
The Kampong Chamlong water utility treats surface water from
domestic customers to identify average prices paid per volume
the Tonle Toch River and serves approximately 56,781 individuals
accessed and consumed. This approach simplifies the different tar-
out of 71,877 on the outskirts of the Phnom Penh greater
iff structures to a cross-comparable volumetric tariff in US dollars
metropolitan area in Kandal Province, Cambodia. The water utility
per cubic meter of water sold that includes the full price paid to
is privately operated and was established in 2010 with the con-
access water. The average domestic customer price paid per cubic
struction of a 100 m3/h water treatment plant and 27 km of the
meter, or the unit price of water, is calculated by taking the total
piped network under the USAID Cambodia Micro, Small, and Med-
revenue collected in a year from domestic customers in tariffs, con-
ium Enterprise (MSME) Project (England, 2012). The plant was
nection fees, fines, or meter rental, and dividing that by the total
recently upgraded to 150 m3/h capacity and consists of a conven-
domestic water consumption in a year.
tional treatment process with coagulation, sedimentation, a rapid
The unit price of water is also disaggregated by percent cover-
sand filter, chlorine disinfection, and storage in an elevated tank.
age of the two types of access (public water point or private con-
Construction was financed in a matching incentive-based pay-
nection) since users of private metered water services and users
ment process, where 50 percent of the capital investments and
of public kiosks or tap stands consume and pay for water via vastly
50 percent of the connection fees for households were subsidized
different scales and methods.
by USAID (England, 2012). In 2016, UNICEF funded 30 percent of
the capital cost of expanding the piped network into three new vil-
3. Introduction to study utilities lages (B. Sang, personal communication Dec 17, 2018). Since then,
the privately-managed utility has been financially viable with
The four studied water utilities manage different types of water domestic and commercial/institutional tariffs providing 100 per-
schemes in different climatic zones and provide different levels of cent of revenue collection and coverage of operating costs
services. Lodwar in Turkana, Kenya has a desert climate with a (Cambodian Water Supply Association, 2018). The utility also has
maximum of 186 mm per year, while Boulder, Colorado is moun- access to commercial finance for service expansions and subsidiz-
tainous and averages 400 mm of rain in a year. Woliso in Oromia ing connection fees for poor users.
Region, Ethiopia and Kampong Chamlong in Kandal Province, Cam-
bodia are more tropical and average more than 1,200 mm of rain 3.3. Woliso water supply and Sewerage Enterprise, Oromia, Ethiopia
per year (, 2019). The four cases are managed by
a public utility apart from Kampong Chamlong, where a private Woliso is a zonal capital town in the Oromia region of Ethiopia,
utility is in place. Despite these differences, some similarities allow 110 km southwest of Addis Ababa with a total population of
6 A. Libey et al. / World Development 136 (2020) 105155

Table 1
Utility Overview.

Lodwar, Kenya Kampong Chamlong, Cambodia Woliso, Ethiopia Boulder, USA

1.2 Service area population 77,544 71,877 118,725 108,707
1.3 Median yearly household income $63 $8,9032 $6333 $88,400
1.4 Persons per private connection 10 7.69 6.08 3.40
1.5 Persons per public water point 1200 n/a 720 n/a
1.6 Utility ownership Public Private Public Public
1.7 Water Source Groundwater Surface water Surface and groundwater Surface water
1.8 Treatment type Chlorination Filtration and disinfection Filtration and disinfection Filtration and disinfection

Sources: (Kenya RAPID, 2017) (Lodwar Water and Sanitation Company Ltd, 2018), (Lodwar Water and Sanitation Company Ltd, 2017), (National Institute of Statistics &
Ministry of Planning, 2018), (Cambodian Water Supply Association, 2018), (GEDAG Consultancy Service PLC, 2017), (Woliso Water, Sanitation, and Sewerage Enterprise,
2019), (City of Boulder, Colorado, 2018).
National ‘‘other urban” median household income. (National Institute of Statistics & Ministry of Planning, 2018)
Nearby Cheliya District in West Shoa Zone. (Geleta et al., 2018)

