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Possession of a Controlled Substance Oct 4, 2021-Saturday at 00:33

L o c a t i o n : Student’s Dormitory


University Security officers on routine patrol observed two students engaged in what appeared to be
a narcotics transaction with two suspects in a vehicle parked near the location. The students drove
away with the suspects when they observed the officers approaching but they were detained a short
time later after

being dropped off by the suspects. During their subsequent investigation the officers entered the
apartment of one of the students to obtain his Student’s ID

and inside they discovered multiple narcotics, drug paraphernalia and cash. Polres Mataram officers
were then requested and responded to arrest the student. The second student was released.

Disp: Cleared

cc: Student Affairs, Judicial Affairs


 University Security identified the arrested students as John Doe, 21, a junior majoring in
print journalism; and Jane Smith, 22, a senior majoring in visual anthropology.
 After detaining the two students, officers questioned them separately to get their versions
of what had happened.
 Doe told the officers on the scene that Smith was his girlfriend and had no relation to his
drug selling and asked them to release her. Smith separately told the officers that she knew
of Doe’s drug dealing but had no part in it.
 After reconciling the two suspects’ stories, officers decided that Doe and Smith were telling
the truth about Smith and released her.
 Inside the dormitory, officers discovered 20 Vicodin pills, 3.5 grams of cocaine and 2 ounces
of marijuana. They also discovered several devices for smoking marijuana and a mirror
covered in a white powdery residue believed to be cocaine.
 Officers discovered Rp 25.000.000,- in cash, mostly in Rp 100.000,- bills.
 University judicial board has not considered students’ cases yet; so far students have not
been suspended. University officials would not comment further.
 Kapolres Mataram Kombes Pol Heri W said Doe is accused with possession of a controlled
substance. See Narcotics & Psychotropics bills UU No 35 2019


 James Roe — 19, sophomore majoring in communication, Doe’s next-door neighbor

“There were always people coming and going and hanging out all night on the balcony outside, but
they were always really nice and talkative so no one

really minded. ... For the first few months we didn’t really know what was going on in there, but
most of the neighbors started to put the pieces together
and figure out what he was doing in there. ... He was such a nice guy and everyone around here liked
having him around. He was always willing to help

change light bulbs when I couldn’t reach the ceiling. ... It’s too bad to see him get in so much trouble
for this, seeing as how so many people at this

university do it and get away with it.”

 Magic Q. Johnson — 22, senior majoring in classics

“That Doe kid was such a fucking menace and always up to no good. ... There were a lot of strange
people always around, and him or his friends

definitely stole one of my neighbor’s cars —I saw it with my own eyes; he never got in trouble for
it. ... I hope they lock him up and throw away the key.

We don’t need people like that at USC or in society. Drug addicts like that are taking advantage of
peoples’ weaknesses and ruining the world.”

 M Kobe— University Security Officer

“Obviously we’re always happy when we can make an arrest like this. ... This sort of drug dealing is a
major problem at any university, and we’re happy

that there’s one less source for illegal and dangerous drugs on our campus.”


 What do University of Mataram rules state will happen to students found to possess
controlled substances in university housing?
 What possible punishment does this charge bring?
 Use quotes wisely. Don’t over-quote or use them out of context. Also, consider whether the
quote is material to the story and whether it adds anything.

Make your own news story in a different file.

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