Week 6 Task - Free Time

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TEMA: Assignment - A Family Member I Admire (TA2)


José Linares Gutiérrez U20234840

Nadya Luz Alvarez Valdez U21207624


Nadya: who do you admire more

Jose: Really I admire my brother. his name is javier

Nadya: what does he do

Jose: Javier is a civil engineer.

Nadya : What does he usually do in the morning?

Jose : Well, he usually gets up very early, around 6:00 am, showers, has breakfast and goes to

Nadya: What does he do in his free time?

Jose: On weekends he usually goes out with his family, sometimes they eat in restaurants and
he likes to play soccer


Jose: Who do you admire the most?

Nadya: I admire my husband a lot

Jose: what does he do

Nadya: He is a psychologist and businessman.

Jose: What does he usually do at night?

Nadya: Well, he always organizes what he will do the next day, he also talks a lot with me

Jose: What does he do in his free time?

Nadya: On days when he doesn't have a shift, he usually goes for a bike ride with our family.

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