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Quiñones, Venz P.


Part 1
1. Write down the dimensions of discharge, acceleration, force, work, power, surface tension, and
dynamic viscosity via the two systems of measurement.

Quantity Mass System Force System

Discharge L3T-1 L3T-1
acceleration LT-2 LT-2
force MLT-2 F
work ML2T-2 FL
power ML2T-3 FLT-1
Surface tension MT-2 FL-1
Dynamic viscosity ML-1T-1 FL-2T

2. Write the relationship between the Kelvin and Celsius for measuring temperatures in SI system.
Write an equation to relate the Rankine scale to the Fahrenheit scale in the GB system.
The Kelvin is related to Celsius through the formula oK=oC+273 where oK represents Kelvin
and C represents Celsius. The equation that relate the Rankine scale to the Fahrenheit scale in the GB

system is oR=oF+459.67.

3. Define bulk modulus and write its dimensions. In hydraulic applications is water considered a
compressible or incompressible fluid?
The bulk modulus is a measure of the fluid compressibility which indicates the ease wherein
the volume and the density of a fluid changes with pressure. It has the same dimensions as those for
pressure (FL-1). It has the units of N/m2 in the SI system and lb/ft2 in the FPS units.
In hydraulic application, water is considered as an incompressible fluid.

4. What makes the density of water from different sources differ? At what temperature does the
water have maximum density?
As water gets warmer, its molecules spread out, so it becomes less dense. As it gets colder, it
becomes denser. Most chemicals get denser when they turn from a liquid to a solid, but water is
different. Water have a maximum density at 3.98oC.

5. Define dynamic and kinematic viscosities. How are they related to each other? Write their
Viscosity is a fundamental material property when studying fluid flow for any application and
most common types of viscosity are dynamic and kinematic. Dynamic viscosity, also known as
absolute viscosity, is the measurement of the fluid's internal resistance to flow while kinematic
viscosity refers to the ratio of dynamic viscosity to density. Kinematic viscosity has a unit L2T-1 in both
mass system and force system while dynamic viscosity has a unit ML-1T-1 in mass system and FL-2T in
force system.

6. Someone claims that the absolute pressure in a liquid of constant density doubles when the depth
is doubled. Do you agree? Explain.
I agree. The gauge pressure doubles as the depth doubles since the gauge pressure is directly
proportional to depth.

7. What is surface tension? What is its cause? Why is the surface tension also called surface energy?
Surface tension is the attractive force of the molecules present at the surface of a liquid
towards each other. The tension arises due to cohesive interactions between the molecules in the
liquid. Surface tension is also called as surface energy because surface energy is the equivalent
attractive force present between the molecules at the surface of a solid substance which means both
attractive force holds a substance together into a cohesive form.
8. For inclined surfaces immersed in water, as the depth of submergence increases do you expect the
distance between the center of gravity and the center of pressure to increase or decrease? Why?
The center of pressure is affected by the depth of water, as the depth of submergence
increase, the pressure increases, but the center of the gravity is constant, so the distance between
two centers will decrease.

9. Explain why the pressure does not vary linearly with depth in compressible fluids?
Pressure does not vary linearly with depth in compressible fluids because the density varies
with height for compressible fluids. This means that the pressure decreases with an increase in height.

10. What is the main factor that determines whether a floating body is stable or unstable?
An object is said to be stable if it will return to its original position after being slightly
displaced from its original position since water currents tend to rotate objects about horizontal axes.
Otherwise, the object is unstable if it will not return to its original position.
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