AQ Series PM and User Maintenance Protocol

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AQ series Maintenance Protocol

For Operator
Daily Maintenance
1. Clean instrument outer surface area.
2. Clean lower surface of instrument.
3. Fill the distilled water can every day.
4. Empty waste can every day
5. Clean probe and stirrer
6. Clean probe and stirrer wash station
7. Every day after switch on the instrument, it will do auto maintenance.
Instrument will clean cuvettes with cleanser solution and check
Cuvettes value it should be more than 25000 and less then 65000
8. Check reaction tray temperature
9. Check water tank pressure
10.Clean reagent/ sample tray container
11. At the end of the day, follow the shout down process. In shut down
process instrument will wash all cuvettes and fill with distilled water.

Weekly Maintenance
1. Clean instrument panels.
2. Wash and rinse waste & distilled water can with hot water.
3. Use lint free cloth, dip in alcohol to clean Probe & Stirrer tip.
4. Clean Probe and stirrer wash station.
5. Use AQ Wash solution at reagent position 30 and wash all cuvettes.
6. Take Backup of database.
AQ series Preventive Maintenance Protocol
for Service Executive
1. Clean instrument externally as well as internally. It should be dust free.
2. Clean lamp cooling fan as well as exhaust fan.
3. Wash and rinse waste & distilled water can with hot water.
4. Use lint free cloth, dip in alcohol to clean Probe & Stirrer tip.
5. Clean Probe and stirrer wash station.
6. Use AQ clener solution at reagent position 30 and wash all cuvettes.
7. Clean laundry tubing and replace same if required.
8. Clean laundry manifold.
9. Clean reagent tray and fill water in reagent cooling tank.
10.Clean and lubricate all mechanical assemblies.
11.Clean incubation groove of reaction tray.
12.Clean water pressure tank.
13.Clean waste/ drain tube.
14.Check lamp alignment and set filter gains. It should be above 25000 and
below 65000 (Ideal 45000)
15.Check cuvette quality it should be < 200.
16.Check reaction tray temperature.
17.Check water tank pressure.
18.Check sample/reagent syringe should be bubbles free.
19.Check and clean probe wiper, replace if required.
20. Check cuvette cleaning.
21.Check sample /reagent probe alignment and centring at all positions.
22.Check sample and Reagent probe water flow in wash station, should be
straight and smooth.
23.Check probe and stirrer washing.
24.Check reagent tray cooling peltier.
25.It is mandatory to take Database Backup every PM.

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