Nomination Form

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Patubas Awards _______

(Calendar Year) Recent 2”x2”
Picture of the
DepEd Iloilo
Luna Street, La Paz
Iloilo City

After undergoing a thorough evaluation in the district level based on the guidelines
and criteria of the Patubas Awards for DepEd Iloilo Officials and Employees, I
hereby nominate:

Name of Nominee:
Current Position of the Nominee:
Contact Number & email address: School/ Office:
School/ Office Address:

(Note: Please enclose, 1-2 pages write-up about the significant accomplishments of
the nominee duly signed by the immediate head.)

I hereby certify that, to the best of my knowledge, the information contained in the
accompanying supporting documents are true and correct.

The nominee and the undersigned understand that the decision of the PRAISE
Committee is final and that we agree to abide by it.

________________________________ ________________________________
Name of Nominator Signature

________________________________ ________________________________
Position Date Signed

Address: Luna St., La Paz, Iloilo City 5000

Tel./Fax No. (033) 320-1402 | (033) 320-0719 | (033) 320-0707 | (033) 327-2252 1
Website: | e-mail:
Annex D: Professionalism and Personal Characteristics Rating Sheet


Name of Nominee:
School/Office: District: Category:
Name of Immediate Superior:

Directions: Put a check (/) on the space provided for if the nominee AT ALL TIMES
exhibits the following indicators otherwise put an (x).

A. Manifests genuine enthusiasm and pride in the nobility of
teaching/related teaching profession
1. Demonstrates punctuality at all times.
2. Participates actively in all office activities
3. Attends in all required seminars and training for professional
4. Gets involved in all school programs and projects/office activities as
5. Communicates the DepEd vision, mission, and core values to
B. Observes and demonstrates desirable personal and professional (RA
6713) and Code of Ethics RA 786) behaviors like respect, honesty,
dedication, and patriotism at all times.
1. Maintains stature and behavior worthy of respect and emulation
2. Respects the privacy of co-workers, does not spread office gossips or
3. Gives honest remarks regarding his/her work outputs and is willing to
receive feedback
4. Provides honest and constructive feedback and is generous enough
to give credits due to co-workers
5. Is honest, upright and trustworthy in all his/her dealings with all
6. Serves beyond working hours to be able to meet organizational goals and
7. Performs jobs cheerfully and with much positivism exceeding
expectations of superiors as to work outputs
8. Observes at all times loyalty to the Republic and to the Filipino people,
promotes use of locally produced goods, resources and technology
and encourages, appreciation and pride of country and people

Address: Luna St., La Paz, Iloilo City 5000

Tel./Fax No. (033) 320-1402 | (033) 320-0719 | (033) 320-0707 | (033) 327-2252 2
Website: | e-mail:
9. Extends prompt and adequate services to the public
C. Maintains harmonious relation with superiors,
subordinates, learners, parents and other stakeholders
1. Respects authority and is able to work harmoniously with superiors
and colleagues
2. Maintains good working relationship with co-workers, parents and
3. Performs well whether as a team leader or member
D. Maintains good reputation with respect to financial matters such as
the settlement of his/her debts, loans and other financial
1. Discloses personal financial interest as well as that of spouse and
other minor children exercising proper discretion
2. Settles loans and other financial affairs on time
3. Has not been subjected to any complaint/ charged administratively
relative to financial matters

Rated by:

Signature over Printed Name of the Immediate Head


Address: Luna St., La Paz, Iloilo City 5000

Tel./Fax No. (033) 320-1402 | (033) 320-0719 | (033) 320-0707 | (033) 327-2252 3
Website: | e-mail:


The Schools Division of Iloilo recognizes the exemplary performance of teachers in

the field. A teacher who embodies critical thinking and innovation, resilience,
cooperation, commitment, effective communication skills, and competence. This
award is open to all permanent elementary, junior high school, and senior high
school teachers (Teachers I, II, and III).

Criteria Points
Occupational Competence 30
Performance 20
Demonstration Teaching 10
Outstanding Accomplishments 30
Employee Award 5
Innovation 5
Research 5
Publication/ Authorship 5
Consultant/Resource Speaker/Facilitator in
Training/Seminars/Workshops (DepEd-related)
Professional Development 10
Education 10
Community Involvement 5
Written Examination 5
Interview 10
Professionalism/Personal Characteristics 10

Occupational Competence (30 points)

Performance (20 points)
This refers to the IPCRF Rating. The rate of the average numerical rating for the 3
years vs. the highest possible rating shall be multiplied by 20.

( 4.720+4.600+ 4.890)÷ 3
x 20=18.947
5.00(highest rating)

Note: The nominee’s IPCRF Rating for the last 3 years must be at least ‘Very
Satisfactory’. A certified true copy of the IPCRF shall be presented as MOV.

Demonstration Teaching (10 points)

The demonstration teaching criterion shall be a simulation of the teaching-learning
episode in the classroom. The committee shall have the final instruction as to the
conduct of the demonstration teaching. The criteria for demonstration teaching

Address: Luna St., La Paz, Iloilo City 5000

Tel./Fax No. (033) 320-1402 | (033) 320-0719 | (033) 320-0707 | (033) 327-2252 4
Website: | e-mail:
shall follow the objectives in the Classroom Observation Tool (COT) set by DepEd
for the current school year.

Rating Points
4.700 – 5.000 10 pts
4.300 – 4.699 8 pts
3.900 – 4.299 6 pts
3.500 – 3.899 4 pts

Note: The nominee shall prepare a lesson 2 hours before the actual demonstration.

Outstanding Accomplishments (30 points)

Employee Award (5 points)
To consider only the certificate with the highest points for the last 3 years.

Level Points
School/District 1
Division 2
Regional 3
National 4
International 5

MOVs: Certificate of Award, Official Memorandum/ Bulletin for Results

Announcement, or Letter of Conferment

Innovation (5 points)
Innovation means something new. It is a demonstration of creativity, initiative, and
innovativeness through development of new or superior work procedures, methods,
inventions, and devices. Innovation means something new. Innovation shall focus
on organizational efficiency, work procedures, leadership, educational support
partnership, and community development in any of the following categories:
Curriculum and Instruction Delivery; Policy, Planning, Research and Governance;
Learning Environment Improvement; Human Resource Development; and ALS,
SPED, IPEd Programs. Innovative work that has been implemented within the last
3 years shall be considered as innovation.
MOV: Copy of the innovation (only submit the innovation which is at the highest
stage of implementation)

Stages of Implementation Points

Started the implementation
Project Proposal duly signed by the Head of Office and 1
Progress Monitoring Report with significant milestones
aligned to the plan.
Fully implemented in the school
MOV: 2
Completed Project Report verified by the Head of Office.
Adopted in the School/ District 3
Completed Project Report verified by the Head of Office; and

Address: Luna St., La Paz, Iloilo City 5000

Tel./Fax No. (033) 320-1402 | (033) 320-0719 | (033) 320-0707 | (033) 327-2252 5
Website: | e-mail:
Certification of the utilization of the
innovation, within the school/district duly signed by the
Head of Office.
Adopted in the division
Completed Project Report verified by the Head of Office;
Certification of the utilization of the innovation in the
division duly signed by the Schools Division 4
Superintendent; and
Certification from the LR Manager that the
module/instructional material underwent the quality-
assurance procedure (if applicable).
Adopted in the region
Completed Project Report verified by the Head of Office;
Certification of the utilization of the innovation in the region
duly signed by the Regional Director; and
Certification from the LR Manager that the
module/instructional material underwent the quality-
assurance procedure (if applicable).

Research (5 points)
Initiated or headed an educational research activity duly approved by educational
authorities either for improvement of instruction, for community development, or
teacher welfare conducted in the last 3 years.
A research (action or basic) must be approved / accepted by the Schools Division
Superintendent or Regional Director.
Researchers must be compliant with the Research Management Guidelines (DepEd
Order No. 16, s. 2017).
Research topics must be aligned with the research agenda of the CO/RO/ SDO,
and according to the level of governance.
Points earned shall be divided according to the number of researchers in a team.

Stages of Implementation Points

Started implementation of the research work
Research Proposal presented and approved by the SDRC 1
Progress Monitoring Report
Completed research work
Completed research paper duly acknowledged and noted 2
by the SDRC and recommended and approved by ASDS
and SDS, respectively.

Address: Luna St., La Paz, Iloilo City 5000

Tel./Fax No. (033) 320-1402 | (033) 320-0719 | (033) 320-0707 | (033) 327-2252 6
Website: | e-mail:
Presented completed research work in the SDO research
Completed research paper duly acknowledged and noted
by the SDRC and recommended and approved by ASDS
and SDS, respectively;
Certificate of Paper Presentation signed by SDS; and
Division Memorandum of the SDO Research Congress
Presented research work in the RO research congress
Completed research paper duly acknowledged and noted
by the SDRC and recommended and approved by ASDS
and SDS/ Regional Director, respectively;
Certificate of Paper Presentation signed by the Regional
Director; and
Regional Memorandum of the Regional Research Congress.
Presented research work in the CO research congress
Completed research paper duly acknowledged and noted
by the SDRC and recommended and approved by ASDS
and SDS/ Regional Director, respectively;
Certificate of Paper Presentation signed by the Secretary/
Representative; and
National Memorandum of the CO Research Congress.
Publication/Authorship (5 points)
Articles duly approved by the regional/ division committee or with the PAU should
have been published in newspapers/ magazines/ journals of wide circulation at
least within a province/ city or official publication or websites. Opinion/ feature
articles, which need not be approved by the Head of office, must contain data/
scientific research and must be educational. Articles published online shall be
published in an official/ reputable educational website.
Books duly approved by the division committee must have been published with
ISBN/ ISSN by a recognized publishing company.
Authorship of DepEd-developed and produced materials (e.g., SLMs and WLAs)
which pass through quality assurance procedures conducted by SDO/RO LR shall
be included when the supporting documents are provided:
Memorandum where name of nominee is included.
Final copy of the material/s as published
Points earned shall be divided among the number of authors.

Nature of Publication Points

Articles published (0.5 point per article but not to 2
exceed 2 pts.)
Authorship of DepEd-developed and
produced materials (e.g., SLMs and LAs; 1 per 3
material but not to exceed 3 points)
Co-authorship of a book 4
Sole authorship of a book, workbook, big books, 5
textbook, and module
Consultant / Resource Speaker / Facilitator in Training/ Seminars / Workshops
(DepEd-related) (10 points)

Address: Luna St., La Paz, Iloilo City 5000

Tel./Fax No. (033) 320-1402 | (033) 320-0719 | (033) 320-0707 | (033) 327-2252 7
Website: | e-mail:
This refers to the recognition/ citation given by DepEd-related award-giving bodies.

Level Points
International 10
National 9
Regional 8
Division 6
Congressional District 4
District 2
School 1

Note: Only DepEd sanctioned activities shall be given points. The nominee shall
present the copy of the memorandum, authenticated certificate, Authority to travel
(if any), and other supporting documents.
Professional Development (10 points)
Education – 10 points
Education shall be in terms of the nominee’s academic achievement. This pertains
to the nominee’s master’s, and doctorate degrees earned. The course or
specialization must be relevant and aligned to the nominee’s teaching experience.

Degree Points
Doctorate Degree Graduate 10
Doctorate Degree
(Completed Academic Requirements)
Master’s Degree Graduate 6
Master’s Degree
(Completed Academic Requirements)

Note: The nominee shall present a copy of authenticated TOR and Diploma (those
who graduated) or TOR and Certification for Completed Academic Requirements
(those who have CAR).

Community Involvement (5 points)

Outreach programs/activities initiated properly documented with narrative and
pictorials attested by immediate supervisors, division, or
regional/barangay/municipal/city/province officials.

Scope of implementation Points

School/Barangay 2
District/Municipal 3
Division/Province 4
Regional 5

Written Examination (5 points)

The written examination shall evaluate the communication skills of the nominee.
The committee shall choose the topic or question.

Interview (10 points)

Address: Luna St., La Paz, Iloilo City 5000

Tel./Fax No. (033) 320-1402 | (033) 320-0719 | (033) 320-0707 | (033) 327-2252 8
Website: | e-mail:
Professionalism / Personal Characteristics (10 points)


The Schools Division of Iloilo recognizes the exemplary performance of master

teachers in the field. A master teacher who embodies critical thinking and
innovation, resilience, cooperation, commitment, effective communication skills,
initiative, leadership, and competence.

Criteria Points
Occupational Competence 30
Performance 20
Demonstration Teaching 10
Outstanding Accomplishments 35
Employee Award 5
Innovation 5
Research 10
Publication/ Authorship 5
Consultant/Resource Speaker/Facilitator in
Training/Seminars/Workshops (DepEd-related)
Professional Development 5
Education 5
Community Involvement 10
Written Examination 5
Interview 5
Professionalism/Personal Characteristics 10

Occupational Competence (30 points)

Performance (20 points)
This refers to the IPCRF Rating. The rate of the average numerical rating for the 3
years vs. the highest possible rating shall be multiplied by 20.

( 4.720+4.600+ 4.890)÷ 3
x 20=18.947
5.00(highest rating)

Note: The nominee’s IPCRF Rating for the last 3 years must be at least ‘Very
Satisfactory’. A certified true copy of the IPCRF shall be presented as MOV.

Address: Luna St., La Paz, Iloilo City 5000

Tel./Fax No. (033) 320-1402 | (033) 320-0719 | (033) 320-0707 | (033) 327-2252 9
Website: | e-mail:
Demonstration Teaching (10 points)
The demonstration teaching criteria shall be a simulation of the teaching-learning
episode in the classroom. The committee shall have the final instruction as to the
conduct of the demonstration teaching. The criteria for demonstration teaching
shall follow the objectives in the Classroom Observation Tool (COT) set by DepEd
for the current school year.

Rating Points
4.700 – 5.000 10 pts
4.300 – 4.699 8 pts
3.900 – 4.299 6 pts
3.500 – 3.899 4 pts

Note: The nominee shall prepare a lesson 2 hours before the actual demonstration.

Outstanding Accomplishments (30 points)

Employee Award (5 points)
To consider only the certificate with the highest points for the last 3 years.

Level Points
School/District 1
Division 2
Regional 3
National 4
International 5

MOVs: Certificate of Award, Official Memorandum/ Bulletin for Results

Announcement, or Letter of Conferment

Innovation (5 points)
Innovation means something new. It is a demonstration of creativity, initiative, and
innovativeness through development of new or superior work procedures, methods,
inventions, and devices. Innovation means something new. Innovation shall focus
on organizational efficiency, work procedures, leadership, educational support
partnership, and community development in any of the following categories:
Curriculum and Instruction Delivery; Policy, Planning, Research and Governance;
Learning Environment Improvement; Human Resource Development; and ALS,
SPED, IPEd Programs. Innovative work that has been implemented within the last
3 years shall be considered as innovation.

MOV: copy of the innovation (only submit the innovation which is at the highest
stage of implementation)
Stages of Implementation Points
Started the implementation
Project Proposal duly signed by the Head of Office and 1
Progress Monitoring Report with significant milestones
aligned to the plan.

Address: Luna St., La Paz, Iloilo City 5000

Tel./Fax No. (033) 320-1402 | (033) 320-0719 | (033) 320-0707 | (033) 327-2252 10
Website: | e-mail:
Fully implemented in the school
MOV: 2
Completed Project Report verified by the Head of Office.
Adopted in the School/ District
Completed Project Report verified by the Head of Office;
and 3
Certification of the utilization of the
innovation, within the school/district duly signed by the
Head of Office.
Adopted in the division
Completed Project Report verified by the Head of Office;
Certification of the utilization of the innovation in the
division duly signed by the Schools Division 4
Superintendent; and
Certification from the LR Manager that the
module/instructional material underwent the quality-
assurance procedure (if applicable).
Adopted in the region
Completed Project Report verified by the Head of Office;
Certification of the utilization of the innovation in the
region duly signed by the Regional Director; and
Certification from the LR Manager that the
module/instructional material underwent the quality-
assurance procedure (if applicable).

Research (10 points)

Initiated or headed an educational research activity duly approved by educational
authorities either for improvement of instruction, for community development, or
teacher welfare conducted in the last 3 years.
A research (action or basic) must be approved / accepted by the Schools Division
Superintendent or Regional Director.
Researchers must be compliant to the Research Management Guidelines (DepEd
Order No. 16, s. 2017).
Research topics must be aligned with the research agenda of the CO/RO/ SDO,
and according to the level of governance.

Address: Luna St., La Paz, Iloilo City 5000

Tel./Fax No. (033) 320-1402 | (033) 320-0719 | (033) 320-0707 | (033) 327-2252 11
Website: | e-mail:
Points earned shall be divided according to the number of researchers in a team.

Stages of Implementation Points

Started implementation of the research work
Research Proposal presented and approved by the SDRC 2
Progress Monitoring Report
Completed research work
Completed research paper duly acknowledged and noted 4
by the SDRC and recommended and approved by ASDS
and SDS, respectively.
Presented completed research work in the SDO research
Completed research paper duly acknowledged and noted
by the SDRC and recommended and approved by ASDS
and SDS, respectively;
Certificate of Paper Presentation signed by SDS; and
Division Memorandum of the SDO Research Congress
Presented research work in the RO research congress
Completed research paper duly acknowledged and noted
by the SDRC and recommended and approved by ASDS
and SDS/ Regional Director, respectively;
Certificate of Paper Presentation signed by the Regional
Director; and
Regional Memorandum of the Regional Research Congress.
Presented research work in the CO research congress
Completed research paper duly acknowledged and noted
by the SDRC and recommended and approved by ASDS
and SDS/ Regional Director, respectively; 10
Certificate of Paper Presentation signed by the Secretary/
Representative; and
National Memorandum of the CO Research Congress.

