Clean Slates

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Clean Slates

(Caitiff Only)

Caitiff, despite being seen as runoff to other Kindred and largely treated as disposable, have existed
all throughout history. Though looked down upon, the Caitiff have their own legendary figures,
such as the ancient Stoneman and Mukhtar Bey, the Prince of Cairo who has reigned for many
centuries. Despite these figures and lack of a Bane, the Caitiff, perhaps because of their miniscule
numbers, have always been shunted to the fringes of Cainite society.

Times have changed greatly, however. Sometime following World War II, the Caitiff population
began to explode, with more and more of these clanless vampires appearing, usually being of high
Generation. Perhaps the Blood is too diluted to consistently pass on any clan characteristics, or
some other mutation has occurred that severs the Blood ties between Sire and Childe. Who can say
for sure? Regardless, it is known that some Caitiff are capable of bending the Vitae to strange
results, and this variety results in many Caitiff being feared and sticking together.

• Thick Skin
The Clanless are usually put down and dismissed, but you have weathered the mistreatment, and have gained
particularly good control over your emotions. You may add one dice to any roll in resisting a Fury Frenzy.

•• Birds of a Feather
As the outcasts and the illegitimate children of the other Cainites, the Caitiff stick together, and will keep an eye out
for one another. Once per story, you may ask the Storyteller for one piece of information regarding the treatment of
Caitiff in the city.

••• Small Favor

The Caitiff tend to look more favorably on other Caitiff, and will aid their brethren to an extent when necessary. One
such Caitiff looks upon you and acts as a two-dot (••) Mawla, but will not hesitate to abandon you if this mentorship
is abused.

•••• Dilute the Vitae

The Caitiff are sometimes able to perform unheard of, even miraculous, acts. You are able to dilute the characteristics
of the Blood, protecting yourself from being tied down to other Kindred. Once per Chronicle, you may “dilute” vitae
from another Cainite, completely halting the formation of a Blood Bond, or breaking a Bond if already formed.

••••• Blood of Ancients

The progenitor Caine, and his Childer, the Second Generation, were Clanless, not tied down by specific Banes.

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