118,725 in 2019. The town public utility, the Woliso Water Supply 4.1. Service level
and Sewerage Enterprise (WWSSE), was formed in 1982 with the
construction of a river intake and rapid sand filter treatment plant The coverage and quality of the utility services are compared in
for $4 million under the GIZ funded 12 Towns Project (G. Disassa, Table 2.
personal communication June 20, 2019). From 2004 to 2016, bore- The proportion of people in the service area which are served by
holes were drilled to augment the supply. However, both the reser- the utility water services (2.1) is not 100 percent in any of the cases
voir capacity and supply are currently insufficient. 31.4% of the except for Boulder.
population is covered according to the national standard of 60 L Service reliability (2.2), or intermittency of supply, ranges from
per capita per day consumption. The town receives 9 h per day only 9 h a day in Woliso (or 3 days out of 7 in the week) to 24 h.
or 3–4 days per week of interrupted supply (Adank et al., 2018). Except for Woliso, the utilities meet the reliability benchmark of
WWSSE has been consistently awarded the top-performing util- water service provision of at least 12 h per day.
ity rank in the region, yet it only delivers half of the growing pop- Water quality is also an important factor, measured here by proxy
ulation’s water demand. About 10 percent of households are of treatment type, as regulatory compliance information was not
estimated to pump water from the distribution system to overhead available for all four cases (2.3). The three utilities with filtration
water tanks to increase pressure and buffer intermittent supply – and disinfection are assumed to meet the water quality benchmark
an example of coping mechanisms, which come at additional costs of free from contamination. In Lodwar, where a chlorine residual
incurred by the household to increase the level of service provided was only detected in 70% of water samples, the population with
by the utility (G. Dissassa, personal communication June 20, 2019). safely managed services is discounted accordingly (WASREB, 2018).
In 2019, construction started on a major system expansion to The proportion of the population in the service area with house-
meet the water demand of the town with two new well fields, stor- hold connections is indicated in the table as well (2.4). This is the
age reservoirs, and an expanded distribution system at an esti- population potentially receiving safely managed water services (on
mated cost of $10 million (GEDAG Consultancy Service PLC, premises, available when needed, and free from contamination).
2018). This project is not included in our analysis which runs As water services in Woliso do not meet the reliability bench-
through 2018. mark and are, therefore, not considered to be ‘‘available when
needed;” both the 65% of the total population with access to house-
hold connections, as well as the 18% which access water services
3.4. City of Boulder Water Utility, Colorado, United States off premises, only have access to basic services. Seventy percent
of the piped water supply in Lodwar is free from contamination,
The City of Boulder is a town of 103,163 of which 33,000 are so only 32% are assumed to have access to safely managed services
university students and seasonal residents. There are two major (70% of 2.4). The 30% of the household connection users assumed
dammed reservoirs and water treatment plants that supply the to receive untreated water and all public water kiosk users are
town: the Barker Reservoir feeding the Betasso Water Treatment assumed to have access to basic services. In Kampong Chamlong,
Plant, built in 1962, and the Boulder Reservoir Water Treatment where the 79% of the total population in the service area is served
Plant, built in 1969. The water service provider is a publicly owned with household connections, all people served are expected to have
utility funded by an ‘‘enterprise fund,” and not directly supported access to safely managed water services. In Boulder, 100% of people
by taxes. Boulder’s water utility enterprise fund covers administra- in the service area have access to safely managed services.
tion, operations, maintenance, financing, debt service, and billing. The daily domestic water consumption (2.7) and the percentage
Enterprise funds are designed to be predominantly funded by user of water demand met (2.8) are quantified according to a benchmark
charges from water customers. Unique to this mountain town is of 60 lpcd. In Lodwar, Kampong Chamlong, and Woliso, the average
the hydropower generation built into pressure-reducing valves in water consumption is well below 60 lpcd, and the percentage of
the main transmission lines which harvest and sell electricity dur- water demand met is accordingly low. In Boulder average water con-
ing their descent in elevation. sumption amounts to 366 lpcd. It should be noted that the high con-
sumption includes outdoor irrigation water use in the summer,
whereas wintertime use is 62 lpcd, suggesting the 60 lpcd bench-
4. Findings mark is applicable across contexts for meeting water demand.

This section presents the findings from the four utilities pre- 4.2. Asset valuations
sented above on the level of water services they provide, the value
of their assets, their current expenditure and revenues, their tariffs Table 3 presents the original capital investments (3.1, 3.2) in
and unit price of water, and required expenditure and funding today’s dollars versus the current valuation of those investments
gaps. (3.4) considering inflation and depreciation (3.3).
A. Libey et al. / World Development 136 (2020) 105155 7

Table 2
Service Levels.