Address: Luna St., La Paz, Iloilo City 5000

Tel./Fax No. (033) 320-1402 | (033) 320-0719 | (033) 320-0707 | (033) 327-2252 12
Website: | e-mail:
Publication/Authorship (5 points)
Articles duly approved by the regional/ division committee or with the PAU should
have been published in newspapers/ magazines/ journals of wide circulation at
least within a province/ city or official publication or websites. Opinion/ feature
articles, which need not be approved by the Head of office, must contain data/
scientific research and must be educational. Articles published online shall be
published in an official/ reputable educational website.
Books duly approved by the division committee must have been published with
ISBN/ ISSN by a recognized publishing company.
Authorship of DepEd-developed and produced materials (e.g., SLMs and WLAs)
which pass through quality assurance procedures conducted by SDO/RO LR shall
be included when the supporting documents are provided:
Memorandum where name of nominee is included.
Final copy of the material/s as published
Points earned shall be divided among the number of authors.

Nature of Publication Points

Articles published (0.5 point per article but not
to exceed 2 pts.)
Authorship of DepEd-developed and produced
materials (e.g., SLMs and LAs; 1 per material 3
but not to exceed 3 points)
Co-authorship of a book 4
Sole authorship of a book, workbook, big
books, textbook, and module

Consultant / Resource Speaker / Facilitator in Training/ Seminars / Workshops

(DepEd-related) (10 points)

This refers to the recognition/citation given by DepEd-related award-giving bodies.

Level Points
International 10
National 9
Regional 8
Division 6
Congressional District 4
District 2
School 1

Note: Only DepEd sanctioned activities shall be given points. The nominee shall
present the copy of the memorandum, authenticated certificate, Authority to travel
(if any), and other supporting documents.

Professional Development (5 points)

Education – 5 points
Education shall be in terms of the nominee’s academic achievement. This pertains
to the nominee’s master’s, and doctorate degrees earned. The course or
specialization must be relevant and aligned to the nominee’s teaching experience.

Address: Luna St., La Paz, Iloilo City 5000

Tel./Fax No. (033) 320-1402 | (033) 320-0719 | (033) 320-0707 | (033) 327-2252 13
Website: | e-mail:
Degree Points
Doctorate Degree Graduate 5
Doctorate Degree
(Completed Academic Requirement)
Master’s Degree Graduate 3
Master’s Degree
(Completed Academic Requirement)

Note: The nominee shall present a copy of authenticated TOR and Diploma (those
who graduated) or TOR and Certification for Completed Academic Requirements
(those who have CAR).

Community Involvement (10 points)

Outreach programs/activities initiated properly documented with narrative and
pictorials attested by immediate supervisors, division, or
regional/barangay/municipal/city/province officials.

Scope of implementation Points

School/Barangay 4
District/Municipal 6
Division/Province 8
Regional 10

Written Examination (5 points)

The written examination shall evaluate the communication skills of the nominee.
The committee shall choose the topic or question.

Interview (5 points)

Professionalism / Personal Characteristics (10 points)


Criteria Points
Occupational Competence 30
Performance 20
Demonstration Teaching 10
Outstanding Accomplishment 35
Employee Award 5
Innovation 10

Address: Luna St., La Paz, Iloilo City 5000

Tel./Fax No. (033) 320-1402 | (033) 320-0719 | (033) 320-0707 | (033) 327-2252 14
Website: | e-mail:
Research 5
Publication/Authorship 5
Consultant/Resource Speaker/Facilitator in
Training/Seminars/Workshops (DepEd-related)
Professional Development 10
Education 10
Community Involvement 5
Written Examination 5
Interview 5
Professionalism/Personal Characteristics 10

Occupational Competence (30 points)

Performance (20 points)

This refers to the IPCRF Rating. The rate of the average numerical rating for the 3
years vs. the highest possible rating shall be multiplied by 20.

( 4.720+4.600+ 4.890)÷ 3
x 20=18.947
5.00(highest rating)
Note: The nominee’s IPCRF Rating for the last 3 years must be at least ‘Very
Satisfactory’. A certified true copy of the IPCRF shall be presented as MOV.

Demonstration Teaching (10 points)

The demonstration teaching criterion shall be a simulation of the teaching-learning
episode in the classroom. The committee shall have the final instruction as to the
conduct of the demonstration teaching. The criteria for demonstration teaching
shall follow the objectives in the Classroom Observation Tool (COT) set by DepEd
for the current school year.

Rating Points
4.700 – 5.000 10 pts
4.300 – 4.699 8 pts
3.900 – 4.299 6 pts
3.500 – 3.899 4 pts

Note: The nominee shall prepare a lesson 2 hours before the actual demonstration.

Outstanding Accomplishments (30 points)

Employee Award (5 points)
To consider only the certificate with the highest points for the last 3 years.

Level Points
Schools/District 1
Division 2
Regional 3

Address: Luna St., La Paz, Iloilo City 5000

Tel./Fax No. (033) 320-1402 | (033) 320-0719 | (033) 320-0707 | (033) 327-2252 15
Website: | e-mail:
National 4
International 5

MOVs: Certificate of Award, Official Memorandum/ Bulletin for Results

Announcement, or Letter of Conferment

Innovation (10 points)

Innovation means something new. It is a demonstration of creativity, initiative, and
innovativeness through development of new or superior work procedures, methods,
inventions, and devices. Innovation means something new. Innovation shall focus
on organizational efficiency, work procedures, leadership, educational support
partnership, and community development in any of the following categories:
Curriculum and Instruction Delivery; Policy, Planning, Research and Governance;
Learning Environment Improvement; Human Resource Development; and ALS,
SPED, IPEd Programs. Innovative work that has been implemented within the last
3 years shall be considered as innovation.
MOV: Copy of the innovation (only submit the innovation which is at the highest
stage of implementation)

Stages of Implementation Points

Started the implementation
Project Proposal duly signed by the Head of Office and 2
Progress Monitoring Report with significant
milestones aligned to the plan.
Fully implemented in the school
Completed Project Report verified by the Head of
Adopted in the School/ District
Completed Project Report verified by the Head of
Office; and 6
Certification of the utilization of the
innovation, within the school/district duly signed by
the Head of Office.
Adopted in the division
Completed Project Report verified by the Head of
Certification of the utilization of the innovation in the
division duly signed by the Schools Division
Superintendent; and
Certification from the LR Manager that the
module/instructional material underwent the quality-
assurance procedure (if applicable).

Address: Luna St., La Paz, Iloilo City 5000

Tel./Fax No. (033) 320-1402 | (033) 320-0719 | (033) 320-0707 | (033) 327-2252 16
Website: | e-mail:
Adopted in the region
Completed Project Report verified by the Head of
Certification of the utilization of the innovation in the 10
region duly signed by the Regional Director; and
Certification from the LR Manager that the
module/instructional material underwent the quality-
assurance procedure (if applicable).

Research (5 points)
Initiated or headed an educational research activity duly approved by educational
authorities either for improvement of instruction, for community development, or
teacher welfare conducted in the last 3 years.
A research (action or basic) must be approved / accepted by the Schools Division
Superintendent or Regional Director.
Researchers must be compliant to the Research Management Guidelines (DepEd
Order No. 16, s. 2017).
Research topics must be aligned with the research agenda of the CO/RO/ SDO,
and according to the level of governance.
Points earned shall be divided according to the number of researchers in a team.

Stages of Implementation Points

Started implementation of the research work
Research Proposal presented and approved by the 1
SDRC and
Progress Monitoring Report
Completed research work
Completed research paper duly acknowledged and 2
noted by the SDRC and recommended and approved by
ASDS and SDS, respectively.
Presented completed research work in the SDO
research congress
Completed research paper duly acknowledged and
noted by the SDRC and recommended and approved by
ASDS and SDS, respectively;
Certificate of Paper Presentation signed by SDS; and
Division Memorandum of the SDO Research Congress
Presented research work in the RO research congress
Completed research paper duly acknowledged and
noted by the SDRC and recommended and approved by
ASDS and SDS/ Regional Director, respectively; 4
Certificate of Paper Presentation signed by the Regional
Director; and
Regional Memorandum of the Regional Research
Presented research work in the CO research congress 5

Address: Luna St., La Paz, Iloilo City 5000

Tel./Fax No. (033) 320-1402 | (033) 320-0719 | (033) 320-0707 | (033) 327-2252 17
Website: | e-mail:
Completed research paper duly acknowledged and
noted by the SDRC and recommended and approved by
ASDS and SDS/ Regional Director, respectively;
Certificate of Paper Presentation signed by the
Secretary/ Representative; and
National Memorandum of the CO Research Congress.

Publication/Authorship (5 points)
Articles duly approved by the regional/ division committee or with the PAU should
have been published in newspapers/ magazines/ journals of wide circulation at
least within a province/ city or official publication or websites. Opinion/ feature
articles, which need not be approved by the Head of office, must contain data/
scientific research and must be educational. Articles published online shall be
published in an official/ reputable educational website.
Books duly approved by the division committee must have been published with
ISBN/ ISSN by a recognized publishing company.
Authorship of DepEd-developed and produced materials (e.g., SLMs and WLAs)
which pass through quality assurance procedures conducted by SDO/RO LR shall
be included when the supporting documents are provided:
Memorandum where name of nominee is included.
Final copy of the material/s as published
Points earned shall be divided among the number of authors.

Nature of Publication Points

Articles published (0.5 point per article but not 2
to exceed 2 pts.)
Authorship of DepEd-developed and
produced materials (e.g., SLMs and LAs; 1 per 3
material but not to exceed 3 points)
Co-authorship of a book 4
Sole authorship of a book, workbook, big books, 5
textbook, and module

Consultant / Resource Speaker / Facilitator in Training/ Seminars / Workshops

(DepEd-related) (10 points)

This refers to the recognition/ citation given by DepEd-related award-giving bodies.

Level Points
International 10
National 9
Regional 8
Division 6
Congressional District 4
District 2

Address: Luna St., La Paz, Iloilo City 5000

Tel./Fax No. (033) 320-1402 | (033) 320-0719 | (033) 320-0707 | (033) 327-2252 18
Website: | e-mail:
School 1

Note: Only DepEd sanctioned activities shall be given points. The nominee shall
present the copy of the memorandum, authenticated certificate, Authority to travel
(if any), and other supporting documents.

Address: Luna St., La Paz, Iloilo City 5000

Tel./Fax No. (033) 320-1402 | (033) 320-0719 | (033) 320-0707 | (033) 327-2252 19
Website: | e-mail:
Professional Development (10 points)
Education – 10 points
Education shall be in terms of the nominee’s academic achievement. This pertains
to the nominee’s master’s, and doctorate degrees earned. The course or
specialization must be relevant and aligned to the nominee’s teaching experience.

Degree Points
Doctorate Degree Graduate 10
Doctorate Degree
(Completed Academic Requirement)
Master’s Degree Graduate 6
Master’s Degree
(Completed Academic Requirement)

Note: The nominee shall present a copy of authenticated TOR and Diploma (those
who graduated) or TOR and Certification for Completed Academic Requirements
(those who have CAR).

Community Involvement (5 points)

Outreach programs/activities initiated properly documented with narrative and
pictorials attested by immediate supervisors, division, or
regional/barangay/municipal/city/province officials.

Scope of implementation Points

School/Barangay 2
District/Municipal 3
Division/Province 4
Regional 5

Written Examination (5 points)

The written examination shall evaluate the communication skills of the nominee.
The committee shall choose the topic or question.

Interview (5 points)

Professionalism/Personal Characteristics (10 points)


This is open to all SPEd, IPEd, and MADRASAH teachers.

Address: Luna St., La Paz, Iloilo City 5000

Tel./Fax No. (033) 320-1402 | (033) 320-0719 | (033) 320-0707 | (033) 327-2252 20
Website: | e-mail:
Criteria Points
Performance 20
Learners’ Participation and Representation 5
Curriculum Implementation 10
Learning Resources 5
Learning Delivery 10
Educational Assessment 5
Learning Environment 5
Professional Development 5
Partnerships 5
Written Examination 5
Interview 5
Demonstration Teaching 10
Professionalism/Personal Characteristics 10

Performance (20%)
This refers to the IPCRF Rating. The rate of the average numerical rating for the 3
years vs. the highest possible rating shall be multiplied by 20.

( 4.720+4.600+ 4.890)÷ 3
x 20=18.947
5.00(highest rating)

Note: The nominee’s IPCRF Rating for the last 3 years must be at least ‘Very
Satisfactory’. A certified true copy of the IPCRF

Learners’ Participation and Representation (5 points)

Programs or initiatives to ensure participation and representation of learners in
school organizations, in curricular and co-curricular activities, and in educational
planning, program development and implementation

Indicators Points
Three-year disaggregated data on enrolment per
program presented in graphical or tabular presentation
with analysis (to include exceptionalities for SPEd 2
learners (non- graded/gifted or fast learners), ethnicity
for IP learners, and MADRASAH learners)
Contextualized implementing guidelines for
selection/admission of learners for Special Interest 2
Representation of learners in education planning,
program development and implementation

Curriculum Implementation (10 points)

Address: Luna St., La Paz, Iloilo City 5000

Tel./Fax No. (033) 320-1402 | (033) 320-0719 | (033) 320-0707 | (033) 327-2252 21
Website: | e-mail:
Implementation of flexible and contextualized curriculum to cater the diverse
learners’ abilities, socio-cultural backgrounds, historical contexts, and biographical

Indicators Points
Implementation of programs or initiatives to
address contexts, needs, and concerns not covered 2
by existing programs and initiatives of DepEd
Contextualization of the curriculum and learning
materials at the school level
Provision of opportunities for learners to create,
learn, and share what they know in both curricular 2
and non-curricular activities
Provision of equitable and appropriate learning
opportunities for all learners to facilitate active
participation and shared responsibility and
accountability in the teaching-learning process
Implementation of programs and services adhering
to the principles of universal design for learning
(UDL) to remove barriers to learning and

Learning Resources (5)

Development and production of contextualized learning resources anchored on the
needs of individual learners and based on the standards set by the Bureau of
Learning Resources.

Indicators Points
Developed and produced learning resources are free
from any discriminatory content, are appropriate to
diverse learners, and are sensitive to social and
cultural contexts.
Learning resources developed promote active
learning in different contexts and lifelong learning.
Community is utilized as a learning resource. 1
Developed and quality assured learning resources
are uploaded in the Learning Resource Portal to
ensure that these resources are properly managed, 1
utilized, generated, allocated, recorded and audited,
when applicable.
All types of learners have access to adequate and
appropriate learning resources.

5. Learning Delivery (10 points)

Strategies implemented to ensure that diverse learners learn together, and the
delivery of educational services and programs are flexible based on the profile,
needs and contexts of the learners

Indicators Points

Address: Luna St., La Paz, Iloilo City 5000

Tel./Fax No. (033) 320-1402 | (033) 320-0719 | (033) 320-0707 | (033) 327-2252 22
Website: | e-mail:
Offered a range of programs in schools to serve as a
menu of options for different types of learners to ensure 2
that “no learner is left behind.”
Developed school implementing policies,
mechanisms,and strategies for delivering equal and 2
equitable opportunities for diverse learners.
Involved stakeholders - the learners, their parents and/or
caregivers, and the immediate community in meeting
learning standards and in identifying and addressing 2
learning gaps of disadvantaged and marginalized
Formulated and implemented appropriate interventions
for the disadvantaged and marginalized learners.
Enhanced curriculum implementation by aligning
teaching- learning processes, formative and summative
assessments and the learning standards deemed 2
appropriate to the learners’

6. Educational Assessment (5 points)

Initiative implemented to measure learners’ mastery of competencies and enable
them to participate in various types of activities to enhance their understanding of
concepts and ideas and the strategies to meet the needs of learners with special
education needs

Indicators Points
Mechanisms and frequency of assessments conducted to
identify learners with special educational needs and 2
additional resources to support their learning.
Modification or adaption of the assessment methods used
in the mainstream classroom to meet the needs of learners 2
with specific needs and difficulties.
Development of assessment tools that put premium in the
application of higher order thinking skills and integrative
understanding across subject areas and are adapted 1
according to
the principles of Universal Design for Learning (UDL)

7. Learning Environment (5 points)

Mechanisms implemented to ensure that physical learning environment and
teaching-learning processes are fully accessible to all types of learners for them to
feel safe, supported, stimulated, and respected as they express themselves as part
of a positive and inclusive school community

Indicators Points
Use of appropriate language/s, modes and means
of communication to maximize academic and social 1
Provision of accessible and functional support facilities 2
such as, but not limited to, water and sanitation facilities,
clinic, library, Science and computer laboratories,

Address: Luna St., La Paz, Iloilo City 5000

Tel./Fax No. (033) 320-1402 | (033) 320-0719 | (033) 320-0707 | (033) 327-2252 23
Website: | e-mail:
Guidance Office, prayer room, and Community Learning
Centers (CLCs) and opportunity for indigenous leaners to
use ancestral domain where Indigenous Knowledge
Systems and Practices (IKSPs) are experienced, lived, and
learned as their primary learning environment and
learning space.
Implementation of affirmative action to eradicate all forms
of discrimination and abuse against all types of learners in 1
the schools and in the entire division.
Initiatives to foster harmonious relationships and respect
for diversity and practice of positive discipline among 1
learners, teachers, parents, and administrators.

8. Professional Development (5 points)

Education –
Education shall be in terms of the nominee’s academic achievement. This pertains
to the nominee’s master’s, and doctorate degrees earned. The course or
specialization must be relevant and aligned to the nominee’s teaching experience.

Degree Points
Doctorate Degree Graduate 5
Doctorate Degree
(Completed Academic Requirements)
Master’s Degree Graduate 3
Master’s Degree
(Completed Academic Requirements)
Master’s Degree
(At least 21 units)

9. Partnerships (5 points)
Continuous conduct of intensive advocacy and social mobilization efforts to
strengthen Inclusive Education implementation

Indicators Points
Institutionalization of continuous engagement with
stakeholders/ partners in the planning, implementation,
monitoring and evaluation of curricular and co-curricular 3
programs and activities to ensure quality implementation
of Inclusive Education.
Strengthened external linkages and partnerships to
ensure proper coordination, resource sharing, and 2
sustainability of Inclusive Education implementation.

Written /Examination (5 points)

The written examination shall evaluate the communication skills of the nominee.
The committee shall choose the topic or question.

