13 Survival Ol - SRJH

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NAME: Jorge Humberto Salcedo Rodríguez GROUP: L12 N4 CODE: 200273

PART 1 Read the survival advice.

According to experts, there are several things you can do to increase your chances of survival in an
emergency such as a fire, or a natural disaster such as an earthquake.
 Preparation can be the key to survival. Be sure you have food, water, and other supplies in your
home. Having a backpack prepared for your family members is a good idea in case you have to
evacuate quickly.
 Before going camping, hiking, or mountain climbing, make sure you have the proper equipment.
Tents, sleeping bags, and a first aid kit can save your life in case of bad weather, injury or illness.
 Staying calm can help you cope with any emergency situation. Swimmers, for example, sometimes
get caught in strong ocean currents. If they panic, they may become exhausted and unable to swim. If
they relax and swim slowly, they will have the energy to swim slowly, they will have the energy to swim
to shore once they are out of the current.

Match the words in blue, next to their meaning.

1. Sudden uncontrollable fear or anxiety, often causing wildly unthinking behavior. Panic
2. A serious, unexpected, and often dangerous situation requiring immediate action. Emergency
3. To face and deal with responsibilities, problems, or difficulties, especially successfully or in a Cope
calm or adequate manner:
4. A place or locality, condition; case; plight: Situation
5. A natural event such as a flood, earthquake, or hurricane that causes great damage or loss of Natural disaster
6. Anything kept, furnished, or provided for a specific purpose. Equipment
7. Any proceeding, experience, or the like considered as a mode of preparing for the future. Preparation
8. To remove (persons or things) from a place, as a dangerous place or disaster area, for Evacuate
reasons of safety or protection:
9. A quantity of something on hand or available, as for use; a stock or store: Supplies
10. Help given to a sick or injured person until full medical treatment is available. First aid


1. What kinds of natural disasters can happen where you live? Earthquakes, floods, volcanic eruptions

2. What equipment and supplies do people need to survive natural disasters? Water, food, medicines, batteries and radio

3. What kind of emergency situation have you experienced in your life? The earthquakes of September 2017

4. What happens when people panic in an emergency? They run, they shout and they push

5. What kind of preparation helps people to be ready when an earthquake happens? To rehearse for evacuation

6. What is the best way to deal or cope with an emergency such as an earthquake? Not to panic and keep calm
Use: To talk about a situation that is not true now. Example:
If you were in an emergency, you would know what to do.

Conditional sentences have two clauses: Condition: if + subject + past tense verb
The condition clause and the result clause. Result: subject + would + base form of the verb.

The condition can be at the beginning or at the end of the I would wear a jacket if I were you.
sentence. If I were you, I would wear a jacket.
We use a comma when the condition clause is at the

When the verb to be is in the conditional clause, we always If the building were on fire, we would evacuate.
use were instead of was.


1 D If you fell from a high place, a … a doctor would diagnose it.

2 C If you planned for emergencies, b …if you were struck by lightning.
3 E You would die of thirst c …you would be better prepared.
4 A If you had a serious illness, d …you would break your leg.
5 B You would be electrocuted E …if you were in the desert

PART 5 What would you do? Complete the sentences and then compare your ideas with your partner’s ideas

1. If I were bitten by a poisonous snake, I …. Would go to a hospital.

2. If this building were on fire, I …. Would evacuate immediately.
3. If I were in a flood, I … would search some to stay with it.
4. If I felt an earthquake happening, I … would stay calm and go to the street.
5. If I had to buy supplies for a camping trip, I … would buy a lot of water.

PART 6 Write the condition of the following results

Past simple
1. I would call for help if I saw (see) an accident.
2. We would help a lot of people, if we knew (know) first aid.
3. I would visit my grandparents more often, if I had (have) more time.
4. He would know how to swim, if he weren´t (not be) afraid of water.
5. I wouldn’t give any homework if I were (be) the teacher.

PART 7 Choose the correct response for each of the sentences:

1. If his nose were smaller, he _____A____ very handsome. A) would be B) was

2. I would come if I ____B_____ a car. A) would have B) had
3. If she ____B_____, she would tell him. A) knows B) knew
4. If his parents didn't give him money, he ___A_____ so much. A) wouldn't go out B) didn't go out
5. If she ____A____ me, she would have told me. A) didn't believe B) wouldn’t believe
6. He wouldn't say that if he ____B____ it. A) wouldn't mean B) didn't mean
7. I ___A_____ on a trip around the world if I won the lottery. A) would go B) will go
8. I ____B____ that if I were you. A) will not do B) would not do
9. If these walls __B _ thicker, we wouldn't hear the neighbors. A) would be B) were
10. If I were a millionaire, ___A_____ a mansion. A) I'd buy B) I’m going to buy
Natural Disasters
When something is natural, it comes from nature and it is not manmade. A disaster is something that usually causes major
problems. It would be a disaster if a bridge suddenly fell because it was not built properly. Disasters are negative but can be
manmade. However, when speaking about natural disasters you can combine the two terms and define them as catastrophes
that occur in nature or by natural processes. They are not manmade. A natural disaster takes place in populated areas of the
world when lives may be lost, the property is severely damaged, and the economy is negatively affected.