Lodwar, Kenya Kampong Chamlong, Woliso, Ethiopia Boulder, USA

2.1 Proportion of total population served with at least 85% 79% 84% 100%
basic services
2.2 Reliability: Hours per day of service (average in a 19 24 9 24
2.3 Quality: Treatment type Chlorination (70% residual filtration and filtration and filtration and
detected) disinfection disinfection disinfection
2.4 Accessibility: Population in service area with 46% 79% 65% 100%
household connections
2.5 Population in service area with safely managed 32% 79% 0% 100%
2.6 Population in service area with basic water services 53% 0% 84% 0%
2.7 Average domestic consumption (liters per capita 11 43 25 366
served per day)
2.8 Percentage water demand met (total population 16% 57% 35% 610%
consuming 60 lpcd)

Sources: (WASREB, 2018), (Cambodian Water Supply Association, 2018), (Woliso Water, Sanitation, and Sewerage Enterprise, 2019), (City of Boulder, Colorado, 2018).

Woliso’s water utility is valued at just over $700 thousand (3.4) 4.3. Current utility expenditure and revenue
out of $1.2 million in original investments (3.1), the smallest and
least expensive of the utilities. Kampong Chamlong’s utility is val- Figure 1 presents an overview of the utility expenditures of the
ued at $1 million (3.4) out of $2 million in original investments four studied utilities for the fiscal year 2017–2018. It shows the
(3.1). Lodwar’s utility is values at $3.2 million (3.4) out of $3.6 mil- portions of expenditure that utilities are using for new construc-
lion (3.1), with relatively smaller accumulated depreciation (3.3) tion (Capital Expenditure), infrastructure rehabilitation and
due to more recent construction. replacements (Capital Maintenance Expenditure), recurrent oper-
The capital infrastructure, including water storage, treatment, ating and minor maintenance expenditure including salaries
and distribution systems in Boulder are valued at an estimated (Operating and Minor Maintenance Expenditure), and finance costs
$1 billion (2018) (3.1). The valuation of assets was based on the (Cost of Capital).
2018 Capital Improvement Plans (City of Boulder Public Works Notably, the two utilities with access to private equity (Kam-
Utilities Division, 2018) and matched calculations for the treated pong Chamlong and Boulder), spent 22 and 15 percent of their
water distribution system valuation of the 2019 Asset Inventory expenses on repaying loans and in profits for shareholders, labeled
and Maintenance (AIM) Project. The AIM project report states that ‘‘cost of capital.” The less than one percent spent on cost of capital
‘‘adequately funding aging infrastructure and reliability improve- in Lodwar and Woliso was spent on bank service charges.
ments is perhaps the largest utility challenge near- and long- Operational expenditures were the largest category for Lodwar
term” (Grooters et al., 2019). and Woliso (91 and 72 percent, respectively) compared to Kam-
When these valuations are normalized by the service area pop- pong Chamlong and Boulder, which each spent just a quarter of
ulation (3.2), the values are more comparable across the cases. expenditure on operations.
Woliso, has the smallest capital investments per capita at $10, Utilities were found to spend between 5 and 29 percent of total
while Boulder has the largest at $9,460, representing both the expenditures on CapManEx. As asset condition may be hard to
age of the infrastructure, quantities of water produced, and differ- assess when pipelines are underground, as these costs are hard
ent technologies (boreholes versus multiple dams and water treat- to estimate per year. Boulder addresses this with a capital mainte-
ment plants). Kampong Chamlong has the second smallest per nance program funded at $3.5 million per year for replacement of
capita value of infrastructure, of $28, and Lodwar has $47, the high- 6 km of pipeline annually (City of Boulder Public Works Utilities
est among the low and middle-income countries. Division, 2018).
In Kampong Chamlong, Woliso, and Boulder the accumu- The proportion of expenditure spent on CapEx varied between
lated depreciation (3.3) is nearly 50% of total investments, the four cases during 2017/18 due to different stages of construc-
which suggests the infrastructure in place is not being tion. Boulder is in the middle of a capital improvement plan for a
renewed through regular capital maintenance or is overdue new source water transmission line and water treatment plant
for capital replacements of components, which translates into upgrades and spent 47 percent of its budget or $300 per capita
decreasing service levels and production over time. Lodwar on CapEx.
has re-invested regularly in new storage tanks and boreholes; Based on an evaluation of tariff determinations in Scotland and
however, this is partially due to shorter lifespans of equipment Jamaica, Shugart & Alexander (2009) observed that the part of the
than predicted. tariff that was to be used for covering operational expenditure ran-
The value of the infrastructure investments per capita reflect ged between 30 and 70 percent, the part to be used for covering
the service levels in each case. Woliso faces a challenge supplying capital maintenance ranged between 10 and 30 percent, and the
all residents with just $1.2 million in investments, and there is part to be used to cover cost of capital was between 10 and 35 per-
such low reliability of supply that the service area is classified as cent. These ranges are in no way comprehensive but do generally
0% safely managed. $3.6 million has been invested in Lodwar, but align with the categorical breakdown seen in Figure 1 of non-
NRW is 50%, meaning most of this investment is not being used. CapEx, except in the cases of Lodwar and Woliso, in which expen-
Kampong Chamlong has a lower NRW of 17% and reaches 80% of diture is heavily dominated by OpEx.
its service area with safely managed services for $2 million. Boul- The different sources of utility revenue are shown in Figure 2,
der clearly offers superior service levels to the other three with divided into tax revenue, transfers, domestic tariffs, and commer-
$1 billion in investments, or 3 orders of magnitude more. cial & institutional tariffs.
8 A. Libey et al. / World Development 136 (2020) 105155