Interview (5 points)

Address: Luna St., La Paz, Iloilo City 5000

Tel./Fax No. (033) 320-1402 | (033) 320-0719 | (033) 320-0707 | (033) 327-2252 24
Website: | e-mail:
Demonstration Teaching (10 points)

Professionalism / Personal Characteristics (10 points)


The Schools Division of Iloilo recognizes the exemplary performance of school heads
who brought inspiration and great change in their respective schools and
community. A school head who embodies critical thinking and innovation,
resilience, cooperation, commitment, effective communication skills, initiative,
leadership, great vision, and competence.

Criteria Points
Occupational Competence 20
Performance 20
Outstanding Accomplishments 30
Employee Award 5
Innovation 10
Research 5
Publication/ Authorship 5
Consultant/Resource Speaker/Facilitator in
Training/Seminars/Workshops (DepEd-related)
Professional Development 5
Education 5
Financial Management 10

Address: Luna St., La Paz, Iloilo City 5000

Tel./Fax No. (033) 320-1402 | (033) 320-0719 | (033) 320-0707 | (033) 327-2252 25
Website: | e-mail:
Community Involvement 5
Written Examination 10
Interview 10
Professionalism/Personal Characteristics 10

Occupational Competence (20 points)

Performance (20 points)
This refers to the IPCRF Rating. The rate of the average numerical rating for the 3
years vs. the highest possible rating shall be multiplied by 20.
( 4.720+4.600+ 4.890)÷ 3
x 20=18.947
5.00(highest rating)
Note: The nominee’s IPCRF Rating for the last 3 years must be at least ‘Very
Satisfactory’. A certified true copy of the IPCRF shall be presented as MOV.

Outstanding Accomplishments (30 points)

Employee Award (5 points)

To consider only the certificate with the highest points for the last 3 years.
Level Points
Schools/District 1
Division 2
Regional 3
National 4
International 5
MOVs: Certificate of award, Official Memorandum/ Bulletin for Results
Announcement, or Letter of Conferment
Innovation (10 points)
Innovation means something new. It is a demonstration of creativity, initiative, and
innovativeness through development of new or superior work procedures, methods,
inventions, and devices. Innovation means something new. Innovation shall focus
on organizational efficiency, work procedures, leadership, educational support
partnership, and community development in any of the following categories:
Curriculum and Instruction Delivery; Policy, Planning, Research and Governance;
Learning Environment Improvement; Human Resource Development; and ALS,
SPED, IPEd Programs. Innovative work that has been implemented within the last
3 years shall be considered as innovation.
MOV: copy of the innovation (only submit the innovation which is at the highest
stage of implementation)
Stages of Implementation Points
Started the implementation
Project Proposal duly signed by the Head of Office and 2
Progress Monitoring Report with significant milestones
aligned to the plan.
Fully implemented in the school
MOV: 4
Completed Project Report verified by the Head of Office.

Address: Luna St., La Paz, Iloilo City 5000

Tel./Fax No. (033) 320-1402 | (033) 320-0719 | (033) 320-0707 | (033) 327-2252 26
Website: | e-mail:
Adopted in the School/ District
Completed Project Report verified by the Head of Office;
and 6
Certification of the utilization of the
innovation, within the school/district duly signed by the
Head of Office.
Adopted in the division
Completed Project Report verified by the Head of Office;
Certification of the utilization of the innovation in the
division duly signed by the Schools Division 8
Superintendent; and
Certification from the LR Manager that the
module/instructional material underwent the quality-
assurance procedure (if applicable).
Adopted in the region
Completed Project Report verified by the Head of Office;
Certification of the utilization of the innovation in the
region duly signed by the Regional Director; and
Certification from the LR Manager that the
module/instructional material underwent the quality-
assurance procedure (if applicable).

Research (5 points)
Initiated or headed an educational research activity duly approved by educational
authorities either for improvement of instruction, for community development, or
teacher welfare conducted in the last 3 years.
A research (action or basic) must be approved / accepted by the Schools Division
Superintendent or Regional Director.
Researchers must be compliant to the Research Management Guidelines (DepEd
Order No. 16, s. 2017).
Research topics must be aligned with the research agenda of the CO/RO/ SDO,
and according to the level of governance.
Points earned shall be divided according to the number of researchers in a team.

Stages of Implementation Points

Started implementation of the research work
Research Proposal presented and approved by the 1
Progress Monitoring Report
Completed research work
Completed research paper duly acknowledged and noted 2
by the SDRC and recommended and approved by ASDS
and SDS/Regional Director, respectively.
Presented completed research work in the SDO research 3
Completed research paper duly acknowledged and noted

Address: Luna St., La Paz, Iloilo City 5000

Tel./Fax No. (033) 320-1402 | (033) 320-0719 | (033) 320-0707 | (033) 327-2252 27
Website: | e-mail:
by the SDRC and recommended and approved by ASDS
and SDS, respectively;
Certificate of Paper Presentation signed by SDS; and
Division Memorandum of the SDO Research Congress
Presented research work in the RO research congress
Completed research paper duly acknowledged and noted
by the SDRC and recommended and approved by ASDS
and SDS/ Regional Director, respectively; 4
Certificate of Paper Presentation signed by the Regional
Director; and
Regional Memorandum of the Regional Research
Presented research work in the CO research congress
Completed research paper duly acknowledged and noted
by the SDRC and recommended and approved by ASDS
and SDS/ Regional Director, respectively;
Certificate of Paper Presentation signed by the
Secretary/ Representative; and
National Memorandum of the CO Research Congress.

d. Publication/Authorship (5 points)
Articles duly approved by the regional/ division committee or with the PAU should
have been published in newspapers/ magazines/ journals of wide circulation at
least within a province/ city or official publication or websites. Opinion/ feature
articles, which need not be approved by the Head of office, must contain data/
scientific research and must be educational. Articles published online shall be
published in an official/ reputable educational website.
Books duly approved by the division committee must have been published with
ISBN/ ISSN by a recognized publishing company.
Authorship of DepEd-developed and produced materials (e.g., SLMs and WLAs)
which pass through quality assurance procedures conducted by SDO/RO LR shall
be included when the supporting documents are provided:
Memorandum where name of nominee is included.
Final copy of the material/s as published
Points earned shall be divided among the number of authors.

Nature of Publication Points

Articles published (0.5 point per article but not to
exceed 2 pts.)
Authorship of DepEd-developed and produced
materials (e.g., SLMs and WLAs; 1 per material but
not to exceed 3 points)
Co-authorship of a book 4
Sole authorship of a book, workbook, big books,
textbook, and module

e. Consultant / Resource Speaker / Facilitator in Training/ Seminars /

Workshops (DepEd-related) (5 points)

Address: Luna St., La Paz, Iloilo City 5000

Tel./Fax No. (033) 320-1402 | (033) 320-0719 | (033) 320-0707 | (033) 327-2252 28
Website: | e-mail:
This refers to the recognition/ citation given by DepEd-related award-giving bodies.

Level Points
International 5
National 4
Regional 3
Division/Congressional District 2
District/School 1

Note: Only DepEd sanctioned activities shall be given points. The nominee shall
present the copy of the memorandum, authenticated certificate, Authority to travel
(if any), and other supporting documents.

Professional Development (5 points)

Education – 5 points
Education shall be in terms of the nominee’s academic achievement. This pertains
to the nominee’s master’s, and doctorate degrees earned. The course or
specialization must be relevant and aligned to the nominee’s teaching experience.

Degree Points
Doctorate Degree Graduate 5
Doctorate Degree
(Completed Academic Requirement)
Master’s Degree Graduate 3
Master’s Degree
(Completed Academic Requirement)
Master’s Degree
(At least 21 units)

Note: The nominee shall present a copy of authenticated TOR and Diploma (those
who graduated) or TOR and Certification for Completed Academic Requirements
(those who have CAR).

Financial Management (10 points)

The financial management aspect is an indicator of an outstanding school head.
(Previous Fiscal Year)

Percentage of Liquidation / Utilization of Funds Points

100% liquidated/utilization of Funds 10
90% liquidated /utilization of Funds 8
80% liquidated /utilization of Funds 6
70% liquidated /utilization of Funds 4

Note: The nominee shall present a certification from the Division Accountant.

Community Involvement (5 points)

Outreach programs/activities initiated properly documented with narrative and
pictorials attested by immediate supervisors, division, or regional/ barangay/
municipal/ city/ province officials.

Address: Luna St., La Paz, Iloilo City 5000

Tel./Fax No. (033) 320-1402 | (033) 320-0719 | (033) 320-0707 | (033) 327-2252 29
Website: | e-mail:
Scope of implementation Points
School/Barangay 2
District/Municipal 3
Division/City/Province 4
Regional 5

Written /Examination (10 points)

The written examination shall evaluate the communication skills of the nominee.
The committee shall choose the topic or question.

Interview (10 points)

Professionalism / Personal Characteristics (10 points)


Criteria Points
Instructional Supervisory Leadership 20
Instructional Supervision 5
Curriculum Implementation Management 5
Learning Resource Materials Development 5
Learning and Development Programs 5
Outstanding Accomplishments 55
Performance 20
Employee Award 5
Innovation 5
Research 5
Publication/Authorship 5
Consultant/Resource Speaker/Facilitator in
Training/Seminars/Workshops (DepEd-related)
Education and Training 10
Community Involvement 5
Written Examination 5

Address: Luna St., La Paz, Iloilo City 5000

Tel./Fax No. (033) 320-1402 | (033) 320-0719 | (033) 320-0707 | (033) 327-2252 30
Website: | e-mail:
Interview 5
Professionalism/Personal Characteristics 10

Instructional Supervisory Leadership (20 points)

Instructional Supervision (5 points)

No. of Instructional Supervision (IS) and Technical Assistance (TA) conducted to
school heads relative to Sulong Edukalidad, particularly on ensuring that all
learners are functional readers from the previous and current school year.
Approved Supervisory Plan/ Instructional Supervisory Report/ Observation
Report/ Technical Assistance Plan and Report to a minimum of 5 Schools duly
signed by the school principal given IS or TA noted by the Functional Division

No. of IS and TA conducted/provided to schools Points

11-12 5
9-10 4
7-8 3
5-6 2
Less than 5 1

Curriculum Implementation Management (5 points)

Consolidated Mean Percentage Score (MPS) of all schools in the assigned learning

Annual Accomplishment Report which includes the consolidated MPS of all schools
in the assigned learning area/district validated by the SDO Planning Officer and
approved by the SDS.

Consolidated MPS Points

86-100% 5
76-85% 4
66-75% 3
56-65% 2
55% and below 1

Learning Resource Materials Development (5 points)

(i.e. Self-Learning Modules (SLMs), Learning Activity Sheets (LASs), Contextualized
Learning Materials) quality assured and approved by the LR Manager for printing
and utilization

Number of LRMs quality assured and approved Points

More than 10 5
9-10 4
7-8 3
5-6 2

Address: Luna St., La Paz, Iloilo City 5000

Tel./Fax No. (033) 320-1402 | (033) 320-0719 | (033) 320-0707 | (033) 327-2252 31
Website: | e-mail:
Less than 5 1

Learning and Development Programs (5 points)

Percentage of Teachers (in the same learning area/district) trained for
content/skills enhancement (current year) organized by the nominee based on
training needs assessment results.

Percentage of Teachers Trained for content/

skills enhancement
91-100% 5
81-90% 4
71-80% 3
61-70% 2
51-60% 1

Training Needs Assessment, Training Design, Memorandum, Attendance Sheet,
Activity Completion Report
Outstanding Accomplishments (60 points)
Performance (20 points)
This refers to the IPCRF Rating. The rate of the average numerical rating for the 3
years vs. the highest possible rating shall be multiplied by 20.

( 4.720+4.600+ 4.890)÷ 3
x 20=18.947
5.00(highest rating)

Note: The nominee’s IPCRF Rating for the last 3 years must be at least ‘Very
Satisfactory’. A certified true copy of the IPCRF shall be presented as MOV.

Employee Award (5 points)

To consider only the certificate with the highest points for the last 3 years.

Level Points
School 1
District 2
Division 3
Regional 4
National 5

MOVs: Certificate of award, Official Memorandum/ Bulletin for Results

Announcement, or Letter of Conferment

Innovation (5 points)
Innovation means something new. It is a demonstration of creativity, initiative, and
innovativeness through development of new or superior work procedures, methods,
inventions, and devices. Innovation means something new. Innovation shall focus
on organizational efficiency, work procedures, leadership, educational support
partnership, and community development in any of the following categories:
Curriculum and Instruction Delivery; Policy, Planning, Research and Governance;
Learning Environment Improvement; Human Resource Development; and ALS,

Address: Luna St., La Paz, Iloilo City 5000

Tel./Fax No. (033) 320-1402 | (033) 320-0719 | (033) 320-0707 | (033) 327-2252 32
Website: | e-mail:
SPED, IPEd Programs. Innovative work that has been implemented within the last
3 years shall be considered as innovation.
MOV: copy of the innovation (only submit the innovation which is at the highest
stage of implementation)

Stages of Implementation Points

Started the implementation
Project Proposal duly signed by the Head of Office and 1
Progress Monitoring Report with significant
milestones aligned to the plan.
Fully implemented in the school
Completed Project Report verified by the Head of
Adopted in the School/ District
Completed Project Report verified by the Head of
Office; and 3
Certification of the utilization of the
innovation, within the school/district duly signed by
the Head of Office.
Adopted in the division
Completed Project Report verified by the Head of
Certification of the utilization of the innovation in the
division duly signed by the Schools Division
Superintendent; and
Certification from the LR Manager that the
module/instructional material underwent the quality-
assurance procedure (if applicable).
Adopted in the region
Completed Project Report verified by the Head of
Certification of the utilization of the innovation in the 5
region duly signed by the Regional Director; and
Certification from the LR Manager that the
module/instructional material underwent the quality-
assurance procedure (if applicable).

Research (5 points)
Initiated or headed an educational research activity duly approved by educational
authorities either for improvement of instruction, for community development, or
teacher welfare conducted in the last 3 years.
A research (action or basic) must be approved / accepted by the Schools Division
Superintendent or Regional Director.
Researchers must be compliant to the Research Management Guidelines (DepEd
Order No. 16, s. 2017).

Address: Luna St., La Paz, Iloilo City 5000

Tel./Fax No. (033) 320-1402 | (033) 320-0719 | (033) 320-0707 | (033) 327-2252 33
Website: | e-mail:
Research topics must be aligned with the research agenda of the CO/RO/ SDO,
and according to the level of governance.
Points earned shall be divided according to the number of researchers in a team.

Stages of Implementation Points

Started implementation of the research work
Research Proposal presented and approved by the 1
Progress Monitoring Report
Completed research work
Completed research paper duly acknowledged and 2
noted by the SDRC and recommended and
approved by ASDS and SDS, respectively.
Presented completed research work in the SDO
research congress
Completed research paper duly acknowledged and
noted by the SDRC and recommended and
approved by ASDS and SDS, respectively;
Certificate of Paper Presentation signed by SDS;
Division Memorandum of the SDO Research
Presented research work in the RO research
congress MOVs:
Completed research paper duly acknowledged and
noted by the SDRC and recommended and
approved by ASDS and SDS/ Regional Director,
Certificate of Paper Presentation signed by the
Regional Director; and
Regional Memorandum of the Regional Research
Presented research work in the CO research
congress MOVs:
Completed research paper duly acknowledged and
noted by the SDRC and recommended and
approved by ASDS and SDS/ Regional Director,
Certificate of Paper Presentation signed by the
Secretary/ Representative; and
National Memorandum of the CO Research

Publication/Authorship (5 points)
Articles duly approved by the regional/ division committee or with the PAU should
have been published in newspapers/ magazines/ journals of wide circulation at
least within a province/ city or official publication or websites. Opinion/ feature
articles, which need not be approved by the Head of office, must contain data/

Address: Luna St., La Paz, Iloilo City 5000

Tel./Fax No. (033) 320-1402 | (033) 320-0719 | (033) 320-0707 | (033) 327-2252 34
Website: | e-mail:
scientific research and must be educational. Articles published online shall be
published in an official/ reputable educational website.
Books duly approved by the division committee must have been published with
ISBN/ ISSN by a recognized publishing company.
Authorship of DepEd-developed and produced materials (e.g., SLMs and WLAs)
which pass through quality assurance procedures conducted by SDO/RO LR shall
be included when the supporting documents are provided:
Memorandum where name of nominee is included.
Final copy of the material/s as published
Points earned shall be divided among the number of authors.

Nature of Publication Points

Articles published (0.5 point per article but not to
exceed 2 pts.)
Authorship of DepEd-developed and
produced materials (e.g., SLMs and WLAs; 1 per
material but not to exceed 3 points)
Co-authorship of a book 4
Sole authorship of a book, workbook, big books,
textbook, and module

Consultant / Resource Speaker / Facilitator in Training/ Seminars / Workshops

(DepEd-related) (5 points)
This refers to the recognition/ citation given by DepEd-related award-giving bodies.

Level Points
International 5
National 4
Regional 3
Division/Congressional District 2
District/School 1

Note: Only DepEd sanctioned activities shall be given points. The nominee shall
present the copy of the memorandum, authenticated certificate, Authority to travel
(if any), and other supporting documents.
Education and Training (10 points)
Education (5 points)
Education shall be in terms of the nominee’s academic achievement. This pertains
to the nominee’s master’s, and doctorate degrees earned. The course or
specialization must be relevant and aligned to the nominee’s teaching experience.

Degree Points
Doctorate Degree Graduate 5
Doctorate Degree
(Completed Academic Requirement)

Note: The nominee shall present a copy of authenticated TOR and Diploma (those
who graduated) or TOR and Certification for Completed Academic Requirements
(those who have CAR).

Address: Luna St., La Paz, Iloilo City 5000

Tel./Fax No. (033) 320-1402 | (033) 320-0719 | (033) 320-0707 | (033) 327-2252 35
Website: | e-mail:
Training and workshops organized (within the last 3 years) (5 points)
MOV: Activity Proposal, Session Guide, Memorandum, Activity Completion Report
duly (with attendance sheet signed by participants) signed by the immediate
superior. Only present the documents of the training conducted in the highest

Level Points
Division/Congressional District 5
District 4
School 3

Community Involvement (5 points)

Outreach programs/activities initiated properly documented with narrative and
pictorials attested by immediate supervisors, division, or regional/ barangay/
municipal/ city/ province officials.

