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CMA Update
Seminar on Vision Chandigarh


Special Issue Office Bearers

May-June 2011

I am not averse to the concept of Chandigarh Capital Region (CCR) : Satyapal Jain, Ex-MP

President Dr. Gulshan Sharma Executive Director ITFT Education Group, Chandigarh Vice President Dr. Niraj Pasricha Director Regional Institute of Co-operative Mgt. Secretary General J.N. Vohra Textile Consultant Joint Secretary A.K. Gandhi Consultant Jaiparkash Associate, Ltd. Treasurer CA Vivek Goyal Past President Col. Karamjeet Singh (Retd.) Director Continental Group of Institutes, Mohali Editor J.N. Vohra Mob. : 9814556072

Sh. Satya Pal Jain, Ex-Member of Parliament delivering his speech

Chandigarh Management Association (CMA) organised today a session on Vision Chandigarh at Bhartiya Vidhya Bhavan here today. Mr. Satya Pal Jain, Ex-Member of Parliament expressed his apolitical views on the development of the city to an august audience of CMA. Mr. Jain regretted that citizens of Chandigarh are not involved in the decision making process for the development of Chandigarh. He said the union territory is considered by center as a laboratory for providing training to IAS officers who are not serious in taking long standing view for the development of the city. There are many people living in the city who are retired but possess long experience in handling various aspects of development of the city. These people need to be involved in City development projects. Mr. Jain suggested that Government should constitute a joint interstate integrated council for the development of the Tricity. He said he is in favor of the concept of Chandigarh Capital Region (CCR) similar on the lines of NCR for solving the integrated problems of Power supply, Water, transportation, housing for the people coming to Chandigarh for work from the adjoining cities. While referring to the growing traffic problem of the city Mr. Jain said that no decision has been taken for implementing Metro in the city for the last 10 years, irrespective of which Government was in power in the Centre. He said that city should go for flyovers and metro on similar lines as in Delhi. Flyover from city to Railway Station and Airport is essential to solve traffic problem, he added. To solve water problem, a dam should be built at Gagger River to supply water to the Chandigarh rather than depending only on Kajoli Water supply, said Mr. jain. Mr. Jain said he is not against High Rise buildings to cope up with the increasing population of the city, while still preserving the heritage spots and the core concept of city layout and its greenery. He said that only 10 Marlas plots and lesser should be allowed for building housing in new sectors. While giving his views on the education provisions in the city, Mr. Jain said that there should not be any restrictions, based on ranking, for the students to get admission in various colleges to provide them education in their young age, when Government spends million on the Adult Education.

CHANDIGARH MANAGEMENT ASSOCIATION C/o Bhartiya Vidya Bhawan Plot No. 5, Sector 27-B, Madhya Marg Chandigarh-160019, INDIA Tel .: 0172-2656031, Fax : 0172-2639548 Website : email :
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Dr. Gulshan Sharma presenting memento to Sh. Satya Pal Jain


May-June 2011

SEMINAR ON : 'Growing Traffic, Road Safety, emissions and climate change'

Aggressive driving wastes fuel, not to mention it increases stress and accidents

Dr. Pankaj Khullar Making his presentation on Global Warming Chandigarh Management Association organised a seminar on 'Growing Traffic; Road Safety, emissions and climate change' here today at BharatiyaVidyaBhavan. Dr. Bhushan Sood, NRI from Canada and traffic management expert and Dr.PankajKhullar, IFS, Principal Conservator of Forests, Himachal (Retd.) were the key speakers. BhushanSood while making his presentation on road safety said that it is important that city planners should formulate comprehensive policies to address the growing urban populations and demographic changes. He said that goals should be to reduce the number of killed and seriously injured on the roads. The distressing fact is that many of those killed are young people due to rash driving and their ignorance towards basic driving rules. Sood said that the schools should have compulsory week-end workshops for imparting driving skills to the youth and educating them as regards to road safety rules. He said that local administration should take appropriate measures as to engineering the slip roads, by lanes, and signage, zebra crossings and road markings. Enforcement of driving rules needs to be strictly enforced, he added. Dr PankajKhullarwhile making his presentation said that by following the speed limit rules; not only one can have stress free and safe journey but also reduce journey time, lower fuel consumption and emissions. Aggressive driving wastes fuel, not to mention it increases stress and accidents. He said study shows that by following road rules fuel consumption get reduced by 4% and vehicle emissions fell by up to 10%. Associations and society should inculcate a sense of pride amongst youth using cycles, especially for going to schools and colleges and to near shopping centres. Khullar said that carbon emissions from the vehicular fuels contribute substantially towards greenhouse gases and in coming years it will add further. The resultant climate change will have adverse implications for living safe and comfortable lives in his planet. Our youth need to be educated in this regard. EarlierDr.Gulshan Sharma, president CMA introduced the topic of the seminar. Present on the occasion were CMA members and students from various B-Schools.