Table 3
Asset Valuations (all 2018 USD).

Lodwar, Kenya Kampong Chamlong, Cambodia Woliso, Ethiopia Boulder, USA

3.1 Total infrastructure investments (capital replacement value) $3,623,604 $2,026,154 $1,213,301 $1,028,372,848
3.2 Per capita value of infrastructure $47 $28 $10 $9,460
3.3 Accumulated depreciation -$413,028 -$1,016,645 -$511,009 -$576,237,847
3.4 Net book value $3,210,576 $1,009,509 $702,292 $452,135,001

Sources: (Lodwar Water and Sanitation Company Ltd, 2018), (Kenya RAPID, 2017), (Cambodian Water Supply Association, 2018), (GEDAG Consultancy Service PLC, 2017),
(Woliso Water, Sanitation, and Sewerage Enterprise, 2019), (City of Boulder Public Works Utilities Division, 2018), (City of Boulder, Colorado, 2018), (US EPA, 2019).

Figure 1. 2017–2018 Expenditures per capita by category, scaled to 100% of total expenditure Sources: (Kenya RAPID, 2017), (Lodwar Water and Sanitation Company Ltd,
2018), (Cambodian Water Supply Association, 2018), (Woliso Water, Sanitation, and Sewerage Enterprise, 2019), (City of Boulder, Colorado, 2018).

Figure 2. 2017–2018 Sources of utility funding, scaled to 100% of total funding Sources: (Kenya RAPID, 2017), (Lodwar Water and Sanitation Company Ltd, 2018),
(Cambodian Water Supply Association, 2018), (Woliso Water, Sanitation, and Sewerage Enterprise, 2019), (City of Boulder, Colorado, 2018).

Commercial and institutional tariffs make up the majority of the only utility amongst the four that received foreign aid (trans-
revenue in Lodwar since the county government buildings are fers) in 2017/18, in the form of a capital grant of $157 thousand
the largest customers of water in town, while in Kampong Cham- from the Kenyan Water Services Trust Fund. Transfers were an
long there is no tax, transfer, or commercial & institutional revenue even larger proportion of the Lodwar utility revenues in 2014
because the privately-owned network is only serving clients (38%) (International Benchmarking Network, 2017). Notably, all
through household connections. LOWASCO in Lodwar, Kenya was but Boulder received no tax revenue, meaning the local and
A. Libey et al. / World Development 136 (2020) 105155 9