Scope of implementation Points

School/Barangay 2
District/Municipal 3
Division/City/Province 4
Regional 5

Written /Examination (5 points)

The written examination shall evaluate the communication skills of the nominee.
The committee shall choose the topic or question.

Interview (5 points)

Professionalism / Personal Characteristics (10 points)


This is open to all Non-Teaching Level 1 personnel from the Schools Division Office,
districts, and schools with Salary Grade 1 to 9.

Criteria Points
Occupational Competence 35
Performance Rating 30
Work Experience 5
Outstanding Accomplishments 30
Awards 10
Innovation 5
Research 5
Publication/ Authorship 5
Consultant/Resource Speaker/Facilitator in
Professional Development 15

Address: Luna St., La Paz, Iloilo City 5000

Tel./Fax No. (033) 320-1402 | (033) 320-0719 | (033) 320-0707 | (033) 327-2252 36
Website: | e-mail:
Education 10
Trainings/ Seminars/ Workshops/ Conferences/
Webinars/Online Courses attended
Written Examination 5
Interview 5
Professionalism/Personal Characteristics 10

Occupational Competence (35 points)

Performance (30 points)
This refers to the IPCRF Rating. The rate of the average numerical rating for the 3
years vs. the highest possible rating shall be multiplied by 30.

( 4.720+4.600+ 4.890)÷ 3
x 30=28.420
5.00(highest rating)

Note: The nominee’s IPCRF Rating for the last 3 years must be at least ‘Very
Satisfactory’. A certified true copy of the IPCRF shall be presented as MOV.

Work Experience (5 points)

Number of Years in the Service Points
5 years or more 5
4 years 4
3 years 3

Outstanding Accomplishments (30 points)

Awards (10 points)
To consider only the certificate with the highest points for the last 3 years.
Level Points
Schools/District 2
Division 4
Regional 6
National 8
International 10

MOVs: Certificate of Award, Official Memorandum/ Bulletin for Results

Announcement, or Letter of Conferment

Innovation (5 points)
Innovation means something new. It is a demonstration of creativity, initiative, and
innovativeness through development of new or superior work procedures, methods,
inventions, and devices. Innovation means something new. Innovation shall focus
on organizational efficiency, work procedures, leadership, educational support
partnership, and community development in any of the following categories:
Curriculum and Instruction Delivery; Policy, Planning, Research and Governance;
Learning Environment Improvement; Human Resource Development; and ALS,
SPED, IPEd Programs. Innovative work that has been implemented within the last
3 years shall be considered as innovation.

Address: Luna St., La Paz, Iloilo City 5000

Tel./Fax No. (033) 320-1402 | (033) 320-0719 | (033) 320-0707 | (033) 327-2252 37
Website: | e-mail:
MOV: copy of the innovation (only submit the innovation which is at the highest
stage of implementation)

Stages of Implementation Points

Started the implementation
Project Proposal duly signed by the Head of Office and 1
Progress Monitoring Report with significant milestones
aligned to the plan.
Fully implemented in the school
MOV: 2
Completed Project Report verified by the Head of Office.
Adopted in the School/ District
Completed Project Report verified by the Head of Office;
and 3
Certification of the utilization of the
innovation, within the school/district duly signed by the
Head of Office.
Adopted in the division
Completed Project Report verified by the Head of Office;
Certification of the utilization of the innovation in the
division duly signed by the Schools Division 4
Superintendent; and
Certification from the LR Manager that the
module/instructional material underwent the quality-
assurance procedure (if applicable).
Adopted in the region
Completed Project Report verified by the Head of Office;
Certification of the utilization of the innovation in the
region duly signed by the Regional Director; and
Certification from the LR Manager that the
module/instructional material underwent the quality-
assurance procedure (if applicable).

Research (5 points)
Initiated or headed an educational research activity duly approved by educational
authorities either for improvement of instruction, for community development, or
teacher welfare conducted in the last 3 years.
A research (action or basic) must be approved / accepted by the Schools Division
Superintendent or Regional Director.
Researchers must be compliant to the Research Management Guidelines (DepEd
Order No. 16, s. 2017).
Research topics must be aligned with the research agenda of the CO/RO/ SDO,
and according to the level of governance.
Points earned shall be divided according to the number of researchers in a team.

Stages of Implementation Points

Address: Luna St., La Paz, Iloilo City 5000

Tel./Fax No. (033) 320-1402 | (033) 320-0719 | (033) 320-0707 | (033) 327-2252 38
Website: | e-mail:
Started implementation of the research work
Research Proposal presented and approved by the 1
Progress Monitoring Report
Completed research work
Completed research paper duly acknowledged and noted 2
by the SDRC and recommended and approved by ASDS
and SDS, respectively.
Presented completed research work in the SDO research
Completed research paper duly acknowledged and noted
by the SDRC and recommended and approved by ASDS
and SDS, respectively;
Certificate of Paper Presentation signed by SDS; and
Division Memorandum of the SDO Research Congress
Presented research work in the RO research congress
Completed research paper duly acknowledged and noted
by the SDRC and recommended and approved by ASDS
and SDS/ Regional Director, respectively; 4
Certificate of Paper Presentation signed by the Regional
Director; and
Regional Memorandum of the Regional Research
Presented research work in the CO research congress
Completed research paper duly acknowledged and noted
by the SDRC and recommended and approved by ASDS
and SDS/ Regional Director, respectively;
Certificate of Paper Presentation signed by the Secretary/
Representative; and
National Memo of the CO Research Congress.

Publication/Authorship (5 points)
Articles duly approved by the regional/ division committee or with the PAU should
have been published in newspapers/ magazines/ journals of wide circulation at
least within a province/ city or official publication or websites. Opinion/ feature
articles, which need not be approved by the Head of office, must contain data/
scientific research and must be educational. Articles published online shall be
published in an official/ reputable educational website.
Books duly approved by the division committee must have been published with
ISBN/ ISSN by a recognized publishing company.
Authorship of DepEd-developed and produced materials (e.g., SLMs and WLAs)
which pass through quality assurance procedures conducted by SDO/RO LR shall
be included when the supporting documents are provided:
Memorandum where name of nominee is included.
Final copy of the material/s as published
Points earned shall be divided among the number of authors.

Address: Luna St., La Paz, Iloilo City 5000

Tel./Fax No. (033) 320-1402 | (033) 320-0719 | (033) 320-0707 | (033) 327-2252 39
Website: | e-mail:
Nature of Publication Points
Articles published (0.5 point per article but not to
exceed 2 pts.)
Authorship of DepEd-developed and
produced materials (e.g., SLMs and WLAs; 1 per
material but not to exceed 3 points)
Co-authorship of a book 4
Sole authorship of a book, workbook, big books,
textbook, and module

Consultant / Resource Speaker / Facilitator in Training/ Seminars / Workshops

(DepEd-related) (5 points)
This refers to the recognition/ citation given by DepEd-related award-giving bodies.
Level Points
National 5
Regional 4
Division 3
District 2
School 1

Note: Only DepEd sanctioned activities shall be given points. The nominee shall
present the copy of the memorandum, authenticated certificate, Authority to travel
(if any), and other supporting documents.

Professional Development (10 points)

Education – 10 points
Education shall be in terms of the nominee’s academic achievement. This pertains
to the nominee’s master’s, and doctorate degrees earned. The course or
specialization must be relevant and aligned to the nominee’s teaching experience.
Degree Points
Doctorate Degree Graduate 10
Doctorate Degree
(Completed Academic Requirements)
Master’s Degree Graduate 6
Master’s Degree
(Completed Academic Requirements)
Master’s Degree
(At least 21 units)

Note: The nominee shall present a copy of authenticated TOR and Diploma (those
who graduated) or TOR and Certification for Completed Academic Requirements
(those who have CAR).

Trainings/ Seminars/ Workshops/ Conferences/ Webinars/ Online Courses

attended (5 points)
Participation to trainings/ seminars/ workshops/ conference/ webinars/ online
courses in any modality in the previous calendar year.
International Training is when trainers are internationally recognized/ accredited.

Address: Luna St., La Paz, Iloilo City 5000

Tel./Fax No. (033) 320-1402 | (033) 320-0719 | (033) 320-0707 | (033) 327-2252 40
Website: | e-mail:
OVs shall include issuance/memorandum identifying nominee as participants,
authority to travel for National and International Seminars, Certificate of
Participation/ Completion, and Certificate of Attendance/Appearance.
Participants in three (3) or more trainings activities in each level conducted for at
least three (3) days not credited during the last promotion

Level Points
School/District 1
Division 2
Regional 3
(at least 1 training activity conducted in at 4
least 3 days)
(at least 1 training activity conducted in at 5
least 3 days)

Written Examination (5 points)

The written examination shall evaluate the communication skills of the nominee.
The committee shall choose the topic or question.

Interview (5 points)

Professionalism / Personal Characteristics (10 points)


This is open to all Non-Teaching Level 2 personnel from the Schools Division Office,
districts, and schools with Salary Grade 10 to 24.

Criteria Points
Occupational Competence 30
Performance 25
Work Experience 5
Outstanding Accomplishments 30
Employee Award 10
Innovation 5
Research 5
Publication/ Authorship 5
Consultant/Resource Speaker/Facilitator in 5

Address: Luna St., La Paz, Iloilo City 5000

Tel./Fax No. (033) 320-1402 | (033) 320-0719 | (033) 320-0707 | (033) 327-2252 41
Website: | e-mail:
Professional Development 15
Education 10
Trainings/ Seminars/ Workshops/ Conferences/
Webinars/Online Courses attended
Community Involvement 5
Written Examination 5
Interview 5
Professionalism/Personal Characteristics 10

Occupational Competence (30 points)

Performance (25 points)
This refers to the IPCRF Rating. The rate of the average numerical rating for the 3
years vs. the highest possible rating shall be multiplied by 25.

( 4.720+4.600+ 4.890)÷ 3
x 25=23.68
5.00(highest rating)
Note: The nominee’s IPCRF Rating for the last 3 years must be at least ‘Very
Satisfactory’. A certified true copy of the IPCRF shall be presented as MOV.
Work Experience (5 points)
Number of Years in the Service Points
5 years and more 5
4 years 4
3 years 3

Outstanding Accomplishments (30 points)

Employee Awards (10 points)
To consider only the certificate with the highest points for the last 3 years.
Level Points
Schools/District 2
Division 4
Regional 6
National 8
International 10

MOVs: Certificate of Award, Official Memorandum/ Bulletin for Results

Announcement, or Letter of Conferment

Innovation (5 points)
Innovation means something new. It is a demonstration of creativity, initiative, and
innovativeness through development of new or superior work procedures, methods,
inventions, and devices. Innovation means something new. Innovation shall focus
on organizational efficiency, work procedures, leadership, educational support
partnership, and community development in any of the following categories:
Curriculum and Instruction Delivery; Policy, Planning, Research and Governance;
Learning Environment Improvement; Human Resource Development; and ALS,

Address: Luna St., La Paz, Iloilo City 5000

Tel./Fax No. (033) 320-1402 | (033) 320-0719 | (033) 320-0707 | (033) 327-2252 42
Website: | e-mail:
SPED, IPEd Programs. Innovative work that has been implemented within the last
3 years shall be considered as innovation.
MOV: copy of the innovation (only submit the innovation which is at the highest
stage of implementation)
Stages of Implementation Points
Started the implementation
Project Proposal duly signed by the Head of Office and 1
Progress Monitoring Report with significant milestones
aligned to the plan.
Fully implemented in the school
MOV: 2
Completed Project Report verified by the Head of Office.
Adopted in the School/ District
Completed Project Report verified by the Head of Office;
and 3
Certification of the utilization of the
innovation, within the school/district duly signed by
the Head of Office.
Adopted in the division
Completed Project Report verified by the Head of Office;
Certification of the utilization of the innovation in the
division duly signed by the Schools Division 4
Superintendent; and
Certification from the LR Manager that the
module/instructional material underwent the quality-
assurance procedure (if applicable).
Adopted in the region
Completed Project Report verified by the Head of Office;
Certification of the utilization of the innovation in the
region duly signed by the Regional Director; and
Certification from the LR Manager that the
module/instructional material underwent the quality-
assurance procedure (if applicable).

Research (5 points)
Initiated or headed an educational research activity duly approved by educational
authorities either for improvement of instruction, for community development, or
teacher welfare conducted in the last 3 years.
A research (action or basic) must be approved / accepted by the Schools Division
Superintendent or Regional Director.
Researchers must be compliant to the Research Management Guidelines (DepEd
Order No. 16, s. 2017).
Research topics must be aligned with the research agenda of the CO/RO/ SDO,
and according to the level of governance.
Points earned shall be divided according to the number of researchers in a team.

Stages of Implementation Points

Address: Luna St., La Paz, Iloilo City 5000

Tel./Fax No. (033) 320-1402 | (033) 320-0719 | (033) 320-0707 | (033) 327-2252 43
Website: | e-mail:
Started implementation of the research work
Research Proposal presented and approved by the 1
Progress Monitoring Report
Completed research work
Completed research paper duly acknowledged and 2
noted by the SDRC and recommended and approved
by ASDS and SDS, respectively.
Presented completed research work in the SDO
research congress
Completed research paper duly acknowledged and
noted by the SDRC and recommended and approved
by ASDS and SDS, respectively;
Certificate of Paper Presentation signed by SDS; and
Division Memorandum of the SDO Research Congress
Presented research work in the RO research congress
Completed research paper duly acknowledged and
noted by the SDRC and recommended and approved
by ASDS and SDS/ Regional Director, respectively;
Certificate of Paper Presentation signed by the
Regional Director; and
Regional Memo of the Regional Research Congress.
Presented research work in the CO research congress
Completed research paper duly acknowledged and
noted by the SDRC and recommended and approved
by ASDS and SDS/ Regional Director, respectively;
Certificate of Paper Presentation signed by the
Secretary/ Representative; and
National Memo of the CO Research Congress.

Publication/Authorship (5 points)
Articles duly approved by the regional/ division committee or with the PAU should
have been published in newspapers/ magazines/ journals of wide circulation at
least within a province/ city or official publication or websites. Opinion/ feature
articles, which need not be approved by the Head of office, must contain data/
scientific research and must be educational. Articles published online shall be
published in an official/ reputable educational website.
Books duly approved by the division committee must have been published with
ISBN/ ISSN by a recognized publishing company.
Authorship of DepEd-developed and produced materials (e.g., SLMs and WLAs)
which pass through quality assurance procedures conducted by SDO/RO LR shall
be included when the supporting documents are provided:
Memorandum where name of nominee is included.
Final copy of the material/s as published
Points earned shall be divided among the number of authors.

Address: Luna St., La Paz, Iloilo City 5000

Tel./Fax No. (033) 320-1402 | (033) 320-0719 | (033) 320-0707 | (033) 327-2252 44
Website: | e-mail:
Nature of Publication Points
Articles published (0.5 point per article but not to
exceed 2 pts.)
Authorship of DepEd-developed and produced
materials (e.g., SLMs and WLAs; 1 per material but
not to exceed 3 points)
Co-authorship of a book 4
Sole authorship of a book, workbook, big books,
textbook, and module

Consultant / Resource Speaker / Facilitator in Training/ Seminars / Workshops

(DepEd-related) (5 points)
This refers to the recognition/ citation given by DepEd-related award-giving bodies.
Level Points
National 5
Regional 4
Division 3
District 2
School 1

Note: Only DepEd sanctioned activities shall be given points. The nominee shall
present the copy of the memorandum, authenticated certificate, Authority to travel
(if any), and other supporting documents.

Professional Development (10 points)

Education – 10 points
Education shall be in terms of the nominee’s academic achievement. This pertains
to the nominee’s master’s, and doctorate degrees earned. The course or
specialization must be relevant and aligned to the nominee’s teaching experience.

Degree Points
Doctorate Degree Graduate 10
Doctorate Degree
(Completed Academic Requirements)
Master’s Degree Graduate 6
Master’s Degree
(Completed Academic Requirements)
Master’s Degree
(At least 21 units)

Note: The nominee shall present a copy of authenticated TOR and Diploma (those
who graduated) or TOR and Certification for Completed Academic Requirements
(those who have CAR).

Trainings/ Seminars/ Workshops/ Conferences/ Webinars/Online Courses

attended (5 points)

Address: Luna St., La Paz, Iloilo City 5000

Tel./Fax No. (033) 320-1402 | (033) 320-0719 | (033) 320-0707 | (033) 327-2252 45
Website: | e-mail:
Participation to trainings/ seminars/ workshops/ conference/ webinars/ online
courses in any modality in the previous calendar year.
International Training is when trainers are internationally recognized/ accredited.
OVs shall include issuance/memorandum identifying nominee as participants,
authority to travel for National and International Seminars, Certificate of
Participation/ Completion, and Certificate of Attendance/Appearance.
Participants in three (3) or more trainings activities in each level conducted for at
least three (3) days not credited during the last promotion.

Level Points
School / District 1
Division 2
Regional 3
(at least 1 training activity conducted in at 4
least 3 days)
(at least 1 training activity conducted in at 5
least 3 days)

Community Involvement (5 points)

Outreach programs/activities initiated properly documented with narrative and
pictorials attested by immediate supervisors, division, or
regional/barangay/municipal/city/province officials.
Scope of implementation Points
School/Barangay 2
District/Municipal 3
Division/City/Province 4
Regional 5

Written /Examination (5 points)

The written examination shall evaluate the communication skills of the nominee.
The committee shall choose the topic or question.

Interview (5 points)

Professionalism / Personal Characteristics (10 points)

This is open to all Related-Teaching personnel from the Schools Division Office,
districts, and schools.
Criteria Points
Occupational Competence 30
Performance 25
Work Experience 5
Outstanding Accomplishments 30
Employee Award 10
Innovation 5
Research 5

Address: Luna St., La Paz, Iloilo City 5000

Tel./Fax No. (033) 320-1402 | (033) 320-0719 | (033) 320-0707 | (033) 327-2252 46
Website: | e-mail:
Publication/ Authorship 5
Consultant/Resource Speaker/Facilitator in
Professional Development 15
Education 10
Trainings/ Seminars/ Workshops/ Conferences/
Webinars/Online Courses attended
Community Involvement 5
Written Examination 5
Interview 5
Professionalism/Personal Characteristics 10

1. Occupational Competence (30 points)

Performance (25 points)
This refers to the IPCRF Rating. The rate of the average numerical rating for the 3
years vs. the highest possible rating shall be multiplied by 25.