Dr. Bhushan Sood, NRI from Canada (Centre) making his presentation on Traffic Management

May-June 2011

Annual General Meeting of CMA held on 4 June New Executive for the year 2011-12 elected. Dr. Anshu Kataria elected as President


Dr. Gulshan Sharma, President making his speech on the occasion of Annual General Meeting Annual General Meeting of CMA was held on 4th of June at Sipn-Dine. Dr. Gulshan Sharma welcomed all the members and placed the annual report of activities on the table along with his speech. In his speech, Dr. Gulshan Sharma thanked all members of CMA who provided him an opportunity to serve this august body of management professional the region. He deeply appreciated the outpouring support, understanding, and encouragement given by members and mentors in accomplishing a part of the agenda set forth by him in consultation with the members of the executive body. Dr. Gulshan Sharma said that as a premier professional body, CMA has an important role to play in harnessing the talent and interests of its members and mustering their active and enthusiastic views and contributions for realising greater awareness of the role, appreciation and achievement of the objectives which CMA promote. Dr. Gulshan Sharma said that in the year of his tenure, he had undertaken some initiatives such as launching of 'Women Wing and providing a platform to the same to start some activities under the wing. The CMA foundation year was celebrated under the aegis of this wing and was dedicated to 'Women's Day'. Other initiatives for the benefaction of youth were undertaken, such as inculcating awareness about skills development and corporate social responsibility programmes in some fields. He said that CMA organised successfully 'Shaping Young Minds' program of AIMA, besides participating in the Chandigarh Carnival, which gave us wider exposure and publicity amongst the youth. Other than these, CMA took steps to reach out beyond the domains of city and helped other LMAs in the area to come up. In order to associate some eminent citizens of the tricity, CMA recognised their services to the city in their respective fields, and to those who brought laurels to the city, by conferring upon them life time achievement award. He thanked Mr. Vohra for his consistent and steadfast support in implementing our programmes. Dr. Gulshan Sharma said that much more needs to be done by our association to ensure continuity in the agenda set forth by his predecessors and by the executive. During the AGM members expressed following concerns and advised that incoming Executive should take care of the same. 1. Hard Copies of CMA eUpdates and eMags should be sent to all members as a matter of fact and sending links to members for ePublications should be in addition. 2. CMA Should undertake Management Workshops and EDPs in association with Professional institutions where experts from CMA can be drawn for conducting the programmes. 3. Some more efforts need to be made to ensure membership retention.

Mr. JN Vohra Secy Gen making presentation on annual activities of CMA

CMA Vivek Goyal presenting Annual Budget - 2010-11 of CMA

President Elect Dr. Anshu Kataria making his thanks giving speech

May-June 2011 CMA elects unanimously its new executive for the year 2011-12 Anshu Kataria, Chairman Aryan Business School was elected as President CMA The new executive will take charge on 1st July 2011
Other Elected Members of the executive are as under ; Office Bearers 1. Dr. Manoj Sharma, V. President 2. Ms. Madhulika Kak, General Secretary 3. Er. M.L.Garg, Jt. Secretary 4. Ashok Verma, Treasurer Organisational members in the Executive 1 .Aryan Business School 2. Gian Jyoti Institute of Management and Technology 3.. Rayat Bahra Group of Institutes 4. Desh Bagat Group of Institutes Individual Professionals in the Executive 1. A.S.Tanda 2. A.K.Gandhi 3. Balwant Gurunay 4. J.N.Vohra 5. Jagatarn Singh Nayyer 6. Dr. Niraj Pasricha 7. Dr. T.L.Kaushal 8. CA Vivek Goyal In the end, Dr. Sharma wished a successful tenure to the incoming executive and hoped they will carry the flag of CMA forward with flying colours.

Glimpses of the Last CMA Executive Meeting Held on 29th June 2011 at Sip' n' Dine, Chandigarh

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