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Conclusion 1

Low self-regulation among students was one of the reasons for

procrastination, as evidenced by the findings. Some of the leading factors

such as leisure activities, motivation, incapability to learn, and internet/gadget

issues were known as conditions in backlogs of activities.

Conclusion 2:

According to the findings, students who were experiencing psychological

distress were more prone to procrastinate. Students were more likely to

participate in spontaneous enjoyment due to the amount of compiled tasks

and frustrations they endure.

Conclusion 3:

According to the results, students avoided procrastinating by employing

coping strategies. Minimizing time waste and focusing on the task at hand had

helped regulate their time effectively and become proficient in time


Conclusion 4:

This study had proved that synchronous classes had significantly aided

students in bettering their time management skills. It boosted their productivity

which resulted in effectively organizing their duties and overcome


Recommendation 1:

In taking action for student's low self-regulation, the researchers recommend

practicing strict time management and self-discipline. They also suggest

exercising conscious control of their time in doing academic and non-

academic activities.

Recommendation 2:

This study encourages students to focus on finishing their activities one at a

time because procrastination leads to a pile-up of workloads and poor

academic results. They will be able to complete their assignments on time if

they utilize creating goals and following schedules.

Recommendation 3:

The researchers recommend establishing good tactics and motivation in

studying by manifesting a positive relationship with learning and

accomplishing tasks. They must know the study techniques to prevent

procrastination and boost their study ethics.

Recommendation 4:

Prior to this issue, the participation of parents/guardians and faculty workers

and awareness is necessary for the guidance and motivation of students

towards activities and deadlines. Moreover, the researchers recommend that

they should incorporate engaging projects and movements that address this

Recommendation 5:

Since this study focuses on a broader range of the students' actual

experiences, the researchers recommend that additional examination and

continuity of this study be done to enhance future research on this topic.

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