( 4.720+4.600+ 4.890)÷ 3
x 25=23.68
5.00(highest rating)
Note: The nominee’s IPCRF Rating for the last 3 years must be at least ‘Very
Satisfactory’. A certified true copy of the IPCRF shall be presented as MOV.

Work Experience (5 points)

Number of Years in the Service Points
5 years and more 5
4 years 4
3 years 3
2. Outstanding Accomplishments (30 points)

Employee Award (10 points)

To consider only the certificate with the highest points for the last 3 years.

Level Points
Schools/District 2
Division 4
Regional 6
National 8
International 10

MOVs: Certificate of award, Official Memorandum/ Bulletin for Results

Announcement, or Letter of Conferment

Innovation (5 points)
Innovation means something new. It is a demonstration of creativity, initiative, and
innovativeness through development of new or superior work procedures, methods,
inventions, and devices. Innovation means something new. Innovation shall focus
on organizational efficiency, work procedures, leadership, educational support

Address: Luna St., La Paz, Iloilo City 5000

Tel./Fax No. (033) 320-1402 | (033) 320-0719 | (033) 320-0707 | (033) 327-2252 47
Website: | e-mail:
partnership, and community development in any of the following categories:
Curriculum and Instruction Delivery; Policy, Planning, Research and Governance;
Learning Environment Improvement; Human Resource Development; and ALS,
SPED, IPEd Programs. Innovative work that has been implemented within the last
3 years shall be considered as innovation.
MOV: copy of the innovation (only submit the innovation which is at the highest
stage of implementation)

Stages of Implementation Points

Started the implementation
Project Proposal duly signed by the Head of Office and 1
Progress Monitoring Report with significant milestones
aligned to the plan.
Fully implemented in the school
MOV: 2
Completed Project Report verified by the Head of Office.
Adopted in the School/ District
Completed Project Report verified by the Head of Office;
and 3
Certification of the utilization of the
innovation, within the school/district duly signed by the
Head of Office.
Adopted in the division
Completed Project Report verified by the Head of Office;
Certification of the utilization of the innovation in the
division duly signed by the Schools Division 4
Superintendent; and
Certification from the LR Manager that the
module/instructional material underwent the quality-
assurance procedure (if applicable).
Adopted in the region
Completed Project Report verified by the Head of Office;
Certification of the utilization of the innovation in the
region duly signed by the Regional Director; and
Certification from the LR Manager that the
module/instructional material underwent the quality-
assurance procedure (if applicable).

Research (5 points)
Initiated or headed an educational research activity duly approved by educational
authorities either for improvement of instruction, for community development, or
teacher welfare conducted in the last 3 years.
A research (action or basic) must be approved / accepted by the Schools Division
Superintendent or Regional Director.
Researchers must be compliant to the Research Management Guidelines (DepEd
Order No. 16, s. 2017).

Address: Luna St., La Paz, Iloilo City 5000

Tel./Fax No. (033) 320-1402 | (033) 320-0719 | (033) 320-0707 | (033) 327-2252 48
Website: | e-mail:
Research topics must be aligned with the research agenda of the CO/RO/ SDO,
and according to the level of governance.
Points earned shall be divided according to the number of researchers in a team.

Stages of Implementation Points

Started implementation of the research work
Research Proposal presented and approved by the 1
Progress Monitoring Report
Completed research work
Completed research paper duly acknowledged and noted 2
by the SDRC and recommended and approved by ASDS
and SDS, respectively.
Presented completed research work in the SDO research
Completed research paper duly acknowledged and noted
by the SDRC and recommended and approved by ASDS
and SDS, respectively;
Certificate of Paper Presentation signed by SDS; and
Division Memorandum of the SDO Research Congress
Presented research work in the RO research congress
Completed research paper duly acknowledged and noted
by the SDRC and recommended and approved by ASDS
and SDS/ Regional Director, respectively; 4
Certificate of Paper Presentation signed by the Regional
Director; and
Regional Memoramdum of the Regional Research
Presented research work in the CO research congress
Completed research paper duly acknowledged and noted
by the SDRC and recommended and approved by ASDS
and SDS/ Regional Director, respectively;
Certificate of Paper Presentation signed by the
Secretary/ Representative; and
National Memorandum of the CO Research Congress.

Publication/Authorship (5 points)
Articles duly approved by the regional/ division committee or with the PAU should
have been published in newspapers/ magazines/ journals of wide circulation at
least within a province/ city or official publication or websites. Opinion/ feature
articles, which need not be approved by the Head of office, must contain data/
scientific research and must be educational. Articles published online shall be
published in an official/ reputable educational website.
Books duly approved by the division committee must have been published with
ISBN/ ISSN by a recognized publishing company.

Address: Luna St., La Paz, Iloilo City 5000

Tel./Fax No. (033) 320-1402 | (033) 320-0719 | (033) 320-0707 | (033) 327-2252 49
Website: | e-mail:
Authorship of DepEd-developed and produced materials (e.g., SLMs and WLAs)
which pass through quality assurance procedures conducted by SDO/RO LR shall
be included when the supporting documents are provided:
Memorandum where name of nominee is included.
Final copy of the material/s as published
Points earned shall be divided among the number of authors.

Nature of Publication Points

Articles published (0.5 point per article but not to
exceed 2 pts.)
Authorship of DepEd-developed and
produced materials (e.g., SLMs and WLAs; 1 per
material but not to exceed 3 points)
Co-authorship of a book 4
Sole authorship of a book, workbook, big books,
textbook, and module

Consultant / Resource Speaker / Facilitator in Training/ Seminars / Workshops

(DepEd-related) (5 points)
This refers to the recognition/ citation given by DepEd-related award-giving bodies.
Level Points
National 5
Regional 4
Division 3
District 2
School 1
Note: Only DepEd sanctioned activities shall be given points. The nominee shall
present the copy of the memorandum, authenticated certificate, Authority to travel
(if any), and other supporting documents.

3. Professional Development (15 points)

Education – 10 points
Education shall be in terms of the nominee’s academic achievement. This pertains
to the nominee’s master’s, and doctorate degrees earned. The course or
specialization must be relevant and aligned to the nominee’s teaching experience.
Degree Points
Doctorate Degree Graduate 10
Doctorate Degree
(Completed Academic Requirements)
Master’s Degree Graduate 6
Master’s Degree
(Completed Academic Requirements)
Master’s Degree
(With at least 21 units)

Note: The nominee shall present a copy of authenticated TOR and Diploma (those
who graduated) or TOR and Certification for Completed Academic Requirements
(those who have CAR).
Trainings/ Seminars/ Workshops/ Conferences/ Webinars/Online Courses
attended (5 points)

Address: Luna St., La Paz, Iloilo City 5000

Tel./Fax No. (033) 320-1402 | (033) 320-0719 | (033) 320-0707 | (033) 327-2252 50
Website: | e-mail:
Participation to trainings/ seminars/ workshops/ conference/ webinars/ online
courses in any modality in the previous calendar year.
International Training is when trainers are internationally recognized/ accredited.
OVs shall include issuance/memorandum identifying nominee as participants,
authority to travel for National and International Seminars, Certificate of
Participation/ Completion, and Certificate of Attendance/Appearance.
Participants in three (3) or more trainings activities in each level conducted for at
least three (3) days not credited during the last promotion.

Level Points
School / District 1
Division 2
Regional 3
(at least 1 training activity conducted in at 4
least 3 days)
(at least 1 training activity conducted in at 5
least 3 days)

4. Community Involvement (5 points)

Outreach programs/activities initiated properly documented with narrative and

pictorials attested by immediate supervisors, division, or
regional/barangay/municipal/city/province officials.

Scope of implementation Points

School/Barangay 2
District/Municipal 3
Division/City/Province 4
Regional 5

5. Written /Examination (5 points)

The written examination shall evaluate the communication skills of the nominee.
The committee shall choose the topic or question.

6. Interview (5 points)

Professionalism / Personal Characteristics (10 points)


Criteria Points
School-Based Management (SBM) Level of Practice 50
Research 10
Innovation 10
Awards 15

Address: Luna St., La Paz, Iloilo City 5000

Tel./Fax No. (033) 320-1402 | (033) 320-0719 | (033) 320-0707 | (033) 327-2252 51
Website: | e-mail:
Financial Management 15

School-Based Management Level of Practice (50 points)

SBM Level of Practice Points

Level III 50
Level II 40
Level I 30

Division Validated SBM e-Tool for Performance Improvement and Document
Analysis, Observation, and Discussion (DOD); and
Certification of SBM Level of Practice signed by the designated Division SBM Focal

Research (10 points)

Research conducted and implemented within the last 3 years.
Number of Researches in Different
Thematic Areas
5 or more 10
4 8
3 6
2 4
1 2

Copy of research manuscript (compliant to DepEd Order No. 16, s. 2017) with duly
signed acceptance sheet by the members of the SDRC / RRC; and
Certification of completed and conducted research signed by the Division Senior
Education Program Specialist for Planning & Research

Innovations (10 points)

Number of Innovations in Different

Categories Implemented
5 or more 10
4 8
3 6
2 4
1 2

Completed Project Report verified by the Head of Office and
Completed Project Report accepted / signed by the Schools Division

Address: Luna St., La Paz, Iloilo City 5000

Tel./Fax No. (033) 320-1402 | (033) 320-0719 | (033) 320-0707 | (033) 327-2252 52
Website: | e-mail:
Awards (Teachers /Learners/School) 15 points
Awards must be those from DepEd recognized bodies and/or DepEd initiated
programs, projects, and activities for the last two years

Teachers (5 points)

Level Points
District (at least 3 awards) 1
Division (at least 2 awards) 2
Region (at least 2 awards) 3
National (at least 1 award) 4
International (at least 1 award) 5

Learners (5 points)

Level Points
District (at least 3 awards) 1
Division (at least 2 awards) 2
Region (at least 2 awards) 3
National (at least 1 award) 4
International (at least 1 award) 5

School (5 points)

Level Points
District (at least 3 awards) 1
Division (at least 2 awards) 2
Region (at least 2 awards) 3
National (at least 1 award) 4
International (at least 1 award) 5

Financial Management (15 Points)

Percentage of Liquidation / Utilization of

Funds of the Previous Fiscal Year
100% 15
90% 12
80% 9
70% 6

Address: Luna St., La Paz, Iloilo City 5000

Tel./Fax No. (033) 320-1402 | (033) 320-0719 | (033) 320-0707 | (033) 327-2252 53
Website: | e-mail:

Criteria Points
Performance Rating of the Head of Office 15
Significant Accomplishment/s in Fostering Learning 20
Impact of Accomplishment in Making Learning Happen 25
Innovations in Enhancing Learner’s Achievement 30
Awards 10

Performance Rating of the Head of Office (15 points)

This refers to the IPCRF Rating. The rate of the average numerical rating for the 3
years vs. the highest possible rating shall be multiplied by 15.

( 4.720+4.600+ 4.890)÷ 3
x 15=14.21
5.00(highest rating)

Address: Luna St., La Paz, Iloilo City 5000

Tel./Fax No. (033) 320-1402 | (033) 320-0719 | (033) 320-0707 | (033) 327-2252 54
Website: | e-mail:
Note: The nominee’s IPCRF Rating for the last 3 years must be at least ‘Very
Satisfactory’. A certified true copy of the IPCRF shall be presented as MOV.

Significant Accomplishment/s in Fostering Learning (20 points)

Project / Work Accomplished (5 points)

Number of strategies / activities done that have significantly influenced / provided

greater impact in the performance of the learners (15 points)

Number of strategies / activities Points

5 15
4 12
3 9
2 6
1 3

MOV/s: Approved Project Proposal/s

Impact of Accomplishments in making learning happen (25 points)

Scope (School Level, District Level, Division Level) (10 points)

Level Points
Division 10
Congressional District 8
District 6

MOVs: Approved Project Proposal/s, Accomplishment Report/s, etc.

Replicability of the program / project / activity (5 points)

Level Points
Regional 5
Division 4
Congressional District 3
District 2

Number of people, office benefited, and transactions facilitated (5 points)

No. of people/ office benefited, or

transactions facilitated
26 or more 5
21 - 25 4
16 - 20 3
11 - 15 2
5 - 10 1

MOVs: Attendance sheet/ List of beneficiaries stated in the proposal

Level of attainment per identified Performance Indicator (5 points)

Address: Luna St., La Paz, Iloilo City 5000

Tel./Fax No. (033) 320-1402 | (033) 320-0719 | (033) 320-0707 | (033) 327-2252 55
Website: | e-mail:
Stages of Implementation Points
Started the implementation
MOV: Proposal duly signed by the Head of Office and
Progress Monitoring Report with significant milestones
aligned to the plan
Fully implemented in the school
MOV: Accomplishment Report verified by the Head of 2
Adopted in the School/ District
MOV: Certification of the utilization of the innovation,
within the school/district duly signed by the Head of
Adopted in the division
MOV: Certification of the utilization of the innovation in
the division duly signed by the Schools Division
Superintendent; certification from the LR Manager that
the module/instructional material underwent the quality-
assurance procedure
Adopted in the region
MOV: Certification of the utilization of the innovation in
the region duly signed by the Regional Director;
certification from the LR Manager that the
module/instructional material underwent the
quality-assurance procedure

Innovations in Enhancing Learner’s Achievement (30 points)

Originality (5 points)

Creative programs, projects, activities made in the last two years in connection to
the award category and the extent to which it/they/is/ are being used and the
results, number of persons who benefited; (10 points)

Scope / replicability of the innovation (10 points)

Level Points
Regional 10
Division 9
Congressional District 8
District 7

Level of attainment per identified Performance Indicator (5 points)

Stages of Implementation Points
Started the implementation
MOV: Proposal duly signed by the Head of Office and
Progress Monitoring Report with significant milestones
aligned to the plan
Fully implemented in the school
MOV: Accomplishment Report verified by the Head of 2
Adopted in the School/ District 3
MOV: Certification of the utilization of the innovation,
within the school/district duly signed by the Head of

Address: Luna St., La Paz, Iloilo City 5000

Tel./Fax No. (033) 320-1402 | (033) 320-0719 | (033) 320-0707 | (033) 327-2252 56
Website: | e-mail:

Adopted in the division

MOV: Certification of the utilization of the innovation in
the division duly signed by the Schools Division
Superintendent; certification from the LR Manager that
the module/instructional material underwent the quality-
assurance procedure
Adopted in the region
MOV: Certification of the utilization of the innovation in
the region duly signed by the Regional Director;
certification from the LR Manager that the
module/instructional material underwent the
quality-assurance procedure

5. Awards (10 points)

Major awards/citations received by the CLC/ learner/ implementer from District/
Congressional District / SDO/ RO/ CO.

Level Points
National 10
Regional 9
Division 7
Congressional District 5
District 3

Address: Luna St., La Paz, Iloilo City 5000

Tel./Fax No. (033) 320-1402 | (033) 320-0719 | (033) 320-0707 | (033) 327-2252 57
Website: | e-mail:


This is open to all Non-Teaching Level 1 personnel from the Office of the Schools
Division Superintendent (OSDS) of the Schools Division Office with Salary Grade 1
to 9.
Criteria Points
1. Occupational Competence 35
a. Performance Rating 30
b. Work Experience 5
Outstanding Accomplishments 30
a. Awards 10
b. Innovation 5
c. Research 5
d. Publication/ Authorship 5
e. Consultant/Resource Speaker/Facilitator in
Professional Development 15
a. Education 10
b. Trainings/ Seminars/ Workshops/ Conferences/
Webinars/Online Courses attended
Written Examination 5
Interview 5
Professionalism/Personal Characteristics 10

1. Occupational Competence (35 points)

Performance (30 points)

Address: Luna St., La Paz, Iloilo City 5000

Tel./Fax No. (033) 320-1402 | (033) 320-0719 | (033) 320-0707 | (033) 327-2252 58
Website: | e-mail:
This refers to the IPCRF Rating. The rate of the average numerical rating for the 3
years vs. the highest possible rating shall be multiplied by 30.

( 4.720+4.600+ 4.890)÷ 3
x 30=28.420
5.00(highest rating)
Note: The nominee’s IPCRF Rating for the last 3 years must be at least ‘Very
Satisfactory’. A certified true copy of the IPCRF shall be presented as MOV.

Work Experience (5 points)

Number of Years in the Service Points
5 years or more 5
4 years 4
3 years 3

2. Outstanding Accomplishments (30 points)

a. Awards (10 points)
To consider only the certificate with the highest points for the last 3 years.
Level Points
Schools/District 2
Division 4
Regional 6
National 8
International 10

MOVs: Certificate of Award, Official Memorandum/ Bulletin for Results

Announcement, or Letter of Conferment

b. Innovation (5 points)
Innovation means something new. It is a demonstration of creativity, initiative, and
innovativeness through development of new or superior work procedures, methods,
inventions, and devices. Innovation means something new. Innovation shall focus
on organizational efficiency, work procedures, leadership, educational support
partnership, and community development in any of the following categories:
Curriculum and Instruction Delivery; Policy, Planning, Research and Governance;
Learning Environment Improvement; Human Resource Development; and ALS,
SPED, IPEd Programs. Innovative work that has been implemented within the last
3 years shall be considered as innovation.
MOV: copy of the innovation (only submit the innovation which is at the highest
stage of implementation)

Stages of Implementation Points

Started the implementation
Project Proposal duly signed by the Head of Office and 1
Progress Monitoring Report with significant milestones
aligned to the plan.
Fully implemented in the school
MOV: 2
Completed Project Report verified by the Head of Office.
Adopted in the School/ District 3

Address: Luna St., La Paz, Iloilo City 5000

Tel./Fax No. (033) 320-1402 | (033) 320-0719 | (033) 320-0707 | (033) 327-2252 59
Website: | e-mail:
Completed Project Report verified by the Head of Office;
Certification of the utilization of the
innovation, within the school/district duly signed by the
Head of Office.
Adopted in the division
Completed Project Report verified by the Head of Office;
Certification of the utilization of the innovation in the
division duly signed by the Schools Division 4
Superintendent; and
Certification from the LR Manager that the
module/instructional material underwent the quality-
assurance procedure (if applicable).
Adopted in the region
Completed Project Report verified by the Head of Office;
Certification of the utilization of the innovation in the
region duly signed by the Regional Director; and
Certification from the LR Manager that the
module/instructional material underwent the quality-
assurance procedure (if applicable).

c. Research (5 points)
1. Initiated or headed an educational research activity duly approved by
educational authorities either for improvement of instruction, for community
development, or teacher welfare conducted in the last 3 years.
2. A research (action or basic) must be approved / accepted by the Schools Division
Superintendent or Regional Director.
3. Researchers must be compliant to the Research Management Guidelines (DepEd
Order No. 16, s. 2017).
4. Research topics must be aligned with the research agenda of the CO/RO/ SDO,
and according to the level of governance.
5. Points earned shall be divided according to the number of researchers in a team.

