Professor Faradir

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Professor Faradir Rokannon was born in Parsatium to a lowly tavern keeper and a woman he cannot

remember. His father Robert Tenos raised him with little care. This neglect led Faradir to want to
escape. One day he snuck out of the house and roamed the city. Intrigued by the colossal tower that
stood in the center of the city, he approached and was amazed by the works of magic inside. After a
time he found himself entering the tower on a regular basis. One of the teachers there saw in him great
potential and recruited him to become a student within the school. During his time as a student he
received a letter from the lower commons Mortuary stating that his father died and left him a box.
Within this box he found a small note and a strange amulet in the shape of a closed eye. To his
astonishment the note was from his mother, his father apparently his this treasure away from Faradir so
that he wouldn’t need to be reminded of the woman he lost. The note read, “to my son, I forever will
love you and forever may this eye watch over you.” Faradir wore this amulet and has never taken it off
since. He seemed to find that his bond with the Eye of kyrvedat was stronger than with anything else
and at the instruction of his teacher Aldrich Fenderston created an arcane bond with the amulet. After
some time faradir was unable to focus into a single category of magic, his mind always being pulled
away for an experiment in another study. Because of this lack of cous he was determined to become a
universalist. And so he did. In his studies he read about a legendary magical staff wielded by an evil
wizard long ago. The staff was destroyed in an explosion during the battle between the wizard and the
grand inquisitor Maxillion. Since then faradir has been fascinated with explosions and has then marked
each item he creates with a sigil of self destruction. The word to activate these sigils is dynomietey. For
many years faradir spent his time studying under his fellow wizards. But one unfortunate day he forgot
that he gave one of his colleagues an item he created and tested one of his sigils. That colleague died in
the explosion that followed. Seeing a position open he was brought into the faculty to become a
professor of generalized magical application. Faradir spent many years as a professor in the tower and
one day, (while he was in the restroom), his colleagues received a missive stating that one of their order
was needed for an urgent task. The entire faculty, except one professor Emery Stone, Voted to send
faradir on the task. And so he ventured to kingsgrove and entered the tavern there. Where he met…

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