national governments are not funding utilities from public funds. readings, since meters are calibrated within a certain window of
In Boulder, 56% of revenue is sourced from taxpayer-funded invest- accuracy, contributing to the high rates of NRW.
ments – including hydropower revenue, rent and interest on
investments, and bond proceeds. This is despite the fact that on 4.4. Tariffs and unit price of water
paper, there are no taxpayer funds supporting the City of Boulder
Utility Enterprise Fund. Table 5 includes the calculated average prices paid for water
Lodwar, Kampong Chamlong, and Boulder each made a modest (5.2, 5.2a, 5.2b) and the percentage of non-revenue water (5.3) of
profit per capita, while Woliso lost $0.38 per capita. Cost and fund- the four utilities. Where there is a range given for NRW, there
ing categories with amounts per capita are also found in the Sup- was a difference between the utility reported NRW and the calcu-
plementary Materials. lated NRW (calculated values are marked with an asterisk) for the
Shown in Table 4 are indicators for operating and total expendi- same period. The average domestic customer price paid per cubic
ture cost coverage from utility funding and the percentages of non- meter or unit price of water (3.2) is an average of both access
revenue water. methods and includes tariffs paid per volume as well as non-
The funding/expenditure ratio is also called the revenue/ex- volumetric costs, such as connection fees, meter rental, and fines
penditure or R/E ratio and measures cost recovery of all expen- paid.
diture. Woliso is the only case not to have covered expenses in The four cases have three different tariff structures, necessitat-
2018. ing a calculation of a flat unit price of water for comparisons. Public
The OCRR values for all four utilities were above 1.0 in 2018, connections and private household connections are also operated
meaning all operating costs were covered by revenue. Woliso under different tariff structures in Lodwar and Woliso, where pub-
and Lodwar have the lowest OCRR. This is in line with the high pro- lic water points exist.
portion of total expenditure that these two utilities spent on oper- In Lodwar, public kiosks are managed by a private operator who
ations, as shown in Figure 1, and the low amounts of water runs a small store with household products and charges $0.02 per
consumption and resulting tariff revenue. Kampong Chamlong 20L jerrican, or $0.98/m3 (3.2b), receiving 40% of the revenue.
and Boulder, on the other hand, both have OCRRs above 4, suggest- However, those with private household connections pay just
ing that there is a surplus of revenue over operating expenses and $0.33/m3 for a monthly consumption of 0–6 m3 (3.2a) (the lowest
more than ¾ of revenue can be set aside for major repairs, asset block). Woliso sets the public tap stand tariff much cheaper at
renewal and rehabilitation (CapManEx), and expansion (CapEx). $0.15/m3 (3.2b). For household connections, the price of water in
All four utilities scored much higher than their own national aver- the lowest block is also low at $0.17/m3 for 0–2 m3, but much of
ages. Utilities in the United States on average reported an operat- the tariff revenue collected includes connection fees, meter rental,
ing cost recovery ratio of 1.48, while utilities in Kenya reported and late fees, making the average household water bill $0.43/m3
an average of 0.97, utilities in Ethiopia an average of 0.80, and util- (3.2a). The unit price to access and consume water from all sources
ities in Cambodia an average of 2.57 (International Benchmarking in Woliso is higher at $0.9/m3 (3.2) based on actual consumption.
Network, 2018). In Kampong Chamlong, there are two volumetric rates applied to
Unaccounted for water or non-revenue water percentages were household connections based on customer type: regular customers
estimated to be between 8% (Boulder and 49% (Lodwar). Boulder’s pay $0.57/m3, while the poor receive a subsidized rate of $0.37/m3
water treatment system operates under high pressure and non- (3.2a). Boulder water customers pay the highest rate for water, at
revenue water is likely low because leaks or water losses during $1.27/m3 (3.2), although this is lower when water users use signif-
break events are quickly detected and fixed. Commercial losses icantly less than their budgeted allotment.
are also minimal in Boulder. The other utilities all identified leaks, The average tariffs paid or unit costs to access and consume
pilferage, broken equipment, or non-payment of bills as causes of water (3.2) are all above regional averages, except in Boulder.
non-revenue water. NRW is linked to revenue collection efficiency The 2018 GWI Global Water Tariff Survey found that the average
as well, where meter readings and bills are inaccurate. Intermittent tariff in North America is greater than $4/m3, while South Asia
supply in Woliso and Lodwar also likely reduces accuracy of meter had the lowest tariff, under $0.40/m3 on average, and Sub-

Table 4
Cost coverage and non-revenue water.

Lodwar, Kenya Kampong Chamlong, Cambodia Woliso, Ethiopia Boulder, USA

4.1 Funding/Total expenditure ratio (F/E) 1.28 1.16 0.86 1.04
4.2 Operating cost recovery ratio (OCRR) 1.48 4.60 1.19 4.36
4.3 Percentage non-revenue water (NRW) 37 – 49*% 17* 25% 29% 7.86%

Sources: (Lodwar Water and Sanitation Company Ltd, 2018), (Cambodian Water Supply Association, 2018), (Woliso Water, Sanitation, and Sewerage Enterprise, 2019), (City
of Boulder, Colorado, 2018).

Table 5
Utility tariff structures.