Stages of Implementation Points

Started implementation of the research work
Research Proposal presented and approved by the 1
Progress Monitoring Report
Completed research work
Completed research paper duly acknowledged and noted 2
by the SDRC and recommended and approved by ASDS
and SDS, respectively.
Presented completed research work in the SDO research 3
Completed research paper duly acknowledged and noted

Address: Luna St., La Paz, Iloilo City 5000

Tel./Fax No. (033) 320-1402 | (033) 320-0719 | (033) 320-0707 | (033) 327-2252 60
Website: | e-mail:
by the SDRC and recommended and approved by ASDS
and SDS, respectively;
Certificate of Paper Presentation signed by SDS; and
Division Memorandum of the SDO Research Congress
Presented research work in the RO research congress
Completed research paper duly acknowledged and noted
by the SDRC and recommended and approved by ASDS
and SDS/ Regional Director, respectively; 4
Certificate of Paper Presentation signed by the Regional
Director; and
Regional Memorandum of the Regional Research
Presented research work in the CO research congress
Completed research paper duly acknowledged and noted
by the SDRC and recommended and approved by ASDS
and SDS/ Regional Director, respectively;
Certificate of Paper Presentation signed by the Secretary/
Representative; and
National Memo of the CO Research Congress.

Publication/Authorship (5 points)
1. Articles duly approved by the regional/ division committee or with the PAU
should have been published in newspapers/ magazines/ journals of wide
circulation at least within a province/ city or official publication or websites.
Opinion/ feature articles, which need not be approved by the Head of office, must
contain data/ scientific research and must be educational. Articles published
online shall be published in an official/ reputable educational website.
2. Books duly approved by the division committee must have been published with
ISBN/ ISSN by a recognized publishing company.
3. Authorship of DepEd-developed and produced materials (e.g., SLMs and WLAs)
which pass through quality assurance procedures conducted by SDO/RO LR shall
be included when the supporting documents are provided:
4. Memorandum where name of nominee is included.
5. Final copy of the material/s as published
6. Points earned shall be divided among the number of authors.

Nature of Publication Points

Articles published (0.5 point per article but not to
exceed 2 pts.)
Authorship of DepEd-developed and
produced materials (e.g., SLMs and WLAs; 1 per
material but not to exceed 3 points)
Co-authorship of a book 4
Sole authorship of a book, workbook, big books,
textbook, and module

Consultant / Resource Speaker / Facilitator in Training/ Seminars / Workshops

(DepEd-related) (5 points)
This refers to the recognition/ citation given by DepEd-related award-giving bodies.

Address: Luna St., La Paz, Iloilo City 5000

Tel./Fax No. (033) 320-1402 | (033) 320-0719 | (033) 320-0707 | (033) 327-2252 61
Website: | e-mail:
Level Points
National 5
Regional 4
Division 3
District 2
School 1

Note: Only DepEd sanctioned activities shall be given points. The nominee shall
present the copy of the memorandum, authenticated certificate, Authority to travel
(if any), and other supporting documents.

3. Professional Development (10 points)

a. Education – 10 points
Education shall be in terms of the nominee’s academic achievement. This pertains
to the nominee’s master’s, and doctorate degrees earned. The course or
specialization must be relevant and aligned to the nominee’s teaching experience.
Degree Points
Doctorate Degree Graduate 10
Doctorate Degree
(Completed Academic Requirement)
Master’s Degree Graduate 6
Master’s Degree
(Completed Academic Requirement)
Master’s Degree
(At least 21 units)

Note: The nominee shall present a copy of authenticated TOR and Diploma (those
who graduated) or TOR and Certification for Completed Academic Requirements
(those who have CAR).

b. Trainings/ Seminars/ Workshops/ Conferences/ Webinars/ Online Courses

attended (5 points)
1. Participation to trainings/ seminars/ workshops/ conference/ webinars/ online
courses in any modality in the previous calendar year.
2. International Training is when trainers are internationally recognized/
3. MOVs shall include issuance/memorandum identifying nominee as participants,
authority to travel for National and International Seminars, Certificate of
Participation/ Completion, and Certificate of Attendance/Appearance.
4. Participants in three (3) or more trainings activities in each level conducted for at
least three (3) days not credited during the last promotion

Level Points
School/District 1
Division 2
Regional 3
(at least 1 training activity conducted in at 4
least 3 days)
International 5

Address: Luna St., La Paz, Iloilo City 5000

Tel./Fax No. (033) 320-1402 | (033) 320-0719 | (033) 320-0707 | (033) 327-2252 62
Website: | e-mail:
(at least 1 training activity conducted in at
least 3 days)

Written Examination (5 points)

The written examination shall evaluate the communication skills of the nominee.
The committee shall choose the topic or question.

Interview (5 points)

Professionalism / Personal Characteristics (10 points)



This is open to all Non-Teaching Level 2 personnel from the Office of the
Schools Division Superintendent (OSDS) of the Schools Division Office with Salary
Grade 10 to 24.
Criteria Points
1. Occupational Competence 30
a. Performance 25
b. Work Experience 5
Outstanding Accomplishments 30
a. Employee Award 10
b. Innovation 5
c. Research 5
d. Publication/ Authorship 5

Address: Luna St., La Paz, Iloilo City 5000

Tel./Fax No. (033) 320-1402 | (033) 320-0719 | (033) 320-0707 | (033) 327-2252 63
Website: | e-mail:
e. Consultant/Resource Speaker/Facilitator in
Professional Development 15
a. Education 10
b. Trainings/ Seminars/ Workshops/ Conferences/
Webinars/Online Courses attended
Community Involvement 5
Written Examination 5
Interview 5
Professionalism/Personal Characteristics 10

1. Occupational Competence (30 points)

a. Performance (25 points)
This refers to the IPCRF Rating. The rate of the average numerical rating for the 3
years vs. the highest possible rating shall be multiplied by 25.

( 4.720+4.600+ 4.890)÷ 3
x 25=23.68
5.00(highest rating)
Note: The nominee’s IPCRF Rating for the last 3 years must be at least ‘Very
Satisfactory’. A certified true copy of the IPCRF shall be presented as MOV.
b. Work Experience (5 points)
Number of Years in the Service Points
5 years and more 5
4 years 4
3 years 3

2. Outstanding Accomplishments (30 points)

a. Employee Award (10 points)
To consider only the certificate with the highest points for the last 3 years.

Level Points
Schools/District 2
Division 4
Regional 6
National 8
International 10

MOVs: Certificate of Award, Official Memorandum/ Bulletin for Results

Announcement, or Letter of Conferment

b. Innovation (5 points)
Innovation means something new. It is a demonstration of creativity, initiative, and
innovativeness through development of new or superior work procedures, methods,
inventions, and devices. Innovation means something new. Innovation shall focus
on organizational efficiency, work procedures, leadership, educational support
partnership, and community development in any of the following categories:
Curriculum and Instruction Delivery; Policy, Planning, Research and Governance;

Address: Luna St., La Paz, Iloilo City 5000

Tel./Fax No. (033) 320-1402 | (033) 320-0719 | (033) 320-0707 | (033) 327-2252 64
Website: | e-mail:
Learning Environment Improvement; Human Resource Development; and ALS,
SPED, IPEd Programs. Innovative work that has been implemented within the last
3 years shall be considered as innovation.
MOV: copy of the innovation (only submit the innovation which is at the highest
stage of implementation)

Stages of Implementation Points

Started the implementation
Project Proposal duly signed by the Head of Office and 1
Progress Monitoring Report with significant milestones
aligned to the plan.
Fully implemented in the school
MOV: 2
Completed Project Report verified by the Head of Office.
Adopted in the School/ District
Completed Project Report verified by the Head of Office;
and 3
Certification of the utilization of the
innovation, within the school/district duly signed by
the Head of Office.
Adopted in the division
Completed Project Report verified by the Head of Office;
Certification of the utilization of the innovation in the
division duly signed by the Schools Division 4
Superintendent; and
Certification from the LR Manager that the
module/instructional material underwent the quality-
assurance procedure (if applicable).
Adopted in the region
Completed Project Report verified by the Head of Office;
Certification of the utilization of the innovation in the
region duly signed by the Regional Director; and
Certification from the LR Manager that the
module/instructional material underwent the quality-
assurance procedure (if applicable).

c. Research (5 points)
1. Initiated or headed an educational research activity duly approved by
educational authorities either for improvement of instruction, for community
development, or teacher welfare conducted in the last 3 years.
2. A research (action or basic) must be approved / accepted by the Schools Division
Superintendent or Regional Director.
3. Researchers must be compliant to the Research Management Guidelines (DepEd
Order No. 16, s. 2017).
4. Research topics must be aligned with the research agenda of the CO/RO/ SDO,
and according to the level of governance.

Address: Luna St., La Paz, Iloilo City 5000

Tel./Fax No. (033) 320-1402 | (033) 320-0719 | (033) 320-0707 | (033) 327-2252 65
Website: | e-mail:
5. Points earned shall be divided according to the number of researchers in a team.

Stages of Implementation Points

Started implementation of the research work
Research Proposal presented and approved by the 1
Progress Monitoring Report
Completed research work
Completed research paper duly acknowledged and 2
noted by the SDRC and recommended and approved
by ASDS and SDS, respectively.
Presented completed research work in the SDO
research congress
Completed research paper duly acknowledged and
noted by the SDRC and recommended and approved
by ASDS and SDS, respectively;
Certificate of Paper Presentation signed by SDS; and
Division Memorandum of the SDO Research Congress
Presented research work in the RO research congress
Completed research paper duly acknowledged and
noted by the SDRC and recommended and approved
by ASDS and SDS/ Regional Director, respectively;
Certificate of Paper Presentation signed by the
Regional Director; and
Regional Memo of the Regional Research Congress.
Presented research work in the CO research congress
Completed research paper duly acknowledged and
noted by the SDRC and recommended and approved
by ASDS and SDS/ Regional Director, respectively;
Certificate of Paper Presentation signed by the
Secretary/ Representative; and
National Memo of the CO Research Congress.

d. Publication/Authorship (5 points)
1. Articles duly approved by the regional/ division committee or with the PAU
should have been published in newspapers/ magazines/ journals of wide
circulation at least within a province/ city or official publication or websites.
Opinion/ feature articles, which need not be approved by the Head of office, must
contain data/ scientific research and must be educational. Articles published
online shall be published in an official/ reputable educational website.
2. Books duly approved by the division committee must have been published with
ISBN/ ISSN by a recognized publishing company.
3. Authorship of DepEd-developed and produced materials (e.g., SLMs and WLAs)
which pass through quality assurance procedures conducted by SDO/RO LR shall
be included when the supporting documents are provided:
4. Memorandum where name of nominee is included.
5. Final copy of the material/s as published

Address: Luna St., La Paz, Iloilo City 5000

Tel./Fax No. (033) 320-1402 | (033) 320-0719 | (033) 320-0707 | (033) 327-2252 66
Website: | e-mail:
6. Points earned shall be divided among the number of authors.

Nature of Publication Points

Articles published (0.5 point per article but not to
exceed 2 pts.)
Authorship of DepEd-developed and produced
materials (e.g., SLMs and WLAs; 1 per material but
not to exceed 3 points)
Co-authorship of a book 4
Sole authorship of a book, workbook, big books,
textbook, and module

e. Consultant / Resource Speaker / Facilitator in Training/ Seminars / Workshops

(DepEd-related) (5 points)
This refers to the recognition/ citation given by DepEd-related award-giving bodies.
Level Points
National 5
Regional 4
Division 3
District 2
School 1

Note: Only DepEd sanctioned activities shall be given points. The nominee shall
present the copy of the memorandum, authenticated certificate, Authority to travel
(if any), and other supporting documents.

3. Professional Development (10 points)

a. Education – 10 points
Education shall be in terms of the nominee’s academic achievement. This pertains
to the nominee’s master’s, and doctorate degrees earned. The course or
specialization must be relevant and aligned to the nominee’s teaching experience.

Degree Points
Doctorate Degree Graduate 10
Doctorate Degree
(Completed Academic Requirement)
Master’s Degree Graduate 6
Master’s Degree
(Completed Academic Requirement)
Master’s Degree
(At least 21 units)

Note: The nominee shall present a copy of authenticated TOR and Diploma (those
who graduated) or TOR and Certification for Completed Academic Requirements
(those who have CAR).

b. Trainings/ Seminars/ Workshops/ Conferences/ Webinars/Online Courses

attended (5 points)

Address: Luna St., La Paz, Iloilo City 5000

Tel./Fax No. (033) 320-1402 | (033) 320-0719 | (033) 320-0707 | (033) 327-2252 67
Website: | e-mail:
1. Participation to trainings/ seminars/ workshops/ conference/ webinars/ online
courses in any modality in the previous calendar year.
2. International Training is when trainers are internationally recognized/
3. MOVs shall include issuance/memorandum identifying nominee as participants,
authority to travel for National and International Seminars, Certificate of
Participation/ Completion, and Certificate of Attendance/Appearance.
4. Participants in three (3) or more trainings activities in each level conducted for at
least three (3) days not credited during the last promotion.

Level Points
School / District 1
Division 2
Regional 3
(at least 1 training activity conducted in at 4
least 3 days)
(at least 1 training activity conducted in at 5
least 3 days)

4. Community Involvement (5 points)

Outreach programs/activities initiated properly documented with narrative and
pictorials attested by immediate supervisors, division, or
regional/barangay/municipal/city/province officials.

Scope of implementation Points

School/Barangay 2
District/Municipal 3
Division/City/Province 4
Regional 5

Written Examination (5 points)

The written examination shall evaluate the communication skills of the nominee.
The committee shall choose the topic or question.

Interview (5 points)

Professionalism / Personal Characteristics (10 points)



Address: Luna St., La Paz, Iloilo City 5000

Tel./Fax No. (033) 320-1402 | (033) 320-0719 | (033) 320-0707 | (033) 327-2252 68
Website: | e-mail:
This is open to all Non-Teaching Level 1 personnel from the School Governance and
Operations Division (SGOD) of the Schools Division Office with Salary Grade 1 to 9.
Criteria Points
1. Occupational Competence 35
a. Performance Rating 30
b. Work Experience 5
Outstanding Accomplishments 30
a. Awards 10
b. Innovation 5
c. Research 5
d. Publication/ Authorship 5
e. Consultant/Resource Speaker/Facilitator in
Professional Development 15
a. Education 10
b. Trainings/ Seminars/ Workshops/ Conferences/
Webinars/Online Courses attended
Written Examination 5
Interview 5
Professionalism/Personal Characteristics 10

1. Occupational Competence (35 points)

Performance (30 points)
This refers to the IPCRF Rating. The rate of the average numerical rating for the 3
years vs. the highest possible rating shall be multiplied by 30.

( 4.720+4.600+ 4.890)÷ 3
x 30=28.420
5.00(highest rating)

Note: The nominee’s IPCRF Rating for the last 3 years must be at least ‘Very
Satisfactory’. A certified true copy of the IPCRF shall be presented as MOV.

Work Experience (5 points)

Number of Years in the Service Points
5 years or more 5
4 years 4
3 years 3

2. Outstanding Accomplishments (30 points)

a. Awards (10 points)
To consider only the certificate with the highest points for the last 3 years.
Level Points
Schools/District 2

Address: Luna St., La Paz, Iloilo City 5000

Tel./Fax No. (033) 320-1402 | (033) 320-0719 | (033) 320-0707 | (033) 327-2252 69
Website: | e-mail:
Division 4
Regional 6
National 8
International 10

MOVs: Certificate of Award, Official Memorandum/ Bulletin for Results

Announcement, or Letter of Conferment

b. Innovation (5 points)
Innovation means something new. It is a demonstration of creativity, initiative, and
innovativeness through development of new or superior work procedures, methods,
inventions, and devices. Innovation means something new. Innovation shall focus
on organizational efficiency, work procedures, leadership, educational support
partnership, and community development in any of the following categories:
Curriculum and Instruction Delivery; Policy, Planning, Research and Governance;
Learning Environment Improvement; Human Resource Development; and ALS,
SPED, IPEd Programs. Innovative work that has been implemented within the last
3 years shall be considered as innovation.
MOV: copy of the innovation (only submit the innovation which is at the highest
stage of implementation)

Stages of Implementation Points

Started the implementation
Project Proposal duly signed by the Head of Office and 1
Progress Monitoring Report with significant milestones
aligned to the plan.
Fully implemented in the school
MOV: 2
Completed Project Report verified by the Head of Office.
Adopted in the School/ District
Completed Project Report verified by the Head of Office;
and 3
Certification of the utilization of the
innovation, within the school/district duly signed by the
Head of Office.
Adopted in the division
Completed Project Report verified by the Head of Office;
Certification of the utilization of the innovation in the
division duly signed by the Schools Division 4
Superintendent; and
Certification from the LR Manager that the
module/instructional material underwent the quality-
assurance procedure (if applicable).
Adopted in the region 5
Completed Project Report verified by the Head of Office;
Certification of the utilization of the innovation in the
region duly signed by the Regional Director; and

Address: Luna St., La Paz, Iloilo City 5000

Tel./Fax No. (033) 320-1402 | (033) 320-0719 | (033) 320-0707 | (033) 327-2252 70
Website: | e-mail:
Certification from the LR Manager that the
module/instructional material underwent the quality-
assurance procedure (if applicable).

c. Research (5 points)
1. Initiated or headed an educational research activity duly approved by
educational authorities either for improvement of instruction, for community
development, or teacher welfare conducted in the last 3 years.
2. A research (action or basic) must be approved / accepted by the Schools Division
Superintendent or Regional Director.
3. Researchers must be compliant to the Research Management Guidelines (DepEd
Order No. 16, s. 2017).
4. Research topics must be aligned with the research agenda of the CO/RO/ SDO,
and according to the level of governance.
5. Points earned shall be divided according to the number of researchers in a team.

