Cartilla 4th - Unit 4

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Unit 4 Have you ever cleaned your room?

Grammar Present perfect.
Vocabulary Home chores.
Adverbs: for, since, yet, already, never, ever, just

Present perfect

- Se refiere a una acción ocurrida en el pasado, pero muy cercana al presente. Por tanto,

podemos decir que el presente perfecto simple se refiere a un pasado reciente. Por ejemplo: I

have been in Madrid this morning.


- Afirmativa: sujeto + have/has + participio (-ed en los regulares/3º columna en los

irregulares) + complementos

- Negativa: sujeto + haven't/ hasn't + participio + complementos

- Interrogativa: Have/ Has + sujeto + participio + complementos?

ALREADY: ya, todavía / Frases afirmativas

YET: ya, todavia / frases negativas e interrogativas / Posición final

JUST: acabar de

NEVER: nunca (frases afirmativas)

EVER: alguna vez / Si aparece con una frase negativa significa "nunca"

SINCE: desde

FOR: durante

Present perfect con "for" y "since"

Empleando el "present perfect" podemos definir un periodo de tiempo anterior al momento presente,
considerando bien su duración, caso en el que utilizamos "for" + periodo temporal,, o bien su inicio o
punto de partida, caso en el que utilizamos "since" + momento concreto. "For" y "since" pueden
asimismo emplearse con el "past perfect". "Since" admite únicamente tiempos verbales perfectos. "For"
puede también emplearse con el "simple past".

"For" + periodo de tiempo

for six years, for a week, for a month, for hours, for two hours
I have worked here for five years.

"Since" + momento concreto

since this morning, since last week, since yesterday
since I was a child, since Wednesday, since 2 o'clock
I have worked here since 1990.

"Present perfect" con "for"

She has lived here for twenty years.
We have taught at this school for a long time.
Alice has been married forthree months.
They have been at the hotel for a week.

"Present perfect" con "since"

She has lived here since 1980.
We have taught at this school since 1965.
Alice has been married since March 2nd.
They have been at the hotel since last Tuesday.

 Completa las siguientes oraciones con "for" o "since".

1) I have been studying mathematics   three hours

2) George has worked in this company   8 years

3) The socialist party has been in power   March 2004

4) This terrorist has been in prison   three years

5) My mother has been travelling   last April

6) The oil price has been going up   three months

7) Alice has been in her bedroom   two hours

8) We have been married   1992

9) The socialist party has been in power   6 months

10) What weather! It has been snowing   two days

11) It is unbelievable. They have been arguing   6 o'clock

12) The oil price has been going up   last March

13) My French teacher has been ill   one week

14) I have been studying mathematics   4 o'clock

15) This terrorist has been in prison   2001

16) My boyfriend has been sleeping   7 o'clock yesterday evening

17) My mother has been travelling   4 months

18) Alice has been in her bedroom   6 o'clock

19) George has worked in this company   1997

20) My boyfriend has been sleeping   15 hours

21) We have been married   12 years

22) It is unbelievable. They have been arguing   4 hours

23) My French teacher has been ill   last week

24) Our king has been abroad   10 days

25) It has been snowing   Thursday



Present perfect + ever, never, already, yet

Los adverbios "ever" y "never" se refieren a un tiempo no identificado, anterior al presente (Have
you  ever  visited Berlin?). "Ever" y "never" siempre se colocan antes del verbo principal (en "past
participle"). "Ever" se utiliza:

En preguntas
Have you ever been to England?
Has she ever met the Prime Minister?

En preguntas negativas
Haven't they ever been to Europe?
Haven't you ever eaten Chinese food?

En oraciones negativas con "nothing+ever" o "nobody+ever"

Nobody has ever said that to me before.
Nothing like this has ever happened to us.

Con "The first time"

It's the first time that I've ever eaten snails.
This is the first time I've ever been to England.

"Never" significa nunca antes de ahora y equivale a "not (...) ever": (I have never visited Berlin)

¡CUIDADO!: "Never" y "not" no deben usarse juntos.

I haven't never been to Italy.

I have never been to Italy.
"Already" se refiere a una acción que ha ocurrido en un tiempo anterior al presente pero no especificado.
Sugiere que no es necesario repetir la acción.

I've already drunk three coffees this morning. (= ¡y me estás ofreciendo otro!)
Don't write to John, I've already done it.

También se utiliza para preguntar:

Have you already written to John?
Has she finished her homework already?

"Already" puede colocarse antes del verbo principal (en "past participle") o al final de la frase:
I have already been to Tokyo.
I have been to Tokyo already.

"Yet" se utiliza en oraciones negativas e interrogativas, con el significado de (no) en el periodo
temporal entre el pasado y el ahora, (no) hasta el momento presente, incluido éste. Suele colocarse al
final de la frase.

Have you met Judy yet?
I haven't visited the Tate Gallery yet
Has he arrived yet?
They haven't eaten yet


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