Lodwar, Kenya Kampong Chamlong, Cambodia Woliso, Ethiopia Boulder, USA

3.1 Tariff structure Increasing block Volumetric based on customer type Increasing block Budget-based rate
3.2 Unit price of water $/m3 $0.38 $0.50 $0.90 $1.27
3.2a Private household connections tariff $/m3 $0.33 $0.37–0.57 $0.43 $1.27
3.2b Public water point tariff $/m3 $0.98 NA $0.15 NA

Sources: (Lodwar Water and Sanitation Company Ltd, 2018), (Kenya RAPID, 2017), (Cambodian Water Supply Association, 2018), (GEDAG Consultancy Service PLC, 2017),
(Woliso Water, Sanitation, and Sewerage Enterprise, 2019), (City of Boulder, Colorado, 2018), (City of Boulder Public Works Utilities Division, 2018), (International
Benchmarking Network, 2018).
10 A. Libey et al. / World Development 136 (2020) 105155

Saharan tariffs averaged $1.25/m3 (GWI, 2018), based on a bench- between the required total expenditure (6.6) and the required total
mark of an urban household of four using 15 m3/month (123 L/per- expenditure assuming 100% coverage (6.8) because the daily water
son/day). When adjusted for actual consumption in the four case consumption already exceeds minimum needs, while in the other
studies, water customers in Lodwar, Kampong Chamlong, and cases the required expenditure significantly increases because of
Woliso are paying $0.27, $0.45, and $0.65 more, respectively, per the low proportion of the total water demand that is currently met
cubic meter of water than the regional averages. (2.8). The low water consumption can be a result of insufficient
water production (underinvestment for the population size), high
NRW (3.3), or low water demand (e.g. because of barriers to afford-
4.5. Full costs of water service delivery and funding gaps ability or presence of alternative sources).
Table 6 shows that for all four utilities the 2017/18 tariff rev-
Table 6 presents the 2017/18 funding, expenditure, and the net enue and other sources of funding are insufficient to cover the
profit per capita. It compares these values to the required annual required annual expenditure for delivering and sustaining ade-
expenditure and funding to fully fund CapManEx and reach 100% quate services (at least basic services and 60 lpcd) to all, highlight-
service coverage. The funding per year of water services (6.1) in ing a funding gap ranging from $2 per person in Kampong
the cases was $2 in Woliso, $8 in Lodwar and Kampong Chamlong, Chamlong to $41 in Lodwar (6.9). This calculation further reflects
and $671 in Boulder per capita. Total expenditure (6.2) in the three increased tariff revenue from increased water production and sales
lower-income contexts was $3–7 per person, while in Boulder in the higher service level scenario. These funding gaps are also
$645 was spent per person. In all the towns but Woliso, the utilities expressed as a percentage of the total funding received in
made a (modest) profit (6.3). 2017/18, where Boulder would need 2%, Kampong Chamlong
Table 6 also presents the annual expenditure required for main- 25%, Lodwar 350%, and Woliso 780% of current resources (6.10).
taining and renewing assets (CapManEx), calculated from the cap-
ital replacement values and lifespans of utility infrastructure. 5. Discussion
Estimated required annual CapManEx per capita (6.4) are recog-
nized as the minimum expenditure per year which may be held 5.1. Utility service levels and valuation benchmarks
in a sinking fund to account for future expenditure related to major
repairs and asset renewal, along the lifespan of the assets. While The WASHCost project found that total capital expenditure for
required CapManEx per capita (6.4) appears low in Lodwar, this small piped schemes amounted to between $32–140 per person
is potentially an underestimation as a consequence of not having in several rural areas and small towns (Burr & Fonseca, 2013).
robust estimates of the extent and condition of the water distribu- These findings are similar to ours in Lodwar ($47) and Kampong
tion system and off-grid power supplies. Chamlong ($28), but substantially more was invested in Boulder
None of the utilities are currently spending enough to cover the ($9,460) per person and substantially less in Woliso ($10), con-
required annual expenditure, including CapManEx. In all four cases, tributing to the differing service levels across in the four contexts.
actual CapManEx in 2017/18 was less than the calculated recom- Using national expenditures, the World Bank estimated similar
mended levels, with a gap per person of $0.60 (Lodwar), $2 (Kam- unit costs of types of water-supply infrastructure (Hutton &
pong Chamlong), $5 (Woliso), and $43 (Boulder) (6.5). Utilities that Varughese, 2016). The benchmarks for rural piped on-plot approx-
spend or put away the required CapManEx each year will be able imately match the actual investments made by the medium-sized
to finance replacement of an asset at the end of its useful lifespan towns of Kampong Chamlong and Lodwar. Lodwar’s investments
without spending from other budgets or taking on debt. Boulder are valued at $3 more than the Kenyan benchmark for rural piped
has aging infrastructure - underspending on capital maintenance on-plot. The actual investments in Kampong Chamlong are $12 less
may not have resulted in decreased service levels yet, but it is a con- than the Cambodian benchmark for rural piped on-plot, which may
siderable risk for ensuring adequate future water service provision. be because the town of 71,877 is denser than a rural area. Woliso is
Finally, Table 6 presents the estimated required annual expendi- $45 less than the benchmark for Ethiopian piped on-plot services.
ture and net profit for a scenario with higher service levels 100% The United States was not included by Hutton & Varughese (2016).
coverage of the total population with at least basic services and pro-
duction high enough for an average consumption of 60 lpcd. To esti- 5.2. Tariffs and subsidies
mate the required annual expenditure for 100% coverage (6.8), the
total required expenditure (6.6) is divided by the percentage of Across all four cases average tariffs are higher than regional
water demand actually met (2.8). In Boulder, there is no difference averages, yet the total tariff revenues are insufficient to cover