Natural disasters may include an asteroid collision with Earth, avalanche, landslide, blizzard, thunderstorm, earthquake, flood,
gamma-ray burst (from space), volcano, heat wave, hurricane, solar flare, drought, tornado, tsunami, hail, and wildfire.

It is not a natural disaster if it occurs in an unpopulated area and there is no loss of life or property damage. For example, if a
tsunami took place on an uninhabited island, it would not be a disaster. Disasters cause a loss. There are many things that can
happen during a natural disaster. Sometimes, more than one disaster occurs at the same time. Landslides may occur during
severe flooding and thunderstorms.

Natural disasters occur throughout the world, and often people know when they are coming and can prepare for them and be
safe. Other disasters may occur without warning. Most people die during a natural disaster when there is no time to prepare for
it. Though natural disasters cause many problems, injuries, and sometimes death, they are not to be feared, but being aware of
them and properly preparing for them is extremely important.

In addition, there are natural disasters that can occur more often in one part of the world or country than in other regions. For
example, a person living in the middle of the United States would not need to be concerned with a tsunami, but someone living
along the coast would be affected. In the middle of the country, a tornado might occur, but often there are fewer of them along
the coast.

The top 10 natural disasters most likely occurring throughout the world include blizzards, droughts, earthquakes, floods, heat
waves, hurricanes, thunderstorms, tornados, tsunamis, and wildfires. Some of the listed disasters may occur simultaneously
such as a hurricane and thunderstorm causing massive flooding, or possibly a tsunami, or a heat wave coupled with wildfires.

Other natural disasters include landslides and avalanches, which can be caused by earthquakes, heavy rain or snow, or other
disasters. Snow or mud can be released from the side of a mountain or hillside burying the area below. Finally, there are active
volcanoes, which are eruptions of a mountaintop, sending out ash clouds, lava, and more, causing damage to property and the
loss of human life.

The most common types of natural disasters in the world are floods and storms.

All natural disasters cause damage and destruction, and often one or more people die due to the effects of the natural disaster.
Many of the disasters can be predicted ahead of time with some warnings given for people to prepare and move to safety.

1) All the following statements are true EXCEPT:
A: Disasters can include those made by man.
B: It is not a natural disaster if there is no loss of life.
C: A tsunami taking place on a deserted island is a natural disaster.
D: An asteroid collision with Earth would be a natural disaster.

2) A catastrophe that occurs in nature or by natural processes and causes loss of life is:
A: A manmade disaster
B: A global disaster
C: A natural disaster
D: An unnatural disaster
3) All the following may be natural disasters EXCEPT:
A: Oil spill
B: Landslide
C: Avalanche
D: Volcano

4) Which of the following natural disasters are most likely to occur simultaneously?
A: Heatwave and droughts
B: Thunderstorms and volcanos
C: Earthquakes and blizzards
D: Wildfires and floods

5) Which of the following may occur during severe flooding and thunderstorms?
A: Earthquakes
B: Landslides
C: Solar flares
D: Wildfires

6) Which part of the United States would most likely experience a tsunami?
A: States on the east coast
B: States on the west coast
C: States in the Midwest
D: Both A and B


1. K 2. L 3. G 4. I 5. H
6. F 7. E 8. C 9. A 10. B
11. D 12. J

1 2 3
TYPE OF DISASTER Torrential rain / landslide Forest fires Earthquake / tsunami

WHERE Northeast of Peru Spain Samoa

CAUSUALTIES 28 people have died 4 fire fighters No victims

25 people are missing
DAMAGE 120 hours Serious damage to many No material damages

It is the responsibility of a government to protect its citizens from natural disasters. Do you agree or disagree?
Give reasons for your answer in around 80-100 words.

The government have the responsibility to see for the security of the country, special when a natural disaster is acting in some
part of a state. The government have to be preparer with plans to repair all the damages cause, plans to help people and came
back to the normally. But the government can´t do it alone, in the same way, they need the help of the people can help these
plans that they can finish fastest the reconstruction of the damage zone.

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