Stages of Implementation Points

Started implementation of the research work
Research Proposal presented and approved by the 1
Progress Monitoring Report
Completed research work
Completed research paper duly acknowledged and noted 2
by the SDRC and recommended and approved by ASDS
and SDS, respectively.
Presented completed research work in the SDO research
Completed research paper duly acknowledged and noted
by the SDRC and recommended and approved by ASDS
and SDS, respectively;
Certificate of Paper Presentation signed by SDS; and
Division Memorandum of the SDO Research Congress
Presented research work in the RO research congress
Completed research paper duly acknowledged and noted
by the SDRC and recommended and approved by ASDS
and SDS/ Regional Director, respectively; 4
Certificate of Paper Presentation signed by the Regional
Director; and
Regional Memorandum of the Regional Research
Presented research work in the CO research congress 5
Completed research paper duly acknowledged and noted
by the SDRC and recommended and approved by ASDS
and SDS/ Regional Director, respectively;
Certificate of Paper Presentation signed by the Secretary/
Representative; and

Address: Luna St., La Paz, Iloilo City 5000

Tel./Fax No. (033) 320-1402 | (033) 320-0719 | (033) 320-0707 | (033) 327-2252 71
Website: | e-mail:
National Memo of the CO Research Congress.

d. Publication/Authorship (5 points)
1. Articles duly approved by the regional/ division committee or with the PAU
should have been published in newspapers/ magazines/ journals of wide
circulation at least within a province/ city or official publication or websites.
Opinion/ feature articles, which need not be approved by the Head of office, must
contain data/ scientific research and must be educational. Articles published
online shall be published in an official/ reputable educational website.
2. Books duly approved by the division committee must have been published with
ISBN/ ISSN by a recognized publishing company.
3. Authorship of DepEd-developed and produced materials (e.g., SLMs and WLAs)
which pass through quality assurance procedures conducted by SDO/RO LR shall
be included when the supporting documents are provided:
4. Memorandum where name of nominee is included.
5. Final copy of the material/s as published
6. Points earned shall be divided among the number of authors.

Nature of Publication Points

Articles published (0.5 point per article but not to
exceed 2 pts.)
Authorship of DepEd-developed and
produced materials (e.g., SLMs and WLAs; 1 per
material but not to exceed 3 points)
Co-authorship of a book 4
Sole authorship of a book, workbook, big books,
textbook, and module

e. Consultant / Resource Speaker / Facilitator in Training/ Seminars / Workshops

(DepEd-related) (5 points)
This refers to the recognition/ citation given by DepEd-related award-giving bodies.
Level Points
National 5
Regional 4
Division 3
District 2
School 1

Note: Only DepEd sanctioned activities shall be given points. The nominee shall
present the copy of the memorandum, authenticated certificate, Authority to travel
(if any), and other supporting documents.

3. Professional Development (10 points)

a. Education – 10 points
Education shall be in terms of the nominee’s academic achievement. This pertains
to the nominee’s master’s, and doctorate degrees earned. The course or
specialization must be relevant and aligned to the nominee’s teaching experience.
Degree Points
Doctorate Degree Graduate 10

Address: Luna St., La Paz, Iloilo City 5000

Tel./Fax No. (033) 320-1402 | (033) 320-0719 | (033) 320-0707 | (033) 327-2252 72
Website: | e-mail:
Doctorate Degree
(Completed Academic Requirements)
Master’s Degree Graduate 6
Master’s Degree
(Completed Academic Requirements)
Master’s Degree
(At least 21 units)

Note: The nominee shall present a copy of authenticated TOR and Diploma (those
who graduated) or TOR and Certification for Completed Academic Requirements
(those who have CAR).

b. Trainings/ Seminars/ Workshops/ Conferences/ Webinars/ Online Courses

attended (5 points)
1. Participation to trainings/ seminars/ workshops/ conference/ webinars/ online
courses in any modality in the previous calendar year.
2. International Training is when trainers are internationally recognized/
3. MOVs shall include issuance/memorandum identifying nominee as participants,
authority to travel for National and International Seminars, Certificate of
Participation/ Completion, and Certificate of Attendance/Appearance.
4. Participants in three (3) or more trainings activities in each level conducted for at
least three (3) days not credited during the last promotion

Level Points
School/District 1
Division 2
Regional 3
(at least 1 training activity conducted in at 4
least 3 days)
(at least 1 training activity conducted in at 5
least 3 days)

4. Written Examination (5 points)

The written examination shall evaluate the communication skills of the nominee.
The committee shall choose the topic or question.

5. Interview (5 points)

6. Professionalism / Personal Characteristics (10 points)

Address: Luna St., La Paz, Iloilo City 5000

Tel./Fax No. (033) 320-1402 | (033) 320-0719 | (033) 320-0707 | (033) 327-2252 73
Website: | e-mail:

This is open to all Non-Teaching Level 2 personnel from the School

Governance and Operations Division (SGOD) of the Schools Division Office with
Salary Grade 10 to 24.
Criteria Points
1. Occupational Competence 30
a. Performance 25
b. Work Experience 5
2. Outstanding Accomplishments 30
a. Employee Award 10
b. Innovation 5
c. Research 5
d. Publication/ Authorship 5
e. Consultant/Resource Speaker/Facilitator in
3. Professional Development 15
a. Education 10
b. Trainings/ Seminars/ Workshops/ Conferences/
Webinars/Online Courses attended
4. Community Involvement 5
5. Written Examination 5
6. Interview 5
7. Professionalism/Personal Characteristics 10

1. Occupational Competence (30 points)

a. Performance (25 points)
This refers to the IPCRF Rating. The rate of the average numerical rating for the 3
years vs. the highest possible rating shall be multiplied by 25.

Address: Luna St., La Paz, Iloilo City 5000

Tel./Fax No. (033) 320-1402 | (033) 320-0719 | (033) 320-0707 | (033) 327-2252 74
Website: | e-mail:
( 4.720+4.600+ 4.890)÷ 3
x 25=23.68
5.00(highest rating)
Note: The nominee’s IPCRF Rating for the last 3 years must be at least ‘Very
Satisfactory’. A certified true copy of the IPCRF shall be presented as MOV.
b. Work Experience (5 points)
Number of Years in the Service Points
5 years and more 5
4 years 4
3 years 3

2. Outstanding Accomplishments (30 points)

a. Employee Awards (10 points)
To consider only the certificate with the highest points for the last 3 years.

Level Points
Schools/District 2
Division 4
Regional 6
National 8
International 10

MOVs: Certificate of Award, Official Memorandum/ Bulletin for Results

Announcement, or Letter of Conferment

b. Innovation (5 points)
Innovation means something new. It is a demonstration of creativity, initiative, and
innovativeness through development of new or superior work procedures, methods,
inventions, and devices. Innovation means something new. Innovation shall focus
on organizational efficiency, work procedures, leadership, educational support
partnership, and community development in any of the following categories:
Curriculum and Instruction Delivery; Policy, Planning, Research and Governance;
Learning Environment Improvement; Human Resource Development; and ALS,
SPED, IPEd Programs. Innovative work that has been implemented within the last
3 years shall be considered as innovation.
MOV: copy of the innovation (only submit the innovation which is at the highest
stage of implementation)

Stages of Implementation Points

Started the implementation
Project Proposal duly signed by the Head of Office and 1
Progress Monitoring Report with significant milestones
aligned to the plan.
Fully implemented in the school
MOV: 2
Completed Project Report verified by the Head of Office.
Adopted in the School/ District
Completed Project Report verified by the Head of Office;

Address: Luna St., La Paz, Iloilo City 5000

Tel./Fax No. (033) 320-1402 | (033) 320-0719 | (033) 320-0707 | (033) 327-2252 75
Website: | e-mail:
Certification of the utilization of the
innovation, within the school/district duly signed by
the Head of Office.
Adopted in the division
Completed Project Report verified by the Head of Office;
Certification of the utilization of the innovation in the
division duly signed by the Schools Division 4
Superintendent; and
Certification from the LR Manager that the
module/instructional material underwent the quality-
assurance procedure (if applicable).
Adopted in the region
Completed Project Report verified by the Head of Office;
Certification of the utilization of the innovation in the
region duly signed by the Regional Director; and
Certification from the LR Manager that the
module/instructional material underwent the quality-
assurance procedure (if applicable).

c. Research (5 points)
1. Initiated or headed an educational research activity duly approved by
educational authorities either for improvement of instruction, for community
development, or teacher welfare conducted in the last 3 years.
2. A research (action or basic) must be approved / accepted by the Schools Division
Superintendent or Regional Director.
3. Researchers must be compliant to the Research Management Guidelines (DepEd
Order No. 16, s. 2017).
4. Research topics must be aligned with the research agenda of the CO/RO/ SDO,
and according to the level of governance.
5. Points earned shall be divided according to the number of researchers in a team.

Stages of Implementation Points

Started implementation of the research work
Research Proposal presented and approved by the 1
Progress Monitoring Report
Completed research work
Completed research paper duly acknowledged and 2
noted by the SDRC and recommended and approved
by ASDS and SDS, respectively.
Presented completed research work in the SDO 3
research congress
Completed research paper duly acknowledged and
noted by the SDRC and recommended and approved
by ASDS and SDS, respectively;
Certificate of Paper Presentation signed by SDS; and

Address: Luna St., La Paz, Iloilo City 5000

Tel./Fax No. (033) 320-1402 | (033) 320-0719 | (033) 320-0707 | (033) 327-2252 76
Website: | e-mail:
Division Memorandum of the SDO Research Congress
Presented research work in the RO research congress
Completed research paper duly acknowledged and
noted by the SDRC and recommended and approved
by ASDS and SDS/ Regional Director, respectively;
Certificate of Paper Presentation signed by the
Regional Director; and
Regional Memo of the Regional Research Congress.
Presented research work in the CO research congress
Completed research paper duly acknowledged and
noted by the SDRC and recommended and approved
by ASDS and SDS/ Regional Director, respectively;
Certificate of Paper Presentation signed by the
Secretary/ Representative; and
National Memo of the CO Research Congress.

d. Publication/Authorship (5 points)
1. Articles duly approved by the regional/ division committee or with the PAU
should have been published in newspapers/ magazines/ journals of wide
circulation at least within a province/ city or official publication or websites.
Opinion/ feature articles, which need not be approved by the Head of office, must
contain data/ scientific research and must be educational. Articles published
online shall be published in an official/ reputable educational website.
2. Books duly approved by the division committee must have been published with
ISBN/ ISSN by a recognized publishing company.
3. Authorship of DepEd-developed and produced materials (e.g., SLMs and WLAs)
which pass through quality assurance procedures conducted by SDO/RO LR shall
be included when the supporting documents are provided:
4. Memorandum where name of nominee is included.
5. Final copy of the material/s as published
6. Points earned shall be divided among the number of authors.

Nature of Publication Points

Articles published (0.5 point per article but not to
exceed 2 pts.)
Authorship of DepEd-developed and produced
materials (e.g., SLMs and WLAs; 1 per material but
not to exceed 3 points)
Co-authorship of a book 4
Sole authorship of a book, workbook, big books,
textbook, and module

e. Consultant / Resource Speaker / Facilitator in Training/ Seminars / Workshops

(DepEd-related) (5 points)
This refers to the recognition/ citation given by DepEd-related award-giving bodies.
Level Points
National 5
Regional 4

Address: Luna St., La Paz, Iloilo City 5000

Tel./Fax No. (033) 320-1402 | (033) 320-0719 | (033) 320-0707 | (033) 327-2252 77
Website: | e-mail:
Division 3
District 2
School 1

Note: Only DepEd sanctioned activities shall be given points. The nominee shall
present the copy of the memorandum, authenticated certificate, Authority to travel
(if any), and other supporting documents.

3. Professional Development (10 points)

a. Education – 10 points
Education shall be in terms of the nominee’s academic achievement. This pertains
to the nominee’s master’s, and doctorate degrees earned. The course or
specialization must be relevant and aligned to the nominee’s teaching experience.

Degree Points
Doctorate Degree Graduate 10
Doctorate Degree
(Completed Academic Requirements)
Master’s Degree Graduate 6
Master’s Degree
(Completed Academic Requirements)
Master’s Degree
(At least 21 units)

Note: The nominee shall present a copy of authenticated TOR and Diploma (those
who graduated) or TOR and Certification for Completed Academic Requirements
(those who have CAR).

b. Trainings/ Seminars/ Workshops/ Conferences/ Webinars/Online Courses

attended (5 points)

1. Participation to trainings/ seminars/ workshops/ conference/ webinars/ online

courses in any modality in the previous calendar year.
2. International Training is when trainers are internationally recognized/
3. MOVs shall include issuance/memorandum identifying nominee as participants,
authority to travel for National and International Seminars, Certificate of
Participation/ Completion, and Certificate of Attendance/Appearance.
4. Participants in three (3) or more trainings activities in each level conducted for at
least three (3) days not credited during the last promotion.

Level Points
School / District 1
Division 2
Regional 3
(at least 1 training activity conducted in at 4
least 3 days)
International 5
(at least 1 training activity conducted in at

Address: Luna St., La Paz, Iloilo City 5000

Tel./Fax No. (033) 320-1402 | (033) 320-0719 | (033) 320-0707 | (033) 327-2252 78
Website: | e-mail:
least 3 days)

4. Community Involvement (5 points)

Outreach programs/activities initiated properly documented with narrative and
pictorials attested by immediate supervisors, division, or
regional/barangay/municipal/city/province officials.

Scope of implementation Points

School/Barangay 2
District/Municipal 3
Division/City/Province 4
Regional 5

5. Written Examination (5 points)

The written examination shall evaluate the communication skills of the nominee.
The committee shall choose the topic or question.

6. Interview (5 points)

Professionalism / Personal Characteristics (10 points)



This is open to all Non-Teaching Level 1 personnel from the Curriculum and
Implementation Division (CID) of the Schools Division Office with Salary Grade 1 to
Criteria Points
1. Occupational Competence 35
a. Performance Rating 30
b. Work Experience 5
2. Outstanding Accomplishments 30
a. Awards 10
b. Innovation 5
c. Research 5
d. Publication/ Authorship 5
e. Consultant/Resource Speaker/Facilitator in
3. Professional Development 15

Address: Luna St., La Paz, Iloilo City 5000

Tel./Fax No. (033) 320-1402 | (033) 320-0719 | (033) 320-0707 | (033) 327-2252 79
Website: | e-mail:
a. Education 10
b. Trainings/ Seminars/ Workshops/ Conferences/
Webinars/Online Courses attended
4. Written Examination 5
5. Interview 5
6. Professionalism/Personal Characteristics 10

1. Occupational Competence (35 points)

a. Performance (30 points)
This refers to the IPCRF Rating. The rate of the average numerical rating for the 3
years vs. the highest possible rating shall be multiplied by 30.

( 4.720+4.600+ 4.890)÷ 3
x 30=28.420
5.00(highest rating)

Note: The nominee’s IPCRF Rating for the last 3 years must be at least ‘Very
Satisfactory’. A certified true copy of the IPCRF shall be presented as MOV.

b. Work Experience (5 points)

Number of Years in the Service Points
5 years or more 5
4 years 4
3 years 3

2. Outstanding Accomplishments (30 points)

a. Awards (10 points)
To consider only the certificate with the highest points for the last 3 years.
Level Points
Schools/District 2
Division 4
Regional 6
National 8
International 10

MOVs: Certificate of Award, Official Memorandum/ Bulletin for Results

Announcement, or Letter of Conferment

b. Innovation (5 points)
Innovation means something new. It is a demonstration of creativity, initiative, and
innovativeness through development of new or superior work procedures, methods,
inventions, and devices. Innovation means something new. Innovation shall focus
on organizational efficiency, work procedures, leadership, educational support
partnership, and community development in any of the following categories:
Curriculum and Instruction Delivery; Policy, Planning, Research and Governance;
Learning Environment Improvement; Human Resource Development; and ALS,
SPED, IPEd Programs. Innovative work that has been implemented within the last
3 years shall be considered as innovation.

Address: Luna St., La Paz, Iloilo City 5000

Tel./Fax No. (033) 320-1402 | (033) 320-0719 | (033) 320-0707 | (033) 327-2252 80
Website: | e-mail:
MOV: copy of the innovation (only submit the innovation which is at the highest
stage of implementation)

Stages of Implementation Points

Started the implementation
Project Proposal duly signed by the Head of Office and 1
Progress Monitoring Report with significant milestones
aligned to the plan.
Fully implemented in the school
MOV: 2
Completed Project Report verified by the Head of Office.
Adopted in the School/ District
Completed Project Report verified by the Head of Office;
and 3
Certification of the utilization of the
innovation, within the school/district duly signed by the
Head of Office.
Adopted in the division
Completed Project Report verified by the Head of Office;
Certification of the utilization of the innovation in the
division duly signed by the Schools Division 4
Superintendent; and
Certification from the LR Manager that the
module/instructional material underwent the quality-
assurance procedure (if applicable).
Adopted in the region
Completed Project Report verified by the Head of Office;
Certification of the utilization of the innovation in the
region duly signed by the Regional Director; and
Certification from the LR Manager that the
module/instructional material underwent the quality-
assurance procedure (if applicable).

c. Research (5 points)
1. Initiated or headed an educational research activity duly approved by
educational authorities either for improvement of instruction, for community
development, or teacher welfare conducted in the last 3 years.
2. A research (action or basic) must be approved / accepted by the Schools Division
Superintendent or Regional Director.
3. Researchers must be compliant to the Research Management Guidelines (DepEd
Order No. 16, s. 2017).
4. Research topics must be aligned with the research agenda of the CO/RO/ SDO,
and according to the level of governance.
5. Points earned shall be divided according to the number of researchers in a team.

