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Gemini is the third zodiacal constellation, pictorially represented

as the Twins, Castor and Pollux, and ruled by Mercury.

Mercury, usually called quicksilver, is the only metal
that is liquid at normal temperature. Gemini is a mutable,
air sign. Mutable means "given to frequent change"; air, in
astrology, pertains to mentality. When you consider a few key
words of the sign and ruling planet, you get a general idea of
mental and emotional characteristics and, in turn, the physical
tendencies: Active, adaptable, curious, congenial, inventive,
versatile, literate and restless.
You have a keen and often brilliant mind, with a charming
personality and ready wit—the intellectual type who loves to
acquire knowledge. You can be truly learned or superficial,
eloquent or merely glib, a genius or what is known as a smart
operator, constructively active or a daydreamer. When you
get a good idea—and a Gemini is intuitive—try to follow
through with it. Coordinate your idea with concentration and
perseverance; the scatterbrain rarely achieves success.

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