Table 6
Utility life cycle costs and funding gaps (all in USD, 2018).

Lodwar, Kampong Chamlong, Woliso, Boulder,

Kenya Cambodia Ethiopia USA
6.1 2017/18 Funding/capita $8 $8 $2 $671
6.2 2017/18 Expenditure/capita $6 $7 $3 $645
6.3 2017/18 Net profit/capita $2 $1 -$0.38 $27
6.4 Required annual CapManEx/capita $1 $4 $6 $138
6.5 Actual – required spending on CapManEx/capita -$0.60 -$2 -$5 -$43
6.6 Required total annual expenditure at current level of service (including required $7 $9 $9 $688
6.7 Net profit with required annual expenditure (including CapManEx)/capita $1 -$1 -$7 -$17
6.8 Total required annual expenditure for delivering water services with 100% coverage and $60 $12 $20 $688
water demand met
6.9 Funding gap for reaching 100% coverage (including projected revenue increase)/capita -$41 -$2 -$15 -$17
6.10 Gap as a percentage of current funding 350% 25% 780% 2%

Sources: (Lodwar Water and Sanitation Company Ltd, 2018), (Kenya RAPID, 2017), (Cambodian Water Supply Association, 2018), (GEDAG Consultancy Service PLC, 2017),
(Woliso Water, Sanitation, and Sewerage Enterprise, 2019), (City of Boulder, Colorado, 2018), (City of Boulder Public Works Utilities Division, 2018).
A. Libey et al. / World Development 136 (2020) 105155 11