Stages of Implementation Points

Address: Luna St., La Paz, Iloilo City 5000

Tel./Fax No. (033) 320-1402 | (033) 320-0719 | (033) 320-0707 | (033) 327-2252 81
Website: | e-mail:
Started implementation of the research work
Research Proposal presented and approved by the 1
Progress Monitoring Report
Completed research work
Completed research paper duly acknowledged and noted 2
by the SDRC and recommended and approved by ASDS
and SDS, respectively.
Presented completed research work in the SDO research
Completed research paper duly acknowledged and noted
by the SDRC and recommended and approved by ASDS
and SDS, respectively;
Certificate of Paper Presentation signed by SDS; and
Division Memorandum of the SDO Research Congress
Presented research work in the RO research congress
Completed research paper duly acknowledged and noted
by the SDRC and recommended and approved by ASDS
and SDS/ Regional Director, respectively; 4
Certificate of Paper Presentation signed by the Regional
Director; and
Regional Memorandum of the Regional Research
Presented research work in the CO research congress
Completed research paper duly acknowledged and noted
by the SDRC and recommended and approved by ASDS
and SDS/ Regional Director, respectively;
Certificate of Paper Presentation signed by the Secretary/
Representative; and
National Memo of the CO Research Congress.

d. Publication/Authorship (5 points)
1. Articles duly approved by the regional/ division committee or with the PAU
should have been published in newspapers/ magazines/ journals of wide
circulation at least within a province/ city or official publication or websites.
Opinion/ feature articles, which need not be approved by the Head of office, must
contain data/ scientific research and must be educational. Articles published
online shall be published in an official/ reputable educational website.
2. Books duly approved by the division committee must have been published with
ISBN/ ISSN by a recognized publishing company.
3. Authorship of DepEd-developed and produced materials (e.g., SLMs and WLAs)
which pass through quality assurance procedures conducted by SDO/RO LR shall
be included when the supporting documents are provided:
4. Memorandum where name of nominee is included.
5. Final copy of the material/s as published
6. Points earned shall be divided among the number of authors.

Address: Luna St., La Paz, Iloilo City 5000

Tel./Fax No. (033) 320-1402 | (033) 320-0719 | (033) 320-0707 | (033) 327-2252 82
Website: | e-mail:
Nature of Publication Points
Articles published (0.5 point per article but not to
exceed 2 pts.)
Authorship of DepEd-developed and
produced materials (e.g., SLMs and WLAs; 1 per
material but not to exceed 3 points)
Co-authorship of a book 4
Sole authorship of a book, workbook, big books,
textbook, and module

e. Consultant / Resource Speaker / Facilitator in Training/ Seminars / Workshops

(DepEd-related) (5 points)
This refers to the recognition/ citation given by DepEd-related award-giving bodies.
Level Points
National 5
Regional 4
Division 3
District 2
School 1

Note: Only DepEd sanctioned activities shall be given points. The nominee shall
present the copy of the memorandum, authenticated certificate, Authority to travel
(if any), and other supporting documents.

3. Professional Development (10 points)

a. Education – 10 points
Education shall be in terms of the nominee’s academic achievement. This pertains
to the nominee’s master’s, and doctorate degrees earned. The course or
specialization must be relevant and aligned to the nominee’s teaching experience.
Degree Points
Doctorate Degree Graduate 10
Doctorate Degree
(Completed Academic Requirements)
Master’s Degree Graduate 6
Master’s Degree
(Completed Academic Requirements)
Master’s Degree
(At least 21 units)

Note: The nominee shall present a copy of authenticated TOR and Diploma (those
who graduated) or TOR and Certification for Completed Academic Requirements
(those who have CAR).

b. Trainings/ Seminars/ Workshops/ Conferences/ Webinars/ Online Courses

attended (5 points)
1. Participation to trainings/ seminars/ workshops/ conference/ webinars/ online
courses in any modality in the previous calendar year.

Address: Luna St., La Paz, Iloilo City 5000

Tel./Fax No. (033) 320-1402 | (033) 320-0719 | (033) 320-0707 | (033) 327-2252 83
Website: | e-mail:
2. International Training is when trainers are internationally recognized/
3. MOVs shall include issuance/memorandum identifying nominee as participants,
authority to travel for National and International Seminars, Certificate of
Participation/ Completion, and Certificate of Attendance/Appearance.
4. Participants in three (3) or more trainings activities in each level conducted for at
least three (3) days not credited during the last promotion

Level Points
School/District 1
Division 2
Regional 3
(at least 1 training activity conducted in at 4
least 3 days)
(at least 1 training activity conducted in at 5
least 3 days)

4. Written Examination (5 points)

The written examination shall evaluate the communication skills of the nominee.
The committee shall choose the topic or question.

5. Interview (5 points)

6. Professionalism / Personal Characteristics (10 points)



Address: Luna St., La Paz, Iloilo City 5000

Tel./Fax No. (033) 320-1402 | (033) 320-0719 | (033) 320-0707 | (033) 327-2252 84
Website: | e-mail:
This is open to all Non-Teaching Level 2 personnel from the Curriculum and
Implementation Division (CID) of the Schools Division Office with Salary Grade 10
to 24.
Criteria Points
1. Occupational Competence 30
a. Performance 25
b. Work Experience 5
2. Outstanding Accomplishments 30
a. Employee Award 10
b. Innovation 5
c. Research 5
d. Publication/ Authorship 5
e. Consultant/Resource Speaker/Facilitator in
3. Professional Development 15
a. Education 10
b. Trainings/ Seminars/ Workshops/ Conferences/
Webinars/Online Courses attended
4. Community Involvement 5
5. Written Examination 5
6. Interview 5
7. Professionalism/Personal Characteristics 10

1. Occupational Competence (30 points)

a. Performance (25 points)
This refers to the IPCRF Rating. The rate of the average numerical rating for the 3
years vs. the highest possible rating shall be multiplied by 25.

( 4.720+4.600+ 4.890)÷ 3
x 25=23.68
5.00(highest rating)
Note: The nominee’s IPCRF Rating for the last 3 years must be at least ‘Very
Satisfactory’. A certified true copy of the IPCRF shall be presented as MOV.
b. Work Experience (5 points)
Number of Years in the Service Points
5 years and more 5
4 years 4
3 years 3

2. Outstanding Accomplishments (30 points)

a. Employee Awards (10 points)
To consider only the certificate with the highest points for the last 3 years.

Level Points
Schools/District 2

Address: Luna St., La Paz, Iloilo City 5000

Tel./Fax No. (033) 320-1402 | (033) 320-0719 | (033) 320-0707 | (033) 327-2252 85
Website: | e-mail:
Division 4
Regional 6
National 8
International 10

MOVs: Certificate of Award, Official Memorandum/ Bulletin for Results

Announcement, or Letter of Conferment

b. Innovation (5 points)
Innovation means something new. It is a demonstration of creativity, initiative, and
innovativeness through development of new or superior work procedures, methods,
inventions, and devices. Innovation means something new. Innovation shall focus
on organizational efficiency, work procedures, leadership, educational support
partnership, and community development in any of the following categories:
Curriculum and Instruction Delivery; Policy, Planning, Research and Governance;
Learning Environment Improvement; Human Resource Development; and ALS,
SPED, IPEd Programs. Innovative work that has been implemented within the last
3 years shall be considered as innovation.
MOV: copy of the innovation (only submit the innovation which is at the highest
stage of implementation)

Stages of Implementation Points

Started the implementation
Project Proposal duly signed by the Head of Office and 1
Progress Monitoring Report with significant milestones
aligned to the plan.
Fully implemented in the school
MOV: 2
Completed Project Report verified by the Head of Office.
Adopted in the School/ District
Completed Project Report verified by the Head of Office;
and 3
Certification of the utilization of the
innovation, within the school/district duly signed by
the Head of Office.
Adopted in the division
Completed Project Report verified by the Head of Office;
Certification of the utilization of the innovation in the
division duly signed by the Schools Division 4
Superintendent; and
Certification from the LR Manager that the
module/instructional material underwent the quality-
assurance procedure (if applicable).
Adopted in the region 5
Completed Project Report verified by the Head of Office;
Certification of the utilization of the innovation in the
region duly signed by the Regional Director; and

Address: Luna St., La Paz, Iloilo City 5000

Tel./Fax No. (033) 320-1402 | (033) 320-0719 | (033) 320-0707 | (033) 327-2252 86
Website: | e-mail:
Certification from the LR Manager that the
module/instructional material underwent the quality-
assurance procedure (if applicable).

c. Research (5 points)
1. Initiated or headed an educational research activity duly approved by
educational authorities either for improvement of instruction, for community
development, or teacher welfare conducted in the last 3 years.
2. A research (action or basic) must be approved / accepted by the Schools Division
Superintendent or Regional Director.
3. Researchers must be compliant to the Research Management Guidelines (DepEd
Order No. 16, s. 2017).
4. Research topics must be aligned with the research agenda of the CO/RO/ SDO,
and according to the level of governance.
5. Points earned shall be divided according to the number of researchers in a team.

Stages of Implementation Points

Started implementation of the research work
Research Proposal presented and approved by the 1
Progress Monitoring Report
Completed research work
Completed research paper duly acknowledged and 2
noted by the SDRC and recommended and approved
by ASDS and SDS, respectively.
Presented completed research work in the SDO
research congress
Completed research paper duly acknowledged and
noted by the SDRC and recommended and approved
by ASDS and SDS, respectively;
Certificate of Paper Presentation signed by SDS; and
Division Memorandum of the SDO Research Congress
Presented research work in the RO research congress
Completed research paper duly acknowledged and
noted by the SDRC and recommended and approved
by ASDS and SDS/ Regional Director, respectively;
Certificate of Paper Presentation signed by the
Regional Director; and
Regional Memo of the Regional Research Congress.
Presented research work in the CO research congress
Completed research paper duly acknowledged and
noted by the SDRC and recommended and approved
by ASDS and SDS/ Regional Director, respectively;
Certificate of Paper Presentation signed by the
Secretary/ Representative; and
National Memo of the CO Research Congress.

Address: Luna St., La Paz, Iloilo City 5000

Tel./Fax No. (033) 320-1402 | (033) 320-0719 | (033) 320-0707 | (033) 327-2252 87
Website: | e-mail:
d. Publication/Authorship (5 points)
1. Articles duly approved by the regional/ division committee or with the PAU
should have been published in newspapers/ magazines/ journals of wide
circulation at least within a province/ city or official publication or websites.
Opinion/ feature articles, which need not be approved by the Head of office, must
contain data/ scientific research and must be educational. Articles published
online shall be published in an official/ reputable educational website.
2. Books duly approved by the division committee must have been published with
ISBN/ ISSN by a recognized publishing company.
3. Authorship of DepEd-developed and produced materials (e.g., SLMs and WLAs)
which pass through quality assurance procedures conducted by SDO/RO LR shall
be included when the supporting documents are provided:
4. Memorandum where name of nominee is included.
5. Final copy of the material/s as published
6. Points earned shall be divided among the number of authors.

Nature of Publication Points

Articles published (0.5 point per article but not to
exceed 2 pts.)
Authorship of DepEd-developed and produced
materials (e.g., SLMs and WLAs; 1 per material but
not to exceed 3 points)
Co-authorship of a book 4
Sole authorship of a book, workbook, big books,
textbook, and module

e. Consultant / Resource Speaker / Facilitator in Training/ Seminars / Workshops

(DepEd-related) (5 points)
This refers to the recognition/ citation given by DepEd-related award-giving bodies.
Level Points
National 5
Regional 4
Division 3
District 2
School 1

Note: Only DepEd sanctioned activities shall be given points. The nominee shall
present the copy of the memorandum, authenticated certificate, Authority to travel
(if any), and other supporting documents.

3. Professional Development (10 points)

a. Education – 10 points
Education shall be in terms of the nominee’s academic achievement. This pertains
to the nominee’s master’s, and doctorate degrees earned. The course or
specialization must be relevant and aligned to the nominee’s teaching experience.

Degree Points
Doctorate Degree Graduate 10

Address: Luna St., La Paz, Iloilo City 5000

Tel./Fax No. (033) 320-1402 | (033) 320-0719 | (033) 320-0707 | (033) 327-2252 88
Website: | e-mail:
Doctorate Degree
(Completed Academic Requirements)
Master’s Degree Graduate 6
Master’s Degree
(Completed Academic Requirements)
Master’s Degree
(At least 21 units)

Note: The nominee shall present a copy of authenticated TOR and Diploma (those
who graduated) or TOR and Certification for Completed Academic Requirements
(those who have CAR).

b. Trainings/ Seminars/ Workshops/ Conferences/ Webinars/Online Courses

attended (5 points)

1. Participation to trainings/ seminars/ workshops/ conference/ webinars/ online

courses in any modality in the previous calendar year.
2. International Training is when trainers are internationally recognized/
3. MOVs shall include issuance/memorandum identifying nominee as participants,
authority to travel for National and International Seminars, Certificate of
Participation/ Completion, and Certificate of Attendance/Appearance.
4. Participants in three (3) or more trainings activities in each level conducted for at
least three (3) days not credited during the last promotion.

Level Points
School / District 1
Division 2
Regional 3
(at least 1 training activity conducted in at 4
least 3 days)
(at least 1 training activity conducted in at 5
least 3 days)

4. Community Involvement (5 points)

Outreach programs/activities initiated properly documented with narrative and
pictorials attested by immediate supervisors, division, or
regional/barangay/municipal/city/province officials.

Scope of implementation Points

School/Barangay 2
District/Municipal 3
Division/City/Province 4
Regional 5

5. Written Examination (5 points)

The written examination shall evaluate the communication skills of the nominee.
The committee shall choose the topic or question.

Address: Luna St., La Paz, Iloilo City 5000

Tel./Fax No. (033) 320-1402 | (033) 320-0719 | (033) 320-0707 | (033) 327-2252 89
Website: | e-mail:
6. Interview (5 points)

7. Professionalism / Personal Characteristics (10 points)


This award is given to employees who have participated and landed in the top 3
places in regional, national or international level competitions and to those who
have garnered prestigious award(s) or cited for their notable achievement in their
respective areas of interest.

The regional, national and international awards must be given/conferred by the

DepEd, Civil Service Commission, and other reputable private institutions that
recognize the valuable performance of the employees.

Official Communication containing the name of the employee as awardee
Plaque and/or Certificate of Recognition
Pictures/Documentation during the awarding ceremony


This award is given to employees who finished their Master’s or Doctorate degree
through their own personal expense, or given to employees who topped a
government licensure examination.

a. Official Transcript of Records
b. Special Order (if applicable)
c. Plaque or Certificate of Recognition from the Professional Regulations
Commission (PRC) or any government agency
d. Official press release from the PRC or any government agency containing the
name of the employee


This award is granted to individual or group/team whose contributions such as

ideas, suggestions, inventions, discoveries, or performance of functions result in
savings in terms of man-hours and cost or and benefit the Agency and the
government as a whole.

Address: Luna St., La Paz, Iloilo City 5000

Tel./Fax No. (033) 320-1402 | (033) 320-0719 | (033) 320-0707 | (033) 327-2252 90
Website: | e-mail:
a. Documentation of the idea, suggestion, invention, or discovery
b. Certification from the Head of the Agency


This award is granted to an employee who has served continuously and

satisfactorily in the DepEd – Schools Division of Iloilo for at least ten (10) years. The
recipient shall be entitled to a cash award of not less than Php 500.00 but not
more than Php1,000.00 per year (based on the allowable amount on the applicable
year) during the first ten (10) years. Succeeding awards shall be given every five
years thereafter.
The Agency may also give other tokens subject to the proper determination by the
PRAISE Committee duly approved by the Schools Division Superintendent.
*The Human Resource Section will submit the duly approved list of awardees to the
PRAISE Committee


This award is conferred on retirees whether under optional or compulsory

retirement schemes held during a fitting ceremony on or before the date of
retirement who shall be given a Plaque of Recognition and any form of token by the

*The Human Resource Section will submit the duly approved list of awardees to the
PRAISE Committee


This award is given to the sections and units of the Schools Division Office based
on meeting the organization’s performance targets and accomplishments.

Criteria Points
1. Accomplishment of the Targets 50
2. Innovation 20
3. Research 10
4. 5S of Good Housekeeping 20

Accomplishment of the Targets (40 points)

Fully implemented or conducted PPAs indicated in the PMIS, DAIP,
and Action Plans

a. Percentage of Accomplishments (40 points)

Percentage Points
1. 100% 40
2. 95-99% 35
3. 90-94% 30
4. 85-89% 25

Address: Luna St., La Paz, Iloilo City 5000

Tel./Fax No. (033) 320-1402 | (033) 320-0719 | (033) 320-0707 | (033) 327-2252 91
Website: | e-mail:
5. 88-84% 20

Timeliness (10 points)

Timeline Points
2 weeks before the target date 10
1 week before the target date 8
on the target date 6
1 week after the target date 4
2 weeks after the target date 2

Innovations (20 points)

Innovations conducted and implemented within the calendar year
Number of Innovations Points
5 or more 20
4 17
3 15
2 13
1 10

Completed Project Report verified by the Head of Office and
Completed Project Report accepted / signed by the Schools Division

Research (10 points)

Research conducted and implemented within the calendar year
Number of Researches Points
3 or more 10
2 7
1 5

Copy of research manuscript (compliant to DepEd Order No. 16, s. 2017) with duly
signed acceptance sheet by the members of the SDRC / RRC; and
Certification of completed and conducted research signed by the Division Senior
Education Program Specialist for Planning & Research

5S of Good Housekeeping (20 points)

Number of Indicators Points

5S 20
4S 17
3S 15
2S 13
1S 10

Address: Luna St., La Paz, Iloilo City 5000

Tel./Fax No. (033) 320-1402 | (033) 320-0719 | (033) 320-0707 | (033) 327-2252 92
Website: | e-mail:

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