annual expenditure in Woliso, Lodwar, and Boulder. Kampong Additional funds are needed in all cases to adequately fund Cap-
Chamlong is the only utility studied with 100% of revenue from tar- ManEx and reach universal access, ranging from 2% of funding in
iffs and cost coverage from tariffs. The other three cases relied on Boulder, 25% in Kampong Chamlong, 350% in Lodwar, and 780%
non-tariff funding. Transfers outweighed tariffs in Lodwar, Woliso in Woliso 7 (6.10). The needed resources cannot be sourced only
had a net loss in 2018, and Boulder sourced the majority of funding from improved cost recovery, as they are 3–7 times greater than
from tax revenues. Yet tariffs remain a key area of reform for utility current funding levels in Lodwar and Woliso.
financial stability and a delivery vehicle for water customer sub- The tension between achieving universal access to water and
sidy (demand-side subsidy). prioritizing cost recovery for water service delivery has long been
Increasing block tariffs are designed to provide affordable water recognized (Jaglin, 2002). Utility performance and tariff affordabil-
to the poor, who are expected to consume less water than more ity also affect households’ willingness and ability to access and pay
wealthy households and will be able to benefit from lower tariff for water services. Poor service levels lead to lower revenues and
rates set for lower consumption levels. However, much has been increasing tariffs lead to lower usage, a double negative feedback
written recently about how these subsidies are often poorly tar- loop that can be hard to escape, preventing investments in
geted and rarely effective pro-poor policy (Andres et al., 2019, improved services. Unreliable services and intermittent supply also
Borja-Vega et al., 2019, Cook et al., 2020). Both Woliso and Lodwar lead to low consumer confidence, lower willingness to pay, and
apply increasing block tariffs with low bottom block prices and higher rates of non-revenue water, making cost recovery more dif-
high thresholds and accordingly face challenges with recovering ficult. Lowering levels of non-revenue water could have an imme-
costs. While low-income users reliant on public sources pay more diate effect on utility financial viability without raising tariffs, yet
per unit of volume in some cases and less in others, upgrading to a most utilities find it difficult to bring non-revenue water down to
private household connection may be out of reach because of high the single digits as in Boulder.
non-volumetric costs (which may be initial costs such as connec- The conventional approach to closing this funding and service
tion fees, meter rental fees, or fines for unpaid bills). gap is a combination of increasing tariffs and lowering NRW water
The simplest tariff structure studied, volumetric based on cus- (by lowering water losses and increasing revenue collection effi-
tomer type, may be the most transparent and effective for deliver- ciency). Improved billing systems linked to improved service deliv-
ing subsidy to the poor. In Kampong Chamlong, households with a ery could benefit poor consumers who are already paying high
private connection pay a flat $0.57/m3 while ‘‘special customers” prices to cope with unreliable water supplies, yet raising tariffs
only pay $0.37/m3. In this way, wealthier households cross- may increase water insecurity without additional anti-poverty
subsidize water sales to the poor. Kampong Chamlong has also measures (Stoler et al., 2020).
used transfers effectively in the past to subsidize expansion into Low levels of cost recovery from tariffs are part of the drivers
new neighborhoods by covering a percentage of connection fees behind underinvestment in CapManEx and low service levels, but
to new customers – as these non-recurrent costs are some of the they are not the full story and are definitely not the sole solution.
highest barriers to piped services and ideal targets for subsidy This conventional strategy ignores that some high-performing util-
(Andres et al., 2019). ities serving wealthy communities, such as Boulder, rely on over
Boulder is the only water utility without a demand-side subsidy 50% of revenue from taxes to subsidize service delivery and keep
delivered by tariff pricing. The budget- based rate tariff structure tariffs low. These findings suggest that the benchmark of 80% of
prioritizes water conservation by rewarding those who consume revenue from user contributions and tariffs (World Health
less than the amount of water budgeted for their property size Organization & UN-Water, 2019) may not be an appropriate goal
with lower rates. This is not a pro-poor subsidy as lower-income everywhere.
residents are more likely to own or rent smaller, older, and/or less Only 35% of utilities included in the World Bank’s IBNET data-
water-efficient properties and may live with more individuals, base cover O&M costs from revenue and just 14% over total expen-
therefore using higher volumes of water. Arguably, pro-poor water diture from revenue, making Kampong Chamlong part of the top
pricing is not needed in Boulder as incomes are high and prices 14% globally for cost coverage (Andres et al., 2019). The other three
already low. A typical yearly water bill in Boulder is $169 per per- utilities, heavily reliant on outside funding via transfers or taxes
son, meaning the effective rate charged to households is $1.27 per are more the norm for water utilities. With OCRRs close to 1.0, like
cubic meter including all fees, fines, meter rental, and water sales. in the cases of Woliso and Lodwar, significant additional funding is
Yet, per capita expenditures add up to $645 – leaving a gap of $475 needed to service O&M before service expansion or improvements
per person per year met through other sources than water tariffs. could be considered as currently little to no funds can be set aside
The utility, therefore, benefits from a supply-side subsidy of non- to cover debt service.
water service-related revenue. Categorized under taxes, revenue
from taxpayer-funded investments in hydropower, rental property,
and bond proceeds all serve to fund 56% of water service delivery 6. Conclusion
in Boulder.
This study compared how four example utilities in low, middle,
5.3. Funding gaps and strategies and high-income countries are funding and delivering water ser-
vices to households. While selected as a convenience sample to rep-
The funding gaps identified in Table 6 represent a simplified resent a broad range of operating contexts, we found common
method for comparing life cycle costs across different water utili- operating challenges that are instructive when designing policies
ties in different contexts and cannot be used as cost estimates and expectations of water utilities especially in low-income settings.
for service expansions. However, a globally applicable method for Local experts familiar with each of these utilities reviewed the anal-
estimating the additional revenue (and potentially outside funding ysis presented in this paper and concurred that the general findings
from transfers) needed to adequately cover capital maintenance reflected the operating conditions and challenges in each context.
could be useful, as capital maintenance is underfunded globally. We found that financial solvency and coverage of operating
The budget gaps, when contextualized with current sources of util- costs from revenue are not enough to meet the required expendi-
ity revenue and expenditure, indicate ill-preparedness for asset ture (including CapManEx) for ensuring sustainable water service
end-of-lifespan renewal which will lead to further deterioration provision, much less funding system expansion needed to improve
of service levels. intermittent services and reach universal access among any of the
12 A. Libey et al. / World Development 136 (2020) 105155

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